Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 13

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jr. A
Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Pae
RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS; One Cent per wowd for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion
comer Commercial and Trade streeti
For water service apnly at office-
BilU payable monthly in advance.
6HOE REPAIRING Old shoes made-
like new. All leathor used in repair'
iag. Fair prices to all. Modern Shoe
Repair Co., 461 Court St. Salern. no28
C1DKR By the barrel or in any quan
tity at IDo a gallon at the mill. Cus
tom work at 2c a gallon. Commercial
iSdor works. Phone 1U94. 1U10
Commercial St. nov2b
Drujtlcss) Inc. 428 Hubbard Bldg.,
4F ialrm. All drugless methods taught.
Hoi A. Drewster, M. U., Dean. Pri
vate patients 1 to 5 p. m. Examina
tion free.
ORKOON Wholesale and Retail Hide
and Metal company. Highest cash
pnee paid for bides, pelts, rags, uaed
machinery and junk of all kinds. A
goad stump puller for sale. 197 South
Commercial. Phone 399. nov27
Money to Loan
OH Good Beal Estate Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
atONEY TO LOAN I hare made ar-
rangementa for loaning eastern
noser, wilt make very low rate oi
interest oa highly Improved farms.
Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCbrnacl
Bldg.. Salem, Ore., Phone 96.
CHAS. B. HOIMJKIN General Insur
ance. Surety Bonds, real estate And
rentals. Hubbard Bid;. Phone 386. ti
T7EBB & CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb,
A. It. dongh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern Jnethodt
known to the profession employed
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
- directors and undertaker. 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
Co., 220 N. Liberty
Phone 2C3. A com
plete line of Electric
supplies ana fixtures
FOB RENT 40 acres, all in cultivation
with buildings some .orchard, close
to school. Square Deal Realty (to,
U. S. Bank bldg.
from ell points, east, on all handhold
foods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car-
load service, capital (..ity iraeaiei
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Co
anercial street. Phone Main 933.
ternvan, Prop. Ohemeketa street be
tween Com.' and Liberty, telephone
WO. Absolutely clean", thoroughly
homelike, strictly modern. There at
larger hotels in Salem, but no better.
Rates from 50c a day to $1.5$. Spe
cial rates bv week or month, ttoefl
" 11
50 years experience.
Depot National and Americas fence
Sixes 6 to 68 in. high.
. Paints, oil and varnish, ete.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem, Fence and Stove Works, 25C
St Phone 124V -
TON Osteopathic physicians end
aerve specialists. Graduate of Am er
ica a school of Osteopathy, Kirkn-rille,
Ho. Post graduate and specialized is
aerve diseases et Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronie disease
Oeaenltatioa free. Lady attendant
Office 605-506 U. 8. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Reaideaee 844
Narta Capital street. Phone
proprietor. Garbage end refuse of aD
kinds removed oa monthly contracts
' ' at reaeoaable rates. Yard and ease
ol cleaned. Office phone Mail
ZM7. Residence Mala 272. -
Jt S - HILL?) ''V f NSK on tHAT BMA
76S Oskim, a ruc&THitic TO l&Nt
Some' Educational
Advantages Along
the Mexican Border
By Webb Miller.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
El Paso, Texas, Nov. IS. In enumer
ating the beneficial results of the mo
bilization of national guards men upon
the border some one has dwelt upon the
educational advantages.
"Everyone of the hundred-odd thou
fand militiamen," they say "will go
back to his home with a clearer knowl
edge of a new section of our country
1 and an understanding of the Mexican
So as soon as the tents are up and
ho can get "town leave" the newly ar
rived guardsman hurries- down to learn
all he can about the Mexicans and the
"situation," seo the famous Interna
tional bridge and catch a glimpse of the
turbulent country at the other end of
it. It is a thrilling experience if the
"guardia" has imagination. The sol
diers of the patrol furnish the educa
tional features.
At first sight the bridge is a bit dis
appointing. It is a rickety wooden af
fair. And the "silvery Rio Grande"
mentioned frequently in the popular
songs is a distinct shock. It is neither
silvery nor grand. At this season of
the year it is a mere thread of dirty
water meandering over the sandy river
bed. Usually a dozen naked Mexican
children are attempting to get wet or
dirtier. ,.
"Huh," sneered a Tittsbiirg guards
man, "it isn't near as dirty as our
river. With two blotters I could blot
up their dinged river."
It is significant after the first sight
of the stream, the newcomers insist up
on calling it "their river."
After gazing silently at the clusters
of drab adobe huts sprawling up the
sides of the barren mountain back of
the town the newcomer has a lot of
quostions to ask. This is where the edu
cation begins.
"Say," pard, "are there many band
its over there t"
The nonchalant militiaman on patrol
regards the seeker-after-knowledge with
scant interest. He is a veteran of the
border service. These "rookies" annoy
him- He has been on the border three
"Ain't it kinda dangerous doin'
guard duty right across from 'em," pur
sues the undaunted seeker-alter-knowl
"Wal. yes." yawns the- veteran.
"Yes, we do have a lotta trouble with
them bandits. But one gets used to it
in time."
The seckcr-after-knowlicdge throws
an apprehensive glance at the other
side. It' looks quiet enough. Scores
of shapeless women are hovering over
little fires cooking meals on the shady
bank. Venders of vegetables and cigar
ettes are wailing their wares plaintive
ly. Children in every degree of naked
ness are playing in the sand in the sun.
But at the other end of the bridge are
several sinister dark-faced figures
fondling Mausers. They are leaning
against the railings, each with a two
bushel hat pulled over their eyes. They
are the Carranzistas customs guard.
When it is time for them to go off duty
spmeone will awaken them. -
"Do them fellows ever get to snip
in'.t" "Oh, yes." The veteran casts a sharp
look at the opposite bank. "We watch
'em pretty close. They's usually not
much doin' until alter dart."
The newcomer is visibly impressed.
He envies the hardened veteran his care
less demeanor in th face of danger.
"What are them red horse blankets
they wear around their sKbulders!" The
"rooks" thirst for Information is in
satiable. -"Them
J Oh, they rail 'em tortil
las." Of course the Took doesn't know
now that a tortiHerTs a pancake. But
he'll learn border ways fast enough.
Within a month he will be tutoring
some "rook" and satisfying his thirst
for knowledge.
It's a great life, this border service,
any way you take it and there are the
educational advantages.
and pay taxes in rjaiem. iet Baie
people saw your wood. Phone Sflf
iiM A. list. r. L. Keister, Wn
DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Cairo
pzactie'e Fountain Head, Davenport
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got so relief, try Cbirogree
tie spinal adjustments and get well
Office 406-7-8 U. & National Bans
Building. Phone 1U 7. Besidenef
Main 828-B.
f The Wheat Yioldf
Tells the
of Western Canada's Raold
The heavv crooa in Western Canada hnv
records to be madein the handling of grains by railroads.
For While the movement nf thHU havu hinmnla hsa
been wonderfully ramd. the resource nf
TOadS. deSDite eniarffed enuirrmmit and
ties, have been strained as never before, and previous
record, havm thllS tvn hmlrnn In nil Aiftia
The largest Canadian wheat shipments through New York
we auuwn uic icpunea lor ine period up to
apwards of tour and a quarter twlboa basheb
and this was but the overflow of shipments to Montreal; through which point ship.
iiiMi-ii iQiRti vuw iw new
COUntrV: whiU viLla at it hnaSaU m.
Iierai MM h tern asi fiO bash of wtiaat
TboQUndi of Amerif?n far men hn Ukn
L.-". " iiS'l.T !i!ltiM- """nnt t eharrbes. achoola. markali, railways, te. -i-rVll
Tbera to no war tax on land and no ronx-riplloa. 2.V-
JftftAWt? Writ, for illor.td parophktt. rcdutwi rilrod rM Jtu .'Lyft
KVNa aadotbtr ufflcautwa to TJKW
iWiV J. R. eriwCer. Istjl Pstt tK. , iT
In- lie I . "w""wwe?ao,nu n easily MCUTCO W lOW
Tnera Is no war
No Passports are Necessary to Enter Canada
Public Lands for Location
and Where They're Situated
Ou July 1, 1910, there were 15,337,809
acres ot vacant public lands in the slate
of Oregon open to settlement and entry
unuer tne provisions ot the nomestead
laws of which amount 13,942,348 acres
are surveyed. This total acreage is a
decrease oi iu-j,.tt acres irpm, July l,
1915, and 632,037 acres since July 1,
1914. This does not mean, however,
that all of this laud was taken up as
noniesteads during tjie past two years.
Much of it was taken up as claims un
der the Timber and Stone Acts, mineral,
coai, aesert tana entries ana withdrawn
for power sites and public water reser
voirs, etc. "There is no record as yet
available showing the exact disposition
of public lands Jur the fiscal year, July
1, 1916. The report of the Commission
er of General Land effiee for the year
1915, shows that, during the fiscal year
ending July 1, 1915, an -aggregate of
6,814 entries upon vacant public lands
were made in Oregqn representing a
total of 738,401.77 acres in original en
tries, of which 1,839.03 acres represent
sales of Indian lands; there were 316,
627.27 acres in final entries, and patents
were issued to 441,609.47 acres, includ
ing 75,593.40 acres of railroad, Indian
and private land grants. During this
fiscal year there were 22,63-J.8 acres,
isolated tracts, sold at auction; 9,887.28
acres entered under the Timber and
Stone Acts; 691.22 acres mineral; 43
acres coal and 22,204.44 acres of desert
Jund entries. Of the above acreage em
braced in the original entries upon va
cant lands, all but 58,887.38 acres which
were entered through the Portland and
Eoscburg land offices, were entered
through the five land offices for the
districts lying east of the Cascade
mountains. During the fiscal year 1915
there was withdrawn for for power sites
and -public water reserves a total of
263,326 acres which should be charged
against the decrease of 537,668 acres in
vacant lands for that period.
Desirable homestead lands are a very
scarce article in Oregon, especially in
the humid and highly fertile portion ly
ing west of the Cascade mountains, and
where they do exist tbey are either
very remote from the denser populated
sections, difficult of access and without
adequate transportation facilities to pro
fitable marketing centers. Of the 13,
942,348 acres of surveyed vacant public
lands only 57,713 acres, or about IS per
cent ere situated in Western Oregon and
a very small percentage of this area, in
fact almost a negligible quantity, is
suitable for practical homesteading.
Many of the counties as shown bythe
accompanying table, show an "in
crease" in public land area and of this
total 24,822 acres lies in counties west
of the Cascades and represent, as a rule
entries that have been cancelled for
non-fulfillment of statutory require
ments or relinquished, doubtless for the
reason that they were found impracti
cable for homestead tenancy. In the
high plateau regions where irrigation
and dry-farming methods sre used, and
the 320-acre ((enlarged homestead) act
applies, there is abundant opportunity
for settlement and entry and it is in
this region that the great bulk of home
stead settlement has. taken place during
recent years. While the federal home
stead arts render the requirements com
paratively easy of fulfillment from a
physical standpoint, any one contem
plating exercising his homestead right
any place in Oregon should prepare him
self for a season of greater or less hard
ANY P&R5or
5K)rtS ON
th riiffft-nt
itj-rav4 fnctla.
uctooer Ibuu
being xportad la less than sis waeks,
a ui rv.
m im sum MMtaJ sW. .11 e .i..
Vw -
Dart in this wondwrfnl proportion. Land
ships and social privations and should
without fail, fortify himself sufficient
ly with a surplus of funds to provide
necessities of life and improvements
upon bis place before hazarding the at
tempt. The settler should have enough
money to last him at least two years
and this varies from $1,000 to $2,000,
depending upon conditions surrounding
the claim. In any event greatest or
caution should be exercised in the se
lection of the land and strict personal
investigation instituted to make abso
lutely certain of all conditions before
entering upon the land.
Showing the amount of vacant public
lands open to entry under the homestead
timber and stone, desert, isolated tract
and mineral laws and subject to selec
tions by the state and by railroads, and
withdrawals -for forests, reclamation
and various other purposes, for the fis
cal year ending June 30, 1914; the am
ount available on June 30, 1916, the
acreage surveyed and amount of in
crease, and decrease in each county
the increase and decrease are due to
various causes, explained in the subject
uimiui prri-vuiug mis laoumiiou:
Acreage Acreage
County Juh'l, 1916. Surveyed.
Baker 536,174 531,275
Benton , 6,077. ,077
Clackamas 9,252 9,252
Ciutsop 1,118 1,118
Coos 17,239 15,979
Crook . . -. 970,532 969,272
Curry 38,694 35,993
Dougla 38,803 33, 843
GilliBm 47,150 45,390
Grant 316,103 315,632
Harney . S 4,135,921 4,098,325
Hood Kiver 40 40
Jackson 58,125 55,885
Jefferson 138,590 130,910
Josephine 42,464 ' 33,488
Klamath 984,996 878,054
Lake 2,526,051 2,272,707
Lane 28,516 2.8,516
Lincoln 13,497 13,497
Liun . ; 1,591 . 1,591
Malheur 4,903,683 3,954,049
Mariou 526 526
Morrow 25,146 25,146
Multnomah 880 880
Polk 600 600
Sherman 40,043 39,403
Tillamook 19,098 19,698
Umatilla 65,691 65,400
Union 16.240 16,240
Wallowa 75,838 65,040
Wasco 117,855 117,855
Washington 320 320
Wheeler 159,947 159,947
Yamhill 410 410
Totals .15,337,809 13,942,348
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Day who buv
had charge of the Hilverton Lumber
Co.'s logging camps for several years,
Mrs. Day of the eoOK shanties and Mr.
Day .of the logging operations, left for
their ranch at Bull Run on Mondny
where they will spend tlie winter. The
lEK'ng outfit has been stored at the
mill and it is not at this time known
where or when it will again be moved.
When asked if they would be back to
Silverton sometime they expressed them
selves as having too many warm friends
here not to return at some future date.
Their many friends hope thy da return.
Silverton Tribune.
SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 1916.
"THt'il TrlrW
Rub Pain Right Out With
Small Trial Bottle of Old
"St. Jacob's Oil"
liheumutism is "pain only."' N'ol
one case in fifty ' requires internal
treatment. Stop druggist. Hub sooth
ing, penetratuing 'St. Jacob's Oil"
right into your sore, stiff, aching joints
and muscles, and relief comes instant
ly. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless
rheumatism cure which never disap
points and can not burn the skin.
Limber up! Ouit complnininc! Get
a small trial bottle of old. honest
'8t. Jacob's Oil", at any drug store,
and in just a moment you'll be free
from rhcumatie puin, soreness, stiff
ness and swelling. Don't sufferl Be
lief awaits you. ''St Jacob's Oil" has
cured millions of rheumatism sufferers
in the last h If century, and is just as
good for sciatic, neurulgiu, lumbago,
backache, sprains.
Jeanette's All Right
for Students Say So
Missoula, Mont., Nov. 18. 'Whut 's
the matter with Jeanette?
1 "She's all right!"
I "Who's all richtJ"
This yell rose from Hie University of
Montana campus today as Miss Jean
ette Knnkin, newly elected congress
woman, who graduated here with the
class of 1902, drove up to the admin
istration building, riding 111 an automo
bile with her campaign manager.
Hundreds of Montana ''rah rah's'
swarmed around the car cheering
again and again for the first woman
to be elected to congress.
"f wish to express inv appreciation
to the students of my old alma mater
for these good wishes," said Miss
Rankin, standing up 011 the sent of her
car, and waving lor a moment of com
parativo quiet.
''I attribute a large part of my suc
cess in the election to the loyally by
the students of the state university.
My fondest hope is that yon will dis
play the samo loyalty to me during my
I Tho campaign manager. Miss lirlle
Kligleman, also spoke. This was Miss
Kankin's first public appearance since
Her election.
George Grossmith Turns
I From Laugh Making to
; Serving His Country
From making audiences Inuih to
servinif his country in the naval re
serve is tho step taken by George
J jl ri V
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Eleetrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High ...
T. V. Ban, 104 South Commercial street , jaij.
Balem Trues, Dray fjq, corner State ana front streets sTsin U
No. 10 Oregon Express 8:58 s. m.
N. 24 Coos B- S :o3p.m.
No- 28 Willamette Limited ...0:22a.m.
No. 12 Shasta Limited ll:B5am.
No. 18 Portland Passenger ...l:UAp. m.
No. 14 Portland Kipress .... 7:05 p.m.
No. 222 Portland fast Freight 12 :01a.m.
No. 220 Local way Freight... 10:20e.m.
No. lSLCnllfornla Express ...11:05s. m.
No- 17 Ashland Passenger. . . .3 :32 a. m.
So. 23 coos Bay 10:01am.
No. 10 Cottage Grove Fass. ..4:16p.m.
Makes connection with Na. 74 Geer
No. 11 Hhnsta Limited 5 :43 p.m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited ...fl ,20 p.m.
No. 1H Kan Fisnclsco Express 10:03 p. m.
No. 221 San Francisco Fast
Freight 12:01a.m.
No. 225 Local way Freight. .. .11 :40a m.
EULcit-Gna Lira.
NO. 73 Arrives at Balem 0:15 a.m.
iw. 10 J.rUTI'B DHlfOl- li:O0am.
No. T5 Ar. Balem (mixed) . ...2 (Kip. m.
No. 74 1 j-r Kalem 3 ;00 p. m.
'So connectlan south of Geer.
FUi.su, Falls Cm and Wsstebn
No. 1(11 Lv. PalPDi, motor 7:00 a.m.
No. lil.l Lv. Kslcm, motor 9:40 a.m.
No, 1UO Lv. Bslem (or Monmouth
and Alrlle 1 r40 p. m.
No. 167 Lv. Halem, motor . ... .4 :00 p. to.
No. 1(19 Lv. Halem, motar 6:10 p.m.
No. 23(1 W ay Fr't lv. Balcm. . . .0 :00 a. m.
No. t2 Ar. Bittern Sv'IOs. m.
No. 184 Ar. Balem 11:10 a.m.
No. UK! Ar. Kalem a :10 p.m.
No. 1H8 Ar. Bnlero 6:00p.m.
No. 170 Ar. Bnlt-m , 7 :4ft p. ro.
No. 240 Way Fr't ar Snlm.... 2:30p.m.
Oiruon City Tiaimporlallnn Company
Boats leave Balem for Portland Monday.
Wednesday and Friday nt II a. m. ; and
Tm-stfay, Thuntduy and Suturilay mornings
at 6 a. m. ForCon-sllla the hoots Inn
Sulein Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
mornings nt 8 o'clock. Boats leave Port
land fur Kalem at 0:45 each morning.
Grossmith, the famous English comed
ian, who has also delighted Americans
011 various occasions, Picture shows
him in the uniform of a lieutenant
leaving his home to join his depot. He
is forty-two years old.
Phone 81
Prompt Service
ncgutnr conclave lovrto vrioay in ears
mouth at 8 o'clock p. m., In llaaenlc
Temple. Bojotirniog Sir Knights an
courteously Invited to beet with oa
Lot L. Pearca, K. C, Frank Turner,
goo t eoar onp, no. 02-ie, mreia vry
Thursday rrenlng at 8 o'clock In Me
Cornack hail, corner Caurt and Liberty
streets. Elevator aervtca. Geo. Bclnool.
V. C. 1 J. A. Wright. Clark.
rriflay night at 8 o'clock In MeCarnaci
block. A. J. Kw-lnlnk. C C; U 8. Gear.
tint, 607 Court Street Phone 603.
BALEM LODGE Ka s, A. T. h A. If
Stated communications Brat Hrtday Is
each month at 7 :30 p. m. In th Maaonlf
Temple. Cbsa. UcCarter, W. M.j 8.
fiolver, aecretBy.
JNITED ARTTBANB Capital Assembly
no. eta, mac's every W ednesday at H p. at
In lloow hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A. I
C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Diuf
store, 338 State street.
. O. TJ. W. Protection Lodge Na. 1
Meets every Monday evening at 8 Id tlx
McCoroack hall ovrner Court and Liberty
streets. A. B. A u trance. M. W. ; H. A
MiFsddsn. recorder: A. I. Brown,
financier ; lL4a. Duncan, treasurer.
By Mort. M. Burger
If. I w.a
aaaa amaim IWim
44 ..;
uiiuuu.n Ei.Bt TKIC RAILWAY CO
4-aa. 2 XrolDN.- iT- Po'tl'
TMSt 8 S :,.
,?;?,? io LtaiteJ...ii:85;:5;
I.UD.m u j, 4:0Od. u
J:" " 16 Limited ... 6:60 p. a.
20 7:40p ni
7:68 p.m. ....... 22 ..... ..10:00 lit
Lv. Tortland
8.30a.m. ... 6 Limited .... 10:lla.
2 i5 7 12:85 p. aw
2 :05 p. m. 0 4 -Is
4:40p.m. ... 18 Limited .... eota,
17 Local ... 8.101.15
,?:;P- 1 11:201.
11:45 p. m 21 Owl 1:66 p. bh,
Lv, Corral lis at. Bala
m 20 :0n..
LmageDe- Ar. Hilt.
7 m 10 Limited . . . . :45 a. an,
I M P. m 18 Limited ... 4 :0O p. ah,
,S;,2P m 22 7 :65 p. 10.
12 :06 p. m. 2 Owl 4 :35 a
aVair-v u snriain
I. v. Balem. Ar. Kiinc
1 :6u a. m. 21 Owl .60 a. b.
JO :15 a. m 6 Limited . .. . 12 :25 p as.
Lv. sUm Ar. A I bar.
12:65 p. m 7 1 :50 p. a.
, Steps St Corral.
Lv. Salem. AJbu-r,
4:15 p. m. 9 6:10 p. a.
Ar. Albany.
, , .. 7:83 a. av.
Lv. Balcm. ir. Eugrs
8 :45 p. m 18 8:50 D. aw
Lv. Corvsllla Ar. Baiias
8:25 am 10 o-akb a.
12:12 p.m. 14 1 :43 n. at.
2:41 p. m 18 4 :u( p. atu
4:10 p.m 20 6:80 p.
8:18p. U) 22 7:56 p. aw
mint nmtvn
Lv. Halem. Ar. Csrvali
10:15am 6 11:33 a. av.
4:t5p.m 0 6:38 p. a
12:55 p. m 7 2:20 p. at.
6:40 p.m. 11 1:00 s. St.
CEKTUAL LODflE, No. 18, K. of P. Mc
Coriwrk building. Turtdny evening
earh week at 7 :30. C. B. Barbour, C. t.
W. B. Gilsoo, K. of U. and S.
R. N. of A. "Oregon Orapo Camp," fiat
1.W0, meets every Thursday evening :
McCornack building, (,'ourt and l.lbenj
strreta ; elevator. Mrs. Fylv Schauif .
1701 Market, Oracle 1 Mrs. alclfsaa I'ttv
sons, recorder, 12U8 North Com mere-'.
I'hone 1436 it.
prrsldrntl Mrs. I.nu Tlllsen, secretarw.
All cases of cruelty or neglect of dun-
animals should be reported te Mm
secretary (or Investigation.
Suted asaemuly first Monday In
mnnth, Masonic Temple. N. P. Kasm-.a-i-n.
Thrice Illustrious Master) Glenn C.
Nllrs, rccardcr.
8ALBM COUNCIL NO. 2)'.22 Kalghts si
I arilra nf I4e, tirlty Mecla every 2nd ar4f
41 b Wednesday each month at Hurts
Hall. Visiting members are Invited !
attend. K. F. Waltsn, financier, 480 K
14tb Street.
PACIFIC LOPOH No. 60, A. T. A. lfc
Suted eommunlcallens third KrlcVj
In each month at 7 :30 p. m. In tt
Masonic Temple. Ilsl V. Bolam, W. la. I
Krnast 11. C'uoute, secreury.
CARB or .
Yick So Tong
Has medicine which will cure
- Any known Disease
Otjen Sundays from 10:00 s. m.
TjOtil 8:00 p. m.
163 South High Str-et.
Zilva, Oreg oa, . fhoite S33