Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 12

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A ': lf f :.. jj( axcvtArs? and jjjj
'm " ''Jr -- J T'-'U THE price:-
.'V vliriw - .-'--- . 1--- - la
ibBI rnls'-'A. "HQ Mi made s primes wonden, ana tee woman wno llvill
. ; If ill specialty of insomnia arises
fS3) UXSIIIXE and raiu aitcrnata
gne with the othr duvlnn the
iCsll sprinK months. Lire itself ia
' not unlike spring weather
with its alternate joys and sorrows,
one following close on the tracks tt
the other. And just as in spring a
shower may occue, even on the bright
est day, bo in life a sorrow may come
evn in the time of greatest happiness.
We do not allow a short shower to
ruin an entire day for us. If the sua
shines brightly nrost of the day. a mo
mentary cloudburst does not affect our
enjoyment of the bright weather.
We should learn in the same way t
look only for the aunshioe In life an4
to disregard the clouds as much as
possible. To those of us who aro in
clined to make much of erery tittle
trouble, this philosophy of looking o
tae sunny side of life will come bar
at first. As a matter of fact, the ma
jority of us are too much giren to
exageerating petty troubles. Instead
of taiking and thinking principally of
the hapy occurrences in our lives, w
In the small mishaps blind our eye
to the big bits of fortune which come
our way.
So, why should we allow the sun
shine of the present to be overclouded
by petty showers, which do not amount
to anything? Oulx once in a while
does a big storm occur which brings
real disaster in its train. 60, why
spend tbo lime In worry about tho
present and anxiety for the future?
There are so many of us who allow
a llt'le disturbance to worry us for
whole weelr and often longer. It if
not as if worry would help to smooth
out any trouble. ' Sorrows, anxiety,
fear for the future are all miBtakeo
and should be shut out of the mind aa
quickly as possible. They accomplish
no good and only serve to undermino
the vitality of the person who enter"
tains them !n bis mind.
l ' I
.'''. '.. ,'-', ',. ' ..ji. ..,. ' ,
.'A-,, 'f.'.j
PHYSICIAN' who has mad
specialty of insomnia advises
those who are afflicted with it
in ila earlier states to sleeD
with a pillow under the feet and noth
ing under the 09d. He also recom
mends this as a remedy for nightmare,
which is not jest to those who suf
fer in this way. When one Is tired the
VERY one ia at times confront
ed with some difficult piece of
work. We wonder how we
are going to maaier it, and
then begin to envy the women of our
acquaintance who are not called upon
to do suoh things. Envy Is always un
charitable: besides, envy has never
yet helped any one over a rough place.
So forget all about these "fortunate"
wmea,"and look at this hard work In
a practical way. A cool bead accom
plishes wonders, and the woman who
go?s resolutely to work determined to
traetcr ths hard iask before, her not
only acquits herself most creditably,
but discovers that the hardest part
was after all, comparatively easy.
A good "moito to follow is, "Never
put off until tomorrow what can be
done today." Many of the no-accounta
Amdy's Beauty
T in a (Mirinim iMinn rfarrii
color ai-henies. Possibly they beM wa t0 wo sleep4!s to place a pll- and failures can trace their present
may be classified Into a aum- low ln n "Prlght position at the foot condition to this bad habit of "putting
niary thai will help those who " 'ne nea ana to press the feet against off until tomorrow." They did not
1 0 prevent noise rouud pad of during thH reactionary period. You
leather, cut from old biiots will notice that you are very depressed
and nailed to the less of and sad. that your bluod Is aluggish
kitchen chairs, prevent the and that vour dixxitinn 1. .11 wr,,n.
noise ujion a brick or t ied The reason of this la that In vuur nm- aeents to be the only
'hi wutih la so dislresniug to the men I of angr you expended three or ,n,t b" beeu d0Pted for su
"uri ui ftriisiiive eiiie.
are now rbooutug clothes.
If one wants a splash of eolor it
should be barbaric; If one wants a
gown In color it should be subdued.
Brilliant reds, blues, purples and yeU
lows aro avoided In large pieces, but
they are used singly or mingled wbea
belt or cuffs or collar are required on
a frock in a neutral Vane.
Yellow In a strong Chinese shade
brilliant color
Its and
OTHING weakens face more
than a retreating chin. Un
fortunately, comparatively lit
tle can be done for it It can
be remedied to a certain extent in
childhood by rnbblng from the throj.
up end out, holding the head well u
during the process. Sometimes, too.
the trouble may be caused by the way
the Jaws close on account of the posi
tion of the teeth and n good dentist
may often bo of help. Bandages worn
round the chin at night, bo placed that
1 Ol.ns In the knees or stockings
are usually good sized and aft
er (bey have been washed it
scents Impossible, In many
es to darn them. They may be
ended esslly, however, if after the
advises against sleeping on the back
with the arme thrown over the head.
This, be says, invites diseaaea of the
throat, eyes and nose; the pressure
of the palate against (he back of the
throat prevents free breathing and
weakens respiration. He alao advises
against sleeping with the arms folded
on the chest. Of all parts of the- body,
the chest and lungs seed to be free
of any weight. No matter how short
four times the ordluary amuuut of body evening gowns, but when it Is chosen the slumber or how warm the night, it
tissue. As a consequence you cannot ,,,r lue 11 " lor country usage, "J-1 l" u kiib
be vour uorml a-ir until . i.oi-. nd when for the latter It Is usually Hsbt covering, even If it Is only a
K. This will rest the entire body. He want to be bothered with that business the lower Jaw is forced forward, will
drawn llmiue is replactd. You will mi(l ,n daring frock with amber
note that people with very bad torn- lulla ,nd woln wl,n dul1 l"1"1 slippers,
pera never live long, the excessive ul1 Hr there Is a touch of Chinese
drsfte upon the phvslual make-up Dll,a urnewhere. possibly given by
eventually exhaustin ih lalt.r A Jewelry Instead df fabric.
I'K'lclug Is taken off. you wet the Dlace Certain amount of reanonabl inter a. There are not many of these brilliant
vpere It is torn, then lay ths Blocking occasion may require, often, however, yellow evening gowns, and only a rare
r some cat surface, where it will acts upon the
4-y quickly, and pull the threads to- tonic.
newspaper over the feet The discard
ing of sheets is a bad practice. The
heart saves- itself a thouaand beats
during eight hours' sleep ln order to
conserve its energy for the waking
hours, and as it pumps six ounces of
her mlili
I wet
our nirgers while It is
deal today. Tomorrow they, would
look over flgiirea and hear all facta In
the case. " What was the use of tiring
their brain with such matters now
when life was sweet and the sun
brightly shining Tomorrow well,
before that tomorrow arrived their
competitors "got busy," and when they,
the dreamers, awoke, they found them
selves high and dry on the shores of
Shirking never made any work easi
er. We all And ourselves ln a tight
place now and then, and surely we
must use our best efforts to get out of
It. To put a hard problem behind us
Is the poorest policy we could pursue.
The world takea off its hat to the man
who bravely tackles a hard job, but
merely shrugs Its shoulders when the
shirker appears.
If a hard piece of work confronts
you, do not lose confidence In yourself.
At least give yourself a fighting
sometimes remedy the defect slightly.
especially when begun on quite young
children. Learn to carry the bead up
and slightly thrown back and aludy
the style of hair dressing best adapted
to conceal the receding chin.
healthy persons the tiny
sweat glands of the skin are
alwaya active, aud the secre
tion, save when it is excessive,
passes off as soon as formed ; or, more
exactly, immediately it reaches the
surface. It does this by being changed
into vapor. Henco the skin neter
looks damp. Any fatty material oa
the surace of the akin will imped
tbia evaporation and make the liquid
collect ia drops.
ICR bath purposes the flesh
brush should take the place of
Cannel. Indeed, the vigorous
use of the flesh brush or glove '
may be recommended aa an effective
"ibstitme for a bsth where the latter
Is not at hand, as the rough glove of
brush cleanses the skin of small par
ticles which are apt to cling to it froos
the clothing that is In daily contaot
with the body. -
ANY amateurs will be lutrreate.!
in the new climbing wa'f r-
ii melon, for the vine may be
trained on a trellis or over a
retire, where It will take but little gar-
blood with every beat, the circulation
sstem as a vurltable lew ,or IU ""ernoon, out the yellow U01 n' active wnen one is
suits lu Jersey clotb. North Carolina slefP " when one la awake. He ad-
homespun aud crepe de chine ara in. vises every man and woman who has
creasing lu fashion. It is strange that beB 'hroua the usual strenuous day chance, and If you are determined to
iue laucr none anouiu te takeu up lu " "Bl uu lno DCK w"11 ,ne arms win out, ir you declare you wui put
for country and sport wear, but the "fetched out at the sides and rest your very best efforts into thia prob
good weavea of It have been found ad- lnut toT t,n or flfteel mlnutea before lem before you, you may. rest assured
uiuauie mr summer irocks; and ln a tng ainner or supper. 1 ou will succeed.
any well thought out acheme
of dress (he collar I:, of part
mount importance. Last year
It rose to unprecedented em
inence, threatening even to bide the
fare of the wearer from the gate ot an
admiring world. lint there are limits
ONE of the most frequent ques
tions asked the beauty special
ist is: "How can I remove
superfluous hair?" The only
certain way la by electrolysis. She
who decides to try thia cure most
reconcile-herself to rather severe pa la
for the moment. The electric needle
ia inserted to the depth of the hair
root and the patient haa to endure the
burning of the current for about half
a minute.
URINO the reign of th Empress
Eugenie bathing in milk was
practiced by everv fashion. M
beauty who could afford the
luxury. Thia custom was carried to
uch an extent that there became a
treat scarcity of milk for domestto
purposes until at length the police di-
an automobile or a motorcycle, -.wt wi v . ere ln tn
vacations are to a woman and hIi I" 'flB '- wine
man. The week-end holiday. ,t . ?d.ln l?e b,Ul 'n teMt"
. 5 " over again to thir
HAT lubrication is to an engine.
n siare. As tW melons grow only even to women's submlsslveness to tbe
os large as cocoauuts they may be tyranny ot fashion, aud this year a
irveil lu (be same way aa musk n el. comoromiae has been arrived at
season of much fullness and dr.,,,..
one searches the ahops for materials
(hst are pliable and graceful.
Even women with white hair are
wearing aoft taffeta in .r..ki..
..,.c-u nun I'lna; map
.,i win ,.v. . mwh- 1. .-.... .n r.l .v at the V" s. ine very
-M- ..... - - ... .v.-v. uutrnj - - ti iwui 1 ui gray hair atiaepata th.
la the amateur s guests. The meat is back and at either aide, the collar re- ionet ord,r , mak. on. , "
crimson in color and of good quality, mains open la front the intervening thaa ever like the women of rlini
.J the plants bear for a longer sea- space across the neck being trequcct- XV. 'a retgn. . lMU"
..u thn most kinds. ly bridged by a couple of narrow bands The stvles of Lout, w j.u.j
. 1 1 ... I . . - " " v v. -
of silk or velvet
HE olil-fuxhioned remedy of ap- studs. A novelty
plying a cold compress Is one stole-end collar.
of the best that can be used boo, or chiffon, or
'j biuiiiii. 1 innmh th ... ih..j.j
In neckwear la the for tnt , - --
Made of tulle or rib- demands of the daytime The stvles
lace. It fastens clow of Louis t'l ,.. .-,.n. ..). !!?
"' ' 1"? i '"-"i r---y -V- -f f s M "i" t" - "r-' .-."- '--"--'; i ,z
The Kitchen
for sore throat. To make It a and high round the throat aud is pro- and easily alio tmn
a.. - ,)A,A h.nLu.. .I,l -vlth I..,.- flli..ln .nj. r, h. ........... " .. r lull
-Nu.r, .1 1 1, "."... .uu .u .wt.fi, un., o - - -' ym 1 1 1 , o ugliness
ng ia iue waist or oeiow 11.
' f- t. '. ' -- lli
a,i m u.VH,-l.i
two weeks or so in summer, the vari
ous national and state holidays are as
an anointment with oil.
The "most nnXindest" cut of nature
It due to the strange observation that
men take or have thrust upon them
more vacations than women. Thia may
in a manner explain the greater effi
ciency and more even tempered health
of men.
drinking cuatomera.
jgi HILDREiVS bands are oftea
IVj disfigured by wartt and they
i can be cored in a simple way.
Get hartahorn and aweet oil ot
quZ ' ,ml3tture Plnt the warta
with this each. day. It la slow, yet
thoroughly satisfactory. Acetic acid
F.Ti-rlnuiil. marl In lahnratnrloa nf touched tO the most tniHm,. . ....
psychology establish that continuous J11' ,n tlme. kl them, and they caa
work, unchanged by circumstances, ? esslly removed. Most ehlldret.
surroundings, diet, scenery and at- " wever, oDject to your cutting cvea
mospbere, tends to make a man's work th dead Prt away, since tbey bava
ln skill and in omput run down like a fear ' ' hurting. After removing
Hiding clothes for summer wear are
Chicken Salad. Spread half an inch thick on a fiat.
One cooked fowl, two rnm celerv. buttered Blatter and when oulta ronl
mostly of an Informal ivn. . a four tahleannnna nil ia . HI nnnr, CUt in two-inch anna ma than ah
HY do ao many husbands run looking liabils of llnan ara .Kf,.. . Tlneear. mavnnnalaa Hraaalrta lattuoa. SQUare dlaconallv acroaa In fnrm trl.
till. A alallatllaa haa haaa both airia..,t.ll. ..j .... ' . U. A . ... i a litlilir n4... XX-1 j . iue aoseac
- - - - - ( ivit-Roaie moa- wnwu vase auu uurra iw aa - r ..ucu irau u u aa texvals of rest
Uv.tiuu, .... iSui aeirni wool hablta In ration, salt
3alt and pepper to taate. Cut brush over with milk and brown light- ,neni
into dice, removing skin and '7 'o tha oven tn a very little fat ln u he
Mix It wlih celery, add salt. frying pan. These make an attrac- -ualltv
warla wash the parts with a weak so
lutionof carbolic acid. A drop of per
oxide of hydrogen in tha Mit. .m
cleanse all impurities. Do not bclic-a
ln sncb. absurd things as suoeraiiHr,
between seaaona of Persons entertain for the
or chvsical effort, the areater wrta. for warts are almost aa riffAVuii
quantity and the better It the t0 remove aa teeth, and the foolish no-
quality of work done. J10" which has ever prevailed of caua-
Diagrams ot work done by men and
women exhibit lines running down hill
ln steepness directly in proportion to
the absence of rest The longer the In,
After investigating thou- tan and in black and white check art tne ,owl
tands of rases of desertions he finds ltked, too. a model teen hara a gristle.
1. ..j . . :. .. . .. . ' .z ' """.r maua witn " --- luaiiuai iui ait u-ui -r- - . ui u. Th, ouiDnt Increasea directly with " luvm to aiaaooear ihmu-h .n
liulr," 1 l W I0"0'D, can bV.d? Tn ' JT6 n,od1 wUK .T" WUh ""i MU Umon "trMt, wit "' th. amount and variety of relaxation ic i. not to be thought of In thia
.,. . lt . c" ",,le ,u weight woolen wl,n n mayonnaise dressing and gar- wmon. Plainly the work of most women enlightened age.
Ill health and peevishness of Jhe material. Blah with lettuce, bard bolted eggs aad - Sponge Cake. '.L,! Jdard coTt ith
...v.. .. v.. MI .,:!. ,r.tt.'.,".?.l.n ihr-'r kIr ' of red pepper. mtoT littht (do not that ot heT m.aculln. competitor. She iTStI ERE are some beauty rule.
wa aa y vaiiau. IU r VI f-nivuiatji ft 1 1 II I lllK. WCll Tfl Ahl ta.
tnr Sha irril ER
aflBrtAis Ua, Hdarlihaa Wlk Pma TVlf I, .UU UQI CUD I lir. ntnt Itlla -.--j- 11s ... a. - j ! til :i . . .
.r -ou.eke.pln, log higher at th. on. .iU.. and" Bm a..;, o? wh . h LVand'out ta sift on. heaping cup'flour anl "'Zr in "to. nZVZ 2 .Jl T
U1..UUU1, ur num. suggesting tne material haa been caau. - v... i. "j" L. n ... on. teaspoon. Dakint- nowder. atlr into ra. , . v, ' . - !
The wife", habit ot nagging or got- ally .wlr.ed round the figure. Aa effecV " " id i 12 ,nLn,',w " and lasUy add halfa r.u" "uu'"' ' roert- dally th I!.1" ",n " p.
tlVA hlalr tit U at.aa.l - M aaaa aVty.Mw. hnll nav fft. a . -aaiu IU H1L Wilt, tfia
been sea- L" f krVTl . . 7. you Deal What Is to be done? The answer. I clothes off for an hour a da. ft7, ill
. u.ia iui uauier 1 1 ipra . .... . . , . . ... .- , , '
ana a ir.no . . - ; -- lane u, is lor toe awiner, me wire, u" i raying upon th. bodv
Dlsllk. tor children
This ttatlatlclaa found
ng or got- any twirled round tbe figure. An effee- 0f Mid boiled mutton mi,
.live black tull. d.nil-tollett. arranged u,fa pint ot that hive
th. wife', .her this manner had the tusslnest of "J Whh MTZ ' r In
each flounce accentuated by a ruch. of ftuar-tt.a .rn nf Lud
IV.. t h. Iha aama V,II .,. Kll... . ,.l. DU"V. then a SPOOQ Of SaUd
I A aa
that the the same, while the bodlc. waa mount- T.vi "'" "'.:
strongest Incentive to reconciliation in ed over cloth ot sliver and waa drawn Xl" "oln"
rarte for Jfeat DimpUng.
ch ef, is wet In cold water and wrung
uoi very dry. It is then bound
an juud the throat and over It entirely
to cover the wet cloth a flannel It se
curely pintifd to keep It In place. No
arm of the bandage ahould be left ex
.,..v'd or the air, striking the akin
through it, will make the cold worse.
LMOiT all women' are heartily
glad that larger bats are to be
llij fasblou. There Is a mys
terious allure about th. big
hat which shadows (he face
that Is woudorfully softening and be
coming. To young fares the Dew hata
whiob curve deeply down at each ltd.
take really bewltehlug frames, espe
cially when they are of some dark col
or and lined uuderneath the brim with
jitte son ana ururair tun am.u aa i"n im-mira u reconciliation in cu uror ckjiu vi sliver ana waa orawn .it,. ..... j k...a
I. .11 Kl... nlnk n, II,. n.l. FIIM at famllu rfi.ni.r.l 1. I. . .V.n.J k.l. I... ..J .11 ' DUliereO DrSaO.
puiiy ahailo Iliat ha proved so valu- variably the ohlU. He also found tfcat ver embroidery. n ,JU, 'to lor.
aule for the purpose Never has there very few wives are deserted wli. are: Another supremely attractive Dut tn rnel off from tlx ears of
n sm h a catholicity of choice aa J'hyaiiaiiy big and mentally cheer- Ing toilette waa black tulle, th. hem f , out an tuo wi. tn to ,d , n fc - roil oii; th. thiT hr .n.Ti. k k warmer or uimjb
this seaaon. For. according to your re- tul of the plain, full skirt hand embrold- 1 to et ? of'ne pa.t. and Uy It In; parboil beef raSl iT.Z . 17Tf- ,,eW L' b! "t3"1 " evei1 UDon r-
.lren.ent. and what become, you Able to contrlbut. to the family !n- ered ln a tapering design with J-t l1X1 "ucept,r0 i,bls: mutton chop. oV anyTC orteT. ,! !. -It VLJLt a W"der" b'VeT AH ho deir
keai. you can have either the close Of com. either by outsld. labor or by beada aud buglea and mounted oVer Pn'l- butter, a halt cupful of ,ik ,en "t .na Uy T in tL-i T hJ J St t'bl i.v , ,c t.hrot n mutt alt with th.
i .-.t,.rf mia i,. tall i.r.,M.i. fruaaiit in vm . . ' i .v.. .... x - . . .v. hot water, salt and oeDDer to season. i . ZL , V "na 1B bw'. Is she too poor? Her husband is throat and neck hara nan e tu. a
" -"" - ...... .- u.,u,.u.. rv wift.it 111 ui n t . . a ft.... "i " "n ncn gravy. Close the r,.. Ta .1.. nranM.nii ..i.i. m... , . . " '
Anecilonat. Ma home lovinr tulle, again mounted over aaUn. was - - ". " . t-t th. top. get av.ry thick SaVi w T "mg dresae. shoul.
tiynipaineiio ana consuerale of Ihelr arranged rather like a Greek peplum, :T-"r "n11"
husbands. tbe ahoulder. held together by a Jet J?, 11 "fj to Peking pan. with a
Th. y.rr iniaraaiina ana .i,..wi. ,.K.w.v,. .j i...i. ' .L thin allce of bacon, blanketing each fat
atatlatlcs which he collected proy. that b. described as a high oval-shaped w" o"4. PM a cupful of hot water
native American nusivands ar. more decolletag., this being complete! by i ifTi '""" luJB ,
prone ta aeaen tnr wive, than ar. long, graeerul and transparent Vlng J
the foretga bora. tleeve. of th. tull.. the deeplah point lBOa corn
In aaau. fts.v. auuw tu Wto l UU t:reniIlV. In TltH Md HnAtl th tint nnt mwt J aa..a ta.a....a a
ToUto Crattoal. over. If properly mad. It will come out upon their own er power thly V ,"" ."'V' cIo"-
To on. CUD mashed ootatoea add on. without breaking h.r. ... . 17, - " .?.,?wer.'. ne7 eTen ln comfortable neelteee. thee
,. -llr --A K...' "I,.." ..V... . "... -....17 ft -ft.. y.ry poaiUV. attltUd. Wear tome loos dran-r. ."j .uT.
,v.. .... " "a a tisoa ta luwact. . they glva the akin a chance.
light; take a bowl of proper siie. rub
the sister and the sweetheart to plan un parlor ia one of the absolute ro
Tak tr
rest in iKm mam
A woman's vitality and health, no an old-fashioned foot warmer or uimjb
ChOD half a rtonnd nf a,t.t a.
add una a d 7 uenoeraiciy iu aiia a aenniie mini- tjuiaiir. 01 inia oany akin bath. 01
. T...T i. , ,uuu ' our mum 01 nour. eacn oay, or aays each Jour reel an air hath twice a day
a olnt of milk knjftTa tt .in t. t " l." WWB" "l .""..cn uralnr. w ""our and itocklngt and
T . I ,U U . .U ftUW ft. wuftuwia. 1,M IVUI ICCft US IB.
ly briuileat hat ot Cosaack fame, nir
auounted by a cockade or a cliou of
tibbon. the dainty drooping Watteau
or Dolly Varden, the charming and leaa
cactlng bell ahape, or th. great "cart
wheel," alwayt dear to the feminine
heart and head.
3) VERY time you give way to Im-
patience or anger you anonen
your iue oy a caicuiaoie por
tion of time. Th. next lime
He manages be cut low and to a point and tha
make, a
can be
- .I "rp .ut lne w,,er- wet t P tni bis half of the throat and chin must hi . i
Jour it place It over th. top of the burdens enulled by such happlneas. aired. Nothing hurt, tt ne.
bowl gather it at th. bottom a., tie Indeed, if "the men ot thi 1 house" llUrcXltoJE&2
It very securely, the water mut ku -mi
nd. tnatead of JS 1 S" 7I7n.mJ..0' a. ft, where wom.n b!
th. happiest when husband and wife
are nearest alik. la age, nationality,
religion, moral standards, temnara-
u get very angry just atudy yourself meat health and physical strength.
" V'" a" ."- t'u that tha cloth maw .nt ..ii. ,:CZ 1L Vl i . "' "-7 ' " wnere
They also show that married life Is weighted with a tass.L Nor was that ' wofn xat uuer u nK paste, untie and take it off carerou, ,7.7: .1. "., L0?- are mt kind of
all, th. float and clinching touch oc
curring q a long, narrow train of Ivory
satin embossed with a bold design of
black velvot