nmiTTTTn TTV a ttttt; a TlrrTi a it Magazine Section Sporting News . 4 -. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1916 TIUETY-NINTII YEAR No. 248 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TBAIKB AND NIW STANDB. f 1TB CINWB. JO ii n ii m ii n v ii ii .' nTT rwv n VV1LLF1GHT TODAY Teams Evenly Matched and : Experts Says Either Way Win By H C. Hamilton. (United Press staff correspondent.) Speedy Bush's star. So if Driggs can boot near enough to the Yale goal, it is 1 an even chance that Dave Tibbott will be equal to the task of. kicking a field goal or so. . f ii j Standing of Teams I '-, in Bowling Contests I Standings of the tennis in the Cifyl- Dowling league for the past week are as follows: - W. L. Pet. -tWatt shipp ! Woodmen ' Printers , H Oresons ..- " B. P. O. K. 6 The Yale bull-, Salem Alleys ...... L. 5 Ii 7 0 12 12 .1167 .011 .400 .833 .COO .iron California Hopes to Get Even for 72 to 0 Calamity Last Year C.Bell......... I-Q I Russell..... '....C . iMonlux ....KG Gordon IIT I Montgomery (C)RE i Hicks i) Brooks I.H Shurp Ml Foster. F .... Morrison Wick Seagravc (C) Calkin Abel Johnson Noble . Hainesworth Murphy -.. 3 ... V . 17 dog stand tt fine chance of losing an City league averages up ' ' " .?.: i..: i-.'.utk.1 Paver Team dames A Princeton Tigt-r is still wondering what Honiigton, Saleni. Al lej kind of a suurd he is going to use to atl on, frle m Alle .OIIM, "itii .-mi.. Officinls: Referee, George Varnell; umpire, "Htunip" Stntt; head linesman, .Stow. ' Whitman P'ays Multnomah. Portlaud, Oro., Nov. 18. Whitman college will meet the Multnomah club today on a rain-soaked football field. I.R8t Saturday Whitman played lloutana in a temperature of 10 degrees below zero. "Today s game will give us a goon ...am .U.. n4V.Maail4 Vtllllrtmr f PAI1I nint.h ?ljr"7JZZl T,Z 7;i ..In, Luflnr. Oreions v.g me " Pierce Woodmen ''.rr....... It an aepenas upon me cnening or --- j,,-.,.,.. e New Haven brand. , I ' ,"',' ' . "r - Kay, Elks Hu'ssey, Elks : McKinnev, Watt .Shipp Craven, Watt Shipp Bean, 'Woodmen Li. I'riee, Watt Shipp .... Frceland, l'riuters one of the tail-knotting abilities of the football teams which represent Yale nndl'rince ton. The bout today will be the forty-first meeting between the two rivals. Of the . two (wore contests which have been .round into history the New Huven con- lengent has won its full share and has 1)onal(lso11) Woo.lmeu uippeo. over u. uo ..k -.. Sundin, Oregons S.OnJK miTUI lin.ru mi-it ui jiuhi pi- bnll teams. - Strictly from a dope standpoint Princeton is fiivnred to win; The Tig ers are better conditiond, have had the eusior schedule, and have the best team eince the days when Sam White used to pick op footballs and humiliate Yale ami Harvard with a siuglc spriat over 11m chalk lines. Lloyd. Woodmen 'Stutcsman, Klks . K. Price, Watt Shipp Wliorlev, Oregons H. HiH Printers .Baker, Salem Alley .... Ralph, Elks .'. Trunk,' Oregons ; rv..f I-'lhn tlilkenton, l'riuters 13 l! 15 l'.U IS IS" 12 IS IS 1S3 IS IS'J 18 170 12 ' 178 IS 174 ;t 174. 18 173 IS 172 15 172 18 17.3 IS . 170 15 1071 IS n.IUS! 15 Iti" 1S IliO 15 lfi." 18 101 .3 154 18 151 l! 14S 12 110 IS 142 15 : .141 15 MM 3 -' 130 Berkeley, Cal., Nov. 18. "With Coach Dobie of Washington even more pessi mistic than usual, both teams in shape after light workouts, and crowds coming I line on our chances ejjninst Washington in from all parts of northern and central State next week," said Coach Borlcske California, Berkeley is awaiting . the 0f the Walla Walla assemblage. "Five start of the supreme athletic event of f bur regulars who have been on Iho the fall here, the I'njversity of- Cali-; hosiiitul list all season arc back. We iorma Dig game. ' It is more than the "big game" to the California students. It is their at tempt to wipe out the bitter memories of a certain 72-0 score last year and the team playing fur the blue and gold this afternoon represents the culmina tion of the utmost efforts of three splen did couches; a big squad of football can didates and of the students efforts di- Corn Producing Boys . , Will Compete for Prizes CHEER UP, St.. Pa. J, Minn., Nov. 18. The fea turing of exhibits from boy corn grow ers of the Northwest will be given special r.Mentlon at the Second Annual 'First National" Corn Show which will b.j held in St. I'aul, December J 1th to lth, inclusive. Advices received by the irjunr.gvrai.nt of this , project from' corn producing boys, State Club Leaders aud County Agriculturists, in dicate that exhibits in excess of the 500 entries received in this class' at the "First National" Show which was held in St. Paul last December will be great ly outnumbered. Special space is be ing reserved for tho segregation of boys' exhibits and all publicity pos sible will be given to show the im portant' part the boys are tnkiug in i tho production of corn in Wisconsin, expect to win. , i Minnesota, North and South Dakotii, Multnomah has been practicing under hjontann, Washington, Oregon and Ida- c lights, ami though tne wet tiem will, j, tho Htllt(lg inciU(i0u jn thc Corn iuu i m., m niiiuitm : Show territory. MCach of tlioso states Believes nis v... t..,, ji..ai.,i :lvIn ri;Kfr ..rti n such manner that boy exhibitors will only arc confine Conch "Spec" Hurlbmt clhbmen will score Hut it impossible to convince e, Campbell, Salens Alley I'rinceton student that a jinx mukes an Sw'ienink. Sulem Alley annual trip lust to be presont at the T.ewis .Elks battle between Harvard and rTinceton and they believe nothing but superna tural luck will stop a Yalo victory. A crowd of upwards of 40,000 is expect ed in I'nlmer stadium. Weather condi- imna wora OYcnllcnt. .. The kicking of Briggs and Tibbott the importations of birds, particularly probably will play an important part unities. ' " " ' in Princeton's game. Driggs, single 1 1 " handed, can keep the ball in YaUrterri- tory i the Tiger line can stop the blue ' - rhurges. LeCore of Yale has steadily NEW TODAY ADS WIIX BL improved as a kicker, but it is hajdly read in the Journal in all live probable that his boots will approach Marion county homes Try 'em. the long spirals that leave tho too of ..V .. " . . .... ... . California will have a good football team on the field today. Coach Dobie and Captain Scagrave of Washington, say their team is below usual strength owing to injuries, but Dobie's "usual strength" menus a. team strong enough to win every game played. . . . Sundry thousands of California stu dents, and graduates, with the aid of the "yahoo bird," an ornithological harbinger of. good luck stolen from Stanford, were on -band to give noisy moral support to their fighting fellow students in moleskins and jerseys-There will be a couple of hundred of Washing- TliaVi individual tramc. I.nflnr. 2.).l. High individual 3 games, NTttrtl, 055. lliirh team 1 trnme. Watt Shipp 30. un in the calibre of their football team. War conditions in Europe hnvo result the wonderful football lore of Gilmour Minor Leagues Pleased. New Orleans,- l.a., Nov. 18. Minor league baseball men hastening home to day a'ftcr a thrilling three-duy session were well- satisfied with the results of their conference. Gcneritl feeling was that thc niiifs have wade the move in the plan to im prove tho game commercially and that have to competo with contestants in their individual district, who have grown corn under similar soil and climatic conditions. Tho first prize for boys in ench dis trict will be a beautiful engraved silver loving cup; the second prize a suitably engraved "Golden" bronze lovins; cup. Each prize will be accompanied by an j rrl..,a.. il was nuw uu tu me. uik ii-MKuirjn iv . , ,, .i . .irteirt !,. n,1r,t ro-rtlntinna r,f tha lOMng Clips Will ur 1V1C. I ... ... ... nw. muturs. Corn Shows auspices or the and of the samo value as those awarded n-L. i :.' a ,i. v,.. 1 adult exhibitors. Lseball appeals and tho movement to'j' National Bank nnd Northwestern lift the drift from all class AA leagues Trust Company of St. Paul and bankers Committoes from ed in a very noticeable falling oil ni Dobie, nnd old Dn.riu D. Dope, who dis rcaentiiip fipverni eampaiKTia. Cnr, i fftA 1. m nnti n rr the minors-will confer with tho major interesting Termers, and farmers' sons lenoues at. their, annual session to ask in thc -growing of more corn, which has ton rooters opposing-them. but what the; for co-operation'with tho plans adopted contributert visitnm lnclc in nnise is rnftre thsn made hern I States R nation . .. 1 nrnsnentv than . - r vontests in cnniiecii.ni r,i... ..... -v Suposing the man that you worked . for was licked; , Meet your defeat with a siniW. It is over and through and there's '" nothing to do Hut work for vourself for a while. j You may apprehend that the nation is , lost. Hut stifle that heart breaking sob. You still are alive, and you'll likly survive As long as you ve not lost your job. You won't have to argue for Wilson or Hughes, Or cap for their game any more, Vou cau cap for yourself, ami accumu late pelf To stand off the wolf from your . door: Your hero, of course, mny have lost n whole lot. ' .But that needn't drive you to crime; Let them shed the tears; you can give three good cheers For all you have lost is your. time. Go buck on tho job; it will do you no good To mourn over votes that weren't cast; . ' You will get no relief for your burden of grief . , Tn thinking ab. ut the dead past. Wake up and get busy, the shock of defeat. . Cnn't knock a real uiaii off his pins, Get back to the. grind and next year you will find ' . That you'll be the fellow that wins! John .1. Montague in N. Y. American Sure Shots Bag Venison. John F. Daws; John Drake, Wallace Harmou and Fred Davis returned a few. days ago froni a hunting trip to southern Oregon, where they bugged 9 fine deer. Thev shipped seven of them . To Fight Players' Fraternity. N.w Ynrk. Nov 18. The renl reason fnr thA rWisinn r,? Rim .Tolmani. tn call nnd Annual "First National" om I the Amoricau league magnates together Show are open to every farmer, nnd U'1,11.. tha I. !! in.r fuvnr. Wnul.iiu.tnn I i n Wur VnrU nf the nmp time the Nb- farmer's SOn ill tho Northwest. 1 I'll to win money California. i nuen i.r. ranncK t a -inner iifrnr wua tne. janscimu i i:iv- rnav mis oe uune ut iuu ..... -i. .....n, . I .. . T, . . . . ... T-. L!... ;ll 1... ..A..:.....i ' .Madison ..i.i iTrnum,ers-rraiernityr ing entry. ngor ",ur" :""'', V" "."": to Mt.. Angel before reaming home, more to mnkn the ,n,ted fc ion of great weal 1 and I l tiue-success nnd were ban any other product of; M hm with seven -Silverton Tribune. Journal Wnnt flds will sell It. in, Californians are covering thejtioiial league moguls are holding forth' ears of any variety of Indian corn will: Dcremher 5th. v without asking odds. next month became apparent today constitute an exhibit. No entry fee is Pomphlets gii The Line-up. j when it became known that the big charged. Entries will be returned in . jB the Second Washington. leaguers are beffiming to lay plans for every instance where request is mnria nl" Coin Panlickla bitter fight with tho Baseball Play- that this be done at tho time of nink- htnnk in: for judging up to and including giving full details regard A n nun I ''rust Nation Show, and foim of entry inav Do ohtnlne.l on remiest. Exhibits will oe received, from any Northwestern hunker. Many Cuban Ball Players Come to United States By Hamilton -(I'nitcd Press staff correspondent) ' New York, Nov. 18. Cuban hull ldr.y ers by droves may be expected on Am- . crienn bnseball teams within the nest few years, if the preseut rate of devel opment in the island republic is contin ued, mere ure many of the browu skinned exponents ot'tlie American na tional game who will be given tryout this yeur. Several Cubans alrenilv'havo won I n mo ns lug leaguers. . There is Armando .Marsaiia. who now is performing for the St. Louis Browns. and .diguel Gonzales, who is back stop ping ir tne i am inn is, .Those two nun have made their murks as big leaguers.. Another Cuban, Aeosta, outfielder, ap pears to ue rcu.iy to hold down a. regu lar berth with Washington, and Ang.'t Aragon and Jose Bodrigueu, the former with the Yankees and the latter with the (limits ' nppeiir to be real big lea gue stock. . JMiuiuel Cui'to already has been sign ed to a big league cuntraet, but they le -having so in in-li fuss over it flint it isn't at all certain where he will ilrnw.. his pay check next .season. ... . Jacinto Culvo, as outfielder, litis bei n grubbed up by. Detroit from the north-, western league and will bo given h)s first trial in fast company next spriii-- Adoll'o l.uque nii.l Kniilio Palmer.), . both pitchers, are former big league- who now are dong duty in the Aulei iciiii association, anil another will join them wheii Pedro Dibut, a right liuiiil flutt er juins tho Mitwuukee . dub ne.vfe spring. '.;:. ' liufuel Almeida .probably will get chniice next' season with the liiteriui tional leugiie.llq played Ihir.l base for the Scrnntoii . New York state lengr.. . club und ilid it so Well that iiontretil exercised its optioh Oscar Tuero, a right hand pitcher is with the Kiistern leauiie and Frank M i noz is ill the North Cnrollnn league. These Cubans probably will be joined by-others of their country after John McGruw and m'vernl other praiiitiient baseball men get tlirougli looking them ' over this wititOr. Several, join iieys to Cuba are ifiider coiiteiiiplntion by. bnM'. btill malingers. - ' )C , NEW TODAY ADS WI1.I. UK read in the Journal in nil . live :'.e . Marion county homes Try 'em. 1 . :: lf JOHNNY ON THE SPOT Sy iSij'1 ' -