Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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"Ives Toys"
"Salem's Big Department Store"
"American Model Builder"
illtlIUlUnilllimiillltllllllllimtttmtlilllililliiiiiiiimiiniin;miimnnjmii tt
A Gigantic Clearance of
Women's and Misses' Suits
If you need a Suit or want an extra one, by all means see. this big offering of stylish, up-to-the-minute
garments at tremendous reductions. High class tailored Suits of fashions
favored fabrics in colorings that will suit most anyone.
Women's and Misses' Suits, formerly priced up to $35.00, your choice. $15.00
Entire Stock of Suits included. Former pricesup to $50.00, your, choice V2 PRICE
Is Salem's Christmas Store
This big store is rapidly acquiring the Christmas appear
ance and spirit of the season. Holiday goods are being dis
played in each section. In choosing gifts for Christmas
giving at this store, you have the advantage of picking
from large assortments and at prices that smaller stores
cannot duplicate. Buy your Christmas goods at Meyers',
ine store ot tne unnstmas Spirit.
No. 822nd Wednesday Surprise Sale, November 22nd
Dainty Stamped
Fancy Aprons at
Here are unusually desirable Aprons for. holiday gifts
made of fine cross-bar material, fancy stitched around
edge and pockets in either red or blue. Stamped designs on
front, ready for embroidering. Embroider several of these
and give them for Christmas.
On Sae Next Wednesday at.
Sale starts at 8:30.
See the window display.
Second Floor
Santa Claus'
With $25,000 as Starter Pro-;
pose to Erect First-CIass
Institution !
"7, -
All Around Town
Nor. 20. Dean Alden's address
' on ''Historical Lies," Waller
He November 22 Prof. MaeMurray
4c lecturo at opera Louse. ijc
N. 22. Odd Fellows' unnuul
homo coming.
Nov. 23. Auniinl taxpayers'
meeting auditorium high
school, 8 p. ni. '
Nov. 21. lecture at Public
Library, on "Health lnsiir-
nncc," by Dr. Itobbins of U.
of O.
Dec. 3. F-lk'ti Manorial serv-
ices, opera house, 2iHl) p. in.
IHo. 4. City Klection.
Deo. 4-9. Third Annual Marion
County Corn Show.
Dr. Mendelsohn, sped Mint, fits flasse-
eorrectiy. u. B. Bank, illdj.
Yiur vision the most important
thing on earth. More precious than all
the wealth of the world ix your eye
sight. Any optical aervioe but the best
obtainable) would bo a mighty poor bnv
for yon.
At the most reasonable prices I place
at your command an experience cover
ing 34 'years of eyo examinution and
fitting of (.'Isaacs not only experience,
but years of scientific study of the
Mthjer.t and every modern aid for prop
er titling.
My eiamuiation are thorough and
enable inn to determine tho exact con
dition of your eyes my methods are
scientific and accurate.
My interest does not cease with the
ilelivory, but continues for all time.
Patrons are welcome to drop in at any
time for adjustments and examination.
If you break your glasses 1 can replace
the lenses while yon wait, except com
pounds and Kryptoks.
I am a graduate of HcidcJberg Col
lege, Germany, in medicine and surg
ery, bllt f dO nttt nrnitifA tiieilininn .
1 am a specialist in optometry und'de-j
Miie my enure attention to the correct;
fitting of glasses.
I guarantee satisfaction In every!
resnewt. I use no dm- or drmis In :
Booms 209 210211, U. 8. Bit. Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
Jones' Nursery State and 2ith Sts.
The prune situation is quiet now as
ptnctically all of this year's crop is out
of the hands of the growers. Shipments
arc not up to expectations as where half
a dozen cars are needed, a plant is lucky
to get one car.
Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic
physician, 3u! Masonic bldg. I'll one -Kill
About 150 high school students, chap
erones teachers, football players anil
rootera went to Albany this morning on
the 10::i0 special Southern Pacific train
in three couches. And the injunction,
printed on the badges, "Kill Albany,"
went with them.
Or. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce bldg., spociali7.es in Eye,
Kur, Nose and Throat. tf
Jones Nursery State and 21th Bts.
Walter Toote, Jt wag defeated In
his race for prosecuting attorney of
I'olK county at the recent election and
one consoling friend who had missed
his guess three times, inscribed on a
tiuiiiling the following: "No Hughes,
N'o Too.o -no Booze."
Don't wait until the apples are gone
net ore you get your supply of cider.
Now is the time. Seo Commercial Cider
Works of Salem. novlS
The river now is Just half a foot
above low water mark. The precipita
tion yesterday was .40 of an inch and
after eight days of eastern Oregon
weather, tho regulation Willamette val
ley climate is now with us. The range
of temperature Friday was from 43 to
Tour gift with our Imprint needs no
further recommendation. Set your
wuicn oy our street clock, uardner &
Keene, Salem 'a most reliable jewelers.
The Rev. James Elvin of the First
Congregational church accompanied by
Kev. II. O. Stover and Rev. George V.
i 1 1 it in it ti , of San Krnncisco, spoke yester-
...... ... i.tii 'L hi,- Mllll9 w U1U
church to add half a million members
before tho celebration of 1!20, tho land
ing of the Pilgrim fntliers.
Jones' Nursery State and 21th Sta.
J. J. McCormick, of Eugene, Is In Oie
city, registered at the Pligli. Salem is
faniiliirr grounds to Mr. McCormick ns
he was born and brought up here and
for vciim aitrvfiil na umii-.l nt lli.t ..
tentinry. He was chapel puard at the
time of the Trucv Merrill outbreak
years ago.
Kovsl Neighbors desiring to attend
the Myrn H. Kniiulit meeting at Silver
ton Nov. '.'1st may phone Mrs. W. W.
Faulkner, for plan's, not later than Sun
day evening.
Jcnes' Nursery State and 24th Sts.
A marriage license wag Issued this af
ternoon to flenrge Vernun Miller, a
fanner of Hubbard, and Kthel I.eota
Adams, of Woodburn.
Father would enjoy a box of La Co
rona cigars for Xinns Salem made
for Salem trade.
Early lost evening the fire depart
ment responded to a call from Court
street. The firo proved to. be only a
small chimney burning out and no dam
age was done.
Dr. Stone's Dntg Store for trusses.
A lecture on "The Holy Lands," will
be delivered Sunday evening nt the Sa
lem Heights hall by Prof. J. B. Horner
of the extension department Oregon Ag
ricultural college. There will be a sil
ver offering taken, but no admission
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
Efforts are being made to secure at
least. 50 young men in Salem who will
attend the Older Hoys' conference to
bo hold this year at Corvallis, under
the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Su
perintendents of all the Sunday schools
have brought the matter before' the buys
and also class teachers. It will be held
the first week iu December,
Dance at Aumsville tonight Salem
music. I.adiea free, tlents oO cents.
Jones' Nursery State and 24th Sts.
The quarterly meeting of the Friends
church of South Salem is now iu session
nnd will continue until Simdny even
ing. Sunday afternoon the young poo
pin of the church will hold ti rally and
w ill be addressed by Chester Hadl'ey, of
Portland- Mr. llndlcy is yearly super
intendent of the young Friends ''work-in
Oregon. He will report on the Cedar
Lake, Ind., annual conference of the
young Friends of the world.
Dance at Aumsville tonight. Salem
music, l.ndics free, licnts ."iU cents.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 140.
Automobile thieves are busy once
more. This afternoon at 2 o'clock a
P.U7 Ford runabout was stolen from the
Salem Fruit company. The car had
been driven to the Stone drug store
nnd was left standing in front of the
store just five minutes. When the own
er cniue out of tho store, the car was
missing, and up to 3 o'clock this after
noon lind not been found.
Later: The ear was tound by the po
lice on Court street. v
Dr. L. O. Altman, homeopathic phy
sician, 2!ti X. Liberty Phone l-t".
E, E. Cooper, regular primary nomi
nee for the office of city muishull.
Klection lecemhor 4. (Paid adv.)
The doors of the safe of the Dracer
Fruit company have been out at the
penitentiary for the past few days, but
are now back at tile office doing reg
ular duty- Last Monday when the com
bination of the safe refused to Work, an
expert mechanic from the pen was the
only man in town who could open teh
s.ate. lie threw off the combumtion.
opened the doors and took them back
with him to his regular abode where the
combination lock was properly repaired.
Opening ' of Class Room Theatre,
Grand opera house. Nov. 22.
! O 1
Choice roses and shrubs at Jones'
Nursery. Phone 413.
Farmers seem a trifle backward about
bringing their turkeys in for the
I Thanksgiving trade; or of even con
tracting tor tlienwi 1'ortlurid has es
tablished a 20 cent a pound price for
dressed with from 21 to 23 cents on
foot, wholesale. But even at. this fig
ure, very few arc being offered and
now there is the terrible suspicion thut
he-average-farmer has -so much money
that he will not sell his Thanksgiving
birds until the price looks right, at least
right to bim.
Drapery Dept. New arrivals in scrims
Mariiiisettes uud voiles, 20c, 25c and
Hdc yard. C. S. Hampton.
We want to trade you new furniture
j for old. liberal prices and terms offer
ed. i. s. Hamilton.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sun
day services are held at 410 Chcnieketa
street at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Subject
of Hible lesson ' ' Soul und liody. ' ' Sun
day school at 9:43 a. m. Wednesday ev
ening testimonial meeting at S o'clock. :
Heading room iu the Hubbard building,)
suite JIM, is open every day except
Sunday and holidays, from 11:45 u. in.
to 4 p. in. All are cordially invited to
our services nnd invited to visit our
muling room.
Presentation of Golden Doom, Grand
theatre Nov. 22. '
Special prices on fire screens 24x30
screens I.I0; .'illxISO, $1.2.": 311x42, ifl.'iO
C. S. Hamilton.
And now conies Mr. and Mrs. George
(. tuirdiier, of 2220 Maple avenue, Su
lem, who claim the distinction of hav
ing been married longer than any couple
iu salein. it was just 02 years ago last
May 24, and the date was" in 1S54, that
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner stood up before
Squiro Wiseman m .Marion county,
Ohio, and took the vows "until death
do us part." Mr. Gardner was born in
1S32 and bis wife in 1S34, both in Ohio.
They moved to Wisconsin in 157, to
Missouri in 1S5U and back to Ohio in
1SHL Mr. Gardner then served four
years in the Civil war. In 1SS4 they
moved to Kansas and in 1909 to this
o .
Presentation of uolden Doom, Grand
theatre Nov. 22,
Church Bazaar, the United Circle of
the 1st Christian church will conduct a
bazaar and cooked food sale Saturday
November 2."ith in the window of Hay
L. Parmer's Hardware store.
Of course turkeys may he mailed par
cel post, but tlra party who does the
mailing must securely wrap 'said
Thanksgiving offering and no part may
be exposed. Heavy wrapping paper and
l.lcntv nf strnmr tuin. urn tii'i-essnrv ns
said turkey will have to be mixed up
with n lot of others in the mail sacks.
The rate for the first zone 50 miles and
second zone, 150 miles is the same. It
is five cents for the first pound and one
cent for every additional one. The
easiest way to figure is to just weigh
the turkey nnd add four cents. Thus
it will cost 21 cents to send a 20 pound
bird to any distance within 150 miles
of Salem.
Opening of Class Room Theatre,
Grand opera house Nov. 22.
Johnston's Hat Works, phone 1979,
Glen hotel. Hats cleaned, blocked, ren
oxnted. Hats called for and delivered.
S. H. Snyder, rental agent, successor
to L. Hechtel k Co. If you ha-ve n va
cant house list it with me. If you want
to rent a house come and see me. 311
State St. Phone 452.
When it becomes almost certain that
the bone dry law had passed at the re
cent election, there was a stampedo for
wet goods, as the impression was that
as soon as the returns were in nnd cer
tified, that the governor would issue
a proclamation to the effect that there
was nothing doing iu tho way of inter
state commerce in the booze lino. Hence
the business of the express companies
from such wet sections ns Hornbrook
and Snn Francisco have been doing a
land office business- However, the sus
pense is now over as it seems that busi
ness in the wet goods line under the
legal restrictions will go on until the
legislature takes a hand at fixing a
proper penalty for a violation of the
bone dry law.
For city marshal, E. E. Cooper. Elec
tion December 4. (Paid adv.)
Socialist meeting Sunday evening.
7:30 at d'nion Lalor.hiill,4.")5la Courtj
St. Subject of lecture: "Economic Fae- I
tors." If you are interested iu social
ism or waut to know wlitit it stands for,
be sure to come.
Protect your rugs and house from fire
if you have a fireplace, bv usinir a
fire screen, special prices all this week.!
V. S. Hamilton.
Demand exceeds the supply, this ap
plies to young men who can do book
keeping ami stenography. Young men
who have the energy nnd ambition to
prepare for a desirable place should
enroll in the Capital Business college
Monday. New classes in shorthand und
other subjects. See the principal today.
New coverings for old furniture. Tap
estries at about one half the regular
price. See our offerings. C. S. Hamil
ton. Beginning with the first of the year,
the Moose hall will be occupied every
evening in the week by various frutorri
al organizations. Tuesday evening the
Knights of Pythias will meet; Wednes
day nights, the Maccabees; the Modern
Woodmen have the hall for the Thurs
day evenings and the Woodmen of the
World Friday evenings. Ou Saturday
evenings, the bull will be gWeu over;
to the Moose. Monday nights will be ;
rented by definito arrangements have ;
not been made by the lodge that will:
probably meet that evening. The rooms
have been re-arranged iu order that a
lodgo and its auxiliary may meet ut
the same time. On Saturday afternoons
the Woman's Relief Corps will meet iu
the hall.
Trade in your used furniture for new
C. S. Hamilton.
New arrivals in Ivory and White
Knamel bedroom furniture, souicthin::
new and different nt very rea-onablc
prices. C. S, Hamilton.
There is one thing certain. Snleni
intends to have an up-to-date hospital
at an early date and the business inter
ests of the community, backed by the
Commercial club have expressed them
selves in favor of one that will com
pare favorably with any in the state.
At the Marion hotel last evening,
when more than 100 representative
business men met to discuss the hos
pital problem, tliei opinion was unan
imous that right now was the than for
the citizens to get behind, the '-Salem
hospital hoard und subscribe an amount
to be added to the $25,000 already
available that will enable the capital
city to boast of a hospital equal to
those of the other cities.
The dinner was presided over by .
1j. Patterson who expressed himself ns
beinir glad to be regarded as a citizen
of this city, although he had really
strayed from the city limits.
Clms. A. Park, secretary of the Salem
hospital, explained the difficulty of
the hospital board in not owning their
land iu fee simple as-their holdings
,wero originally given for an orphan
home, nnd it would be necessary for
the ladies who are directors of the
Oregon Children's Aid society to join
with the hospital board in order to
give them a clear title. So f ir, the
ladies had declined to do this.
Building Is Outgrown.
Judge ('. I.. McNaiy. speaking of the
''Relationship of the Hospital to the
Citizens," referred to the amount of
money spent each year bv the hospital,
I the difficulty physicians had under the
handicap ot tne present conditions nt
the Salem hospital and he expressed'
tho beher that the present mitliling
had out lived its usefulness. "It is up
to us to do something for Salem. We
are a democracy of poor people, and
contributions must come from all, not
a few, and our hospital must be second
to hone in the state."
Dr. W. H. Hyrd claimed the distinc
tion of treating the first patient when
the hospital was first located on
Twelfth. The honor of being the first
patient was a hobo who fell irom an
S. P. train nt Woodburn. Anyhow, the
doctor often wondered how people
stood for that first hospital " I urn
clad the state has condemned the 5 1-2
ucres belonging to the hospital. If it
hadn't, I fear we never would have had
a better one. We do not want a make
shift of a hospital it must be a mod
ern 50,000 one of which we may be
Badly Needed Says Morse.
Dr. Morse answered the question
''Does Salem Want A New Hospital"
with a most-emphatic ''yes." He said
the conditions under which the phy
sicians had worked were most unfav
orable. Now that the board was com
pelled to build, as the state had taken
the old building, he hoped a -!-"( i.tlOO
one would be erected.
"Tt is about time that we lay aside
the old hospital and get ft new one,"
said Louis Lachmundl ''When a strang
er comes to town, wo want to show
him a 'hospital that reflects credit on
the city." He suggested that pos
sibly bonds might be issued to raise the
additional $25.00ft-necessnry.
P. O. Deckebach toldthe good citi
zens something about Snlcm that bo
felt he just had to tell. It was to tliei
effect that Salem was in the habiof
having everything done for it, and not
doing anything for any one else. "We
take no interest in outside affairs and
want, everything to come to us," hoi
snid. ''If'it had not been for the
Cherrinns, Salem would hardly be I
known, except on the map. e warn,
to got rid of this moss-back spirit.
We showed a bad spirit and turned
down the Pendleton normal by a large
majority, and we are so self -satisfied ,
that we do not even uceornie. ine town
for the state fair. We receive and do
not give. Pntil we get otro this
spirit, we won't build a hospital."
Father Moore of St. Joseph's church
was strongly in favor of an adequate
hospital and referred to cities in the
state, half the size of Salem that had
large hospitals, completely equipped.
A Sensible Suggestion.
Frank Davey suggested that when
the new hospital was completed, that
each fraternal organization and each
chmch be asked to equip one room.
T)r Dnnev said that strangers in
coining to the city saw a lot of small j
wooden buildings, ine college campus
and the inadequate Salem hospital. He
was glad that the tini had come for
the building of a modern hospital as he
disliked very much to have his eastern
friends take a look nt the present
st nurture.
Aug. Huckestein, as n member of the
board of the Salem Hospital, snid they
had been served with notice hy the
state to 4acate hy December 1. He
hoped the ladies of the orphan board
would co operate with the Sale-.n hos-1
pital and give it a clear title, in order j
thnt the present holding might be used
for the new hospital soon to be built
This store has adopted tho cor
rect pricing of all merchandise
as endorsed by the Xuiional
Grocery association henco the
old policy of an article that
cannot be sold at 5c must bo
marked 10c is uow discarded and
each item will be sold at exactly
what it should be. "f
( harge accounts as well as cash
customers will receive; this
426 State Street
Husiness men do not like to yivo to an
institution that docs not own its Inn i
in fee simple, he said.
lust to get immediate action towaid-:
raising the amount necessary, Mr. F:r
tci'son appointed as a ways and menu-:
committee, Charles L. Dick, 11. V.
Meyers, Dr. W. II. iiyrd, Waller Wir
slow, William McGilchrist, dr., an I
Senator ('. P. Bishop.
Overland Agents
Expect Great Trip
Agents nnd salesmen for the Ove:
land car are looking 'forward towarr -a
two weeks' trip in store for them, a1!
at the expense of the Willys-Ovcrlan I
This company plans to have its 35,00')
agents in the 1. S. visit the factory i t.
Toledo and examine at close range tl.v
milking of the Ovcilands and Willy
Ktiight models.
The special, train for the dealers mi l
salesmen on the Cost, will leave Port
land December 2, slop off n day at O;.
den. where dealers from nil the Pncifi
const will assemble Jind go on to Tolcd'
where they will be shown through th"
factories December ti and 7. The Sth,
will be spent in Chicago-
From Snloni those fortunate enough I .'
be given the trip are Dwiglit Misne;,
agent, nnd his salesmen. Cuyler Vanl'a'
tou, .T. H. Alexander. Two sub-dealers.
Mr. Wolfonl, of Silverton, and Mr. Hni.- -na,
of Independence, will be included in
the party. Knch agent is privileged to
invite one guest, nnd Mr. Misner hi.s
selected Secretary of State Olcotr, whi
will accompany the special.
The city recorder refused to place the
initiative petition to bond the city for
piivement on the regular ballot for th.;
coming city election. December 4, basing i
his refusal on the fncf thnt the petitio i
had not been filed iu time to comply
with the city charter and ordinances. Ji
is reported that an attorney represent
ing the signers of the petition will iiiiih
dunius the recorder to force the bill n i
the ballot. The bill provides for the
bonding of the city for all paving, and
the figure has been estimated as closo
to a million nnd a half dollars. Tho
effect ijf the bill would be that should
it pass, all tux payers in the city will
be effected, nnd thnt it would require
an additional )"vy uf 12 mills, bringing
the present tax levy up to 2ii mills. Tl.o
bill also provides that only three block-)
a year may be paved.
Cretonues for every room in the house
from 15e to 50i ynid. C, S. Hamilton.
Any KiriD
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar-
1e anteed. Twenty-five jpars'
4c exDCricnee. Leave ordem lit 3k
Schat'fer Drue Store, phone 107.
Residence phono 1405. '
015 Highland Avenue.
Household 'Furniture. Woodry
tho Auctioneer will pav highest
cash price for same. Fhone 511.
r J
I Practice Sensible Giving
j Our Kryptok Christmas Gift Certificate plan makes
it easy for you to present some relative or friend
I with a pair of KRYPTOK GLASSES.
y Ask us about it.
I MISS A. McClILCCH, Optometrist. I
: 208-209 Hubbard Building Thone 103
, .Mtt r -r-r