Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1916, Image 1

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pmru Twn nwrpa on trains and nbwb
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German Military Jxperts r$
of Campaign- In v $vlVania and RumaniaAllied
Advance Toward jnastir Continues Germans Claim
' To Have Recaptoied Mountain Summit and To Have
Repulsed Serbians
By Carl V. Ackerman,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Berlin, Nov. 18. The war is approaching a decisive
stage and the decision will rest with the campaign in
-Transylvania and Rumania. Such is the expert military
viewpoint here. As summed up today by a well informed
military authority, the situation is :
The triangular loss at Ancre does not affect the Somme
battle as a whole. Viewing all the war theatres, the
whole war has now reached a period of tension. The
solution is drawing near. "When this shall come depends
on the progress of the present fighting in the Rumanian
passes. We are making progress there, but the mountain
difficulties are greater than in Serbia. Once General
Falkenhayn crosses, my guess is the decision will come.
How long this will take we do not know but one must be
patient and await Coming developments.
Herliu, via wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
.Nov. IS. Sanguinary repulse of Ser
liian and French attacks on the Plains
r' Monastir and recapture of n moun
tain summit previously wrested from
the Cioriiinns liy tlio Serbiaus was re
ported in today's war office statement.
That portiou of today's official state
ment which detailed this fighting read:
"Fresh attacks in the-plain south
of Monastir and against the front of
the forty Second Pomeranian nifautry
on the snow covered heights of the
Ccrnn bend were sanpuiuarily repuls
ed. ' Every day there has been violent,
righting for the heights northeast of
Cerna. One of the summit, which had
been captured on November 15 by the
Serbians, was reeaptured by the chief
commander general of infantry, Otto
Von Buelow at the head of German
r'fles, storming the. position in hand
to bnndjCOnfiict. The emperor has dis
tinguished the chief and his troops by
appointing the geuernl chief of the
rifle battalion."
The war office statement related ar
tillery duels in progress on the left
wing of Field Marshal Mackensen's
Gei man-Btilgtirinn-Turkish army around
Dt'grurtjii and declnred tlio Ituiuanians
had been endeavoring, unsuccessfully,
to push back the center of the German
front northeast of Campolung. The Ru
nirnian losses, it was declared, had been
heavy and the German advance in the
valleys of the Alt and Jinl continuous.
Allies Claim Gains ;
" I'nris. Nov. 16. The allied advance
toward Monnstir continues. The French
official statement today credited the
Serbian troops in this theatre of the
war with capturing S00 metres of trench
es east of the Oernn from the Teuton
defenders (mil the taking of height 1212
northwest of Iven with bloody losses to
the Bulgarians and Germans.
The advance ibout Monnstir is being
mode despite heavy floods, it was stat
The utntomnnt nun .lntnlln,!
repulse bv hand grenndes of a strong! "f rescinding its ordinance limiting citi
eacny de'tirchmeiit which attempted to1 'a canine possesions to two, or of
reach. French trenches at Binches
Six l
German ncai.oplauc8 were brought down
in nir fights. .
British Advance Lines
.London, Nov. IS. Further. rSritistli
advances northeast of Bcaubont Hamel
If flier's anything
n T0HH2 hus-
band, th
out. Th
installment p!nn 'I! bring it
farmer has an S hour tore-
j i 4 TV.
Decision Will Rest On Result
and northward of Benueoiirt were re
ported by Sir Douglas Haig today.
The British commander in chief re
ported a coutinnatiou of the heavy
enemy shelling directed against Beau
mont Ilimiel and Ueouterne. To the
north of Ypres he detailed a successful
raid by his forces of a GerniuiiTedoubt,
wherein a number of prisoners and a
machine gun were captured.
Nomads Defeated
London, Nov. IS. Defeat of a large
force of Nomads on the Indian border
by British troops was announced by the
India office today. The statement said
a large number, estimated at WOO, had
collected on the border opposite Bhi-Ib-Kadr
on Tuesday.
Copper Stocks Make
New High Records
New York, Nov,. IS. Demand for
copper Bent stocks up at the opening
of the market today, Vta-h and Ana
conda making new records at l-4'.j and
10.1 7-8 respectively. Other issues
joined in the upward movement.
United States steel sold at 123 3-4;
Lackawanna at 105; Republic at il --l-:
a gain of lVi for the last named.
Murine issues were strong; rails quiet
Bethlehem Steel jumped to a new rec
ord at 7U0 on reports of a big order
from the allies.-American Zinc made a
record at 02 7-S and Pressed Steel Car
at R7K-.
While there were heavy realizing
sales in the genernl'list in the second
hour American Writing l'aper prefer
red jumped OVi to 70.
More than a million shaves were trad
ed in the two hours sesiou. The close
was irregular.
Exclusives Have Choice
of Dogs or Undesirables
San Francisco, Nov. 18. Exclusive
Burliuganie today faced the alternative
having Japanese, Chinese or negroes ns
neighbors in its most fashionable dig
trict. . . "
Miss Alice Hager, society leader and
ni-ted dog fancier, precipitated the
elin ax. The dog limiting ordinance
was passed after complaints that dogs
in kennels disturbed slumber. Miss Hag
er. with other dog owners, pleaded vnin
ly forn change in the ordinance. Fail
ing in this, she advertised in the news
papers, offering her home for sale, with
"reduction in price to a Chinese, Jap
anese or negro."
Today it looks Its if the ordinance
might bP annulled.
locomotive Boiler
Explodes, Three Hurt
San Francisco, Nov. IS. Three train
men, were injured, one seriously earlv
today, when the boiler of a Southern
Pacific locomotive exploded at Ordway,
near Redlands Junction, the Southern
Pacific announced. Engineer Conner
sustained a bruised hip, Fireman Wees'
leg was broken uud Brakeman I-nnd-strum
was scalded, but not seriously.
The explosion derailed the engine and
one freight ear and blocked the main
line for an hour and a half.
I.os Anveles, Cal.( Nov. IS Inez Mil
l.nlland Bois.-cvnin. famous sufl'raire
worker, who is critically ill here, was
reporte.l today to have had "a very
comfortable niirht" and to be better
Dcsnite this imnrovemeut. ntfemliniy
physician continued to express the
rmiiiinn that her chance of recoverv is
Washington, Nov. IS. Ex-
cecdiug last year 's total by
more than .'10,000,000 the new
naval appropriation bill to be
introduced in congress at the
forthcoming session will call
for an expenditure of $37o,
000,000, Chairman Padgett of
the house naval affairs commit-,
tee stated today. Of this sum
$273,000,000 will be devoted to
new ships and to payments on
contracts already existing and
$100,000, for purposes of de
partmental administration.
Four More Proposals in Pro
gram to Complete Strike
Fight Promises To Be Bitter
as Congress Is Widely
Divided Over It
By Robert X Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 18. President Wil
son today was preparing to personally
enter the great three cornered fight be
tween labor, the railroads and the gov
ernment in proposals for the prevention
of strikes in this country..'"
Monday lie will confer with Judge
Adam-son, chairman of the house com
mittee on interstate commerce, as to the
completion oi tfle program he advanced
at the Inst session of congress. Adam-
son says this program will be pushed
mrougn immediately wnen congress re
convenes in December and that it may
be found inadvisable even to await the
report of the- joint congressional com
mittee authorized to make a searching
inquiry into the entire railroad prob
lem. With the railroads a unit combatting
Ua .t I, ...!.. .. . 1 , . .
ij livfiaiiiuiiiHiHiiiv ui rue eigai nour
law, with labor ready to fight proposals
for settlement of industrial disputes by
legislation and with members of con
gress already divided on these questions,
the railroad problem threatens to seri
ously embarrass the smooth operation
of legislative machinery at this session.
lhere are as yet four proposals in the
president's program of strike settlement
and prevention to be acted upon if he
holds to his original program. Thore in
clude: The Four Provisions.
Provision for enlargement and reor
ganization of the interstate commerce
Approval .by congress of consideration
by the intersttae commerce commisison
of increases, when justified, in freight
rates to mlTt inch additional expendi
ture rendered necessary by adoption of
tho eight hour day.
An amendment of the existing fed
eral statute which provides for media
tion, conciliation and arbitration of in
dustrial controversies by adding a pro
vision that in case present agencies foil,
a full public investigation of the mer
its of every such dispute ehull be insti
tuted and completed before a strike or
lockopt may be lawfully attempted.
Giving the president power, in case of
military necessity, to take control of
such rolling stock of the railroads as
may be required for military use and
granting hiin authority to draft into
military -service such train crews and
administratitve officials as circum
stances require.
The president also is expected to urge
in his message that all arbitral awards
be made judgments by record of a court
"in order that their interpretation and
enforcement may lie, not with one nartv
to the arbitration, but with an authori
tative aud impartial tribunal."
Council's Recommendations.
Washington, Nov. in. Legislation to
prevent railroad strikes "pending a set
tlement of disputes between employers
and employes" was recommended' by
the Nutiounl Council of the I'nited
States Chamber of Commerce tnrinv. i
That the government take steps to make j
certain staoiiiation, improvement and
extonsiou of transportation facilities
also was recommended.
Winnipeg, Man., Nov- IS. :. J. Hv
er is dead and David Woudhcad, ('. '
I.ouery, O. W, Perkins-and .Miss Jean j
Thomas nre in a critical condition fol
lowing a $100,urm fire in the Borhridge
Saddlery company warehouse today. All j
nre employes. Five other employes' wre j
taken to hospitals anil six were tnken
to their homes, Icrs seriously injured. '
Traveled 200 Miles On Horse
Back Through Bad Indian
Nothing Said of Five Others
Supposed to Have Been
, in the Town
Kl Paso, Texas, Nov. 18 After a ride
of 115 days over the wildest part of the
(Sierra Madre mountains through n re
gion infested by savage Yocqui Indians,
five Americans who fled for their lives
from 'Parral before the attack of Villa
on the town,, reached Culiacan, Hinaloa,
on the west coast of Mexico yesterday.
In a message from T. O. Hawkins, su
perintendent of the Alvarado mines in
the Parral district, the news came dur
ing the night to the offices of the min
ing company here.
Numerous reports of massacre and
lack of information tor two weeks had
stirred anxiety on the border. Upon
recoipt of the message last night, tele
grams were dispatched at once to anx
ious relatives and friends of tho five
men. The message from Hawkins said
simply: "We arrived here snfely to
day." At the offices of the mining company
here, it was assumed Hawkins meant
only the five American employes of the
Alvarado companv. Thcv were T. G
Hawkins, A..W. Sf orris, Howard Graves,
Leslie Webb and Bernard McDonald. Of
the fate of the othir five Amicans in
Parral who did leave with the Al
varado men nothiag'ta yet known.
To reach Cullcan the lit tie party had
to travel on horseback more than 200
miles across the highest part of the
--oncKoone or we continent'.' and
Itherugh a part of tho country infested
'by barbarous Yaquis. All were mount
ed and armed in anticipation of such an
j emergency. Some of the men are min-
UK rKiti-oia auu vuaiurn coiiegu men.
"Their journey must have been one
of incredible hardship and danger, V
said an official of the Alvarado Mining
mo uc n yiweeu lu. me coast at
Mazatlan and come north by sea.
Her Mother, Teacher and Sup
posed Bridegroom AH Say
Story Is False
renthnm, a Ms.. Nov. IS. Miss
Helen Keller, one of the world's most
famous women, who, it was reported
was soon to marry her secretary, Peter
Pagan, officially denied the report
through her companion, Mrs. Annie 8.
Mrs. Keller, mother of the blind wo
man, Mrs. Mncy, her constant comnan
ion since childhood, and Pagan himself
united in denying the report.
In a statement toduy Mtb. Macy, who
taught Miss Keller to sneak, said:"
"The story that my pupil ori'7 years
is to marry ner secretary or anyone else
is an abominable fabrication.
"I have been with Miss Keller al
most continually ever since I first saw
her in her home in Tuscombia. Ala.. 27
years ago and during her recent illness
and during that time she has scarcely
Deen out of my sight.
"Besides this, her mother has been
with Miss Keller ever since last June.
If she had any affection deeper than
friendship for her secretary or anyone
else we would have known of it. The
story that Miss Keller intends to mar
ry is untrue.
'Miss Keller and Mr. Fagan both
deny the story in every particular and
Mrs. Keller and I know no foundation
for it."
Fa;nn said that despite the statement
of the regiatrnr of ISoston he had made
application for a marriage lucnxo to
wed Miss Killer ten days siio, he hud
never considered such a thing.
Marysville, Cal., Nov. 18.
A refuet for the "free fu
nernl" won with 30 suits of
clothes, .'!" hats and an automo
bile in election bets by- Fred
Parks, capitalist, has. been made
by a dying county charge in Han
Francisco. Otlwrs are writing
Parks, begging for suits and re
citing hard luck tales.
Small Steamer Anvil
Reported in Distress
Wahin' n:i, Nov. 18. Leaking and
with her engines disabled, the small
American steamer Anvil, passenger and
freight laden, was rcKrted to the navy
department today in distress off San
Jose Del Cubo, near the southern end
of Lower California. The collier Saturn
wirlessed she expected to reach the An
vil today.
Waiting Word From Her
San Diego, Cal.; Nov. IS. Word from
the steamer Anvil, reported in distress
off San Jose Del Cabo, was awaited at
the government wireless station here
today. She is in command of Captain J.
Sooty of San Diego and was recently
refitted at Oakland.
"Semi-Official" Returns Show
Gain of 858 in Los
Angeles County
Minnesota's Official Count
Complete Gives State to
Hughes by 396
8an Francisco, Nov. 18. Chnrles E.
Hughes will gain 8.18 votes in Los An
geles county if "semi-official" results
of the count given out today are borne
out by tho official returns.
" According to the unofficial returns
compiled last -week. Buenos' Los An
geles figures given out today by the
Los Angeles board of supervisors, cov
ering all precincts except number 338,
which is in dispute, gave tho high
Hughes elector 135,420 and the low dein
ocrattc elector llJ,i!.l9. This shows a
maximum plurality for Hughes in the
county of 23,191.
This gain for Hughes is not large
enough to affect Wilson a plurality in
the state, although it is the largest dif
ference so far revealed between the
unofficial totaU and tho totals result
ing from tho recount.
Hughes Gains 74
San Francisco, Nov. 18. Charles E.
Hughes' net gain was recorded at 74
todny when the election commissioners
of San Francisco county completed
their official canvass of all but ?19
precincts in this county.
It is expected that the official count
here will be finished Monday, but it
will be Tuesday or Wedncsdny before
the registrar has completod his tally
sheets. A similar delay is expected in
Los Angeles county.
When Hecretary of State Jordan will
cinclude his tally is' uncertain but it
will probably be about ton days from
Han Francisco, Los Angeles and Ala
meda are the only counties which have
not finished their official canvass. Last
I'nited Press tabulations indicated a
minimum plurality for Wilsou of 3,
7!)0 in tho s'.ate.
Ban Francisco Count Complete
San (Francisco, nov. 18. Official
canvass of Ban Francisco's vote at the
recent election was completed todny.
It showed a net gain of 0!) votes for
Hughes in the county as tho result of
tho recount, Kegistrnr Zemansky an
nounced. Official tabulation of tho tally sheets
will not be completed until next week.
N Minnesota for Hughes 396
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 18. Charles K.
Hughes carried Minnesota by 3DII. This
was based upon official returns from
Minnesota complete, this afternoon,
giving Hughes 1 79,3.13 ; -Wilson I'll,
157. There will be no official recount of
the Minnesota figures, Fred Wheatou,
chairman of the democratic state cen
tral committee and other democrats in
timated today.
Tho republicans got out a brass bona
and paraded the streets this afternoon.
New York, Nov, 18. Charles F.vans
Hughes will leave New York todny for
l.nkcwood. N. J., where he plans to
spend several weeks resting ut Laurel,
in the Pines. lie will be accompanied
l.v Mrs. Hughes- They will be joined
later by National Chairman Willcox
and Mrs. Willcox.
Hughes and Willcox still are await
ing the final result of the official count
in California before sending congratula
tions to President Wilson.
Portland, Ore., Nov. IN. Five cases
of smallpox having developed among
pupils, the llollidoy school was fumigat
ed today. If doctors believe the danger
Hxt, it will be reopened next week. Tho
discs appeared at intervals, and there
is said to be no signs of au epidemic.
Bg Chapel a Seething Mass of Shouting, Gesticulating
( Prisoners When Kay and Olcott Appear-Mlonvicts Make
K Their Grievances Known-Want No Policeman or Ex-
Sheriff Over ThemObject to Flax and Brick Workers
Being Paid and Others Not
Three hundred prisoners in the Oregon state peni
tentiary smarrting under alleged unjust treatment,
wrong methods of conducting the institution, and dis
crimination, yesterday afternoon faced tSecretary of
State Ben-Olcott and State Treasurer T. B. Kay in the
prison chapel and, in a demonstration that came near
being a riot, demanded a change in the administration ef
the penitentiary.
Yelling until it was impossible to be heard, and ges
ticulating in a way that undeniably showed their unrest
and determination to be heard, the prisoners gathered in
the chapel when they heard
visiting the penitentiary. The clamor grew to such an
extent that Olcott and Kay stepped into the chapel and
faced the mob which, regardless of descipline, rules, or
regulations, seethed there. They could not be heard in
the din, until finally a prisoner who was a leader held up
his hand for quiet.
. , ., . ... m committee go back to the men and re-
ine men uecmuu biii-'h uhu a io"
lenders speak. They told Olcott and
Kny that the committee of prisoners
tbnt was conferring with them in the
outer office did not represent the feel
ing, spirit or attitude ot thojnass of the
prisoners. They charged that this com
mittee, which consisted of Harry L.ovell,
editor of "Lend a Hand," W. R. How
ett and J. L. Dauby, was picked from
the pets of the authoritiea in charge
and they were "high brows" and not
in sympathy with them.
State Their "Demands.'' - !
Finally their demands took specific
form and they asked why men in other
lines of work besides that of flax grow
ing did not recolvo the 25 cents per day
aud they were told that in the flax
industry and the brick industry the
state received money for the product
turtipn nut ana in the. other lines the
state received nothing. . They were told
the legislature had appropriated noth
ing for payment of the men who dug
ditches, etc. '
They wore a unit in demanding the
removal of Deputy Warden Bherwood
as they alleged he had not treated them
well, and suggested the name of Col
onel C. E. d. Wood as a man whom they
would like to have for warden. Ex-Con-grcsBmau
A. W. Lafferty was also men-
tioned- , . tt'
secretary Olcott and Treasurer Kay
pacified the men as much as possible by
telling them that the man who woulA
be chosen warden would have absolute
authority to run the penitentiary, to
mako any sweeping chunges he pleased
in tho Bvstem, and to choose his own
subordinates. Only the board would
hold him. responsible for the conduct
of the pneitentiary.
Governor Withycombe was with the
other members of" the board ivnen they
went to the penitentiary and he con
ferred with the committee of three who
were supposed to represent the body of
prisoners. They presented claims prac
tically the same as the other group, es
pecially regarding tho selection of a
warden. When the conference was about
finished tho tumult in tho chapel be
came bo great that it was suggested the
40,000 Gather to See
Grand Prize Auto Race
Riipo Course, Santa Monica, Cal., Nov..
lfl.Nearly 40,000 spectators had worm
ed their way inside the 8.4 mile course
of the Grand Prize race, scheduled to
start at 11 a. m. here today.
The weather is perfect, with bright
sunshine and a very light ocean breeze.
Tho track was pronounced smooth as a
dance floor by road dressers, wno nave
been working night mid day since the
record breaking Vauderbilt cup race,
won by Dario Hesta in a Peugeot here
Following is the line-up of cors by
number and their drivers:
11 Ducsenburg M. J. Moosie.
No. Car. Driver.
2 Mercer Joe Thomns
24 Martrton Lewis .Tnckson
4 Mercer Eddie Piillen
I Peugeot Bario ltcstn
1(1 Peugeot Johnny Aitkcn
8 Stilts Earl Cooper
II Sluts K- C. Dimwit
10 Hercules Einil Agrazj
lit Hudson Ira Vail
IS Ducsenburg George Buzaue
0 Hudson Clyde Honds'
a Mercer G. K. Hurkstell
12 Chowchilln Hid William Boldon
17 Ducsenburg
Eddie Kickenbaiher
.... sterling Price
Oniiir Toft
... Howard Wilcox
Bill Cody
... A. H. Patterson
. . . , Dave Anderson
William Weighlman
.... W. M. Carlcton
II (mud V
27 Omar"
2ii Peugeot
2.) National
20 Hudson
25 Kissel
21 Ducsenburg ..
22 Owl tipecniiul
that the board of control was
. . , Ml,,.tnnn. .
of this committee to go intd the chapel
brought out the fact that it was net
healthy for the members to do so. Gov
ernor Withycombe, before this became
evident, had returned to the state house,
and left Olcott and Kay there.
Many Personal Orieranees.
' When it wag certain .that it wa not
safe for this committee to go into tb
ehapol, Kny and Olcott went in and
talked to tic men.
t When th board of control arfived
ht 'the penitentiary the men were out
in the yard but hearing that the con
ference wan on With the committee of
prisoners they immediately swarmed in
to the chapel. The unrest that has been
cumulating for the past few week sud
denly broke all bounds. Many of tk
prisoners had personal grievances to air,
others spoke of unfair treatment, and in,
general it was an unusual and decidedly
rare occurrence.
It is tho plan of the board of control
to choose a warden Monday morning.
So far there have been about 20 appli
cations received. These have not jot
been gone over to find out the qualifica
tions of the applicants. The prisoners)
in their statements yesterday insisted
thcv did not want any former sheriff or
police officer over them-
Steel and Copper
Make New Records
New York, Nov. 18 The New Yerk
Evening Hun financial review today
Outside the pertonnaneos of ste! and
copper issue there was little more than
nominnnl interest in today's short aes
sion o ftho stock market. The industrial
list was in the main narrowly firm
with now and then reactions in epets.
Tho railroad department made littlo
change ono way or the other. Trading
was generally brisk after the market
once got under way but most of th
business was of professional origin with,
some short covering doubtless and tk
counts carried over from Friday.
Tho trading in the steel and eopper
issues was most vigorous. Prices wer
carried to record figures in -nearly ev
ery case. United States Steel advaneed
quickly to a new top price at 13 3-8 sail
Bethlehem Steel at the same time to a
tecord level at 700. Similar gains were
made in Lackawanna nud Henublie. In
the copper group Anaconda, Utah, Kn
neeott, Chile, Chino and others toar.hrd
levfls never before attained and made
overnight gains of 1 to 4 points or so.
The truiiing was somewhat irergulur
in tho late session.
Newberg, Oio., Nov. 18- Colonel
Roosevelt please lake notice. J. M.
Flowers' third wife has just given birth
to his 24th child. It weighed 15
Oregon: To
night and Sun
day occasional
ruin west, fair
cast portions;
southerly winds.
THIS tooss "