Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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OIammxx xtiit AUVtHLtlttUXUi RATES
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word 1'
One week (ti insertions), per word 5i
One monlh(2U insertions) per word 17t
Tbe Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one Insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments
Bead your advertisements the first daj
t appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 15s.
WANTED Wood cutters 1.00 per
cord, Phono K. A. Way, C!2. tf
FURNISHED Apartments, also ban
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottagt
Dlty ASH WOOD Foe sale, delivered
in town, l'hono CM, K. A. Way. tf
.WANTED Second baud one horse de
livery wagou. Phone ;1U. novlS
FOR SALE Two vuung cows, one mill;
ing, other fresh soon. lt4li Mission,
fct. novrS
WANTED To buy grub onl; stnmpage
close to railroad, also team to Haul
wood. Phone lOiiUR. ' iiovli
IVR SALE (.ood team, S und ! yours
old, weight 12'iO-pneli. I'hnaio :I4F21.
WE HAVE Baled hay ' anil onts for
ale. George Sweigle, Garden Toad, tf
rOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Caj
ital Journal office. t
11 ATS It Y Window cleaner, l'hono 70S
GET PRICF.S-On farm sale bills at
The Journal office,
WANTED Fat and fresh cows. 1425
,M. nov2'.
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
sal office. t
GOAT MEAT For sale, first cluss,
only 3 cents per lb, at O. K. Grocery,
delivered in city. deoll
FOR SALE Cheap, one team of grey
mares, weight .100 lbs. 1S10 N.
Com '1.
TOR RENT One or two house keep
ing rooms. 4S2 S. High. Phone 11-1!.
hand. Mis. A. 1!,
all 'around lft rm
I'.rownoll. . Phone
PHONE 20B When you havo wood
awing to be done, all work gun ran
. toed, Jim Rogers. nov24
DO AT! I) With or without room, reas
onable rates. CIO Winter, 4U, blocks
from state house. Phono nov.21
WANTED Men and women to cut
" rags.uiudv at store corner Cheniekela
and Commercial. tf
'FOR RENT New five room bungalow,
modern. Price 10. o'.iS . North litli
St. ' novlS
GET YOLR Trespass ..Notices, now
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nai tf
Fill! SALE Hooker seeder, liYmiuglon
tvp'ewriter, each uearlv new, price
: K. J. Miller. Turner, Or., R. 2. imvl7
STOCK FEED Pumpkins and corn for
sale. Wanted a low slock hogs. Phone
44F22. tf
WANTED To contract -cutting and!
placing of wooil on cars, 2000 cords
cut by' spring. Phone 1JM. nov2n
WANTED Plain sowing, children V
clothing specialty. Mrs. Lnyton.
phrme I l2;i, 42 S. High St. ilovlM
TO TRADE 8 room limine and II lots,
modern improvements, for country
, property. Phone 1010. nec'l
FOR SALE New crop English walnuts
20 cents per lb. and 2nd hand wheel
cheap. Phone 2.".74W. nov2.'i
WANTED All round man wishes po
sition setting up Ninas tuvs or ma
chinery. Add. II. Lnyton, 4S2 S. High,
or phono 1 12;i. nov24
WANTED A :UX0 lb. well matched
young team, Idocky built, sound and
true to pull. II. t'uiiiiiiigliaiii. Phone
21 F2. . nov20
FOR RENT House, barn, 7 acres culti
vated, miles from Salem, $1.1 cash
rent. E. J. Miller, Turner, Oregon,
K. 2. novlT
JACOB YOGT P79 South (.'oniiaenial
street, invites his old friends to call
.in In m when in need or shoe repair
ing. Host of work nt lowest prices.'
dec 10
MONEY TO I.OAX On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical in
struments, tools, guns. etc. Also
bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex
change, 33r Court St. Phone 49.1. nol"
WAXT:i Tennis to haul .' cords .of
oak and fir wood to Marion slntioii
nt once; to trade 2Vt Studcbakcr
wagou for a heavy wagon. W. K.
I'roctiir. Phone i:i22.T. novlS
i0 ACRES For- rent; 1-50 in cultiva
tion, bal. pasture: .LT-a acres peach
es, " acres loganberries, well watered
bv springs, 2 houses. barns. Phone
MF2. nov22
FOR SALE Or trade, team of good
work horses, weight about 2!H)U, 1
chestnut sorrel and 1 bay, " and S
years old, also Royal blooded Poland
, China boar, l'hone "Id. novlS
MONEY LOANED On furniture, hors
es, vehicles, merchandise, etc. Trans
actions private. Possession retained.
T'nion Loan Agency, 2K South High
street. docll
SIDNEY TO LOAN On second lian.l
jewelry, men 's eluthiug, musical in
struments, tools, guns, bii-yi-les etc.
Also bought sold and traded. Capital
Exchange ?.?-7 Court St. Phone 40.1.
CHOICE OoHt meat for sale cheap at
1X30 Ferry street. tf
FINE Young horso to trade for fat
or fresh cow. Call.S7F24, novlS
FOR SALE Milcil cow, 35. A snap.
140 Myers St. no17
FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms,
: bath. C30 If. Liberty. novlT
FOR KENT Housekeeping rooms clean
and well furnished, modern conven
iences, (587 North -Front. novlll
FOK RENT A suite of housekeeping
rooms, well furnished at JbU N. Lib
erty. Inquire at residence. Phone
1040J. ef
able for 2,wUi board, reasonable
, rates bv month, 1- block of post of
fice. 29l! N. Church, l'hono 1013. nol"
WANTED Young lady wishes board
and room, reasonable rates, with pri
vate family. Address I". 0. box 623.
FOR SALE A niee piano slightly used
price $400.00, will sell for $150.0".
KImer O. Smith, 1640 Hall St. Fail
ground road. nor 18
FOR RENT Space in 2 good windows
nt 42( Court, suitable for real estate,
office, transfer office or barber
chair. novlS
FOR SALE Large six year old Jer
sey, with cnlf 8 weeks old, also heif
er 11 months old, all could be regis
tered. Cow is heavy milker and tests
0.0 per cent. Phone 721 or call 70
North Commercial St. Next to Fry's
Drug Store. novl7
Clement, formerly -with the
Wiley B. Allen Piano company in the
Mooso building, Is now located in the
pinno business in the Argo building on
Chemeketa street.
, o '
The citizens of Salem will meet with
the board of the Salem hospital this
evening at a dinner to be -given at the
Morion hotel tor tnp purpose ot (lis
cussing conditions pertaining to the re
moval of the hospital from its present
building-, which has been purchased by
the state.
After working on the robbery of the
Chinese, VA ong Ling, lute Inst night,
Chief Welsh this afternoon snid he was
certain bo had captured the light men
He said ho. will prefer, charges against
the three men. They are Sid SVing, who
vjas taken into custody this morning,
'fid Wong Sing and-Clung Uing.
The funeral of Stephen Vauderwood
Gill, the infant sou of the Rev. and
Mrs. Robert S. tlill, who died suddenly
yesterday morning in Portland, was held
this afternoon at St. Paul's Episcopal
church. The services were conducted by
the Rt. Rev. John D.Riee, of Portland.
1'he child 's birthday was one year ago
today. '
The Hippodrome vaudeville on . Sun
days nt the Bligh will be discontinued
nt tire opera house as Manager Bligh
says that during the past six weeks the
patronage has not been -sufficient to
lustily bringing the entire Hippodrome
bill here. However, nrrnngements have
been made whereby the threo top liners
of the bill will appear every Sunday
at the Kligh beginning next Sunday,
Last summor when the pastor of the
First Congregational church was visit
ing in New Jersey hu-'wns invited to
participate in one of Billy Sunday's
campaigns. Sunday evening Mr, Elviu
will describe li is experiences with Bil
Iv Sunday and the scenes enacted dur
ing the campaign. A bcuutit'vil colored
Biblical 'film portraying the story of
"Saul und David,' will be shown nt
the close of the address.
A public session will be held this ev
ening nt 7:'M o'clock of the Friends
quarterly meeting. There will be n mis
sionary program with appropriate slides
shotting churcli work. Tomorrow morn
ing there will be u public meeting ut
10:.'1U o'clock and -in the uitcrnnnii a
business session. Refreshments will be
served in the basement. For Sunday,
several visiting ministers will be pres
ent. 0
111 the action for $245 damages for
injuries sustained by a fall Irom a lad
der while picking cherries for T. W.
Sleiger, on his farm one mile north of
the lair grounds, July 7, Judge Webster
took the matter under advisement this
afternoon. Mrs. T. J. Robertson brought
the suit under the employer's liability
act of Kill. Sleiger did not subscribe
to the net and tpok chances in having
any or Ins help injured. 1 lie justice a
court was filled with witnesses, most
of whom were women.
Tonight at the opera house, Dan F.
LangMiberg will present Mrs. Marie
Yaughn-Miixwc II in a vocal recital, to
be accompanied by Miss Leoun Weid
nicr. Tbe selections, although mostly
from the classics, will include several
well known numbers, such as "Carry
Me Back to Old Yirginia,' 'and "The
Swallows." The first number is an aria
from "Kignro," by Mozart, and other
selections are from losli, Itolim, llawley
and Arditti. Last winter Mrs. Maxwell
appeared in concert in Portland. There
will be no admission charge.
Prisoners Ask Board
to Hear Their Statement
In order to bring about a better un
derstandiiig lwtween the convicts at
the state peiiitcntiarv and the stati
board of control with a view toward
finding n wav for the betterment ot
prison conditions, n letter from the
prisoners was received by the board of
Implement Makers Form
Trust, But Try to Dodge
the Sherman Law
Chicago, Nov. l'.Furmers face a
heavy increase in the price of . farm
imuleuiouts. threshers-arid tractors, ef-
rective the first of the year. -Tins Do
came practically certain today as a re
sult of annual meeting of the. manufac
turers of tarin machinery.
The svstom of long term payments
will probably bo done away with it
j'was horned, and what nqun.s.to cuBh
...l..AU OH nam nA... Hnurn ID I 1 1 lift it it.
nrices .90 per cent down will bo de
manded.-High crop prices ami tho; new
rural credits system .make it possible
for the farmer to comply with these
changes, delegates said. They cited in
creased cost of materials as the rea
son for the proposed advance.
The delegates went into secret ses
sion. It was learned that most of the
delegates agreed advanced cost of ma
terials made higher prices for farm ma
chinery necessary.
Delegates denied a formal agreement
was mudo or would bo made to increase
prices, savine attorneys for tho com
panies had warned them that this would
violate the Sherman anti-trust law.
Move to Reclaim
Swamp Lands Help Up
In order to find out the exact pro
cedure to take to get . title, from the
I nited States government to the no,
000 acres of aliened swamp land ot
Harnev Lake, the state land board at
a meeting this morning decided to ask
the aid ot the attorney general netorc
granting a permit to C. U. McConncl to
reclaim the lands in question.
The matter of the reclamation was
brought up bv the application oi Mc
Connel for a permit to reclaim under
the Thompson Swamp Land act passed
at the 1M3 session of the legislature.
There is a difference of opinion as t
whether Hie 50,000 acres are really
swamp land as in some seasons of the
year hay can be grown on them while
in others they are covereu wnn water,
This is the first application mnde un
der the swamp land act, and the matter
of title of the state to the land is the
question to be settled. It it is proved
the land is swamp land then the title
is in the state and a permit can be
To decide this qucstiop, it is prob
able that hearing will bo called to take
testimony of the state and government.
This will take considerable time and
is said to be complicated. The matter
is ot great importance as me improve
ment of the lake laud is a big project
and has been under way for several
years. '
It is proposed to drain the land now
aliened to lie swamp land. It is also
proposed to take the .water ot" the river
that loeds tne lae anu niiguie me
country in the vicinity, livis win in
volvo deals with lug cattle owners anu
squatters and wMl require a great tleai
of negotiation.
,1. H. llawley, ex-governor ot iiiano,
the man who prosecuted tne oilmen
u-tli dvnainite men several years ago.
und Harrv Wilson, of Caldwell, Idaho,
manager of the American Nitrate com
pany, were present at the meeting. .
Want $18,000,000
from Film Companies
New- York. Nov. 17. Suits were fill
ed this nftern(oii for damages nggre--iting
1S,000,OUO under the triple dam
ages section of the Sherman anti-trust
law against the Motion Pictures Pat
ents company, the General Film eont
pany and other corporations nnd indi
viduals. The petitioners include a group
o. the so called "independents'' in the
motion picture field.
The- petition filed in the I'nited
States district ;courA charged illegal
restraint of trade and commerce in the
distribution and exhibition of motion
picture films.
Among the independents who are
plaintiffs to the suit, and the amounts
of damages asked are:
Miles Hi-others. Inc., 2,32."i.(lo0; Chi
cago Film exchange, $1,004,S74; Ocorgo4
Melies companv itiiiiis.iinu; r.ugene rvieiu
.tiir,o.liOO; Colorado Film Exchange,
r)HO.O0O: Standard Film Exchange,
24 7,.-.00 ; Samuel Schiller, 119,000.
Charge Liauor Firm
With Illegal Sales
Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 1". Edward J,
Murgett, former Seattle patrolman, was
arrested tor conspiracy uy recieiai au
thorities toilav who charged that Mar
,.ft ctmiiicl honor illcuallv into the
state. II. ('. Hunt, president of the
Jesse Moore Hunt company, anil the
Jesse Mooro Hunt company itself, ot
San Francisco, were charged with the
same offense. Letters seized by the po
lice when Murgett was arrested several
weeks ago on another charge of illegal
liiiuor dealings, are alleged to nave le
vealed a plor to snip inpmr
into the
state by the liquor company.
Bomb Plot Trials to
Ci i n.JL-
Jiail filler UIIIMUIdy
San Francisco, Nov. 17. Christmas
holidays today caused another delay in
the bomb nlot trials. Attorney Maxwell
MVNntt, representing Thomas Mooney j j,ave reported and tho checking up of
and others accused of complicity in j four l'lumns, Colusa, Alpine and Mon
preparedness parade outrage, a8kl!'' , terey has been completed. No change
Judge (iriffin tor a continuance until i
control yesterday, asking the board to
visit the penitentiary in a body.
The letter states. that there has been
much discussion during the past twenty
four hours among the prisoners regard
ing the methods now in ijgiic as well
as to the prospects for future develop
ments. In order to acquaint' the board
more intimately with the conditions the
inmates ask a visit and a meeting in
which they can present their side.
Men from amoiig the inmates will be
selected to make known to the board
The following prices for f raits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, aid
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Correction! are made
Buttcrfat and creamery . butter arc
climbing the hill to higher prices today,
for which it-is said the weather is part
ly responsible. Anyhow, regardless of
who or what is to blame, today's prices
are 40 cents for bntterfat and 41 cents
for creamery butter. Country butter
is quoted at from 28 to 33 cents.
The feed market is also doing a lit
tle climbing as-60 cents' a ton has been
tacked on to, both, bran and shorts.
Vx ami.
Oats, new
.. $40.00
... $27.50
... $30.00
Boiled barley ...
Shorts, per ton
Hay, clover . . . .
Hay, cheat
Hay, vetch
Hay, timothy . . .
. Butter,
Bntterfat 40c
Creamery butter, per pound 41c
Country 'butter 28fa;32c
Eggs ana Poultry.
Eggs, ease count, cash 40c
Kggs, trade .' , 42c
Hens, pound 13ttl4c
Boosters, old, per pound 9c
Broilers, under 2 pounds -14c
Turkeys, live 19(g21c
Turkeys, dressed 2324c
Ducks, live .... Ufa 13c
Geese, live '. 010c
Pork, Veal and Mutton. '
Pork, drtessed 12 l-213c
Pork, on loot 8 l-29c
Spring lambs, 1916 7V47MrC
Veal, according to quality iuc
Steers B
Cowa 3 l-i!(a4
Bulls ....
Wethers .
I l-2i
Figs and Dates
Pigs, 70 four oz.
Figs, 36 12-oz
Figs, 12 10-oz. :
Black figs
White figs
, $2.60
... 90c
... 9c
, . 10c
.. 3.75
Dromedary dates
Tomntoes '. ... $1.25
Cabbag 40t
String garlic 10(S12 l-2c
Potatoes, sweot 2 3-4c
Potatoes, per 100 : pound9....$1.20a 1.25
Green onions
Green peppers
Carrots, dozen ,
Lettuce, local
Lettuce, California,-crate
Egg plunt
.. 7c
, 40
.. $1
. 40c
... 7c
. 75c
Grapes l-75
Apple 50c$1.00
Oranges, Valencies $5.25
Lemons, per box $.00(6.50
Bananas, pound '
California grape fruln $4.00
Florida grape fruit ti.-r)0
Pineapples B
Honey t3JS0
$10.00(& 12.00
Retail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch
Sugar, cane ,
sugar, beet
... Mc
. 45c
Creamery butter .......
Flour, hard wheat
Flour, valley
Portland, Or.. Nov. 17.
Wheat, club $1.34
Red liussian $1.51
Fortvfold $1.54
Hluostcm $1.)0
Oats, No. 1 white feed $:I5.75
llarlev, feed $:IH
Hogs, best live $!t.Hll(fi 9.115
Prime steers $"(.. 7.10
Fancy cows $5.25(a 5.33
Calves $7
Spring lambs $K."3(n 0
Mutter, city creamery 40c
Eggs, selected local ex. 30c
Hens 15c
llroilers Hi(S I7c
lieeso 1 lc
January 3.
"If the cases are started on Decem
ber 3, as planned, it will mean many
delays during the holiday scnsiii," Mc
Nutt declared.
delays during the holiday season,'.' Mc
tested but later withdrew the protest
and the continuance was granted.
orrDlorv n( Cffo
, ubbi viui j ui uiuiv
Checking Returns
Pac.rumento, Cnl., Nov. 17. Ed Moore
ami Thomas J. Walsh of the dem
ocratic state central committee, canio
from San Francisco to Sacramento to
day to watch the secretary of state's
tabulation of presidential election fig
.ma Tlin ru mi 1,1 i ,.a ti u aHiial .Inril'in
Ini'y will also have representatives on
hand. The secretary -had invited the
committees to Bend representatives.
The checking up of figures as se.nt in
by county boardB of supervisors began
in e.lruPMt.
today, lwentv counties
from tho vote us canvassed by county
boards has been found in these four
Jordan announces that an additional
force will be hired in addition the reg
ular day force in-order that all returns
may be checked up by November 30,
the "final date set forth in the state
Mill feed is traveling upward in price
ana commission. uin Buy inv imhiiitb ui v
good for some additional traveling on
the same upward line. Shorts now re -
Classified Business
: Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Balem Elestrit Co., Maaonii Temple, 127 North High Mtia 1M
T. L Ban, 104 South Commercial street Mala It
Salem Truek h Dray Go- aorner Htste ana front ttreeti Mala t
No. 18 Oregon Express ....
No. 24 Coos Bay . . .'
No. 28 Willamette Limited .
No. 12 Shasta Limited
No. 18 Portland Passenger .
. ,S :E5 a. m.
. .8 :52p. m.
. . 9 :22 a. m.
.11 :oa a. m.
. . 1 .35 p. m.
. T :55 p. m.
12 .01 a. m.
10 :20 a. m.
.11:08 a m.
. .8 :82 a. m.
No. 14 Portland Express ...
No. 222 Portland fast Krelabt
No. 220 Local way Freight...
No. ISLCntlfornta Express ..
No. 17 Ashland t'assengcr. .
Hn 2.1 ITonfl Huv
.10:01 a. m.
No. 10 Cottage Grove Pass. ..4:18p.m.
AlnKes connection wua n. i ueer
No. 11 Shasta Limited .......6:43p.m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited ...8:20p.m.
No. 13 Hun Kranclsco Express 1U :03 p.m.
No. 221 Saa u raucisco ast
Freight J?4--
No. 220 Local way Freight. . . . 11 :40 a m.
Balbu-Gbbb Linb.
No. 78 Arrive at Salem 9 :1S a m.
No. 78 Leaves Buiem-. . . . . ..
No. 7B Ar. Salem (mixed) ....2:OOp.m.
No. 74 Leavo Balem 3 :05 p. m.
No connectlw south of Geer.
Salhm, Palls Citi and Wbstbbm
No. 101 Lt. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m.
No, 183 Lv. Salem, motor 9:45 a.m.
No. 185 Lv. Balem for Monmouth
and Airlle 1 MO p.m.
No. 187 Lv. Salem, motor 4:O0p.m.
No. 100 I,v. Salem, motor 8:16 p.m.
No.2:t Wy Fr't It. Salem... .5 :00 a m.
No. 182 Ar. Salem ,f:?2'
No. 184 Ar. Salem U:2a m-
No. 1U Ar. Salem 8 :18 p. m.
No. 188 Ar. Sulom 2:??p m-
M i?n A r anlni 7 :45 p- m.
No! 240 Way Frt ar Salm.... 2:30 p.m.
' Oi't'ffim City TmHKporlallon Company
. i .A u..i..m tr. Pttrtlnnil Monday.
,,-i....i., Kriilnv at 11 a. m. : and
Tuesday. Thursday and Sutnrdiiy mmnings
at 8 a. m. ForCoivullls the bouts leave
Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Baturdnj
m..rniniw at 8 o'clock. Boats leave Port
land for Salem ut 0 :45 each morning.
WHite Slave Witness
Thrown From Window
Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 17. Secret -ser
vice nrents today started investigation
of the case of lioillie Howard, govern?!
mf nt white slavewituess,. who was ,
thrown from the third story of the Eu
rope hotel here, and found unconscious
on tho sidewalk nt 1 o'clock this morn
ing. Tho girl, 24 years of age, is in
the city hospital with possible internal
in juries. It is believed, however, she
will live. She was able to talk o se
cret service men.
"I went to sleep on the bed,'1 she
snid, "and the next thing I knew was
that I was lying ou the sidewalk. I
don't think I had n nightmare and
jumped out of the window."
I'nited Suites District Attorney Clay
Allen said today the girl was brought
here from San Francisco, October 27, to
testify before the federal grand jury at
Tacoma in the ease against Mr. und
Mrs. Tex Vernon, of Aberdeen, in whose
house the girl formerly lived.
tail at $1.25 a sack nnd bran at Ha cents
a sack. According to thu same author
ity, un ordinary working horse should
be satisfied with u menu that will fig
ure up about $10 a month.
Letter Is Proof That
Some of Them Go Crazy
Chief Welsh has received a letter
from a former Salem boy, Harry Me-
ltride, who is now a bugler in Com
puny C, .Ninth tinted rstates ininiirry,
and stationed at Laredo, Texas, saying
that he is camped 75 yards from the
Mexican line and that he can sec tho
Mexican soldiers across the Rio
OraudV, which is as muddy as when
Kin Van Winkle went to sleep. He
snvs the duvs are hot and the nights
Mnnv of the men he savs go crazy,
One mini looked down the barrel of his
rifle to see whether it was loaded and
pulled the trigger. He found it was
loaded. Another set fire to a gasoline
tuuk to see whether it was empty; it
was not. A envalryman called up his
colonel and said he was going to shoot
four of his friends. Mis colonel de
niuiidffl his name and he hung up the
telephone, went mt and shot four com
rades. Two are on marble slabs uud
two in the hospital, he snys.
The letter was sent to the chief
along with a one-peso bill of Mexican
money. He says he was not personally
acquainted with the writer, who says
ho wrote at the request of other boys
formerly of Sulein.
Why tho Journal is popular
It prints the world's news to
day while it's news.
ourWant Ads-Thcy wnlbnnft
yqv. results nomatterwrtf
i - f v r- - .
JOtjir VV&HX TTlSiy D
nr k
noiitu boond
Lt. Ralem Train No. Ar. Portlau
4 :35 a m 2 Owl 0 :65 a a
7 :16 a. m, 8 9:26 a a
9:40 a. m 10 Lknlted. .. .11 :88 a n
11 :20u. m 12. 11 :88 p.
1 :60 p. m 14-1. 4 :00 p.
4:00 p.m. .... 16 Limited ... 5:60 p. D
5 :0 p. m 20 7 :40 p. n
7:66 p. m. 22 10 .-00 p. B)
Lt. Portland
8 :80 a. m. Balem 8 :8B Eofn 10 :SB a B
8 :80 a. m.
S Limited
10:11 an
10 :48 a. m.
7 ....
9 ....
13 Limited
..12:66 p. nt
.. 4:16 p. n
. . 6 :40 p. a
2 :0S p. m.
4 :40 p. m.
6 :0t p. m.
9 :20 d. m.
.. 17 Local
o :io p. d)
19 11:20d,
11 :46 p. m.
... 21 Owl l:56p.B
Ar. Balm
20 6 :80 p. a
Ar. Sales
. 10 Limited .... :46an
, . 18 Limited ... 4:00 p. a
22 7 :65 p. m
... 2 Owl 4:36am
Ar. Bngeo.
...21 Owl 8:50 an
.. 6 Limited ....12:28pn
Ar. Alban)
...... T 1 -.60 n. n
Lt Corral I Is
4 :10 d. m. .
Lt. Rugene.
7 :30 a m. ,
1 :D5 p. m. .
5 :25 p. ru. .
12 :05 p. m. .
Lt. Ralem.
1 :65 a m. .
10:15 a.m. ,
Lt. Salem
12 :5S p. m. ,
Stops at Corrallli
Ar. Alban;
Lt. Salem.
4 -.16 p. m. .
9 5:10 p. ib
Ar. Albaa:
.. T :38 a. a
Ar. Bogea-
13 8:60d.b
Lt. Salem.
8 :4u p. m.
CUHVA1.1.1H cuNnicTiun
Lt. CorTallla
Ar.' Balm
8 :25 a m.
10 ....
14 ....
18 ....
20 ....
22 ....
0 .....
, IS ....
... 9:45aa
... 1:46 p. a
12:12 p. m.
2:41 p. m.
4 :10p. m.
6 :18 p. m.
Lt. Salem.
10:15 a ra.
4 :1R p. m.
12 :65 p. m.
8 :40 p. m.
... 4 -.80 p. a.
, .. o:mp.
... 7:50 p.
Ar. Csrrallb
...11:33 a
... 2:zup.
... R-nno-B
their wishes relative to the futuro con
duct. They also wish to discuss modern
penology with a view of bringing about
a more satisfactory condition ot otti-
eers and men. The letter is signed by
Harrv E. I.ovell, W. E. Howelt and J.
L. Dauly.
Write for free booklet
Send sketch and description or
model, mentioning this paper,
for thorough FRF,R Bcarch for
311 Victor Bldg..
Washington, D. C. Kot.11
FOH SALE E choice Jersey and Dur
ham cows, just fresh. 71j S. 12th over
guruge. novl7
ItHftulnr conclave fourtk Friday to aci
month at 8 o'clock p. m., lu Masonli
Temple. HoJournlng Hlr Kulghts an
courteously Invited to meet with us
Lot L. l'earce, B. C, Frank Turner
MonrcitN vroomiRN of amicrita ors
(ron Cedar Camp. No. 624(1, meets every
Tliunulny nTenlujr at 8 o'clock In Mc
Cornack hull, corner Court and Liberty
streets. EtcTntoi service. Geo. ltetnom
V. C. J. A. Wrlgtar. Clerk.
Friday night at 8 o'clock In Mc('rncl
block. A. J. Mwelnlnk, C C; L. B. User
clerk, S07 Court Btreet l'hone DOS.
SAI.1CM LOIK1IS . A. F. Ic A. M.
Nlated communications drat Ktldny Is
each mouth nt 7 p. m. In tbs Muaonk
Temple, ciiii aicLaner, w. . ; h. a.
Belver, secretlwy.
'JNITKD ARTTBANB Capital Assembly
No. M, meets every Wedoesilay at 8 p. m
In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock. M. A. I
C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Druf
storo, 338 Stato stroet.
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge N.
Meets every Monday evening at 8 la tlx
McCornaek ball ooiner Court and Liberty
streets, A. K Aufrance, M. V. ; B. A
McPsdilen, recorder ; A. L. urown
financier : R. B. Duncan, treasurer.
CENTRAL I.ODfIR, No. 18. K. of P. Me
I'ornnck bnllilinir. Tumday eTning ot
each week at 7 '.'10. C. K. Harbour, C C. ;
W, II. Ullson, K. of It. and B.
R. N. of A "Oregon Grape Camp," No
1.1(10, meets CTcrjr Thursday evening Is
McCornaek building. Conrt and Liberty
streets: elevator. Mrs. BylTls Bchaupp
1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa l'er
sons, recorder, 1280 North Commercial
I'hooe 14.10 M.
president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson, secretarw
All cases of cruelty or neglect of duml
animals should be reported te th
tecretury fur loTestlgatlon.
tateil asM'mbly first Monday In ecl
month, Masonic Temple. N. I'. Rasmus
sen, Thrice Illustrious Master; Uleno C
Nllea, recerder.
SALKM COITNCIL NO. 2822 Knights an
lAiHe ot tiocurlty Meets every 2nt ans
4ili Wmlneailur enrh month st Hurst
Hull. Visiting members are Invited te
sttenr). K. F. Walten, financier, 480
14th Btreet
Btated communications third Friday
In each month at 7 :itO p. ra. In tht
Maioulc Temple, rial V. Boiam, W. M. 1
Kiurat 11. Choate, secretary.
corner Commercial and Trade, street
-For water service apply .at office.
Bill payable monthly In advanee.
SHOE BEPAIBING Old shoes made
like new. AH leather used in repair
ing. Fair prices to all. Modern Shoe
Bepair Co., 464 Court St. Salem. no28
CIDER By the barrol or in any quart-
N tity at lOo a gallon at the mill, cus
tom work at 2c a gallon. Commercial
Cider works. Phone 2194. 1010 N.
Conimercial St. - nov28
(Hrugless) Inc. 428 Hubbard Bldg,
Balem. All drugless methods taught.
Flora A. Brewster, M. 0., Dean. Pri
vate patients 1 to 5 p. m. Examina
tion free.
OREGON Wholesale and Retail Hide
and Metal company. Highest easi
price paid for hides, pelts, rags, need
machinory and junk of all kinds. A
good stump puller for sale. 197 South
Commorcial. Phone 399. nov27 -
Money to Loan
ON Good Seal Estate Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Balem, Oregon.
ONEY TO LOAN- I have made su
rangements - for loaning easter
money, will make very low rata of
- Interest on highly improved farms.
3omer H. Smith, room 9 McCornaek
Ride.. Balem, Ore.. Phone 96.
iHSBBV urrr wood saw w b
and pay taxes in ealem. Let nalea
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
iioo it. tut. t. L. Keister, Wx
CHAS. B. HODGKIN General 'Insur
ance, Surety Bonds, real estate and
rentals. Hubbard Bldg. Phone 386. tf
' A. M, Clongh morticians and fnnerat
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
99 Court t. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
Co., 220 N. Liberty
Phone 263. A com
plete line of Eleetris
Supplies and fixtures
FOR RENT 40 acres, all in cultivation
with buildings somo orchard, close
to school. Square Deal Realty On.,
202 U. 8. Bank bldg. .
standardised dancing class, followed
by social dancing Friday evenings.
Folk dancing aad private lessons Bnt
.urday afternoons. Instructed by Pris
cilia Fleming. l'hone 9ii. .neell
from all points, east, on all honshold
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City ffranafef
Company, agents for Pacifie Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Com
mercial street. Phone Muin 933.
terman, Prop. Chcmekota stroct be
tween Com. and Liberty, tolophone
900. Absolutely clean, thoroughly
homelike, strictly modern. There are
larger hotels in Hnlora, but no better.
Bates from 50o a day to $1.50. 8pe
eial mtes by week or month, deed
50 yoars experience.
Dopot National and American fence
Sizes 20 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varniBh, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Balum Fonee and Stove Works, 250
8t. Phone 1154.
DR8. B. n. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians an
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronio disease.
Consultation free. Lady attendant
Office 605-G06 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 3
North Capital street. Phone 4
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly eontiacti
at reasonable ratos. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone .Mai
8247. Residence Msln 2272.
OR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate ot Chiro
practic's Fountain Uead, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no rolief, try ChiroBiao
tic spinal adjustments and get welL
Office 406-7-8 V. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence.
Main 828-R.
Has medicine which will (ON
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m.
wstil 8:00 p. m.
183 South High 8tret
i, Oregon. noue S3a