Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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j Go Home Turkey Day
Thursday, Nov. 30th
Bargains in Furniture
The annual opportunity to visit the folks at X
home. The cost is low. Go on Wednesday X
or Thursday. You can stay until Monday
&Mf' t fa I -frll
WtylftS " - $i l 'St.
i P wj (
I Buy Now and Save Money
75.00 61-ln. top, quarter sawed oak $48.62
$60.00 Quarter Sawed Oak $43.01
$65.00 Jacobean Oak $43.78
$165 WllUam and Mary Period Buffet $116.00
$15- Quarter Sawed Oak $35.99
$35.00 Quarter Sawed Oak :. $26.94
$25.00 Quarter Sawed Oak $19.68
$17.00 Solid Oak $12.48
$21.60 Solid Oak $14.68
$30.00 Quarter Sawed $23.56
$50.00 Colonial design, quarter sawed $33.50
$5.25 Mission Oak $1.99
$2.50 Mission Oak $1.48
$1.50 Mahogany r 99c
$1.50 Brass 99c
$1.50 White Enamel 94c
$1.50 Happy Day Polish Mop 98c
50c Bottlo Nulac Polish 29c
$4.50 valuo 3.20
$25.00 Quarter Sawed Oak $19.82
$17.50 Quartered Oak $13.76
$10.50 Quartered Oak $11.88
$35.00 Quartered Oak, slightly used $15.98
$3.00 Royal Oak $1.99
$5.50 Solid Oak $2.98
$6.50 Boston-Rocker ....;.... $4.29
$8.50 Quarter Sawed r. f. $5.99
$9.50 Quarter Sawed $6.99
$12.50 Quarter Sawed, Spanish leather cushion $8.91
$15.50 Quarter Sawed, leather seat and back .... $11.99
$17,50 Leather Scat $10.99
$35.00 Genuine Spanish Leather Rocker ....... $19.90
$30.00 Solid Oak - $18.66
$27.50 Quartor Sawed $ 7.68
$25.00 Full Quarter Sawed $16.86
$55.00 Quarter Sawed, plank top, 54 in $39.71
$6.00 Ooldeu Fir . : $4.98
Hundreds of Other Bargains j
Don't Miss
This Sale!
LAILHIU 111 ttll Ul
rnnceion is ricnen 10 win
From Yale in Tomorrow's
By II. 0. Hamilton. j
(I'nilod Press stuff correspondent.)
New York, Nov. 17. Knur foutluill I
trans, foil "ii raw nu'iil and pow- j
dor, lire taking Ihi'ir lust lessons to-;
liny in tho well known lilt of commit i
tin niiiyhiMii iniil (jcttinc it ly the rei-j
ii i'i'. Yale's IiIiic chid warriors will j
make h New York hotel tint scone of
1 h i-i r slumbers tonight ns they pause j
mi their journey into the juuiilcs of
Princeton for M liout with the Tigers
11 r ' ninnriot,'!'- narvnio is nil piunou
for ii moctiiir with a oorttim cloven
from Providence, called Brown, but
which in reality is admitted to lie a
simile darker Hum that color.
In Npiln of tln fact tliat Princeton is
a ruling favorite ncuinst the blue n ml
Hint llrown .3imt into promincuco by
boating Yale, it will not bo tho proper
tliiiiK to overlook Ynlo iiml Harvard.
Percy IfauHhton, in fact, is so cocksure
Hint his toiini is go'ino; to manhandle
1'ollnril, tho negro hnltback, iiml the
rest of Hie Hrokn loam that lio Iiiin civ
en it out in utter disregard of reconls,
that n second string Harvard eleven is
KoiiiH to be jjivon the task of putting
the Crimson through.
l'eiuiHylvnniu and Michigan, rivals for
seasons back, nre nlso going into tho
bono crushing business tomorrow.
If Rule Is Adopted Way Will
Be Paved forTliree
Cornered Series
William La Trasse.
William La Trasse has been conceded generally to be Kansas' most
noted outlaw. About thirty-two years old, for fifteen years his name has
been connected with the annals of Kansas crime. About November 15 last
he escaped from the Kansas state penitentiary, since which time the police
of the country have been searching for him. He is believed to have taken
part in a spectacular daylight robbery in Chicago !ast month.
(Continued from page one.) . (Continued from page one.)
(luerney, in the wheel!. '"use, is believed
to have been crushed to ck 'h.
The four .sailors who went down with
noriu on the basis of official returns to
the I'nitod l'ress from all but three of
the 5S counties in tho state, aud esti-
Giiernoy, were all below decks, trapped i mutea of Hughes' probable gain in the
like rats. Thev nre Knineer William
A. t'nlon; Kdwnnl Stone, fireman; Kit
gone Dusnnt, deck hand, and Clarence
Davison, cook-
Captain Hitch of the Knstern For
warding company which owns the
Deutschland was aboard the Scott, Jr.,
other three.
At noon today nil counties except Ala
meda, Los Angeles Slid San Francisco
had completed their official count. I'ni
ted l'ress tabulation of the returns of
."5 counties gave Hughes a total o'i 212,-
Wi and Wilson L'29,3.14- Tliis is a lead
mil n. thrnu-n'intn II,., ivofr S,.'i Inr'J I f"" Wilson of KI.H37.
from the DeutHchland leaped overboard I I" Hie unofficial returns Hughes'
and dragged him on the submersible. Ho I plurality in Alameda county was 7,714
was nearlv dead from shock and cold
Returned Under Own Steam.
The tug Cassie's men helped in the
rescue of other members of the Scott's
erew and steamed back with the
Ue ut sell land.
Minco the Deutschland came back here
under her own steam, it is not believed
she sustained any serious damage. Hur
ried examination led Knstern Forward
ing company officials to believe she
would bo ready for sea again in a few
days ut most.
As the big boat put out rumors again
were revived regarding a possible fight-'
ing submarine escort for her. y
Tho fact that the boat's departure
nd in Los Angeles county 21,333.
while Wilson carried San Francisco
county by 1H,04. This gives HiiRhes a
lead in the three counties of 12,i53.
Deducting this from Wilson's lend in
the other 55 counties, Wilson is shown
to be leading by 3,984.
It was estimated today that Humes'
net gain in Alameda, San Francisco
and Los Angeles counties will total
about 230 when the official returns
there are completed. This would leave
Wilson's lend in the state 3,754.
Is Safe for Democrats.
Albuquerque, X. M., Xov. 17. Kleven
of the 2'i counties in New Slexico have
officially canvassed the vote taken on
nmiplirml ii hnva Kuan en1u,ilv AanXAnA
upon lea to belief that t.aptani Koenig: ' ' . ,
had received word that the mooted sub- 0t ,he!,e counties eight are republican
marine cruiser had appeared off thel"111' ,hree democratic, which causes the
coast aifll was awaiting the merchant- I'c'urns canvassed so far to show plural
man. "'cs 'for all the republican candidates,
Several thousand gallons of oil' were I though in some instances the pluralities
put aboard early last night. It had been nrn reduced from those shown on the
umiiiii iui leiurns. wi tne 1 euiHlllin. lil
counties yet to report officially nine are
known to have given substantial demo
cratic pluralities, three aro known to
have gone republican and in three the
vote was close.
I'resideut Wilson's plurality in the
state, based on the known returns, wtll
Low Round Trip Fares
between all stations in ,
Oregon and California
on Southern Pacific Lines.
On Sale
Return Limit Dec. 4 th.
Local agent will give all information re
garding fares, train service, etc.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agt., t
Portland, Oregon
New York, Nov? 17. A $IV
000,000 deal to boom shipbuild
ing involving the American In
ternational Corporation and the
National City ISank ' new for
eign trnde concerns in conjunc
tion with the International Mer
cantile Marine company, -was.
announced today. Negotiations
have been concluded for pur
chase by the corporations mim
ed of the New York Shipbuild
ing company of Camden, N. J.,
The two chief objects nre ex
pansion of the Pacific Mail
Steamship company's trade fa
cilities and enlarging of the
American line, which is controll
ed by International- Mercantile
New Orleans, La,, Nov. 17. The
Your Stomach Bad!
MAYR'S Wondorrul Remedy and B
Convinced That You Can Be
Restored to Health.
jtaoudtKeiuty 0s" rL I !
f lor Silt Here .n,.. J&jSdjr
Ifayr'i Wonderful Remedy has been
taken by many thousands of people
throughout the land. It has brought
health and hnnpiness to sufferers who
i i .i .... i .... .i ........ i
and who aio urging others who
jiiiiv bo suffering with Stomach, Liver
and Intestimil Ailment's to try it. Out
dose will eonvinco the most skentienl
sufferer. It nets on the source una!
fonndntlon of. lueo ailments, rcinov '
ing' too poisonous cnlorih and Ink
accretions, and nlltning the underly
ing chronic iuf lamination. Try out
doso of Mnyr's Wonderful Kcutcdy
put it to a test today you' will bt
overjoyed with your quick recovery.
Seud for booklet on Stomach All
mmits to Oeo. II. Mnvr, Mfg. Chemist,
K.l 150 Whiting Chicago,- III.
For sale by J. C. Perry and nil other
reliable druggists,
J. C. Ferry, 113 South Commercial.
Dope on Const Game.
lleikoley, Oil., Nov. 17. With !i!
Dobie's huskies from the I'nivorsily of
Washington prancing around California
field in practice today California uni
versity students have a now watchword
regarding tomorrow's game. It is:
"We've got a chance." .
Considering the 72 to 0 annihilation
the Wnsliingtouiiins gave the willing,
but woefully inexperienced California
varsity last year, ninny of tlte students
are gleeful to think 'that Washington
cannot defeat the niby near so lopsided
a score. Hut others ind their inline is
legion doped out that California can
Dope is largely based on the I'niver
sity of Oregon's victory over California,
nud its scoreless tie u ith .Washington.
As California has considered the Wash
ington game us the only important one
of the season, nil efforts have been to
turn out a team to meet. Washington,
and the gamo with Oregon was regarded
only ns n menus of getting experience.
Since the Oregon game, the coaches are
said to have worked miracles with Cali
fornia's football mntitfinl, and thev be
liovo their present eleven can bent Ore
gon which tied Washington.
Kven Conch Dobie of Washington, al
though he ha not prepared a platter
on which to tender his team's goat to
California admits there is a possibility
or a uililoriiia victory, and Captain
Songrave and his teuuiinntes do not re
gard their opponents lightly. While
these lads expect to win, they call in
tention to- the wonderful comeback
staged by California at fSeattlo, a few
week after the 7i-0 slaughter, when
CiiHfornia nearly defeated Washington.
With excellent couching this year, they
argue, California has a still better
was great interest ninong both men to
dav in the notion of the minor league
board in adopting a resolution which
would abolish the drafting rule. The
resolution would stop drafting from the
American association, I iiternatioiinl lea
gue nd the 1'acilV (.'oast league.
The resolution was adopted after a
secret conference between club owners
and presidents of the "bid throe" and
j provides that, each shall appoint n coin
jinittee to represent them ut meetings
jof the American and Natinuul leagues
to urge the dropping of the draft. It
iwns the general belief here today that
jtho adoption of the resolution by the
major leagues would bo a big stop to
I waul making minor league baseball
more profitable.
Should the move be adopted by the
ninjors the three imnoi in question
will be elected to the rank of major
leagues and In this move pave,s the way
It'or u throe cunored world's ehainpioii
jship series. It has boon suggested that
jtho American association, the Interna
tioual and tho l'ueifie ' Const league
play an elimination scries nt the end of
I their season and the w inner then meet
itho victor of the American mid Nation
al league series.
! Players Make Demands
jiiv York, fli- 17. Ttiuf tl,., lo.urt.
ball Players l'raternity is going after
til., iln,1,U1lilj ,1- n.li.l.h mi, 1... ... I ......
'goes a few days ago was indicated bv
111..,-., l..li 1.... .1... ...... :...
k run is ociieveii 10 ne ready io asa '
'ail meniKora ot the trutcrmty to back
inp tho'demands with a strike if neces
sary. The demands were refused when
j presented to the minor leagues at New
iM..l......u 'el...... f -c .i :..
,',ii,im, tuv.i- nrir luiltui llloni, 111 j
eluding the stipulation that any player
. i i " , fuutiui mi ue urn-
missed and deprived of his salary while
brought in a hurry from Pnlmer, Mass.,
by special train.
Eastern Forwarding company .offic
ials refused to treat seriously appre
hensions of a man, dressed as a laborer,
who attempted to board the Deutsch
land yesterday. The man carried a small
package of black powder in bulk. Cap
tain KoOlliir insisted the man lie i-e. I
leased, saying he was probably only a i mated now-.
Indications are that the official re
turns when completed wilt show safe
pluralities for Jones, democrat, for sen
ator; Walton, democrat, for conei-ess.
Uiiblin, Nov. 17. Irish' railway loco- j "" I'oHuca, democrat, for governor.
motive engineers and firemen, in con-I
feienee at Thurlos today determined to Hughes' Lead Increases,
strike within throe weeks unless given! 1a"' M'un.. Nov. J7 Official re
the same war- bonus us their follow j count of Hennepin county (Minnonp
workers in Kngland. The bonus is ten I olis, figures today slightly increased
shiljings weekly. Hughes' load in Minnesota upon the
r-.--t-. - -i. -,. t, v, . . fm.(, f United Press figures. Hughes'
ho is recuperating. ; was this afternoon leading bv 4K0.
I!ig league hex-ball magnates have i Hughes' vote was 17M.541; Wilson's
declared they will not submit to such na I 1 711,01'. 1. None of the three precincts
agreement. " missing yesterday have reported.
Stocks Generally Make,
for Increased Prices
New York, Nov. 17. The New York
Kvcning Sun financial review today
Vigorous buying from the western
wire houses, covering by the short in
terests and pool activity combined in to
day's stock market to push materially
higher tho general level of industrial
prices, under the leadership of steel aud
copper issues. !
From tho opening of tho-market the
steel and copper groups took the lend
and most of the issues advanced to new
high record prices. Trading in the first
hour was active in the extreme but there
wns a period of relative calm in the
second hour, when a new wave of buy
ing set in at midday that carried indus
trial prices to still higher levels. Uni
ted States Steel advanced well nhove
125 and there wns especial strength in
Ciulf States, Bethlehem preferred, Lack
awanna and Republic. In the copper list
(-Anaconda crossed 103, Kennecott sold
above Ul and Inspiration and Chiuo
went through VI.
Tho equipment and specialty issues
wore generally strong.
Tho market continued strong in the
late session, though prices ruled u shade
Notice is hereby given that wc, tho
undersigned resident, tax pnyers, rep
resenting ten per cent of tho resilient
tax payers in road district no 27l-j,
Marion county, Oregon, hereby give no
tice to the tax payers of said district,
that there will be a meeting of tho resi
dent tax payers of said district, ut
Sunnyside school house, in said district,
at '2, o'clock p. ni., on the l!7th day of
November, lillli, to vote all additional
tax fpr road purposes, ns provided by
an net of the legislature of 1913.
Signed, I). S. Pearson, C. Wiulielman,
W. T. Davidson, C. Tucker, S. Ncwby,
R. J. Morgali, J. Nounsclinander.
Nov. 17S0 -24-L'7.
lower than the high levels established at
midday. United States Steel was an ex
ception, advansing to 120 7-8, only J-S
below its recent record price. Bor.ds
were strong and active.
St. Paul, Minn.. Nov. 17. Northern
Pacific employes drawing less than
$-0(1 a month will get .") to $10 more,
starting next month, the road officials
voluntarily announced today. Tho high
cost of living employes must combnt
was assigned.
mM$ Beat it
with, a
Keeps cut all the wet
Waterproofs, Ss
are Marked thus 'cwbbmw
- "THAT LITTLE GAME" -Winner's Luck .
Ex Presidents Win Play.
Princeton, N. .1., Nov. 17 Two sous
of ex-presidents, Charles Tuft aud Rich
nrd Cleveland, will be on opposing
football teams tomorrow when Prince
ton and Yale clash at Palmer stndiuui.
Tafi is a tackle and a Yale regular.
Clcvelsud b n backfield man, but owing
to poor Condition has done little rhis
year 'for Princeton.
A very sentitive telephone transmit
ter that works well over lung distances
is so thoroughly waterproof that it is
ei'iu i. at even though submerged in wa
ter. '
rigbgyj-i-AV TfHBY.LAr 0FFA . ' - - "- --T
PUVIWWJ FEl-AS. AFTER NepmaT- HA VV- entertain TFoNn Y ASA 1 pvpovtuim. -
EWIWp'- 80OT6 ThE jfREALFuNiy - domake'It, TTt FonERAu , whatS u. yagoT6
Fl-Utitt PoT- 1 a I neM- funny- yMjMiTr) ( the joke? i n uouie -
?J I Ul ro J i i J LAUGH EVERY Tl V iTSfXUTHIN yrJ , v i
PfNl MtV DAvV I HOOK TIME YOU PEAT Xi2 1 f A i- . I ll 1 -J
i n nVopTHTlNsp-,R4 JL 7- (