ditorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHARLES H FI8HEB, Editor and Manager. FRIDAY KVF.MXG, November 1", I01U. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 8. BARNES, CU.W3. II. FISHKK, President. Vice-President. DORA C. AXDKF.SEN, Bee. and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Daily by carrier, per year Daily by muil, per year . . .$5.00 . 3.00 Per month 45c Per month 35c FULL LEASED WIUK TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tril Chicago, W. II. Btockwcll, People's tins Build Tribune Building ing The Capital Journal currier boys uro instructed to put tlio paper on fhd norch If the carrier dues not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the liner to you on time, kindlv puone tlio circulation manager, as tins is the only ay we cna determine whether or not the curriers aro following instructions. Jhone Maiu 81 before ":.'!0 o'clock and a paper willNbe sent you by special messenger if the carrier hns miBsed yon. THE DISSIPATED MILK COWS Just when Oregon was congratulating itself that the worst was not yet to come, and that the liquor question v.-as definitely settled, comes another and decidedly new feature of the matter. So far as mere man is concerned the state is dry as Joe Miller's jest book or a campaign speech, the average one; but with the dumb beasts that are supposed to know better than to tackle the booze it is different. Now it is the family milk cow that needs n-fVii' miner Rpfmp thp state went drv there was never much said about bovine dissipation, but recently several complaints have been made about bossy getting on a real old fashioned jag. It all comes from the silo, that is the lag does, for bossy has developed a decided taste for the juice that drips from them and she gets soused"bn it in a way that is scandalous and that would bring a feeling of envy to the mind of a man accustomed to drinking not wisely but too well. It's the intoxicating silo juice that has led the staid and once respectable family cows down the broad way, and given the old girl's a touch of "the life." Now the family milk provider has to lean up against the barn while the lacteal is removed from her reticule. She doesn't stutter or get her words mixed like a real man would do, but she makes a good stagger at it. The question is what effect will this have on the milk supply and on those' who use it? Will it not so affect the milk that a test will have to be applied so that milk con taining more than two per cent alcohol will be taboo? Will the silo have to go? Will the gum-chewing quad ruped be allowed to indulge in strong drink forbidden her owner? Will it require a constitutional amendment to stop such beastly dissipation, or can the legislature find a way for putting an end to it? Will the old soaker denied his matutinal dram be also driven like a galley slave away from the silo at night and herded therefrom ly day? Can the state afford to make the cows go dry? It is a subject full of knotty problems, and perhaps the miickest solution can be reached by passing the whole matter up to U'Ren. Mr. Rollin Lynde Hartt has come from somewhere in the far east, probably New York or Boston, and has dis covered the west. It is new and amusing to him, and he writes home to tell all about it. He thinks it is wofully ignorant about diamonds and dress suits, and considers it quite low in the way of civilization. What the east and easterner does not know about the west would embrace about all the knowledge there is. Down in Nevada a man fresh from the east was made station agent on the old V. & T. road from Reno to Virginia City. Soon after as suming his work a burro was shipped to his station down at Franktown. The rancher to whom it was shipped in quired for it several times but was told there was no such thing there. At the end of the month in sending in his report he mentioned the fact that he was "long one jack ass but short one bureau." And then Manager Yerington recalled the tracer he he had searching for the missing burro. The east however is intelligent about eastern things. OF THE TWO EVILS; CHOO'SE " 7 The Oregonian finds fault with the south for having so large a representation in the electoral college when it casts so small a vote. Perhaps we should say, finds fault with the rest of the country for permitting it. Of course it is alluding to the fact that the negroes are not allowed to run the southern states and bankrupt them. We do not defend the depriving of anyone oi the right to vote, but it is a condition not a theory that confronts the south. It is.o.t an ideal condition but is it any worse to deprive a-clas&.to. race of its voter: t-h'an-it is, to. control and vote them? Is it any worse to.-deprive, the .ignorant negro of the south of his vote than it " is- f o ' herd the ignorant mass.e of New.York City .tb,e-.coal miners,. of Pennsyl vania and other such' labor cenfcers'and-vote them like so many sheep? We neither defend nor palliate either, but submit that of the two evils the treatment of the negro of the south so far as his vote is concerned is preferable to the manipulation of the ignorant classes alluded to. By the way, what is the matter with Oregon retaining the anti negro clause in its constitution; and how about Nevada? The railroad companies as they always do are crying before they know whether they are hurt or not and are fighting the Adamson law without giving it a trial. If they we're human beings instead of corporations they .would try the law out knowing the people would help them to have the law repealed n it proved impracticable. But instead, they follow their old rule or ruin policy and undertake to be greater than the country which supports them. They may think an $8,000,000,000 organization will have great weight, but they will find that its size is dangerous only to itself, for the whole country is still bigger. The. roads have taken a poor time to undertake to run things, for with the annoyance of the car shortage the people are ripe to take a fall out of the big capitalists at the first dare. Idaho may have a contest over the governorship. The democrat, Alexander was elected by about 700 majority, and his opponent claims, or his friends do for him, that at least 700 ballots were marked at the top showing the voter intended to cast a straight republican ballot, and a cross was also placed opposite the democratic candi date's name showing they intended to vote for him. These ballots were counted for Alexander, the judges taking the view that the special marking expressed the voter's choice rather than the general mark. The contestants hold these ballots will be beaten. It looks very much as though the matter would be passed up to the courts to decide. According to the statements filed there was not much money spent by candidates on the election. A look at the returns will explain why. The republicans had a sure thing and so., did not have to spend any money campaign ing; and the democrats had no more chance than the socialists or prohibitionists and so would have been fool ish to let go of any hard earned coin. Our esteemed contemporary, the Oregonian and the single-taxer Mr. H. G. Wagnon have become twisted in discussing Elijah Ahab and some other pioneers. The Oregonian likens Mr. Wagnon to Elijah. To a mere looker-on it seems that a comparison with David at the cave of Adullam would have come more nearly fitting. The good book after telling of David's flight to the caves of Adullam says: "And every one that was in distress, ami every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he be came a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men." Hughes' plurality in Oregon, with practically complete returns was only (5557. Outside of Multnomah county Hughes and Wilson ran practically even, eastern Oregon piving Wilson a majority of 002.5, which about off-set Hughes' lead in western Oregon. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18GS CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Peoples' amusement company, of Portland, has had a contest for the purpose of getting suggestions for a name for the present Pickford theater and 3,478 names were suggested. Despite all the trouble and "fuss" over the proposed change the old name, "The Star", will be re tained. And yet the name itself suggests what the new one should be. There is but one answer: "The Pick." Spain has just purchased several hundred ions of war munitions in the United States. Evidently Uncle Sam is getting to be a tight wad. Only a few years ago he was presenting her more munitions than she knew what to do with and was compelling her to take them. A California man is said to have won $920,000 on Wil son's election. If the story is true he is "some better," as well as somewhat better fixed. It might be remarked incidentally that he had the courage of his convictions. mgRhumos t I ta V 7 THE STATESMEN Oh, what's the use of statesmanship, with all its advertising? Expenses never lose their grip, and costs are ever rising. We've listened through a long campaign to states men's endless chatter; they tried to make all subjects plain, save those that really matter. Why do we find this life so hard? why are we always busted? With states men evermore on guard, our ills should be adjusted. The statesman in your neighbor hood will hand you countless pledges, but when it comes to making good, that states man always hedges. The statesmen talk of abstract things, of bogeymen alarming; they lend imagination wings, and make their discourse charming. But still the price goes up and up, on all we must be buying, and for a chance to dine or sup, we hear the children crying. The statesmen talk their empty truck, and make the welkin quiver, and while they feed on roasted duck, we fill our selves with liver. ill Prosperity of Lumber j Industry Will Benefit j Western Manufacturers .Seattle, Wash., Nov. 17. " Prosperi-1 ty in the lumber industry-of the nation will profit the western manufacturer; firKt ami greatest. Depression will hurtj him most and more seriously. The trade,1 extension movement of the lumber in-j dustry is therefore of greatest import ance to the men here in the western part of the United .states." This was the analysis nf lumbering' conditions made by K. li. Goodman of (ioodmnu, Wis., leader in the Mississip pi valley hemlock and birch ad vert is-; ing campaigns. As a lumberman con vinced against his anticipations of the' value of advanced advertising and promotion method in the lumber in-, dustry, he declared he had come westj to learn and get ad wee, but also as a witness to the success of advertising.! He delivered bis address before a con-i ferenee here today of lumber nianufnc-j Hirers of the western Washington pro-! din ing urea, an one ol the purtv of east-i em lumbermen who have come west to. attempt to unity all American lumber niiinutacturers in u general trade exten sion movement. ! 'We lumbermen In the east," he; said, "have reached the highest point j possuile ot production. We nave no I more great untouched forests to fulli back upon. If there is a great growth: in the demand for lumber, we can not i -ill it. We may be able to advance; farther because a prosperous market en-' ables us to reduce manufacturing waste j and not merely to stop our " stumpago i oi the cream of the timber, but an in-i creased demand must be filled by the far west. In the east we have forests, that can supply the bulk of the cur-1 rent demnud for generations to come. New anil advanced markets are yours, here in the vet. 'An increase in production, to meet demands must be eared for here. Gen eral prosperity in the industry, there fore, arlects you first. A decrease in demand does not so easily affect us in the east, Xvhere there is always more de mand for lumber fhan wc can readily fill, but instiintly cuts down your pro duction out here. "That is onlv the national side of the problem. Consider the wonderful! prospects of growth in 'the west. In the j east the laud is taken up. Here youl hnve an enormous acreage which -will I eventually be tilled, and become rich-1 ly producing. Houses for these farmers i must be built, other construction work done, and yon get the sales. And there is also the fact to be eonsidered that it is tue rural communities which arei growing last today. Out here the popu lation increase is jyiormous. In the east j the rural population is actually decrens-1 ing in some localities. , " W'e have tried advertising lumber,; o-iviug service to the consumer, nndi have found that it works. If .it works j in our restricted fields, how much bet- j ter will it work out here in the west with-your enormous possibilities? And we believe in nationalizing our promo--tion work, but the national work, biml-i ing together all districts, all species of j woods, is already proving that it is productive of wonderful business. A yeur and a half of work along this new idea in the lumber industry has proved the untold possibilities of suc cess through advertising and the pro motion .campaign that go with advertis ing, such as trailemarking lumber, guar anteeing quulity of your -output and giving service to the consumer." NONF BETTER YOU'LL LIKE IT Butter Nut PURE AND RICH SWEET AND CLEAN I I Arc You Past 30 Years? Take Hot Water and "Amine People are realizing more and more every day that the kidneys, just as do the bowels, need to be flushed occa sionally. The kidneys are an elinunu tivo organ and are constantly working, separating the poisons from the blood. Under this continual and perpetual action they are apt to congest, aud then trouble starts. Uric acid backs up into the system, causing rheuma tism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other serious disturbances. Doctor Pierce of Huftalo, New York, advo cates that every one should drink plenty of pure water between meals. Every day should exercise in the out door air sufficiently. to sweat profusely, and from time to time stimulate, the kidney action by means of "Anuric." This preparation lias been thoroughly tried out at his Sanitarium, in the same way as his "Favorite Prescription" for weak women and "Golden Medical Discovery," the standard herbal system tonic, (both of which now eome in tablet form for convenience of carrying and taking). "Anuric" is now being introduced here, and many locel people are daily testifying to its perfec.tnt.3S. When you have backache, diz.y spells or rheumatism, heed nature's warning. It means that you arc a victim to uric, acid poisoning. Then nsk your drug gist for "Anuric" and yon will very soon become one of hundreds who daily give their thankful indorsement to this powerful enemy to uric acid. if you have thfit tired, worn-out feel; ing, bnikache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or if your sleep is disturbed by too fre quent urination, get Dr. Pieree Anuric Tablets pt drug store, full treatment $1.00, or send 10c for trial package to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, X.T. ing the preparation of the report, ex plains that not only is the number of bird species constantly on the increase, but indications show that the eastern biids are gradually migrating west ward, following the settlement of the country. It was not so many years ago, Mr. Finley said, when the bobolink was to be found nowhere west of the Rocky mountains. Now it is frequently seen in eastern Oregon. The same is true! of the catbird, formerly considered an! $5,000 for street improvements. Port Orford Tribune: A whale 45 feet long came ashore on the beach near Hubbard's creek this week and is treat ing a good deal of interest among our people.- 30,000 GET HIGHER WAGES eastern bird. vet another. The redstart warbler is STATE NEWS When the official report on Oregon bird lifo is completed, it witl show jt"nif '"Westing facts. State Biolo gist William L- Finley, who is direct- CASTOR I A Ftr Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature t of There were 15,337,809 acres of vacant public lands in Oregon open to entry July 1, ItUii, a decrease of 104,3011 acres from a year before and 632,037 acres decrease from two years before, figures compiled by Labor Commission er Huff show. Only 257,713 acres are situated in western Oregon nud an al most negligible part of that area is suitable for practical homesteadiug. There is an abundant opportunity for settlement in enstern Oregon, where 320-acro homesteads may be secured. The settler should fortify himself with a surplus of funds to provide inecessi ties of life and improvements on his property before making no attempt Huff advises. Polk County Observer: The execu tive and finance committee of the Oregon normal school decided at a meeting yesterday morning to ask the legislature'for an appropriation of $Sti, 000. Of this amount $50,000 is for an addition to the dormitory, $25,000 for an addition to the main building, $6,000 to obtain pupils for practice work, and Providence, R. I., Nov. 17. Cottoa manufacturers throughout the state, with a few exceptions, today an nounced a wage advance averaging 10 per cent, inirty thousand operatives will be affected. The increase becomes effective December 4. Are You worn Out? Does night find you exhausted nerves unsettled too tired to rest! SCOWS is the food-tonic that corrects these troubles. Its pure cod liver oil is a cell-building food to purify and enrich the blood and nourish the nerve-centers. Your strength will respond to Scott's Emulsion but see that you get SCOTTS. Scott St Borne, Bloom&cld, M.J. t6-B V1IN 1 1-ll CHAPTER LXXVIII. When Clifford came in to dress for dinner I told him of meeting Mabel and Clara, and that I had invited them to luncheon the next dnv. . "That's all right as . long as you don't expect me to entertain them," he replied, scarcely listening to my enthus iastic description of the girls. They had been mu intimate before I was married and I was very fond of both of them. 'But you will come home to lunch. wan 't vnnf" I beucF1. "I dn An want the girls to meet you." "X can t promise. Anyway I am not keen on being bored by silly chatter for an hour or two." "Oh, please come!" I tirgod. "I shall be so disappointed if you don't." But in spite of my urging, he did not appear the next day. The girls came promptly at 1 o clock, and we went im mediately down to lunch. But my dis appointment was less keen when just as we were eating our ice cream the waiter banded me a note and a package. . The note w from Clifford expressing in the nicest way his regret at not being able to join us, and saying that he had ent the bonbons as a ubtitute. "He's a dear!" Mabel exclaimed. munching a chocolate. "Indeed he is!" echoed Clara. And I thought "Why can't he always be THE LUNCHEON nice like this," as I agreed with them. A Matinee. After luncheon Mabel suggested that we go to a matinee- But Clara wanted to see "The Birth of a Nation," so we went to the movies instead. I had seen it, but didn't mind going again. The girls were wild over it, and as we took the box of bonbons with us, I too had a good time. (I am disgraceful ly fond of sweets even yet.) When we came out llabel proposed that we walk back to the hotel; then they would take a taxi to the home of a relative thev were visiting on the North Side. As we wnlked along I thought there was something familiar about the broad shoulders and swinging gait of the man . in ironi or us. And lust as I recognized i that it was Burns Mayson, he turned and saw us. ' ' This is indeed a plewnre, Urs. Ham jmond," he raid aa we came up to him. i"May I ask if you are going back to the hotel?" "Yes, wo have been to the movies," I laughed, "and have been munching iiauay an me aiiernoon. wui you have some?" and I offered aim the box in ; which a few scattering bonbons still reniainea. "Thank you, yes," helping himself. "But you are early, mav I not take you and your friends to tea? I know a nice tea room quite near" Tea With Bums Mayaon. I introduced the girls, and then re plied: "It's just aa the girls say.JIr. Mar son.' - "Qh, do let's gol " exclaimed Clara, who always was ready for anything. "What do you say Mabel?" I asked. "Barkus is willin'!" she answered, so it was settled and we marched along with Mr. Mayson, first one of us and then, another walking beside him. It was a nice-tea room where he took us, and he ordered buttered muffins and tea, and was so jolly, told euek clever stories, the girls were delight ed; while I couldn't help bnt think that the longer I knew him the better C liked him. He devoted himself to the girls, to left me free to indulge my thoughts and to watch him. After we finished he walked along with ns, and as we passed a florist'e he stopped and bought each of us m lovely bouquet. I objected, but he over- " ruled me, and the girls were so pleased I had not tho heart to absolutely refuse his flowers. He left us nt the entrance of the ho tel, and the girls voted him "just splen did," while I said nothing, but stared about in hop?s that I might see Clif- (Tomorrow Business Versos Flemaure.)