Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Closing Out
Our Entire Line of Felt Hats
Every Hat in this season's latest style and made of excellent .quality brushed
felt, trimmed with bands of silk ribbon to match. The number of hats, how
ever, is very limited and if you want to share in these exceptional bargains,
you must come at once. .
$3.50 Felt HatS $1.49"n assortment of two tone effects.
$2.75 Felt HatS $1.19 A S00 selection of plain shades.
$2.00 Felt HatS 98c A sma11 lot of chin-chin shapes.
44.00 White Beaver Hats 98cAbout ten in the Iot-
Gale & Company
Cattle Exposed For Sale Must
Be Given Tuberculin
Test First
Strict enforcement of the tuberculin
test of cattle to be put uji t'or public
sale will be made by tUe State Live
Stock Sanitary board, according to a
statement, now being sent out to all
public auctioneers in the state by Dr.
VV. -i. Jijtle, state veterinarian and
secretary of the board. All violations
of the law requiring this test . will bo
mude to the couuty attorneys tor
I prosecution as the board is anxious to
have the provision, or . the . law en
forced' - '. "y.
Dr. Lytic 's letter to the auctioneers
in part is as follows:
"home few weeks ngo, at the sugges
tion of tho state, livestock sanitary
j board, I consulted with' tho attorney
general to determine from him whether
I or not the provision in the livestock
j laws requiring tho tuberculin testing of
cattle for public salo purposes was, in
U j his opinion, constitutional. Tho nttor-
State House News
Leslie Church Services
Draws Goodly Audience
A large uumbor attended Leslie M. ii.
'church lust night to hear "Three Fing-
(tcoige. M. i4rown, attorney general, ered Jack" rclnto some of his experi-
hug returned from Jacksonville, where "' in the Interocean Gambling house,
he has been the past few days trying Battle Greek, Colo.
ona of Nhe Jfyde Ueuson land fraud In scathing tonus he denounced the
cases. The matter was taken under ad- church dance and gave severnl illus
viseiuent us an immense volume of tea- trillions from personal experience where
tiinony was taken. it had proved the downfall of ninny
. young people.
Supplementary articles of incorpora- Tim audience was spellbound when
lion were filed with the corporation ".luck" announced he hnd received a
commissioner by the Viking Tiakcry and letter jiniMiad got into trouble.
Importing company, winch proposes to The secret was Inst Sunday nfter-
iu'port bakery goods and foreign deli- noon "Jack" tallied to the boys at the
enctes. The incorporators arc A. San- industrial school, and today he received
den, A. Kroner and Conrad I Olsen. . an invitation signed by 121 boys asking
. him to come again as soon as possible.
The state superintendent of banks is Then he told of an outing he was
preparing the annual oath that is sent planning for Saturday when he nnd the
to all bank officers in the state. They fcojis of South Salem would go out and
will be sent out late in December to mcet the boys of the industrial school
ma in staie uauss in urcgon.
Thai the. wondcrlul tribute
paid to Sweet Caporal cigarette
by the London Lmtd. the rtcog
tiizcd medical authoruy of the
kvorld This decision v.ab the rt-
iull of an official test oi Sweet
taporal by medical experts No
pther cigarette ever received such
p remarkable endorsement
Sweet Caporal purity is now be
ing shown to smok
keen on
- jday I'an
record h i
by any
these ye;
,; . cigarettes
Sweet C
In favor
- -of Sweet
. being ci
jng Swc.
re sn
'interesting demonstration. .-The
demonstraior bums a piece of or
dinary paper, which leaves a black
ash Then bums a piece of the
lugli-gratle. imported l-rcnrh cig
arctte paper sscd on Sweet Cap
oral, and calls smokers attention
to the pure, white ash Tims' is
ihe pure tobacco in Sweet Cnnoril
protect e
Wherever tobacco is known
throughout the world. Sweet Cap-
oral cieareitcs are smoked Amer
icans who travel over Europe:
Asia, Africa and South America
can always obtain Sweet Caporal
cigarettes as easily as in the United
States Sweet Caporal is the only
ci.earet that has this world-wide
sale and popularity
ney general replied as follows:
"In your letter of October 3, you
request my opinion as to whether tho
courts would be likely to regnrd us un
constitutional seetion n of chapter 14, I
General Laws of 1013, because said see-1
tion requires dairy animals which are 1
c.ji n .1.11., n,,..t;i, . f.u 4AU...i ,! i
! free? from tuberculosis, while the samel
animals might, without such require-1
' monts, be Bold at private sale. i
" 'Section IS of this net makes it
it"" f- ..nrff rr-m
w- r. ' z.-Limmn . .i nikE;b- iijiiii h
u , i. ii iini i r mm mm m m m u mam r n mt m mm w ' i mm w
J Hi I I -.m ms W III"'" l,ori JH
r ki Mr be sm-v m
I - II -SKi-S.v.. M ' S f i ii ( .tllllUI II
iii -ym m 7 --Sr.I fl 1 1 1 1 . 4 T J I 1
B y - fit' T firZi.,
State Engineer Lewis is in Portland
on business connected with his office,
lie is expected back in Salem this evening.
State Forester Klliott is in Portland
on official business, lie will return
this evening.
Tho iilioud car shortage took an
other jump yesterday and landed at
the :tOG mark, the highest point it has
reached yet.
The February '17 class met Thursday
evening at the call of Thomas MctJil
christ, president of the .lune '17 class
l;nd orgimized themselves.
Lewis Griffith was elected president
of the class. Daphne Kvnns vice presi
dent, Genevieve Ynnnke secretary, iMss
Anilcraon treasurer, and Henry Leggett
sergeant at arms.
This class is composed almost entirely
of girls, there being only three boys.
There lire about seventeen in the class
at present although it is expected that
more will graduate in February than
were at the meeting.
diiJ InrrolliOF lllAV nltm,!,! nninv a ltltrA
'and a "weinio picnic". The audience
willingly responded when "Farmer
John" went around collecting tho mon
ey to make this outing possible.
"Farmer John" lives near Salem but
has not been interested in any church
or religious work until "Jack" came
to town, and at the close of the ser
vice ho presented Leslie church with
firewood for one year, gave "Jack"
some money to help defray his expanses,
also offered potatoes to any needy atn
ily in South Salem.
The Algonquin Indians have saved us
more and better stories than some of
the smaller Indian nations. There are
so ninny that are interesting thut they
will be continued for this week's story
hour. Among those that are left are:
"The medicine wolf,"- "Young dog
dunce," and the stories of Scar-face.
All boys and girls who like Indian
stories are invited to the-library' for
tho stef v hour Saturday morning at
0:30. There will be none too fierce for
the little ones to enjoy, and none too
tame for the older boys.
(La Grande' Observer.)
Colonel Wood is to defend the Kver
ett I. W. V. Colonel Wood is the Ore
gon enigma. How ho can be attorney
for the first families,, the Ladds, Cor-
Detts and big bunks on the one hand I unlawful for any person to knowingly
and pose as a friend of the prole-sel or offer to sell or in any manner!
turiat is a mystery. In one breufh"; part with to another except for ini-i
ho announced he would never fore-1 mediate slaughter any nuininl infected j
close a mortgage, the next minute nisjwith any infectious, contagious or coin-' '
firm is busy with a mortgage fore-1 municablo disease or which has been ex-1
closure. , He preaches anarchy one I posed to such disease. This section is
minute, the next lie is boosting foi general and applies alike to both pub-1
tlvSt in
iccu a more
.equation of cigarette
paperuovel burning test?
a the world insures tne!
urc. natural tobacco havor of
Sweet Capcra! cigarettes, which
lias made Sweet Caporal fatuous
; carried their love for
cct Caporal to all parts of the
world and introduced "SwceU" to1
smokers of other nations.
Ncarlv every, man has started
?mokins With famous ull Sweet
Caporal,. the original Cigarette..
Many things have been im
proved in 40 years Candle-light
lias given way to electricity, the, .
siace-coacV has vanishod' hfnr2 '
the express tram, but good olot '
Sweet Caporal, the original eig-i
arme, remains the same because
in our decades the world has been
unable to produce a belter ciga
rette More popular lodav than
v.ci is oweei Liipor;.
lr the per '
eet Capo-l
r cigaretto
pure to-i
Caporal .
tu re-mad
hat is whW ,
back id
r cigaretM
le interest-
some er-
11. which
hen bum.
used an)
leave at,,
e original
s srhokefT
icinal cie-
FThe same because
Mecadcs the world has ken
unable to produce a better' ciga
rette More popular today than
ever is Sweet Caporal,
The lower grades resemble oM
hnary paper, which burns with!
black, soot-like a;.h Sweet Capj
... .. : .t !
billions of cicarettes made today-
-nd outstrips tnem all in popular
ity The best-loved ut' all ciga
rvttcs it Sweet Caporal. '
11 the United
u Caporal is the only
aitite that has this world-wide
sale and popularity.
Sweet Caporal is the original
cigarette that popularucd cigarette
smokinfir over fortv years auo It
is the grciit-graml lather of all theioral cigarettes are rolled in the
!iig!ict grade, imported French
paper the purest and best 111 the.
world winch burn with a purc
v. hue dill..
President Wilson. One day he
drawing up tho brewers' beer amend
ment, the next he is lubeling it the
Nursing Mothers1 amendment. One
minute he is out of the democratic
party campaigning for Bill Hanley us
a progressive, the next minute he is
out heckling a bunch of Hughes wom
en from the east. He takes tea with
Ihe Four Hundred and dines with Km
ma Goldman. He dashes' off a sonnet,
paints a wnter color, scribbles at a
drama, makes an argument in court
for a plutocrat, defends, an anarchist
in police court, distributes some birth
control literature, and goes out in
the evening to a niiisicalo. Soldier,
lawyer, painter, poet, dramatist, ora
tor, publicist, anarchist, farmer, land
owner, truly -Colonel Wood is a wonder.
Arbitration Plans
Are Objectionable
Riiltininre, Md., Nov. 17. Delegates
to the American Federation of Labor
convention today unanimously indorsed
tho executive council report which con
demned all proposed compulsory arbi
tration plans, under which either n
strike or lockout declared before fed
eral investigation had been completed
would become a criminal act.
The Canadian arbitintinn plan was
suggested to President Wilson us a so
lution of the railroad crisis when strike
was threatened recently.
The resolution asking fur a commis
sion to investigate the high cost of liv
ing was adopted without debate.
He and private sales and is not open
to the objection suggested by 3'our
" 'When it is considered that the pur
pose of section 31 is not like that of
section 15, to prevent the sale of dis
eased amninls but rather to
the exposure of diseased animals 111
public places, it cannot be said that
said section denies to anyone the priv
ilegesf rights or immunities shared zy
others. Section 31 prohibits the exposure
of such diseased animals at unv state
fair, district or county fair, or at pul
lie line I ion and is but an
Court House News
Sura A. .Mitclicll has brought suit for
divorce ill the circuit court against ().
W. Mitchell. The complaint states they
were innriied in Snlein April "1, lOOi.
I !... .I..- 1.... ; ;.. r....
f I ihi nit- iiriciMiiiui in now 111 .iiuil-
p , . taun. Jt is also stated there lire no chil
dren. She alleges in Fe.jrnaiy, 11114, she
was deserted and conseipiently asks a
decree of separation.
tions made in the complaint. The ans
wer deniesthe defendant has been
guilty of cruel 11 ml inituimiu treatment
and asks that the suit be dismissed.
Answers denying the facts alleged in
the following suits for divorce were
med this morning by District Attorney
Kiii"o: (inice Iona Meo against Kmery
Luther Mee, Maude Swuy.e against
Joseph Kilward Swayze, and Oliver M.
Coffee against John Coffee. The ans
wers ask that the suits be dismissed.
There will be a school board con
vention in the Salem high school build
ing 011 Saturday. December !!, when the
viirious school boards of Marion county
will be present. The' law provides that
Charles Zanker. who left his home
on fulfill Ktr.'Ct n t'.tiv tivi.ni una nir.i nil. I
Wandered ill the cold nut tou-nrd Tut-- tin i-liiiirniuti of the ui'lmiit Iwiui-il Hhiill
enactment 1 ..... 1 ...i. .1.-1 t.. '. 1... ,1. . .1.1 - .v: 1
- - . " L '"i oitu nu nun 'n-ipii up lining 1 1 u.'.- ' lie lilt: iicifgnic 10 uim coin cm ion nun
into the statutes of this state of what ,. to death by the Turner constable, if he is unable to attend he is required
! ""mull inn an ,in,i. iin.iM,- i :was Til ih inoiiiuiir com 111 1 1 terl to the
j The Talk Highways
of the Land
Millions' of miles of Bell Telephone wire at your
beck and call,
t When you've grot to have quick action, remember
I that a word to the operator will clear the trackf two
I miles or two thousand, day or night. Prompt, reliable
I and decisive!.
Consult the list of toll rates to cities
, hereabouts; it's in the front of your
. Bell directory.
fense. To bring a diseased animal into
a public place was a nuisance and pun
ishable at common law. Keg. v. Hen
son, 1 Dears. C. C. 24. This rule was
continued My tho English statutes, thus
10 and 20 Vict, chapter 101, does not
make it illegal to sell a glnndered horse,
but the- offense is to knowinglv bring
. or attempt to bring 11 glaudered horse
Ijnl. .......La r... aI... ,.n.,t.
iiiiw mi.) uitiinvi, iiiii, 11 Miiiri tj.-ii i,i
public place where naimals are com
monly exposed for sale.
" 'With this view, i would advise you
that constitutional objections could not
he successfully urged against section
31. It is a salutary measure and pecu
linrly within the police power of the
state. It applies to all persons and
does not. unreasonably interfere with
the right of contract.'
."Hence, you will see in his judg
ment, section 31 is such that it can be
legally enforced. It is the board's in
tention to demand a strict enforcement
of this section. All violations of this
statute will be iiniue.lintely reported to
the county attorney for prosecution.
Some reliable attorneys have held that
the auctioneer is cqunllv liable for the
penalties imposed in section ,11. Thnt
I may be better understood, I here with i
quoto section 31 of chapter 14, Session '
Laws of 11113. which reads as follows: j
" 'Section .11. No bovine animal over j
cno year" old shall be exhibited at any
sttne,. district or county fair, or live-1
state exposition within the state un
less within 12 months prior to such ex-
hibitinn if has been subjected to the tu-
herculin test and received a certificate j
of health from a niialifuid veterinarian.
i No entry for exhibition shall be accept-1
I ed until such a eertttieate is filed. No
j public auction sale of any herd or port
I of n herd of dnirv nnimnls or.aniiniils
I intended for breeding purposes, shall
I be' held- except under the piocivs of!
j court, unless all the animals oflered 'for j
! sale have, within 12 mouths injur to
such sale, been submitted to a tubercu i
lin test and received a certificate of j
health from a fpuilified veterinarian,;
Anv person who exhibits or permits the!
1 exhibition of an nuininl in violation of'
the provisions of this seeflnn, nnd any'
person who violates any other provision j
of this section, shall be guilty of a mis-1
demeanor, and upon conviction shall bej
fined not less than 30 nor more than
250. ' ' ' j
Paid His Debts and ;
Started ' f orPrison j
Redding, fill., Nov. 1". V fiod'JililiwM
its all f eiin do now. T wish I roiilil oU)
more," said Alexander jNniinin,- con
I fessed slaver of Mrs. Itosettu Durbin
ami John I'ollock today, as he directe.il
nil agent to pay the funeral exoenses
j of Mrs. Durbin. A few miilliles later, j
I he was aboard a train' and en 'route fo
I S.111 (Jucntin to serve a life sentence for:
the crime. . ' 1
Tears filled Niiimes' eves as he board
led the train, and sorrowfullv waved
farewell to the crowd. i
'I am sorrv. but. it is too late," he:
said. "I don't remember killing Mrs.!
1 Durbin mid John Pollock. It is all likel
horrid dream. Hut for hoozc, M now
be a man among men."
J I The primmer sold his property
x paid his debts yesterday.
state hospital for the iusnne. He is 73
years of age nnd cerebnil thrombosis is
the cause of his insanity. He had a
strono of paralysis in August and it
affected his mind. Dr. L. F. Oriffith
was the examining physician. Znuker
was born in (ierniauy and the mutter
was brought to the, ,ivtt''jition of the
county court on ieiition Mif V. J. Irwin.
In the
phen Porter, deceased, an order setting
the time for hearing of the final ac
count of the executors was made today
by County Judge Itushey. Marion Pai
nter and I). A. Porter are the executors
and the final hearing will be held De
cember IS. ,
to appoint a substitute from the board
Kach delegate attending will receive
i2 11 day out of the genera! fund of the
county. County School Superintendent
V, M. Smith is now sending out. notices
of this convention to the school boards.
"The school-census of Mtu'ion county
is now, under way and it is to be fia-
; November 2o filaiilis'are licii
ished bv
mailed to the school
purpose. The county
clerks for this
multer of the estate of Ste-lusks that a careful count be made. A
special blank for the enrollment of chil
dren who are crippled, blind, deaf and
dumb of school age is enclosed wjth the
school notices,
High School Teams Will
TryltoKill Albany"
The high school football players an 1
their friends and rooters arc going to
Alhiny tomorrow morning with tl:
brotherly injunction and war cry if
"Kill Albany." The special will ienv.i
Trade und Commercial streets at ll)::;'l
in the nioiniii". The Snlem team playc-l
a draw with N'owliorg, defeated Tilln
inook und came out second best witii
Kugene and McMinnville. According t 1
those who know, Snlem should have :t
fair chance of "Killing Albany," 1111'
withstuuding the tact that Albany de
feated Me.Minuville.
For Snlem the lineup will prolmbrv
be ns follows: Chirk, c; Sininis, r.;
Hoise, it; Van Osdnl, re; Weller, tr
Kaiisome, lg;. White, It; Koss, le; Arktv
man, q; Durbin, fb; fioodenough, rh;
llagedorn, Hi; Carson, Croisnu, Kafsto ,
Heckman, Hteiistrom, substitutes.
Sell it Journal wgut ads will sell it.
In the suit t'or divorce brought a
gainst Charles Carr by Clara Carr, Dis
trict. Attorney Kingo this morning til
ed nn answer on tho part of Charles' workers ha
Carr denying knowledge of tho allega- increases.
There will be a local teacher's insli
tute held in Silverton .Saturday, and
County School Superintendent Smith
expects to attend.
More than 700,1100 failed States
this yenr received wage
Clears Blotchy Skin
Don't worry about Motrins nr oilier
skin troubles. Vi.tt j;.u have a clear,
clean complexion I y : ':ig a little icun..,
obtained at i.py 1 ; u-e for 25c, or
extra large ! e.fle '.
' Zetno (-.''v 1 ' . all traces i f
pimples, black lu-aos. 1 lotclics, crxema,
and riiignorm and makes the skin.rte.-ir
and healthy. Zono is a clean, penrtrat
:?, antiseptic I'tuiid, neither sticky nor
i.rrcasy and stains nothing. It is easily
implied and costs a mere trifle for card
ippliration. Tt is nlwavs dependable.
Till! E. W. Itusu Co., Otcvclulii), U.
unit We Go
The Toggery, 167 N. Com
mercial St., Closes His Doors
T. ahingtn, Nov. It. tiermnuy to
J'diiy foruuilly acknowledged receipt of
Mhis overnnieiit 's protest against trans
J portation of Belgians into Germany, the
Xi state di'paitment announced,
I The (ierman government promises a
Tjfull report Inter. In the meantime, this
government has done all it w ill do. the
At 9 p. m.
Men's Suits, Overcoats "
and Raincoats
Over 300 pairs of
Florsheim Shoes . .
Hats', choice of
the" house ....
Gents Furnishings
. . . $4.25
. . $1.98
at Unheard of Prices
BUte department declared.