Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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W. B. Corsets Salem's Big Department Store Butterick Patterns
1 This Ad Is for Needle Workers and Si
Those ' Who Do Tatting and Crochet
We have just placed in stock a large assortment of the renowned COLLING
BOURNE'S THREADS and we invite you to see the new kinds best suited
to your needs.
Collingbourn'e Jap Silk Cordney (mercerized) for tatting-crochet, 10c a ball
Collingbourne's Perle Cotton, all colors, size 5, 225 yards to ball; size 3, 140
yards to ball 25c a ball
Collingbourne's Texasilk Cordney, all colors, small balls, for tatting and
crocheting 5c a ball
Collingbourne's Mouline Special Thread a lustrous, mercerized. embroidery
cotton for cross stitching, embroider' or crochet 5c a skein
Collingbourne's "American Maid" Mercerized Cordonnet a six cord, hard
twisted, special thread, in all colors and sizes, white or ecru ... 10c per ball
Collingbourne's Dixie Padding Cotton 5c per ball
Collingbourne's Silk Tatting and Crochet Thread 25c per ball
Collingbourne's Tiedy Cotton, all sizes, in white only at . 10c per skein
Collingboume's Fancy Knitting and Crochet Thread in all colors 10c per skein
Collingbourne's Flochet, a splendid six strand floss.
size 25, in all colors, at 15c per ball
All Around Town
We are well prepared
to assist in the selec
tion of Xmas. Gifts.
Visit our Art Section. Lots of suggestions for gifts
in this department.
A special meeting of the officers and
directors of the Salem Fioral society
has been called for tomorrow evening,
at the Commercial club. The society is
planning on. doing several things this
winter to interest the people in the
Salem Beautiful" slogan.
Lecture Some Railroads we Travel,
by Frank E. Jones at the Bungalow,
17th and Court Friday night, 7:3o. Sil-.
ver offering taken. novl7
Jiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiniiiiiimiiM'iMiiniint iiniii'iiiiiiiiiiii!i;i'H!i!ii;iinniiii!i!iii;iiiii!ini i C. L. Starr, formerly secretarr of the
mrmrrrmmrmirmrtrmninmmtmmimrtmiiMiim ' state tax communion, but now a prac
ticing lawver of Portland, received
, wurd this morning while in tins city that
I) V
I-angenberg recital at
house. Free.
Kot. 0. Dean Allen's address
on ' Historical Lies," Waller
November 22 Prof. MacMurray
lecture at opera house.
Nov. 2J. Odd Fellows' annual
home coming.
Nov. 23. Annual taxpayers'
meeting auditorium high
sc-fcoci, S p. m.
Nov. 24. Lecture at Public
Library, on "Health Insur
ance," by Dr. Bobbins of U.
of O.
Dee. 3. Elk's Memorial serv
ices, opera house, 2:30 p. m.
Dee. 4. City Election. '
Dee. 4-9. Third Annual Marion
County Corn Show.
Comforts and blankets at very reas
onable prices. .'. S. Hamilton Furniture
Dick Hoffner wa given five days in
jail this morning in the police court for
being drunk and rred Dunston five
been arranged, which will include .ev-
eral short talks and an address by.. John
Bayne, president of the. Woodrow Wil-;
son league, aud other prominent demo-j
erats. '
Beautiful library and dining tables
at very low prices. '. S. Hamilton,
House Furnisher.
D. H. Mosher, who bas been ill at
home for several days, is reported this
afternoon to be making a satisfactory
Dr. M. E. Pomeroy was operated on
for appendicitis Wednesday morning at
the St. incent hospital, Portland. Ki-
days for begging on the streets by tbejports today are that -Mrs. Pomcxoy is
police judge. ,
making a satisfactory recovery.
Better look at our goods before plac
ing orders elsewhere. We can save you
money. C. S. Hamilton Furniture Store.
The democratic ladies of East Salem
preeinct, along 'with the democratic
men. will hold a celebration at the
Bickey school house Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock, congratulating each oth
er over the results of the recent nation
al election. Mrs. John Haines is in
charge of the rally. A program has
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass-
' omeUy. C. 8. Bank. Bld. !
a 1
P. P. Schram, of Denmark, Curry
county, Oregon, will return to his home
next Sunday. He is in charge of the
grocery department of a mill commis
sary at that place. ;
Dr. T. H. Taompaon of 116 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in Kye, .
Ear, Nose and Throat. tf j
MM -
Come to our New Stores. We will sell you Groceries
at wholesale prices; you make a saving on every
thing you buy, and get wholesale prices on all
quantity orders.
We will buy your eggs and pay you cash. Make
our new stores your headquarters.
Hot coffee served free to everybody.
Two cut rate groceries. Our State Street store
headquarters for fresh fruits and vegetables.
J. L. Busick & Son
118 South Commercial
..Ladd & Bush Bldg.
299 North Commercial
Across from Barnes'
Cash Store
. O. Kiihardwn was in Portland yes
tenia jr.
J. W. I.uiidy, of Eugene, was in the
city yesterday.
otto II. Elmer, of Corvallis, was a Sa
lein visitor yesterday. t
K. H. Windishar wag In the city
t Thursday from Mt. Angel.
1 Judge Hiram Overton, of Woodburn,
m Salem visitor yesterday.
I Ken S. Via left yesterday ior Detroit
and other eastern points.
......... 1 I..
A. -V Met res was in Portland yester- ;
day, registered at the Oregon. j
Attorney F. A. Turner left yesterdaj j
for California on legal business. ,
Roy Edholur' and V. Edholm, of Al-
tuny, were in the city yesterday.
George KoitV was transacting busi-1
uess in Slem Thursdav, from Albanv.
He will be 'his brother in Tillamook, was seriously 1
in inred. He imemdiatelv secured an au- j
tomobile and left for Tillamook- .
Yen will like Midgets they are bet
ter. 0
Word was received this morning by
Webb k ('lough from Florence Allison
at Price, t'tah, that she would leave at
J. C- Tavlor and wife, of Eucene. once to attend the funeral of F. O.
were registered yesterday at the Bligh. j Doyle. who was killed Thursday by a
J. M. Unrirson was a Portland visit-1 falling tree. Word was also received
or Thursday, registered at the Perkins from his brother. Fuaernl arrangements
hotel. 1 will not be made until relatives ar-
Jlrs. Susie Junes left vesterdnv for ! rive.
Portland, where she will make ker
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. White and slaugh
ter, Blanche, will leave tomorrow for
Spokane for a visit of tuo weeks with
relatives and to atteud the annual apple
Chas. B Smith, of the silo sales de
partment of the Spaulding Logging
company, who recently advertised for a
stenographer who would let him have
foraethiug to say about running his of
fice, left this morning for Portland.
ilif ferent.
a breakfast sausage that's
One week from tonight, those who are
interested in the big question of health
insurance, will hear the subject discuss
ed at the auditorium of the public lib
rary by Dr. Edwin Clyde Bobbins, as
sistant profesor of economics and soci
ology of the I'niversity of Oregon. The
doctors as well as the high schools of
this part of the state are becoming in
terested in prospective legislation on
health insurance. Dr. Robbing received
his degree from Columbia university,
Start the day right. Midgets for
FI.AXAUA.V In the eitv. W.-drresdav. j n,a' havc an opportunity of seeing
November 15. lKlo, Mrs. Marv Plana-' ,vhttt f,r5t r,aM K"'"g ' )' accord
gan, in her tiMh vear. " 'nt tothe city standard, it is announced
Mie'cauie here from Multnomah coun-1 thl of Portland's experts will
ty. As yet no funeral arrangements j PIa-T lt Ein...'r course on Sunday.
have been made. November 2o Local players will not
I participate, as the game is a challenge
CARD Or THANKS j between Portland players, to be played
We wish to extend our heartfelt ion the Salem links. A general invita-
thank for the many, many act of tinn to witi,es the game will be ex-
kindnesn, words of svmpatliv and flow-j tended to all who are interested in
ers that the friends and ueitihl'ors hae'golf.
sbowered iion ns at tuis time of our I - 0
great sorrow, iu the loss of our .laugh- your furs remodeled, furs for sale.
ter and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Schram.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. S hram,
)'rs. lila I.. Met'ov.
The following have enrolled in the
Ford -hool of driving uitliut the past
neek: C H. Brown, Areherd Imple
ment company; I. . Hubbard and J. 1.
Alexander, all of Salem. Also A- Ack-
ley, of route No. 4; John Hickman,
route Xo. : W. D. Edwards, of Turner,
Wi st Fur Co., L'I7 South High St.
The members of the Elk lodge were
given an eiecialy interesting program
last evening by V. J. Cole, an imper
sonator aud reader. Mr. Cole was form
erly a newsper man and in his early
days associated with Bill Nye, Eugene
Fields and Ben King, with a personal
acquaintance with J. Whitcomb Riley.
His selections were from these writers
and after an hour and a half of enter
aud Peter Kufer, of SaUhm, rural routel mining, the Elks unanimously gave him
No. 7.
"If You Don't Buy From DAMON We Both Lose Money'
Ciarkeni at, pound 10c pigs. tMa at 1 ,b- C"mT Xo. 1 Walnuts
10c I 5c 40c j 22c
50e -Brooms for i3c Oil fans for ,llc Kil,'"K s,ov Speeial Saturday,
Polish 3".c Steel Cut Coffee for
45c 20c 5c 30c
! Onion. lf W,.e
25c 5c 20c 20c
B05 K. Com'l Bt
Cor. of D. St.
Cor Miller and
8. Com ! St.
a vote of thanks for the evemug a en-
- liirlninmAnt Vf r l..la !. m mAmKp nt
the Birminiihnm, Alabama, Elk lodge, j
No. 71'. He intends for the present tot
make Salem his home. . j
Vapor Gas Heaters, the best heaters
for small rooms. '. S. Hamilton Furni
ture Co.
Oregon folks are regarded In the east
as well as at home as being especially
competent to pass on all sorts of initia-1
tive and referendum measures, yet at
the recent geueral election the electors
flf Marion county voted against giving
suffrage to the negro. The Oregon law
prohibiting negroes from voting has
been a dead letter since the fifteenth
amendment to the constitution was rati
fied by coneress Mar. 30, 1S70, when 29
of the 37 states at tiint time adopting
the amendment. And J. A. Mills, who is
a candidate for city recorder was told I
yesterday by a voter that he intended j
to vote for Mrs. Brooks for recorder, all
of which indicates that the intelligent;
voter gets things considerably mixed. '
0 ' - I
Stroke rp snd include a Cox of La j
Corona cigars for his Xmas, he "II like j
, Ym Salem made.
Regular meeting of Pacific !
lode No. .-hi, A. F. k A. M.,
ton gl.t at S p. ni. Atterthe
busiueii meeting a lectune on :
Mao::ry w ill Ve given. Visit-
When You Want
Meat, Buy it
at the
We will have extra help
to accommodate our cus
tomers tomorrow.
He finest display of
Meat in Salem. The only
market in the city that
sells at these prices. '
The best Boiling Beef
Per Pound
Prime Roasts of Choice
Per Pound
Sirloin or T-Bone Steak
Per Pound
Fresh Hams' of grain
fed pig pork
Whole or Half
Per Pound
Fresh Hamburger
Per Pound
Fresh Sausage
Per Pound
We have a limited sup
ply of baby beef, come
Tomorrow we introi
duce Midgets, our spec
ial brand of breakfast
Sausage, "The Sausage
that's different
Originators of
Low Prices
371 State Street
j Local contractors are figuring on the
I plans and specifications of the new Ma
jjor Willis building on Court treet and
(bids will be submitted tomorrow at the
; office -of F. A. I.egjr, who drew the
1 plans.
i Young people interested in a practic-j.-il
conre of study at the I'npitaUBifi
; r.c-s college, iho;iM plan to l'in next
i..onday. New elates in Mhorrliartd and
j other subjects. S the prno ipal be
i tween 4 und at'tefnoons.
The night temperature was a trifle
warmer lat night as the low notch wss
25 above, and the range of temperature
for the 'J4 hours was from 50 to 25. The
river continues to fall and now the
guage reads .7 of a foot above zero. t
The recent cold spell has reduced the
general supply of freih eggs resulting in j
a general scarcity. Market reports frorni
produce men rather indicate higl.er j
prices and a general scarcity of eggs but
grocers in general are raying a'sliigh as
42 ceuts a dozen wholesale- j
Class rooms are being completed for
the Adelphinn class of the First Presby
terian church by H. R. Jones, who has,
the contract.. The class .composed of :
boys of the "teen" ane. excavated the
site, which is under the church, am!
have raised enough money to havejhe
work completed and the rooms t.irii
ihd. Harold Kakiu, a Willamette sta-
dent, is teacher of the class.
Silverton Home lodge, No. 35, Knights
of Pythias, wiil dedicate their r;r hnll
on the evening t-f Saturday, December :
2. aud just to help in arrr.gi::g plans'
for the event, 17 members of Salen
t.entral lodge, "o. 13, Matured to Sil-1
verton last eveniug. A-ldiesses of wel
come were delivered by Mayor Potter
and George Custer, and from the Salem '
lodi:e, short, talk were made by O. (4.
Shellbura. J- F. Davis, S. II. Snyder aud
J. W. Cox. Tile Salem decree team and i
other members 0 illie Salem lod-e will :
attend the dedication ceremonies in Sil- J
virion December ".
ion't wait until tie apples are gone ;
ltore von get vour suppiv ot tioer. I
Now is the time. See Coaiuii ri i;,! Cider i
Works of Salem. novls. .
Mis-directed letters continue to ar-
rive at the Salem postofr'icc and not ;
only are they mis-directed, but there is :
no return memorandum on the upper!
left hand comer of the envelope. A let- j
ter addressed on a typewriter to Chns.
K. Hale. Peorola, Ore., cannot verv well ;
be delivered ns there just happens to be ;
no otriee ot that name 111 Oregon. Hie
dead letter man in Washington will opeu
the letter in about three weeks aud re
turn it to the writer, provided of course
the wiiter has left an address. An
other letter that will uot be di divert"!
, here is one addressed to Mrs. .Ia. Bak
er. This letter is in a feminine hand
writing and while the word Oregon is
part of the address, there was not city
or town given just ji blank. Several
letters are also on hand with no address
w hatever.
This store has adopted the tor
rect juicing of all merchandise
as endorsed by the National
Grocery association hence the
old policy of an article that
must be
cd and
each item will be sold at exactly
what it should be.
Ola policy 01 an article
cannot be Old at oe ma
marked lc is now discarded
( harge accounts as well as caih
customers v.ill receive this
, Company
426 State Street
jWhen in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
j Strictly Modern
i Free and Private Baths
! RATES: 75c 81.00. $1.50 PEE DAT
The only hotel iu the business district.
Nearest .to all Iepots. Theatres and
('Hutol building.
A Home Away From Home.
! T. 6. BLIGH, Prop.
! Both Phones. Free Auto"-Bus
mm co
Any KinD
Any time
First-class work. All kind
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Sehaffer Drug Store, phone n7.
Residence phone 1463.
915 Highland Avenue.
Auction Sale
At the Quick Eiijha!:ga Auction
Market on Saturday, 10 a. nt.
sharp, consisting of:
Horses 1 good top buggy, 2 open
buggies, 2 delivery wagons, 1
spring wagon. 1 3 in. Bain
wagon and box complete', nearly
new; 1 3-in. Mitchell wagon, 1
3'i-in. wagon and box, 2 road
carts, 2 sets heavy harness. 1 set
ibnftde dming harness, 1 good
Mel ormi. k :". o ft. cut; 1
Holt cream separator, nearly
new: 1 3.tJ lb. caj acitr cream
s''fintor. C'"'Od as new: 1 Vulcan
Xo. U steel Warn plow, 1 3 .-ee-tion
iron harrow. 1 7 ft. eiess cut
saw. picks ai.d other tlii;is.
Fariueis take advantage of
these sabs if you want to buy
or sell, i.-il v,.;;r rei-hboi s and
come yoursrh'. ruiniture sale at
i: M. See ad b! w.
P. N. WOO-EY. Auctioneer
Phono j!1
To Furniture 1
Auction Sale 5
At the yuii k Excharge Auction
Muiket, on Saturday, at 1:30 p.
iu., sharp, consisting of
1 solid oak Princess Pressor,
3 good Oak lbH-kers, I White
Knumcl Kocker. 1 Oak Armchair,
1 Vermis Mnrtin Hedsteads,' 2
White Enamel Hedsteads, 3
good Bed Sittings. I good Mat
tress. 1 Oak Jnn1inicre Stand, 3
good Kitchen Cabinets, 1 Tapes
try Hug !'xl2, 1 Kag ling SxlO,
fringed ends; " Axniinister Mats,
all si.es; 1 t.el 0-lio'e Penitenti
ary' llatige with poi;hed top; 2
sets of rarpenter s Toots. 1 Tool
ltox. 1 Wasfi Maehine. 1 Oak
Library Table. 1 tent lt'xl2. 1"
o. duck; 1 heater, I Oak Hall
Tree. 1 White Enamelled Medi
cine Chest, 1 Kitchen Table, 1
good Wringer, 1 setAmcMcuni.ed
Encyclopedia of Hritnnnica, 1 set
Nelson's Encyclopedia, 1 set -
volumes Woodrow Wilson's His
tory of IT. s.. 1 Crey's Anatomy,
nud luaiiy other books.
Note: All the above furniture
is ns good as new, and will hue
to be seen to be appieciated.
Everything will be sold to the
highest bidder, at your prices,
uot mine. Come yourself and tell
your friends.
"Ladies especially invited."
F. X. Woodrv. Auctioneer.
Phone oil
Fai- aior;v ruh,ic -w,io"
r VI iJiUC nt' 1:3(1 p. m. sharp,
one 1(113 Maxwell Hoadster in
good shape, at the C"'l'K l'
change. Auction Mnikct, on Sat
nrdiiv, Nov. IS, lultl.
Household Furniture. Woodry
the. Auctioneer will pav highest
cash price for same. Phor. 311.
If your spine is right, von are right.
Those who have tried every old method
and found no relief -should trv Chiro
practic and get well. Many hundreds
of grateful patieuts in Saleiu and else
where can substantiate ray statements.
Six adjustments will be civen for the
small fee of fi.OO. Pilfkult cases,
which requ re X ray examinations and
Spinogrnphs can obtain them at a nom
inal fee. Only expert Spinograpli work.
Very successful in stomach and towel
troubles aud diseases peculiar to
w omen.
P. H. MAY, D. O,
Hubbard Building Phcne 572
lug I rithrtn welcome.