Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 16, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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Bate per word New Today:
en insertion, per wora
e week ( insertions'), per word Se
One month(26 Insertions) per word 17
' The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible, for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Bead your advertisements the first day
It appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 15c.
IVOR SALIC Fine pruno ranch, well
improved. Sec 0. W. Johnson. tt
WANTED--Wood cutters $1.00 per
cord, Phone K. A. Way, 692. tf
FUBNI8IIED Apartments, also ban
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage
DRY ASI WOOD For sate, delivered
iu town. Phone 692, K. A. Way. tf
WANTED Second hand one horse de
livery wagon, l'hone 310. novl 8
LOST Eyeglasses with chain attach
ed. Reiynrd. 275 State St. novlO
FKEsli COW For sale, four yon m old.
pi'min? cult' 4 days dTd, row' and cnlf
'$:w. IMioiie :!9F2.
Ir'OlJ KALK 2 choice Jersey and Dnr
luiin cows, just fresh, 715 S. 12th over
garage. V novir
FOR SA17K Tao young rows, one milk
ing, other fresh soon, 1040 Mission
SSt. novlS
WAXTKD To buy grub oak stumpnge
close to rnilroad, also team to hunl
wood, l'hone 10,0Ii. novlT
FOR SALE Good team, 8 mid 9 yenrs
old, weight 1250 each, l'hone 3F21.
WE HATE Baled hay and oats for
sale. George Sweigle, Garden road, tf
TOB RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. t)
"OR SALK Overland ear. 1T5.00,
worth $27.1.00 140 Afevers St. novlU
HARRY Window cleaner, l'hone 70S
WANTED 1 1 o rsi1 for it;! feed. Phone
10F3. novlO
GET PRICES On farm sale- bills at
The Journal office.
WANTED Fat nnd fresh cows. 1125
M. nov29
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
rial office. tJ
$o. worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. ' novlG
Pl'ltLlC SALK November 17, Jeffer
son, Oregon. Mrs. J. Whedbeo.
- . i ..... ...... ... . novn;
GOAT MEAT For sale, 'first lass.
only 3 cents per lb. at O. K. Grocery,
delivered in citv. dccll
FOR SALE Cheap, one tenni of grey
mares, weight 2""U lbs. lslo N.
Com', novl'
FOR RENT One or two house keep
f ing rooms. 1S2 S. High, l'hone 112.1.
J, WANTED A good all around farm
hand. Mrs. A. R. liionnell. Phone
C3F13. novl7
PHONE 208 When, you havo wood
sawing to be done, all work, guaran
teed, Jim Rogers. nov24
BOARD With or without room, reas
onable rati-s. 010 Winter, 4'j blocks
from state house. Phone 155. nov21
WANTED Men and women to cut
rngs.tipply at store corner Chomohetu
and Commercial. tf
FOR RENT New five room bungalow,
modern. Price 10. 59S North 17th
St. nuvls
GET YOUR Trespass Notices, now
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal ti
FOR SALE Hoosier seeder. Remington
typewriter, each lietirlv new, ' j price.
E. J. Miller, Turner, Or., U. 2."novl7
STOCK FEED Pumpkins and corn for
sale. Wanted a lew stock hogs. Phone
44F22. tf
- LOST Between Stnyton nnd Turner,
rim and casing from auto, and Good
year tire size 434. W. II. Downing,
Shaw, Ore. l'hone 22F15. novlO
TRAM Mare nnd horse, weight 1200
a each, good workers and sound, will
Hell cheap for cash or trade for pon
ies, Call 254 S. Liberty, novlO
FOR RENT House, barn, 7 acres culti
vated, 5 miles from Salem, $45 cash
rent. E. J. Miller, Turner, Oregon,
B. 2.- uo17
JACOB VOGT 979 South Commercial
street, invites his old friends to call
on. him when in need of shoe repair
ing. Best of work at lowest prices.
dec 10
HONEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical in
struments, tools, guns, cte. Also
bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phono 4!i:s. nol7
210 ACRES For rent; 150 in cultiva
tion, hnl. pasture: 15'., acres peach
?s, 7 acres loganberries, well watered
hv springs, 2 houses, 3 barns. Phone
' 4F2. nov22
FOR SALE Or trade, team of good
JU work horses, weight about 2IMMI, 1
chestnut sorrel and 1 bay, ." mid 8
years old. also Royal blooded Poland
China boar, l'hone 310. novl
MONEY LOANED On furniture, hors
es, vehicles, merchandise, etc. Trans
notions private. Possession retained.
X'nion Loan Agenev, 217 South High
"trcet. . . dec 14
FINE Young horse to trade for fat
or fresh cow. Call 87F24, novlS
FOR SALE Milch cow, $.r..A snap.
140 Myers St. novlT
FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms,
bath. 630 X. Liberty. novl"
FOR RENT A suite of housekeeping
rooms, well furnished at ana N. Lib
erty. Inquire at residence. Phone
1040.1. ef
FOR RENT A nice pleasant room suit
able for 2, wi.h board, reasonable
rates by month, 1 block of post of
fice. 292 X. Church. Phone 1013. nolT
WANTED Young lady wishes board
and room, reasonable' rates, with pri
vate family. Address P. O. box 523.
novl 7
FOR SALE A nice piano-slightly used
price $400.00, will sell for $1"0.00.
Elmer O. Smith, JC40 Ilall St. Fair
ground rond. novlS
WANTED To trude, 20 acres, near
Woodburn, well improved for smaller
place near the city limits of Salem,
t.'all or address 203S Stat street. nlO
FOR RENT Space in 2 good windows
at 429 Court, suitable for real estate,
office, transfer office or barber
hair. . novlS
WANTED Teams to haul 05 cords of
oak and fir wood to Marion station
at once; to trade 3.'i Studebnker
wagon for a heavy wagon. W. F.
Proctor, l'hone 1322J. novlS
FOJ TRADE Modem 12 room house,
cor. 14th nnd Center Sts., for good
small farm 30 to 40 acres preferred.
Address F. E. Wells, K. 3, box 04,
llensen Ave. near South Commercial
car line. novlG
FOR SALE Large six year old Jer
sey, with calf 8 weeks old, also heif
er 11 months old, all could bo regis
tered. Cow is heavy milker and tests
CO per cent. Phone 721 or call 270
North Conftuj'roial St. Next to Frv's
Drug Store. k novl7
Stock Market Puzzles
By Its Fluctuations
New York, Nov. 1U. The, Now York
Evening Sun financial review today
says: - .
There was disposition in conservative
quarters today to distrust the rather
sudden buoyancy displayed in the stock
market from the opening. Few profess
ed to be able to give adequate reasons
for the scviuiniilv pronounced access to
Jhe buying power. Prices did not move
consistently, YWulo some groups were
advancing others were, reacting, al
though nil ruled well above the Wednes
day level. The improved demand for the
railroad issues was attributed to cover
ing by the shorts. "
I'oth the steel and copper shares re
sponded readily to the steadily increas
ing prices in the metal muriiets, both
here and in London. New high record
prices iu the stocks were the rule rath
er than the exception. United States
eel was relatively narrow, although
it advanced well over a point through
tlulg States Steel common was push
ed up to 103 nnd the second preferred
to 10, each later yielding from 10 to
15 points.
Lackawanna crossed 103 to new high
giound and Republic sold nt 87. Amer
ican Smelting and Refining touched
a new top price through 122 and Ana
conda again crossed 12. Inspiration and
'(.'hino achieved records at 70 or better.
The shipping, equipment anil specialty
issues were strong.
The entire metals list made addition
al gains iu the last hour, but eased off
somewhat toward the close. Lacka
wanna steel made a further advance to
101. Central Leather made an eleventh
hour rallv to well above luO.
Recall of Mayor Gill
MayBe "Recalled"
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 10. That the
proposed recall of Mayor (lill will be
dropped was the statement mnde today
by Rev. W. A. .Ma jor, secretary of the
law- and order committee organized two
days ago to pass resolutions against
the chief executive's stand on the 1.
W. W. situation.
Ninety per cent of the citizens of
Seattle are opposed to tho recall," said
Major, "but we formed the connnitteo
to show the world that Seattle does not
entirely agree with the mayor oil the
I. W. W. situation."
Mayor Gill had given out a news
paper interview stating that the citi
zens of Everett were just as guilty of
murder as the I. 'WV W. members who
went there on the steamer Verona and
fought a buttle in which five of their
members and two deputv horiff were
Frank Doyle Killed
While cutting timber yesterday af
ternoon on the Croisau place four miles
from Salem n the River rond, Frank
Doyle, a farmer, was struck by the
trunk of a falling tree and instantly
killed. He had felled a tree working
with William Dewitz. They had tried
to throw the tree by the side of a large
oak, but it fell in the forks of the oak
and the trunk of the falling tree was
thrown back, striking Mr. Doyle in the
face, enusing instant death. He was
a bachelor and owned 40 acres of land
a few miles southwest of Salem and
40 acres in Tillamook ruMuty. Tele
grams wer sent to a brother, E. W.
Dovle at Sheridan. Conn., nnd to
Howard Allison of Price, Utah. As yet
no funeral arrangements have, been
made. '
Sufferer from Indigestion Relieved
"Before taking Chamberlain's Tab
lets my husband suffered for several
vears from iudigeslioa. cnuing him to
have pains in the stomach and distress
after eating, t'hamberlnin 's Tablets re
lieved llllll Ot iue0 spells rignt anaj.
I writes Mr. Thomas t.'usey, Geneva, N.
'Y. oVtainablc everywhere.
Notice is hereby given that on the
17th day of October, 1916, the under
signed was duly appointed administra
tor of too estate of Margaret A. White,
deceased. That thereafter the said ad
ministrator duly qualified according to
law. ' -
All claims against the" said estate
should De presented with proper vouch
ers therefor within six mon.hs from the
first publication of this notice at room
zUo balom riank of Commorco bldg.
First date of this publication Oct. 20,
1018. B. H. WHITE,
Donald W. Miles, Administrator.
Att'y for Adm.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned have been appointed execu
tors of the estate of George S. Downing,
Inte of Marion county, deceased, by the
honorable county court of the state Of
Oregon for Marion county, and that all
persons having claims against said estate-
are required to present the same
duly verified, with voucher attached,
to the undersigned within six months
from this date.
Shaw, Oregon.
-Salem Oregon.
C. A. Selbrede, Executors.
Attorney for Estate. dec 14
Notice- is heroby given- that the un
dersigned, Sarah E. Riggs, has been by
the county court of Marion county,
Oregon, duly appointed executrix of the
last will and testament of SUas T.
Riggs, deceased, and has duly qualified
as such.
Now therefore, all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified auiUjrequircd to presont the
same, duly verified to the undersigned,
executrix, at her place of residence, at
No. 411 North Summer street, Salem,
Oregon, within six mouths from the
date of this notice, as by law provided.
Dated this 17th dav of October, 1910.
Executrix of tho last will and testa
ment of Silas T. Riggs, Deceased.
R. L. Conner, attorney for said es
tate. Nov. 10
The following is an itemized estimate
of the amount of money proposed to be
raised, by levying of an additional tax
for road purposes, in road district No.
l.l'a. in Marion county, Oregon, as pro
vided by the regularly called meeting
of the tax payers of said district; held
on the 28th day of October, 1010.
' Budget
For the improvement of the following
county roads "
The road from B. M. Skaife's resi
dence on Silver ( reek Falls road as far
us funds will reach, by macadam, ifl,
910.50. The above estimate may be discussed
at a regularly called tax payers' meet
ing, to be held on November 2.1, at
wo o'clock p. m. at' Fair View school
house, in said district.
1!. F. TEKRY, Chairman.
II. Mummers, Secretary. - tf
' Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned resident tax payors, rep
resenting ten per cent of the resident
tux payers in road district No. 28, Mar
ion county, Oregon, hereby give notice
to the tax payers of said district, that
there will be a meeting of the resident
tax payers of said district, nt Liberty
hall, iii said district, nt 2 o'clock p. m.,
un the 27th day of November, 1010,
to vote nil additional tax for road pur
poses, as provided by an act of the
legislature of 1013. (Signed) Mrs. Al
ma Gibson, Sarah E. Chesnut, Caroline
Seleo, Marian Hcllyes, Emilia Hall, E.
W. Sanders, W. I). Mahonev, Conrad
Fait, J. O. McClain, Geo. M. Grilly, B.
Shaw, Ben Morris, C. W. Parks, (i. W.
Sanders, Henrv Stevenson, Frank Hu
botz. A. W. Mize, H. C. Smith, B. Cun
ningham, E. E. Roberts, Win. Zosel, J.
I. McDonald, F. Bradv, John Stuer, B.
J. Miles.
First issue Nov. 3, last time Nov. 23
Of Real Property on Foreclosure
Notice is hereby given, that by vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the circuit court of the'stnte of Ore
gon, for the -county of Marion and to
me directed on the Oth day of Novem
ber, 1010, upon a judgment and decree
duly rendered, entered of record and
docketed in and by said court on the
.'tilth tlay of October, 1010, in a certain
suit flien iu said court pending, where
in Firttt National Bank of Alliambrn, a
eon oration, was plaintiff and W. A.
Sipprell, F. O. Sipprell and Lucy Den
ccr Sipprell were defendants in favor
jof plaintiff and against said defendants
liy wind) execution i am eonimnnuvii to
sidl the property in said execution and
hereinafter described to pay the sum
due the plaintiff of .t270o.00 with in
terest thereon nt the rate of 7 per
cent per annum from the 30th day of
November 1012. until paid and the fur
ther sum of ios.otl, delinquent taxes
and interest and for the further sum
of $270.1111 attorney's fees, together
with the costs and disbursements of
said suit taxeil at $15.25 and costs nnd
expenses of said execution. 1 will on
Saturday the Oth day of December 1010
at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said
dav at the west door of the county
'court house in Marion county, Oregon,
Isell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash ill hand on the day
iof sale, all the right, title, interest and
i estate which said defendants and all
person's claiming under them subsequent
to the date of the mortgage, November
:5uth, 1912, in, of and to said premises
hereinbefore mentioned and described
in said execution as follows, to-wit:
Beginning on tho subdivision lino
running north and south through the
middle of section No. 17, township 8
l...i. - ,A vt:nnn...fA f..-;.i.
in ii, ut a point 0.50 chains north of
the center of said seetion; thence south
80 degree 39 minutes east 20.25 chains
to the center of the county road; thence
north 37 degrees 45 minutes oast D.25
chains alo.ig the center line of said
rond; thence north SO degrees 30 min
utes west 24.00 chains; thence south
4.7S chain to place of beginning, con
taining 10.42 acres more or less, all in
Marion county, state of Oregon.
Snid salo being mnde subject to re
demption in the manner provided by
Dnted this 8th dav of November 1910.
Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon.
By W. J. Necdhuiu, Deputy. Dec 7.
The following prices for fniita
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, ai.il
not what is paid to the producer.
All other p.-ices are those paid tho
producer. Corrections are made
Flour as well as other necessities
seem to have touched tne nigh notch as
there is no change of price today nor
rumors of a change. Bakers in the large
cities are talking of higher priced
loaves but this has not effected the
smaller towns. The turkey market
Shows no change and while eggs are
senrce, the figures of 40 and 42 cents
seem to hold good.
Oats, new
Rolled b&rlej ,
Shorts, per ton
Hay, clover
Hay, cheat
Hay, vetch ............
Hay, timothy ..........
. . $1.3o(,1.40
v... $27.00
Battel. -
Buttc'rfat .... ; 37c
Creamery butter, peT ponnd 39c
Couutry'buttcr - 25(6.30c
Eggs and Poultry. .
Eggs, case count, cash 40c
Eggs, trado 42c
Hens, pouilu"" 13$i l4c
RooBtors, old, por pound 9c
Broilers, under 2 pounds 14c
Turkeys, live 19(a21c
Turkeys, dressed 2324c
Ducks, live ll(13c
Geese, live 9(10c
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Pork, dressed 12 l-213c
Pork, on foot 8 l-29c
Spring lambs, 1910 7V47jC
Veal, according to quulity 10c
Steers 06
Cow 3 l-24c
Bulls 33 1-4
Ewes 4c
Wethers 6 l-2
Figs and Dates
Figs, 70 four oz
Figs, 36 12 oz
Figs, 12 10-oz
Black figs
White figs
Dromedary dates-.-
, 9c
.... 10c
...... 3.75
Tomatoes $1.25
Cabbage '.' 4Tx
String garlic 10(gl2 l-2c
Potatoes, sweot 2 3-4c
Potatoes, per 100 pound9....$.20((ii1.2.-
Green onions .
Oreon peppers .,.....,.
Carrots, dozen
Artichokes ,.,
Lettuce, local
Lettuce, California, crate
Egg plant
. 40.'
... $1
.. 40c
.... 7c
. 75c
. 2.50
Grapes $1.75
Apple 50c$1.00
Oranges, Valencies $5.23
Lemons, per box $6.00( 6.50
Bananas, pound 6
California grape fruiu $4.00
Florida Rrapc fruit ..:::. $6.50
Pineapples .' 8c
Honey t.l.5
Retail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 50c
Sugar, cano $8.70
siigur, boot $8.50
Crcamory butter 45c
Flour, hard wheat . $2.3!i2.5o
Flour, valley $1.9.'.(k 2.15
Portland, Or., Nov. 10.
Wheat, club $1.52
Red Russian $1,52
Forty fold $1.55
Bluestem $l.l)3'.
tints. No. 1 white feed $35.50
Harlev, feed $38
Hogs, best live $9.00(5 0.73
Prime steers 7f 7.10
Fancy cows $5(a 5.35
Calves $7
Spring lambs $8.75
Butter, city creamery 38c
Eggs, selected local ex. 50c
Hens 15c.
Broilers litM7c.
leeso lie.
State House News
Among thoso who are reported to have
mnln ii tiiili.'fit Inn tn thi linnnt .if c.ill-
'trol for the position of warden of the
state penitentiary are Nate Bird, of
I I'ortiona ponce otricer, wno nas oeen
! a candidate for sheriff of Multnomah
i .... r I. 1 1:,..,.. . ,,n-.i i
I broker; and Police Officer Burns, of
'Oregon City. Before tho board meets
I it is expected there will be six or eight
applications on file. .
I Spencer Wortman, of Portland, wns
this morning appointed deputy sealer of
weights and measures by State Ireasur
i er T. B. Kay. The appointment is a
promotion for Mr. Wortman, who will
fill the position which will be left va
cant January 1 by Mr. Buchtel, who
There la more Catarrh In this section y'
the country man all ottier diseases put
together, and until the last few yean
was supposed to be Incurable. For a
frreat many years doctors pronounced tt a
ocal disease and prescribed local reme
dies, and by constantly fulling to cur
With local treatment, pronounced It Incur
able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a
constitutional -disease, and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment, llall'c
f'atflrrh Cure, manufactured by V. J
Ch-fcy Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only
tfopstituttonal cure on the market. It U
taken Internally. It acts directly on tb
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
case It falls to cure. Send for rlrculari
and testimonials.
A4drHa:4F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O
HolS by Drusslsts. 75c.
Take Hall's Fimlli JPllls for constlpstloa
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 16. Be-
cause of an expected enormous
demand for municipal electric-
ity at home, the Tacoma coun-
cil todny turned down Seattle's
offer to purchase 6,o0 horse.
power of juice from the local
plant. A dozen -large manufac-
taring industries, including a
shin building plant and a smelt-
er, will build in Tacoma with-
in a few months, the city au-
thorities have learned and all
will demand large supplies of
municipal current.
High School Notes ,
Commenting on tho Salem-Albany
game which takes place Saturday at
Albanv Coach Putnam expressed him
self that although the Salem team was
seriously handicapped by injuries and
sickness it was going to do its best
which he said was win.
Munager Ackerman announced this
morning that the excursion train would
leave Trade street Saturday morning
at 10:30 sharp, and that tickets would
be obtainable ut the tram.
Owing to Principal Nelson's absence
from town on business, Supt. Todd ad
dressed the students at assembly this
morning. He spoke at length on the
splendid condition of the school and
said that in all his experience as a
teacher or officer in any school he had
never seen a high school which nianuged
its affairs as well as has the Salem
high school.
An announcement of interest to the
public was made this morning at tho
mim school assembly concerning the
address on "Celcctial Mechanics" to be
delivered at the high school tomorrow
morning at 9 o clock by Professor A.
b. Carpenter. Mr. Todd announced that
tho lecture was open to the public.
rTtinni frnini, nit llin nTcnruion train
next Saturday will take a monstrous
liinb with iliam on am AYt,Aitin(p tn
givo Albany "the hook", This instru
ment of torture is described by those
familiar with it as being eight feet
long and proportionately as powerful.
Gas Company Has
Expressed Appreciation
The Fortland Railway, Liuht & Pow
er company has mailed the fallowing
expression of appreciation to those of
its gas customers, that it was necessary
to shut off temporarily due to delay in
receiving the new gas generator at the
gas plant.
Mucin, Oregon, -ov. 14, I'Jln,
We wish to express our appreciation
of your consideration for us in our re
cent predicament of bomg temporarily
unable to supply all of our customers
w.... gas. Iu addition to the trouble
due to the delay in the receipt of the
Kiis generator, we found some brass
thief had stolen a brass service- valve
off of- the end of a service pipe in a
vacant.' isolated house, causing us to
lose almost 10,0110 eu. ft. or $15.00 worth
of gas per day for several days.
Our new generator is now installed
and in operation and we have more than
enough gas on hand to supply all re
quirements. Thanking you for your friendly co
operation, we arc.
Yours truly,
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Manager Hamilton also wishes to ex
press the appreciation of the company
tor the cooperation extended by those
who were not cut off, in economizing
as much as possible in the use of gas
during the period that the shortage of
gas existed. '
Dario Rcsta Won
Vanderbilt Cup Today
Race Track, Santa Monica, Cal., Nov.
Hi. Dario Itesta today won the elev
enth Vanderbilt, and broke tho former
record for the distance nnd became the
leader iu the race for the American
automobile champion by the elimina
tion of .lolui Aitken, and Eddie Kick
cnbncher. won a place on the public service coin
mission at the recent election.
Certificate of increase of capital stock
was filed today with the corporation
commissioner by the Highway Auto
companv of Astoria, the increase being
from $5,000 to $10,000. A certificate
of dissolution was issued to the Med-fonl-Buttc
Falls Recreation club.
(lovernnr AVithyeomlio nnd (leorgc
Palmer Putnam, private secretary, nre
in Portland attending a meeting of the
fish and game commission.
A- H. Lea, secretary of the state
board of agriculture, who has been in
Portland for several days, is expected
back today.
Emma Noah, whose husband wns kill
ed September 20, 1915, and who has
been receiving $30 a month front the
state accident commission, has remar
ried and as a result there is netted to
the general accident fund the sum of
$0,400.51, which would have been paid
to her if she had not married. When
the accident happened, the commission
set aside $7,088.62 as a fund out of
which to pay her the $30 u month al
lowance. She has received $303 iu
monthly payments, and in addition will
get the lump sum of $300, or a total of
$603, which, deducted from the original
sum allotted to her, leaves $0, 109.51
to be returned to the accident fund.
Yesterday the car shortage in Oregon
reached its highest point, tint report of
the Southern Pacific) to the public ser
vice coniinisnimi showing that tho short
age was 3,009 cars.
C. L. Ireland, manager and owner of
the Shermau County Observer, writes a
letter of appreciation to the public ser
vice commission for tho assistance rend
ered in securing cars to relieve the fuel
famine in Sherman county. When the
notice was received at Moro, the Tiima
lum Lumber company ut once began
preparations tu loud the car. He thanks
the coinmissif.n for their prompt atten
tion to the case nnd their work bears
0. A. C Wants a Million, U.
of 0. $796,000 and Mon
mouth $174,000
According to the estimate of im
provements at the Oregon State Normal
school at Monmouth for the coming bi
enuium, President J. H . Ackerman
states that it is planned to enlarge the
main building so as to give space for
an assembly room, locker room, and
gymnasium at a cost of $25,000; to en
large the women's dormitory at a cost
of $50,000, to pave streets at a coat
of -5,000, and to Bccure schools in the
vicinity as practice schools at a cost
of $0,000, or a total of $86,000. This
sum is to lie asked of the next legisla
ture in addition to the receipts, of $87,
059 from the miilage tnx, tuition,
diplomas, and fees from domestic
science and library fines. The report
was made to the secretary of state as
required by law.
Tho report of the board of regents of
tho University of Oregon through the
secretary, L. 1L Johnson, shows that
the total expenditures of the universi
ty, including salaries, general main
tenance, permanent improvement, and
repairs, was $790,930. The estimated
receipts from the miilage tax fund, the
current expense fund, the University
land fund interest, nnd the University
Villard Endowment fund interest is
$578,400. For new buildings $50,000 is
asked for a new recitation hall, $50,000
for a new dormitory for women, for
extension of the heating main to Spil
ler Hall $1800, and for an addition to
Spillor Hall $36000, or a total of $105,-
400. Repairs, equipment, supplies, and
tho purchase of 12 acres adjoining tho
university to mee,t increase in develop
ment aro estimated to require $136,020.
Contingent expenses as the building
of cement walks amount to $1496.-
The estimate for the Oregon Agricul
tural college for tho next two years is
$997,185. Tho receipts from various
sources amount to $851,000. The esti
mate for the University ' of Oregon
Medical college is $106,610 while the
receipts are only $17,790.
Tho requirements of tho Oregon
Agricultural college are said to be
greatly increased on account of the
great development of the institution.
Salaries in many cases will nave to be
increased in order to keep the instruc
tors from leading to get more money
elsewhere. For salaries $591,499 is
asked; for additional assistance in de
partments $41,685; for a now library
building $100,000
out his contention at the session of the
last legislature that the public service
commission ivas worth retaining. This
was the fust chance of tostin? his nude;
ment iu that vespect. He said the town
of Wasco, the county sent, was entirely
out of fuel and that for the past two
months cars had been promised bur the
promises wi re consistently broken. Clrass
valley was alio suftenug from a fuel
famine, according to his letter.
Write for free booklet.
Send sketci and description or
model, mentioning this paper,
for thorough FREE search for
311 Victor Bldg..
Washington, 1). C. Nov.ll
lteRular conclave fourth Friday In eac
month at H o'clock p. tn., tu Musonlr
Temnle, Homirnlng Hlr Knifthts an
courteously Invited to meet with us
Lot I., l'eurce, B. C, Frank Turner
sionintN woorMF..v ok amrrica om
gon t'edar Camp, No. 024U, meets everj
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mc
Cornnck hnll, corner Csurt sod Libert
streets. FJcratnr service. Geo, Ueinobi
V. C; J. A. Wright, citrk.
Friday nllit at N o'clock la McCsrnaci
block. A. J. Hwelnlnk, C C; 1, H. Ueer
clerk, 507 Court turret I'bone G98.
SAI.KM I.OlWIflS Nfc . A. F. & A. M
Htnled communications Brut Friday Is
each mouth ut 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic
Temple, elms. McCarter, W. M. ; H. Z
Hvlvcr, secret!.
'JNITKO AFITTSAN8 Capital Assembly.
No. M4, meets sverjr Wednwiitnr at H p. m
In Moose hull. C. O. Matlock. M. A.I
C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Druf
storo, 338 State street.
A. O. TJ. W. Protertlun Lodge N. St,
Meets every Monday evening at 8 In tht
McC'ornsck ball oorner Court and Liberty
streets. A. R Aiifrancs. U. W. ; 8. A
McFfeddn, recorder ; A. I Ilrovn
financier; R. II. Duncan, treasurer.
CENTRAL I.onOH, No. 18, K. of P. Me
Cornnck hullillng. Tuesday evening of
each week at 7 :-'IO. C. K. Harbour, C. C. I
W. H. Uilsnn. K. of R. and H.
R. N. of A "Oregoa Grape Camp," No
I3UO, meets every Thursday evening Is
' MeCornack building, fonrt and Liberty
streets; elevator. Mrs. rlylvla Hchaupp
17111 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa l'cr
sons, recorder, 12UU North Commercial
l'hone 1430-M.
president; Mrs. Iiu Tlllsoitr serretarw
All cases of cruelty or neglect of duroi
snluiHls should he rtortee te the
secretary for Investigation.
HODSON ronNm,, No. I. It 8. It.
Muted assembly first Monday In earl
month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Ilnamus
sen, Thrice Illustrious Master) Glenn C
Mies, reorder.
8AI.KM COUNCIL NO. 202! Knights an
Ladles or Security Misms every 2nd am)
4th Wcdnesdny each month at lino'
Hull. Visiting members are Inrltrd U
attend. L. F. Wslten, financier, 480
14th Htreet.
United communications third Krldaj
In each month at 1 :30 p. to. tn tb
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Itolam, W. U.
Krneat U. Cboate, secretary,
corner Commercial and Trade streets
For water service apply at offiea.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
SHOE REPAIRING Old shoes mad
like now. All leather used in repair- 1
ing. Fair prices to all. Modern Sho :
Repair Co, 464 Court St. Salem. no28 '
CIDER By tho barrel or in any qnaa- 1
tity at iuo a gallon at the null. Cus
tom work at 2c a gallon. Commercial .
Cider works, rhone 2194. 1010 . ;
Commercial St. nov28
(Irrugless) Inc. 428 Hubbard Bldg, :
Salem. All drugless methods taught. '
Flora A. Brewster, M. I., Dean. Pri-
vate patients 1 to 5 p. m. Examinsr -tion
free. .
OREGON Wholesale and Retail Hid I
and Metal company. Highest cask -
price paid for hides, pelts, rags, used '
machinery and junk of all kinds. A
good Btump puller for sale. 197 South ' '
Commercial . Phone 399. nov27
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd ft Boab Bank, Salem, Oregoa
ONEY TO LOAN- I have made ar
rangements for loaning eaatera
money, will moke very low rate of
interest on highly improved farms,
lomer H. Smith, room 9 MeCornack
Rids.. Salem. Ore.. Phone 96.
-KERRY wi'T WOOD SAW We live
end pay taxes in Salem. Let Salem
people saw your wood. Phone 869.
nu ii. iss. L. Keister, Wn.
CHA8. B. HODGKIN General Insur
ance, Surety Bonds, real estate and
rentals. Hubbard Bldg. Phone 380. tf
"EBB & CLOCGH CO. C. B. Webb,
A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern jnothoda
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888,
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Say and night phoae
Co., 220 N. Liberty
Phone 263. A com
pleto line of Electria
Supplies and fixtures
iOR RENT,-40 acres, oil in cultivation
with buildings, some orchard, close ',
to school. Hquure Deal Realty Co, .-,
202 U, H. Bunk bldg.
standardized dancing class, followed
by social dancing Friday evenings.
Folk dancing and private lessons Sat- :
urduy afternoons. Instructed by Pris
cillu Fleming. Phono 92. t neell '
from all points, east, on all houshold
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer .
Company, agents for Pacifle Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
tcrman, Prop. Chcmekota stroot be
tween Com. nnd Liberty, telephone
900. Absolutely clean, thoroughly
homelike, strictly modern. Thero are
larger hotels in Salem, but no better.
Rates from 50c a duy to $1.50. Spe
cial rates by week or month, dectl
60 years experience.
Depot National and American fence
Sizes 20 to 68 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Solum Fence and Stove Works, 230
St. Phone 124.
DR8. B. n. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON -Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Oraduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksrille,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronie diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 505-506 U. B. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 844
North Capital street. Phone
proprietor. Garbage and rofuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Haad, Davenport,
Iowa, If you have tried everythinf
and got no relief, try ChiroBrao
tie spinal adjustments and get welL
Offico 400-7-8 U. 8. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R
Yick So Tons
Has medicine which will ears
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m,
until 8:00 p. m.
163 South High 8tivt
Slam, Oregso. pooua SS2