i six THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1916. 4 Get this $1.00 "Wear-Ever" J Double Lipped 2!2 Quart Saucepan IJM!TK1 Special offer expires on ihtle named In coiiihiiu Thei'fiifter price ,-wiH be ' p For Only I IL J. H. Abert Talks On Subject to Woman's Roseburg Woman's Club II The Natural Shortening Cake of excelling quality AlUMINUM IftWt HARM and the coupon if pre sented on or before Nov. 25, 1916 Do you know why so many women prefer "Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils? If not, see for yourself the difference between "Wear-Ever" and other kinds of aluminum utensils. Aluminum Is NOT All The Same Be sure you get "Wear-Ever." Look for the "Wear-Ever" trade mark on the bottom of every utensil. If it is not there it is not "Wear-Ever." Re fuse substitutes. Cut out the coupon today. Take it to your dealer and get the "Wear-Ever" Sauce-pan for only 69o. Independence Craven and Huff Sloper Bros. & Cockle Mt. Angel J. W. Ebner AlUMINUM Salem Ray L. Farmer Imperial Furniture Co. Salem Hardware Co. Dallas Craven Hardware Co. Guy Bros. Other stores located wherever this paper cir culates may honor "Wear Ever" Coupons. Get Your Saucepan Today ! The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. New Kensington, Pa. t t t t - Scio N. I. Morrison The stores named below will honor the "Wear-Ever" coupons if presented on or before Nov. 25, 1916. Sheridan Ivie, Payne & Son Silverton C. M. Wray Stay ton Lilly Hardware Co. Woodburn Landon Hardware Co. ir-r-.-Jf A"y MT, "!'" s''"', "- aluminum a,v ,nv 4W fev"SCA xt'Z. i , V'""'1 Sil""'"'"' wI'Mi sells r.-unlartv ul jbsSTxA I U M. .iuvlU,..l , ,,. t ,. ,,, Vis". MM lMf "' uu,fr Ut'fl"''' Nuv- 'fin - wining , v.,,,- IMWMi J TIIK AM. MINI 11 CIMtKI.Mj I TUNSIl CO. M ( Rosoburg Review.) A Pacific. Highway which will merit that designation, the improvements to consist of n widened grade, the elituina tion of curves unit steep ascents, anil tho surfacing of tlie entire route with j U PIIOSIUIII llll 1IIUI lUMHIg IUIIUTIUI, nUS mentioned here by a, prominent author ity today us a probable accomplishment tor thin Htute in road building within the next four years. "Before the end of the new adinin istintion," said the authority, "the final steps will be under way and a highway through the state that will be a credit to the nation will be a reality a short time thereafter." The author of the remark was .1. U. Albert, of Sa 1cm, a member of the state advisory board on road construction, and one of the best informed advocates of good roads in Oregon. Mr. Albert arrived in Hoseburg with his wife last evening and this afternoon delivered an address on his "favorite topic before the Mil) Mental ('tilt 11 re club at the 1'resbyterinn church, "Because of motor traffic," said Mr. Albert, "a permanently improve ed highway will soon be an almost dire necessity. Gasoline has come to be the cheapest motive power obtain able for transporting goods on a short hnul, anil for this reason motor traffic will soon demand to compete with the lailronds on the most traveled highway through the state. In experiments per formed last year near Salem we proved the economy of the gasoline driven ear and consequently have undeniable data to back tip our conclusions. This was proved by transportation of Iho berry crop there over at distance' of 20 miles. Not only were ninny steps in the pro cess of handling the berries dispensed with but the fruit also arrived in better shape and without delays. It was con siderably more satisfactory than the old way of shipping the berries by train." In addition to explaining the meth ods o'f securing a peniinnenlly improv ed highway north nnd south, Mr. Albert also discussed the proposed route from ( Itoseburg to Coos Bay upon which ho was prepared to talk after making aj thorough investigation here ot the pro- j Vliyer!l j tl0 ,-uifncil chambers at the ''",,'Ti. , ,. . , . Icity hall last night, $5011 was included "This route connecting the interior b ' of Douglas coiintv with tide water, is 1 " trie city nunget to prov ide for a play even more important to this section ! KrouinU for the children. This sum was than the route ulong the I'acific high-! ndilod to the budget item "incidental wav." declared Mr. Albert. " The I expenses of the city" and brought it iroducts of Douglas county will find ' "I to 5,il!. One call for a bridge was their best tidewater markets over this at the meeting, route and it will also ivc the shortest Councilman Jones, who has fostered Just as Cottolene adds to the lightness and deli cacy of biscuits and pastry, so does it meet the re quirements for cakes of all kinds. You will appreciate the superior "creaming" quality of Cottolene. Use Cottolene for all your shortening; learn how very good it is in cake-making; use it also for frying; re alize the tempting, wholesome quality it gives to foods. Cottolene is put in pails of various -sizes for your convenience. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Almond Cream Cake Cream Jj cup of hotter and Cottolene packed together.add one cup of sugar, and mix in alternately cup of milk or water and two cups of pastry flour sifted three times with two teaspoons baking powder. Beat well, flavor and add five stiffly beaten whites. Bake in two layers. Whip sweetened creamuntil stiff; flavor with almond ex tract and sherry; add chopped blanched almonds and spread between and over the layers. Garnish with cherries. From "HOME HELPS" mattti lie it you wtite our lie, Offices, Chicago Hlf4m.,J iLJe3fl- EhOXFA RBANKwpan71 (''' wrM j i w j J I jSKYlil I f "Cottolene makes good cooking better" J! ' i ' ii V Kill Mr-I Ih hi II I jUIII UUUULI VlUf.UUU When a cold hangs on as often hap-lUl llldV LilCtlCU lp us, or when you have Hardly gotton MoIIamoI PnnrA UnnJ lover one cold before vou contract no- lldUOIIdl UUdTQ IlCdU JkM (M fl nm OAniTAlotber, lookout for yon are liablo to eon-1 I UK All fflT liArllM ,li"t s."mc vcry 8t'1'i0lls diMCtisc. This l'ortlaud. Ore., Nov. 1 John I May II 111 VIV lb! I Vlll llll s OHsinn nf cnhls wouheilH the svstem lw,, ,,.,.., ,.iil t ,l,n rlMi;,l lr and lowers the vitality so that you are infantry, was elected colonel of tho regi :iuuch more liable to contract chronic 1 1(.ht ,y unanimous vote of tho officers nii J Ii D J ""i1'1111' pneumonia or consumption. t ,, meeting in the armory last night. nay urounn uein rasseu. ( ,,ro yur t,oid wiii, .v,ni ,-'n- coionei May ni sueccci ooionei .,...,,.,., v,.h.. ......v.... ...... f, i lenarii .Mci.augiinn, oi me regular reputation. Jt is relied upon by thotis-1 1U.,1IV MMl, 111H M1( ,.,imlllnllj 0f n,,, auds of ipople and never disappoints TJ,in1,n f(. ,. 11!it to years. Colo them. Try it. It only costs a cpmrter. ,., .M,..lul(,,i ,lls ,,,u detailed to obtanialde iiuywher.'. lllv with tho seventh United States infantry, and doubtless will bo at tached to (icneral IVrshing 'a command in Mexico. He is a captain in tho reg- Street Deficiency Increased to $9,771 As a result of the meeting of the tax' Suspect Cigarettes Vancouver. II. '., Xov. Hi. part of the state. traffic trucks will make this road an economy i Alert InfPnrliariem nlar army. Coln'nei May has been connected with ' , I, I .......,. Viii I i:,,,.l t..r - -navi sUS,i-! ., .,,., ,;, : .-ions divide,! between cigarettes and, nf , ,,,,, sw',,11,1 Oregon, at. incenmarism are rile here today t !vl,..tl. .. IS-11. Two years later ho lowinglie second waterfront tire wit h , , , company, in '4 hours. About seven last night a .,,. . 1 . t , , , ... V ... oiitlaeratlioi broke out in the copra . ' . . m'i- i I've, ill; linn ari i ii I ill lilt, nui'Uinu (luaid of Nevada, where he had nd- u to the rank of second lieutcn- hold of the I'liion Steamship coiupiiny 's steamer Waikwa which was discharL'- .llB i. , Isl Statement of What Candidates Expended Seymour .lone, representative, 1st district, republican, ifltrt.oil. V. Al Jones, representative, 1st dis trict, republican- progressive, .:i(UM. I,evi I), liutlifl, representative district, prohibition, tlO."l. I'. W. .Meredith, represenlative, district, socialist, .,l-.r0. Willis I. Cottcl, presidential elector, republican, nil. W. ('. North, presidential elector, re publieaii, nil. K. 1,. Cannon, secrelary of slate, so fialist, nil. Prank A. Moore, justice of the su premo court, republican, $iii).nil. Frank S. llrant, circuit judge, Ith district, dejil. ii, republican progressive, :ioo.i:i. ' Pretl W. Wilson, circuit judge, 7lh district, republican, Cti 1 .!-". H. ('. (Iroesbeck, circuit judge, l.'llh district, democrat, l 1 1. till. I. S. Smith, state senator, th district republicnii-progressive, 2c. W. Lair Thoinpsnn, stale senator, 37th district, republican, ll.0;i. M. I). Shanks, state seastor, I Ht h dis triet, republican, $7. .ill. Frank Van Camp, representative, lith district, socialist, (vie. district, socialist, 'Jc. August Aliti, representative, I St U dis trict, socialist, nil. K. K. Kubli, represenlative, Hlh dis liict, repiiblican piogiessive, ifJii.iJII. I. C. Lewis, representative, I St h dis trict, republican progressive, $17.00. August Wesley, representative, lsth district socialist, nil. (ienrge T. Willett, representalive, lsth district, republican-progressive, i:th'.fl.l0. I' red W . Ilynilmnn, represeutatix e, -1st district, democratic-prohibition, A0P.SO. Collier H. Huf fiugtoa, district utter ney, t'urry county, republican-democratic, nil. A. M. I'. Kirchheiiuer, district nttor ney. (iraat county, progressive, $!i.Hi. John Maker, district nttornev, lloml Itiver county, republican, $0.40. Iter! C. Ilovlan, district attorney, .lef ferson county, independent. $LI.10. M. A. Cunning, district attorney, .1 ef ferson count v, repiiblicau-democriitic nil. tiale S. Hill, district attorney, Linu county, republi can-deinocra tic progres sive, ' $:ti.uo. John S. lludgin, district attorney, I'nion ciuiut.v, deiuocriitic. $144.10. Fred K. Fleet, inaiia'ier Klamath Commercial, favoring ' Klamath coun ty Coinineicial club law." $0.i0. F. . Mnlkev, opposing "Full rent also, nnd the route should bo iinoroved I "as opposed the playgrounds as ible." As to the method neeoeu, vo Ira C. Harbor, representative, bllhial value laud tax and homeinakeis district, repiiblii aii-progressive, $''.i,IO. , loan fund ainendiiieni ", $(!0.II0. John F. Stark, repiesentai e, Hitlij II. II. Corey, public service eoiiimis- cnnnnnnnnsnnnniinnnnnnnnnnnEnssnni a GO Latif i A I ry .11 siouer, eastern Oregon district, repub lican, nil. O. C. (libbs, district attorney, Luke county, democratic, $4X00. Max Itiirgholer, presidential elector, socialist, nil. W. M. Tipton, presidential elector, socialist, nil. .1. K. ilosmer, justice of the supreme iiuirt, socialist, $17. ."0. Donald W. .McKinuon, ilairy and food commissioner, socialist, $-i.00. iFred 11. Iliichtel,. public service com niissioner, western Oregon district, republican-progressive, $40.'J.i tieorgc ti. Hiaghain, circuit judge, .'Sid district, republican, $L'I0.S0. Kobert 'fucker, circuit judge, 4th dis trict, dept. No. republican progres sive, nil. .1. C. Smith, state senator, 7th dis trict, repiiblicaa-progressi e, $'J.").00. .1. II. l'rickett, stn.lv senator, 11th dis trict, socialist, nil, O. I!. Ockwig, state senator, IHth district, republican-progressive, $."s:t. W. U, l.aft'erty, representative, 10th district, republican, $10.00. Conrad Stafrin, representative, llth district, republican, $l,''.."i0. S. A. I. Meek, representative, "th district, republican progressive, $L'.i.00. C. W. Itarzoe, representative, ISth ilist rict, so'ialist, nil. Herbert Cordon, representative, lsth district, republican-progressive prohibi t ion. $.10,110. C. Lauganrd, representative, ISth dis triet, republican progress'x e, $.is.P.",. C. C. Clark, representative, -Sth dis trict, republican, ail. .1. L. Kelly, ropresetjative, 'Jl'th dis trict, republican, $7.0i. ti. I-1, Knowles, district attorney, Clackamas county, socialist, nil. .1. I-!, llusiuer. in behalf of socialist party. $ii.i.7.i. Oaka Heeler. ( In behalf of Lake coun ty rabbit bounlv bill. $s.sn. oute io tne eoasr iioni any interior i r-v ...v. .... .... . ,. , i .,.i, he state. The cheapness of the , '"iscussioa ny moving tnut ifouo he VS. ' V . . . ' " . ,,.. th, put.- from the oneration of motor taken troni item SI nnd made Kent ' . 1 , v i m iioni i ne opi union ui moiur .,. ,, ., .. , , conra to San Friincisco on her return i--. vi neu vouiic.iiman ook, who 1 . , .. .... ... . ; Vnr Q o,.i.i A vovage io ;usiraiiu. oilier a jive noiirs wuh uuujw,. w viuuy n"t i... i ,i. ' . iim ..... k-.i...;,. w o,, i. ..,...,,.' i i ... . ., liani. inc iiro was r a 1 1 iiiiiusnc'i, in, -', i,,i..n 19 iu ' as soon iis possihle." As to the method " ."I ' ' , oo.ic,.- ( ()p 1.,.mV(,( r,.om the vessel. ; writes Mrs. K. O. Irwin, New Konsing- of obtaining the road, Mr. Albert said!'""" Tl''.''s drnmatieally waved a peti- h . ,i,,m,.,l. TI,.. loss i.ton. I'a. "I nut in inanv sleeiilnss hours V o 1 , is esti.nate.l at $10,000. at night before I learned of Chainlier- ..000 citizens who favored the play-, Tlir,i OffiiM'r Watson was overcome 1 lain 's Cough lteiuedy. Mothers need not grounds He declared there was no ob- ,1V slllok. ,,,, ur resc ued by fear this disease if they keep a boltto jeetion to it. ' seamen. The Waikwa is a war prize of Chamberlain 's Cough Remedy in tho lieorge Kodgers appeared as a friend ilnvlll,r i,,.,.,, ,.,,,ture,l ns the Schelsion : house and use it as directed. It always ot the playgrounds. Attorney Brown, , 1V ,)f lisi.llv in 1914 by a Itrit-;gnve my bov relief." Obtninublo e.v w ho was there to ask for a bridge, de-i ish .,,;,,. ' ' ervwhere. dared the taxpnyers' money .was being Tl)0 previous fire occurred aboard the! ' ' spent for all kinds of useless frills. Waimarino. another Vnion steamship i Wedding invitations, announcements. this was a question up to the county of ficinls and the people. He believed with the increased value of farms along the road and the consequent building up of fruit, dairy and other industries along the way it would be a paying invest ment, and return the tuxes within a short time, that would lie expended to build it. Mr. Albert was also of the opinion thut the work on tho slute highway would be begun within a few weeks, ii j eliililrcii ootiUl be earning money instead Councilman McCTelland was opposed to i,onr, an(i aiao )rue out ia her copra i and calling cards printed at the Journal me appropriation oecuuse nc sain nie cargo. Job Department l'riccs right. mini now being expected at iSaleni to have charge ot the expenditure ot the first apportionment from the govern ment niaile under the Shackleford bill for the aiding of various state projects. He suid the bill provided for $ 1 ,200,000, which tntfst be met by a corresponding uppropnrintion by the state, making $2, 100,000 that niny be used . to con struct, the iiuiroveil road. He be lieved this was the proposition for the state to undertake rather than the enmi ties, uud t tin t the state would use the "iitire amount on the Pacific highway. The bill will make $210,000 nvnilable by next June, and the remainder will be of siieudiiiir their tiinu tdavinir. He said last year Councilman Jones asked 1 $250, this year $500, and next vear it would be a $1,000, ' 1 . Councilman -Ward nnd Mayor White both spoke in favor of the playgrounds, i On the vote it was found that six were for and five against the playgrounds. Bridge and Street Funds Shy. The item of $lli,0!i for the fire de onrtmcnt. came 110 for discussion when It u-ne r,iiw,.i.l In tint, n l,uu;u V... H, n ! Mounting of the chemical engine, which is now drawn by horses. It was de cided, regarding the sale of the horses. to let the matter go until the new equip- UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stomach von should always eat slowly and mas ticate your food thoroughly, then take one of Chamberlain 's Tablets immedi ately after supper. Obtainable everywhere. Superior Service Through SleepitiK furs PORTLAND to Chicago, Kansas City, Omiilia, Denver and intermediate points. Dining Car , Service second toaone. The Koute is via the famous Columbia Kiver The "Old Oregon" and "l'ioneer" Trails wonderful ill scenic nnd historic inter est. Automatic Signals guarding the en tire main line, mid 1,140 miles of double- track are guarantees of the high standard the Union Pacific sets. Union Pacific System JOINS WKST AND KAST WITH A BOVU.KVAKD" OF STKKL Tickets, reservations and travel service to suit your needs upon application to CITY TICKET OFFICE, Washington at Third, or WM. Mc MORKAY, General Passenger Agent. Fifteen Mere I. W. V.s Ordered Released M n n H 11 Q M H N a 1 u n Hi g t Seattle. Wash,, Nov. 111. Fifteen W j more members of the I. W. W. excursion Htto Kveiett who took tne Mcunier On J listn, which returned to Seattle after q 1 the I. W. W. on the steamer Verona Jf ; had fought a battle with deputies at M Kverett No ember 5, were released H from the county jail today, y I Deputy Prosecutor Patterson ordered M j their release after questioning them bs I; to their motive in making the trip. He M . termed them " miseuided voiihif men i and bovs. ' ' Willi :2 additional I. W, W.'s charg ed with murder, the total number held in the Snohomish county jail on mur der charges has reached 74. The jail is crowded. The 1. W. W. are planning to march behind the bodies of Felix Itarron, J0I111 l.ooney and Hugo Oerlat, victims of the Kverett fight when they are taken to Mount Pleasant cemetery here Sunday tor burial. listributed over the next four years i nient was tried out. The grading will be done first nnd later Regarding the appropriation of $5,000 the surfacing. f"r 'be building of bridges for the next Mr. and Mis. Albert si opped at year, Councilman Cook, chairman of. th the I'nipqun nnd after this afternoon 's j street committee, stated the amount was nieetiiiL' left for the south, iiitendinir to! not sufficient to carry on the work. let urn 10 Salem tomorrow. Although This was because the South Commercial t a business man with inanv interests, .Mr. street bridge would probably have to i Albert has been identified with the good j l"1 rebuilt within the next year.. He, roads movement for the past 30 years, I said bridges were needed on Xorth ; and bclreves he w ill see the accomp- j Winter street over Mill creek nnd on j lishiuent of the luoiects which' mean to South Twenty-first street.. Attorney. him more than uiiv other ambition. He Brown asked for n bridge over South is making the present trip at his own Capital street and Councilman Mills sug expense, as in the case of many others (rested that the remainder of the inci bv which he has gained a wonderful dental expense fund above $4,500 be knowledge of the various ronds in this : transferred to the street fund deficiency Mate. Ml as to provide for the bridge asked for 1 I by Mr. Drown. The suggestion was Regions having a semi-arid climate 1 made a motion nnd carried, leaving the! can produce alfalfa successfully in near-. street fund deficiency $0,771 instead of) ly all types of sod and through 11 wide ! $0.."50. The SllH Vinhiro Tolls mfTfte Story Cox 17, Oresron City, Orfl.HMMMj 0 "n GEO. O. WILL I GEO. C. WILL n T prJTI H New Edison Dibk Pianos I sell, the R ' "jB I 1 v miiuino, xiGob uiiu v.iieuuvsi. i q ', ..ill ! Grafanolns ones. 35:- ! 13 ' Each in every Pianos rented. Jlli" I W style end all J If i lil I record8 for each- 6 : 4 " (J Q 432 State Street Phone 159 j j ; I H JKk H AUTO -WORK lHV B and Driving 1 rr .-. -r- 1 1 rnvna 1 1.' Air dt tou hit. m 1 1 Wr-Tn ..HAiB Carrlage USN sS& range of temperat nies. Flocttie loconiotives aie in use in Switzerland, in which powerful elec tro magnets are used instead of coup lings in t'rnwing cars. n a H lil a POLICEMEN LETTER CARRIERS DRIVERS and other workers who mast have enduring strength, take The item of clerk hire was cut from $1,740 to $1,040 because it was thought that sum was too much for the work 1 neeessnrv . to lie done. Later, on 1110 lioii of Mayor White the sum was re ! stored to $ 1.740 because in the period ' of activity n clerk had been hired the year rouna. I With the playground item included, i the budget for 1017 now stands at $lo"7,- I two. To Prison for l ife For Brutal Murder Redding. Cal., ov. 1(V Alexander Nainies, who confessed to the murder of Mrs. Rosetta Tbtrbin nnd .lohn Pol lock ten davs airo, will leave for San Onentin prison Saturday to begin his life term, it was announced today. The prisoner declared today that a great loud had been lifted from his mind bv his idea of auiltv and that he would be triad to begin his prison term. Xaimcs' crime was a particularly heinous one. After knocking his two victims unconscious, lie chopped their IichiIa off with sn ftse as the result of health. Surely it Will do B8 much ( n drunken ouarrel. r . . crfYTTS 1 Naimes admitted today that he had for you, but insist on bLVl I L.,rV(,(, thr(,e Vlnr, in th 0ril1n ,Mli. Scott ft Bowse, Bleoiaacld, M. J. 1HS teiitiary for burglary. Eli to build up and keep up their H Utr, F. E. SHAPES 170 S. Commercial Phone 411 WOOD - COAL SALEM FUEL YARDS Phone 029 Old Shoes Made New The quality of our work is as high as the price is low Ye Boot Shop 325 State St. Opp. Ladd & Bush Glasses our Specialty. Lenses duplicated on short notice. Dr. Herman Barr, Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers Larmer Transfer Phone, Office 9.10 or Residence 1S98. Storage, racking, Shipping, Moving, Coal and Wood. Quick. Reliable Service. Auto and Car riage trimming Enamel. P. W. BLISS, Auto and Carriage Trimmer 304 S. Com'l. We ranko your linen woar longer and1 look better by our auto-dry room and press machi n e work. Balers Laundry Co. 136 S. Liberty St. Up-to the-Mlnute Jewelers and Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers State and Liberty The Handy Man Around the House PORTLAND R.R. LIGHT & POWER CO. PURE MILK and CRKAM STJNNY BROOK DAIRY Auto Delivery Phone 222 1200 State St.