Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 16, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
November I'i. l!ll.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
' ' President. Yicc-rresidcnt. Sec, and Trcaa.
Bally by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year ..
. 3.00
1'it monfh
Per month
New York, Ward-Lewis Williams Special Agency, Tribn
Chicago, W. H. Stockwell, Pcoplo's Ons Buildin
Tribune Building
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' Bryan, the silver tongued, says he will devote his en
' tire energies to making the democratic party the cham-
pion of prohibition. He has done splendid work for that
cause and his efforts have borne fruit. However he has
undertaken a big contract, though no bigger than he
would have on his hands if he undertook to reform the
republican party in this respect. One thing against this
reformation is the vote of New York which would go
against any party advocating prohibition, and this has
heretofore been a great factor in preventing either party
adopting a prohibition plank. Now that the New York
bugaboo has been shown to be such, and that the country
can elect a president without its aid, the matter should
be easier of accomplishment. Bryan remarked a 'few
days ago that he would undertake this work because the
democratic party was too good a one "to fill a drunkard's
grave." Whether he succeeds or not it is certain that it
will be but a few years until the United States is as dry
as Oregon will be after Governor Withycombe takes a
whack at the proclamation business and puts the "bone
dry" law into effect.
It is a safe bet that if the democrats do not climb onto
the water wagon in the next few years that the republi
cans will, and with the sentiment growing rapidly in favor
of prohibition it will win. In fact this is about the only
issue left on which that party can come back. The tariff,
on which it relied, is as dead as a last year's bird s nest,
so far as being a political issue is concerned, for before
another presidential campaign is on, the Tariff Commis
sion appointed to frame a tariff on business principles in
stead of predatory desires, will have finished its work,
and its ideas will perforce be given a trial at least before
any changes will be considered.
It will not be at all surprising if one or the other old
parties comes out straight for prohibition at the next
Bunjui Suzuki, president Laborers Friendly Society of
Japan, which is simply a union labor organization, told
the Federation of Labor at a recent meeting that Amer
ican labor need no longer fear Japanese competition for
they had learned and adopted the American ways and
now demanded as high wages as the Americans. He
stated the movement was growing rapidly in Japan and
that in a short time the society had increased from
10 000 to 30,000. Mr. Suzuki also expressed the Japanese
laborer's idea about peace. "War retards human pro
gress and destroys civilization," he said. "The purpose of
labor is not destruction but construction. We do not wish
to spend our precious blood for the glory of munition
manufacturers." All of which shows that Japan, the
voungest in civilization, has learned its true lesson and
has gone up in the class far above some of the oldest
Evidently those isolated counties in eastern Oregon
are in earnest about wanting the Strahorn road built, for
wherever bonds were required to aid the road they were
voted almost unanimously. In Lakeview a $20,000" bond
issue was voted on, the money being needed to secure cer
tain rights of way, and the vote was 249 for and 9 against.
Klamath county voted $300,000 by a practically unan
imous vote, and it looks as though practically all the con
rlit inns til' pppdent. stated bv Mr. Strahorn had been com
plied with. This being the case there should be something
doing in the way of railroad building in the big Inland
Empire next year. It will be a great day for the state
when all its isolated portions are urougnt in iuucu wuu
each other.
While little is being said about it, it is probable an
other year will see work begun on the road connecting
the Coos Bay country with Eureka, California. The gap
is not a large one and is such that it can soon be closed.
It will open a rich mineral section and a wealth of timber,
besides avoiding the haul over the Siskiyous. With the
new dry law in force there is really no use longer for the
road to Hornbrook except during the summer as a scenic
There seems to be considerable meat in England's con
tention that her blacklisting of certain firms is a matter
of her own business entirely. Lord Gray sets up this
defense, and it is certainly one worth considering before
condemning England for her course. He points out that
Ihe blacklist is simply an order forbidding English sub
jectsHrading with certain persons whom the government
names and whom it considers as practically enemies,
and that,;to trade with thein is .'giving comfort and aid
to the erforny." He also sig6te'-'tlal;if England cannot
control liwn subjects itio:'' one $se can, and that it
would cey.tA'My be preposterous fo;the United States
to holer she-,?coulcl control them and;aictate with whom
they should or should not tracte-Ift'V other words the
United States in so doing would be acting just as it ob-
lects to England doing, dictating with whom hnglish sub
jects should trade while denying England the same au
thority over her own subjects.
We do not want to overlook the fact that other coun
tries can be right occasionally and this great and glorious
common wealth frequently wrong. According to the law
of general averages we have a right to be wrong half the
time and it is fair to presume that the hustling American
will keep up his average on any old thing.
'It is stated that Villa has decided to brand all Car
ranza soldiers captured by him with the letters V. C.
which are the initials of the de facto president's name,
Venustiano Carranza. Refugees say the bandit leader
ordered them branded, as traitors because they did not
drive the Americans from Mexico. The most interesting
part of the story is not told, for it is not stated whether
the branding is to be done before or after the Carranza
soldiers are stood up with their backs to the wall and
shot. In other words whether they are to be branded
before or after death. So far, Villa has slaughtered all
the Carranza soldiers caught by him and his new order
will have but little effect except perhaps to make the Car
ranza troops run quicker, faster and farther than here
tofore, and they will have to hurry to do any of these
The manner in which he United States capitalist has
gone into the ship-building business is shown by the re
port of the department of commerce which gives the
number of vessels built in this country in the past 10
months as 968, with a total tonnage of 405,894 gross tons.
These were for American owners, and besides there were
157 wooden ships and eleven steel ones built for foreign
owners. Portland is coming ' to the front as a ship
builder and leads the northwest in this line. It looks as
though the lower Willamette and part of the Columbia
are destined in the near future to be one great ship yard
where the Oregon fir, the best ship timber in the world,
will be made into vessels to carry Oregon products to the
markets of the world.
Wheat broke the record in Portland yesterday when
a lot of bluestem sold at $1.65. Unfortunately there is
little left in the hands of the growers and not a great
quantity in those of the buyers on the coast. It is esti
mated that not more than five million bushels remain in
the three northwestern states. . -
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1808
CAPITAL $500,000.00
Transact a General Rankint Business
Safety Deposit "Bnxe
The Southern Pacific promises speedy relief from the
intolerable car shortage and reports that it has 500 new
cars on the way to the coast, or soon to be so. That num
ber would help some but while the company is about it
it should get a" plenty. It should not overlook the fact
that Salem may require one of the old ones for a depot.
With eggs selling at 50 cents and butter 90 cents a
roll in Oregon towns it would seem as if the threat of
Chinese eggs and New Zealand butter had little back
of it.
Ten thousand car loads of lumber have been sold by
Northwest mills but it is undelivered because of the in
ability of the railroads to furnish transportation
Watt Mason
in i n
s - .
I heard, the down-and-outer say, "I'm can
ned because I'm old and grav. Employers
shoo me from their doors; they want young
men to do their chores. I know I'm long
on sterling worth, but there's no place for
me on earth, no job for me beneath the
moon, for I was born some years too soon.
'Youth must be served, and age must slide
down where the dump is yawning wide."
1 ve often heard this dismal spiel from gents
panhandling for a meal, but in my daily
walks I find that old boys do not fall be
hind, if they still keep their smiles on straight, and keep
their habits up to date. Too many old men sing this song,
that every modern thing is wrong. They re always talk-
ing of the past, and so they're also rans at last A man's
gray hair will cut no grass, if he can make things come
to pass, if he will blithely do his stunt with cheerful and
undaunted front,
Count- Kxnniinei:
'Wilder has on exhibition nt his plumb
ling shop a burner which is designed for
'making n gas stove put of any sort of
range. The complete -outfit includes!
the tank and the burner with the pipe j
attachments. The makers of the bum-,
er claim that it will give us much heat j
us any other fuel and nrmnged so the!
heat can be regulated. It takes about .
five minutes to install the burner and '
about two minutes to take it out. i
Kerosene is used ns fuel. The makers
also claim that it cau lie used in
heater with, as good results ns if wood
is being burned.
i-iImT- twisga
i'v ifot Contents 15 Fluid Practo
'"'trie iPtiITtTiEji ,;
llend Bulletin : Future plans for the
development of the soda ash fields of
tho American Soda Products company
at Alkali Lake wore discussed at a
meeting yesterday in llend of several
of the representatives of tho company
and its employes, if. L. Emerson, of
San Francisco, representative of Mr.
Sprcckles, arrived-in Bend Monday
and held a conference with F. L.
Young, of Paisley, and other employes
of the company. Nr. Emerson, with
Mr. Young, will spend about ten days
nt Alkali Ijilte looking "over conditions.
Coos Hay Times: The Porter Wreck
ing company, which nuide a lucky
strike in floating tho steamer Bandon
at Port Orford recently, has now un
dertaken to salvage the Pear, I'nder
tho agreement, the wrecking company
will receive one-half of the vjnlue of
the boat. If they cannot float her,
she will be dismantled and they will
gctonc-hulf the value of the parts re
moved, the .cost of the operations be
ing first taken out. Joseph Fyfe, of
the Ksrabrook company, has an inter
est in it.
. r cnuni.-a PER CEX
suniiafiugfeFoodand He;
Not Nakcotic.
Tunatm ixw
joist Std
i (Minr fan Er
lion jOuroiuuy.- . ..ml
For Infants and Children;
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the.
For Over
Thirty Years
East Oregoninn: An order for $20
000 worth of Pendleton Indian bhnket
cloth was placed this morning with the
rendleton Woolen Mills by the Xorth-1
em Pacific Kailwav company, which '
will use the eloth to make suits fori
the members of the Northern Pacific I
marching club which will participate j
in tho big winter carnivnl to be held.
in Ht. j-aul trom January zi to i odto
ary 4,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Turner Tidings
(Capita! Journal Special Service )
Turner, Ore.. Nov. 16. Arthur Kd-
The order was placed in person j wards is haviiiL' some repair work done
by ('. C. Kyle, superintendent of f'on- Su,1 nev porches built ou his furm
oral office building, and 1. H. Richards, house.
of Tacoma, general superintendent of Mr-Hmall, .Sr., and little Hollis Hones
lines west of Paradise. I had up a bet on the election but when
j time came to check up accounts it was
Astorian: R. Lvon the sand hill; found that both were betting on the
cranberry rancher was in town today
delivering a portion of his HUH crop,
which according ts his estimate was
onlv about 2." per cent of what it
should have been. Mr. Toons har
vested 100 bushels and although the
yield was light, the quality was superb.
Mr. Lyons raises a number or varieties,
but those brought in today wero
Michigan Prolific and Searles Jumbo.
Both kinds are large and the berries
are fine keepers. II r. Lyons declared
the cranberry business is not fully
known here yet mid there are many
things which' nffect production. He
believes his shortage this year was
caused by keeping the vines covered
with water too loug and also on ac
count of a frost lifter the vines were
in blossom. Mr. Lyons finds that
tilizing a cranberry patch increases the
yield very materially and he plans on
fertilizing every yenr hereafter. He
has five acres all of which will be in
bearing next full.
Pendleton Tribune: Orders for new
freight handling equipment aggregat
ing $U,r00,000 have been placed by the
X'nioii Pacific system for the O.-W. R.
& X. company, according to word re
ceived here. It is said thnt the com
pany is paying a bonus for the rolling
stock for the earliest possible delivery
and that it is promised for February.
The order is for 1300 standard 100,000
pounds capacity box cars and 2."00 new
automobile ears. These cars now ccat
1000 each.
Master Hamnite Pamerton is ablo to
be out among his playmates agnin,
Ruth Edwards was very pleasantly
surprised last Thursday evening by her
classmates, tho occasion being Miss
Ruth's birthday.
Mrs. Bert McKay spent Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Jennlo Moore.
,YV. G. Smith is carrying the mail this
week on Pearson's route.
Mr. und Mrs. Lawrence Roberta were
dinner guests at Fred Gunning's Sun
day. Little Mervih Pearson is in the hos
pital. He was operated on for appen
dicitis Tuesday morning and is doing
Mrs. Lou Small entertains the Ladies'
Aid nt her home this week.
The democratic rally and bon fire
Monday night was well attended. The
band boys made an agreement among
themselves to celebrate the election re
sults regardless of who won. So the af
fair caused a great deal of .-Jollification
among the "Wilson Support."
S. L. Hulen was n Turner visitor Tues
day. lr. Massey is away on a business
B. E. Robertson has returned from a
visit with Mr. nud Sirs. Neal Olscn in
Homer Davis is up from Tortlaud, the
guest of Bazicr Small.
Prof. Cole, of California, gave an en
tertainment in the Masonic hall on Mon
day evening. The Epworth league re
ceiving one-half of the collection.
A great many 'people from Turner mo
tored to Salem Tuesdav night to o
"The Birth of a Nation."
Tho lecture at .the slate training
school Sunday afternoon by the con
verted gambler was well attended by
Mrs. Belle Busby Crnil nnd littln
daughter, Mildred, of Corvallis, sponts
Sunday in Turner, the guests of Mn. '
Crail's school friend, Mrs. G. W. Moore.
Johnnie Chavis is ou crutches tho re
sult of too much football.
Miss Ruth Watson is home from east
ern Oregon, the truest of her parents,
Mr. and -Mrs. J. M. Watson.
Mrs. Helen Potter, of Salem, is visit
ing. her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Humphrey.
Owing to ill health Mrs. M,. Morris
has postponed her visit at Colfax, Wash.
. Mrs. Alma Knight and brother, W. T.
Riches, wero in Portland this weeV.
Their sister, Miss Ermn Riches, is re
ported much better.
John Cannon and Ike Small are wear
ing broad grins over election results.
Joe Bowers and a large crew of mea
have been workine- north of Turner for
'the past week. They are registered at
1 ' Barr s...
On Friday of last week several largo
flags were waving from the democratic
! houses of the town, Mis. J. M. Bones
I .... i i... .j' ...
nitu uj. u mi.e mree uy live linen Xing
on her front porch and during tho noon
time some good and true friend or
friends of the defeated candidates delib
erately took the flag, but, here's hop
ing that the wanderer will be returned,
as tho owner can not help but feel that
its only a joke.
Several of the homes of Tumor hav
been opened to outside students whom
wish to attend school, and moro room
yet for those who wish to help night and
morning for their board.
It is a pleasant recreation to visit th
Turner school and notice the improve
ment from week to week. Mrs, Harad
er's beginners' class of '16 are making
rnpid strides and have begun to cans
the second grade uneasiness nnd hard
study to keep out of their way.
The next morning before we had quite
finished our breakfast Clifford said to
"You better get yourself something
new to wear today. Mayson is going
to ask us out to the country club tomor
row or next day, and I want you to look
all right."
"But, Clifford, I've a dress that will
be all right. The only ' thing I really
might need is a new coat. Is it a long
"About an hour, I believe."
"Then perhaps I had better get a
coat. I have only my evening coat and
street toats."
"Get something that's right Want
me to go with yout"
"Oh, will you, Clifford t" I asked.
It was the very first time he had ever
offered to go shopping with me, and I
was as pleased as could be.
"Yes, I'll go," and we went directly
to our rooms and dressed for the street.
Such a good time as I had. - Clifford
bought me a perfectly stunning motor
coat, a hat to match and several other
things. Finally we wandered into a
jeweler's and he bought me a dear lit
tle wrist watch. The bracelet which held
it was a tiny band of diamonds,, and the
watch was set iu blue enamel and dia
monds. Then he bought Edith some
lovely little pins for her shoulders. I
was so delighted at his thought for her
that 1 almost forgot to thank him for
what he had bought me.
A Lunch With Clifford.
After we left the jeweler's Clifford
led the way into a fascinating little
lunch room' and we had the daintiest
luncheon all by ourselves. Clifford was
so nice, so pleasant, that I chatted and
laughed unreservedly. I someway felt
nearer to him than I had in months.
Not once throughout the luncheon did
he correct me or find fault with me, or
with anything I said or did.
I Then, too, ne ordered ail the dishes
i uaea, ana was so careiui tney sbouid
be just right. I was ashamed of myself
when the thought came that because he
had seen Mr. Mayson 's admiration he
had found me more worth while.
But all such thoughts and ideas were
dissipated when he said:
"Remember to be especially careful
to say or do nothing to offend Mayson.
I think I have him where I want him,
but nothing is very certain until it is
signed, sealed, and delivered. rk just
be on your guard, sot to do anything
to offend him."
"I don't see why anything I should'
ao would ottend nun anyway, I re
turned. "He is nothing to me, nor me
to him."
"Never mind what you see or don't
see. Do as I tell you. "
I A Friend From Home. '
I After we finished luncheon Clifford
left me, and I wandered around by my
! self for an hour, then turned toward the
"Mildred Sutton! where did you coae
from? " a voice called.
I turned around and there stood Ma
bel Frost and Clara Merri woo tier,
from home. I was so delighted that t
could scarcely gather my wita suffic
iently to be coherent.
"When did you leave hornet How are
father and mother? When did you e
themf" I asked, giving them no tiaa
to answer.
"One at a time, please Mildred," Ma
bel laughed. "We have been in Chi
cago a week. Your father and mother
were all right when we left; I sow thesa
a day or two before that. How you tell
u what you are doing heret Is Mr.
Hammond with youf I am afraid of
him; he's so dignified."
"He's not alwr u iktw jt4
fied, and there's no need to be afraid
of him. We have just finiehod the
jolhest kind of a luncheon together,
I bragged.
W I'll. I m fflut fnr nn. .. I . W
Clara spoke up. "I eouldnt marry' a
man as old as he is. I'd be frightened,
to death of him."
''J?'11' you lunch with me at the
Blackstone tomorrow and 1 11 show jt
he's no ogre that is, if he has no en
gagement and can be with us. He is)
here on business, you know."
(Tomorrow The Luncheon.)