THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1016. TUTiEE Salem's Agents for Standard Patterns Warner's and Parisiana Corsets E3 uuk iLiin H n a a n ii ii ii ii u n ii ii ii u a n ii ii ii u n M n ii li ii u n ii ii u a a n n ii ii ii D n a o a a a a n n li li n ii ii ii ii ii ii i ii a n n ii n u PliSIMIwiSli ts ; li I A Great Buy of ART GOODS THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF HIGH GRADE AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE ARE OFFERED TO YOU AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. OUR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SURPRISE SALES ARE IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR YOU AND OFFER MARKED ECONOMIES. IT HAS BEEN PROVEN THAT NO STORE OFFERS AS BIG VALUES AS THIS STORE. TEST IT. r .'. HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES Children's Shoes $125 Children's fine Shoes, made of fine quality gun metal with heavy flex ible sole, broad toe and flat heel. Sizes 5 to 8, Verv Special $1.25 Women's Walking Shoe $2.25 Of fine quality velour calf, with genuine oak sole, low- heel and round toe. Button style, Very Special $2.25 Men's Heavy Work Shoes $2.69 Men's brown buck work shoe, blucher style. Heavy 8 iron sole with double half sole, sizes 6 to 11 and worth at the present market price $3.50. Special $2.69 Men's Fine Dress Shoes $2.95 Of fine velour , calf, blucher or button style. Senator last and regu lar heel. All sizes, and certainly a bargain that you cannot afford to miss at $2.95 Men's Heaw - Fleeced Union Suits $1.19 Extra heavy fleeced un ion suits, cut big and full and finished with flat seams. Sold every where for $1.50. Special $1.19 Children's Heaw School Hose 15c Children's heavy school hose, fast black, regular price 20c, special.. J5c Women's Fine Black Hose 12 l-2c Women's fine black hose, excellent quality, with very elastic top, sizes 8 1-2 to 10, very special 12V2C Women's Silk Fibre Hose 37c Here is an offer that is extraordi nary. For silk fibre hose are al most off the market. But we were fortunate in procuring a lot in colors of black and white in all sizes and are offering them at the low price of 37f. Women's Cashmere Hose 25c Excellent quality cashmere hose in good black with gray heel and toe. Very elastic, fashioned top. Sizes 8 1-2 to 10 1-2. Very special. . 25c Women's Heavv Fleeced Union Suits SSc and 9Sc Made of fine long yarn, very fine ribbed with a thick velvet fleece. Pure white bleach, finished at neck with silk tape. All sizes. 13 m a n a n ii n a n n ii u a We bought a Sample Line of Art Goods at Great Reduction And offer them to you at similar prices; also a few . pieces of MRS. WALL Stock are included. $2.00 values $1.35 ; .: 50c values 3Sc $1.75 values $1.15 35c values 24c $1.50 values $1.00 . 30c values 20c $1.35 values 94c 25c values 17c $1.00 value 67c 20c value 16c 75c value 50c TRY SALEM FIRST COMmtmCIAL CLUB Boys' 0 HEAVY . WHITE WOOLEN BLANKETS FROM $7.50 AND UP 20 Per Cent Less HEAVY GREY WOOL BLANKETS $5.50 AND UP 20 Per Cent Less PILLOW TOPS Stamped and Leather 20 Per Cent Less HOPS SELL AT 10 CENTS Monmouth News (Vnniliil .Tnm-nnl Kneriiil Hirvici Monmouth, Or., Nov. Hl.-Seviernl j 1'"rnu'r of Gl,"" Vall,,y XIiss Wun- J. W. Scnvcy If..,'. company at 10 cents Wunder were married hero last Thurs- (lny. Hen-, Fisher preformed llio core- Al- I.' i ' -'ii. rvciuie.y in a prosperous Lawrence h'diuunson, of (ioshcn, his pnlil his nop of HO bales of Imps In tie NOTION SALE 5c Pearl Buttons . 3c Safety Pins, .dozen 2 l-2c Hooks & Eyes, black and white, card 4c 5c Toilet Soap, cake '. 3c 10c Toilet Soap, cake 5c O. N. T. Sewing Thread, black and white, spool 4c 25c Bottle Witch Hazel,, for 15c 25c Colgates Talcum Powder 14c 25c Rich's Talcum Powder 10c 25c Bottle Machine Oil 10c 25c Fine Combs ' 15c 20c Fine Combs '. 10c R. M. C. Crochet Cotton 8c Standard Patterns for December are now in. Also the Christmas Num ber of the Designer, 10c a codv. Also the Winter Fashion Ouarterlv --Price 25c and one Pattern Free. COLD WEATHER SPECIALS 75c Children's fine wool Sweaters. .39c Flannelette Kimonas .....v. 98c 20c heavy Duckling fleece, suitable for kimona and dressing sacks. .11c 50c Bathrobe Cloth, per yard 39c $1.50 heavy Comforters 98c $2.00 heavy Comforters, filled with" pure white cotton $1.49 15c Cotton Batts 10c 18c Cotton Batts ' 12 l-2c 20c-Cotton Batts 15c :6 inch silkoline, excellent quality, yard 12 l-2c 'farmers of this vicinity who huve not " """"" ' mm a very Kcg.stcr. I-.i . . ' accomplished young m v, Tut! irouj m .. finished digging their potatoes express , .. 1 f i.,.''m(,1r ,,. v I .... J, I the fear thnt the severe cold ot the lust' ...... . , ".'" n fow nights muy huve dumuged then. ' " !B .K 1-eop.e .,. tlie.r now J t T1 1 home in custom Oregon. i!,B7 W.Scott, of eastern Oregon, hi-' .."''V1'1 "'"'"H'"' "'publicans in this II , ... .,, ', u .,, vicinity who hot good cows, horses and llidnvs visit with his four daughters who. ".'."a,'.v ou ll"gl'l's are looking rather , me attending school here. Mr. Scott I "V "",'.' u"1 , u ' ul "" i ...... s,i. it.f ;.. . M-M' .vct ""'t ' beaten. dnughter Helen at Sunshine Furm. u p u STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD. Snya Cream Applied In Nostrils ltelicves Head-Colds at Once. H population of Monmouth recently ore '"' i , m , "" 1S""d"y'"Kht , J"' free y be EJ the baby boy bom to Mr. and Mrs. O. ,hir 7 AaK ,h" l,ro'"'"!0" Ket a small U K l'urkl.r about two weeks ago and tlm """Nu. ,0 v0,;:1. ". " ""T t y in ll little girl who ciune into the l'ainily of , HjK.'O. Cole on Monday, Oct. SOth." K I JL'. (i. Oriffa has, just finished the gg j new addition to his rimming house mm 1 which now lias a enpueity for twenty Sireight rouineis; this house is coin Hi ! foj'tuhle and convenient mid is oecu D pied by normal htudents, w ho do light D ' house keeping. .Mr. ami .Mrs. .1. v. nite win move; ir your nosiriis are clogged unit vm.r stuffed and you can't brentl e cause of a cold or catarrh in -1. small bottle of Kir's Cream Halm Discussing politics in the church , 1 "Ll ' ?'u- " "n,u. " l,lnB soinething out of the ordinary, yol,,. Viowl ii t ' nii'l li't it pe let ute he c was u. largo uudieme. Rov. through every air ,,ssage of y!,nr he , " fisher, ot elangclical church, spoke m l(,,j11 ,, ,.); , ",!, ' -mtu ., opposition to the brewers aiiieiidjnenlj swollen mucDii, niembiaiie and vou g. r Itcv. rollnnl, Huplist church, spoke, for instant relief. " the bone-dry amendment and Itev. I .li ! ), J,d it feels. Vour in.--' Hlkiim of tho Christian church spoke in ( trils aro open, your head is clear i behalf of national prohibition. There more hawking, snutl'ling, blow hi"-' i ! was special music by .Normal students more headache, drvness or stni"gliiiL.' IJy s ( renin Hiibn is ju-t Hi, ",.,. ",. t,. ......... i . 'and a iiuile iiuartette from the Kvan- for breath M I i.n l. ,,er their son ,,,,. ,, iJ tf'H! 'I't"vh. The meeting was wha t sutiereiK from head coUU a nd c ij.l... , .l.n.,1 (lien. ' uunpic and t til! UUlllCllCO ClltllUSlllStll! tiirili need. It su delight. It r Mr. and Mrs. O. 1'. Cornwell arrived ! unJ " J""t,t V' K(1"' suits Hjhere Sunday from Mill City and re-j tin nosenaie news (1 GALE & COMPANY Formerly the Chicago Store SALEM'S biggest popular priced Department Store Not connected with any other in this city. CORNER COURT AND COMMERCIAL, STS., SALEM, ORE mained until Tuesday noon when they ! returned to that place where Mr. Corn- l i ii i ..i. in ... M; well mis worn. iii' j t-iiiin- ii n i" I cast their ballots for Allen T. Uenson 83 and to look after their property here. 3 I John Ireland of Forest drove visited Ml in Monmouth a few duys this week. m K. S Ciiffu lift lust Kridav for U . . ... f. .. l. . w I.... r.ereu, tsn,, to luim niin sunit- nun-, welcoioc M:iiicss tor his In-other, It. 1. iiritlu ot ' Woiinew'oc, Wis. ' H A Christian Science lecture was de KB livere.d here lust Suuilay nfteinnou in . i ... .ii i ii i... i.i:..., 1 ,. W.iaC tHl ri"llila IIIUI, 111 iur-n in.ii M (Capital Journal Special Service) Chester Itronn is building a stoio room for the purpose of storing his od defendant next year s crop ot prunes, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of the State of Oregon for Marten County. Department No. 2 John K. (lingii. h. uluiii ; il't' vs. .lull;! iiiiigiicli, ilcteiiilant. tsiiiiiiuons. To Julia Al. (liugrich, the ubove liar-.- El n 'the furniture on the lower floor was er up with the Dallas Coiiiemrcinl club I Dr. I.. A. Bollman returned Aloinlaj 1dlldO IlvdlHCIIl liUoCo 'saved by neighbors and the fire, depart- and see if they will be willing to buy ;f nun a short business trip to Portland. Abenlci NcWnOrt Slimmer Homfi meat but everything of vulue in the up-. stock in the rifle range association. Tho i Air. and Mrs. Ike Dcmpscy, of Kick-1 scales i " I per part of the house was' destroyed. The range association is being 'formed and mill, motored to Dallas Moudav after-! Mars In tile 111 111. nf 111., ul, it. i 11.-.....,.. O. A. Iladley of I'ortland will preach y, ,n,iv mllir,.(, ,,, ,,,.,. 7, t ! r i '"'"' ' ut 11 '" Everybody uns,Vl.r , omnluinl tiled n"aint mmi ' , .. ., . 1,1 "" iioove conned suit on or liclmc looiiias uiiii .a.iinj in m-n itllth dav of December, llllll, ilia laud lire yismug his parents, Air. and being the last dav for your :ip.eniiin e Airs. J. . I nomas, fur a lew days. I to answer lieieiirpiesciilied by the ci- The cold dry weather is causing a ' ,vt ,-,. ,. , i f ,,is Ulll (. milliner ot colds and niiiic- Lord scud if vim I'.ill i,. u., m., .,,,.1 ........ ,i . nlcnilicr ot nil! isoaril Ol licciurcsnip j us suowern oi niiM-uigs nun we win ne ,n j nt j f upply id ic ciinit I'l l' of the Mother church. I'rof. Thus. thiinlUMl. ltH, t,.ylvl ..,, ,, r',. ,hl, ,.,. t (Ici.lle of the O. X. S. facufty intro- N. Caleudine ot Portland was in this ( herein, n, :' that the bonds of iinu duceil the speaker to a large audience. ! I'lace on business .Monday, returning riiuonv heretofore existing between vi.n' l Mr. Knapp's talk was hotn interesting ""' "' " .-i..". hmii ine piamtilt iilum and eiilightciiing. Jfr. J. K. Sniith was exhibiting a i.. t..,..K- ' 1 1,., ; 1 1 t bi! evening. Air.' Cal- cadinc is an eastern tanner. Airs. Thomas Nout motored to S:i uesdav on business. (Capital Journal Special Service ) Dallas, Ore.. Nov. HI. Mrs. SI. M. :ili received word Monday morning informing her that her summer .home at per part ot tue house wns'iiestroyecl. lae range association is being furniture and dweliiug was covered liy m0Mt of tile stw.k uas ulroa.1y been sub insuiance. scribed for but the association is mix- County Books Being Audited. ioils to secure as many stockholders as rVnuinll lfilini'tu an a m li t i 11 ir rirm mias! )ilu Rn M tn Imnmin ttiA vmiiru X ... . !..... J. ,J 1... f. . ...,... .... r -v. - 1 I '""i"" u"u. "-" vi".r:" .i.-,of portnj. are - engaged ill ex- ground. The tract secured for a range noon. Journal Want ads will sell it. ...1.. . t I .1... mine 01 iiiiii ii urn- iimn, "i 1 in ,. ,, , ... , ,, ,, 1 ' . . ' ... .' . . ll. S. I i-.'i 1-1.4 1 11 inn wile li 1 1 l-riilav I'll llllll IJ, iiiin n iij'j'i-ii iin: at nine pounds. rsluil Silver of Salem was ill Mini- j moll tn oil business Mommy. Mrs. Allen Johnson enjoyed a visit ' from her from her brother, Air. Taylor' of Pedee last Saturday. Mr. and Airs. Henry Taylor of Cul ver, eastern Oregon, Were here v inlay, niiiiinnfiinNriMMRnftniinnnnnnniR "jBiBfrewninwiwiffSPifSffHi'i MIWiMlIMMaidiBIwi Knimn's ta k was both interesting!""""' "' veiling, .nr. m- ,. idaiut ft' above named lie .li solved and held tor nauglit. This siiminous is sen ed upon you I y publication in I lie Daily Capital .bin -mil by order of the lli.'n. V. M. Ilns .. ey, county judge lor Marion count.-', stale of Oregon, made and entered of record herein on the loth day of No vember, lillil, directing that the sane be published once a week tor six con secutive weeks mid prescribing the Hi: li day of November, l!Hi, as the date of Ihe first publication and the llli .hi.v of December, IIMii, as tile last date i f 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 -11 1 io 11 . and rciiiiriiig that you n---pear and answer herein on or bel'ore ti e :in,h dav of D.'cenibci', MMU. Hilled this Hith dav of Noveuibi , llllll. were of the Cold Coin variety. i Adv. Hcniiimin Kuniler was iionoiulcil M.'TIII'K .1 t; I'l VII UT . r Iii-iiiiuiIvc Hamr-Mnilp Hera- i Charles W. K icy and Miss Minnie! rural carrier at HrnwnsviUe. ' Dec. -JH. Attomev t'..i' Plaint i't l" last for a three moiilhs i isit in the cast, mainly in Indiana. Charles Pearsnii of Tillamook city is keeping house for D. S. Pearson while they lire absent. NEW POSTMASTERS NAMED 'Washington, Aov, HI. New Oregon numiB, iiiormng. ine nousn was ueing tle books of Polk countv of- is on the Uulhrie Acre truct west of 5)S!S the homo of Air. and Al is. ptiniisters appointed Kslav are: KaN- occupied this winter by Mrs. tlla J. , (i(.inU, Miss Bessie Roberts and '. Si' Dallas. : . c . ,,. . !;.. Tallinn u. Utou, Polk county, Peter C.' Price; Hist, S'etKger, a Dallas resident, who .had in-, MeCoy, of Portland, are helping Mr. ' . opletiatO. lot . Mr. ,. K. stockl n brought three (:rm,k ,.0l,ty, Airs. Kuth Carlisle; tended to spend the winter at the beach j 0berts with the county accounts. The! Mrs. Simon Grind heim, of Portland, is , Uaa l,OUgh$, L-OldS, G ,ttocs to grange Saturday that burg, I.ane countv, .1. Klmer Pepiot; lesiirt. Ihe tire is supposed to have fnm nag just completed an audit of the a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. ; S Bronchitis S weighed exactly five pounds. They' .Morrill. Klamath county. Airs. I. m C. Miiiteu trom a detective tlue. MUSTEROLE QUICK edy ilvr Bureiit, QuIekPBt Rrllrt. .Most of bodjd, 0f the Ktv of Dallas and a re- and Mrs. .1. M. Hrnut, on Huyter street. ! port of the same will be made as soon Airs. H. L. Chapman visited at the as Mr. Hoberts returns from a trip to home of Air. and Mrs. Kdgar Brown in Portland. Pol tin nd this w eek. Carl (ierlinger has returned from a 1 SXBSXSSXSSXgSXS Suits Filed to Collect Money. short business trip to Portland. I Anyone who tries this pleasant taat-' ; C. L. Crider this week filed a suit ' County Treasurer and Mrs. Fred Hoi-!'"!?, ' home-made coueh imrn, . will with the countv clerk of Polio countv 1 man were Fulls City visitors the first "lllc'klV "nu''r.8llind wh.v- 't 16 tistd nil i . . .-. , r . .. ... .i. i. - i more nomes in uic uniicu niaics anu It mK- Qr,j T-, I against ta v-ocnranio eonect money. a;oi .no Jeen. Canada than any other cough romcd It Soothes and Relieves Like a similar action was filed by W. . Dudge : Mrs. D. J. Onint, of Falls City, wasl'n,.. ,,,v ;t takes hold of au obstinate, 4--44- 4 4444---444444'4'444' 444-44444 4 44 4 444 44-44444444444444444-4 4444444-44-4444444444444444444444444444 44 against Heorge Tobin. a Dallas gnest of relatives on Monday, cough, giving immediate relief, will make Mr- ana .Mrs. j-uri hhultz, of Me- you regret mat you never tried it be- Minnville, were over Sunday guests nt!Iore. it. is a truly Ucpcnilalilc . cough the home of Air. and Mrs. J. C.'nM'dy' llmt. h,lo,,ld kept iandjin Mustard Plaster Without DlTorca Suit Granted. . Jiusicroie is a Clean, wntte ointment, ; """""J "iaou urm . ...c . ...... n . ..... ' '- '",,u"'' evcrv home to use at tin. first Viunnf a made with the oil of mustard. It does aU panted . divorce from her husband, i. on Mill street 'v j hdolnrn;0t,;ni,tlltt!,,7tt'Y "me Uie work of the old-fashioned mustard B- Hixson, Jr., in the circuit court of ! Air. and -Mrs. Al. D. T.llis returned! ,Any druggist can supply Toil with plaster does it better and does not blis- Marion county. Mrs. Hixson was given home .Monday after a few days' visit'i ounces of Pinei (30 cents worth), ter. Vou do not have to bother with a ! ,ne eustody of the five-year-old daugh-! with their son, Floyd, who is a student Pour this into a pint bottle and till the . clotb. Vou simply rub it on-and usually j I.. B. Hixson, Jr., is a business i M the Oregon Agricultural college at :t1tJitt,',ll?,!M ".ntS the pain is gone I 1 ma. of this city operating the bicycle torvall.y. ' ""W havY'S fTu'it of the u.os? Many doctors and nurses use Muster- aud reP",r "hoP on Nor,h Mniu "treH-: t. r ,,' ' V0""1" '', nnughler, Miss,,irr,.tive Tvm,.dY vou CTt.r Ilw.d. ole and recommend it to their patients ! : fcdn,lle '" Portland visiting at the j. The quick, lusting relief vou cet from They will gladly tell you what relief it ' Rifle Club Holdg Meeting. j home of Air. and Airs. Kdgar Collins. this excellent cough syrup will really cives from sore throat bronehiti rrmm ! At a meeting of the I.aCreole Rifle - Misjs Pauline Coad is visiting with j surprise you. It promptly heals the MtfVe .he eoifrt house Tuesday night j relatives and friends in J-ortland 7. 'XM pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains ! or the purpose of discussing the range week. '..., I throat tickle, Toow'ns the phlegm, and and aches of the back or joints sprains i ".""Hon. be president was authormed Mrs. L. s. I.oughary is a guest at the: soon vour cough stops entirely. Splen sore muscles -cruises chilblains Iroited t0 aI)P0,n, eommittee to take the mat-' home o f her sister, Airs. K. .1. Hudley, in did for bronihitis, croup, whooping f. mA ( ,l,a f,. I i loriiaiiii. ton in ana nroncniai anninia. -- "-v. j m mi. Mitoi ii, vili-ll JJI C- yents pneumonia). :25c and 50c jars; hospital size $2.50. ' WILI4AM FARNUM "FIRES OF CONSCIENCE" Sunday . YE LIBERTY Dr. B. F. Butler, u former dentist' '"ex is a highly concentrated enm of this citv, now residing in Portland. 1 L".1,,"d "f.-"Vvl,v ,l".ne extract, eoml.iiicd u..:. - . t 11 i i ""ii iiminrui niiu in iHiiinus ine worm i was a business visitor in Dallas the ,)V,.r rur its n,.ttiin ,.ir(H.t on thc m.m. first of the week. ibrancs. Jliss Kgtherine Van Vonrhees, matron j To avoid disappointment ask for "2 ',4 ; at the Dallas hospital, is in Portland ounces of Pine1' with full directions j for a few davs ' am' don't accept anvthing else. A guar- . Airs. Oeorge f. fJerlinger, of Portland. 1 ir:.T"-V ! was a Dallas visitor Alonduy with .rntinn. The Tin,. rv. rt viv Oregon Mercantile Company Quits Bosiness 444444444444444'y44'44444444444444444-444444444444444j444444444444444 Prices Cut in Men Shoes I and Wearables. - Don't Miss This Sale. Great Bargains in Men's Clothing. 1 75 North Commercial Street 44 44 4 44 44 n 44 44 n 44 44 44 44 friends. ' Ind.