Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 16, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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19 i
' W. B. Corsets Salem's Big Department Store Butterick Patterns
lllilllilliliiiiiiiimmiiiimti 11111
g ff"n-mHsmrtnimmnm.mtron
'This Ad Is for Needle Workers and
Those Who Do Tatting and Crochet
We have just placed in stock a large assortment of the renowned COLLING
BOURNE'S THREADS and we invite you to see the new kinds best suited
to your needs.
Collingbourn'e Jap Silk Cordney (mercerized) for tatting-crochet, 10c a ball
Collingbourne's Perle Cotton, all colors, size 5, 225 yards to ball; size 140
yards to ball 25c a ball
Collingbourne's Texasilk Cordney, all colors, small balls, for tatting and
crocheting 5c a ball
Collingbourne's Mouline Special Thread a lustrous, mercerized embroidery
cotton for cross stitching, embroidery or crochet 5c a skein
Collingbourne's "American Maid" Mercerized Cordonnet a six cord, hard
twisted, special thread, in all colors and sizes, white or ecru ... 10c per ball
Collingbourne's Dixie Padding' Cotton 5c per ball
Collingbourne's Silk Tatting and Crochet Thread 25c per ball
Collingbourne's Tiedy Cotton, all sizes, in white only at 10c per skein
Collingbourne's Fancy Knitting and Crochet Thread in all colors 10c per skein
Collingbourne's Flochet, a splendid six strand floss,
size 25, in all colors, at 15c per ball
Visit our Art Section. Lots of suggestions for gifts
in this department.
We are well prepared
to assist in the selec
tion of Xmas. Gifts.
. ' m i r a
!H.'l.'HiH'''.uu"imtmt'"'""tm"'"mimutmm ;
You can save money on groceries if
you buy of our new stores, 118 South
Commercial, Ladd & Bush bldg. J. L.
Busick & Hon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hudelston were
called to Boine, Idaho. Wednesday on
account of the death of their son-iu-luw,
K. V. Johnson.
We will save, yon money on groceries
if you trade at one of our new stores.
IIS South Commercial, -'! North Com
mercial. J. L. Busick &. Son.
We wish to thanS. our neighbors and
friends for the beautiful flowers and
words of sympathy and 'for their many
kind deeds during our recent sorrow.
Mrs. E. J. Hautor, Mrs. I.orance Pugh,
Mrs. m. jj. Alagee, Mrs. H. . Hender
son, John, Fred, Paul and William JJnt
zeburg. Elks attention W. J. Cole of San
Francisco, an elocutionist nnd impor
sonnter, will furnish the entertainment
to night. Jtig attendance desired. Come
and enjoy the evening.
The second quarterly conference of
the United Brethren ehurch will con
vene in the city Siiturday of this week
at i o'clock in the afternoon, at the
church on Twelfth and Mission streets
The elder -will preside at the morning
and evening services Sunday. All arc
invited to attend the Sunday services.
Salem Academy of Dancing, latest
standardized dancing. Class Fridays
7:30 ji. in., social dancing Friday 9:00
p. in. folk dancing class Saturday 2:30
p. in., private lessons. Instructed by
Priseilln Fleming, assisted bv Willard
Hull. Hurst hull. I'll one I2.
Datus Myers, the Salem artist, has a
picture accepted and hung in the Art
Institute in Portland. The picture is
of a scene on. the Snntinm river nnd has
received much favorable comment.
When the exhibition in Portland closes,
which will be about December the
picture will be placed on exhibition
here. ,
Buy your groceries at cut rate prices
Two new stores for Salem, !!!! North
Commercial oposite Barnes Cash store.
I. li. Jiusiek & Son.
"Kill Albany" is the startling infor
mation given on the badges to be worn
by the high school football players and
their friends when they leave for that
city next Saturday morning. Salem
high nnd Albany high will meet on the
football field at Albany next Saturday
J afternoon and it is probable that a ape-
Says It Does Not Discrim
inate, and Oregon Gets
Its Car Quota
Mrs. Alice Miles is spending the week
in Silverton.
X. S. Savage is in Roseburg trans
acting busineess.
William Bennett ami wife are home
from a visit at Newport.
A. II. l.ea was in Portland yesterday,
registered at the Imperial.
J. K. Scott wkng iu Newbotg yester
day on real estate business.
M. 1). I.ooney and wife, of Jefferson,
were Snlem visitors yesterday.
H. B. (ioodin is in Portland, culled
there by the illness of his father.
Rev. T. L. Jones, a pioneer Metho
dist preacher, of Brownsville, is iu the
W. W. Nickel, of McMinnville, was
All Around Town
Nov. 20. Dean Alden's address
. on Historical Lies," Waller
November 28 Prof. MacMurray
lecture at opera house,
Nov. 22. Odd Fellows' annual
home coming.
Nov. i!3.- Annual taxpayers'
meeting nuditurium high
scbool, 8 p, m.
Nov. 24. -Lccturo at Public
Library, on "Health Insur
ance," by Dr. Bobbins of U.
of O.
1N. 3. Elk's Memorial serv
ices, opera house, 2: 30 p. m.
Dec. 4. City Election.
Dec. 4-9. Third Annual Murion
County Corn Show.
Your furs remodeled, furs for sale.
West Fur Co., 217 South High St.
Uhe foresters of America will hold
concerning the preparations of a re
port concerning Oregon agriculture con
ditions. You get the same high quality in
our l,n Corona cigar Snlem 'a best made
Corn shows are now the order of the
day in the towns near Salem, prepara
tory to the annua corn show to be held
here enrly-in December. Sr. Paul held
its show Inst Saturday and tomorrow
and Snturdiiy, Wuodbiiru and Dnyton
will hold theirs. Arrangements have
-Declaring that no discrimination ex
isted on the part of the Southern Pa
cific railroad against the manufactur
ing industries of Oregon in favor of
any other state, the;. Southern Pacific!
company this morning filed a reply tol
the nine specific recommendations ' "'.the city ycster.tny, registered at. mo
made by the Oregon public trerviee com-jBligh.
mission as a result of the commission 'si w- R- Dallas, of W ren, Ore., returned;
investigation of the railroad car short-! to llis home yesterday after a short visit ;
ago situation. j with J. h Scott. j
The commission recommended in this! Charles Palmer rutmun, private sec
instance "that the discrimination nowjretary to the governor, is spending the
existing between the Oregon and Cnli-.dny in Portland. i
l'ornin industries be removed at once" Frank L. Smith, of Portland, n form-;
and the company replies that there is er employe of the Southern Pacific in
no (iiscriimnutioii, the findings of tho this city, is here lor a tew days.
commission to tho contrary. Tho com-' D. Buyer, a ""prosperous rancher of
puny says the imaginary lines of states i Roseburg, returned to his home yeste"r--
n o no erteet on the turnishine ot.clav otter a short visit in the city.
cars and that the company is just as I JI. A. Dnvee, state superintendent of
anxious to protject the industries of one: instruction for Montana, was in the eitv
state as another and foster the indus-, yesterday. He was formerly superiiiten-
tries tney serve. I dent of the school nt RoselmrL'.
Regarding the replies submitted bvl (ieoriro Ellsworth, of Snlem. left here
Ben O. Day, S. P. attorney, the report; Inst night, for his home after a few
goes on to say. Iteeoniniendatioii one 1 days spent in this vicinity looking after ,
asked that active steps be- taken toi business matters. Kosehiitg Review. I
compel the return of equipment from Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albert, of Snlem, I
connecting Inns. The company replies: left this morning for Ashland, where
that it lies left nothing undone to. have i tliev will visit for a short time. Mr.l
the cars returned nn. I since February 1 1 Albert spoke to the Mental Culture club
ins been continually after foreign i vestcrduy Roseburg Review. I
hues by letter, telegraph anil personal:' - i . -
"T , I
Kecomnienilation two asked that an'
arrangement be uiiide to make all com-:
pany iniiterial as fust as possible dur-L
"A Shine In ifQl!
Every Drop" I V4-J 1
Oat a can today front hiTrwTTYfv!
your hardware or Bra Ulll JJ jlllpjlj
eery doalar. fMii?irn
. . .... -
eial will carry the Salem players and j tribution of ears and the company
nig times when no ear shortage exists
mill till) ('(tlltl Iftll V fllli iAii tlint o
the practise to order material iu, times
ui snicK car uemuiKis us tar as couiil ........... , n-i i
be consistentlv done. COODI-N At. Portlniul, Ore., 1 hursdny,
Recommendation three that immedi-i November Id, l!lli, at 4 o'clock a.
ate action bo taken to secure an ade-jm - " 1 "'001U "6 s8 .vc!"s.
quate supply of box and flat cars and; months and 1 day. .
the companv replies that, in Decemberl 1 "e''i iiunouncenicnr inter, n is wne,
1!13 it ordered 3.100 new cars and had four sons- K- B- 'oodin of this city,
thev been turned out by the builders i w''sl,'.v of North Plains, V. A. of Coi-
would have been received long ago. I "elius, nnd P. P. ot Hillsboro, and one
Kecomnienilation lour nslts tor a cnri """W"1' r, .urs. j.enis ounit ui oi i-oit-
distributing bureau to care for the dis-"mil survive Inm
their friends.
their big celebration on November !x ' been made for a show at Inib oeiideiwe
Thursday evening, nnd that will be the;1"1' ns yet no date has been decided on.
ihsi iiiccnng or ino montu. Xhe initia
tions and big event is scheduled for the
Dr. Mendelsohn, speoltllst. flu gl&ue
s earraotly. U. S. Bank. Bid,;.
Elks attention The members will be
entertained tonight by W. J. Cole an
elocutionist of prominence. The enter
tainment committee promise you a good
time. Come.
Members of the Salem Rifle club are
living in hopes of securing their auto
matic targets sometimo this year, ns
they were shipped from Springfield,
Ohio, on the fourth of this month. A
sample of the in-door target gun was
shipped by express front New Haven,
Your gift with our imprint needs no
further recommendation. Set your
wnicn oy our street clock. Unrdner &
Mrs. a$irie Vaughn-Maxwell recital
at tiiuinl Opera Bouse Fiidiiycvening,
Nov. 17th.
According to the rules of the game,
Hurley O. Whito should surrender the
duties of his office ns mayor to Walter
K. Keyes on the first Monday in Jan
uary. As tho first Monday happens to
be New Year's dny nnd also a holidav,
it is probable that Mr. White will hoid
over u day or two until the city fnthera
recover from the New Year's-day cele
bration. Dance at Aumsville Saturday night.
Nov. IS. Sjilinn limbic, Ladies l'ree.l
l.ents .i0 cents.
Justice George H. Burnett will pre
side nnd act as toastmnster at the nn-
Keeno, Salem's most reliable jewelers, nunl homo-coming of the Odd Fellows
0 I io oe onservea ou the evening of wod-
The Spaulding Lugging company has nesduy, November 22, nt tho Odd Fel-
ueeu nwnrtteil the contract for the shop 'o null. A program will include part
Kaights of Pythias will go to Silver-
tMi this evening for a fraternal visit. 'nud will work of the . 15,0(10 warehouse of the evening's entertainment in which
, R . " lu a uul"ber unit ottiees of the lW.emnn Grocery addresses will bo made bv Judge
of automobiles, nnd will start from Oil
son's barber shop t 0:30 o'clock.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of 410 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in Kye,
Far, Nose and Throat. tt
Fatrons of the street railway ou South
Commercial street may now tnko life
vntitit, as nil tho rock and rubbish have
now been cleaned away and it will not
be oivessury to transfer hereafter.
Lecture Some Railroads we Travel,
by Frank K. Jones nt the Bungalow,
IVth hiiiI Court Friday night, 7:110. Sil
ur offering tuken. iiovl'
Dr. Stone 'a Drug Store makes free
delivery. Phone 33.
company of Portland, ncocrdiug to W. harles I,. McNury, Thos. F. Ryan nnd
J. I.iljeuist, who has just returned from . 1I,,ir.v s Westbrook, present grand
nun ony. Also tne null work for n x- muster ot I no state.
000 resilience iu Portland.
Now is the time to purchase yonr
sachet powders for Christmas presents.
Tho Capital Drug Store has a nice lino
of all the newest and best odors. Djer
K.ss, (iiirdinglo, Jardiu Del.ilus. Hud-
niets Wood Violet, Piver I.eTrelle, Azur
Vocal recital Friday eTening, Nov.
17, at (irnnd Opera House by Mis. Max
well. .Musical public invited. Admission
Word was received this morning of
the death in Portlnnd of the infant son
en. Capital Drug Store, new Mcttilehrist of H"' R'v. and Mrs. ltobt. S. Gill, nt
F. L. Kent, of the United States de
partment of agriculture, whose business
. is to secure crop reports, crop est i mil tea.
yieiu ami percenlnges, was a visitor i
ilio Mint,, Inl.nr ,..., ,1,::. ,.... u ..,':.... ...
tho state labor commissioner 's offii e to.
day. He conferred with Albert Toier
the Churchman ' Home. The bnby had
been ill for several months nnd was
nt the home fur medical treatment. Mr.
and Mrs. Gill left this afternoon at 2
o'clock for Portland. The funeral ser
vices win lie held nt 2:30 o'clock Fri
day afternoon from St. Paul's Kpiscopnl
Next Monday is the time for all of
the young people of Salem who have
been thinking of a practical course of
study nt. the Capital Business college
and putting it oft' from time to time,
to begin. There will he new classes in
shorthand nnd other subjects. See the
principal afternoons, betweeu 4 and o.
Harley O. White, as mayor of Salem,
is in receipt of nn invitation to bo pres
ent at the thirteenth annual convention
of tho National Rivers and Harbors con
gress, which will meet in Washington,
D. C, on the th und 7th of December.
If ho finds it inconvenient to attend,
ho is authorized to appoint a delegate
nnd tho invitation assures him that said
deleguto will roceivo tho courtesies of
tho convention.
Those wishing to join the dancing
class conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Grady of Portland, may find them
at the Moose hull this evening. Young
peoples cluss will start at seven and
adults at S;30. Mr. and Mrs. Grady
will give instruction in nil of the late
ball room dancing, including the Two
Two, One Step, CautcrvWaltz and Fox
The wrestlers and boxers of the Y.
M. C. A. classes are getting into fine
shape and feej that by the first of the
year, or even sooner, they w ill be ready
to give some public exhibitions, or even
issue challenges to those traveling in
the same class. The wrestlers are un
der the instruction of C. E. Frunzke,
former northwest champion, and the
boxers are learning how to dodge, duck
and hit under the teachings of I,. H.
Mrs. J. G Richardson, of 1355 State
street, was elected chairman of congres
sional district No. 1 of the National
Woman's party at a nieoting held this
week in Portlund. The party will re
organize to continue its campaign to
establish universal suffrage through the
passage of tho Susan B. Anthony
amendment. With the exception of the
state department committees, the great
er part of the officers elected are from
Portlaudr j i
i j
Goes Up Half a Cent
states that the lines in Oregon are un-WIOQf fU,oiio Ctaorlv
der the Portlnnd division and in charge " ujivnj uitauy
or an assistant superintendent of trans
portation, who has absolute authority
over handling of equipment, nnd is as
sisted by seven men who spend their) Chicago, Nov. 10. Wheat opened
entire time on the road. 1 steady and advanced on later, buying.
Recommendation five nsks that prop-. The market showed confidence, evident
er steps be taken to secure proper rout- ly believing that reipiiicnii iits fin
ing of curs and the reply is that rout- wheat in Great . Hritiiin w ill reniiiin
ing Instructions accompany each ear j heavy despite the attempt of the gov
ordinorily. eminent to curtail consumption. He-
Recomniendation six asks that, steps i ceinber was up 3-.S at $l.7 3-4; May
be taken to prevent loaded cars from I unchanged ut $1.03; July down ' at
being left on sidings nt'ter the passing i $1.01
of the first local freight and the re ! Coin showed gains on good buying
ply is that only one such incident has, with December up 3-S nt t'7 3-8; May
hapncncil. iuo t-, at fl'-.,.
Recommendation seven nsks that all i Ou's were slight I v higher. Di
interstato demurrage rates be increased I was up 1-S at oS .j-S; .May m
The mercury in the thermometer of
the Oregon Transportation company
went to the low notch last night of 24
above. This was tho coldest this year
since January 2H, when the record was
23 above and Jiuuinrv 2?. with a record
of 22 above. During the past 10 days
to the basis of intra state rntes and the
reply says that it is the desire of the
company to have a high demurrage rate
on state and interstate lines.
Recommendation eight nsks that reg
ulations he established that will pre
vent discrimination in furnishing ems
due to manipulation of car orders and
the reply is that a committee is en
gaged iu full investigation of car dis
tribution methods with the object of
making the system ns nearly perfect
as possible.
George Eddy, who formerly worked
in the niechunieuj department of Vick
Bros- nnd who hn lately been working
in a garage at Pendleton, wa-s nsphyx
iato Tuesday night, resulting in his
death Wednesday morning. Mr. Kddy
was on the night shift nnd hud been run
ning the motors to keep them from
freezing. When the second shift camo
on, they found him unconscious froin.the
escaping gases, as on account of the
cold, the doors nnd windows were closed.
He was but 17 years of age and re
garded as a first class mcchnnic with a
brilliant, future. His father, who was
formerly in charge of the golf links at
Finzer, lives in Pendleton.
The funeral services of Mrs. Blair
02 .Vs.
Provisions were sternly.
I S ut
Arrested for Shipping
Booze Into Oregon
San Francisco, Nov. 1(1. Charges of
illegal shipment of liquor to Oregon
have five Shu Franciscans involved, as
K. M. Huker and David Gibbons, both
malingers of wholesale Honor houses
today face n charge of conspiracies to
snip uiuniK'iii'il liquor into the dry
state. Both are under indictment by
the federal grand jury at. Portland. It
is expected both will fight against re
movul, ns Louis Kothcubuig, another
liquor dealer under indictment is doing.
His hearing has been continued, pend
ing arrival of Oregon witnesses.
John Roohan and Thomas Jackson
were given five days each iu jail this
morning by the police judge for being
intoxicated. Geoige Carlson was given
a five days', sentence for begging.
This isn't exactly canoeing time of
year, but just to keep their club house
in condition for coming events, the
Cunoe club is having another roof
placed ou the house and other improve
ments made.
Forward, who died Tuesday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Walter K. Baker,
at Attwater, Cnl., will be held in that
city with" burial nt Attwater. She is
survived by Mrs. J. jr. Densmoore, of
Pilot Rock,' Ore.; Mrs. Walter K. Buker.
of Attwater, CuL; Chaiincey Forward, of
Br.aWley, Cnl., aii(l Allen Forward, of
Suleiu. Mrs. Forward was born in Ohio
73 years ago and ennio as a child to the
Waldo KUIs in 1S52, whero she lived
until ISilti. Since then, she had divid
ed ber time between Oregon nnd Cnli-:ber nnd it. is' probable that several of
forma. She was the widow of Blnir.tno snlem Juniors will take part in the
t uujd v ... .,, ,,. i,,if ,,t Atn.lnn 1 rveicisea. -
the river has fallen from 1.5 feet above i . .' , ., jiiAi ,i . ,i:j I
zero to .8 of u foot above. Tho range . '
This store has adopted tho cor
rect pricing of nil merchandise
ns endorsed by tlao National'
Grocery association henco the
old policy o? nn article that
cannot be sold nt 3c must bo
marked 10c is now discarded and
each item will be sold nt exactly
what it should be.
Charge accounts ns well na cash,
customers will receive this
426 State Street
Auction Sale
At the luick Exchange Auction
Market, on Saturday, Nov
ember IS, 101(i, at 10 o'clock n.
in., consisting of 1 good top bug
gy, 2 open buggies, 2 delivery
wagons, 1 spring wagon, I three
inch ltuiu uagou and box com
plete nearly new, - 1 3'i inch
wagon mil box, 2 road curls, 1
Net heavy "liiuni'ss, 1 set light
harness, I good Mc( 'oniiick
mower oft. cut, 1 Holt crenm
seperator neiiily new, I Vulcan
No. 14 steel beam plow nearly
At 1:30 p. in. Furniture con
sisting of Maxwell 1013 Koad
ster in good shape: also 1 Pen
itentiary Ohole polished top
range as good as new, 1 heater,
1 kitchen cabinet, 1 white eiiniii
cl medicine chest, 1 kitchen
table, 1 good wripger, 1 rug Sx
10, 1 oak hall tree, I box carpen
ter's tools, 1 set Americanized
Fncyclopiiediu of ltiitiiiunia, 1
set of Nelson's Encyclopedia, 1
set "i volumes Woodrow Wilson's
History of I'. S 1 Grey's Anat
omy, and nuiny other books, etc.
Time, 10 a. in. and 1:30 p. m.
P. X. WOODliV, "
Auctioneer, Phone 311.
For Sale-
-lly Public Auction
nl 1 :"0 p. in. sharp,
one 1013 Maxwell Roadster in
good shape, ut the Ijuick Fx
chnnge Auction Market, on Sat
urday, Nov. IS, 1 ill ft.
Household Furniture. Woodry
tho Auctioneer will pay highest
cash prico for same. Phone 511.
The Moose hall was filled to over
flowing last night at the joint enter
tainment of the Cii it ed Artisan lodge I v
nnd the two junior organizations. The UAlwD
.minor Artisan nana or 211 pieces made
its first appearance in public, giving ns
a novelty, a suxuphone quartette. The
Junior Artisans of Portland will give
0. fair on the 15th and 10th of DerTm-
Valley Flour, per Sack 1 ,b- bJ" Creamery Kight lbs. of Sweet 25c Can of K. C. Baking
B,tr Potatoes for Powder for
$1.30 40c 25c 20c
Three n;,.,,ined Two Ouart. of ; ,'rau- I I !0 lb. N. : Onions
30c 25c J 22c 25c '
South Salem Customers, Attention!
IHir Mr. Jones
of temperature yesterday was from 40
to 27. There is plenty or ice on me
slough but not enough for skating.
The Salem Baptist Brotherhood was
organized at the Baptist church last, ev
ening. This is an organization of men
of the church who will meet once a
month to be addressed on subjects of
i At the meeting of the directors of the
j Arabian Knights club held last even
ing a, no j.nsonie temp.o, ...e eyn ng , n, illterest Th!r pxt meeti wi
; ot Monday, December !!7, was selected ,if,d Dpcelnb 12. At the iza.
, us l ie .ui.e ir me annum tion of the club last evening, tho Rev-
uircuun oi onicera. mere wi.. uu uc . R e p HoU i(led tonstia,ter.
exercises attending the introduction of. Th ;velliK., pro(rrBm included a short
new members Dr. W. (nrlton Smith is ',,,. hvVj S- ByI10I ft V0(.R, 9olo
!! .Ion t nf h . a I nk nrirh ltd Nil n)lFn I . ' .
orvsioeiii oi tue ciuo wjiu lis ov imvui- , .
1 IV. .L . t A TT T I -Tirfl.
i.era. ror ine annuiu twin, iu-nn
Instead of electing officers at the
annual banquet und initiations as has
been the'custoiu, a, year ago the Cher
rinns decided to elect their officers the
first Monday in December, whereby said
officers would be prepared to perside
at the annual banquet and festivities.
Hence ou the evening of Monday, De
cember 4, officers for the coming year
will be elected, and they will preside at
the annual banquet to be given at the
Marion Tuesday evening, January 2.
CAR5 oj
Any kimd
Any time
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Schaffer Drug Store, phone 107.
Residence phone 1403.
915 Highland Avenue.
Thielsen, A. E. Strang and Fred A. Erix-
on were appointed on tho banquet com-
Theo. Both, a solo by John
Broer and the general singing of the'
Brotherhood song, "Every Man a Per-!
sonal Vorker." Theodore Koth was
. . . , lr t suilltl nuiiiri. i iit-,,iiiit7 nuiu u!,i
nnttee and on entertainiiient, .Walter nH. ele(.t,d ,,r(.sident, S. B. Elliott, vicv
i Smith, Hal. D. Pntton and I red !. By-j alld H. x McDaniels, secre-i
I noiu I tary aiid treasurer. Four committees .
655 N. Corn'l St
Cor. of D. St
Cor Miller and
8. Corn'l St.
Those who have suffered from the
flooding of the Ferry street sewer may
feel encouraged Bs street eommisisoner
Walter Low has finally succeeded in
locating the obstruction -in the sewer.
After making various soundings for the
sewer otter it leaves Ferry street )n a
northwesterly direction under tho j
Spaulding Logging company's yards,
the breuk iu the pipe was finally locat
ed. The several sections of tho sewer j
that hud caved in will soon be replaced j
Mid no more trouble of flooding will j
be in store for the district near the
intersection of High and Ferry streets.
were 'appointed w ith the following
chairmen: V. F. Foster, membership; I
W. T. Jencks, program; J. T. Rend, spe-i
cial and music; Albert Copley, visiting
"I .'mUMMMHil
- ' JF:. "J'Jk
If your spine is right, younre right.
Those who have tried every old method
and found no relief should trV Chiro
practic nnd get well. Many hundreds
of grateful patients in Salem and else
where can substantiate my statements.
Six adjustments will be given for the
small fee of 3.00. Difficult cases,
which require X-ray examinations and
Spinographs cau obtain them at a nom
inal fee. Only expert Spinograph work.
Very successful in stomach and bowel
troubles and diseases peculiar to
P. H. MAY, D. C,
Hubbard Building Phone 572