THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOV. 14, 1916. 4 3EVKW ,4 NEW . 01iASilD ADVERTISING BATES i Bate per word New Today: EaoV insertion. Der wnrri 1 One"' week ( insertions), per word 6e One month(26 insertions) per word 17c I Tlie Capital Journal will not be re-' . 1 . ! myuuaiuia mr more man one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisments. Eoad your advertisements the first day It appear and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 13c. FOR SALK Pino primp ranch, well improved. .See I). W. Johnson. tf WANTED Wood cutters $1.00 per cord. Phone K. A. Way, Gtti.'. tf FURNISHED Aoartments, also barn suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage. STOCK EWES For sale. Price 7.00. Phone 085. novlS DRY ASH WOOD For sale, delivered in town. Phone (i!2, E. A. Way. tf FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms, 325 S. 14(h St. nor in WE HAVE Baled hay and oats for Bale. George Sweiglc, Garden road, tf FOB KENT SIGNS For sale at Cap Hal Journal office. v lfARKV Window cleaner. Phone 708 dec 11 WAXTKD Horse for i's feed. Phone "'I'M. - novlO GET PRICES On farm salo bill at The Journal office. WANTED Fat and fresh cows. 1(2.) M. . nov29 TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office. ts SIX -CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments $5. worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. ' novlO 1T.BLIC SALE November 1", Jeffer son,. Oregon. Airs. K. J. Whedbee. nor 10 GOAT 51 EAT For sale, first .lass, only 5 cents ier lb. nt 0. K. Grocery, , delivered in city. dec 11 GIRL OR WOMAN Wanted for house work. II. Stoinbock, 302 X. Coni'l St. Phone SOS. tf PHONE 20G When yon lmvo wood sawing to be done, all work guaran teed, Jim Rogers. nor24 HOARD With or without room, rons , onalile rates. (140 Winter. 4'L. blocks from state house. Phone 155. nov21 WAXTKD Men ami women to cut rngs.npply nt store corner Chomelieta nnd' Commercial, tf l'UK REXT 5 room furnished house in North Salem, rent cheap;. Encitive L'l.i.j North 4th. 1 nor 1.1 HELP WANTED Girl to assist in family of two. Lovely home. Enquire for Mrs. Jacobs, Hotel Marion, noil STEADY W0I!1C For women or girls at the' glove factory, ll.'i.l Oak St. norl.1 FOR REXT Xew five room bungalow modern, irice .iu. oils .Nona 1tli . ft. novlS :'ET YOUR Trespass Notices, now supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour nal tf FOR -MAI.K Hoover drill, Remington! typewriter, each nearly new. i.' price. E. J. Miller, Turner, Or., Jt. 2."novl7 STOCK FEED Pumpkins nnd com for sale. Wanted a few stock hogs. Phono 44P22. if LOST I'nrt nf silver mounted pen bearing initials I. U. M. Return to Ivan G. Mmtiu, Masonic bldg, for reward. norl.j 'FOR SALE nt a bargain, an "Over land Deniitonneau" cur with extra bed $17.1. Salem Garage OHO North Capital St. Phone 1010. novl4 FOR REXT House, barn, 7 acres culti vated. 5 miles from Salem, !4.1 cash rent. E. J, Miller, Turner, Oregon, W. 2. uovl7 JACOB YOGT 979 South Commercial street, invites his old friends to call on hiin when in need of shoe repair ing. Best of work nt lowest prices. deelO V ANTED Men to cot wood nnd grub and take in pnrt payment land in small tracts. I want to buv stock hogs. John II., 404 Hubbard building. novH MONEY TO LOAN On second hand men's clothing, jewelry, musical in struments, tools, guns, etc. Also bought, sold and traded. Capital Fx change, 337 Court St. Phono 49.1. nol7 AUTOMOBILE-BARGAIN' I hare a Buick four recently overhauled to sell' at a sacrificed price. $.1.10.00. Ask for G. II. S. at Price's Shoe store uovl4 WAXTKI To trade -two draft eolts for ten m and pay difference, or will trade for cows. G. R. It. care Jour- . nal novl.1 FAR CORN For sale, by ton or Sot) lb., or trade for oats or stock hogs. And 20 nrrcs plow laud for rent on shares. W. M. Schuett. Salem, Or., phone SK23. ' liovl.1 MONEY LOANED On furniture, hors es, vehicles, merchandise, etc. Trans actions private. Possession retained. Vnion Loan Agency, 217 South High street. dec 14 FOR SALE Dandy grocery and con fectionery at invoice price, about $100ii; will lease building nnd fix tures or sell building at cost; three living rooms in rear; fine location, block from school. Bv owner, H. ". O'Neill. 30.1 S. 2.1tli street Salem, phone 934R. nnrl.1 TODAY - WANTED To buy a good brouz 2 year old, gobbler. Phone 305. novU WAXTKD White beans, will pnv 0!ic .1). R. Ruble, phone 1F14. 'novl-1 WAXTKD Pasture for team for win ter. G. R. H. care Journal. nor 12 FOR SALK Autos, bnrgain iu used 1910 Oakland six. Perteet condition, some terms. Room 418 Marion Hotel. noell FOB TRADE Modern 12 room house, cor. 14th and Center Sts., for good small farm 30 to 40 acres preferred. Address F. E. Wells, R. 3, box 04, Hensen Are. near South Commercial car line. nov6 State House News J Federal Service Inspectors Wisecar ver and Titrbell were inspecting yester day the reports of the railroads sub milted to the public serriee commission. The object whs fo compare the reports submitted to the state with the reports submitted to the gorcrnment respecting; the incomes of the various utilities. George M. Drown, uttorney general, and Assistant Attorney General liailev are in Jacksonville today for rho pur pose of representing the' state of Ore Son in the Hyde-Benson land cases which re up in Jnckson county. In a communication to the public service commission the Spokane, Port land, nnd Seattle Railway this morning stated the reasons of their refusal of the application of W. II. Hiatt of Al bany for the erection of a shelter shed on Geary street, Albany. The railroad says it finds no reason to change its present situation as in ten davs oulv 12 perspns boarded the train at that point. They say it is not a regular station and that the company would have to construct shelter sheds on various streets in various cities if they did it this time, Besides they point out that depot is near with good walks leading to it. The public service commission of Washington state wired the Oregon commission this morning s to its atti tude regarding publishing demurrage tariffs intrastate effect ire after one day's notice providing for $2 for the first day. $3 for the second day,and$4 for the third day and $5 for tlie fifth and eaeli succeeding day. The Wash ington commission, asks whether the carriers have filed with the Oregon body petitions of like nature and states it believes concerted action in this matter ndvisuble. An unofficial reply by Secretary Ostrander states that no such petitions have been received from the carriers by Ihc Oregon commission. He states the demurrage rates sre made by order of the commission nnd cannot be changed until the November 24 hearing and that the statutory limitation is .4 n day demurrage. He agreed concerted action advisable. W. R. Scott, vice-president and gen eral manager of the Southern Pacific railroad, in a letter to the public serv ice commission, inclosed letter from General Freight Agent Cameron of the Illinois Central Railroad regarding the car shortage situation and demurrage rates. Cameron cites California demur rage rate of $3 a day after the first 4s hours free time and points out that in four months California placed 491, stWi cars for loading and unloading and that only 1.74 per cent were held be yond free tinut. Of this percentage 9S. 20 per cent were released within the free time, 30 per cent before free time began or immediately on arrival, fivk" per cent on first day of free time, nnd 19 per cent on the second free day. Willi this scheme in rogue on their lines, Cameron said it would release a thiusand cars n day for traffic and would facilitate the handling and dis tribution of cars. William Sproule, president of the Southern Pacific, adrises the public service commission that relief is in sight for Oregon's car famine as 500 new box cars are enroute from the east to this state. He said ,10 new cars would be received each day from the builders. J. 11. Dyer, assistant general maniiger, says that 70' new box cars are enroute to Oregon from the east. Of the .100 new box cars curoute west, j Druggist's Customers Always Satisfied with This Kidney Remedy For twenty years I have enjoyed a splendid sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root nnd Inr customers ore perfectly nitislied with the results obtained from its use in the diseases for which it is recommended and the)- always speak favorably regarding it. In catarrh or inflammation of the bladder nnd rheu matism it has been very successful ac cording to the reports we hare received from those who have used it and ob tained satisfactory results. I believe it is a valuable remedy for the ailments you mention mid do not hesitate to rec ommend it for such conditions. Verv trulv vours, . R. if. ROBB. -Victorv Pliarmacr, Dee. Rth. 191.1. Snu Jose, Calif. Letter to Dr. Kilmer fc Co. Blnghaniton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Boot Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biiigliumton, X. Y., for n sample size botlle. It will convince anyone. You will nlso receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention tlie Salem Daily Capital Jour nal. Regular fifty-cent and yne dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. . FOR THESTATE FAIR Wants Large Part of This for New Buildings It Covers Premium List A. H. Lea, secretary of the state fair board, will ask the next legislature to appropriate the sum of $223,000 for the purpose of building at the fair grounds u nvestocK coliseum at an approximate cost of $125,000, a woman's building to cost approximately $40,000, and to re model the dairy barn for a fire depart meat at a probable cost of $2,100, to erect 600 yards of woven wire fence about the grounds at a cost of $1800, to drill two wells for the estimated sum of $1500. The general sum includes premiums tor two years. This estimate is said to be less than estimntoB for other years when build ings are asked for by the fair tuanuiro- ment. . In 1915 the appropriation for improvement was au spent in the new buildings erected so that in 1910 the present management had nothing to work on. Secretary Lea said that the improvements this past year were tak en out of the gate receipts. Coliseum Badly Needed. On account of the large demand for a suitable building in which to house live stock exhibitions, judging, and for large gatherings it is deemed neces sary to build a coliseum. The Oregon Live Stock Breeders Association, an or ganization composed of members of other" brooders associations, have passed resolutions urging the legisla ture to pass such an appropriation. At the last stnte fair the large tent hous ing horse show had 4100 seats and it was filled to overflowing at 0:30 o'clock every evening. With convict labor it is believed the state could build such a structure for $125,001) which is about $15,000 less than like buildings are said to cost in other states. Women's Clubs Back It. The Women's Federated Clubs are back of the inorcmcnffor an appro priation for the .women's building, which is planned to house the art and textile departments. Plans for a $40, 000 building have already been drawn. It is pointed out that artists will not send their work for exhibition unless there is a suitable place to exhibit and protect the pieces. If it were not for the loaning of the fire truck by the Salem fire depart ment and the Ford chemical and the two hand chemicals by A. G. Long of Portland, the new pavilion and the cat tle barns would have been burned. As the state carries no insurance on its buildings the loss would have been con siderable and it is proposed to safe guard the buildings and contents by re modeling the dairy, barn into a fire de partment. . , The water supply nf the last state fair was about piic-hulf. what was necessnry, according to Secretary Lea, and accordingly he plans to have two wells driven, lie deems the high wire fence also necessary. 300 are on the road between here and Chicago and the' other 200 near Chi cago. The company says the situation in Oregon and California is practically the. same nnd that it will endeavor to meet the demands made with the equip-meni- available. Articles of incorporation wero filed this morning by the Columbia river Stevedoring company for the purpose of dealing with and maintaining ships. The capital is $15,000 and tho homo office is Portland. The incorporators are Wilson W. Clark, It. li. Shaw, and J. P. Urix. The Cnllapooia Mines Incorporation, of Portland, with a capital of $20,000 filed fr the business of general gold mining, with E. O. Pooler, K. L. Wur roll, and J. Turner as incorporators. ' Certificates of dissolution were granted to tho "Hollowny & Co. Lie, of Corvallis, and Willis-.Tohnstone Co. of Klamath Falls. 4 P- L II....- AI..,-. touri nuubc news lUUIl nuuac news It cost the Oregon nnd California and Southern Pacific railway just $37.90 court fees to bring their suit against Mt. Angel which Judge Gallo wa" recently decided in furor of the city. The ailovrani-e was made yester dnr by Judge Galloway. An action for the recovery of money alleged to be due on a promissory note of $1900 was begun yesterday in the circuit court by the BhiiI; of Wnodbiiru against W. P. Miller oud Magdalene K. -Miller oud the Salem Brewery. Judg ment for the. amount of the note, inter est, insurance and attorneys fees are asked of the court. Divorces were granted yesterday by Judge Galloway to Mrs. Gertrude Hix on from Leonard Brasstiebl Hixon with custody of their five yenr old daughter, to Mrs. Pauline J. Josse from Louis I.'. Josse after living together for 32 years and raising a tamily thnt has. grown unajoritv to J.'K; Hliureland tffiin Elizabeth Shareland on the grounds of desertion. A marriage license was issued by the county clerk to Frank Joe Trum ble, a butcher of Portland, and Sarah Ida Kaser, of Silnerton. Frank T. Wrightman and A. A. Lee, who are experting the books of the county officers, are now working on the county clerk ' accounts. They have just "finished the books of the county treasurer up to date. The final account of Albert Whitlock as administrator of the estate of Eliz abeth Whitlock, deceased, has been approved, and as no objections have Latest Report From Doubtful States San Francisco, Nov, 14. Complete official returns from 32 of the 58 counties in Cali fornia, as received ' by the United Press at 3 p. m. today gave Wilson a net gain of 82 over the plurality ho was given in the unofficial returns. Minneapolis. Minn.. Nov. 14. News papermen checking over unofficial figures mndc a new total which added 424 net to Hughes . This new figure is no more official than the old one. - Official returns from other counties, however, added 73 to Hughes lead. In their latest editions the news papers -give the' following' figures 'as Hughes lead in state at that time: Minneapolis News 191; Minneapolis Journal 321; Minneapolis Tribuno 321; St. Paul News 191; and St. Paul' Dis patch 1,080.- Hughes Gains 100. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 14. The dis covery of an error in tho Los Angeles tally from the Watts, Cal., precinct No." i gives Hughes 100 votes in addi tion to the unofficial figure credited to him. The error was discovered on a tally sheet. In carrying over an amount onlv 42 was carried over instead of 142. STILL BETTING ON ELECTION 'New York, Nov. 14. Financial news tickers this afternoon reported curb brokers still betting on the election at odds of 5 to 1 on Wilson. CITY news : . On Sunday night a trusty at the peni tentiary took an unasked for leave of absence and has not been seen siuco. His name is Dennis and he was commit ted from Tillamook county. He had about a year of his sentence yet' to serve. o The Business Men's League of the Commercial club and the Retail Grocers' association will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at tho Commercial club. The Business Men's league will .have pre sented to it several matters of import ance that will interest the business men of tho city. Western cranberries -will be served with the Salem Thanksgiving turkey as the borries grown in Coos county and those from Long Beach and Ilwaco, Washington, are finding favor with the good housekeepers, especially as the western cranberry docs not require so much sugar as those grown in Michigan nud New Jersey. , The Boys' and Girls' (Aid society of Oregon is making its annual appeal for funds and donations ""just prior to Thanksgiving. The work of tho society is increasing, and while, the cost of liv ing has materially increased,, tho income has decreased considerably. This makes it imperative that tho society secure a large number of donations nj-well "as about $5,000 in cash. During the pnst year the society has aided 881 children. It has also done great work iu aiding crippled children, those who would not ho. helped except through such nn or ganization. Tho books si the society are audited quarterly 'ana every dollar received is accounted for. R. E. Arne is superintendent of the society and his address is East 29th nad Irving streets, o Nothing like having a penitentiary handy when in trouble. Tho combina tion of the largo safe in the Drnger Fruit company's office refused to work yesterday morning and as a result, something had to be done pretty quick to get into thnt safe. After calling on half a dozen skilled mechanics .in Salem to como and upeu the safe, and all re fusing, there was. but one thing left to do anil that was to cull on the peniten tiary for an expert. Said expert, who formerly worked in a safe factory, ar rived oa the scene ami after carefully turning the knob and listening to the action of the delicate machinery, ojieued the door of the case with no trouble whatever. It all depends on knowing how. BORN RATZEBCRO At the Salem hospital Monday, November 13, .1910, Mrs Marie Ratzeburg, in her 73rd year. She is survived by the following sons and daughters; John Ratzeburg of Salem; Fred and Paul Ratzeburg of Gates; William Ratzeburg of Los An geles; Mrs. K. J. Sauter of Salem; Mrs. R. O. Richardson of Chemnwn; Mrs. L. . Pugh and Mrs. Walter Mngeo of Polk county. The funeral was held this oftcrnoon from the parlors of Rigdon & Richard son, and wus conducted by the Rev. James Elvin. Buriul was in the City View cemetery. Mrs. Ratzeburg wns born in Meek-linberg-Schwcrin, Germany, and came to this country when she was 25 years old. Her death followed an operation of several weeks ago. been made, allowed by County Judge Bushey. The final account of Noruh Whitaker as executrix of the cstntc of George W. Writaker has been approved by Judge Bushey and settled. Market Fluctuated But Prces Unchanged New York, Nov. I I. The Xew York Evening Sun financial review today said: " : Not a little confusion attended the trading in today's stock market, what with mixed opinions as to prevailing conditions and xather'' disconcerting rumors of one kind or another. There was undoubtedly further ex tensive distribution of pool holdings. There was some profit taking on the ware crests that intcrmitteiitlr carried LOOMS UP ONCE MORE Senate Committee to Meet Monday to Act On Strike Lumination Washington,' Nov.' 14. Tho railroad question loomed up again toduy as threatening to overshadow, as it did in the closing days of congress, all other questions before the administration. - Conferences in New York between the railroad heads and the brotherhoods heads over the operation of the Adam son law, providing the eight hour day, having failed to bring nn- agreement, the administration is keeping a, close eye on .developments. . It is tho belief here that no com-, plete disagreement can result between tho.employew and the men, with a.coii sequent rcnowed call for a strike, with out interference by President. Wilson. Ihc question of strike prevention is expected to be foremost among those discussed by the joint house and senate committee, headed by Senator New lands, when it begins meeting here next .Monday, mis committee, appointed be fore the recent crisis, will hear nreu- nients for and aguinst various arbitra tion plans. Just in advance of the committee's sessions, the national labor council and the chamber of commerce of the United States will discuss the same questions. M any members favor legislation that would make a "conspiracy to interrupt public service" a crime. . They suggested legislation to permit labor to appeal to the interstate com merce commission just as a shipper can appeal in the case of rates, and permit ting him.tocease work, say, within 30 days after a'decision of the commission. These ideas are embodied in the call for the council's meeting mado public to- day. Union labor will fight thorn bit terly. Ncwland 's conimittoe also will have ninny other phases of tho railroad ques tion before it, including state versus toaernl regulation. Meeting hero to day, state commissioners from all parts of the country threshed over this ques tion. For the most part, the state com missioners are inclined to resist the movement toward strengthening federal authority over railroads, at the expense of lessened stnto control. Chairman Meyer of tho interstate commerce com mission, in a welcoming Bpeech to the state commissioners, urged closer co operation between his commission and tho state commissions. Annual Banquet and Rally Tomorrow The first annual banquet and rally of the Salem Baptist Brotherhood will be held in the First Baptist church tomorrow evening nt half past ti o'clock. This is a new organization of the men of the church and congregation, in fact the organization is not yet conplotcd. All tlie men ot the church and congre gation have been invited, and about 75 hnvo signified their purpose to be pres ent. Theodore Rotli is president of this brotherhood. Supper will be served by the Women's Industrial society of the church. After supper with Dr. G. F. Holt, the pastor, acting as toastmaster, an inter esting program will be presented includ ing tho following responses to toasts. Tho general theme of the evening iu "Men and An Efficient Church." "The War Chest," H. S. Gilo "All At It and Always At It," W. II. Tiiniblo. "The Out Reaching Vision," Dr. F. H. Thompson. " Cntch-That-Man, " W. F. Foster. "Be a Big Brother," W. S. Hale. "As I See it," Pres. Theodore Roth. During the evening John Broer will sing several solos nnd the men will sing tho national brotherhood song, ' ' Every Man a Personal Worker. ' ' The men are looking forward to an enjoy able time. tin' level of the market upward, only to subside shortly after. Hut there was no definite trend for long at any time. The churning pro cess which reflects Wall Street's ef fort to find himself after busing most of its committments for u fortnight or more on Mr. Hughes' election, was in the main u professional movement. There was further erratic movements in United States Steel and Central Leather, which perhaps, better illus trate the course of prices throughout the list. Steel opened at IliO'.j, 1 off. it subsequently moved forward nearly two points to l-'i'iii, later rem-ted to I I'll1.-;, and one more advanced above 121. The movements of Central Leath er were, broader. Iu the early trading that issue sold "-H below .Monday ut 10.1 and immediately sank to 10-1... An hour or so Inter it was selling above III'.) and thereafter moved for the most part below 107. There was n brisk upward movement in the general list in the lute session. Steel aiiain crossed 122. Smelters ad vanced to 1 13. Ths entertainment committee of the Elks will offer the hoys something s inl Thursday evening in the way of the W. J. Cole entertainers some thing different from the rest. PUT CREAM IN NOSE . AND STOP CATARRH Tells lTow To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Coldn. You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The uir passages of your head will clear and you can breatho freely. No more dullness, hcmlm-lic; no hawking, snuf fling, mucous diseharges or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you waut n small bottle of Kly's (ream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes in stantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs. Don't stuy stiiffcdup and miserable. CLASSIFIED WATER COMPANY 4ALEM WATER COMPANY Olfie corner Commercial and Trade street For water service apply at . office BUI payable monthly in advance. Money to Loan ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. jd. FORD Oret L&dd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Oregoi 40NEY TO LOAN I have made ar ' rangoments for loaning easteri money, will make very low rate ol interest on highly improved farmt 3omor H. Smith, room 9 McCornaet Bldg.. Ralem, Ore., Phone 96. THE MARKETS The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, ai-tl not What is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections axe made daily. Fifty cents a ton was tacked on to the price of bran and shorts today. If tho correct proportion between Port land and Salem prices were maintained, men snv there should really be another ill cents added. Cauliflower is now on the market at $2.50. Fresh ranch eggs are now ro tating at 50 cents a dozen and five cents has boon added to the retail price of every sack of flour. The grocery man says there has nothing declined iu price. All the, changes have been up ward. Wheat 1.35(S.1.40 Outs, new , 42(d45c Rolled barley $10.00 Brim 27.00 Shorts, per ton v $29.50 Hay, clover $1112 Hay, cheat ill(ji)12 Hay, vetch , $12 Hay, timothy $16 Batter. Butterfat 37c Creamery butter, per pound. 39c Country butter 25(30c Eggs and Poultry. Kggs, case count, cash 40c Kggs, trndo ; 42c Ileus, pound : 13(j-14c Roosters, old, per pound 9c Broilers, under 2 pounds Me Turkeys, live ltl((i.21c Turkeys, dressed 23(f24c Ducks, live IKal.'tc Geese, live f 91 10c Fork, Veal and Matton. Pork, dressed 12 l-2rH3e Pork, on foot . .v .x. 8 l-29t Spring lambs, .191(1 7y4(a)7!(,c Veal, according to quality .. ..-..8!)c Steers - ........... D(u)6 Cows S l-24c Bulls 33 1-4 Kwes 4c Wethers ,. 6 l-8t Figs and Dates Figs, 70 four oz Figs, 30 12 oz. Figs, 12 10-oz. Bluck figs Wbito figs ". Dromedary dates $2.60 ..... $2.75 90c 9c 10c 3.75 Vegetables, . Tomatoes $1.25 Cabbage 40c String gurllc 10?i.l2 l-2c Potatoes, swcot 2 3-4c I'otntoes, per 100 pounds. ..$1.20(o 1.23 Green onions 40 Oreen peppers 7c Carrots, dozen 40 Artichokes , $1 Lettuce, local 40c Lettuce, Califomin, crute $2.50 Kgg plant :- 7c Celery 75c Cauliflower 2.50 Fruits. Grapes ;. $1.75 Apples 60c$1.00 Oranges, Valencies $."i.25 Lemons, per box $G.00(i 0.50 Bananas, pound 6 California grape fruia $1.00 Florida grape fruit $ii.50 Pineapples 8c Honey $3.50 Cranberries $10.0012.00 Betall Prices. I'ggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 50c Sugar, cane : $8.70 sugar, beet $8.50 Creamery butter . 45 Flour, hard wheitt $2..'i0fo 2.05 Flour, valley $l.y0(Vi 2.15 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., Nov. 14. Wheat: Club, $1.50. Red Russian, $1.55. Fortyfold, $t.fiS. Blue-stem, $1.05. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $35.50. Barley: Feed, $38.50, Hogs: Best live, $9.75. Prime steers, $7(5 7.10. Fancy cows, $5.25(7i 5.35. Calves, $7. Spring lumbs, $8.50(ii 8.75. Butter: City creamery, 38c. Kggs: Selected loeul ex., 17 l-2e. Hens, 15c. Broilers, Hi(ol7e. Ueeso, lie. WILL SPEAK AT ROBEBURO. .1. if. Albert, of Salem, member of the state advisory board, and one of the best known good roads enthusiasts In Oregon, will come to Roscburg to morrow to deliver an address before the members of the Mental Culture Club, at their regular meeting to be held tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Albert has traveled quite extensively, nnd he is well informed with regnrd to road construction. Roscburg Review, Mon-dav, ADVERTISING WOOD8AW HSBRlt vnl WOOD SAW We Hv and pay taxes in 6alui. Let baiesa people saw your wood. Phone 268. lias a. hi. r. u. Keister, Was. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE CHAS. B. HODGKIN Genoral Insur ance, Surely Bonds, real estate and rentals. Hubbard Bldg. Phone 380. tf UNDERTAKERS EBB ft CLOUOH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral directors. : Latest modorn methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888, RIGDON-RICHARDSOiN CO. Fnnera directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night pboa 183. ELECTRIC SUPFLX Co., 220 N. Liberty Phone 263. A com plete line of Klectrie Supplies, and fixture FOR SENT FOR RENT 40 acres, all in cultivation with buildings Boino orchard, close to school. Square Deal Realty Oo 202 U. S. Bank bldg. MISCELLANEOUS SHOE REPAIRING Old shoes made like new. All leather used in repair ing. Fair prices to all. Modorn Shoe Repair Co., 401 Court St. Salem. no28 CIDER By the barrel or in any quan tity at 10c a gallon at the null. Cus tom work at 2c a gallon. Commercial Cider works. Phone 2194. 1010 N. Commercial St. nov28 DRIJGLE88 NEUROLOGY INd 428 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All dru gloss methods taught. Flora A. Brewster, M. D., dean, privato patients 1 to 5 p. m. Examination free. tf OREGON Wholesale and Retail Hid and Metal company. Highest cask price paid for hides, pelts, rags, used machinery and junk of all kinds. A good stump puller for sale. 197 South . Commercial. Phone 399. nov27 ACADEMY OF DANCING Latest standardized dancing close, followed by social dancing Friday cvoninga. . Folk dancing and private lessons Sat urday afternoons. Instructed by Iris cilia Fleming. Phone 92. nocll EDUCED FREIGHT BATES To an! from all points, east, on all houshold goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Coat saereial street. Phone Main 933, THE NEW ARGO HOTEL J. H. Lau terman, , Prop: Chemeketa street be-, tween Com. and Liberty, telephone 900. Absolutely . clean, thoroughly homelike, strictly modern. There are larger hotels in Salem, but no better. Rates from 50c a day to $1.50. Spe cial rates by week or month. docC STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIR EH 50 years experience. Depot National and American fence . Sizes 26 to 68 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooka Salum Fence and Stove Works, 254 St. Phone 124. OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians aad nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksvilla, Mo. Post graduate and specialized is nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute and chronio disease. Consultation free. Lady attendant, Office 505-500 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 341 North Capital atroet. Phone " SOAVANQEB SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos. proprietor. Gnrbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contract at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Maim 2247. Residence Main .272. CHIROPRACTIC 8PINOLOOI3T DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal aljustmcnts and get welL Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residenr.a Main 8.8-K. PATENTS t EXPERT HIGH-CLASS SERVICE Write for free booklet. Send sketoh and description or model, mentioning this paper, for thorough FREE search for patentability. . A. M. WILSON, 311 Victor Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Nov.ll LM. HUM CARE OP Yick So Tong CHINESE MEDICINE AND TEA COMPANY Has medicine which will ear Any known Disease Oven Sundays from 10:00 a. ss, until 8:00 p. m. 163 South High 8tret. Silaa, Oregon. Xaau 133 V