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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOPRNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOV. 14, 1916. mm mmrmrn wm rtm mm i ? SaUt in Ilmlll.- 11 13 13 13 E3 n II Smartest Suits, Coats, Dresses and Waists Priced Wonderfully Low in Time for Thanksgiving Wear D n El! II! n V II II Men's High Top Shoes $3.95 Men's Heavy Work Shoes $2.65 'Men's Work and Dress Shoes $1.95 . I! THIS IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY THE NEWEST STYLES IN COATS, SUITS, DRESSES AND WAISTS AT Men's Work and Dress Shoes $2.95 : MHE MOST WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES ' u THE SUITS . 111 II Are made of fine all wool poplins, garbardines and serge. Belted and semi-fitted effects,, n, lined throughout with guaranteed satins. Hare large collars trimmed with fur and velvet, u Colors, black, brown and green. Especially priced at ir $14.95 to $19.95 jj '11 11 mm IHLLUA1S Are out of the ordinary models, something you haven't seen earlier in the season, made' of finest quality GENCAIRN all wool plaids, cravaneted gray,-brown and green mixtures and 24 oz. heavy coating with invisible stripes. They are 48 inches long, have raglan sleeves, with side belts, stunningly trimmed with fine silk velvet. Especially Priced at $8. 95 to $11. 45 THE DRESSES n f b ' L H u ' n n Boys' Lace and Button Shoes $1.95 Boys' Lace and Button Shoes $1.65 . Ladies' Shoes, values to $5.00 $2.65 Ladies' Shoes $1.95 : Another Assort ment Q5g Ladies' Shoes 39c Pair Children's Shoes 95c and $1.45 Men's Suits $9.65 $7.85 Men's Suits Small sizes $4.95 Men's Overcoats $9.65, $7.85, $4.95 Men's Rain Coats $4.95 Men's Sweaters 59c " m w i Jr i Y v TRY SALEM FIRST BALBM COmMMHCIAL CLUB n New Billie Burke Models of fine poplin and epingle cloth, also the new Dorothy models of., u n fine silk poplin, in colors of black, navy, copen, green, plum, brown and rose. Espec- J ially Priced p $9.95 to $13.50 jj u n n u a ii ii I! Li h 25. new models to choose from, a collection of high grade Waists, stunningly trimmed and THE WAISTS ii ii u a m u n n a n u a a n EJ ii u n n ii u ta a a a a a a a a a becomnigly made of fine French voile, organdie and heavy crepe de chine. Especially priced r .. " 98c to $4.95 Special Sale of New Millinery A lucky purchase made by our eastern buyer of a large sample line of high grade hats and silk velvet shapes. Come in black and values from $3.00 to $10.00 on sale at a a D n Supreme Court Decides Long . Drawn Out Case Three Other Opinions 8. T. Xortlicutt, n resident of Tur ner, according to tile decision ol t lie Oregon supreme court, utter having I. ..on n. I In. Or... I ;i.....miiUt.i..t ft 4nL-.. U ....... u .... .w v ..... lot' his own lllfniis by J.ikIh W i 1 in mi Qjliushcy unit decreed to In' able nml rj j competent hy Judge (Sullowuy, is still H utile to manage liis own affairs and nut J to require any guardian. H It will be remembered that this ease H.lins Iiim'ii before tlm Million comity n u n n n n ii courts for thi' oust two years mill !- veloped out of a petition by Mrs. Kvn I rnliuerton, il.m till t it hi .orthcntt, to have Judge Huslii'v. county judge, up- H point a guardian to I a lie cart' of his I fortune, which unioiiuis in mites nini mortgages, to i,lKU. Mie is the only cliild and alleged that by reason of his age and mental and physical infirmi ties lie hail been defraudeil of consid icrnble property and was incapable of n n n HI n. i. r uii. J l i m.... v.i. r i: d i. H'nvc sun veivei Mittucs. mine iu uidtu auu tuiuis, iicwcm new turn tieaiiuns. Reuuidi n iM cause oi hu health, and because ho i-oinliii t inn his ow n liusiness. Aorthcutt replied to this petition by snyini: that he was aide to look after !his own affairs and churned his ilauuh- ler with being "ill'raid that some por- njlion ot ine. esiare win ne speiu on soni other person than lierself," and H declared he iilanned to leave the stale 98c, $1.49. $2.45 and $2.95 each B B GALE & COMPANY Formerly the Chicago Store SALEM'S biggest popular priced Department Store Not connected with any other in this city. CORNER COURT AND COMMERCIAL, STS., SALEM, ORE was Koing to marry in iuurion county it 11 1 (;o 1o Missouri. Mrs. I'alnieiton answered this coun ter charge by staling thut her only purpose was to protect her father from this machinations and si'hciucs ol'ulis holiest and desinniiiK persona. He wrote roetry ion, said the code conferred on the vnr-1 deputy mail carrier on the route for ions county courts the authority to ap-1 inerlv carried by John Thuinian. point Kuardians for a dcslnnuted class Miss Anna I'linsKy was a .'apilI of persons nnd unless Xortheiitt conies city business caller the last of the wee! . under one of those classes a Kuardiaii! Miss Audra Micks, bookkeeper at ti e cannot ' legally be appointed. The des- ( ! I n I National bank of Maleni, spvet iliiiated persons arc 'insnne persons, ; the week end with Silveiton relative, idiots, and all incapable of conducting! Miss Vera Miller and llurland I'oi Iheir own affairs." , j pi no were married at Vancouver, Wnsn. In the investigation to determine I on Saturday, .Nov. II. They are speml N'oi thcutt's coiupetence, the decision j ing a few weeks in J'ortland before recites that lie had accumulated a for-1 turning home. These popular youi.i; tune bv thrift and good business man-1 people have u. host of friends in th;s agement. He has cared for his daugh-icily who with them many prosperous ter nnd her children and is termed ainim nappy years together. "live business man. lie is also a poet and if was stated that his poetry was "in a cluss by itself," and "could be better," yet 'through them all runs a connective chain." His daughter snid that in 1!H3, nbout the time, the Chen inns wer offering a $10 prize ; unlay for a poem, he would rise Ui'fween tnn ttlaf Larson of- Monitor was in t) i ami four o'clock in the morning audieity .Monday night en route, to the S I Mrs. Abe Kennedy of Howell I'nii-' rio spent the past week at the hoiue of her parents, M r. and Mrs. .In Haines. Mrs. K. Haines and daughter, Viohi 'were among the (sulein shoppers Si.t recite poems, and in imagination, would address the chairman of the ( henians and rehearse poetry., II was found that he Was working for the ij-10 prize. The decision states that up to the time of his proposed marriage to the wnmnn in the case, and removal to vorton logging camp. The tjiieen Esthers held a btisiucH meeting at the home of Hernice Hinv t man on Saturday af leriioon. The buy girls have completed a warm outfit ff u lit tit- girl at. the industrial seined and are now pluniilng a rhiistnins box Missouri to live, no complaint had been jlor their little protege. They will meet made, or petition filed. The court finds j at. Marjory Ifiehcs on Siituiday Ndv. that, the dairihter had no right to say I. her father should jiot marry nor whom A little son of standard weight is he should marry. Justices 'Monro, Me-j reported at the Charles Henlson hoine' Hride and Hean' cncui red iu affirming j on Nov. 4 at l.othnir, .Montana, the decision of the circuit court. Mrs. I.urson who has been very II at her home on Hid street is ic- The Other Decisions i ported some better, her daughter, .Mi-. Hi After hearing the case Judge liushey D decided N'ortlnutt was not able to lakel,,v: reversed bv Justice Moore. H care of himself and appointed a guar- ' rehearing was denied in the case nj din n tor the estate. All appeal was ,,f Houglns ( 'redilors associat ion ngiiinst .mimic bv Mrs. I'almertoii to the cir- IIiw-Iwiko Hlcuit court and Judge tiallonuy decided H j-Xorthciitt was comjietent to inauage his Vori-is Snfe and T.ocU eoninnnv. an- iTol't has been caring fur her. pcllant. against J. U. Weaver, et al ! Mis. Win, C'nppet will entertain II resiondents, ail nipeal from Mallienr l.oyal Woniens class of the Christ ii county from decision of Judge Daltoa church at her home on Mill street i n Higgs. an action to enforce against al- Thursday, Dee. 7. leged stockholders the payment of u balance due mum n judgment recovered by the plaintiff against their corpora tion: affiimed by Justice Harnett. Henry Levy, nespnndent against Xevailii-Califoinia Orc'ion Uiiilroad, an appeal from T.ake county from decision of Judge iMilv, an action for breach of cnatrnct; affirmed by Justice Hiirnntt,. (r. T. Treadgilil, appeiiaul, ngainsi Krnnk K. WiMard, respondent fisnn Coos count v I mm "Only 'Gets-It' for Me After This!" It "Gets" Every Com Every Time. Painless. Nothing More Simple. ''I'll tell you what, J 'vu ipiit uiig' appeal toe eating salves for corns. J 've ouii decision of milking a package oat of niv to-s Judge Coke, an action to recover nion- .with bandages and contraptions p. it digging Willi knives anil scissors, i-i.e B B 0nnDDBBQDDBnni.CS3C2CS!33QDQ0QB3SBESSB (Continued from page one.) Del Norte i i)enu . . . . '"Marin. . . .. , 1 Mariposa . i Modoc . . . i Monterey . 8a v s for the big counties to finish. In 1 rim er . Han Francisco, Los Angeles and Alnme-1 l'lumas i counties, the" work is proceeding slow-1 Riverside ly and every vote is being closely scru-; Snu Beuito . . . . tinized by both republican and dcmo-iSnn Luis Obispo eratic watchers. I Solano The Official Count. Tehama The official count has been completed Amador in the following counties and shows, ac- (Calaveras . . cording to returns to the United Press: Snn Joaquin County Huehes. Wilson. ' Trinity . . . Colusa 1012 l8i' Santa Barbara 4453 4fl 1342 t:i.!4 451 7i)5 srm IMS liiiS 744i 1440 2S54 35 1739 1208 1175 7801 424 468 Sierra lsilO ' Nevada 37U0 , Siskiyou 70S ! Alpine 1221 j Imperial county ;!K77 1 Orange it;i52 j Tuolumus KUSl The l.aited .'inn , . 15HS , . L'0S 00 , . 2li!(2 , . 104S7 1057 l'rcss unofficial ,1. ffnirs and set the nnpointuicnt aside. She tlicn appealed to the supreme court, nidge Harris, who rendered, tho opill- Hry, Hoarse or Painful Coughs Quickly Ended ftlomr-Maile Renieily thut Raven You 2 linen the Work Thoroughly WO , dier votes yet to be counted. 2.W The great, element of duubf is the re ,')4.'.K , count in Hennepin (Minneapolis) conn 23 1 1 v. This couiiiy has tho largest vote 3272 of nay iu the state. When Hamsey (St. I!3'.l2 l'aul) county, the- sii'ond largest, and 15H0 St. Louis (Duluth) county, the third table. ' largest, were officially canvassed. It 454.) J showed Wilson's plurality in the state j resulted in a i.-hnuetnf figures which 1085 1 was 3,013. netted Wilson 34!l in Kam-nev and 02 iu m'i ' i St. Louis. In Ked Lake comilv 5078 Hughes Lead 123 NOW. jeeived today, the "offb-ial Colnt iieljied 'Itiickjy healing the inllamed or sfioilen t:. n-..i Ai:... v.... tl.wi.i ln "lisoii net. .11. J701 ' '""" -"'"") -''. 1. ""II i .4....w.-......-4.4--l The nromnt and nositive nrtion of this re- Imniplc, inexpcnnive lioine-niiule remedy in 1513 precincts missing. 11397 in Minnesota at noon J'9 1 Hughes had ,340. Tim Hfnnci)tn . (fit.t.t ilmm twt 1. Hughes led Wilson ; ullti Thursdm and .-will Mnke-iit b?ast todav bv 123. four davs. 179,403, and Wilson 17!),- Tllll f"r tne canvass, mail votes and", I soldier votes, in the- aggregate, havn 4. The official count in 49 counties had been slightly in favor of President Wil- I WANT A STENOGRAPHER- Young man or woman between ages of 18 and 25 preferred. Must be able to take dictation readily and write a good, clean letter. Must be attentive to details, have the ability to do the right thing occas ionally without being" told, and willing to let the "boss" have something to say about the office man agement. A good position to the right party. Make all applications by mail. Address CHAS. B. SMITH, Silo-Sales Dept., The C. K. Spaulding Logging Co., City. ,.. ,.l,,l ....I !. 'IT .,.t; : i !has not been counted. Minnesota is still' (in ooniir. me leaaers or not a sines : g admit it, although nnrurally the repub-j ilicans claim they have the. edge. I The soldier vote did not make the dif- $ ! ference in the count that was expect- j$ led. In 40 counties out of the 71 coun- I ties in w hich there were soldier votes ; least the result was: Wilson, HHH; I UiidIilu N!t.'t fiA f.tU !Ul1 ' ...V .....J ..... I i I ! i t If- STANDARD OIL ADOPTS AN EIGHT HOUR DAY r FON CATARRH and HAY FEVER Dannls Eucalyptus Ointment AT U OKUQ STORES Tubes 2EC Jans 60c San Francisco, Nov. 14. The Standard Oil company offices here today posted a bulletin an iiouncing that the company has adopted the eight hour day for employes, skilled and unskilled. This came as a surprise and applies to' the refineries, pipe lines and producing depart ments. There will be no change in wages, it was announced. The plan is to become opcrn 'five as soon as details are com- " pleted. membranes of the throat, chest or bron t-liial tubes and breaking up tight coughs, has caused it to be used in mora domes than any other cough remedy, luder its healing, soothing inlliience, chest soreness goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling In throat stems and von uet a uood audit's Test fill sleep. . The usual throat and chest colds are conquered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing liettcr for bron chitis, hoarsruess, croup, whooping cough, bronchial asthma or winter coughs. Jo make this splendid cough syrup, iour 2q ounces of l'inex (Til) cents vorth), into a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup and shake thoroughly. You then have a full pint a family supply f much better cough svrup than you could buy rcaily-madi- for 2..-tl. Keeps perfectly nnd children love its pleasant taste. l'inex is a special and highly concen trated comiHiund of genuine Norway pine extract, combined with guaiacol and is known the world over for its promptness, easo and certainty in over coming stubltorn coughs and chest colds. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "1 ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept any thing else, (iusrnntecd to give absolute "Mtisfaction or money promptly refunded. The l'inex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. A. C Karnes of Vntlnnd, was granted permanent permission to practice law in Oregon. The case of the Virst National Rank of 1'nitland against ('ourtright is on for rehearing this afternoon. It was decided several months ago in favor of the defendants. A. II. Itidgeway of JHtland represents the defendnnt and Senator Joseph Simon represents lie bank. SILYERTON NEWS (f'apital Journal Special Service Silverton. Nov. It. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilov Kelsev and daughter si t the week end with-Woodburii friends. I. W. Miller. .1. Iveisoa and Morris Ames were among the Salem business JTjmt ,B CUIIiis nnmrnii'. . f i rat 1 ..... I !... ! fc"Tl .TP ' ' l Miss l assie lllackcrby ca from ' , ... ,..,4 .... ,, . . , Townsend to spend the week end with '"''" '.M., 1 ' ,s so simple aid the home folks. '"""J' us. put it on in a tew s. - Mis Viola Sherlock, who has been onds because there is no work .r spending u few weeks with her brother . cora looling to do, no pain that shoo;, Howard and fiinnlv, at Ncwborg, re-1 up to your heart. It gets your cons turned home the first of the week and off your iniiiil. All the time it's wor has acci'pted a position as bookkeeper ing and then, that little old eo ". at the office of the Kastinan lirotliers peels right off, leaves the, clean, con Hlow I'ilie 'o. free skin underneath and your eo u A few friends gathered at the home is gone! No wonder millions iiref'T e MIKTS IT" every time! " tL & 4ii?7t V Yt i"i T-T i inrr-ITW ---- -aifoijie.-:' When Vou Sem Thru Prctly Glib In Ysu DruUKMl't Window lt' Good Ti'-to lo tiid Tour Cornt, what they all say the vc y MIKTS IT". Trv it. tonight. '(ill'S IT" is sold nnd recommend ed by druggists everywhere, i3e a boii tle, or sent on receipt of price hy Kv Lawrence & Co., 'hicago.l II. . Sold in Salem nnd recommended : s the world's best, coiirt remedy by J. ' . I'erry, L). J. Fry, Opera House J' of Miss Maurine Tallnian 1 uesilay e cuing to await the election returns. A pleasant time is reported. Those pres ent were Miss Helen Johnson, Miss Until I'iuley, .Miss Tiillaiaa, Messrs. Strniighu, ''tinkle and Taw. Mrs. I.yle Smith is cn.iiiynig an ex tended visit from her mother, Mrs. I'lov Hover, who came from St. Louis, Mo., to spend the winter here. Mrs. .1. K. Mount who has I n visit ing her niece, Mrs. Hubert llofer,.lhe Hist week, returned home Monday. ) About L'll of Miss Mirali Misers friends gave her a miscellaneous show NKW TODAY ADS WILL UK cr the past week. Miss Kasers' mar- read in the Journal in all live riage with Prank Trnmbiil will be a- 'Marion county homes Try 'em. mong next week's events. Vernon Wolcott has been appointed j $