Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" Monday kvexjxo, November L'l, li'lli. CHARLES H FISHEB, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVfcBY KVKNING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. 8. BARNES, President. CUAS. H. FISHER, Vice-President. DORA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Treas. NO PENALTY IN BONE DRY LAW Daily by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year . SUBSCRIPTION RATKS $5.00 Per month 45c . . . . 3.00 Per month 35c New FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EAST URN REPRESENTATIVES York, Ward-Lewis -Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. II. Stockwoll, People' Gas Building The so-called "bone drv" amendment tn the mnsrifn. tion has passed and will become the law as soon as the governor issues his proclamation concerning ' the same. As there was no penalty provided for a violation of the law, and as the proclaiming the same as being in effect would repeal the present law, it raises an interesting question, onoum tne governor issue his proclamation uecemDer ursi, at wnicn time it is expected all the re turns will have reached the secretary of state and have been canvassed, then the law would have no penalty for its violation, and the old law being repealed there would oe no law concerning the importation of liquors whatever that could be enforced, since there would be no penalty icr us violation. The governor proposes to get around this bv with. holding his proclamation until the legislature meets next - - ' January ana provides a penalty for violation of the new law. If it is decided that this cannot be done the .only course open would be to call an extra session nf J-he legislature to fix the penalty, and it is not likely this will where, anv old time, regardless of other folk's affairs:,"" T'. T LU "e snori u.me DeJf e legislature and a whoop and hurrah for old glory that made, the meLls' anu ine greac exPense ttiat W0UlQ be incurred. great deal of blushing for the whole country and was 9 f r u haIu T1 ween east and west sorry and ashamed of the government. The vociferous "J L elect!?n rauchf as theuUmt S.tates H but revers colonel called the president a craven and a coward and Sffthf sections as to results. Of the seventeen counties he too would have blushed for the country had not his. IS? of thCascad?s four v7e.re Hughes, thirteen for The Capital Journal carrier boys ure instructed to put tho papers on the porch. If the carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the fper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:.'!0 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the currier lias nii.sacd yon. PATRIOTISM AND THE ELECTIONS The election just passed was fought with great display of patriotism on each side. There was a plethora of noise about the honor of the nation, the protection of Amer icans in Mexico, the right of Americans to travel any Third, Lane Isaac 11. Bingham. Fourth, Lnue and Linn E. D. Cusick. j Sixth, Jackson H. Von der Hellen. MITCHFR MAY I FAD ! s (Continued from page one.) tsr X X i : f.jr J Benton and Polk C. L. Haw- iiJL-ZJJi. El !U i i ; i 11 ion litaii n II ini; i iiisoii .'i 11 A I 22L3r?"? V I i t?' Mil m actions following the Bull Moose convention, precluded his ever blushing at anything. The republican press took the flag under its wings and asserted that without the elephant toting it the coun try was bound for the everlasting bow-wows. The dem ocrats took a hand at the same mouthy patriotism but the republicans having beat them to it made their efforts seem tame in comparison. And when it was all over our old friend the Oregoman came out editorially and "point- Vest of the mountains of the eighteen counties. three were Tf Wilson. East of the Cascades there were two wet counties and west of them four. Of the six counties going wet all but one, Wasco, were for Hughes. The vote also shows that the liquor question was not divided along party lines for Multnomah which gave a majority of 5,612 for Hughes went wet by 9,775, while Marion county which gave Hughes 2,720, went dry by G02. Linn gave Wilson 142 and went drv bv l.l:ifi. and T 1 1 it,., , . . . ' jacKson aiso lor vvuson ny i;.'A) went dry by 6:5-1 ed with pride" to the fact that Old Oregon had "stood !?T w- VV fy t'.u , ry Dy n Yas like a rock" against the cohorts of the designing wretches! the banner Wilson county, but by a close margin, Baker wniiiig, imimi tvvu yuics Ui a lie VV1U1 lit!! ill OI which indicates that the independent voters are increas ing in number, old party lines are down, and that prohibi tion has come to stay. who would ruin the country, despite the fact that it was as much their country as anybody s else. The poet Saxe wrote somewhat sarcastically : "Jennie is much concerned, God wot, For the good name she hasn't got." That is what the patriotic politician has been worry ing about for four months. A brief glance at the election, its results and, the causes thereof, will convince anyone that while we were all talk ing patriotism that that noble attribute had little or nothing to do with deciding of the election. In California it was largely a feeling ol resentment that gave Hiram Johnson : 100,000 more votes than the candidate for presi dent on the same ticket received. In Washington it was about the same. Here in Oregon that "stood like a rock" there is a strong suspicion that not the silent vote but the secret one gave this state to Mr. Hughes. The power of the secret vote was demon strated at the primaries, especially in Portland in June. Due, so it is claimed, to Senator Lane and the president s private secretary, a large proportion of the federal ap pointments were Catholies. The secret anonymous vote, it is asserted, went against President Wilson on that account. The women's party vote was also cast for Mr. Hughes, declaredly because President Wilson had not used his power to compel congress to submit a constitutional amendment in favor of suffrage. There was no especial patriotism in that or any of the other things mentioned. Then Tammany, the great New York organization, went back on the president for reasons best known to its lead ers, but whatever they were it is a safe bet that it was not any feeling of patriotism that moved that body to cast its votes against its party's nominee. u hat caused the great Wilson vote in Ohio has so far not been explained, but it is safe to say it was not en tirely due to a great and overwhelming wave of patriot ism that swept over that state while missing all the balance. It is just as well not to examine too closely into the causes that decided the election if we would still retain our ideas that we are actuated by patriotic motives in our elections. Ninth ley. Tenth, Yamhill W. T. Vinton. Twelfth, Clackuinas Walter Di in ic k. fifteenth, Clatsop C A. Leinenweb-J cr. Nineteenth, Morrow, linatilla and! Union ('. A. Hnrrett. ' I Twenty-third, Baker W. II. (Strtiver- (Dein.i. House Members. i First, Marion Nun Brown. Chillies; Elgin, Seymour Jones, W. Al Jones,' Ivan (i. .Martin. I Second, Linn F. If. l'orter, Charles Cliilds, W. I. Elmore (Item.). Third, l.nne Louis K. Bean, Allen Eaton, Walter B. Jones. Fourth, Douglas Charles Brand, liny (li-igys. Fifth, Cuos Arthur K. Peek. Sixth, Coos and Cunv Frank B. Tiehener (l)em.). Seventh, Josephine Charles T. Sw eeney ( Deni.): I'.ighfh, Jackson C. M. TIioihh Sheldon. Ninth, Douglas and Jaekson Wil H. Gore. Tenth, Benton W. V. I.affeity. Eleventh, I'olk Conrad Stnfriii. Twelfth, Lincoln and I'olk W Fuller. Thii tei ntli, .Yamhill Ira C. Garber, W. W. Lunger.' - Fourteenth, Tillamook and Yamhill Frank C. Rowe. Fifteenth, Washington Benton Bow man, B. I'. Cornelius and S. A. 1). .Meek. Mxteentli, Clackamas George C Binwnell, H. A. Dedman and Harold C. Stephens. Seventeenth, Clackamas . and ilull noniuli 11. A. Burton. Eighteenth, .Multnomah A. C. Cnlliin. Ifainillon F. Corliett, E. J. (ioode. Hor-:tl"' a dollar down, a dollar a week Ben V here with pros- PEN your savings account - with a dollar, if you can't more, and pay into it a dollar a week. A dollar a week will buy a considerable in dependence. It will create a fund that will hold want at a distance. It will create a habit that' will draw perity near. A savings account is one of the few things which costs nothing and is worth much. Every dollar you deposit remains your dol lar, buying a share of independence for you at the same lime. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK - Salem, Oregon Member Federal Reserve Bank huge net ni eruus photo: Mamiute tins theory, and recently was reported to have asserted positively' nun .hiii-h is innaimed. Lowell made I this statement, according to reports, nft-: r iliscovonusi ' a new canal nf invnf I The Salem depot that is to be has been sidetracked again, this time because some changes had to be made in the plans and specifications. Now that the Adamson law has been discovered to be a gold brick and that the rail roadmen will have to work longer hours for less monev. the Southern Pacific should be able to build some sort of a shack that would keep the stray cattle off those waiting iui u tram, vvitn ;mo,uuu,uuv surplus tne company can afford it, but it will not so long as Salem says "please." The only way to touch a railroad's feelings is to hit its pocket. That is its nerve center, and a touch there sets it shivering. If Oregon is not to be outdone by Montana, it is ob vious that the logical candidate for congress from this district in lyis is Mrs. ,. B. Hanley. She according to her live wire press agent, Leone Cass Baer, is the "Billy Sunday of Politics." The Oregonian gives her credit as being of great help to the republican cause and calls at tention to the fact that all classes turned out to greet and near ner. Congressman Hawley might as well, make ar rangements for the quiet life after the coming term. The hand writing is on the wall and it indicates Oregon is to be second, in getting "The lady from" on the speaker's ust. it may nappen tnat way two years trom now. Iiert t.ordon, I. K. Kufjli, (). LuurcaiiriL O. C. Lewis, Liunel C. Mackey, John M. .Mann, Stephen A- Matthieu. Plowden Stotl and (ieurjje T. Willed. Nineteenth. Clatsop L. O. Bi-lland and ,William F. Scliimuf. Twentieth, Columbia Albert W. m , , ,. . , ,, , j leiiKin on .Mar, aiut a chant;., in veficta-! rwenty-first, Crook, (.rant, Jefferson, ' tion and contour of the waterwavs Mnmath and Lake Vernon A. Forbes Dr. Lowell was a member of the fa -1 and Denton (.. Burdiek. mus Lowell family of Massachusetts. Iwentv-seeond, Morrow and Umatilla I He was born in Boston, in 1S.-.5 IliJ -Robert N. Stanfield j father was Augustus low-ell. uwns ai Iwenty-third, I niatilla Key W. Kit- brother of Lawrence lihtt I t.,li ! ner and Lou Hodman Den.) former president of Harvard university: iwenry-loiirth, L mon and Wallowa Lowell established his observatoiv at lied Ashley. FlnR-taff, Ari.. in 1S4. His studies int'iiiv-imii, i nion mar es A. rnrr h m t -.11 c..t; .i .u zona that was advanced the. theory that, and h l,l,i ,i.i. fi :.: planet .Mars is intersected with a for his contributions to the s.. r.r rk of canals. He made mini-: astronomy. He centered most of hi, cf- i..v usun io miii j.. s ., t he n limit Muisi he i - . Baker D. M. Cart- and Mal- lhe Oregonian paraerapher continues to sneer at Wilson despite the fact that a majority of the voters in dorsed his Mexican policy, and that among these were tne soldiers who were at the border. It will not be long before Oregon is so dry that there will be dust on the Willamette, so to speak. Hornbrook will fold its labels and ship its goods elsewhere and the bootlegger will probably get unusually busy. The law will become effective on the proclamation of the gover nor, and this is one document of that kind the people generally will pay attention to. W. Lair Thompson, president of the senate, has been defeated for re-election, and now it is believed that Senator Gus Moser, of Pprtland, will be elected to pre side over the upper house. Such a change would indicate that Oregon politics are going from bad to worse at a very rapid pace. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL - ... . . $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Roosevelt imagined he was another Samson and the democrats the modern Philistines. Quite naturally in at tacking them he used the same kind .of a weapon the original bamson did, but it was not so effective. RippliRhijmQS DREAMS I hope some day to write a song that will astonish all the throng on this old planet groping; but meanwhile, since I have to buy the children lids and shoes and pie, I'll take it out in hoping. I often think if I had time to put my best into a rhyme, John Mil ton would look faded; but writing doggerel that pays takes up the passing hours and days, and keeps me worn and jaded. I don't suppose I'll ever pen the ode that will aston ish men, and bring me Shakespeare's laureis; and as ot old my ink shall flow, ex pounding lessons all men know, and bargain counter morals. But when all day I've lyred and lyred, until I'm frazzled out and tired, it's pleasant to sit dreaming of that far day when I shall write an ode so full of force and light, the critics will be screaming. And thus your dream is soothing you, though you may know it won't come true, this side the river Jordan; it's good to have some kind of goal; and so, for duds and grub and coal, you struggle on accordin'. Small. Tnenty-sixtl mill. T en I v-soviiitli 7In lliu '1111'. lieur Charles M. Cinndall I Twenty-eighth, (lilliam, Sherman and Wheelor C- C. Clark and C. O. l'ort wood. Twenty-ninth, Hood River and Wasco J. K, .Anderson and .Mrs. Ali!iml,r Thompson (Dem.). Famous Astronomer DrJLowell, Is Dead I'hoeniw Ariz., Nov. 1.!. Dr. Perei-' val Lowell, world famous astronomer, hend ot the observatory at Flagstaff. Ariz., died late Inst nin'ht of nnonlexy. aecoriiinj; ro worn received here todav. You betferMacquaintedwitli ourWant Ads-TheyvillbrinA ycu results nomatterwhit your want m ay b c JJr. Lowelil was in his 62d rear. He wan one of the foremost figures in mod ern astronomy. It was through his ob servations in South America and Ari- CASTOR I A Fit Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years or &&$fM&ii, Always bears the Signature NONE BETTER YOU'LL LIKE IT utter Nut PURE AND RICH SWEET AND CLEAN jHqr.J WHTJS ANDirO - ' -J v ;: ' "rVii'lTSr- A DINNER IN HER ROOM CHAl'TKR LXX1V. Jlr. ITayson's words Jiad been simple enough, but his tone conveyed a great deal, simple and unsophisticated as I was I could detect the hidden meaning Again I thought of telling Clifford of the note so boldly given mej and again I deemed ttiat it wuld make Clifford angry at me, and perhaps complicate a matter already embarrassing. About J o clock i went for a lone walk along the lake front. It was a cold, bracing afternoon, and I walked rupidy. Then I did a little shopping and about 5 o'clock returned to the ho tel. I read tor a while, then, as my walk had made me hungry, began-to think of dinner. But with that thought came another Would Mr. Mayson, knowing I was to dine alone, persist ja his at tentions, and obtrude himself npon met True he had said he had an engage ment, but that might have been be cause of my evident distress, and to deceive Clifford. He was gtayiug in the hotel, and what mote natural than to dine therel I would have my dinner in my room and so avoid any. such oomtretemps. So I ordered a nice little dinner over the telephone, and sat comfortably curl ed up in an easy chair whiln I ate it. Clifford Ttvrjliin I ts aH dressed when Clifford came in. and as be was late we talked but little while he dressed. "What have you been doing all the afternoon f" he asked, as I found the tie he wanted. "Oh, I took a long walk, then shop ped a little, and then I had the nicest dinner here in the room" "What did you do that Jorf" he interrupted- "Why didn't you go down stairs! The music and watching the people would have entertained you," carelessly. ' Once more I was tempted to tell Clif ford of Mr. Mayson ' impertinence, and to tell him the reason for dining in my room; but for the last time dismissed the idea as impracticable, as before I could say anything, he repeated his re mark of the afternoon: "Be sure you are nice to May son."' "Why ehould I ba so nice to himf Why do you say so much about itl" I asked. "Because I am trying to put over a denl with people he kutiws, which means a great deal to me. He is a very big man in the business world, enormously weaitny, and 1 need his influence. Now graciously as Clifford was watching m closely. I ,aw he was flattered b, the attention, and so tried to appear m also. 4 The play was a simple homely storr of country life. A eweet, eleaji play and I enjoyed it immensely. In ana scene I found myself wiping my eye over some touching incident, "Mrs. Hammond hasn't gotten be yond the school-girl stage as regards the theatre," Clifford remarked to Mr Mayson, taking no pains to lower hi. voice I could tell by hig tone that he was displeased with me, but before I plied- "7 "yS,. Mr- Mayson re- " Be glad of that, Hammondl It'e refreshing to see a woman who i b n, nowaday Cry all you want to. Mr, Hammond," he said to me, and w U laughed together, so relieving me ot my embarrassment. Clifford left the box during the inter mission and Mr. Mayson talked doUghE fully of indifferent matter. nni "Weren down .W A ... J T V ... " l'7 rut, diplomacy? 0..,E; 1. W Tftnev vaii " . 1 .'' "" I made no reply and we started for the elevator. The Theatre Partv. i i6 f0nd r" aT80n. waiting in the 1 hotly .uuut, iwr uRuusome in nis evening n " . 1 clothes, although not nmrl, JaYs ?" m? ise-and how guished looking as Clifford. He gave me a wonderful corsage bouquet of orchids, which I was obliged to accept eren't you a bit cruel sot to eon to dinner " r CKfV?J?d th? neeMitT of replying tly as I thought how right I had bee. in my room. wise to remaia (Tomorrow The After -Theatre per.) r. i.