Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 13, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Salem's Big Department Store "Butterick Patterns"
"W. B. Corsets"
Continued Clearance Sale of Women's Stylish Suits,
Coats, Dresses, Skirts.
A sale of Silk Dresses and Wool Dresses in a variety of splendid models,
former prices to $36.85, now $19.65
A Sale of Women's and Misses Suits including serges, cheviots, poplins,
broadcloths, etc, some fur trimmed. Dozens to choose from. " Sale
Price . $18.35
A clearance of Coats and Skirts; former prices up 'to $27.50. Take your
choice at $4.95
One lot of Dresses and Skirts very stylish garments season's newest
Dresses formerly up to $30.00 Skirts formerly up to $17.50. Clearance
at $9.95
New Beacon Blankets,
New Beacon Bathrobe Blankets,
New Beacon Plaid Blankets,
Beautiful Beacon Blankets
See these new Blankets in the window
and in the blanket department (second
floor.) ! Jt&iS
New Beacon Jaquard Comfortables,
New Beacon Fancy Blankets
New Beacon Indian Robes,
New Beacon Crib Blankets.
A New Loi of Stylish Crepe De Chine Waists
These have just been opened up. They're unusu
ally dainty choice of flesh, white or maize colors,
P'ted $3.50 and $4.50
ii -mm II
8 M
n hi n
SS-v . ft . I SB
miniiror i . .11 ue
of the
;,. pomnilnil bv Albert Tozier,
labor commissioner's department. .
J. W- Palmer of the Portland Y. M.
C. A. addressed the students of the high
school this morning, taking for his sub
ject, "The Kouuireineuts of the Man
of Today."
A suit in thfe circuit court for the
annulment of the marriage contract
was brought this morning by O. A.
Steellinmiucr against K. M. Steelhum
mcr ou the grounds of desertion.
An order confirming the sale of mort
gaged premises to tho plaintiff was
iniade toiliiv oy .juugu iu"-j -
case of Delia MacDonald against tv
lerett Haiiscom, et al. The premises
i brought the sum ol 94(S.20.
e !
C. S. Piper was in l'ortlnud over Sun-i
day. ,
J. K. Scott and family visited yester-1
da v in Dallas. !
Mrs. Pearl Holloutiy was a Forlland ;
visitor over Sunday. ;
A. II. Wyatt and wife, of Amity.'
were in the city Sunday. - , ;
Mrs. W. H. Sherman, of Jefferson, is ,
visiting relatives in the city.
Mrs. Ida May went, to Portland tins
morning for a few days' visit. I
F.mil Loe, of Silverton, is attending,
to business matters in the city. I
K. 1. Morcom, an attorney of Wood-!
Bone, who! burn, was in the city yesteriiiij.
Miss lima Townsend and Miss Kdiia
Tlu. funeral of Bichard H.
d XZl .1 "f'm the Townsend were visitors Sunday in Dal
lia.V, WUS uciu i , ..',. ,lnu
Claud Steusloff, student of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, was in the city
over rtnmay. . . i
Vi. J. D'Arcy of Butte, Montana, is in ,
the city the gliest of his brother, Judge;
1 II. D'Arcy.
Mrs. Joe I'eery and daughter, of May-,
ton, visited relatives and friends in the'
eitv yesterday. ' i
Mrs. O. L. Sherman and daughter re
I tin ned yesterday irom a two ween ,
visit at Jordan. j
Miss Laura Moss, who is teaching at
Amity, was a Sunday visitor with rela
tives iu the city. i
Miss Knimn Waldorf and Miss Rertha
Waldorf visited with their parents in (
Sheridan over Sunday.
Frank H. Ward rturned yesterday
from I.a Urnnde wTiete he appeared as
a witness in the circuit court. I
Edgar M. Huulnnd went to Portland
this afternoon to attend a. meeting of;
the regimental band, of which he is a i
member. '
W. H. Brunk and wife, who have been .
in the city for the past two weeks, left ;
yesterday" for their home in Oakland, j
Conrad Bvrd, student of the 1 niver-
sity of Washington, who has been vis
iting relatives a ten- ilnis, leit lor ,-M'ni-
tle this afternoon.
Mrs. N. J. Damon, of Corvallis. and
daughter, Huth, visited friends iu the
city over Sunday. Miss Damon is at
tending the .Monmouth normal school.
chiipel of Webb & dough and was eon
ducted by the Kev. F. T. Porter. Burial
I was in the City Vie7 cemetery.
I Th brick work of the Cherry City
bakery on .Market and High streets will
be completed todny. The building will
cost about 12,000 and with the two
large baking ovens and other equipment,
will represent un nix-sim. m v.. t-,
H. R. Humphrey, of Macleay, while
!,i.;v!,r n lwnn luid bucuy on piate
street last evening, about t:30 o'clock,
was run into by n lord car itriven "
Carl Kngstrom. After a study of the
situation a settlement was promised by
! Kngstrom.
Word was received in the city today
of the death of David Wiener iroin
i scarlet fever in Chicago, who attended
the Capital Business college until uiiour
two month ago. He was a nephew ot
Mrs. Knsa-.MarKievitcli, ol ju unu
I Front street.
The funeral of Jacob Stanley, who
idied in Portland Saturday, .November
11, was held today from the parlors of
Kigdou & KieliarilHon, connucteci uy niv
UKcv. R. N. Axison. Burial was in Hie
Odd iellows' cemeiery. .nr. oiaiuej nas
I a former resident of Salem.
Auction Sale
Of farm stock and implements
at West Stnytou on Tuesday,
Nov. 14, lttlrt, nt 10 a. in. sharp,
consisting of 2.1 head of cattle;
some fresh others to freshen
soon; some young stock; 3 horses
farm machinery and other tilings
Parties looking for milk cows
and fund machinery should at
tend this sale. See bills at (Juiek
Kxchungo Auction market.
Terms !) months.
Tho Willamette Valley
Irrigated Land Co.
F. N. WOORY, Auctioneer
Phone 511
Auction Sale
Of farm stocks, implements and
household J limit ill 0 on Thursday
Nov. Hi, ' .in Hi, coiiimi'iicing at
l:(lll p. in., located o1 miles
south of Salem on the river
mad, Marion county, route .1,
box IIA or ,1-4 mile south of
l.ivesley station, consisting of
1 matched team, 3 yrs. old.
weight WHO lbs., broken; I fresh
cow, 1 cow lo freshen in .Tauu
aryi I (l-horse power I." II. '.
gasoline engine and wood i-aw,
all kiiidH'of farm machinery and
household furniture; 1 cream sep
arator and many oilier things.
Tetms 1 year.
Louis D. Johnston, owner.
T. N. WOODRY, Auctioneer
. Phone ol I
. mmtM..lMlWWMWM.WTH
AH Around Town
Salem first and La Corona cigars next' and all orders for the wholesale com-
a good way to boost Salem made. j mission houses had to be concelled.
' The Salem Rifle club will hold.
regular Monday evening meeting
To the voters of Salem: The registra
tion books, at the, city hall, are now-
night at the. old armory over the cit.v!on for -voters to .register. 1 would
b.ulj, i like your vote Dec. 4. f.uri mice, ror
0 I eitv recorder.
Nov, 14. Pilgrim's Club meet
at CongTcgationul church,
B:.'I0 p. m.
November 14. Six o'clock club
meeting at First M. K.
church (1:30 p. m.
iov. 14-Dusiness Mew ' League
and liroccrs' Retail associa
tion meet lit Commercial club
H p. m.
Nov. 15. Aniiiinl taxpayers'
Heeling at city hall.
November 22 Prof. MacMurray
lecture at opera house, .
Nov. S3. Annual taxpayers'
meeting auditorium high
school, 8 p. ni.
Dec. 3. Klk'a Memoriiil nerv
ines, opera house, 2:30 p. ui.
Dec. 4. City Kleetion.
Dee. 4 9. Third Annual Marion
County Corn Show.
Ot. Uendeitohn, pecliUat, flu glass.
m eorrectly. U. 8. Bank. Bid,;.
The Lucy Anne Lea Circ's of the
First Methodist church will serve the
dinner at the meeting of the Mix o'clock
club lo bo held in the parlors of the
church Tuesday evening ut U:.'I0 o'clock.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in l'ye,
Kar, Nose aud Throat. tf
Efforts continue to be mads to secure
now members for tho Commercial club.
Today a committee is out working, com-
nnaiwl oY 1) 1 flouinil. i-hui linn n Mmlc
Siddall, Aug Kehrberger, 1). Misner and j auspices of the-iiilem Women's
Jbd hmytU. ,
Oonuine oak extension tubles at what
others ask for imitation. C. S. Hamilton
The "Live Wirea" Sunday school
cltuM of the Leslie M. K. church will
meet' this evening al the homo of A. C.
liohrnfitedt, 140 Superior street, to per
fect an organization. The class is for
young people and young married Yolks.
Wood heaters 11.80 up to 923.00 C.
8. Hamilton.
The Brotherhood banquet of the Les
lie M. K. church, the Pilgrims' club of
the First Congregational church ami the
Six o'clock club of the First Methodic
church will all meet at their respective
churches Tuesday evening between 0
and 6:30 o'clock,
. Used ranges and heaters at very low
price. C. 8. Hamilton.
The big loganberry crop of this year
and the large fiuancial rewards of those
who owned but a few acres has attract
ed attention in the east and inquiriea
lire aow coming in to the Commercial
club as to the price of loganberry land
and the prospects of the loganberry iu.
duntry- '
. Andirons and fire screens. C. S. Ham
ilton. At the meeting of the Pilgrim's club
of tho Congregational church tomorrow
evening in the parlors of the church lit
(1:15, addresses will be made by Dr. A.
J. SulleiiB, of Portland, superintendent
of Congregational work for Oregon, and
Dr. 1 li ii mi n, of San Francisco, one of
the leaders in Congregational work on
the coast
Splint market bankets 6c special Mon
day and Tuesday. O. B. Hamilton.
George Huber, living in the city of
Boudy, slato of Seivo, Franco, has writ
ten tho Commercial club that he intends
to muko Oregon his home and engage iu
the dairy business. He wants to buy
about !-") acres suitalile for farming
mid the dairy business, and asks about
how many eows could be kept on n
123-ncro farm.
60a Wood baskets spocial 49c. C. S.
A. A. Alsbury, a retired railroad con
tractor of Houston, Texas, after travel
ing extensively in the west, decided that
Salem was the most R'trnctivo town in
tho country in which to live. A few-
days ago he shipped his household goods
from Houston mid the family will arrive
here next week to make this city their
permanent home. Mr. Alsbury became
interested in Salem through correspond
ence with the Commercial club.
Wood baskets special Monday and
Tuesday 4!lc. C. 8. Hamilton.
An appreciation concert will be giv
en for Miss .Mary Schultz Tuesday ev
ening nt the Oregon theatre under tho
Miss Xchulta will be assisted by Dr.
Stuart MeOnire, baritone, of Portland,
Miss Vera Kitchener, pianist and organ
ist, and l.ucile Kunt. Schramm, accom
panist. This will be Miss Schultx' Inst
nppenranco in Salem for some time as
she will leave in a fovdays to continue
her studies in Chicago.
The eleventh annual older boys' con-
The Cherians tu the name of a new
i.rnr I ill 1 nut Itv tlltt l.itlle Knlenl Ci-
.. I .. :. ... , t, ...:ll Kn. I,ll ,!,; vou-r nt Cnr.
liar laclory. Jsells ror luc una worin n icucc m ...
ft vallis, December 1-3. This conference
o z lis for the western vnegon oisiricr unu
Todny the last burned timbers of the 1 hcl.Vtinder the auspices of the Oregon-
fiiilein Flouring mills, at. Trade and."""0 I,.U 8 -"'"'"
Front utreets are being removed. Tliei.40"
mill burned September 27, 1!M5. ' "
Attention I. O. O. F. Work in Golden ied acreage ot lU.uuu in diiferent vnne-
ltule degree Willamette encampment
o. 2 Tuesday evening. All memoers re
quested to be present. K. II. Millard, C.
Celery growers iu the Lake Labish
district played in hnrd luck recently on
account of the frosts of the last three
nights. One grower is said to have lost
1,'JOO dozen on account ot .tne rreeze
ties of fruit. The cost of labor, not
including harvesting, was from $10 to
25 an acre, according to age. The cost
of harvesting according to trees was
from $7.50 to 25, ' It costs about 23
moro per ncre to grow fruit than grain.
Prunes and pears were the most profit
able this year Fruit lend ranges in
price from"200 to $500 per acre accord
ing to ago of trees, according to statis-
Perfection oil heaters $3.75 and $5.00
('. S. lluinilton.
The annual tax payers' meeting to
consnder the city budget for 1S17 will
be held next Wednesday evening in the
city hull at a special meeting of the
city council. Tax payers are invited to
attend and offer suggestions or speak
for or against any item in the proposed
budget. The action taken by tho city
council Wednesday will be final and it
will be the Inst chance the good citizen
will have to be hoard in regard to the
1917 budget.
Try our vapor gas heaters In your
oath aim oilier small rooms. I . S, Hum
Answers to letters sent to the farmers
of Oregon by the labor commissioner
reveal the fact that furai hands are
trust worthy and endeavor to save a por
lion or tiieir earnings. Wages range
trom ai.ia to i..rll per day for I arm
Help where board utui lodmnii are not
included. During the winter months 1
1 w
Pete Lafferty, who w.a given a fine
of 20 Saturday morning for being in
toxicated, served one day in jail and
was then released on payment of .flN
Ten dollars was collected from I .tit her
Baitldtnnd Ralph Farrnr on the same
I charge, making $3S all together for ov
! .i,,t(r.,,.M in iili'nlwilic lievenirre.
"" TUo Musicians association of Salem
will give a dance at the armory on the
evening of Tuesday, December 5. This
will bo the second annual dance and the
music, will be furnished, by an orchestra
of 20 pieces. The committee in 'charge
of tho music is H. N. Stoudenmeyer,
Miss Lillian Mtege. Bert Eussell and
Miss Martha Swart. ,
W. L. Davis, of K. F. D-, No. 5, re
ported to the police that his Ford car,
INo. Ili.lini, was stolen rroin in iroiu oi
the Bligh hotel at 0:30 o'clock last
nieht. It was found this morning about
1 o'clock on tho first rond south of the
IH'll itentinrv in the ditch where joyrid
ers had abandoned it. It is believed a
bunch of roughneck boys appropriated
the machine tor a joynde.
Fire at 12:25 this afternoon at the
Lawrence Ink company at OKI) North
Capital street, did small damage to the
building before it was extinguished by
the fire department, which responded
with both the chemical and the auto
pumper. The fire started between the
ceiling and the roof from o defective
flue. The firemen were compelled to
chop their way through the ceilinjto
get at the blaze.
Carl T. Schmiedecke, recently here
from Nebraska, has purchased the 8S
acrc H. B. Smith 'farm on Howell Fra
irio for a cash consideration of $11,500.
This is one of tho finest fnrms on How
ell prairie aud is located on the Silver
ton rond just this side of Pudding riv
er. With' his family, Mr. Schmiedecke
will move on the fnrm within two
weeks. The transfer was handled by
W. 11. Ginbeiihorst & Co.
: . died. :
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cush price for samo. Phone 511.
K ri-t iV. -. ' VI
Let us talk about the weather. Aft
er the 47 dnys" drought came the 12
days of more or less rainfall and now
conies some pretty chilly weather with
tho thermometer registering 20 above
for two nights and 27 above last night.
Not since February 4 of this year when
the record was 25 above has there been
so cold a night. Thertfuge of temper
ature yesterday was fjim 4H to 2!). The
river fell half n foot yesterday and
now the gunge rends A.S feet above
Blimey Koshstein, supposed formerly
to have resided in Salem nt 1"7 South
'Front street, committed suicide in Se
attle Sunday by snooting himself. The
Salem police department received a
telegram this afternoon from Seattle
announcing the suicide. He is also sup
posed to hove a brother living in the
Scinity of this eitv. Investigation on
the part of the police has failed to lo
cate anyone who knew or hail ever
heard of a man by such a name. HeT
was also known by tne name ot lonn.
Yamada, the Japanese billiard
wizard, defeated Ora Moruingside Satur
day evening in the 18 balk line billiard
contest held in Adolph Brothers Mi
lliard room on state street. In the con
test for 300 points When Yamada made
his goal Moruingside had only 23!)
noints. and so did not finish the run.
However, Morningstar innde the higtr
run of tlitt match with 02 noiuts. Hi-s '
average was about 20. Yamada 's aver
age was higher because in the 13 innings!
ho made on high ru of 71, and anoth-
er nt 52. After tlxr-mateb, he gave an
exhibition of difficult shots, including 1
tour cushion aud masse shots, gather,!
and difficuIFTmiw.
SOU RAM At the home of her parents,
1700 Oxfoid street, Monday morning.
. November 13, 10UI, Blanche Marie
Schrnni, in her loth year.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs
K. K. Schram and besides her parcnls
she is survived by a brother, Frank F.
Schrnm, of Curry county.
The funeral services will be held nt
2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon nt thl
First Methodist church. The services
will bo conducted by the Kev. K. N.
Avison and burial will be in the Cit",
View cemetery. .
Until three weeks ago. Miss Schram
was a, student at the Salem high school
and was a member of the sophomore
class. Sho contracted a slight cold
which later developed into pneumonia.
She was a Standard Bearer in the Kir.st
Methodist church and had always taken
an active interest in church affairs.
RATZKIU'RG Mrs. Mtirie Rnt.buig nt
the age of 7.) years and ten months,
died this morning at 11:30 o'clock nt
a Salem hospital.
She underwent nn operation about
four weeks no from which she never
recovered. She leaves four sons and four
daughters. They ore: Mrs. K. .f. Saute r
of Milcm, Mrs. I.orain Pugh and Mrs.
Walter Magee of Polk county, .Mrs. R.
G. Henderson of Cheinawa, and Fred
and Paul Rntzoburg of Gates, William
Hatzeburg of l.os Angeles, and John
liatzebiirg of Salem.
She w-as born in Mecklinberg-Si-liwer-
in, Germany, and came to the I'nited
Suites when she was 25 years of age,
Funeral services have not been an
nounced but will probably be at Rig
don & Richardson's undertaking par
lors Tuesday nt two o'clock.
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar-
anteed. - Twenty-five years'
experience, Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phone Hi).
Kcsidonee pnono into.
915 Highlnn4 AvcHue.
DHAGF.H To Mr. and Mrs. Rue Dig
ger, 1238 North Fifth street, Mon
day, November 13, IDKi, twins, a boy
and girl.
They have been named Douglas and
Warren Crews, aged 13, and Freeman
Puuliii, also nged 13, were taken in o
custody yesterday by the police of
ficers nml held, as runaway sttspcci-.
Chief Welsh is in ilimuiunication wi'u
Portland officers regarding rho hoys,
they suv their homes nie at 25 Kai
Morrison and 3S3 Last, Washington
streets, respcclivoly. They first said
they lived ut 401 : South Comim'rcii l
street, but I here' is no such numliei.
They were questioned and confessed
they took two dinner pails from a hai -I
cur Saturday at the corner of C m;--
cial and Trade stiect-s and proceeded oi l
toward Turner. They ate the diino r
mid then threw the pails uway. Tiny
were brought to Salem by J. F. Bool",
who lives at 1100 South Fourteen:)!
The report of Miss Flora M. Case,
Vhool libriiiiau, shows that for the
month of October the average attend
ance ut the public library from the hiiJi
school was 17JI. On un average, HI boni s
a day were in circulation and the tntid
number of books circulated through ti e
high school for the month was 1,103.
The three junior high schools circulated
books for the month ns follows: Lin
coln, 110; Grant, 232; Washington, 75-1.
The total attendance in the library f-r
the month from Washington was LOO"..
For the grade schools, during October
20 traveling libraries were sent. nut, ai -1
also 725 books. On teachers' cards,-")
books were sent out and 107 pictures'.
I Why the Journal is popular
It prints the world s news to- v
dav while it 's news.
lib GLASSES X. .
The ONLY Invisible-Bifocal; Give near and far
vision in one pair WITHOUT seams or cement.
Let us show them to you.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist.
208-209 Hubbard Building ! phone 109
Fifty fivo years" ago Joseph H.j automobile. They ixpeet to remain in
Choate, famous lawyer and diplomat Stoekbridge until about Nov. 10. Mr.
marriel Miss Caroline Dutcher Sterling ; iU ,bc JBh,y-fiv!;:,Tl ff 'Z
.... . l.lan. 21 next. He was admitted to tne
of Cleveland, O. Aside from a few eon-1 N York liar Jn lsW. The mutual
She ,"""'8 Uitivesja ,iou of m d Mr OuU
fall with the crops. Wages have ad-l "P'"1 observance marked the an ( noted among the friends of the ng id
vauced 50 cents a day in 10 years. Iniversary,. which was observed by Mr. ; couple. ears ago at a dinner Mr.
I . ' nml Mrs. t'honte in their home at 'Choate was asked, ''Who would you
Be sure and see the style show at Stoekbridge, Mass. :like to lit, Air. t honte. t you were ,ol
the Kpiacopl rectory "Phursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Choate are in excellent Joseph U. fhoatef lie wpiiea, -Mrs.
uoviolheultn mm. arc out every uuy iu iiirirp horic b truu "-"
A Leadsr-Resulb arc
our Want Ad -Tlasyjcad
the my to Better pcalioBs
Setter WorKew s.
I - H'l
h v'',Ji- .lap. , - ? fer.
ft ';. JC. - J
If your spine is right, you aro right.
Those who have tried every old method
and found no relief should try' Chiro
practic and get well. Many hundreds
of grateful patients in Salem mid else
where can substantiate my statements.
Six adjustments will be given for the
small fee of $5.00. Difficult cases,
which require X-ray examinations and
Spinographs can obtain them at a nom
inal fee. Only expert Spinogrnph work.
Very successful in stomach and bowel
troubles and diseases peculiar to
P. H. MAT, D. C,
flttbbard Building Phone 872