Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 13, 1916, Image 1

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'Ciaun Made by Petrograd it It Has ReachedMcal Stage
. ' and That MackensenV Left Flank Has Been Partly
I Turned-Result May Depend On Dash of Russo-Ruman-
1 ians Against General Falkenhayn German Torpedo
i Boats Bombarded Finnish Coast
London, Nov. 13.-Russians, Rumanians and Franco
Serbians are continuing their hammering against the
lines of the central powers on every eastern and south-eastern
front today. At some points Germans and Aus
trians are attacking fiercely, but according to advices at
all the capitals, the larger successes are being won by the
arms of the" entente allies. French troops are today co
ordinating the trenches and positions they wrested from
the Germans yesterday at Sailly-Sailliser in the west
front, at which point sporadic German attempts to recap
; ture the positions are goingon with increasing intensity.
A comparative lull obtains on other sections of the west
ern front. : ;
;. The fighting about Cernavoda for possession of the
'great Danube span that forms the biggest bridge in
Europe and where for days the Russian right wing is re
ported from Petrograd to have partly succeeded in turn
ing Mackensen's left flank, apparently has reached its
most critical stage. .
. : Since the dispatches which told of Cernavoda in flames
and of Constanza, where the German-Bulgarian extreme
right has had its base on the Black sea, fired, only meager
details have reached here regarding the Dobrudja clash.
Military experts believe the result at Cernavoda will
' depend partly on the fifty mile' forward. dash of Russo
- Rumanians against. General Falkenhayn's -. armies in
Transylvania far below the Bukowinian border ' where
defensive movements have been ' succeded by a sledge-'
hammer offensive! Anv measureable successes in this
. region the experts believe must weaken the Cernavoda
Constanza front of Mackensen. . .
. Bulgars, reinforced after Friday's Sebro-Frencn suc-
'cesses on the Cerna front, apparently! have failed to stem
the advances, for King Peter's headquarters last night re
ported further material progress, including advancement
of the allied lines and taking of considerable booty. -
Do Not Confirm Report.
Berlin, Nov. 13. German troops still
lold the eastern edge of the Sailly-Sail-lisel
position, according to today 'a war,
office announcement of fighting on the
western front. '
The official account of the .struggle
.for this 11 mile span across the two
great arms of t ho Danube nnd over the,
. wide marshy area in between stated:
"In the Balkan war theatre, Field
Marshal Von Mackensen's army, groups
of hostile detachments, . feeling their
way along the Danube against the left
wing, of our position in the north etn
Dobrudja, were chased.
"Cernavoda was shelled without sue-
. eess from the left banTc of the Danube."
There has been no mention made in
Berlin of the report from Petrograd say
ing Cernavoda was in flames and that
tlonxtunza on Mackensen's
Tight had been fired by a Russian sea
-"Between the Ancre and thfr Som
jno," the statement said, "there was
.temporary, but strong artillery fighting.
Our fire dispersed hostile infnntry that
had ndvanced to terrain before our poni
ions ecouth of Marleueourt and "rt was
likewise effee.tive against English
trenches wcjt of Eaucourt and Lnndaye.
Jeff Mnpcs died at th' poorhonse
t'nnv. He iria rnied on a farm, but
never practiced. Marriages are, made
in heaven, an n lot 0 them are an
f,:l long ways from th' factory.
ay ujjT J
111 Vv
1 '
"la Sailly-Sdillisel. we hold the east
em edge. On both sides of the village
the French attacked in the afternoon
with strong forces but were repulsed"
- Germans Hold Ground.
Berlin, Nov. 13 Only groups-of hos
tile detachments, "feeling their way
along the Danube," have attacked Gen
eral Mackensen's extreme left wing in
the Dubrudia and these were forced
back, thenar office announced today in-j
its first detailed account of the recent
fighting at Cernavoda bridge.
"On Archduke Carl's front in the
Gyergye mountains Austro-Germau bat
talions captured Ditcn and Arsuriler. At
that point and on the heights east of
Belbor, as well na. on the east bank of
the Ifnn river, the Butnnuinns counter-
mtaeked several times, but without suc
cess. The enemy met with similar fail
ure on the mountains on both sides of
the Oitus Pass, where hostile advances
were Repulsed. " .
- N
Eumanlans Forced Back.
Bucharest, Nov. 13. On the right of
the Alt valley, the Rumanians hnve
been forced to yield ground in the re
gion of Raracibste, tho war office" an
nounced today. Enemy attacks on the
left were repulsed.
"Ia the Cerburul valley two enemy
attacks were repulsed," the announce
ment said. "Wo also maintained our
positions after a battle that lasted
throughout the day.
"In the Jiul valley eiiemy pressure
continues to be strong. Southeast of
Canova violent fighting has occurred
and there were lively combats ou the
right bank of the Cerna river."
Teuton-Bulgars Retreating.
Paris, Nov. 13. A most violent bat
tle ia raging with continued success for
the drench bertio forces in tuo region
about the big bend in the Cerna river,
Salonika headquarters reported to the
war office tode.3 Fighting has been go
ing on two qays-nnd nigbts.
ran war 01 lice announcement con
firmed the report' from Serbian head
quarters saying Teuton-Bulgar forces
wre driven from the village of Uven
and the Freueh official statement add
ed that the retreating armies me fall-'
iug back in disorder.
The Serbian pnrsujt continues despite
fierce counter attacks. The eneniy losses
were serious, the statement added.
JSonieivhat to the west the JScrbinns
iiave further progressed north of Veli-
selos. Hi nee September 12 the onemv
has lost H.000 prisoners, 72 gum and 50
machine guna.
Serbians Pursue Bulgar.
London, Nov. 13, Continuing their
Washington, Nov. Ill The in
terstate commerce commission .
today authorized the Oregon
Washington Railroad and Navi
gation company to maintain
higher rates from Seattle to In
land Empire points than froTn
Astoria, Oregon, to the same
point. ",
The order revokes a previous
order of the comniissiqn, effect
ive November 1, and is a furth
er adjustment in the. Astoria
rate - case, involving freight
rates to the northwest.
l(C SC Sjc Ttfi St 5$C )(t iff j(!
It All Depends On Which Side
Those of Neither Party
Take Up With
Washington, Nov. 13. On the face of
the returns as tabulated unofficially
in 'Washington tdday, tho republicans
will have 218 votes for organization
purposes in tho next house of repre
sentatives, the democrats 21b', and one,
Meyer London, socialist, unattached.
This align Schall, elected in Minne
sota as a progressive, with the repub
licans. It counts with the democrats
Fuller from Massachusetts, elected as
an, independent against a republican;
RauduU of California, as a prohibition
ist, though with the democratic organ
izations support, and Whitnutrtin, progressive-protectionist
of Louisiana,
The house lineup by states on the
present returns,, follow: J?
Republicans California, (!; Colorado,
1; Connecticut, 4; Idaho 2; Illinois 21;
Indiana 9; Iowa 11; Kansas 3; Ken
tucky 4f.Maine 4; Maryland 2; Massa
chusetts 11; Michigan 12; Minnesota
9; Missouri 2; Montana 1; Nebraska 3;
Nevada 1 New Hampshire 2; New
Jersey 10; New York 2U; North Calo
lina 1; North Dakota '3; Ohio 9; Okla
homa" Si Oregon 3; ' Pennsvlvania -3!;
Rhode Island 2; South Dako'ta 2; Tenn
essee 2; Vermont 2; Virginia 1; Wash
ington 4; West Virginia 4; Wisconsin
11; Wyoming lTotal 217.
Democrats Alabama 10; Arizona 1;
Arkansas 7; California 4; Colorado 3;
Connecticut 1; Delaware 1; Florida 4;
Georgia 12; Illinois 6; Indiana 4j Kan
sos S; Kentucky 9; Louisiana 7$' Mary
land 4; Massachusetts' 4; Michigan 1;
Minnesota 1; Mississippi R; Missouri
14; Montana 1;-Nebraska 3; New Jer
sey 2; NewMexico 1) New Fork 16;
North Carolina 9; Ohio )3; Oklahoma
6; Pennsylvania 8; Rhode Island. 1;
South Carolina 7, South " Dakota i;
Tennessee 8; Texas 1; 1'tnh 2; Vir
ginia 8p Washington 1; West Virginia
2. Total- 213. :
The line-up" in tEe senate will be as
follows: - ...,.
(Alabama 2 (d).
Arizona 2 (d). . x
Arkansas 2 (d). -
Calofornia 1 (d); 1 (r).'
Colorado 2 (d). ;
Connecticut 2 (r). -
Delaware 2 (d).
(Continued on page five.)
Wheat Is Above $1.93
and Corn at 99 Cents
Chicago, Nov. 13. Wheat opened
higher when foreign "ndviees that
bad seeding weather existed in Europe
caused a rush to buy. Profit taking
ales caused some of the advance to be
lost later. ..December was down 3-4
cents under today's opening1 itajM.
90 1-4; May down 3-8 at $1,113-3-8; July
up 1-2 cent at 1-C0 l-2c. " .
Corn made new high records because
of a rash to buy on reports on snow
throughout the corn belt, which will de
lay marketing. Later utilizing sales
checked the advances. May was up
W 1-8, a new high record this season.
December was up 2 cents at 88 cent;
May up 1-4 cent at 99.
Oats were firm. December was up
3-4 cent at 58 1-4; May up half at
02 1-4 cents, -
Provisions were teady with a down
word tendency. -
Mrs. Boissevain Is -
In Critical Condition!
Lo Angeles, Cat, Nov. 13. Rushed
across the continent as luH as trains
could move, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mill-
holland of New York, parents of Mrs.
Inez Milhollaud Boisevain, suffrage
leader, who is critically ill here, were
halted at the door of their daughter's
sick room' in the Good Samaritan hos
pital today owing to Mrs. Boissevain 'a
weakened eonditiou.-v
Surgeons told Mr. and Mrs. Mulhol
land the sight of them might cause a
fatal relapse for their noted daughter.
Milholland explained that when first
word was received of his daughter's
collapse, due to strenuous campaigning
for suffrage, there was no intimation
of the seriousness of Mrs. Boissevain'
condition and it was until the night of
election day that they received word to
rush west and that the noted woman
leader was sinking rapidly, '
Surgeons reported her condition
slightly Improved today, adding that
there is hope for her recovery.
Plunged Fourteen Passengers
Into Icy Waters of
Driver Had Heart Disease and
Belief Is He Died As He
DroVc On Bridge
Vancouver, B. C., Nov. 13. That a
dead man drove possibly 11 people, cer
tainly nine, to their death on Saturday
night when George, Smith, sent the
crowded Ladner motor stage through
the open draw of the North Arm bridge
and plunged car jind freight into the
icy water of tho Frsf-er river iB'the
startling theory suggested today by ac
quaintances of thetchauffeur. Smith, it
is reported, suffered from heart disease,
and that his pulse had suddenly ceased
is probably the 'only rational explana
tion that will ever be given of his act
in rushing hi vehicle onto the bridge
with the warning "red lights shininsr
clear against him. Smith knew the road
ana the bridge perfectly and was ac
counted a ycry safe and enreful driver.
His car-Was apparently under control
and it is incredible that, if atill alive
and conscious he should have failed to
pull up when he saw the ignal. '
The stage was making its evening trip
toward ancouver wbett the . accident
occurred. , At first it waa reported that
it carvied 12 piwr'tigers but today the
number is blacedt.'.i hi. - When the staira
Teached the bridjfe at 1 p. m. the draw
wag open to let a tug through, and the
barricade, made of stoel bar and stout
wire netting, was closed and padlocked.
Regardless of the red light on- the bar
ricade the stage moved rapidly forward,
broke-through nnd dived straight into
the river-bclow. Of the passenger a
little girl, Muriel Evans, and two men
were rescued alive, -seven bodies, includ
ing those of little Muriel's mother and
sister, have since been recovered and
one, possibly three, are still in the river.
Tba Dead.
- Mrs. A. W. Evans, 741 Third avenu
west, North Vancouver.
Her daughter, Laura Evans, aged 13,
(recovered Saturday night).
W. H. Walker, 1450 Third avenue
east, Vancouver; engineer Pacific Milk
company, Ladner. Married, leave wife
and four children.
George Smith,.863 River Road, South
Vancouver, driver of stage. Married,
leaves wife and five children.
John Marshall, North Vernon, Wash.;
employed at Ijidncr, single
Frank Keene, commercial traveler,
Kenneth Ritchie J.ndner, single.
Unidentified Chinese.
Arnold Wilcox, farm manager, Lad
ner, believed drowned. Known to have
been a passenger ou that stage; body
not recovered yet; single.
In addition there are believed to have
been other passengers aboard whose
identity is as yet unknown, nor any
trace been found of their bodies.
' Muriel Evans, aged 10, North Van
couver; daughter f Mrs. Kvnns.
. Thomas Shortrced, Edmonds, Burn
aby. ,
Henry Hutchinson, Vancouver. Gave
his address to rescuers as 339 Dufferin
street, but not known at that addree.
of Totally
Dry Cut to 2382
Late return from Tuesday's election
servo to bear out the previous esti
mates that absolute prohibition ha car
ried in Oregon by a majority ranging
from 2,300 to 2,500.
With approximately 98 per cent of the
vote canvassed, the measure has a lead
of 2,332.' The missing precincts are ex
jected to be favorable. The final ma
jorkv, however, is not expected to ex
ceed 2,500. i
The-vote as it noijr stands is:
Yes, 108,300. .
No, 105,1153.
Majority for, 2,351.
Meanwhile the vote against the brew
era 'amendment, which would have re
opened the state for the manufacture
and sale of beer, is growing. It is prob
able that tho meaxure will be snowed
under with a majority of 40.000 or more.
The anti-compulsory vaccination bill
apparently has been defeated. The
.vote now stands: -Yes, H3,671; No, 94,
5S0; majority against, 918.
Senator Thompson Defeated.
Complete return from the. Seven
teenth senatorial district indicate1 that
W. lir Thompson has been defeated
for re-election to tho senate by Judge
(ieorge Baldwin (Dem.), of Klamath
Falls. This nill give the democrats five
members in the senate.
May Be Week Before Result
Is KnownSuffrage Loses f
in South Dakota
Hughes' Will Concede No thing
Until Oicial Counts Are
All Made
. Snn Francisco, Nov. 13. All Califor
nia stood expectant today when the of
ficial count of votes in this state for
president began In each of the 58 coun
ties. On the result will. hinge tho final
decision " whether ' Charles E. .Hughes'
presidential hopes may be revived or
havebeen definitely blasted, ' '
With the unofficial returns showing
a plurality .for Wilson of 3,621,. it is
pointed out by republican leaders that a
change of one vote per precinzt in fa
vor of Hughes would give him the state
by 2,245 plurality provided no votes
were changed in Wilson ' favor.
Obeying instructions of tho republi
can and democratic national and state
committees, attorneys and checkers rep
resenting both parties were on hand to
keep a close watch on the official count.
Republican leader, refining to abandon
hope of getting California, will make
their most careful watch in San Fran
cisco and other Btrongly democratic
counties. The democrats, on the other
hand will cheek most closely in Los
Angele and Alameda eounties, wliero
Hughes polled'bi lafgest vote, ) ' '
On account of the vital importance of
this eonnt to the whole nation, extra
ordinary care is being exercised and it
is estimated that it will be more than
a week before the work can be com
pleted. . - :.
.Excepting in Ban Francisco and. Los
Angeles counties,' the count 1 being
made bofore the board of supervisors
of each county. - - These officials will
compile the return from the tally
sheeta and certify them to lha secretary
of state. In Han Francisco and Los
Angele counties the election commis
sioner will canvas the return.
. . Hughe Lead In Minnesota.
' St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 13. A big error
in Faribault, discovered on of fieial
count, with small, but constant gains
for Wilson In other official figures, in
cluding votes by mail and the soldier
vote from 13 counties, cut Hughes' load
in Minnesota at noon to 202.
(Continued on page two.)
Germany's Great System
of Underground Forts Is
Pronounced Inpregnable
By Carl W. Aciurman .
(United Press staff correspondent)
Somewhere on the Bommo, Nov. 10.
Via Berlin and wirclcs to Sayvillc,
Nov. 13. Germany Is defending the
Somme with buried artillery.
In their assaults the French and Brit
ish are attacking only the surface of
the greatest fortifications in the world.
Germany built a surprise for the al
lies in ber wonderful scries of artillery
proof fortifications. These defenses are
built so close, are dug so deep and -over
such a wide area that the allies are
today attacking with infantry, tanks
and artillery, are only on the outskirts
of a powerful system of underground
forts. .'
Tho bombardment is terrific. Fields,
woods and towns are torn to pieces by
constantly exploding shells. But under
ground nothing is toucneu. Ann it is
from her sub-surface forts that Ger
many is repelling the allied attack.
roPa week I have been over tne toin-
me battle fieiu. rom a neigni near
I'eroune and to the south of Arras, our
party twice penetrated the shell area
viewing Perotnne. and Bapaume, Jtlre
two immediate objocts of fire.
Defenses Are Buried
It marked the first time since the
Somme battle began that a neutral has
been permitted to inspect tins part or
the underground .fortification con
structed by the Teutonic forces. While
waiting in the library of a castle erv-J
iug as a headquarter of one of the
commanding generals, the windows rat
tled and doors shook from the couens
sion of bursting shells.
With -these constant explosions in
our ears nnd escorted bv an intelligence
officer, we motored to the height of
Bapaume. There we watched the Brit
ish fire on a town. The only church
spire anil one chimney is atill stund-
fifteen Cest Bread
" Say Taccma Bakers
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 13. The 1
cent loaf of bread made its appearance
in Tacoma today, and at the same time
.the popular five cent loaf has gone to
that bourno from which it will never
return, bakers say. Housewives hereaf
ter will havo to pay .ten cents for a
loaf but slightly larger than the dis
placed .iitney portion.
Beginning today also buns and rolls
are boosted live cents a dozen, to lu
cents. " ' -
These advances were agTeed upon by
local baker Sunday. The reasons -assigned
for the higher prices is the gen
eral raise in the materials used, espe
cially lard and flour.
President W. Lair Thompson
Has Been Defeated for .
State returns are sufficiently com
plete to indicate, the complexion of the
next legislature. W. Lair Thompson,
who wa president of the senate in the
1915 session, has been defeated by a
democrat; George T, Baldwin. Local
conditions entered into the defeat of
Thompson, who has been a political
power In his section. Thompson began
last spring beforo the primaries to makt
a campaign for president of the senate
in the lvli session. -
Q. C, Moser, of Multnomah, is a can
didate for president, with the chances
now in his favor. L. h. Bean and Rob
ert Stanfield are -two active candidates
for speaker of tho house.
I ha legislature line up about as fol
lows; .1
Fifth, Douglas B. L. Eddy. '
Seventh, Josephine J .C, Smith.
Eighth Coos and Curry I. S. Smith
F.levcntb, Washington W. D. Wood.
Thirteenth, Multnomah Robert S.
Farrell, S. B. Huston, Ou C. Moser,
Conrad P, Olson and A. W. Orton.
Thirteenth, Multnomah (short term)
John Gill. . ..: . '
Fourteenth, - Clackamas, 'Multnomah
and Columbia (short . term)--H, A.
Lewi (Ind.).
Sixteenth, Hood River and Wuseo
George B. Wilbur (Dem.). .
Seventeenth, Crook, Jefferson, Kla
math, Lake George T. Baldwiu (Dem-).
Eighteenth, Gilliam, Sherman and
Wheeler M. D. Shanks. '
Twentieth, Umatilla (to fill unexpired
term) Frederick Bteiwer.
Twenty-first, Union and Wallowa
Walter Pierce (Dem.).
Twenty-second, Grant, Harney and
Malheur Loring V. Stewart.
Twenty-fourth, Lincoln, Tillamook,
Washington and Yamhill T. B. Hand
ley. Hold-Over Senator.
First, Marion C, P. Bishop and A. M.
La Follett. ,
Second, Linn Samuel M, Garland
(Continued on page four.)
Allh ough in approaching the front
we encountered seventeen lines of
trenches and wire entanglements, the
Somme battlo i no longer being de
fended from the trenches, but with
buried artillery, 1 , 1
For miles as wo walked we passed
holes in the ground large enough for
men to crawl into. ...
Chain Of Buried Forts .
. These were entrenched to thousands
of underground forts which the Ger
man have built in an endless chain.
The underground defenses . vary in
depth from a few feet to as much as
sixty feet.
No cannon yet Invented can pene
trate them. And this is the reason,
German officers explain, why the Eng
lish cannot destroy the defense. Not a
house, a barn, or a whole tree 1 stand
ing in Achictlepetit. Our automobile
was halted en route by soldier cleaning
tho road of debris ftom the recent
bombardment. After passing through,
this village was again shelled. The
bombardment wa so terrific as to be
indescribable. Tho whistling of shells
wa continuous and the uncountable ex
plosions shattered every one' nerves.
Our auto increased its speed, and
other whizzed by, one carrying the
remaina of the French aeroplanes.
We stopped at a ploughed field,
walked to a hole iri the ground and en
tored an underground battery. Above
ground, in some sKit, so many shells
had exploded it was impossible to count
the shell crater. But underground not
a cannon wa scratched. Officers and
I artillerymen were living with many of
tho comforts of home.
Paving the Roads .
Further on wo passed hundreds of
Trench civilians and soldier paving
i one of the chief line. Mooter were
(Continued on .pago three.)
stms sen:
,-. ' . 113
Arrested As E!::,i:!;r Hj
Makes Chargp A::'- ,
Clabs Letters Erca Vczca
Were Code Hs WcuIJ Hct
New Yorh, Nov. 13. Dr. Carl Arm-
gaard Graves, "international spy," ex
pressed himself fiklay as confident of
freedom from charges of blackmailing
Countes Von Bernstorff, the German
ambassador's wife,
Letters upon which the blackmailing
charge were made in Washington Sat
urday were explained by Graves as con
taining lnrormation regarding tne
U-53 's exploits, upon Which, he savs.
Count Von Bernstorff made a stock
nuwket "clean up."
Gravef avers that the Germaa am- '
baasador was thousands of dollars rich
er by reason of advance information on .
the Oerman submarine venture, lie
declared that the letter, apparently .
a woman's missives to the countess.
were in reality code which Bernstorff
would not want revealed. Further ho
said that he will relate their contents
fully if he is tried, and declared the in
formation will be useful to th United
States. Graves came back here fo over
li,.nj. n : LI. -. .IT... V
iugtou on 2,000 bail.
Uti found a department of jmtH-e
ocVet agent awaiting hi return tor
(fArd him fronnwhnt" he failed tfco
'greatest personal danger of hi whet
career." , ;, "
May Be Juicy Morsel ,
nasnuiffton, jxov. ia. in easo or
Dr. Armgaard Graves, the "master
spy." under bond since Saturday1 nisfct.
charged with attempted blackmail of;
Countess Von Bernstorff, had tndav le-f
veloped into that ancient problem: Now
that they've got him, what will they
do witn mm l
Washington, which seldom has been
so thrilled bv a mystery in its own
midst, is waiting for Wednesday' pre
liminary hearing with great anticipa
tion. Revelations concerning th secret
service methods of the European gov
ernment are particularly awajten.
since it became known today that Count
Von Bernstorff had notified his gov
ernment that a sealed package directed
to him by the foreign otrieo had been
broken oven and part of its content
stolen. Whether tho ambassador ha in
: .. i i. - i ... . . v, .. : , : .i
II I ii II iiic loiinm iM-nf-u if. ,'irii:i7 lie
partment agents from the Washington
bo'ol safe, where lr. Graves had de
posited them, is not known.
Graves himself hints these letter are
of the highest importance to the Gei-
mnn government, that they were let
tors which he expected to sell to the
ambnssador. not the letter addressed to)
Countess Von Bernstorff. As for the
letters, he and the embassy are one ia
saying they contain nothing calculated
to " embarrass " the countes personal-,
lv. Tho embassy has declared Graves
thoupht they would have this effect aad
that he demanded money for them oa
that c round. Grave has made two
statement in answer to this. One is
thaU4jie letters, from a promisent Ger
man woman to the countess, contain
hidden meanings and form an important
communication from the horn govern
ment to the embassador. The other la
that he knew they were of no import
ance and simply wag exhibiting thera
to Prince Hatgfeldt as proof ho ana
obtained possession of oilier mail for
which tho embassy would bo willing to
pay. ' '
New York, Nov. 13. Final decree in
the Corn Products dissolution suit
brought by the federal government was
issued today ny Judge iianu in tne uni
ted State district court, ordering at
torneys for the corporation to prepare
plans for dissolution ana present mem
for the court's approval within, 120
. ...
"H5 SrovEV
f Ff tS OOOM
Orego: To
night and Tues
day fair; contin
ued cold; easter
ly wind, J.