Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 10, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"V. B. Corsets" Salem's Big Department Store "Butterick Patterns"
Immense Value Giving in Women's
Ready-to- Wear Garments
A sale of Silk Dresses and Wool Dresses in a variety of splendid models,
fufm' J4 : former prices to $36.85, now $19.65
w : t j t
A Sale of Women's and Misses Suits including serges, cheviots, poplins,
broadcloths, etc, some fur trimmed. Dozens to choose from. Sale
Price $18.35
A Rack of Dresses and Stvlish Skirts
A Clearance of Coats ana
Skirts Former prices up
to $z7.5U. Take your
choice, at ...... . . $4.95
A Sale of Gift Framed Pictures at 45c Each
(Second Floor) , V v
We are offering a splendid line of gift framed Pictures at
a most unusual price. Ordinarily those embossed gilt frames
would cost more than-.the price we ask for the entire picture.
The subjects are copies from old masterpieces and cannot be
told from oil paintings. i '
Visit the second floor and see these pictures. Your hjp
choice at 1iJv
In the season's newest effects. Dresses
formerly up to $30, skirts formerly up to
$17.50, and one Jersey knitted Suit in a
pretty shade of green, former price
$27.50. Take your choice from this rack
for QQ5
Just Arrived, New, Man-tailored Rain Coats for Women
See' these new Raiacoats at Meyers. Man-tailored garments of fine,
all wool eravenette processed ''Forrestry Cloth" in, olive drab, the
military shade. Smart enough lit style for dress wear, yet a
' able utility overcoat as well.
Special price .'.
Tf your spine is right, you are right.
Those who have tried every old method
and found no relief should try Chiro
practic and get well. Many hundreds .
of 'grateful patients in Salein and else
where can substantiate my statements.
Six adjustments will be given for the .
small fee of $.V00. Difficult cases,
which require X-ray examinations and
Spinographa can obtain them at a nom- -inal
fee. Only expert Spirograph work.
: Very successful in stomach and bowel
troubles and diseases peculiar to
womea. ' ' . " ' . . .
P. H. MAT. D. 0.,
Hubbard Building - Phone. 572
All Around Town
jlusit Received
CI SALE SATURDAY PRICED AT 98c, $1149, $2.45
' AND $2.95 EACH
Forcerly Chicago Store
Tonight -Nov.
10. Victrola Grand Opera
Concert, 11 Trovatore, at Pub
Ho Library.
Nov. 11. Football, Salem high
. school vs. Eugene high, Wil
lamette field.
November 11 Football, Wil
lamette university vs. Pacific
university, Willamette field.
November 14. Six o'clock club
meeting at First M. E.
November 22 rrof. MacMurray
lecture at opera house.
Dec. 4. City Election.
Dec. 4 9. Third Annual Marion
County Corn Show.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist: fits gUusa-
correctly. U. a Bank. Bld.
Richard Myers, son of Datus Myers,
the artist who recently located in ta
lcm, is ill with pneumonia, lie had been
suffering with a cold for a short time
and it suddenly becamo worse.
Dr. r. H. Thompson of 418 Bank of
Commerce bide., socializes in Eve,
; Ear, Nose and Throat. tf
Mcmbera of the prohibition party
committee and friends are requested to
meet at the W. C. T. U. hall Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock. L. D. Rntlift is
chairman of the committee.
A. Sonora Talking Machine makes an
acceptable gift, shop early. Myrtle
Knowland, 421 Court, ,
The Spaulding Logging company bas
closed down for two days on account of
a shortage of logs, caused by a de-railing
of several cars at the Blank. Rock
camp. I
With election over there is nothing
else to do but boost everybody boost
La Corona cigars. '
The Forester of America began their
campaign for membership last evening
with the voting in of 10 new members.
The members of the lodge are becom
ing interested in the contest under the
leadership of the two captains, 8. C.
Knightliuger and W. . Miller.
Don't fail to see Yamada ths Japa
nese wonder and Ora Morningstar, two
of the world 's greatest billiard experts
at Adolph's Billiard. Parlors Saturday
evening at 9 o'clock. J.
The trustees of the Unitarian church
have received word from the field secre
tary of San Francisco that the Rev. J.
M. Headly of that city is on his way
here and that he will preach next Sun
day morning at the Unitarian church
Mr. Headly comes with. a view of locat
ing here aa pastor of the church. -
Men of Salem are invited to attend
the meeting of the Six o'clock club to
be held next Tuesday evening at 6:30
o'clock in the parlors of the First Meth
odist church. . The address of the even
ing will be given by Varl Abrams on
"The United States in Mexico "- The
dinner for the evening will be served
by the ladies of the church. - .
Electric BestArant,
149 North High St.
all night
Last averting was initiation night at
too tAK lodge and the following were
initiated into the mysteries of the 11
o'clock hour: Sidnev Jones. E. B. Ham
ilton. F. H. DcVore,i.eo N. Chil.ls. Mer
ritt Davis and John C. Taylor. A lunch
followed the initiations.
I o
I Ths Jitney Oof fee Club, Salem's most
l popular -eating place, is again open,
i Good eats at lowest prices, 429 Court.
Paul L. Gary, Mgr. novll
James Edward Morgan, of Coos coun
ty, and Miss Bessie Potter, of Marion
county, were married by Judge Webster
November 4.
Hear Mrs. Anna Rocen Fish. Mtn
j Lucille Barton and Professor Roberts
at the Court afreet Christian church,
corner 17th and Court Friday night,
Nov. 10th at 8 o 'clock. novlO
KWug Sun Stov Polish. 1 Basket of eating 8 lbs. of good Sweet 3 19 lbs. of Best Bead
, Pears fot Potatoes Elce for
Sc 10c 25c " 25c
t lb. test Creamery io lbs. No, 1 Onions X Quart of Furs Ollva e Cans of 6c Sardines
- for Oil for tot
33c 25c 75c 25c
n K. Cow'l Bt
. Cor. ef D. ft.
Cor Miller and
8. Com'l St.
The Saiem Woman's, club will give
a benefit concert next Tuesday even
ing at the Oregon . theatre for Miss
Mary Schultz who will soon leave for
the east to continue her studies in ,
music. The concert will be given un
der the auspices of the Woman's club
and with the endorsement of the Com
mercial club.
Chief of Police Welsh received a let
ter this morning asking his help in find
ing the relatives of William Alexander
Ferguson, who died recently in Califor
nia. He left no heirs in Healdburg
and at one time had a sister-in-law or
brother-in-law living near Salem. John
Wright, of Healdsburg, Sonoma county,
R. F. D. No. 3, box 58, asks that any in
formation concerning them be sent to
him. . ,
- Chief of Police We'sh received a no- j
tire this morning of the theft of a I
Remington-typewriter from the private I
car of the general manager of the:
Northern Pacific railroad while in the
terminal yard' at Portland betweenTPTtt- j
urday, November 4, and Wednesday, No-1
vember 8- This is the second machine I
loHt recently. The letter from the thief
special agent asks that a search of the
pawn shops and second hand stores be
made. '
The committee' in charge of the an
nual home-coming of the Odd Fellows
On the evening of Wednesday, Novem
ber -22, met last evening and outlined
general pluns for, the entertainment of
visiting members. Besides the banquet
and musical numbers for the evening,
addresses will be made by prominent
Odd Fellows from all parts of the Btate,
including Grand Master Westbrook, of
Portland; Judge. Burnett and Judge
MeNary, of Salem.
The annual memorial services of Sa
lem, Oregon, lodge No. 33K, B. P. O. E.,
will be held at the ouera house on the
afternoon of Sunday, December 3. The
memorial address will be delivered by
Hon. Walter H. Evans, of Portland, dis
trict attorney of Multnomah county, a
member of Portland lodge, No. 142. The
eulogy will be given by Dr. W. Carlton
Smith. E. K. Ringo, S.M. Endicott and
August Huckpsteiu have-been appointed
as a committee on program for the an
nual services. -
The United Artisans have made ar
rangements -to hold their weekly meet
ings in the Odd Fellows' hall, beginning
with Thursday, December 7. Until then
the meetings will be held on Wednesday
evenings at thfcMoose hall. Next Wed
nesday evening there will b(Ta joint
meeting of the Artisans and the junior
organizations, the Court of Fairies and
the Court of I ijends. With the changes
of Thursday to the uniting nights to
the Odd" Fellows' hall, December 7, a
special rally and program will celebrate
the event, , - "
Superstititous people are still living,
according to Mrs. Monroe Gilbert. On
a table in The Frame Shop she has a lit
tle bowl of Chinese "Lucky Dogs." She
gave one to a man without a job recent
ly and laughingly told him it was a
lucky dog the carrying of which brings
luck. He took the dog and in a few
days returned and said he had a job.
And th dog is a little -jiieee of some
thing or other scarcely bigger than a
thumb with a few things painted on it
and a thread tied about its neck. Now
who says charms do not work, i
Here is mora good news for the house
keeper. That household necessity known
as the-standard brands of chewing to
bacco such as Star and Horseshoe will
continue to be sold at 10 cents a cut.
Another piece of cheering news is that
rice, one of the most staple articles of
food has not advanced and may still be
purchased at four pounds for 25 cents.
This ia for you the writer wishes to I -"""""oni. spagetti and vermicelli and
express his sincere appreciation 0f;,u"rr" inexpensive articles or rool
your kindness at the primary election 1 1,Bve advanced but a trifle and by skip
Nov. 6 and I wish to. say, on Doc. 4 j P1UR (" f n high spots, it has been
I will also need vnr assistance again, suggested that the good housekeeper
Yours truly, J. A.' Mills, novlO I might possibly bring the monthly groc-
a i.--- erv inn wuniu reasonaoie distance or
O. B. Franzke, instructor of wrest
ling for the Y. M. O. A. Bays that he
had found several first elass wrestlers
in the city and that' as soon as the boys
got in proper trim, challenges will lie
issued to the Oregon Agricultural col
lege athletes aud those of the Portland
schools. ; -
We most sincerely thank our many
friends for their acts Of kindness and
expressions of sympathy and comfort i
during the last illness' and death of
our beloved one.
Mrs. G. 8. Downing,
W. N.1 Downing,
lanthe J. Seblbrede, !
R. E. J)owning, j
Walter F. Downing.-' j
Tha three boats of the Oregon Ttuis-
portation company afe now running reg
ularly to Corvallis, leav ing Salem Tucs- j
day, Thursday and Saturday evenings
at 8 o'clock. For Portland, the boats;
leave at 11 o'clock Monday, Wednesday'
and FridaV' morniugs, and at 6 a. ni.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn- j
ings. t- j
. -. ' . . ' ' !
correct any a sleet in Visum ana yon e a
will at once notice an improvement in , I
school work. You will find that defect-1 1 I
ive vision often affects a child's dis-
position, creates a condition of lassi-:!!
tude and is many times the cause of ! I I
those unaccountable "after school" ! I
headaches. Have an examination and1 11
1 - M . l.i... .... .11 I -
the modern appliances in making ex-
amiratioiis. I ,uv no drugs or drops in
nisr.ing examinations as thev are dang
erous Dr. M. P. .Mendelsohn, Rooms I
209 210-211 U. 8. Nat'l Bank bldg.
I The river fell .8 of a foot yesterday
and now the guage shova a depth of 2.7
feet above low water mark-. . After a
recora or rainiau xor i. nays ronowiog
ine nays orougni, mere was no pre
cipitation yesterday. For 10 days, the
wind haa been from the south and the
rang of temperature yesterday was
from 55 to 43. Last night the O. C..T.
gnverniucut 's official thermometer reg
istered 38 above as the lowest for the
Another Big Day at the
Last Saturday we broke
all records. Here are
the reasons:
Prime" Beef, to Boil
Per Pound
Fancy Pot Roasts
Per Pound
and T-Bone
the 1015 figures.
The Parent-Teachers association of
Per Pound
Fresh Spare RibSv
;2 Pounds for
Fresh Hamburger
Per Pound "
Pigs and Beef Liver
Per Pound
Originators of
Low Prices- -37LState
Auction Sale
i On Saturday Nov. 11th, 10 a. m.
: at the Quick Exchange auction
market, consisting of 1 cow, 4
I yrs. old, to freshen in 2 months;
2 heifers, 1 vr. old, with culfj.
1 team ltt and 11 yrs, old, weight
1100 lbs.; 1 set heavy harness; 1
Bet single, harness; 1 3 in. Bnin
wagon and box complete; 1 open
buggy; 1 12 In. plow; shovels,
, forks, rake, hoe.
At 1:30 pA ni. Household Furni
ture: 1 Crescent 6-hole range
with resevoir as good as new; 1
Moharch Mclleablo 0-hole range
as good as new; 2 medium sized
heaterB; 2 iron bedsteads, mat
tresses and springs; 1 Bettee;1'
rug; 5 dining chairs; 1 extension
table; 1 barrel, churn; kitchen
utensils and dishes and crocks;
1 Vega cream separator, 330 lb.
capacity, new, and many other
things not mentioned.
F. D. MAE TIN, Owner.
F. N. WOODET, Auctioneer
- I'll one 311
Auction Sale '
On Monday Nov. 13, 1016. at 10
a. in. sharp, at the thus. Schmid
farm, located Z miles south of
Salem, on the Elver road, near
Livesley station, Marion county,
Route 3, consisting of 25 head of
dairy cows, 15 head young stock,
1 matched team mares, weight
2b'00 lbs., age 5, yrs, 1 bay geld
ing, age 7 yrs. wt. 1250, 1 reg.
Standard bred mare ago 12 yrs.;
9 fat hogs, weight 173 to 200
lbs.; Chester White brood sow In
pig; 1 Poland China boar; 1 pure
bred ''Big Dane" female dog,
weight 130 lbs.; 10 pure bred
Hock hens.
Terms- 9 months. Free lunch
at noon. Bring your cups. See
bills for particulars.
Note Farmers and dairymen,
it will be to your iuteresfto at-,
tend this sale.
CHA3 SCHMID, Auctioneer.
Owner. Phone 611
Phone 8-JF2. novll
the Richmond school will meet this ev
ening at 8 o'clock for the installation
of officers and a general discussion of
conditions of interest to the school. Of
ficers to be installed are J. D. Ashby,
president; George W. Eyre, vice-president;
Mrs. D. S. Bruuner, secretary anil
A transcript on an -appeal from the
justice's court to the circuit court as
filed this morning in the case o James
A. Murphy against H. C. O'Neill, an ac
tion for the recovery of $40.55. The case
was tried before Judge Webster and a
verdict for the plaintiff given. An ap
peal was then taken.
The young men of the United Aris
ans entertained the young ladies of the
I.a Area club last evening at St.
Joseph's hnll with a hard time party.
Appropriate hard times costumes were
worn snd a proper economical spirit
shown in the dispensing of refreshments
as four courses were served, the menu
including coffee, ginger bread, frank
fruters and home grown apples.
Sell it Journal want ads will sell it.
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash price for fume. Phone 511.
mm x kill
Any kindv
Any time
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty -five ycara'
experience. Leao orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phone 1187.
Residence phone 1405.
915 Highland Avenue.
When In 8A1EM, OREGON, stof U
Strictly Modern
Free aud Private Baths
KATE8: 75c, 11.00, 11.50 PEX DAT
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings. -A
Homo Away From Horn.
. T. O. BLIGH, Pro.
Both Phones. Free Anto Bis.
1 1
118 South'
-n - II
- 19
J. L. Busick & Son's new stores
will be open to the public TO
MORROW. Everybody come
to our stores surprises for all
We will save you money on
Groceries, Make us do it.
. i
J. L. Busick & Son
299 North