THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1916. SEVEN - MMMM WMMHMMMMMHHMHHMMMMMHMHMNMMB - NEW TODAY ' ; ' OLAfiBIITED ADVERTISIHQ EATB. Rate per word New Today: f$ach insertion, per word...; 1 On week ( insertions), per word S- One Biouth(o insertions) per word 17r The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion lor errort in Classified Advertisments. Bead your advertisements the first day it appear! and notify us Immediately Minimum charge, ,13o. ..... '- TRESPASS Notices tor sale at Jour nal office. - t) HARRY Window cleaner, rhone 768. ' '. 1 ' novll FOR SALE Fine prune Tatieli, well improved. See 11. V. .lohuson, tf WANTED Milk cow for winter's keep Address T. h. care Journal.' novlO FOR SALE Good Jersey- mit,- will be fresh booh. (iWFil. ' novll WANTED Wood cutters iH.OO cord. Phone K. A. Way, OS'li. per tf I WANTED llpys to insert on Saturday. C'U, see circulation mgr. or phone SI DU KS8MAK ER Of experience desires work by the day. Phone J951 It. noil ORDE.HS FILLED For borne apple butter at 365 N. High. made tf FURNISHED A Drt men ts, also barn suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage FOR SALE Baled hay and bnUul straw Hubbard farm, Ourden road. novll WE nATE Baled ha and oats foT aale. George Sweigle, Garden road, tf FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. t) GET PRICES On farm sale bills at The Jourffal office. WANTED . M. -Fat and fresh, cows. 1425 nov29 FOR SALE Fresh cow, good milker. 715 8. 12th street, over garage, tf .FOR SALE Fir and asli wood. Leave . orders with J. J. Rack, N. High,,or phone 474. novll FOR SALE 12 larc early spring Buff Orpington, pullets, 30c eiu'h. Phone 25(10.13. . novlO nOI'SEKEEPING Rooms, three neut, clean well - furnished rooms, .modern conveniences. HHJ N, Front. ,-. novlO HOUSEKEEPING Hootus for bache lors $;j)0 month. Leonard Hotel An nex. ; i . novll WOOD For sale, $2..iQ pe'r cord, old rod fir to be cut at once, E. L. Os tcrgard, Independence... f .. novll WANTED-rTo.-puichntVi.a small ..busi ness. Address L. I II. cure .luurnul. .. novll HOUSE Wanted small furnished, for party of 2, must be close in. Address box X N care" Journal. WANTED Small furnished house, close in business section of city. Ad- dress X X care Journal." novll GIRL OR WOMAN Wanted for house work. II. Steinboek, 302 N. C'om'l St. v Phone 808. tf WILL. THE PARTY Who took the boy 'g wagon from 100 Court stroet return samef No questions asked, tf WILL THE PARTY Who took the boy's wagon from 100 Court street return samef No questions asked, tf PHONE 206 When you have wood . sawing to be done, all work guaran teed, Jim Rogers. nov24 GET YOUR Trespass Notices, . now apply of cloth ones at Capital Jour nal tf WANTED Gentle horse. 1100 or 1200 lbs. free driver. Must bp safp for women and children. W. M. Goodo, 1093 8 .Kth St. . novlO FOR SALE Twelve tons loose mixed hay in btrn 5Vi miles from Salem on the yuinnby road. Inquire 3-10 N. 15th St. iioxlO WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk cows, must be fresh now or soon, none 'but partios owning choice eowi need ealL Phone 1431 or 491. tf ORGAN Cost 17,1 dollars, for sale GO dollars. Gibson's mandolin, cost 95 , dollars for sale i)0 dollars. Capitol Exchange, Court St. novll 4.000 TO LOAN" A client lias instruc ted me to lend this amount on first - class security, country or city, in one Hum or smaller amounts. Elmo 8. White, attorney, 402 Mnsonie Temple ' - novlO MONEY TO LOAN On second hand men's clothing, jewelrv, musical in struments, tools, guns, etc. Also bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex change, 337 Court St. Phone 4M. nol7 FOB SAI.K oue pair geldings, weight biuu IDs., gentle ana true. .Must sell at once, price H'O. Also one grev Rclding, 5 yrs. old, weight 1100 lls., gentle for lady, single or double, price fHo. Also light hack f):i. Gil liam stables, 2j4 Kerry iSt. novll FOR SALE At a Imrenin. 1 work " w" ?,ff,e oneed today, rs; 7 vearlings; I .Tersev I Otherwise activity was confined to in wagon harness and f arm ! ternuttent canuouading and skirmishes team; i cow- bull; farm wn implements. Jive blocks from the Jefferson depot on the Pacific High way. Jefferson, Oregon. Mrs. Kruina Whcdbee. novlO THREE House to house salesmen for a live wire proposition. We furnish aB necessary equipment to secure tho best results, reruianent employment - to fhsn who can qualify. Experienced men given the preference. Apply at once. Between 4 and rt p. tn. J. A. Webster, 441 X. High St, Kalem. Or. novll r'RESH COWS For sale. Phone 58P3. novll WAXTKDPetite prune trees. 4 to 6 ft. Phone 41Kl!3 aovlS SIX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments $3. worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard P'dg. ..'.- . , . novlO WANTED rAt once good girl for gen s oral housework, 314 U, S. Batik bldg. . novl3 WANTED ToHrade, 10 acres, close in, well improved, fjr larger place. Ad dress W 2 care Journal. novll APPARTMENTS For rent, desirably located, partly furnished, reasonable rent. Phone 876. : : - ' tf STOCK FEED Pumpkins and corn for sale. Wanted a few stock hogs. Phone 44F22. tf BOYS WANTED Hoys wanted to sell Journals on streets of evenings. Call see circulation manager or phone 81. FOR RENT 6 room house and barn, 2 lots, Wa Winter St. Inquire 2011 Maple Ave. . novlO SHOW CARD WRITER Wishes posi tion in store. Can djess windows. C. care Journal. novll FOR. SALE at a bargain, an "Over- laud Demitonueau" car with extra lied 4(175." Salam. Garage OOl) .North Capital St. Phone 1010. novl4 WANTED Position by experienced cook mill housekeeper, best of rciir- ences. Phone 102, K alter 1 p. in. and 0:30. novll WANTED Ambitious lady for good business propositionFor particulars ' call in person. Room SM-; Marion Ho tel. novlO I JACOB YOGT 979 South Commercial street, invites his old friends to call on hiin when in need of shoe repair ing. Best of work at lowest priees. declO FARM FOR RENT Sixty acres wheat land all in cultivation. Five miles south of Satan, $150 cash. No build ings. J. H. Robins, Turner,-Ore, Rt. 1, box CB. ' novll DANCING I have just returned from Prof. Riugler's dancing academy, where I have taken a normal course, and ani prepared to tench the latest official ball room dances. Private lessons for the price of cluss lessons. Phone I3N0J for appointments. D. G. Alkirc, 923. N. 10th St., Salein. novlO FOR SaTjE Dandy grocery and coit feitiouery at Invoice price, nbout $1000; will lease building' and fix tures of sell building at cost; three living rooms in rear; fine location, , block from school. Bv owner, It. C. iOlXeill, 303 S. 23th -street Salem, phone S.'i4R. '. . ' novlo Weather Permitting ; Fighting Is Resumed Berlin, via wireless to Snyville, L. X, Nov! 10. Taking advantage of very favorable, weather conditions, the Fran-o-Britndi forces Teaunied heavy of fensive actions along a front from Enu-court-L'Abbaye, due south of Bnpaume, to Suilly, the war office announced this atfernoou Near Sailly, the statement said tlie attacks "were partially re pulsed." League to Enforce Peace. Washington, Nov. 10. German Chan cellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg declara tion for the principle of a lenguo to en force peace was a direct answer to the American league's request to the Ger nitiii guvernmout for an expression of opinion, it wag learned today. Submarine in Gulf. s Galveston, Texas, Nov. 10. A Ger muu submarine is believed to be op ernting in the Gulf of Mexico- The Harrison liner Engineer is Teported to have been gunk. 8he sailed from Liv erpool October 21, for New Orleans, via Central American ports. Agents here say she should have been eu route from Belize to New Orleans at the time she was reported submarined. One Million Dead. - London, Nov. 10. German 's count of her dead for the war numbers nearly a million men, according to the official casualty list received here today. Battle is Raging.. ' Petrograd, Nov. 10 Kituinninn troops have suddenly developed a utrong of fensive toward Predcal, and have en veloped the enemy's left flunk, the war office announced today. The battle continues to rage. " righting, for Bridge. ' - Petiognnt, Nov. 10. liussinn forces, mounted and on foot, are engnged with the enemy two miles west of Czernnvo da, tho war office announced today. The victor will gain possefciiou of the bridge head which is of great strategic import ance. After sharp fighting the Kimsians oc cupied Duiuirenv, two miles from Czer navoda. They took n number o'f pris oners. , ' j. Seventy-seTen Air Tights. Parish, Nov. 10. French aviators ...! : rt i. ...u-.i.. in which 10 Germnii. were brought at various points. s ' 1 - A small bag of unslaked lime fas tened inside a piuiio, just under the lid, will absorb dampness and prevent the strings rusting. - N; NEW TODAY ADS WILL BE -''read in the Journal in all live llariou"county homes Trv 'em. King George's Uncle Sails, Port and DUKE mi DUCHESS OF CONMU6HT The Duke of ConnnnrAt, retirinc eov-l ernor general of Canada, with tho i JJuchess of Connaught and Princess Patricia left Ottawa to return- to Eng-j land. Due ' to war conditions their port of departuro and the date' of their sailing were withheld.- - Tho Duke of Connaught became gov ernor general in October, 1911, and has been one of the uiost popular of fan- Kindness Fails to -, ;. " Move Corporation The following letter from V, M. Hamilton, chairman of the depot com mittee, of the Commercial club to Jos eph H. Albert, president will be of in terest to those who are becoiuinz rath ....... t If ; i 7 er pessimistic as to' the intentions- of or-about" 7:30 o'clookp in. on the .-u - u .i , , 4. ..120th day of November, 1910, or at any fhe Southern Pacific in regard to that ., .'. ,; ii,. f.,.,.ii (l .,; long looked for new passenger depot at Salein: :. , ' " . '. Oct. 27, 1911). Mr. Joseph II. Albert. . President, Salcra Coni'l Club, 1 Salem, Oregon. Dear Sir: I wish to report that in re sponse to a - recent communication which I addrcsscdto Mr. J. H."Dyer, assistant general manager, of tho 8. P. Co., asking for information relative to the new depot, tuat 1 am in roceipt ot a reply to the effect that on inquiry, uis pin.. uu.u ...... rearrangements were made in the plans and specifications after he had submit ted the same to them, and that this has delayed the matter'' on account of tho necessity of getting tho Ct. K. of those concerned, to the alterations proposed in the waiting room, ticket office ar rangement, etc. He further assures me that lho mat ter is not being neglected, but is de cidedly on the active list of Undertak ings, and states that he hopes to soon be able to give us information as to the final, approval of plans and authoriza tion to commence construction. Eespectfully, (Signed) V. 41. Hamilton, Chairman, Depot Committee President Gets Oration from Great Crowds Williamstown, Mass., Nov. 10. Pres ident Wilson's trip through Now York today - was replete with the thrills of a -victory. At every point crowds hailed the train as it passed through, llailroad employes in the yards at Ken nselacr and Troy rushed front their work to shout-congratulations. Engineers all but literally tied their steam whistles and factory whistles added to the shrieking din. Huge litho pictures of the president were tied to dozens of locomotive headlights. Ir. Grayson, the president's physic-1 iaa, couldn't stand the - strain audi Went back to Washington to nutso a cold. This made today the first .the president : has traveled iTnc his in auguration without a physician. Two Football Gaines , In Salea Tomorrow Two football games will be staged on oweenana thjki in aa Bweetland field in Salem tomorrow ft00n' t between the Salem ailU XsUjgl'lir Hlfcll BIIIIIUJ3 mm lilV BHUHU between Willamette and Pacific unl versities. ' By,an agreement entered into by the local managers, the two games that are scheduled to be played next Saturday will be pulled off on tbe same field. Both of the visiting teams are plaunig to bring excursions with not less than 200 students each. . 1 ' ' Japan has a goldfish farm that has been in continuous operation sinCO I7li:l. .. . A.tinr elertric lamp is mounted on the handle of a safety razor of England invention. Date Kept Secret i ''V X? MO tincenkr) PRINCESS PmRIClH adinn. viceroys.. He is a son of Queen Victoria, brother of Edward VII, and uncle of the - present British- king, George V; Most of his life has been passed in the British army service. A few years ago ilic duke and duchess and I'rincess ratricia visited the United States. Tho new governor gen eral of Canada is the Duke of Devon shire. ' ' ;' NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT For the improvement of that portion of South ' Twelfth, street lying east of the Southern Pacific railway com pany's tracks beginning on the south - line of Ferry street and ending at a point 173 feet south of said .south line of Ferry street; ' Notice is hereby-aiven that the Com mon- Council of the ory of 8aloin, will, subsequent meeting of the Council there after, at the Council chambers in the City Hall of said City proceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof or parcel of land liable therefor, its proportion ate shnre of the cost of improving that portion of South Twelfth street lying oast of the Southern Pacific rail way company's tracks beginning on the south line of Perry street and end ing at a point 173 feet south of said south line of Fcrrv strcot. -All persons-interested In said assess ment are hereby notified to appear at .ai(j time and lllaoe before the said common council ana present rnoir od .lections, if any they have, to said as sessment and apply to said Common Council to equalize their proportionate share of said assessment. By order of the Common Council this Oth day of November, 1916.' CHAS. V. ELGIN, . Nov. 10. City Recorder. She Should Worry. Will you marry met Nol No! a thousand times No! Better be careful with that stuff, I may never ask you again. Ex. At Hombrook. Traveler Will there be time to gc"t a arms, conductor i Conductor Tcs Blr, plenty of time. Traveler What, guarantee have I that the train won't go without me! Conductor Well sir, I'll go and have one witu you. - : THE MARKETS 4c The following" priees for fruiu sad vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, ai-d not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections sire made daily. Florida grape fruit will be on the market tomorrow at ti.5(l. Potatoes are still running around s1.20 and $1.2.1 with not quite so many buyers in the market. Oranges are up 23 cents a box, and California grupe fruit down 23 cents a box. ttrsttna. Wheat -. . .. $1.25 40fel3c . . 440.00 . 2G.50 ... $29.00 ll(?l 12 $ll(hl2 .... $12 .... $16 Oats, new , Boiled barley Bran Shorts, per ton r Hay, clover Hay, cheat .'. Hay, vetch Hay, timothy Battet. Butterfat Creamery butter, per pound Country butter .. . Zggs aiui Foal try. Eggs, ease eount, cash 37c 39c 2j(i30c 38 40e Eggs, trade THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business ; Telephone Directory i ... - . A Quick, handy reference for busy people EVERYTHING Salem Eletrl Co., Masonis Temple, . PLUMBING. STEAM FITTING AND TINNINO TjJVL B&rr, 144 South Commercial street - . TBANSFEB AND DBATAOB Salem Tiirek Dray Co. aornar State ana front street! ' TRAVELERS' GUIDE - - SOUTHERN PACIFIC. ', NORTH SOUND No. IS Oregon Express 5:531. m. No. 24 Coos Bay 8 :6J p. m. No. 2H Willamette Limited ...9:22a. m. No. 12 Shasta Limited 11 :S5 a. m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 1 :3S p. m. No. 14 Portlnnd Express .... T :05 p. m. No. 222 -Portland fast Freight 12 :01 a. m. No. 226 Local way Freight... 10:20a.m. - SOUTH BOUND ' No. ISLCallfornIa Express ..11 :05 a.m. ,. .3 :82 a. m. ..10 :1 a. m. No. 17 Ashland. Pasaemnr. So. 23 Coos Bay No. 19 Cottage Grove Pus. .4:18 p.m. Makes connection with N. T4 Geer Drancn. No. 11 Shasta Limited 8:48 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited ...8:20p.m. No. 18 Sun Krnnclsco Express 10:03 p.m. No. 221 Son Francisco Past Freight 12:01a.m. No. 226 Local way Freight. . . . 11 :40 a. m. Baixm-Gebs Liks. No. TS Arrives at Salem ...... :1B a. m. No. 70 Leaves Salem 9:50 a.m. No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) ....2.00 p.m. No. 74 Leave Salein 8 :0S p. m. Mo connection south of Geer. . Balxx, Fiiis Crri and WiSTjran No. 161 Lt. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m. No. 103 Lt. Salem, motor 9:40 a.m. No. 103 Lv. Salem for Monmouth and Alrlle 1:40 p.m. No. 167 Lv. Salem, motor 4:00 p.m. No. 109 Lt. Salem, motor 6:15 p.m. No. 230 War Fr't It. Balem.. . .0 :00 a. m. No. 102 Ar. Salem 8:30 a.m. No. 104 Ar. Salem 11:10 a.m. No. 166 Ar. Salem 8 :15 p. m. No. 168 Ar. Snlem 8 :00 p. m. No. 170 Ar. Snlem 7:43p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar Balm.... 2:30p.m. WILLAMETTB biteb routb ; Oregon CH1y Transportation Com pout. The Grahamona leares Salem for Port land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. No boat south of Salem. Boaf lwi Portland Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday mornings until Hens, pound .:. 1213c Boosters, old,' per pound 9c Broilers, under 2 pounds 14c Turkeys 2Q(a21c Ducks r. life 12c Geese'. -. 10e Pork, yeal and Matton. Pork, dressed i 12 4-2Kc Pork, on foot 8 l-29s Spring lambs, 1916 t :,7W7V4c Veal, according to quality -...8(a!)o Steers ........... . 56 Cows S l-24 Bulls 83 1-4 Ewes ........... ; . 4 Wethers .....u.. ............. 5 1-2 '. Figs and Dates . - Figs, 70 four on. .: ,. $2.60 Figs, 36 12 of - $2.75 Figs, 12 10-oz. - 0c Black figs 9C White figs iuc Dromedary dates Vegetables. Tomatoes, Oregon ....-. Cabbage 80c 0 . . EOe ....... 10(gl2 l-2c 2 8-4c pounds.... I. SOrri 1.2.) Cucumbers .. String garlic Potatoes, sweot . . i Potatoes, per 100 Oreen onions ..... tut Green peppers 7c Carrots, dozen Artichokes Lettuce, local Lettuce, California, crate Kgg plant 40 1 . 40c $2..r0 ... 7c Fruits. Grapes -. 1-7S Apple S0c1.00 Oranges, Valencies .".2 Lemons, per box 0.00,.50 Bananas, pound'. o California iirawe fruiu 4.00 Florida urune fruit d. Pineapples ..4 8 Honey 3.50 Cranberries 10.00fe 12.00 Beta 11 Prices, Eecrs. Dcr dozen, fresh ranch...... 45c Sunar. cane 18.70 sugar, beet S.50 Creamery butter - 45c Flour, hard wheat 2.25O)2.o0 Flour, valley 1.90fe2.10 PORTLAND MAEKET Portland, Or., Nov. 10. Wheat, club tl.'iO Hluestem $1.2 Fortyfold $1.50 Ked riussitin $1.53 .. Oats, No. 1 white teed $34.75 Barley, feed $37.50 Hogs, best live $9.00 Prime steers $7.25 Fancy cows $,"),50 Calves $7fatt Spring lambs $8.75 Butter, city creamery 3Sc Eggs, selected local ex. 47',ac Kens 15c Broilers lul7c ' Geese lie ... PATENTS EXPEKT HIGH-CLASS SERVICE Write for free booklet. Bend sketch and description or model, mentioning this paper, for thorough FREE search for patentability. A. M. WILSON, 311 Victor Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Nov.ll ELEOTBIOAIi 127 North High ..... MaU 1M Uala II . XaU T. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAT CO. mouth vhinu Lt. Balem Train No. Ar. Portias .... 8:33 0.01 ... 9:25 0.01 ... 11:85 a.B ...11 :85p. m , .. 4 too p. n , . 8 :BO p. n ,.. 7:40 p. a ..-10:00 p. a 4 :S5 a. m. 7 :15 a. m. 9 :4S a. m. . 2 Owl . .... .... 10 Limited, IS, .... . . 14 J.... 18 Limited ... 20 .... 11:20 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 4:!M7.m. B :30 p. m. I am. ... 22 .. SOUTH BOURO POKTULND TO BllSM Lt. Portland 6:30 a.m. Balem 8:85 Eugeas 10:55 a. 1 'S :30 a. m. 5 Limited 10:11 a. 12:65D. 10 :45 a. m. 7 9 13 Limited . .. 17 lal . .... 19 .... .. 21 Owl .. 2 :06 p. m. 4 :40 p. m. 6 :05 p. m. 9 :20 p. m. 11 :45 p. m. .. 4 :15 p. .. 6:40p. .. 8:10 p. l . .11 :20 p. B .. 1:65 p. a Ar. Kale ,.. t:80p.a Ar. Salea ,.. 9 :45a. a .. 4 :0O p. a . . 7 :55 p. n .. 4 :86 a. a Ar. Bngem KOSTH SUPOD Lt. Corrallls 4 :10 p. m. , 20 ..... . 10 Limited . ,. 18 Limited 22 ..... ... 3 Owl ... SOUTH SOU KB Lt. Eugene. . 7 :ao a. m. . 1 :B5 p. m. . 6 :25 p. m. , 12 :05 p. m. . Lt. Snlem. 1 :B5 a. m. . 10 ;15 a. m. . Lt. Salem 12 :66 p. m. Lt. Salem.' 4 :10 p. m. , . 21 Owl e:ous. B Limited ....12:25 0 Ar. Alboai .... T 1 -.60 p. a Stops at Corral) It Ar. Albonj , O :iop. B Ar. Alboo) .. 7:86 0. a Lt. Salem. Ar. Bogeo 6 :45 p. m 18 8 :60 p. B CORVALUS CONNECTION MOOTS BOOND Lt. Conrallls. Balsa 8 :25 a. m. ..... 10 ....... ..... 14 ..... 16 20 ....... ..... 22 :45 o. a 1:4d.b 4 :0O p. a 6:80 p. a 7:00 p. a 12:12 p.m. 2 :41 p. m. 4 :10 p. m. :18 p. m. Lt. Salem. 10 :15 a.m. 4 :15 p. m. 12 :05 p. m. 8 :40 p. m. SOUTH BOUND Ar. Corrallu ..11:83 0. a ,.. B:86p.B .. 2:20 p. a .. 8 :00 b-a , 5 . . 9 , . 7 . lt LODGE DHtEOTORY DB MOLAY COMMANDBRT, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Frtdar In eacS mouth at 8 o'clock p. m., la Masonic remote. Hoiournlnc blr KnlKhts art courteously Inrlted to meet with us Lot L. Pearce. H. C fronk Turner recorder. MODBRH WOODMBN OF AMBRICA-Or eon C'Mlor Cnmp. No. 6240, meets Terj n-h.iriif ivntnff at a o'clock lo Me Cornack hall, corner Ceurt and LlbertJ streets, Blerstor serTlce. Oeo, Belnohl V. C.i J. A. Wright. Clark. WOODMEN OP THB WORLIV-Meet STarj Friday night ot s ociocs in m"'"-1 DIOCK, A. J. OWeilUUl, , " " clrk, B07 Court Street Pbons 098, aitiu iinon v, m. a W. Je A. M. Stated corarauntrstions nrsi rrmny each month at 7 :30 p. m. la tbe Masonic Toinnia. ciios. Mccorter. w. a, i o. Bolver, sscrotatjr. 'JNITEI) ARTISANS capital Assembly, No, 84, meets every wkiuhsubj uv j i. In Ktnnum hfltl. P. O. MtttlOCll. M. A I C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug store, 338 State street. ratrrnit. i.nnripi No. 1. C of P. Me Cotnark bulliltnu. mwiasy erenino " each week at 7 :30. C. B. Barbour, C. C W. S. Ollsoo. K. of . and Ik . TT W PrMrtton LOOM NS. Sw Meets every aionosy eremng at " Mct'ornaca nail corner uouri uu -'"". i. H. Anfrancs. M. W. i H. A McFdiiden. recorder; A. L. Brown, ammeter; B. B. Buncan, treasurer. n 3 A i'n,a..mi firmnti fimn. NO , .an MnA.a ..... i n u r.n h t .. 11 1 11 u u McC'oraack building, iourt and 1 Llberti streets : eieraior. mru. djit. 1701 Market, oracle ; Mrs. Melissa sons, recorder, 1290 North Commerclol l'bone 1436 M. SALEM HOMANB SOClBTt D. D. Keeler, aii nt rnisfliT or nenleot of damfc .ui.Uiit a,i vm i.nii 'iiiiaon. wnirvsntw nimala Bhould be renort4 to tbt cietHrr for iarMtlgatloa. BODHON COUNCIL, Vo. 1. B. B. M. tslfPii HHIwmlllT IirU MOOOBT IU so,s M si. T.mnl. N. P. RaUDUl sen, Thrice Illustrious Master; OleoB C Mies, reorder. SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Kolghts sn; Ijidm of wcnrity oienis " 4tta Wednesday each month at Hurst ii.ii viiiiinr members ore toTlted tt sttfnd. B. V. Waltsa, flaancler, 410 I 14th Htreet. D.mirtr. f nrmir. Kn. HO. A. IT. ft A. SO rA ' - ..v .- . .... VmtAmm In ch month at 7 :l p. m. In th Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M.I u. .. ivuniniinlf&TloiM iniru . ' Kriiest U. Cboate, secretary. STOVE BEPAHUNQ 8TOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years saperisnce. Depot Notional and American fence eiaies 28 to 68 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, ete. Loganberry and hop books. Salem Fonee and Stove Works, 250 ' lit. Phone 124. WOOD8AW iflrSRBY enr WOOD SAW We llv and pay taxes In Salem. Let Salea people saw your wood. Phone 269 it.. . Ziss. r. I KeUter, W rrest . CHTROPRAOTiaSPINOLOGiaT OR. O. li. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, DTsnport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try cmroprac tie SDinal aliustmenta and set well Office 408-7-8 U. S. National Bonk Building. Phone Mam 87. Residence Main B28-R. ,. IG FOE BENT FOB EENT Five rooms close in, ob . first floor, as of basement. lights) . and water famished, price $35.00 per month; also two rooms in same build ing with lights and water for $9.00. - Square Deal Hanlty Co., 202 V. a Bank Bids. ... - FOB KENT 15 acres nearly all in cultivation, convenient to school and church (food, buildings and well watered. Also 16 acrCB with similar conveniences. ' Both places about 13 ' miles from Portland. Each $150.00 per year. Square Deaf Realty Co., 208 U. S. Bank. Bldg, OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WHITE and WAfc. TONT-Osteopathio physicians' and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer- . Icon school of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized is nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute - and chrome diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-500 U. S. National Bank - Koilding. Phone 859. Residence 818 North Capital street, toons 4v ; . - ; :- &)AVA3HQTSa -'.' : . ; SALM SCATENaEB Chsjlss ' Boos, , proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly eontraeta: ot reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. - Office phone Moia 2247. Besidence Mom 2273. 1N80BANCB AND KB Alt ESTATE CHA9. B.- HODGKIN General Inaur- ance, Surety Bonds, real estate and rentals. -Hubbard Bldg. Phone 386. tf UNDERTAKER. TEBB k CLOUGH CO. O. B. Webb, A. M. Clongh-morticians and funeral 'directors. Latest modern Jnethods . known to the profession employed. 499 CouH St. Main 120, Main 988S. BIGDON-RIOnARDSON CO. Fonera directors and undor takers, Zd) noria High street. Day and night phone 183.-. ,. v . . - I? -, ELECTRIC SUPPLY Co., 220 N. Liberty Phono 263. A eora plote line of Electric Supplies and futures WATER OOMPANT vrunj-yi-uirini -i - i - ' 7 TiT 3ALEM WATER COMPANY Offioe corner Commercial ana Tiaae streeio For water service apply at office Bill payable monthly in advance. MISCELLANEOUS DRVGLESS NEUROLOGY INC.-428 Hubbard ' bldg".) .Balem..; All arugiese methods taugiu. iiora a. n-w., t rt.-. iliuin. nrivate nntients 1 to 5 p. m. Examination free, tf SEDUCED FREIGHT BATES-Te and from all points, east, on an nouanous roods, pianos, etc. Consolidated ear load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 101 South t'ota mercial street. Phone Main 933. THE NEW ARGO HOTEL J. H. Ijiu- termon, Prop. cnemeKeio street uv twoen Com; and Liberty, telephone 900. Absolutely clean, thoroughly homelike, strictly modorn. There are largor hotels in Salem, but no better. Kates from 50c a day to $1.50. Spe cial rates by week or month, dec SHOE REPAIRING Old snoes moue like new. All leatncr useo. in rep-"-ing. Fair prices to all. Modern Shoe Repair Co., 401 Court St. Salem. no28 CIDER By the barrol or In arty quaa- tn. . llnn ot the mill. CnS- Illy ot n"v - torn work at 2e, a gnllon. Commercial Cider works. Phone 2194. 101 N. (Jeaimercial St. nv28 OREGON Wholesale and Retail Hide and Metal company. Highest cask price paid for hides, pelts, rap,s, used machinery and junk of all hiada. A. good stump puller for sale, 197 Soutk rnmrnnrclnl 1-noOO JUV. CHAS. B.' HODGKIN Insurance, sure ... K....1q ml estate, rentals. 301 Hubbard Dldg. Phone 380. deel Money to Loan ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K FORD Orei Ladd It Busb Bank, Salem, Oregon CITY AND I' ARM LOANS Any a mount; low rates; proro-ptly closed attractWe pre-paying privileges. I lave 514 per cent insurance money to loan on Salem businosa and resi dence property. Thos. A. Roberta, EOS U. 8. Not'l Bank bldg. slONEY TO LOAN I hsve mode ar rangements for loaning eastern) money, will make very low rate ol interest on highly improved form. 3omer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone 98. L HI HUH CARE OF YickSoTcng CHINESB MEDICINE AND TEA COMPANY - Has medicine which will ear Any known Disease . Open Sundays from 10:00 a. so. Wirl) 8:00 p. m. - . 163 South Higa Street. Oregon. yaeusj is