Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 10, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Girls Galore The Show You Know
Matinee and Evening
BLIGH Theatre
Charge Deputies and Machine
Gun Say Denied Rights
As Citizens
Seattle. Wash.. Nov. ,10. (.'hnriros
that Everett deputies used a machine
A marriage license was issued this
afternoon to Charles C. Kranger, an en
gineer of Falls City, and Etna J. Marts,
of Salem. ... . '
(Sunday when a number of persons were
killed, wore included m a request wired
President Wilson today to urge federal
investigation of the disaster.
The telegrnm was signed by Herbert
Mahler, local I. W. W. secretary and
read as follows:
Fifteen men ol Company M bare
made application for the 50 a month
allottment made by the federal govern
ment for dependent wives, children or
mothers of soldiers while on the Mex
ican border. The applications will be
forwarded by Captain Gchlhar to head-
Innnrters and from there thev will iro to
1. W. W.'si Washington for final approval.
On account of the assignment of Col
onel Clonard' McLaughlin commanding
officer of the Third Oregon Infantry
for the past three years and during its
star on the Mexican border, to duly
with the Seventh t niteii mates mtan
(Continued from page one.)
I Hughes 133,280, Wilson 130,131.
. ' - Cornwall, democrat, fer governor, is
- 'again leading Robinson, republican, by
TU n -f O.h. !?'a5s voU's wi,h 135 Precincts mist-
RntMo lnl. industrial Worlters trv. his old regiment before coming to
of the World, request that vou ap-1 the Oregon guards, there will be an elec
point a federal committee to investi- tion of colonel of the regiment on No
gate the rtl ent outrage at Evrctt, vember 15. Colonel McLaughlin will
Washington resume his Tank of captain m the Unit-
"All members.' about 300, boarded State, army and do duty with Gen-
hm in Heattle intending to hold. a. e"" rewning on we -uexicun oorucr.
street meeting aat Everett. -The Ever
ett commercial club sent 130 deputies
armed, with revolvers, rifles and ma
chino gun to the wharf. Depute op
ened fire before boat landed, killing
five and wounding 35, and 290 have
been held in jail in Seattle with no
charge placed against them. Twenty or
Now that Uie returns indicate the
voters of the state prefer an absolutely
dry state, it may be of interest to know
that an soon as the returns are certified
by the county clerks to the secretary
of state and are properly canvassed, the
governor will issue a proclamation de
claring the- result. The law will then
Breakfast If Your Back
Hurts or Bladder
Bothers You
(Southern and western counties have
sprung many surprises.
Early today federal officers were in
charge of many ballot boxes in Marshall
i county and elsewhere.
I Wheeling, W. Va-, Nov. 10. John J.
! Cornwell, democrat, for governor, was
! leading Judge Ira .Robinson, republican,
The American men and women must!)??,.1'383 T0'?8', 'neomplete returns from
-uard constants against Kidney trou-l 16'8, 'ouf of 1,713 districts. Hughes
fele, because we eat too much and all wB lealinjj Wilson' by more than 3,000
our food is rich. Our blood is filled unofficial. Democrats are claiming four
with uric acid which the kidneys strivo,01" f 81X for congress,
to filter out, they weaken from over-
wtrrk, become sluggish; the eliminative New Mexico, Wilson,
tissues clog and the result is kidney! Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 10. With
trouble, bladder weakness and a gen- 533 of 038 precincts in New Mexico
cral decline in health. reported, the vote today stands Wilson
When yonr kidneys feel like lumps 32,155, Hughes 30,405, and it is practi
of lead; your back hurts or the urine cally certain that the remaining prC
1a cloudy, full of sediment or you arejciuctB to be heard from will not reduce
obliged to seek relief two or three the president's plurality below 1,500
times during the night; if you sutler, ana mat tne electoral vote of the state
more mar be charged with murder. The, be in effect prohibiting the importation
street meeting had been advertised, of intoxicating liquors into the state for
The massacre occurred at 2 p. m., Sun-1 beverage purposes, and also the sale or
dar November 5. We ask the federal i manufacture of indicating liquors. The
ffovernment to investigate. Our "men law also prohibits the delivery of liqu
eminent to investigate. Our "men ""V aiso promons tne ueuvery oi iiqu
e killed while trying . to exercise , on on hand by any common carrier and
e juucu j B t t hecome efiectivewrthm 30 days
r constitutional right of freejaftcr the e)eetion of Kovejllber 7.
In the meantime, Deputy Prosecutor
Helsell, was preparing charges of un-
As a forerunner of the Eugene-Salem
football game tomorrow afternoon on
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomavh, or you have rheu
matism when the weather is bad, get
from your pharmacist about four ounc
es of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful
will not be split.
North Dakota, Wilson.
Bismarck, N. D-, Nov. JO. At 1 p. m.
1.953 precincts out of 1.978 in North
in a glass or water ucrore Drcanrast tor; Dakota gave Wilson 54,031, Hughes 62,
a few days and your kidneys will then itus, or a Wilsdli lead of 1.188. Mnnv
cf fine. This famous salts is made republicans iaiking of- demnuding
xYom the acid of grapes and lemon s recount.
jaice, combined with litilin, and has! . .
been used for generations to flush and Woman for Congress,
stimulate clogged kidneys; toneutral- Missoula, Jlout., Nov. 10. With
ize the acids in the urine so it no long- j three-fourths of the ballots counted,
r is -a source of irritation, thus ending ;aiies Jeanette EiihKin," republican can
bladder disorders. jdidate for congress, was. 000 ahead of
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in-; her democratic "mere man" opponent
jure, makes a delightful effervescent j today. Her election seemed certain,
lithia-water beverage, and belongs in with the exception of Miss Kankin,
ererr home, because nobody can make ! who will be the first woman representa
a mistake by having a good kidneyr tive in the house,vMontnua is strong
flushing nny time. jly democratic. Senator H. L. Myers is
. . 11 re-elected- Wilson's plurality in the
TO TEST ADAMSON LAW I state will reach 30,000, according to
N - " J present indications. '
Louisville, La., Nor. 10. The Louis- 11
v villa and Nashville railroafl filed suit i.-.,,
today in the federal court here to tcst) .
lawful assemblage against 42 of the Willamette field, several students of the
I. W. W.'s held in jail hero. The University and also of the high school
charges were to be filed this afternoon, addressed the high school assembly this
I morning, juuen eninusiasm was snown
j especially when the high school muffB
were presented by the Clarion editor,
Thomas McGilchrist, to Ila Spaulding
and Hazel tucker, these murrs are
given each year to the two senior girls
showing the greatest school spirit dur
ing the year. Victor Taylor, former
Clarion editor, spoke to the students' and
assured them Willamette university
would boost for the high school players
tomorrow. The Eugene-Salem game is to
be played tomorrow afternoon prelimin
ary tothe Willamette-l'acific game. The
high school game will be called at 1:15
p. m.
the Adamson eight hour law.
Why Have Your Capital tied
. lip In an Empty House?
Ad at One Cent a Word will
Get You a Renter.
U1X11JU UVUiHj iUilllJ He
The annua report of the Sumpter
Valley railroad to the public service
commission was made this morning and
it showed that the receipts of the road
have gained during the past fiscal
year over the preceding. This is the ro-,
suit of improved logging conditions.
The operating income is given as $03,
204.27. The gross income is (100,192.33
snd the net income $49,002.68, which
is an increase, over $32,443.50 of last
The shortage in railroad cars yester
day was 3004, which is the high water
mark so far. The shortage has been
gradual!' climbing and nothing seems
to be able to lie done to help it.
I The East "8iifeLsundry company was
the only company filing articles of in
corporation this morning with the cor
poration commissioner. It is incorpo
rated for -a .general laundry business
and has a capital of 5000. A certifi
cate of dissolution was isued to Lnrchs
of Cottage Gfbve, Lane county, as there
wasSro further reason for its continued
Railroad Manager Asks
About Eight Hour Day Law
Chicago, Nov. '10. Jacob M. Dickin
son, receiver for the Chicago kocr is-i
land railroad, petitioned Judgo George
K. Carpenter in the federal court to
dav, asking -the court's advice as to
whether the Adamson eight hour law
should be obeyed. ' ...
In the petition, Dickinson stated that
ho had been advised by counsel that
the law was unconstitutional, and that
the law deprives the defendant and
other railroads of the right and liberty
of contract, without due process of law,
and that the Adamson law is merely
an experiment, 'the purpose of which is
to enable congress and the president to
nhaoi-vo ot. the exnense of the defend
ant and other railroads, the effects of
the experiment."
In the petition, Charles F. Clyne, dis
trict attorney of northern Illinois dis
trict, and E. ('. Knotts, district attor
ney tit Springfield, 111., and tho gener
al chairmen of all railroad committees
were invited to be in court December
i for arguments.
At least six great nations, or fam
ilies, of Indians havo occupied parts of
North America before they were
pushed back to make place for' a
stronger people, either red or white.
Each of these nations had customs and
habits that were distinctly their own
Thev also had different myths and
folk lore. The story-hours for at least
a month will be mado up of stories
from these nations, llrst attention is
given to the Algonquins of whom some
members were Blackfoet, Cheycnncs,
Foxes ad Mohicans. All of the stories
for next Saturday morning coino from
these Indians.
All children are invited to the story
hour Saturjay morning at 9:30 at the
Public Library.
Mrs. Mary Miles will leave tomorrow
for O.-age, Iowa.
W. E. Hall was a Snlem visitor
Thursday from Salem.
ilr. ami Airs. C. a. Webb left this
morning for Portland. -L.
M. Bitney-of Woodbnrn, was trans'
acting business here yesterday-
Walter J. Domes, of McCoy, was reg
istered at the Bligh yesterday. .
W. B. Grit'fis, of Independence,' 1s
transacting business in the city.
Mrs. C. J. Beach -was called to Seat
tle by the illness of her mother.
Frank S. Ward left yesterday for La
Grande on state pharmacy busisess.
H. J. Gross and wife, of North Yaki
ma, Wash., were in the city yesterday.
(Continued from page one.)
military preparedness, is behind in his
There will be' several new faces In
the. senate. Prominent among the fresh
men is Hiram W. Johnson progressive
ira HoiHse
NOV. 13-14IH
Elliott & Sherman Present
D W. GRIFFITH'S Mighty Spectacle
People .
U (h I
Nights 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Matinees 25c-50c (not reserved)
Seat Sale Opens Friday 10 A. M. at THE OPERA HOUSE DRUG STORE
Sunday Vaudeville at
The Grand Theatre
Kulph Whitehead and company, prime
favorites of musical comedy, will pre
sent their well know classy musical
comedy offering at tho Grand Sunday
afternoon and night. Wnitclieari 18 a
splendid singer mid a refined comedian
of note. With him on the big Hippo
drome show ot popular price vaimovme
are: The Quaker City Four, singing
blacksmiths; Si and Mnry Stebbins, the
original Barnuin and Iiuiley rubes;
Marlette's Manikins; Smith and Glenn,
blackface comedians, and Karris and
Kress, roller skating and dancing, be
sides feature photoplays.
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing,
&r - fijllr
extraordinary and plenipotentiary from
the state that seems to have been the
lending weight in - the presidential
balance California.
Another is J. O.- Wolcott of Delaware.
Wolcott won from Ihil'ont, one of the
venerable elder senators.
Frank B. Kellogg famed ' trust bust
er,", has been ordered by Minnesota
to take up the job Senator Clapp will
leave off on March 4.
Some of the best known faces will
be missing. Senator Clark of Wyoming,
who ranked along with Senator Lodge
and veteran Senator Gallingcr of Acr
Hampshire in length of service, was
defeated. Senator Kern, who was once
a vice presidential candidate, went
down with the. Indiana landslide. Koru
was democratic floor leader. V ith Kern,
Horn Taggart, Indiana political war
horse mentor,' was defeated.
Start Boom for Johnson
for President 1920
San Francisco, Nov. 10. A boom for
Hiram W. Johnson for the republican
nomination for president in 1020 was
started this afternoon by the San
Francisco Bulletin as the. results of
the returns showing Johnson's over
whelming victory for the United
States senatorship.
"Foiir years from now Johnson will
be the logical candidate of the repub
lican party for president," said tho
Sunday (jran(j Theatre Sunday
Jlit president Vitiriii; tat Historical Parade, Omaha, Neb, 04.J. ;
ID- N)
, .,......,-. ..;tW
Presents . .
Pathe Weekly
.Wheat Breaks Record
' In Two Markets
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 10. May
wheat went to the record mark of
s2.00 1-8 in the Miiiennpc-!is chamber!
of commerce this morning at 11:40 amid
the wildest scenes ever witnessed in
the history of wheat trading here. Dur
ium went to iflUS, high murk of his
tory. At Chicago.
Chicago, Nov. 10. Mny wheat set a
new record today when it reached J1.91
1-Hyents above the previous record Mny
yesterday. December was at 100 1-4
and July at 1,57 1-M.
Hose Used On Two
Obstreperous Convicts
Jeff Baldwin, a burglar with a bud
reputation, and James Curtis, convicted
of sodomy, wenit given a "honing" at
the state penitentiary Sunday afternoon
because .they used vile language and
refused to be amenable to the discipline
of the institution, according to Warden
Minto this afternoon. This hosing was
not according to the old style when men
were atrinncd and tied to a wall and
heavy streams of water turned on them
until they begged for mercy,
' Warden Minto declared be used, the
hose himself and hat neither of the
men were injured by the hosing, which
be gave becuuso they were refractory.
Ho said they had repeatedly declared
they would kill him uud refused to be
orderly. The governor's office advised
him today that other methods of punish
ment should be used. It is reported that
screams of the men wero beard half a
mile away from tho prison.
Concord, N H.r Nov. 10. Of-
ficial returns from New Jlamp-
shire at o'clock this after-
noon with eight towns missing
give: jjc
Hughes 4L',72;l; Wilson 42,-
The Intent figures show Hughes
leading by 107 vote but the
democrats claim their vote in
Keeno ward two and Dover jfc
ward two will give the demo-
ernts tho plurality. -
The clerks of 'both districts
have filed affidavits to the ef-
feet that no democratic votes
were received by them in these
wards. '
Captain Gehlhar
Will Have to Resign
1 Captain Mux Gehlhar, district attor
ney elect for Marion county, will have
to resign as commanding officer of
Company M or lose tho office of dis-
i rrict attorney, according to the laws of
the state of Oregon which prohibits a
person from holding two lucrative of
fices at the same time. The 'office of
(district attorney carries an annual sal
ary of over 100; aud since the national
i guard officers now draw annual islar-
' uet ranging from three to five hundred
dollars, it is up to Captain (lehlhor to
take his choice. The wording of the law
!is precise in defining a lucrative office
as one drawing not less than $100 an-
Inual salary.
Section 10 states "nor shall any per
i son hold more than one lucrative of-
fire at the same time, escept as the
constitution provides: except officers
of the militia to which is attached no
nniiiiiil salary." Captain Gehlhnr said
this afternoon he would probably choose
the best job of the two.
London Still Withholds
Judgment On Election;
Thinkjoth Elected
By Ed L. Keen
(I'uiteil I'rcss staff correspondent)
London, Nov. 10. London is in doubt
London is still withholding judgment,
on who won the American presidential
election and is waiting anxiously for
final official returns.
Loudon thought it knew Wcdnesduy
morning when lieuters flashed unquali
fiedly that Hughes had been elected.
Jtut today lieuters flashed unqualified
ly that Wilson had been re elected. So
the Kvening News, to be perfoetly.fiiir,
reproduced both lieuter flashes. 'under
the head: 11 lieuter says both elected."
The Exchange Telegraph,, getting
I'nited Press reports, did not announce
the election of Hushes.
When the "news" that Huirhes bud
been elected was turned loose President
I Wilson drew a few hot editorial shots
one was "spineless idealist." Now
that things are doubtful, editorial opin
ion is suspended. No crowd has flocked,
around the bulletin hoards since Tues
day. !l
Before-the election all Kinglish news
papers, officials and citizens were in
terested to an almost unbelievable de
gree, but held aloof. There seemed to tie
a gentlemen's agreement not to trtke
auk's even in the domestic affairs i
the I'nited States.
"It isn't oursffuir, we have troubles
enough of our own. without mixing in
with America's problem," seemed ex
pressive of the public, state of mind.
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 10. With re
turns pructicnlly complete, judication!
todnv were that Michigan's drv majori
ty will fall slightly under 70,000, Homi
rule nppnreiitlv was beaten bv between
00,000 ana liio.Oiirt. .