Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 10, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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    - y
I .
I v.
Thousands Have Discovered Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets are
a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the sub
stitute for calomel are a mild but sure
laxative, and their effect on the liver is
almost instantaneous. They are the re
sult of- Dr. Edwards' determination not
to treat liver and bowel complaints with
calomel. His efforts to banish it brought
out these little olive-colored tablets.
' These pleasant little tablets do the
good that calomel does, but have no bad
, after effects. They don't injure the
teeth like strong liquids or calomel.
They take hold of the trouble and
quickly correct it. , Why cure the liver
" at the expense of the teeth ? ' Calomel
sometimes plays havoC'with the gums.
So do strong liqtiids. It is best not to
'take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards'
'Olive Tablets take its place. '
, Most headaches, "dullness" and that
lazy feeling come from constipation and
a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards'
.Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy" and
' "heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded
brain and how they "perk up" the spir
Us.- 10c and 25c a box. All druggists.
(Continued from page one.)
sfrule which they claimed the 0,0. P.
of the state sought to enforce. Then
came the peace of Chicajjo and Gov
crnor ' Hiram Johiison;"progressive of
progressive, four years ngo KooSevelt 's
running mate, returned to republican
ism with most of his followers. Johnson
announced for the seitatorship and start
ed active campaigning for Hughes and
.. Th6 first Californian whom Hughes
met on his tour of the-Pacific coast
was Chester II. Rowell, a member of
the republican campaign committee,
former ardent progressive and former
bitter enemy of the "regulars." Row
ell, made special trip to Oregon to
' meet Hughes and inform him that the
"regulars," headed by National Com
mitteeman William 11. Crocker and for
mer Btnte Chairmnn Francis V. Kees
ling, planned to adopt the candidate
an.l guard him from all contact with
their former enemies, the progressives.
. Wanted to Get Johnson , .
' . Rowell told Hughes, Crocker was the
-same man who last December, at the
"meeting of the republican committee,
. pleading against compromise with the
progressive aud begerd for "one more
chance to get Johnson." But Hughes
Adhered to his policy of keeping hands
. off state rows. The committee which
met hig train was composed exclusively
of "regulars" with a few picked pro
gressives progressives whom the real
" progressives refused . to., recognize as
of .their kin. -.
. In Han Francisco if developed that
HO' arrangements - had been made by
the Croeker-Kreesling committee for
Hughes to meet Johnson. Progressives
. Miii they had been told they were 'not
wanted" at the Massachusetts meeting
which Hughes advised.
To add to the nilsup, Hughes was
, invited, to a luncheon of the chamber
of commerce; but before the time set
all the waiters joined a strike then on
throughout the city. Union labor was
greatly angered when Hughes attended
this luncheon and was Bcrved by
"scab" help. The arrangements com
niittce Jiept him in ignorance of the
strike and how union labor in the city
' would regard, his attendance at the
' luncheon under such circumstances. .
f- In Los Angeles the following Sunday
Hughes motored out to Long Beach
and it wasn't until he returned to the
city that he was informed that he had
been in the same hotel at the same tiirre
that Johnson was.
' Progressives Were Sore
Hughes immediately dispatched an
emissary lo ' see Johnson and explain
that ho' did not know the governor was
present, but progressives throughout
the state considered there was a slight
to Johnson, knowing that Hughes' tour
through the state was managed by
Crocker and Kessling, Johnson's foes
at heart, though in the same party with
hiiu. Hughes left California without
seeing Johnson, whose engagements to
speak for Hughes and his own. senator
ial candidacy took him to other pnrts
- - For Sufferers From Backache, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
V .. ' " v.
Before an Insurance company -will land is endowed with other properties,
take i risk on your life the .exnmin- for it preserves the kidneys jn
V' ing phvsician will test the urine nnd'heilthy condition by thoroughly cleans
report whether you are a good risk.' ing them. Being so many times more
When your kidneys get sluggish and active than lithia, "Anuric" clears
. clog, you suffer from backache, sick- the blood and filters out those dfepos-
headache, dipy spells, or t twinges its of lime-salts which cause so muoh
nd pains of lumbago, rheumatism ud ' pain, and prevents dropsical conditiont
fcout. The urine is often cloudy, full j such as swollen hands or feet and the
of sediment; channels often get sore bag-like appearance under the eyes,
and sleep is disturbed two or three '" Annrie" is a regulir insurance and
times a night. . This is the time you ' life-saver for all big meat eaters and
should consult some physician of wide those who deposit lime-salts in their
experience such is Dr. Pierce of the joints. Ask the druggist for "Anuric"
Invadids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, put up by Dr. Pierce, in 50-eent pack-
Buffalo, N. Y. Send 10c for large
trial package -of "Anuric." Write,
your symptoms and send a sample of
urine for test. Experience has taught
Dr. Pierce that "Anuric" is a most i
powerful agent in dissolving uric acid,
AH you do is iron the starch pieces
' ; We Iron the Flat Pieces
. 7 5c per pound
Capita! City Steam Laundry
Phone 165
Results of Election '
InjCity Primaries
As a result of the special recount of
the ballots of ward fonr at the swcinl
meeting of the council .Inst night, as
demanded by James u. Hartwcll, one
of the three candidates for alderman
from that ward, the final count of the
judges of election were confirmed, in
the primary the vote stood as follows:
Paul Johnson 1H4; A. B. Hudleson 181,
and. James D. Hartwell 177. The 550
ballots were counted in about 45 min
utes. In regard to the tie in ward sev
en between Elbert Thompson and Mr.
Stubbs, the two having 118 votes each,
Thompson - resigned. This leaves the
contest in the election of December 2
to Stubbs and Millet.
of the state.
Throughout the state. Hughes . was
greeted by enormous audiences. Probab
ly the biggest meeting he had during
his. entire experience, as a presidential
campaigner was at San Diego, where
there were at least 20,000 people as
semblcd in front of tho music pavilion
Hu spoke mainly on Aniqricauiaui, the
tariff, the ship purchase bill and indus
trial efficiency. That was before the
A dam son law was enacted.
. When Hughes left the state, Chester
Kowell was outspoKen in his criticism
of the candidates failure to protest
against his "kidnaping" as well as
against Hughes Emission of any word
of thanks for work which progressives
had done. One of Kowells condemna
tory phrases was that Hughes' speeches
had been like "feeding infant food to
real progressives."
Later-came returns from the senator
ial primary showing an overwhelming
plurality for Johnson. Hughes from
Colorado wired him congratulations
and thanks-for his speeches. This was
tho only communication between the
two men which found its way into
print during the campaign.
Beats Hughes Nearly 306,000
San Francisco, Nov.' 10. Governor
Hiram Johnson, in his ' candidacy for
United States senator, ran nearly 300,-
000 ahead of - Charles Evans Hughes
for president, 'incomplete unofficial re
turns from all sections, of California
showed today. - . " I
While Hughes was running a few
thousand votes behind President Wil
son, Johnson, running on the same re
publican ticket, .was burying his doTn
ocratie opponent, tieorge o. ration, uu
der a veritable avalanche of votes.
Johnson s plurality is variously esti
mated at between 275,000 and 290,000.
In discussing this situation today, one
newspaper declares that Hughes loBt
because he ignored Governor Johnson
when, he made his famous campaign
trip 'To this state several months ago.
At that time, it pointed out, tne state
primaries had not been held and Gov
ernor Johnson was fighting for the re-'
publican senatorial nomination. The
rcmiblican state central committee,
which was frankly supporting Will'si
Hooth. Johnson s ouponent ror.tne nom
ination, took Hughes in charge, on his
arrival from the north. Chester Rowell,
a strong Johnson man,, the paper de
clares, was the only important progres
sive consulted by the Hughes entertain
ers. "
Crocker Beat Hughes
Everywhere he went, Hughes was
attended by. 'William H. 'Crocker, who
was oposing Johnson, and -Me otner
anti-Johnson men. At Long Beach,
whore. Hughes spent a day, Johnson
was in the same hotel with the presi
dential candidate but they . did not
It was asserted by many of John
son's friends at the time thnt Johnson
had been snubbed by Hughes, who de
clared in a speech here that ho could
not dabble in factional fights.
Then -came the primaries and John
son's sweeping nomination. The i state
republican committee was reorganized
by the Juhnaonitcs, Praiicia V. Kees
ling, state chairman, was ousted and
Chester Kowell was put in his place.
Throughout his campaign, Johnson
has steadily advocutcd the election of
Hughes, biit his advocacy failed to
swing to Hughes thousands of progres
sive republicans who supported John
son for senator.
Normally California is strongly re
publican, but the old split between the
stand patters and progressives, which
beznn when Colonel Roosevelt insurged
four years ago, apparently has not yet
beon healed.
ages, or send il.oo to nr. .rierce ioi
full treatment by mail.'
Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the
liver and bowels have been favorably
known for nearly 50 years.
(Continued on page three.)
the republican national committee IV
tends taking in regard to proposed re
counts.' Hughes attended tho theater Inst
night with Mrs. Hughes and a party of
friends,, to see William Collier in
"Nothing But the Trut." Mrs. Hughes
apparently forgot all about the election
in her interest in the show, but she
showed plainly the effects of the strain
Governor and Mrs. Hughes walked
the - two or three blocks to and from
the theater. Few recognized them on
the streets, But they were accorded an
explosive ovation in the building.
If Too Fat Get
f L I ' first instance and Germany's m the aec
s ftlOre rreSO Affj'l maintained peace.
- , - I "The election has proved that no
Be Moderate in Tour Diet and Reduce other American statesman will ever
Tour Weight. Talcs Oil of Koreln
' Lack of fresh air it is said weakens
the oxygen carrying power of the blood,
the liver becomes sluggish, fat accum
ulates and the action of many of the
vital organs is hindered thereby. The
heart action becomes weak, work is an
effort aud the beauty of the figure Is
Jfat put on by indoor life is unhealthy
and if nature is not assisted in throw
ing it off a serious case of obesity
may result.
When you feel that you are getting
too stout, take the matter in hand at
once. Don't wait until your figure has
become a jojje and your health ruined
through carrying around a burtien of
unsightly and unhealthy fat.
; Spend as much time as you possibly
can in the open air; breatho deeply,
and get from any druggist a box of oil
of korein capsules; take one after each
meal and before retiring at night.
Weigh yourself every few days and
keep up. the treatment until you are
down to normal. Oil or korein ib abso
lutely , harmless and even a few dnys
treatment has been rejiortcd to show
a noticeable reduction -in wcignt. i cn-
tral .Pharmacy can supply you. y
Jefferson Way Notes
Capital Journal Special Service-)
Jefferson, Ore., Nov. 10. Mr. and
Mrs. Wain have moved back to their
residenco in Salem. r .
Relntiveh r-f Will Greenwood, of Dal
las, vij-itcd at the Woln form one day
last week. ....
Mr. and Mrs. Rtaplwton have moved
down near -the river, where-they have
work for the winter at a hbp yard-
.Nathan sumpter came nome irom
Black Rock this week. . . ,
F. M. Utter is the proud owner of a
new car.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheppnrd and Miss
Earl, of Turner, made a trip to Salem
Earl. Merl and rd Bonney have been
busy ' gathering corn for a couple of
weeks. ' v-
Jess Treisch. gne a dance one night
last week..
Fred Sheppard and son, Harry, made
a trip to town today. -
Carl JJook was in -own yesterday.
Miss Lena Mize, of Liberty, was in
Salem yesterday.
Miss Lmma rubry is attending school
in Salem.
i North Howell Notes
(Capital .Toumul Speejal Service)
North Howell, Nov. 1L Farmers are
now able to plow, and every body's do
ing it. i
Adam Rizencheck has returned from
his trip to Montann where he went to
look" after a homestead. He reports
that every body is prospering there and
he was well pleased with the country.
He will try to Sell his home here that
he may return to that country and take
a claim.
A real estate deal of some import
ance was made this week when Jos
Hubs vbought of K. Stevens tho old
cheese factory property that has been
used for a public hall the past few
rears. Mr. Rnss will enlarge the hall
and use the basement for a mirchine
shop where chopping, grinding, etc., will
Ije done.
John Thurinan of Silvcrton has mov
ed onto his farm here, known as the
Baughman place.
Mrs. Sidney Cntsforth is at the homo
of her. parents, Mr. anuMrs. A. Bump,
withher two boys; she says "it was
too cold in Idaho." Mr. Ciitsforth has
a -government job and will stay in
Idaho this winter.
The committee who have in charge
the program for the grangers Thanks
giving day are very busy pluninng a
good entertainment.
The supervisor of schools was visit
ing our teachers Tbursclny.
A- road meeting was held last week
mid a sneciul tux-voted fur the pur-
!poseof putting gravel on the ruad.
j We had a couple of men nt the polls
I Tuesday who. cast their first vote for
(Abo Lincoln, ami muybe we ought not
to tell it but we expect it would please
Mrs. Wilson if sho knew they both vot
ed for her husband.
Pete Laux and father, of San Jose,
Pal., returned Wednesday to tl H.
S'iiz and Niek Zimmerman homes.
MijM Cora Kay who is attending higliKSage Tea and .Sulphur, no one eanMell,
school at Seio, spent the week end with
'horns folks. .
Mrs. Harold Townes and son. who
have been visiting at the I). Townes
home, returned to Albany Wednesday.
I Charley Lambert worked lor Hoy
Hrcniier the past week.
I The Misses Gladys, Kkie' and. Clif
ford Downing, were Sunday visiters at
the tin" Smith home.
Krnest Knapp spent Thursday even
in with Wnvnc ami Willis Huber.
David Aer'geter Jr., called at the
Mrs. Rony Shank home Monday,
i Miss' Mabel Townes visited
withjiant. -
iends in Atiiusville ednelay
tt. R. Shank and Krnest Knajip were
S-io visitors Saturday.,
I Mr. and Mrs. Xiek Zimmerman and
family and Krank and l'ete I.aua and
IfathCr, spent Sunday at the It. Sens
i The Misses Oladys and Klsie Downing
iwere entertained at the I). Townes
home Thursday evening.
There will be preaching at (he 5ft.
I Pleasant church Sunday Nov. 12. both
I morning and evening. Kvcry one is
invited to attend Stavton Standard.
German Newspapers
Take Fling at Wilson
By Carl W. Ackerman.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Berlin, Nov- 9. Realizing the bearing
of the election in the United (States
on the' war, the report of Governor
Hughes' . election bulletined, here by
Reuters brought put many pronounced
opinions in the newspapers.
"The republican victory must be as
cribed," said Voraerts, "first to a unit
ed party and second to the German aud
Irish-American tactics-employed. Since
18B1 there have been only two demo
cratic presidents, Cleveland and Wil
son, who- were the only American presi
dents in that time to threaten Anlwrica
with a European war.
"Only n England '4 backdown tn the
again dare to Alienate the hyphen vot-
1 1
The Morgen Post after qualifying bul
letins regarding the election had follow
ed Renters first flat announcement of
Governor Hughes' election, .saying:
"The dispatch saying election is in
doubt is not true, because Washington
has already officially notified Secre
tary Green of the American embassy
that Governor Hughes is elected."
Turner Tidings ; ;
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Turner, Ore., Nov. 10. Mrs. Edith
Ransom has been in Mill City for the
past week, the guest of Mrs. J. H. Hhaw.
Friends of Miss Erma ierches are very
sorry to hear of her serious sickness.
A committee of church members are
making a bouse to bouse canvas invit
ing everyone to attend church at the
Sunday morning service. Everyone in
the rural districts are cordially invit
ed. . - . ' ' .
A crowd of young married people are
planning' a "jolly club" for tho winter
amusement. .
Wedding bells rang for a Turner boy
last Sunday. Everyone seemed surprised
when George Guerno set up the treats at
Mrs. E- L. Martin and daughter, Ruth,
will be at John "Watson's this week
from Winona, Idaho.
The W. C. T. V. will meet on Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. S.
The Parent-Teacher association met
Friday evening at the school house. A
goodly number was in attendance re
gardless" of inclement weather. A good
program, was rendered and enjoyed by
John and Clarence Skudder drove to
Waterloo on Monday.
J. W. Morgan was a business visitor
in Snlem Monday.
Mrs. 11. J. Osobrn and daughter, Eve
lyn, hnve moved to town, where they
will remain, during the rest of the
school year.
Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mrs. Mickey
were visiting, recently in the Mill
Creek vicinity, in the interest of the
Cradle Roll work. :..
Ben Robertson motored to Salem on
Monday, where he had a collision with
a street car- Needless to say Ben's car
was injured most. -
Mr. and- Mrs. D. A. Osborn left for
Dayton on Wednesday where they will
visit Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Busby.
. Miss Stella Wagoner was visiting
the Misses Anna and Frances Nettling
a few days last week.
Vinee Hitzinger, Al Fredul and the
i.Veitling boys and Anna were in town
niimlay evening.
J. 1'. Wournis and family were in
town Saturday.
J. Crabtree and wife were in town
The farmers of Fern Hidge aro well
satisfied with the rain.
1'. T. Et.el was in town Friday of
last week.
Mrs. N. Xeitling and son John were
in town Sntimluy.
Tho farmers union meeting was not
very well attended on account of the
bad weather.
Al Frednl called at the Xiek Xeit
ling home Sunday.
lien Khort was on the Ridge Sunday.
I- Vinee Ritzinger was a caller at the
-Niek Neitling home bunday. '
Mrs. X. Neitling was in town Tues
dny visiting with grandma' Neitling
.anil other relatives. Stayton Stand
ard. - .
Kept Her Locks Youthful
Dark and Glossy with
Common Garden Sage
and Sulphur '
When yon darken yonr hair with
neeuiise 11 s none so naturally, so 'ev
enly, 1'rejiaring this mixture, though,
at nome is inussy and troublesome. or
r0 cents yon can buy at any drug store
the reud to-nse preparation, improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
called "Wveth's Hsge and Sulphur
Coinpound. ' Von just dampen sponge
or soft bruxb with it and draw this
through your hair, talcing 0110 siuull
strand at a time. Ily morning all gray
hair disappears, and, after another ap-
Tilieution or two, your hair becomes
I beautifully lift
ully darkened, glossy and In mu
faded hair, though no lisvraee,
is a sign of obi age, and as we all lie
sire a youthful and attractive appear
ance, get busy at once with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound and look
year younger. This ready-to use (prepa
ration is a delightful toilet retpiinite
ami .not a medicine. It is not iuteiided
for the cure, mitigation or prevention
of disease.
Wcddinj invitations, announcements,
and calling cards printed at the Joiirnul
Job Department l'rices right.
'Sweet" Caporal cigarettes have
pcen on the market for over four
tirades, and are more popular to
flay than eve Thii wonderful
record has never been duplicated
by any other cigarette. In all
these years countless brands oi
cigarettes have come and gone, but
gwect Caporal keeps on gaining
being given
burn a piece
mjavor ytar alter year
.sweet ai
toral cigar
thu papc
pletely, ail
(explains t
itized mrl
-suit of
Caporal H
otner cig;
a remark.
Sweet d
leg show
dinary pa
ash. 1 h
oral, n.
ke ash. Sweet Cap-
lo'ral cigarettes are rolled in the
highest (tradt, tmported rrench1
paper the purest and best in the
world- ' " ,
brand that
map of
St. Louis Items
(Capital Journal Speeial Service)
8t. Louis, Xov. 0. J. C. Connard who
"iYiTFTrffpyi - . u
lal-s . in i' ' . . u a wm
I I I Jl'l S Xs'lZ' lllavcrof,
tarettc nfl I I V . . 'S " M I
iJ I I . -p rr-. easily as in the United c
I i iPTT i 1 1 of all cigs-
e ' MCtirf' ' Sw1 Caporal 5
WinSSl trTTDurns
black. ?eWi
has been living on the Knunlng ranelH)iave iD
for J years, has moved to Portland
a-hiirA bp intun'la tn itnv fnr thA wintpr !
Their little baby who' was "so badly many miles to see. In addition to thisl Tlle prohibitionists declare their de
hurt while Mrs. CannulM jvas busy there will be daily lectures mid other feat is due to illegalities and they are
packing up and getting ready to move 'speaking that, will be of high interest i nrenarlnir to make this tho bnai for u.
away, is getting along nicely.
Laura Unborn who has leen visiting ;
111 I'ortlnna
the past week is home:
John Manning had a well dug hist '
lucBnny anu neuneeaay aim Jim onui-
er did the work, talk about gophers
digging, Hit has them beat. ;
rank Urassel is in ashlngton
ne iiKes asnington very miieii.
.lonn .Muiinuig wno lias iieen kk-k
witn tne griiie tor a few unys, is ainei
to be nut ngiiiu.
Woodbum Will Hold
11 Hl'lT
Annual i. nm Minw wnv m
-ti, .,.it. r.t 11, , '
1 "M 5 V. ,U 1 nL" ?! 'T!
and land
:: ,-- -. -- -
Woodbum, on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, November lti, 17 and 18, has
been carried out by Messrs. Poormnn
and Hoffard, the financial committee,
who have succeeded in collecting a
sufficient amount which with the com
ing in of concessions will make the
show a great success and enable the
distribution 0 fexeellent awards to the
exhibitors. Besides money, there will
What to Do for Eczertxa
Greasy salves and ointments should
nut be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. 1-rom any druggist for 25c or
?1.00 for extra large size, get a bottle
if tenio. When applied' as directed, it
JTectivcly removes eczema, iii!ckly
tops itching, and heals skin troubles,
dso sores, burns, wounds and cliahng.
't penetrates, cleanses and soothes.
eino is a clean, dependable and inex
pensive, penetrating, antiseptic liquid.
Try it, as we believe nothing you have
ever used is as effective and satisfying.
Th U W. Jtosii Co., Cleveland, O.
For this large GRAFONOLA OUT
FIT, including 24 selections, 12 10-in.
. D. D. Records. This machine is the
Columbia Grafonola No. 75, finished
in mahogany, golden oak, fumed oak,
or walnut. It has the new No. 6 re
producer, tone control shutters, etc.,
in fact, all the qualities found in the
$200 models.
Let Us Demonstrate It for You.
G. C. Will
Pin ft nCTTC nt! n1lTn ITIiV! Heiual nomilarilv of Swcvl Capo-'
OIUtt.lL I I L. ULI.sUlia I Hfl
has never been a more
The next produce a rolToTtlic
high-grade, imported French cig
arette paper uwd on Sweet Cap
oral cigarettes and bum a piece of
this paper. It bums evenly, com-
demonstration of ci.ircttc
parity than the rtovri burning tests
of Sweet Caneral ciearrttcs now
by a trained corps of
iKmonstrators. Ihcse men first
pIclclyTand leaves only a
of ordinary paper and
tarticies oi pure white
call smokers allcntiun to '
heavy smoke, odor, six) bla
explains die pure tobacco
Every club and tunel
ica, and hundreds of tlw
ielries in Europe, H! b
oral cigarette. No other ciga
rette at the same price is carried
in these places. , . '
Caporal is the famous
put cigarettes on the
the United butet...
be valuable prizes offered bj; the mer
chants and it will be well worth while
tor farmeres to enter the competition.
The concessions have nil been sold
to business men and the armory will V
appearance of a regular bn-
izaar on thei three davs.
xi n 111 ne n
show Allfl'fnir wliiell fnrmpri will enmo
.to agriculturists. All products ..will
be returned to the exhibitors.
The Woodburn schools are taking-;
a deep interest in the show and will 1
put on some very attractive features.
The following committeeg are
ao j
:XCctive Mayor J. F. Steclhnm-1 attention has been enlled to the .luirg.is
,,., 0. C. Goodale, Heeretary Waltcr'today doelured both the "wets" a;..l
Finance- J. M. ronrmnn. N. A
fllr)t f
rrnncements I.. M. Bitnev. W. F. !
j B 11 se, K- O. Kmmett, P. A. I.ivesley. I
hntertnlument Lxecutive commit-:
ee- . .
Uli,tt.tiir TT Tflill TT T tr.... '
ft .ui"D
iipo,r t,ecKer-
Concessions and prizes H. M. Aifi-i
tin' Jno- P- Hunt l. D' ciettlemier. f I
.Itio"-.e,, K. Kilen,
ai necK.
Reception All members .of Wood
burn Hetuil Xrerehants' assoeintion.
Hehool exhibit J. W. I.eouhnrdt,
Stiss Kvelyn Conuhlin, C. R. Loutz. In
The Standard is now uuder the man
agement of .Mr. ('. K. Oaugliertv. late-
ily yf 1'ortloud who has leased the plant
fluid will have full clinrgi of the edi
torial and business eouduet of the pa
per. ' ,
.Mr. Dnugherty 1 an experienced midnight tonight, it was definitely en
newspaper man, hnvnig followed the nouneed today. A strike is certain, it
profession a number of years, lie has i8 believed, if the company , does rot
for the past few years been connected recognize the union,
with the Killuim .tatinnerv & Printing
1 0., one or the leading printing houses
in i'ortlnnd, (liven time to become more
acquainted with the nffi'e, our people
and the loeul conditions and with
continuance of the eueourugeiiient ac
corded the Standard in the past, he
will give Stavton a paper that will be
a credit to the eitv. Stnvton Standard
home of Mr. ami Mrs. J. If.'
I vzxxtmm
That is one reason for the per
I lU.shl Cigarettes No oilier crdc
ha ever duplicate I the inirc to- :
bacco flavor of Swcel Ojwr.il
(he mellow, (tweet, nalure-nuute
uMc of ripe tobacco. That is why
-moKcrs always come hack to
Sweet Caporal no other cigarette .
few tiny
give thcui the same enjoyment.
ash. I his
.That ii the wondrrfnl tribute
tc rcco((-
ot the
the re
if Swcef
rt. No
cd such
ret Caporal cicarettes are thef
favorite brand of medical men( '
fcverywhere. Over' fifteen thousJ
and physicians in the Initedt '
States are Sweet Caporal imokers!
in Amer
.No rrcater tribute could be paid
best ho$-
to the purity of Sweet Caporal
;ic;arettcs than this, physicians
know Sweet Caporal is good, pure!
e., bacco that U why they unoks)
(Continued on page three.)
proximately 40,000 in figures announced
demand for. a federal investigation.
They reiterate their charccs of bnlkt
box at uf tine, and are showing iihot i-
uranlis of a tullv lieot frn..i n Sun Krmi.
Cisco precinct showing 1MU as the total
vole cast, and the vote JStJ to ;l? acaitut
r.....-. a i.. - .
i iruiiiuiiiou. xiegmirur eniHUSRV, wiiom
"ilrys ' made churges of lrregulnntie
nirdjhnt his investigations found thi in
all lirouudless. Han Francisco ni'nt wt
liv from rsnnrt tn kh nun
Throughout the state, the prnhibiti. 1.-
ints stationed watchers at the polV.
Their reports will be used as 11 bnsls if
I t....l ! I. .. . i . . . .
1110 .leniniiu in muuv jur a leueiill J'l-
Thomas was the eccnfe of a suipijso par-
,,y )ust Monday evLing In T,
the fiflh wedding anniversary of S'r.
unit Airs. I). Al. Doll. There was a larie.
guthering of friends uml ueipiniutnui-'M
of this popular couple mid all hud tin
cn.jnyiihlo evening at tho close of which
light refreshment's were served and- ntl
present joined in wishing Mr. am) .Mrs.
Dull many more Kiippy and pleasant
aii.,;t-u..i.;.ta Mt..i-t..n Uf n n.l.. l-.l
Indiunnpolis, Ind., Xov. 10. A utri'n
vote will be taken by liidiuiinpo'is
street car workers at a muss meeting nt
Dtnnlt Eucalyptus Ointment
Tush inc jw eoc gf,
1 i.r.LD
I I Inch cig-
I I Iret Cap-1
IIS!-- VTf
pirn !.