Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"W. B. Corsets" Salem's Big Department Store "Butterick Patterns
. iutmwti;uiuuimuummumuummuuuittuummwMuiiiwmmmimmuuuuw
. nimnimminniiniimttmmtmimiuiiiin utiHtnni?mminiimtni)UimniiHmtmmmimnn.nnmntiiimunmmm mmxtmttuummummmmmwma
Immense V alue Giving in Women s
Ready-to-Wear Garments
A sale of Silk Dresses and Wool Dresses in a variety of splendid models,
former prices to $36.85, now . .'. ... '. ........... $19.65 -
Ivcm CI
f A I -v "S.
A Sale of Women's and Misses Suits including serges, cheviots, poplins,
broadcloths, etc, some fur trimmed. Dozens to choose from. Sale
Price ........................ $18.35
A Rack of Dresses and Stylish. Skirts
In the season's newest effects. Dresses
formerly up to $30, skirts formerly up to
$17.50, and one Jersey knitted Suit in a
pretty shade of green, former price
$27.50. Take your choice from this rack
for $9.95
A Clearance of Coats and
Skirts Former prices up
to $27.50. Take . y our
choice, at $4.95
This Week, 10-Piece Guernsey Ware Set and
a White House Cook Book all for $1.69
' This brown, white lined kitchen set consists
of two bowls, one casserole and six iame
quims or custard cups. 'The White House
. Cook Book is oilcloth covered and is a usual
$1.00 seller. The Gurnsey set sells in many
stores at $1.75. You get the entire outfit
for $1.69.
ttuutntttutittutttuttuuuuutuiutttuuii itttttttttttttttttttti
P. M. Meeker left this morning over
the Oregon Klecti'ie for Bond.
K. T. Brnp(i of the Barnes store is
in Portland transuding business.
Joseph If. Baiter returned this morn
in tf from a business trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Detfall of Al
bany registered yesterday, at the Cap
ital hotel.
1). O. Curtiss left this morning for
Rioux City and other Iowa points for
three month's, visit. . .
Georjso Vick went to Lebanon this
morning on business,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Breyman return-
i.l in Pnt-Hnnrl thiH mnrninir after a
short visit hero wklr relatives.
A. M. Macy of Medford, who has
been visiting with B. W. Macy and
other relatives, returned to his home
this morning.
Do You Have Sour Stomach?
If you arc troubled with sour stomach
you Bhould always eat slowly and mas
ticate your food thoroughly, then take
one of Chamberlain 'b Tablets immedi
ately after supper. Obtainable every
where. Try Journal WANT ADS they pay.
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
A beautiful line
of ladies' outing
flannel gowns
nicely trimmed
and embroidered
high and low
neck, long, and
short sleeve, and
a splendid value,
specially priced
65c to $135. ;
All Around Toyn
. , .
Nov. 10. Victrola Grand Opera
Concert, II Trovatore, at Pub- j
nt lie uurary. -
Nov.' 11. Football, -Salem high
school vs. Eugene high, Wil-
lumctte field.
November 11 Football, Wil-
lumette university vs. Pacific
university, Willamette field.
November 23 Prof. MacMurray
' lecture at opera house.
Dec.- 4. City Election. .
Dec. 4-9. Third Annual Marion
County Cora Show.
' Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, nti glass
m correctly. TJ. 8. Bank. Bid.;.
K.oert Thompson has sold his home
at l(KI5 Saginaw street and bought a
suburban home in Salem Heights anil
today is moving to his new home.
' Dr. P. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. tf
' The marquise seems to be the correct
thing in the way of annnings and the
Hhipley store is the latest to line up.
Several other stores are expected to put
put on this improvement.
Electric Restaurant, Open all night
14!) North High St. uoviO
The Willamette university students
will hold a big pow wow on the street
Friday evening just to encourage their
football players who will go up against
the Pacific university bovs Saturday
afternoon ou Willamette field.
' Your gift with our imprint needs no
further recommendation. Set your
watch by our street clock. Gardner &
Keene, Salem's most reliable jewelers.
The potato market has slowed down
and today several of the commission
houses are, offering $l.l!0 a hundred. It
is the same old story of now cars. Ware
houses are filled and no prospects of
shipping in sight. Hence, buyers are
not so keen as they say there ia no use
in buying if there is no prospects of
Dr. Stone's Drug Store makes free
delivery. Phone 35.
Initiations are on tne order of busi
ness for the members of the Elk lodge
this evening. Six candidates will come
uo for proper instructions as to the
bailing sign, the grip of an Elk and the
correct mode of recognizing a brother
on the street.
La Corona wins and is conceded Sa
lem 's best cigar, '.
The high school chorus, under- the di
rection of Miss Miuetta Magers is prac
ticing on several musical numbers to be
given at the Thanksgiving services to
be held at the armory by the city
schools. - The speaker for the day has
not an yet been selected. .
The Capital Journal job dept. tan
save you money ou your printing. Get
our ngures.
o '
. Football fans will have their inning
Saturday a'f femcou as there will be a
double header played on Willamette
field- The Salein high school boys are
on the program for (he first half of the
entertainment, playjng the Eugene high
school team. The last half of the show
will be given by the 'Willamette uni
versity team playing with Pacific uni
versity. p
You will want entertainment after
election try a Sonora Talking Machine
Myrtle Know-land, 4l'l Court St. .
No trace of the burglar who broke
into the home of Glenn J. MacCaddam
at 13-10 Court street lust Sunday and
took jewelry of Miss Mildred McBride,
a university student rooming there, and
a suit- belonging to Mr. MacCaddam,
has been found bv the police as yet.
The burglar made his entrance by
breaking the glass of the back door
and turning the night lock.
fihlcken pie supper Hare you re
served a place for'the "State Din
ner" at the Presbyterian church Fri
day evening Nov. 10th. '
The directors of the Marion County
Poultry association are considering a
date in lraeemoer for tne noimng oi tne
annual poultry show. Many of the larg
est poultry breeders mate their pens
in January and do not care to maae
large exhibits in that month. With a
December date, it is thought not only
will more interest be taken, but a great
er number of breeder will put on
exhibits. '
A fireman's ball will be held at the
Woodburn armory on the evening of
Saturday, November 25. - ,
In the series of lectures to be deliv
ered at the Willamette university, in
Waller hall, the . next number will be
that givn by Dean George H. Alden,
taking . for his subject. "Historical
Lies." .
This is for you the writer wishes to
express his ' sincere appreciation of
vmir kiiiitiiPAH at tho tirimnrv plec.ttnn
Tiov. 6 and I wish to say, on Dec. i
I will also need your assistance again.
Yours truly, .1. A. Mills. novJO
Miss Alma Ashby, second assistant
librarian at the-Salem City Library,
has been supplying the library at the
Washington junior high since Moudny
on account of Miss Vivian Beck having
an operation for the removal of tonsils.
Tonight at 8 o'clock the Salem Alley
Valley League team will roll the Mc
Minnville Valey League team on a local
alley. .The game is expected to be an
interesting one as the McMinuvile fcowl
ers are reported to have considerable
skill in knocking over the pins.
The next meeting of the Six o'clock
club of the First Methodist church will
be on the evening of November 14,
when an address on "The United States
in Mexico" will be made by Carl Ab
rnms. On the evening of Tuesday, No
vember 28, Hon. H. A. Booth will de
liver fhe address to the club.
A winter campaign for new members
is now planned by the Maccabees. At
the meeting last evening arrangements
were made fCr a smoker to be held on
the evening of Wednesday, Novntber ijl',
aad from that ilnte. the enptains of the
two teams will launch their respective
campaigns. F. J. A. Boerhringer will
captain one team and E. J. Sumner the
There will be a special meeting of
the council this afternoon nt 5 o'clock
for the purpose of canvassing the votes
of Ward Four for councilman. The de
maud is made by J. D. Haitwell, who
was the lowestjf the three candidates
running foe councilman in that ward. In
the can- primary election held Monday
Paul Johnson received 184, Hudleson
181, and Hartwell 177. .
When it comes to getting the news
quick end getting it just ns it comes off
the wire, the people evidently nppreci
at the service of the Capital Journal.
Since Tuesday evening, operators have
been placed at the two office phones
and when Hughes was in the lead, the
news was so given nud when Wilson led,
the information was given correctly.
From 12:30 o'clock until 1:55 today an
hour and 25 minutes, 1U5 telephone calls
were answered.
Dr. Des Champs of Paris, France, an
expert phychologist has recently dcliv
ered three lectures to the teachers of
the city schools on applied psrclinlocv.
Besides delivering these lectures, he
has applied to several children the
Binet-Sinnou test, recognized by the
French government for testing and
classifying the children of the French
schools. It is understood these lectures
have been of" practical benefit to the
We wish to sincerely thank our kind
friends for their kindness", sympathy
and beautiful floral' offerings during
our recent bereavement.
Mrs. Hersehel Cooley and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Warrn Cooley and
Wet Weather Footwear
One of the largest and most complete lines of high top Shoes and Rubber .Goods in
the city, at the very lowest possible prices. "
Just arrived, the Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoe, the Shoe that corrects foot ail
ments the Shoe you have been waiting for.
, Ask for Free Theatre Tickets
Hear Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish, Ml
Lucille Bartou and Professor Roberts
at the Court street Christian church,
corner 17th and Court Friday night,
Nov. 10th at 8 o'clock. novlO
wtt Shlnn lft Ralom this momirur
I for Eugene w here he ' will dig one-half
i;i tt ili,-h fur T mi i-nmitv with Du
Pont sixty per cent blasting'dynamite.
I tie expects to get tne. joo none in iwo
Java. There is rnnsiderable interest lie
l.Un in it U tha first Ml?
I inH .litnhiiitr hv rivnamit tn be done
in that part of the valley, I-ane County
a Aiirifullumt KOHO ia union uiieresieu
. J Li r r-MM "mmZZmmm!mmm-m-3 r'n ,ne outcome of the work.
L C. nVOF; 279 North Commercial
' The Jitney Coffee Club, Salem's most
popular euting place, is again open.
Ciood eats at lowest prices. 42il Court.
Paul L. llnry, Mgr. novll
During the band concerts this sum
mer by the Cherrian band, selections
from the opera 11 Trovatore proved
among the most popular , numbers.
Those who enjoy the music of the
opera will have an opportunity Friday
evening to hear all the scores at the
Victrola concert to be" given at the
public, library. Dr. Chaco will explain
the musical as well as the dramatic
interests of each number.
Jupiter Fluvius, who is supposed to
preside over the rainfall of the illam
ctto valley, as well as other places, al
most fell down on the job yesterday, ns
the government's gunge at the O. C. T.
docks registered a precipitation ofonly
.01 of an inch. However, even this
trace of moisture kept up the record of
a rnintall tor every day this month as
well as the last three days of .September-
The river fell one "foot vMterday
and now the guage reads 3.5 feet above
low water mink. The range of tem
perature yesterday was froiUMlO to 3D,
About your eyes If, from false pride
you refrain from the wearing of glasses
that you know you need. If you wilful
ly neleet vour sight. If you persistent
ly suffer from such folly, and you sure
ly will-you only will suffer. You should
have your eyes examined today and if
glasses are needed you should be cor
rectly fitted. I don't experiment with
your eyes. .1 use no drugs or drops in
making examinations. I guarantee sat
isfaction iu every respect. Dr. M. P.
Mendelsohn, Rooms 20II-21U-2U IV 8.
Nut'l Bank bldg. '
Two more young men of Salem have
cast their lot with the United States
army. Selby Snell, age 18, enlisted at
the Salem recruiting office for the cav
alry and was sent to the Vancouver bar
rai'k. Eddie Hudelston, age 16, enlist
ed in" the infantry and was also sent to
Vancouver barracks to receive his first
instructions in the life of a soldier. Ap
poiutments to West Point will be made
Claims Detectives Were Em
ployed at Polls to Prevent
Amendment for Total Dry
Lost by 100,000, Partial -'
by 75,000
San Francisco, Nov. 9. 'Charges of
fraud that may affect not only . the
prohibition tpiestion, but the presidency
as well are made by Franklin ilitch
born, campaign leader for the Dry Fed
eration who today announced his inten
tion of demanding a federnl investiga
tion of the count on the wet and dry
Hitchcock declares that the drys, feel
ing they were unfairly beaten two ycaiB
ago had detectives at the polls nil over
the state, and they allege startling vio
lations. In one precinct, it is declared,
a ballot box was taken from the polling
place for several hours before it wus
returned and the votes counted.
i'ln some places, there were more
'wet' votes counted than there were ac
tually cast," said Hitehborn. "The re
ports of our watchers are so startling
that we feel it necessary to have a fed
eral investigation which may change the
presidential result, as well as give pro
hibition a victory here. 'J
. Indications are thnt amendment No.
1, for absolute prohibition lost by over
100,000 and amendment No. 2, partial
prohibition, lost by 75.000. -
from enlisted men who have served one
year and who pass the eaniinntions.
A booster meeting will be held in
the high school auditorium Friday morn
ing just to chirk up the high school
football team that will go against the
Kugene high Saturday afternoon on
Willamette field. The high school teum
is made up of all new players this
year. They were defeated by' tho Jef
ferson and McMinnville tennis, played
n draw with Newberg and won against
Tillamook. The Kugene players will
come on a special Saturday morning.
After the game a reception will be giv
en them at the high school,.
A letter to Chief of Police Welsh
from Mrs. G. W. Churchill of Vcronn,
Sutter county, Calif., asks information
concerning a niece of Mrs. Annie Walsh
of 1232 H. St., Sacramento, Calif., who
is dangerously ill in a hospitnl there.
The niece's name is given us "Stelln"
and with this clue the chief is trying
to find out whether tho person asked
for is in Salem. Another niece named
"Anna" is said to be living near Sa
lem. Should news of their whereabouts
be received, Mrs. Churchill asks that
they write her immediately.
The Moose hall will be a pretty busy
place, beginning the first of the year.
Contracts have already been signed for
a five year lease by the Maccabees for
Wednesday evenings and by the Knights
or rytnins tor luesduy evenings. Aft
er January 1, the Moose will meet Sat
urday evenings. It is understood that
the Woodmen of the World, will also
meet one night each week at the Moose
Auction Sale
On Saturday Nov. 11th, 10 a. m.
at the Quick Kxchaugo auction
market; consisting of 1 cow, 4
yrs. ola, to freshen in 2 months;
2 heifers, 1 5"r. old, with cnlrj
1 team 10 and 11 yrs, old, weight
1100 lbs.; 1 set heavy harness; 1
set single harness; 1 3 in. Bain
wagon and box complete; 1 open
buggy; 1 12 In. plow; shovels,
forks, rake, hoe.
At l:30p. in. Household Furni
ture: 1 Crescent 6-hole range
With rcsevoir as good as new; 1
Monarch Melleable ti-hole range
as good as ne,w; 2 medium sized
heaters; 2 iron bedsteads, mat
tresses and springs; 1 settee; 1
rug; 5 dining chairs; 1 extension
table; 1 barrel churn; kitchen
utensils and dishes and crocks;
1 Vega cream separator, 330 lb.
capacity, new, and many other
things not mentioned.
F. D. MARTIN, . Owner,
F. N. WOODBY, Auctioneer
Phone 511
Auction Sale
On Monday Nov. 13, 191B. at 10
a. m. sharp, at the Chas., Sclimid
farm, located 3'i miles south of
Salem, on the River road, near
Livesley Btation, Marion county,
Tfouto 3, consisting of 25 head of
duiry cows, 15 head young stock,
1 inatchca team mures, weight
2000 lbs., age 5, yrs, 1 bay geld
ing, age 7 yrs. wt. 1250, 1 reg.
Standurd bred mare ago 12 yrs.;
9 fat hogs, weight 175 to 200
lbs.; Chester White brood sow in
pig; 1 Poland China boar; 1 pure
bred "Big Dane" female dog,
weight 150 lbs.; 10 pure bred
Koek hens,
Terms 9 months. Free lunch
at noon. Bring your cups. See
bills for particulars.
Note Farmers and dairymen,
it will be to your interest to at
tend this sale.
CHAS SCIIMID, Auctioneer.
Owner. Phone 511
Phone 84F2. novll
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash price for same. Phone 511.
MM Dl YDl mr '
cars 0fy
my kimd
a Pi 7 r wi
'Any nMk
It First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar-
He anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187.
Residonce phone 1405.
- 915 Highland Avenue.'
hall. To accommodate all ihese lodge?,
several improvements mid chnnges will
be made, one of these being the arrang
ing of the upper floor into two separ
ate lodge rooms, in order thnt any lodge,
with its Indies' auxiliary, may meet the
'nnie evening.
nV I
V 1
ThisUlheV M
Stove Polish
TTS different fror
I others because more care1
is taken in tho muldns
and the materials used are oP
higher grade.
Black Silk
Stove Polish
Makes a hrtlllnnt. cllkr polish thnt does
not rub off or Ju"t off, an lt:e dliiu lasts
four times a lonr as onUntry stove
polish. Useil on sompJo stoves sod sokl
by hiircrwnre n1 uroccry dentsr.
All w rk btatrkJ. llRtit o your cook tee(
your porlor stnv or your iras ntnpo. If you
don't Dim', t tt best MUb yoa
unl, your derJcrt" nuthoncW to n fr-nj yvur
mv. li-i!t a lilack Silk Stow PoUftb.
Mutts In Ixi .ml or la4- M quality.
Black Silk StoT Polish Works
Stsrltae. Illinois
Vm Sttoe tHfc AsV-Dryfac IrM iMnri ra
frwt. rtioti-v. it.vo-pipc. I'rewmt rwtirtfr.
tM Mack Silk BSolal Pwtltk frr lilw, itM-kd
i or hrM. It has no equal for mom imuipotoai .
... IN THE
She Says: "I am looking for a husband, but he
must use a Durham Duplex Razor"
She will demonstrate the wonderful shaving as well
as hair cutting qualities of this celebrated razor,
which shaves with the correct diagonal stroke and
has the longest, strongest, keenest, hollow ground,
double cutting edge blade on earth.
No Not Miss This Opportunity of Seeing Her
Get This
- " $1.00 .
Ray L. Farmer Hardw are Co.
Phone 191 Cor. Court and Commercial Sts.
Everything in Hardware