Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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4 Bate per word New Todayj
.taon -insertion, per -woru
' d i ia i a;
One week (i insertions'), per word 6i
..; One month(26 insertions) per word 17c
... The Capital .Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
i for errors in Classified Advertisments.
t Bead your advertisements the first day
v It appears and notify ni immediately
I Minimum ehargej 13c. -
EOR3B1 FOR SALE Phone 4rF22. no
TBE8PA8S Notices for aale at Jour
nal office.' - tf
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone JOS.
FOR-.-SALK-i-Fine prune ranch, well
improved. See CI. W. .lohnsou. tf
WANTED Milk cow for winter's keep
Address T. L. care 'Journal. novlO
ORDERS FILLED For home made
apple butter at 305 N. High. tf
FTJBNTSHED Anartments, also ban
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage
TOttSALE Baled hay and baled straw
. , HUbljard farm, Garden road. novll
WE HAVE Baled' hay and oats for
sale. George Sweigle, Garden road, tf
FOB BENT SIGN For tale at Cap
ital Journal office. . . . t!
GET PRICES On farm lalo bills at
The Journal office.
WANTED Fat and fresh eows. 142")
M. ' ' , nov29.
FOR SALE Fresh cow.- good milker.
715 S. 12th street, over garage, tf
FOR SALE Fir and ash wood. Leave
orders with J. J. Rack, X, High, or
phone 474. novll
FOR SALE 12 largo early spring Huff
Orpington pullets,- "'He cat'h. l'lione
SMOOJ.i. noylO
HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, three neat,
clean well furnished rooms, modern
conveniences. (SS7 N. Front. novlO
ARPKNTKli--(.'onstruction,. inside and
cement finish, root tarred and water
proofed Call C. V. Wist, phone 24!i")R
. novll
FOR RENT Modern 7 room house
with garage nnd tire nhice 12211 Che
nieketa street, '. " , novi
HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for haclie
lors, $3.30 month. Leonard Hotel An
neje. novi'i
WANTED Position ns bookkeeper or
stenographer, or botli. u. I, enre ot
Journal. ' . iiov!'
WAXTEO SmalK furnished house,
close" lii'business section of city. Ad
dress X X iiire "Journal. - novll
GIRL OR WOMAX Wanted for house
work. H. Steiubock, 302 X. C'om'l St.
Phone 80S. . tf
WILL THE PARTY Who took the
boy's wagon from ItiO Court street
return sanief No questions asked, ti
WILL THE PARTY Who took the
boy's wngon from -100 Court street
return samef Xo questions asked.' tf
PHONE 200 When-"vou have wooil
awing to be done, all work gunran
teed. Jim Rogers. nov24
GET YOUR Trespass Notioes, new
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
WANTED (lentle horse. 1100 or 1200
lbs. free driver. Must be safe for
women and children. IV. M. tlouile,
lOH.i S .14th St. , novll)
FOR SALE Twelve tons loose mixed
hnv in barn 3l5 miles from Salem on
the (Juinnby road. Inquire 510 X.
15th St. iiov 10
WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk
eows, must be fresh now or soon, none
but parties owning choice cowi need
call. Phone 1431 or 491. tf
ORGAN Cost 17." dollars, for sale CO
dollars. Gibson's mandolin, cost 93
dollars for sale 30 dollars.' Capitol
Exchange, Court St. novll
$4,000 TO 1.0 AX A client has inittruc
. ted me to lend this amount on first
class security, country or city, in one
fc sum or smaller amounts. Elmo S.
White, attorney. 402 Masonic Temple
f " . . novlO
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical in
struments, tools.- guns, eta. Also
bought, sold and traded. Capital Ki
. change, 337 Court St. Phono 493. nol7
TOR SALE one pair geldings, weight
51700 lbs., gentle nnd true. Must sell
at once, price $100. Also one grey
gelding, 5 yrs. old, weight 1100 His.,
gentle for lady, single or double,
price $S3. Also liylit hack $30. Wil
liam stnbles, 234 Ferry St. novll
FOR SALE At n bargnin. 1 work
team; 7 eows; 7 yearlings; 1 Jersey
bull; farm wagon, harness and farm
implements. Five block from the
Jefferson depot on the Pacific High
way. Jefferson, Oregon. Mrs. Enimn
.Whedbee. " novlO
FOR SALE 1 bay mare. !t black mares,
s 2 colts. 2 cow.'2 yearling heifers. 12
1 tons of loose hay nnd household furn-
Jf- iture. Can be' seen at any time one
(quarter mile south ot Greenwich sta
tion, fare 23 cents from Salem. R. V.
Undsay, R. 1, box 29, Independence.
1 THREE House to house salesmen for
a live wire proposition. We furnish
1 all necessary equipment to secure the
f best results. Permanent employment
to man who can qualify. Experienced
men given toe preference. Apply at
once. Between 4 nnd p. m. J. A.
'Webster, 441 X. High St, Salem, Or.
I novll
FRESn COWS For sale. Phone 58F3.
'-..," , : novll
VANTEDPctito prime tret's, 4 1o (!
. it. l'lione 41F23. . no13
FOR SALE 20 Buff Leghorn liens,
50c each. Phone i9F21. novtf
WAXTED A partner to go JntO the
, second hand store business. Address
O. M. care- Journal. nov9
stand how to trim, loganberries.
Phone 84F2. . . nov9
WILL REXT 5 room house, furnished,
very cheap. Inquire 2153 X. 4th St.
$3. worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
.bldg, novl6
WAXTED To trade, 10' acres, close in,
well improved, for lnrger place. Ad
dress W 2 care Journal. . novll
APPARTMENTS For rent, desirably
located, partly furnished, reasonable
, rent. Phone 370. tf
STOCK FEED Pumpkins and corn for
sale. Wanted a few stock hogs. Phone
44F22. tf
FOR SALE at a bargain, TlWOvor
Hand Demitonneau" car with extra
bed $173. Snlem G-nrnge COO North
Capital Sr. Phone 1010. novl4
WANTED Ambitious lady for good
business proposition. For particulars
! call in person. Room 338 Marion Ho
tel. ' novlO
FARM FOR REXT Sixty acres wheat
land all in cultivation. Five miles
south of Salem, $130 cash. No build
ings. J. H. Robins, Turner, Ore, Rt.
1, box OB. novll
torman, Prop. Chemcketa street be
tween Com. nnd Liberty, telephone
POO. Absolutely clean, ' thoroughly
homelike, strietlv modern. There are
larger hotels in Salem, but no better.
Rates from 30c a day to $1.30. Spe
cial rates by week or mouth. decO
German Chancellor Blames
. England and Lord Gray
Berlin; via wireless to Sayville, Nov.
u. fc'linucelloT- Von Bothmann-Holhveg
addressing the reichstag's main com
mittee toijfty, 'delivered au imjiortaiLt.
speech on the question of an interna
tional union Cor peace and with it, the
question of the origin of the present
wn r.
The chancellor replied to the recent
interview of Lord Grey with foreign
newspapermen in which Grey declared
the origin of the present war must in
fluence pence conditions and that Ger
nianv would be entitled o ask for guar
antees against future attacks if the
present war ' were really forced upon
her. Lord Grey added flint Germany's
interpretation of the war's origin was
incorrect and thut the wnr was not
forced upon Germany, but forced by
Germany upon Europe.
The chancellor declared, however,
that Grey, by giving these explanations
now," holds the same opinion Germany
always did as to the importance of the
war's origin.
. "The action which made the war
unavoidable was the Rnssian-suoliili.a-tiou
liiriug the night of July 30 to 31"
said the chancellor.
"Russia, England and France and
the wholo world knew this step made
it impossible for us waiting any long
er.'' Oregon City's Big
Pulp Mills Started
Oregon City. Ore., Nov. 9 By the end
of this week ull the pulp mills of the
Crown Willamette Paper company will
be running, and 200 niore men will be
employed in the mill. The Hawley Pulp
& Paper compuny will start up its pulp
machines soon.
One set of grinders and wet ma
chines in the Crown Willamette mills
started up Monday morning, and an
other unit Tuesday morning. These
machines are shut down during the
summer months, when the river is
low. The Willamette is rising stead
ily, and the amount of power that can
be. developed here increasing with the
fall ruins
Enough pulp is nindo during the
winter to keep tlie paper macUiues run
ning in the summer. The Crown Wil -
lamette company had a god supply of
pulp on hand when the mills started.
Rich Gold Discovery
Reported in Brazil
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 9.
Definite accounts are still lucking here
concerning the extent of the gold dis
coveries urcported on the Pumcatu
rifa. 1., hf llllininil.nllln .. I..-..
Rios,' state of Minas Ceraes The news
from Hello llori?onte, capital of Minas
Gernes, was to the effect that the
river was discovered by accident to
we washing out gold. It was asserted
that a rich bed had been found under
the stream.
Hushes Papers Concede -.
Philadelphia, Xov. . The I'Mlndd-'
phia North Americaione of the strong
est republican papers in the' state post
ed a bulletin this afternoon conceding
the election of President Wilson.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9. The Evening
Ledger, strong Hughes supporter, is
sued extras this afternoon eont-eding
tho re-elect iou of President Wilson,
Notice is hereby given that the nn.
dersigned, Sarah E. Kiggs, has been by
the county court of Marion county,
Oregon, duly appointed executrix of the
last will and -testament of -Silas- T.
Riggs, deceased, and has duly qualified
as such.
Now therefore, all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified and required to present the
sUme, duly verified, -to the undersigned,
executrix, at her place of residence, at
No. 411 North Summer street, Salem,
Oregon, within six months from the
ojate of this jiotiCe, as by law provided.
.' Dated Ihie 17th dav of October, ltrlO.
; ' ..' SARAH E. RIGGS,
j Executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Silas Ti Kiggs, Deceased.
' R. L. Conner, attorney for said es
tate. . '.' Nov. 16
administrator 's notice
J Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned by an. "order of the county
court of' Marion county, Oregon, has
been appointed as administrator of the
estate of 'Ell Zieglcr, deceased. All per
sons having claims against such estate
re required to present them within
six months from the duto'of this notice,
with the proper vouchers, to the under
signed at Salem, Oregon, R. F. D. 6,
box 08.
Dated this 2nd dav of Oetober, 1916.
First Insertion Oct. 5. ' ' ""
; Notice is hereby given that on the
17th day of October, 1916, the Under
signed was duly appointed administra
tor of the estate of Margaret A. White,
deceased. That thereafter the said ad
ministrator duly qualified according to
All claims' against the said estate
should be presented with proper-vouchers
therefor within six mouths from the
first publication of this notice at room
203 Salem Bank of Commerce bldg.
First date of this publication Oct. 20,
1910. " B. H. WHITE,
Donald W. Miles, Administrator.
Att'y for Adin. .'
Notice is hereby given that wo, the
undersigned resident tax payers, rep'
resenting ten per cent of the resident
tax payers in road district No. 28, Mar
ion county, Oregon, hereby give notice
to the tax payers of said district, that
there will be a meeting of the resident
tax payers of said district, at Liberty
hall, in said district, at 2 o'clock p. in.,
on the 27th day 'of .November, 1916,
to vote an additional tax for road pur
poses, aij provided by an act of the
legislature of 1913. (Signed) Mrs. Al
ma Gibson, Sarah E. Chesnut, Caroline
Selee. Marian Hellyes, Emma Hall, E.
W. Sanders. W. 1). Mahoney, Conrad
Fait, J. O. McClain, Geo. M. Grilly, B.
Shaw. Ben Morris, C. W. Parks; X. W.
Sanders, Hemv Stevenson. Frank Hu
betz, A. W. Mize, H. C. Smith; B. 'Cun
ningham, E. E. Roberts, Wni. Zosel, J.
J. McDonald, F. Brady, John Stucr, B.
J. Miles.
First issue Xuv.. 3. last. time. Nov. 23
For the Improvement of that portion of
South Twelfth street lying east of
the Southern Pacific railway com
pany's tracks beginning on the south
line of Ferry street and ending at a
point 173 feet south, of said. south
line of Ferry street. y
Notieo is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Sale,m, will,
at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m. -on the
20th day of November,.1910, or at any
subsequent meeting of tho Council there
after, at the Council chambers in the
.City Hall of said City proceed to assess
upon each lot or. part thereof or parcel
of land liable therefor, its proportion
ate share of tho cost of improving
that portion of South Twelfth street
lying cast of the Southern Pacific rail
way company's tracks beginning on
the south line of Ferry street and end
ing at a point 173 feet south of said
south line of. Ferrv street.
All 1 io r so ns interested In snid assess
ment are hereby notified to appear at
said time and place before the said
Common- Council and present their ob
jections, if any they have, to said as
sessment and arrl' to 8a''l Common
Council to equalize their proportionate
share of said assessment.
By order of the ommon Council this
fith'day of November, 3910.
Xov. 10. City Recorder.
Of Eeal Property on Foreclosure
Notice is hereby ifiven, that by vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon, for the county of Marion and to
me directed on the fith day of Novem
ber, 1916, upon a judgment and decree
duly rendered, entered of record and
docketed in and by said court on the
30th day of October, 1916, in a certain
suit theii in said court pending, where
in First .National Bank of Alhambra, a
corporation, was plaintiff and W. A.
Sipprell, F. O. Sipprell and Lucy Den
cer Sipprell were defendant in favor
of plaintiff aud agaiiwt said defendants
bv which execution I am commanded to
mpII the rironertv in said execution and
1 hereinafter described to pay the sum
due the plaintiff of 2700.00 with in
terest thereon at the rate of 7 per
cent per annum from the 30th day of
November 1912 until paid and the fur
ther sum of 00, deliirmient taxes
and interest and for the further sum
with the costs and disbursements of
saiil suit taxed at 4--'i").2." and costs and
expenses of said execution. I will on
Saturday the 9th day of December 1916
at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the west door of the county
court house in Marion county, Oregon,
I?0" nhiir u:",io.n the .hi8h,es'
bidder for rash in hand on the day
of sale, all the right, title, interest and
estate which said defendants and all
persons claiming under them subsequent
to the date of the mortgage, November
30th, 1912, in, of and to said premises
hereinlief'ore mentioned and described
iu said execution as follows, to-wit:
Beginning on the subdivision line
running north and soutk through me
middle of section No. 17, township 8
south range 3 west, Willamette Merid
ian, at a point 6..6 chains north of
the renter of said section; thence south
69 degrees 39 minutes east 20.23 chain;
to the center of the county road; thence
north 37 degrees 4.i minutes east S.23
chains along the center line of said
Indications Are Democrats
Lose It' Montana May
Elect Woman
New York,' Nov. 9. A divided con
gress .was forecasted by incompdeto re
turns gathered, by -4he United Press up
to noon today. These returns tended
to support republican claims that the
house will be republican, although dem
ocratic leaders insisted the final count
will show them still in control of the
lower body. That tho present demo
cratic majority of 21 will bo deeply cut
however, is 'certain.-
Returns on the senate fight are near
er complete! They tend to show the
democrats still in control there by a
probable majority of twelve compared
to their prosent majority of sixteen.
The entire membership of the house
was voted on. Estimates based on
claims of state committees of both
sides show -anywhere froni 210 to 220
democratic congressmen elected and
rom 218 to 210 republicans chosen.
1 One of the big features of the con
gressional fight is tho seeming election
of a woman for the. first time in .the
nation's history..
Miss Jeanctte Euukin, who is an in
dependent republican, against Harry
Mit'.hull, republican, appears to have
been accorded the honor by Montana.
All chances of socialists for repre
sentation in the house now center on
whether the official count will return
Meyer London from New York's east
One progressive, one democrat protec
tionist from the south and one prohibi
tionist appear to have won.
Of the thirty-five Vnited States
senators elected Tuesday seventeen are
democrats and 18 'republicans, which
with 37 democratic and 24 republican
holdovers, give' tho democrats a ma
jority of 12. in the, next senate.
The present senate consists of 53
democrats and 39' republicans.
A recapitulation if the senate situa
tion shows the democrats lost four
seats one each in Maine, New York,
New Jersey and Maryland and that
they gained one eachjn Rhode Island,
Delaware and X'tnh.
f ' Apply Cream" in Nostrils To
! Open Up Air Passages.
Ah! What relief! l'our clogged nos
triils open right up, the air passages
of your head are clear aad you can
breathe freely.' No more hawking, snuf-
fhnff, mucous discharge; heauriche, dry
ness ho struggling for breath at night,
yoiif cold, or catnrrK' Js gone. ;
4 Don't stay stuffed'np! Get fi small
bottle of -Ely's Crearit Balm from your
druggist now. Applya little of this
fragrant, auiiseptie cream in your nos
trils, let irpenetrate- through every air
passage of the head; sootne ami ncai
the swollen,' inflamed mucous- luem
bran", giving you instant relief. Ely's
Cream lialm is just what every cold and
catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's
just splendid.' ' , I .' -
Admiral Mayo to "
Head Naval Body
Washington.- Nov. 9. Nine ranking
officers of the navy, headed by Admir
al Henry T. Mayo, commander of the
Atlantic fleet, were appointed oy sec
retary Daniels today as the board of
election authorized by the last naval
bill directing thut officers in the
grades of. commander, captain and rcar
ailmirul of the lino of the navy here
after be promoted by selection and not
by seniority. The board will noid its
first meeting here December 2, next.
In addition to Admiral Mayo, mem
bers of the board are Vice-Admiral
Coffman, of the Atlantic fleet; Hear-
Admiral Austin M. Kuight, head of the
now war college; Rear Admiral Na
thaniel R. I'sher, Rear Admiral Frank
F. Fletcher, Rear Admiral Walker Mc
Lean, Rear Admiral Augustus S. Sech-
taler, Rear Admiral Aliicrt Weaves and
Rear Admiral Albert W. Grant.
On Wednesday evening, November 29,
in the First Methodist church there will
be a Union Thanksgiving service. Tli rs
has been decided upon by the Salem
Ministerial Union. And a feature of the
service is to be the Salem high school
choruses under the dierctiou of Miss
Minetta Magcrs. This is the first time
such a program lias been devised and it
is believed it will prove highly interest
ing. The two choruses will lead the
singing of the hymns, give ensemble
numbers, and special selections. Both
choruses are working on special music
under the direction of Miss Magers nnd
she expects to have them up in appro
priate numbers for this occasion, which
is a new departure in church circles.
Soldiers Vote for Wilson.
Brownsville, Texas, Nov. V. "About
as near as can be judged, about 1,800
votes were east on the border by Minne
sota troops," Colonel Luce commanding,
told tho United Press this afternoon.
"Of this number about 1,200 were for
Wilson, ns near as can be judged, and
600 for Hughes- In tulkiug with the
men iu the first Minnesota-, I judge
they figured voting for Wilson was
'voting to be -sent home' men of the
Second and Third, I understand, votfd
for Hie president for the same reason."
The soldier vote will not be canvassed
and counted before next Tuesday.
road; thence north H9 degrees 39 min
utes west 24.0(1 chains: thence south
4.7M chains to place, -of beginning, eon
tftiuinglO.42 acres more or less, all in
Marion county, state of Oregon.
Said sale being , shade . subject to re
demption in the manner provided by
Dated this 8th dav of November 1910.
., . - ; WM. KSC1I,
Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon.
By W.-1. Needham, Deputy. Dec 7.
Made Spectacular Attack On
Man Found With Wife
j. Last Winter
Jesse. Jj. Lee, whose spectacular at
tack on Albert F. Gabel, whom he shot
twice wfth a shotgun on September 14,
was in retribution for the trauic- death
of his 'divorced wife at the hands of
Gabel last January, was indicted for
assault '.with intent to kill, by the Mult-
uomuu county grand jury yesterday.
Mrs.1 Lee was killed bv, the alloiffd
accidental discharge of a rifle in a
Doatnouse on wmaiuettc slough Janu
ary, wliieli Gabel testified, he pointed
at her and pulled the trigger under
tho impression that the safety catch
was meshed and would not permit the
firing of the trun. He was exonerated
by the coroner's jury.
The shooting for which Lee was in
dieted occurred before the Queen Bak
ery, 622 Alberta street. Seated before
the bakery, where he was employed as
a , delivery chauffeur by his brother.
Gabel was reading a newspaper when
Lee approached, carrying a sawed orr
"Do you know who I am?'' witness
es say he asked. "I'm Mr. Lee. You
are the-man who killed my wife, CSa
bel tried to run and was shot twice
Lee fled, but was arrested at the point
of the drawn revolver of Patrolman En
dicott. Goon' Wn, driver of the automobile
truck that killed Mrs. Wilhelmina Lo
renz in an accident at Third and Morri
son streets on August 28, was exoner
ated from au involuntary manslaughter
charge by tho grand jury yesterday.
If Claim Proves True One
Half of All States Have
Gone Dry
Chicago, Nov. 9. Prohibition was au
issue in eight state Tuesday-. The drys
won with state-wide amendments in
fonr states South Dakota, Nebraska,
Montamt aud Michigan and claim a
fifth, Missouri. Maryland defeated
state-wide prohibition and California
is believed to have turned down both
completely dry and liquor restriction
amendments to the constitution.
If Missouri has voted prohibition,
half the states in the I'uiun are iu the
dry column, 10 having previously ban'
ished liciuor.
Aluska, scattering returns indicated,"
joined the dry column. A "lieer" prop
osition -ill Colorado, to partly lift the
lid, was .defeated. So was a Biniilar
hill in Oregon which also voted os'a
'bono dry" amendment, whose fate Is
in doubt.-
Arkansas voted to remain dry.
A Kansas City dispatch says: ."The
result of voting on state wide prohi
bition apparently was a toss-up ax far
as Jackson county was concerned.
With 231 precincts heard from, the
amendment polled 23,185 votes, as com
pared with 29,185 cast against it. Dry
advocates declared that, with the aitna
tion in Kansas City a sland-otf, the
rurul districts would be given an op-
(Continued on page five.)
Phone 81 . Prompt Service
SCMNER To Mr. and Mrs. John A.
.Sunnier, 1510 Bellevue avenue, Wel
nesda, November K, l!)lfl, a son.
. The annual meeting of the Ladies' of
the .Muecubees was held yesterday in
lleComnrk hall. The general busiiips
of the lodge was taken up in the after
noon with n social session in the even
ing. About 180 were in attendance', HO
of these. coming from a distance.
Also Called Tetter, Salt Rbeum, Pruri
tus, Milk Crust, Water Poison,
Weeping Skin, etc,
I believe eczema can be cured to stay.
I mean just whut I say C-L' U K I) and
NOT merely patched up to return n
gain. Remember, I make this statement
after handling nearly a half million
cases of eczema and devoting 12 yours
of -my life to its treatment. I don't
care what all you have used nor bow
many doctors have told you that you
could not be cured, all I ask is just a
chance to prove my claims. If you write
me TODAY, I will send you a FREE
TRIAL of mild, soothing, guaranteed
treatment that will surely convince you
as it has me. If you are disgusted and
discouraged, I dure you to give mo a
chance to prove my claim. By writ
ing me today I believe you will enjoy
more real comfort than you really
thought this world held for you. .lust
try it, and I feel sure you will agrt-e
with me.
Dr. 3. E. CANNADAY, 333 Court
21k., Sedalla Mo.
References: Third National llnnk, Se
dalia, Mo. Send this notice to some
eczema sufferer.
There Is mor Catarrh In this seetlon
the country tnan all other diseases put
together, and until the last few yean
was supposed to be Incurable. For a
! treat many years doctors pronounced It a
Deal disease and prescribed local reme
dies, and by constantly falling to cur
wfth local treatment, pronounced It Incur
able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a
constitutional disease, and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall'
Catarrh Cued, manufactured by F. J,
Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, Is the onlj
Constitutional cure on the market. It is
taKen Internally. It acts directly on th
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
case It fails to cure. Sand (or circular
ml testimonial;. ...
Address: .P. J. CHENE.X .CO uToled3. J
Take Halve Ftrallr Pills (or constipation
- The following - prices for frnita
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of tha retailer, acd
not What is paid to tha producer.
All other p.-ices ara those paid tha
producer. Correctlcna ara made
Everything is nice and quiet in the
markets today as there are no material
changes. In rant, the only change was
in the butter dnarket with butterfat
quoted at 37 ernt. and .creamery but
ter 6v cents, an advance today of two
Wheat ...
.. tl.23
.. $40.00
... $26.50
... $29.00
.... 12
.... $16
Oats, ne w
Kollcd parley . .
Shorts, per ton .
nay, ciover . .
Hay, cheat
Hnv. vatMi
Hay, timothy , ,
Butterfat 37c
Creamery butter, per pound - 3Hc
tountry butter 2o(a30e
Eggi ana Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash .... .... 88c
Eggs, trade ........... 40c
Hens, pound 12a(a13Mc
Roosters, old, per pound 0c
Broilers, under 2 pounds 14c
Turkeys S0(w21e
Ducks .....a ll(r 12e
Gceso 10c
Fork, Vest and Mutton.
Pork, dressed 12 l-213c
Pork, on foot 8 l-2(o)9c
Spring lumbs, 1910 77V4c
Veal, according to quality ........ 8(o)!lc
Steers C(a)6
Cows 8 l-84e
Bulls 83 1-4
Kwes ... : i. 4c
Wethers S 1-2
. Figs and Dates
Figs, 70 four oz
Pigs, 36 12-oz. ....
Figs, 12 10-oz
Black figs
White figs
Dromedary dates ... ..
V T k . .- ' Vegetables.
Tomatoes, Oregon
. $2.60
... 90c
... ttc
.. 10c
.. 3.75
String garlic ...... t. ... . 10(u
12 l-2i
potatoes, sweet .........
. 2 3-4c
Potatoes, per 100 pounds $1
ureen onions .
Croon peppers
. 7c
Carrots, dozen
Artichokes , '.
. 40s
.. $1
. 40c
... 7c
Lettuce, local
Lettuce, Culifornia, crate . ,
Egg planti
Grapes $1.75
Apples . 50c$1.00
Oranges, Valencies $3.00
Lemons, per box $G.OO(j0.50
Bananas, pound Be
California grape fruit $1.25
Pineapples Be
Honey $3.60
Cranberries : $10.00 12.00
Xstall Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 45e
Sugar, cane $S.70
sugar, beet . $8.50
Creamery outter 45e
Flour, hard wheat $2.2f(a2.50
ilour, valley $1.9U(rj2.10
Portland, Ore., Nov. I). Wheat:
Club, $1.15.
Bluestein, $1.00.
Fortyfold, $1.52.
Roil liuHsian, $1.50.
Oats: So. 1 white feed, $34.50.
Barley: Feed, $37.50.
Hogs: Best live, $9.00.
Prime steers, $7.25.
Fancy cows, $5.35(55.50-
Calves, $7(i8.
Spring lambs, $S.7o.
Butter: City creamery, 3Sc.
Eggs: Helectcd local ex., 47 l-2c.
Hens, 15c. .
Broilers, l(l17c.
Geese, lie.
Write "for free booklet
Bend sketch and description or
model, mentioning this paper,
for thorough FREE search for
Sll Victor Bldg..
WasbingtonD. C. Nov.ll
50 years experience.
Dopot National and Americas fence
Siies 26 to CS In. high. .
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Sslem Fence and Htovs Works, 250
Ht. Plions 124.
and pay taxes In Satan. Let Balers
dsodIb saw your wood. Phons 269.
iKs it. ZUl, T. Xj. Keiitor, Wm.
FOR BENT Five rooms close in,
first floor, use of basement. Lights
' and water furnished, prise $25.00 par
month; also two-rooms in same build
ing with lights and water for $9.00.
Bquare Deal Realty Co., 202 D. 8.
Bank Bldg.
FOR KENT 15 acres nearly all ia
-.cultivation,, convenient -to school and
church. Good buildings and well
watered. Also 16 acres with similar
conveniences. Both places about 12
miles from Portland. Each $150.00
per year. Square Deal Hcalty Co., 203
I'. S. Bank Bldg
DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAIr
TON Osteopathia physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksvilla,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia
nerve diseases at Los Angeles collega
Treat acuta and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 505-506 U. 8. National Bank
building. Phone 659. Residence SM
North Capital street. Phone 4U . ,
1ALEM BCA.VENQEB Ciarles Boot,
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Maia
247. Besidauce Main 8278.
CH AS. ' B. HODGKIN General Insur
ance, Surety Bonds, real estate and
rentals. Hubbard Bldg. Phone 386. tt
DB, O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If yon have tried everything
aad got - no . relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 406-7-8 JJ. S. National Bank
. Building. Phone Main 87. Besideaca
Main 828-B.
A. 21. Clongh mortioians and funeral
directors. Latest modern Jnothods
known to. the profession employed.
490 Court fit. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 258 North
High street Day aad night phone
183. -
rT prTPTn -. httppt.v:
Co., 220 N; Liberty
.Thorn? 263. A com
plete line of Electria
' Supplies and fixtures
corner Commercial and Trade streets
For wf.ter service apply at office.
Bill payable monthly in advance. -
Hubbard bldg., Salem. All drugloss
methods taught. Flora A. Browster,
M. D., dean, private patients 1 to 5
p. m. Examination free. tf
from all points, east, on all houBhold
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agenta for Pacifio Coart
Forwarding company, 161 South Com
nercial street. Phoae Main 933.
SHOE REPAIRING Old shoes made
like new. Alt leatncr usea in repair
ing. Fair prices to all. Modern Shoe
Repair Co., 401 Court St. Salem. no28
CIDER By the borrol or In any quae-
tlty at ioc a gunon ai vue mm. u
tom work at 2c a gallon. Commercial
Cider works. Phone 2194. 1010 N.
Commercial St. nov28
OREGON Wholesalo and Retail Hide
and Metal company. Highest casa
price paid for hides, pelts, rags, used
machinery and junk of all kinds. A
good stump puller for sale. 197 Soutk
Commercial. Phone 399. nov27
CHAsTb. HODGKIN Insurance, sure
ty bonds, real estate, tentais. oui
Hubbard bldg. Phono 3S6. . deel
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd k Bush' Bank, Salem, Oregon
mount; low rates; promptly closed
attractive pre-paying privileges. I
iave G'ii per cent insurance money
to loan oa Salem business and resi
dence property. Thos. A. Boberta,
205 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg.
ONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rate of
Interest on highly improved farms.
3omer H. Smith, room 9 McCornaek
Bldg.. Salem, Ore., Phone 96.
Yick So Ton
Has medicine - which will ears
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 S. m.
tefttil 8:00 p. m.
153 South High Street
Ziiam, Oregon. Paeae S3t