Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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: :
l W N WW WW .
As toothsome
as the name
Delicious, long
lasting. The
third of the
Wrigley trio of
refreshing .con
fections. Good for teeth,
breath, appetite
and digestion.
Three of a kind
Keep thera in mind.
Don't forget
after every meal
Shii I'raiieisco, Nov., 9. .On (lie re
turns trum 400 precincts still to be
heard friini in t'ulifuriiin, will depend
the momentous question whether Pres
ident Wilson or rhnrlos Evans Hughes
will capture California's III electoral
.v oil's. And on tho voter of tliOHO same
precincts may depend the rooutt lu the
nut ion. .
With these irof i in I h missing, I'rosi
dent Wilson luul 440,205 hii.I ilovernor
Hughes 4:i.'i,Xlilt. A difference of 4,:iM(
vol i'i in null nn enormous totnl run
viuccd o t i t - I lenders more firmly
than ever early today thnt a fiiuil, eoni
jdete, official I'oiint will lie necessary
before thi issue in decided beyond qnes
ion. Inili'i'cl, mo i n ioi t mi t in each pre
cinct !u the presidention race, (lint it
would not surprise if the republican
or democratic lender would demand
recount in ninny counties.
Pacing the certuiuty of a veritable
"eyelash finish," .republican and dem
ocrat io .party managers today revised
their earlier claims of sweeping plu
ralities for their candidates Hi Califor
nia. Viep Chairman Mux Kidil of the
republican state committee no id early
toiluv: "I expert n. plurality of some
1200 to 1400 for Hughes In ( ttliforiiia.
Thin is biaed on tho vote counted no far
Hud on conservative estimates on coun
ties where the count in not complete
Ivorth of the Tchnchapi, Wilson has a
plumlity of .1(1,00(1 but this will bo
overcome by a Mushes plurality of 111,
OOtl to ai,tifl in aoiilhern California'
The comment of O. K. dishing, win
ocratio state chairman, was: " I consid
er California afo for Wilson."
The moat luiense interest ever shown
liero in a presidential count waa evi
dent throughout California today. News
iaper office were bescibed by thrones
of voter and county clerka making up
official count iu muny places were
rompelled to take steps to prevent' in
terference with tho tabulators.
A Faint Hop
San Francisco. Not. 9 United Press
tabulation! of 5472 precincts la Cali
loruia including correction and revis
ions of earlier counts in some counties
allowed Wilson leading by 4.HHI, The
to'nls were: Wilson 440,'jett ; Hughes
This leaven till) precincts to be heard
Tho 400 missing precincts are main
ly in southern California, where I lug lies
is strong, mid there is n strong possi
bility that when returns from these
come in Wilson lend either will be
greatly reduced or offset.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 0. With the solid
south giving President Wilson the usual
democratic majorities, interest iu this
soction centered in wttite issues.
Iu Florida, S. J. Cntts, independent
prohibit ionist candidate for governor,
had 22.231 ngnlnst W. V. Knott, demo
crat, 19,090, in 453 preeiurts out of Mill
in the state.
Incomplete returns- in Arkansas in
dictate defeat of the amendment to sub
stitute local option for the present ntnti
wide prohibition.
J.Hler'returns from 50 out of 52 coun
ties give C'ntts 20,010 to 21,9i2 for
Australians Eager to See
Darcy and Dillion Meet
By Hamilton,
(I'niled Press (staff CorresKiiident.)
Kcw York, Nov. 9. Since I,os lmrey,
the Australian middleweight phennni,
defeated (loorgc Chip, kuocking him
cold in the ninth round, the Austrnlinu
fighting public has been wildlv clam
oring for a bout between Ihirev and
Jack Dillon, the American light hfavy-
ni'iKlll. .
The United Tress' Australian cor
respondent declares in a message re
ceived today that Parcy has com
pletoly run out of opponents .worthv
of his efforts in his home country and
he wants to try his skill against the
beat America can lend.
The same message brings tho news
that Dnrcy has gone into a miliuirv
training camp to prenaro himself for
duty at the front, but state that the
authorities allow him to take part iu
boxing contests.
Previous American engagements of
Australians, with very few exceptions
have proven quite unprofitable for the
Australians, but . this hardly would be
the ease in the event of Ihirev paving
this country a Visit.
Almost the aame thing has happened
when the best of the America u have
traveled across the scat to meet the
Australians. Eddie McGoorty and Jim
my 1'lnbby, howevr, two grand lignt
ers, have proved unnblo to atop the
rush to the tup by the fighting Ihircy
and Americans realize the same as the
Australians, that in Darcy Australia
has produced a most wonderful man,
one who is likely to tnko a fall out of
Billon or (libbons if given the oppor
tunity. Snowy linker, the Australian fight
impreaanrin, is trying hard to bring
about a boxing meet whore Barcy and
Billon or (iibbons,. and several other
good boxers will get to show their
wares. If he succeeds the winner of
the bout undoubtedly would lmvo the
right to call himself the world 's
Boxing is enjoying great popularity
right now in Australia, iu spite of the
demnads of military service. Every
Mondnv night, Snowy Baker declares,
is "Martial Night" at the Sydney
stadium, at the invitation of linker,
and thousands of soldiers present them
selves nt tho bouts. The war would
huve little effect on a world's cham
pionship match.
Woodmen Defeat N
Oregon Theatre
The bowlers of the Oregou theatre
were defeated last night by the Wood
men team by losing owt game out of
three. Capiu of the Oregon team rolled
high average with a score of 1 Bit. High
game waa taken by Sundin of the Ore
gon with a acore of 229. The average
of the teams was Woodmen 173, Ore
gon 1(15.
The scores follow:
w. o w.
1 2 3 To. Av.
Donaldson ....103 150 17S BOP 171)
Beau 181 150 178 80! 170
Absentee .....154 154 154 402 154
I.lovd BIS 14 1(11 448 149
Fierce 180 1S8 H0 504 1S8
Totals 822 808 803 2502
Tenia average, 173,
"' Unless the Southern Pacific can
furnish cars, we will have to close
down indefinitely," was the substance
oi a telegram sent to the public ser
vice commission today by the Ewauna
Box company of Klamath Palls. The
telegram said further that their trade
and themselves were in distress because
of the car shortage and they asked if
there was no immediate relief in sight.
They state the car shortage is worse
than ever before and that they re
ceived only 11 cars in the past six days,
and five of these were gondolas. .They
say the conipanv is behind 122 cars
since Keptember 26 or a total of 202
cars since May 1. ,
8ecretai(y Ost render has an inter
view with the 8. P. officials scheduled
for this afternoon, and will write an
answer, sometime today telling what
can bo done in this case. It is his be
lief that the best movement in Southern
Oregoft and California may have been
completed to such an extent that cars
used in that service may be diverted to
help -the" box company. Although the
box factory needs box cars they can
make use of gondolas, and it is probable
that style-of car will meet the situa
tion for the present.
State Forester KUiot will go to Port
laud tomorrow to attend a meeting of
the state forestry board. Forester El
liott is secretary of the board.' Routine
business is about the only thing on the
docket. .....
Members of the public service com
mission weje in Canyon City yesterday
to attend a hearing there on the elec
tric, light franchise of that city. They
will be in I.a Grande Friday for a hear
ing of express rate troubles on the
shipping of butter, milk, and cream.
On Saturday, :vovemher 11, the com
mission will be iu Pendleton for a henr-
ing of the Keith crossing petition. It
appears the Umntilla county court
wishes to build a bridge across the
I nintilla river and finds it is necessary
to build an approach over the railroad
tracks in order to reach the bridge
structure. To determine tins crossing!
question is the purpose ot the hearing.
Hie commission expects to oe back in
balem Monday.
Articles of ineorporn?nSn were filed
tins morning by the a timet t company
of Portland, with a capital stock of
foOOO. The business is a general mer
hnndise store. A certitn-ate of disso
lution was given to the Peninsular In
vestment company, which has dissolv
ed and the property divided according
to the shares of stock.
f . f M.
"The Natural Shortening
Cottolene Pie Crust
Mix one scant level half-te
poonful salt with I Yt cup pal
try flour. Chop in with a knife
H cup of chilled Cottolene.
When well cut together, mix
la very gradually 3 table
apoonfula cold water, chop
ping the mi xture and avoiding;
wet streak a. Do not knead
with hand. Flour moulding
board and rolling pin and roll
dough aenaual. Ifpaateiaeoft,
chill In pan on ice be fore rolling.
Write oe tor m rVee copy of
or real cook too, "HOME
HELPS." A.Wrfo.ff General
Offices. Chicago.
Your pies will be delicious
whenever you use Cottolene for shortening. It .
gives just " the right crispness and flakiness to
the crust and enhances the flavor of the filling. !
Be sure to use Cottolene the next time you make pies
and notice how nicely it works in with the flour also how l
delicioui your pies will be. '
Cottolene makes foods shortened with or fried in it more
healthful as well as more appetizing. . J
Your grocer will supply Cottolene in large or small pails. .
Ask him to deliver it regularly. . : :
(ieorge Palmer Putnam, private sec
retary of the governor, is athis home
in Itcnd and will not be back in Salem
before Monday.
Secretary, of State Oleott'a hunting
dog is a clever canine, lie rides up ami
down the elevator at the state house
and goes from office to office where
he thinks he can niicl candy. He will
lav down outside a door until it is
open and then slip inside. c
Sufferer from Indigestion Believed
"Before tuking Chamberlain 's Tab
lets my husband suffered for several
years from indigestion, causing him to
have pains in the stomach and distress
after eating. I hainberlniu'a labiets re
lieved him ot these spells ngnt away,
writes Mrs. Thomas Casey, Cieneva, N.
. Obtainable everywhere.
Will Play Hockey
Friday Afternoon
Vancouver, I!. (.'., Nov. 9. President
Frank Patrick lust night announced
that the annua! meeting of tho Pacific
Coast lee Hockey association would be
be held in this city Friday night and
directors from Portland, Seattle and
Spokane will be in attendance. Plaits
had been made that the gathering be
held in Seattle, but Presideut Patrick
ruled otherwise.
A schedulo for tho 19lti-17 season
will be drawn up aud in all probabil
ity the peace agreement recently sign
ed by the National Hockey association
will arrive iu time, for the Western
magnates to place their signatures on
the document.
Besides this business, the election of
league officials as well as the discus
sion of obtuining new blood for the
circuit will be in lint.
World Series to Be March 10
It was learned today that tho next
worldi's hockey series would start
March l. 11M7, nnd the scene of the
bnttle will be in a city ou the Pacific
coast. Last year the Portland I'ucle
Sams, winners of the UU5-1U cham
pionship of the Pacific (.'oast Ice Hock
ey association, went east and tried to
win the world's premier honors but
lost out, three games to four.
According to word received today
from Montreal, the Wanderers and Spo
kane are negotiating. Manager Sam
liichteiihein, of the Wanderers, says
that Spokane is trying to trade the
servires of Pubbie Kerr for those of
tlordie Roberts. The easterner declared
thnt if such was the ease the purchase
of liobcrts would have to be outright.
Kerr last week sinned a Spokane
contract. Last season he played with
Lester Patrick and his ictona Aris
Patrick Managing Spokane
Lester Patrick is managing Spokane,
while Prank Patrick is maungiug Van
couver, H. I'., tho only Canadian city
representen in the Pacific t oast ice
Hockey association.
Kii ITT M 1" "'" jll J v Ask him to deliver it regularly. . S
Court House News
The 2.000 volumes of the school lib
rl .... llial ithanlrurl n.-nv .li..inn- tlio'
last week have been seut out to the va
rious school districts of the city. The
task of checking and gettingjeody for
shipment was done by Mrs. W. M.
Smith, wife of the county school super
school superintendent. A copy goes to
each school officer and to each teacher.
It also contains a separate list of the
teachers of the Salem public schools.
It includes the school census for the va
rious districts, the enrollment of each
district, the number of months ef school
each year, salaries, the assessed valua
tion of districts not including corpora
tions. '.
Mrs. N. L. Tulkerson, Mr. A. N. Tul
kerson, State Superintendent ' J. A.
Churchill and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith
visited the Kaiser school last evening in'
their official capacity. There was a
program rendered and speeches made by
the visitors.
A mnrriage license was issued yester
day to Herbert W. Lane, of 960 Electric
avenue, a clerk, and Mildred May Rob
ertson, of 213 Owens street, Salem.
An order of final hearing in the case
of the estate of Burkhart Youngdule
for the verification of the final ac
count of the administrator has bee a set
bv Judge Bushev for December 11,
given at $100.
I A suit in the court of equity was)
brought yesterday afternoon by May
iFIatman against Arthur Flatman for the)
dissolving of the bonds of matrimony.
! She alleges desertion and asks a decree
of separation. She says they, were mar
I ried at Lyons on May 28, 1S95, and that
three children have been born to them
I Ethel Flatman, Dewey Flatman and
Vera Flatman,
About 2,000 copies of the directory
of the school officers aud teachers Of
Marion county have been printed. and
are now being issued by the county!
. Complaint was- filed J'esterdny after
noon by William Johnston against
Charles Vincent, et al, for the recovery
of money alleged to be due on a promis
sory note. The amount of the note is
An action for the recovery of money
on a promissory note was begun yes
terday by A. Tauzler against Joseph.
Becker, Kola Neis and A. G. Magers.
The amount in question is given as $400
and Tangier asks judgment and interest.
New York, Nov. 9. United State
Steel dropped 1 3-4 to 122 1-3 at tho
opening of the stock exchange today.
Initial quotations on other leaders
showed narrow gains in most instances.
1 8 S To. Av
Sundin ....... llll 2S IW 549 11
Onpin 1C.4 SOS 215 5H7 19(1
Absentee 154 154 154 4(12 154
Leslie 13! 157 152 440 147
Whorley 151 112 173 4311 145
Totals MO 853 S474
Team averages, 103.
Help your Stomach, IJver and
llowels to perform their functions
When you need anything in the woolen goods line you should think of
the Woolen Mills Store. Although the prices of woolen fabrics are ad
vancing all the time, we have planned ahead and are able to protect
you on the prices. We are selling many things now at the prices mills
are now asking.
Metcatf Woolen Worsted
Suits that have always sold
at $20 and $25, we still have
at the same prices.
300 Blue Serge Suits, con
tracted for at the old prices;
all wool and guaranteed col
ors; Hart Schaffner & Marx
and other makes $15 to $30
Mackinaw Coats, made
from the Oregon mackinaw;
we contracted for these
coats last January $6 to
$8.50. Other makes to $12.
Men's Shoes have been ad
vanced from 50 cents to $2
per pair by all manufactur
ers. We are still able to sell
you on .our .old .contract
goods at the same prices.
Don't put off your buying. Come in now and make your selections
while you get the regular values and qualities.
. men s
CTHDr . onoes