Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Our Ninth Friday and Saturday
j j With powerful values better than ever, this Friday and Saturday Surprise j
ii; Sale will 'certainly be a surprise to you.- Come and , Share in the Savings. ' fj
University Notes
New Crepe de
Chine Waists
II An iiA 1
at qR ana
jj $2.95 r
1 1 Made of heavy i quality crepe
H ' de chine and fashioned accord
11 iris: to the latest styles in col
li ors of white and pink, all sizes.
SI New Wool Dresses $13.50
Si Of the finest quality epingle cloth, in the latest
II knife-pleat effects. Come in Colors' of navy, brown,
II copen and green. Very special $13.50
j New Voile and Organdie Waist 98c to
The danitiest Waists you nave ever seen, cieveny
fashioned on the latest lines with large collars of
fine voile combined with dainty lace and embroid
ered medalions.
35c Outsize Hose for Women 25c
" This is bur famous Burlington ;
; . Hose," new fashioned, positively 1
1 seamless. ' This stocking must be
seen to be appreciated. Highly
mercerized and very elasticEx
tra sixe tops and in sizes of 8 -12
to 10 1-2 ................ 25c
20c Children's Black " Hose 15c
Our famous Tamahawk Hose for Boy's and Girls,
fast black, a fine rib but heavy in weight. Not a bet-
tci Lutn.uig in uas city lor uie low mce oi loc. ''jj
Scholarly and .entertaining was. the
opening lecture of this winter's facul
ty course which was given in Wnlla
chnpcl Monday evening. The subject
'The Test of Education" was synony
mous for that of interest mid Dr. Carl
Gregg Doney illuminnted its various
aspect well. The lecture was new' to
Salem, although Dr. Doney had used
the same notes in his address before
the Umatilla county Teachers' Insti
tute at Pendleton recently.
u part Dr. Doney said, "The test ap
plied to everyone, is: is he bigger than 1 1
ttimseii i is ne master oi nimseii ana
of largo resources? We prove him by
what he is and by what he does. The
acquirement is always that ho shnll bo
something and accomplish something.
Tho great difference between men lies
not so much in their capacity as in
the use they make of their capacity.
Any normal man can grow indefinitely
if he wills it.. To bring a man to full
stature is not to add something to him;
it is something takiug. jplftce within
him. It is not accumulation, it is as-,
similation. "
Four- requirements are exacted from
tlie educated man if he is to meet the
1 -.1.. mU.A 1.A
! J truly, think quickly, speak accurately
1 1 Land act wisely.
'Every generation works out its
own intellection' salvation, and unless
a man eomes to that ttainment whore
in he can thing accurately he will
wander in the maze of the his own
self-deluding. Our poverty is mental,
our imperfection is mental; nnd mental
insufficiency roots itself in unclear
thinking. There is no place where the
call for wisdom is not heard, and t4
him who is able to reply there is rich
. 'Tho educated man must meet the
second portion of the great law of life
! ! 1
Children's Shoes $1.69
Of fine quality gun metal with heavy flexible sole,
button style, sizes 8 1-2 to 12.".
Growing Girls Shoes $2.25.
Of fine quality velour calf, with heavy flexible sole
button styleand regular misses heel. Sizes 2 1-2 to 6
15d Dress Gingham 10c
One lot of fine Dress Ginghams, in a large assort
ment of pretty stripes, checks and plain colors, very
special per yard 10c
Extra Very Special
Just Received by Express, Especially Priced for Fri
day and Saturday, 49c to $1.39
Notions and Toilet Articles
5c Fine Toilet Soap 3c
Colgates Talcum 14c
Air Float Talcum ;..10c
5c Pearl Buttons 3c
10c Pearl Buttons . 5c
Bone Hair Pins, package 5c
Fine Combs, very special . . . . ; . . . .-.v. ,;I0c and 15c
10c box wire Hair Pins ; . . 4c
R. M. C.tlrochet Cotton . . . . . -i. ..... ; . . 8c
and be able property to give expression
to himself; and the Iirst essential yoi
Specials From Our Men's Furnishing Department : n
HT ' 1 Al . L Jl Pi
men s leauier iacea uioves
Good weight canvas Gloves ......... ' ."I
Extra heavy weight Canton Gloves
75c Ties in beautiful patterns ......
25c Ties
Heavy Denim Overalls, blue and stripes
Boy s Overalls
true self-expression is to speak accur
ately. To speak 'mero words' is to
sneak foolishly, There are no mere
words. A word may be insignificant,
or out of . place, but tho fault is not
in the word; the insignificance or er
Tor ia in the. one who utters it. The
language is the man literally n6t figur
atively. Words are articulate forms .af
ideas; ideas are the man. A man can
not be bis within and not give outward
Hi exnression to that bmness. to tlie ne-
II i Sre of his inability to express himself,
he limits tho resources ami tne oeveiop
li nient of his mind. ,lf he cannot speak
II i accurately, if he has no words to rep
A Musical Treat
. ... .... ..
For Salem People by Well Known Artists
Misses Helen and, Eveline Calbreath and William
WallaceGraham will give a concert at the
Nov. 15
Miss Helen Calbreath, Pianists; Miss Eveline Calbreath,
I Mezzo Soprano; Mr. William Wallace Graham, Violinist
This, will be one of the. greatest musical treats of
f the season. No one should jniss this treat. ,
I Save the date Wednesday Evening, November 15th.
....... 19c
........ 5c
....... 45c
....... 98c
49c and up
Now Lookout .
When a cold hangs on as often hnp
p ns, or when you have nardly gotten
over one cold before you contract an
other, lookout or you are liable to con
tract some very serious disease. This
succession of colds weakens the system
and lowers the vitality so that you arc
much more liable to contract chronic
catarrh, pneumonia or consumption.
Cure your cold while you can. Cham
berlain's Cough Hemeuy has a great
reputation. It-is relied upon by thous
ands of people and never disappoints
them. Try it. It only costs a quarter.
Obtainable anywhere.
Fruitland Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Fruitland, Nov. H. H. O. Bressler has
returned home With his puintiiig outfit.
It is an immense machine mounted on
resent his ideas, he is thereby stifling ! wheels, a cross Between an nuio thick
the life that is in him. " ; " rK ' " . 'rK"
"Purthermore, correct speech is nn ' "" Corvalhs and Hnrrtsburg. The
outer sign of an inward grace. It iin j " on setting in be had to sns
mediatelv commends one to his fellows, pond operations till next summer. -,
.; .. i. :, i....r in.1 Huben Hnymiind nnd Mrs. Raymond
It admits his hearers into a closer in- ,ar .. t.
4lnn wnnli ha linSHltllA if htS:!" '""","'-
Pre-HoKday Sale of Fme Handkerchiefs
The prettiest and. largest collection of fine fancy
Handkerchiefs you have ever seen. We were fortu
nate in procuring a large sample line from an east
ern manufacturer at a price concession that stag
gers belief. Thousands of different designs to
choose from, in fine linen and imported swiss, em
broidered in white and delicate colors. Come and.
see them. Regular prices from 10c to $1.00, on sale
from 4c to 59c
See Window Display
Formerly the Chicago Store
SALEM'S biggest popular priced Department Store Not connected with any
j i i assembled in preparation for tho larg'
" i est honrirc ni nisiory rrmnj m-inn-Hi
Two score of willing workors soon rob
bed the flames or incir unpenning n...y
ground and only part, of one pile was
burned. The Websterinns were dis-ciissing-war
nt the time and its realis
tic presence; was duly impressed, for
the fire was a ''rnrin' to go" big af
fair while it lasted. It will be oi fin
ally set off next Friday evening as
pah of the big rally which is to usher
in the lmlverization of Pacific l!ni-
i.-ui-uiiv's nHiiirntions to iioii conference
II honors next Saturday afternoon on the
I local Willamette gridiron.
Ill Patriotism is to be the keynote
ES the Adelunte literary Bociety program
words were unfit, inappropriate anfl i
correct revelation of the innn.
"You can prolong the test of the
educated ns interminably as you wish.
It is the eventuation of life; and it
reaches into every dream and ambition
land fact of human experience. It lifts
before us the fair vision of what one
I may become and what do. Tho four
l tests these are the sign1 and seal of
him entitled to bear the honors and
receive the emoluments of an educated
! man."
I Sessions of the men's literary soclo
'ties were rudely interrupted last night
iwhen it became known that miscreants
!.! liuliteH tlie hiive mass of infliim-
nmt.l debris which tho freshmen hud
been delayed. . the week for the younger set was a din-
An item of ' interest which occurred j ner party given at the J. D. Darby home
last week was the marriage of . Olivia Hull(jtty. Thnc enjoyii. the event were:
Cierber and Albert Eggerman both j TWfW Mr. d
q v. Lr-jSv of l'ort-! .voung people of- tins vicinity, jncy '
' , " ,a ul '1. :!... . : ..!...:..: tl... V Then. V eln(r. r nnil AfiM. Clciin
land visited with relatives in this vl-jday e?cning, 8 j McClellaii, Jlr. and Mrs. Jake Doerfler,
einity Sunday. Vhe school children rejoiced because i Bt'tha Krenz, Margaret Uoerfler, l.eoiia
Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Bauingartner have of the holiday Tuesday. i Hubbard, l.izuic Krenz, Bertha Doer-
.Miss i'earl J-.yre spent tne weea enu fler. Klsie and Ava Uarbv. Alex and
with her parents of Salem. I.Tosie Doerfler, Mariott Lewis, Willie
Krenz, Martin Doerfler, r-ikl and Julius
Krenz, Oeorge Doerfler, Mr. Star.
Zelina and Jasper King left for Salem
Sunday, -where (hey will attend busi
ness college.
Mrs. Strom, who is at the Silvetron
Victor Point. Ore.. Nov. 9. The Hal- hospital, i somewhat improved.
lowe'eu dance given by the Idle Hour! Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Hubbard were
club Saturday night was well attend- Capital City visitors Friday and Sat-
On account of the heavy rains, work i ed and all report a splendid time. urday.
. . ...... . , i . , . .. , , -1 . 1 I 1 O 3
on .lohn oeity s new resilience nas ime or tne most nengoiTni evenis or iuhubj kw smncu rjuonujr
good attendance, the first
Pratam Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
l'ratum, Xov.
returned from a two months tour In
the east. During their travels they vis
ited with relatives in Ohio and Kan
sas. Walter Beutler, a pninter of Tort
land, spent the week end with relatives
near this city.
Klden Herr is tho proud possessor
of an automobile purchased recently.
Mrs. AberBold was,a Salem visitor
Yictor Point Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.) I
All you do is iron the starch pieces
We Iron the Flat Pieces
5c per pound
Capital City Steam Laundry
Phone 165
wmi a
! meeting since the busy season.
Mrs. Wm. Thornley was shopping in
Kilverton Saturday.
! Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burnett visited at
j the home of Klmer Hubbard Sunday,
i Miss Mabel Davenport began her term
of school last Monday at Fairview.
I Denver,' Colo., Nov. 9 Howard Tur
ner, 23, and Mrs. Kvelyn Bushong tn-
night were held in jail here to await
the arrival of Sheriff Burrstorey, of
I Kllsworth, Kansas, who is expected here
tomorrow to take the couple back to
Kansan to answer a charge of killing
j H. M. Bushong, husband of Mr. Bush
ong, near Kllsworth, the night of Oc
j tuber '31. "Turner is said to have con
' fessed to the police that he killed Bush
long, while' riding in a light wagon with
I Bushong, wife and two children, 'fol
j lowing a quarrel between Bushong and
i hi wife.
Turner is said to have told the police
the killed Bushong with a hatchet and
that after driving two hours with the
dead body in the wagon, Mrs. Bushong
held the team while he buried the body
Mather 'Made. Oniric
Acting Cough Syrup
Shonld be Krpt ltrnmiy Im T.vrrr
Home KaMllr I'rrpared aad
t'oata l.lttle. -
Mothers, you "11 never know what yon
are missing' until you make up this in
expensive, fjuick-aetiiijr coujfh svrup and
try it. Children love its pleasant tat
and nothing else will loosen a couuli oi
chest void and heal the inflamed OI
swollen throat mcmhranes with such
ease and promptness. It's equally at
good for grown-ups as for children!
This splendid cough svrup is made by
pouring 2Mi outlet of Vincx (0 centf
worth), into a pint bottle and filling the
bottle with plain granulated sugar
avrun. This gives you a full pint a
family supply of much better cough
remedy than vou could buv ready-made
for 130 a clear saving of $2.
The moment it touches the inflamed,
cold-congested membrane that line the
throat and air pabunges, the healing be
gin, the phlegm loosens, soreness
leave, cough spasm lessen and soon
disappear altogether, thus ending
cough quicker than you ever thought
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
cough are conquered hv it in 24 hours
or less. Excellent for bronchitis, whoop
ing cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial
asthma or winter cough.
I'ititx i a highly concentrated com
ooiind of genuine Norwav Dine extract.
combined with guaiacol and is famous
the world over for it quick healing
ell pet on the membrane.
Beware of substitute. Ask your
druggist for "2Vi ounce of Pinex" with
direction and don't accept anything
cW. Guaranteed, to eive absolute satis
faction or money refunded. The fine
Co.. it. Wavne. lad.
for Friday afternoon. After a piano
iilo by Miss Carolyn Sterling, Miss
Helen -Wood will talk on "Our Pres
ident." A vocal solo by Miss Kvelyn
Heigleman is to follow and then Miss
Nellie fatchen will relitto "What 1
Saw at tho foils." Such Interest in
national affairs shows that university
women are appreciating the rights of
Fire broke out in the gymnasium
Tuestliiv afternoon and the quick work
of Coach Tt. U Matthews was ull that
saved the building from a possible
serious conflagration. As it wn aix
jerseys and several pnirs of shoes were
dcstrovetl as well as the walls lieing
considerably scorched and blackened.
not been severely hurt by that promis
ed democratic landslide.'
Fruitland, ' Xov. 0. Walter Rtnisom,
a Snlem high school student of this 1
place went with flip foot ball team fi
Tillamook and McMinnville recently.
At the first named place Salem won,
at tho last nanied was defeated.
Hert Kdward Simpson, brother of
Mrs. H. C Bressler of this place, who
formerly resided at North Yakima is
now occupying the parsonage of tho
Kvangelical church, corner of 17th and
Cheineketa streets.
' Wtlsnn By 7000 Majority
San Francisco, Nov.- H. d-'rank V.
Cornish, secretary of tho Woodrow Wil
son Independent League, this afternoon
issued a statement claiming California
for Wilson bv 7.1MI0 votes. .
land drawing in the Skiinognn country
in the state of Wusbiugtoii. it was res
ervation land throws open to settlers
They got 1 0 acres of fine land ml
arc building and improving. Mrs. Ray
mond was formerly Miss 'Nina Bowers
whose parents reside at Fruitland.
Bert Bressler has finished shingling
his new barn. He used nearly 24,000
shingles. -
Flection passed quietly at our pre
cinct Fast Snlem 'polling place, Rick
ey school house. Max (iehlhiir polled
more votes than his two opponents
Corby and McMahan combined. Wil
son I believe carried the precinct.
Wo here in Fruitland are satisfied
whichever way the presidential contest
will be finally decided. Also wo have
New Hampshire for Wilson
New York, Nov; 9. The 'republican. ;
national committee this afternoon post
ed on its bulletin hoard the statement -that
by unofficial complete returns'
from New Hampshire,' the state had '
gone to Wilson by 171 votes.
Concession Withdrawn '
New York, Nov. 9. George W. Per
kinses member of the republican eaiii-
nait'ii committee, speaking for the coin-.
mittee this atieinoon sunt lie nnd not
conceded New Hampshire to Wilson
despite the bulletin posted on the com
mittee s board.
Her Son Subject to Croup
"My son hilwin it subject to croup '.
writes Mis. K. O. Irwin, New Kensing
ton, fa. "I put in many sleepless hou s
at night before I learned of Chaniht r
luin's Cough Remedy. Mothers need nut
feur this disease if they keep a buttro
of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy in tho
house ami use it as tiirecteti. it always
gave my boy relief, phtaimible everywhere.
beside the road near Kllsworth, Kan.
The couple drove to Wilson, Kan.,
tied up the team and took o train for
The arrest was made following dis
covery of bliiotl-stnincd gurmettls in the
wagon nt Wilson.
The firBt number of the Public. Li
brary Lecture Course will be given as
scheduled Friday evening at S o clock.
It will be the grand opera II Trovatore
from records with the story of the op
era and explanatory notes. It was
thought for awhile that it would have
to lie given up owing to tne nut I niai
the firm with whom arrangements hail
been made for the machine and records
is going out of business, but Miss Myr
tle Know-land who represent the So
nora phonograph in Snlem has kindly
agreed to furnish a Sonora machine
and Mr. Frank Churchill, teacher of
music, has consented to lonn his rec
ords. Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace of Wil
lamette University will tell the story
of the opera. The concert will bo in
the auditorium of the library and Is
free. An enjoyable evening is assured.
It is impossible at this time to say
definitely i to the possibility of "liv
ing the other operas on the course at
planned. Mr. Churchill has kindly of
fered .to loan the records for Krnnni
so that will be given as scheduled. If
anv friends of the library having opera
records would volunteer to loan them
they would be greatly appreciated., Call
up tne iniinrmu, . . I
Try Journal WANT AD.S they pay.
Perfect Baking-No Germs
" s
The first real improvement in
oven construction in 50 years
Perfect baking light fresh germless!
No turning of pans no dried-up roasts, .i
The most particular baking browned evenly, top, v
bottom and sides in the patented fresh air oven of
Cole's Hot Blast Range
fluffy and germless.
The minute spaces (of
the cake, bread, etc.)
are filled with the fresh,
pure air put in circula
tion by Cole's Patented
Fresh Air Oven. It is
the only oven that gives
perfect baking.
The Powerful
Circulation .
caused by Cole's venti
lated oven equalizes the
"The Double Capacity Range"
Luk far Aam "C ' '!
Sole Agents for Salem
Corner Court and Liberty Streets
150 differences found
between the front and
back oven temperatures
of other ranges, and
thoroughly distributes
it m all parts of Cole's
oven. This circulation
heats every corner alike
and gives perfect bak
ing, browned evenly,
top, bottom and sides.
Cole's Hot Blast range has
gained an enviable reputa
tion among good bakers
put one in your home today.