Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Of interest to Salem folks will be the
farewell concert to be given by Miss
Mary Bcbultx, violinist,, wbo soon will
leave Salem to study in Chicago.
The concert which is to be given
Tuesday evening at the Oregon theater
will be sponsored by the Salem Wo
man's duo ana onimoraai ciuo as uu
appreciation to the charming little ar
tist before her departure.
Assisting Miss Schultz with her pro
eramme will be Htnart McUuire, bari
tone, of Portland; Miss Vera Kitchner,
organist, and Airs. Allreu nenram, pi
' Mrs. W. Carlton Smith who has been
passing a few days in Portland, return
ed Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Klsrin pre
rnded over a charming dinner Sunday
evening. The affair which was planned
s a littlo attention to Mr. and Mrs.
K. B. d'oodiu, was very informal. The
prettily appointed table was decked
with an artistic, basket of yellow mari
golds and yellow fruits. Covers were
placed for the' honor guests and their
.. j .- i ... ..L.. ,... ,:i.
Miss Margaret Ooodin, Miss Mabel Pat
riekf IfOum-'Oldl'ield of Portland and
the hosts.V.riS i,
V Mrs. R. B. Houston, who has been
nkyiiig a visit with old friends in
Itoseburg, returned Tuesday. During
her stay there Mrs. Houston was me
house guest of Mrs. H. D. Oravcs.
Mrs. ,T. M. Mcintosh and Mrs. Eld
ridge motored to Salem from Independ
ence Wednesday to pass the day.
Salem folks w.ill be interested to
know that Mr. timer LeKoy Jrnks,
formerly of the Grove studio, Portland,
has opened studio in the Hubbard
j fi-:f Better ttian
1 1 J any other
wheat food,
Krumbles grati
fies the palate,
satisfies the ap
petite, and nour
ishes the body.
Look for
this signature
A.. .... . I
,. lfe.JytoE.il;
Mr. and Mrs. W. Vt Klder of Stay ton
visited friends in Salem Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elder have recently mov
ed to Htayton from '(oseburg, where
Mr. Elder was superintendent of the
Soldiers Homo.
The Woman 's Relief Corps will hold
a bazaar on November the twenty-fifth.
The women are devoting much time to
preparing an a"rray of attractive arti
cles for the sale, which will not only
include charming Xmas gifts, but home
mades of the choicest recipes nud ma
terials. A public reception will be given Fri
day night in- the parlors of the First
Methodist church complimentary to Dr.
and Mrs, R. N. Avison and family and
the deaconess Mies Neva Vaughan.
Mrs. Dee Oohlson was hostess Sat
urday, when she entertained the "Sa
medi Club" with an informal after
noon. About a dozen guests gathered
for the afternoon, which was devoted
to sewing and a literary programme,
including an interesting paper on the
"Ever increasing advantages of the
human race," given by the hostess.
The rooms were prettily adorned with
autumn leaves and Mrs. Oohlson was
assisted by Miss Moore.
A group of little folks gathered at
the charming birthday party given lit
tle Helen Virginia Ferris at the home
of her partnes, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Ferris, on North Commercial street on
Saturday afternoon.
The house was bright with autumnal
foliage nnil the afternoon was spent
playing gnmes. Little? Dorothy Mc
Cracken, May Jcnks and Paul S'ecke
won the prizes.
Assisting Mrs. Ferris in serving a do
lightful birthday collation were Mrs.
.T. W. MeMuohae! of Portland, Mrs. W.
T. Jenks and Miss Ethel Casebere.
The little guests reveling in the gay
etieg were: Mildred Roberts, Catherine
Taylor, Emily Frickey, Dorothy Me
Cracken, May Jenks, Helen Darbv,
Tommy Liveslev, Edwin Cross, Robert
Kiill, Paul -Sieeke, Stanley Price, Hich
am upjonn, fcari .j-crris.
At the Lincoln school a ' mother's
meeting will be held tomorrow after
noon at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. Hartley will
give a talk on the enro of the teeth
and Miss Catherine Welch will give a
itii (Lini;.
Dining the meeting cake and desert
recipes will be given away free. On
November the L'-ltn tho punils of the
school will give an interesting Thanks
giving programme.
Ties niiulo of a native hard wood
have been used on the Panama rail
road without renewal for nioro than 50
(Continued from page one.)
"It is not safe, however, to say New
Hampshire has gone one way or the oth
er," said Bean- "The official reports
ma" upset the present figures. The
state's vote might swing on the final
official reports from some village."
North Dakota for Wilson.
Fargo, N. D., Nov. 9. "Wilson will
not carry North Dakota by more than
500, if he carries it at all," William
Lemke, chairman of the republican
state central committee told the United
Press this afternoon. Democrats stand
pat on their claim of 1,000.
Wilson Lea da Minnesota.
St. Paul. Minn., Nov. 9. With many
changes and corrections on figures of
tiotn candidates, Wilson lias a lead in
Minnesota of 354 with 29 precincts miss
ing or unchanged. It seems certain that
votes of soldiers on the border will de
cide the issue in Minnesota.
North Dakota for Wilson.
Fargo, N. D., Nov. 9. Seventeen hun
dred and eighteen precincts out of 1,853
in North Dakota gave Wilson 53,092;
iiugnes o-l.oiz. Wilson's plurality 1,40-
Hughes Again Leading
Concord. N. H.. Nov. 9. With 25 of
the 207 precincts still missing, the of-
riuia1 report gives Hughes a lead ot
131 over Wilson, 40,338 being recorded
for Hughes and 40,207 for the presi
The report from Ward number 2. in
Keen, showed no votes for -Wilson, but
tho democrats claim 126 were cast. The
town clerk of Harrisville found this
error and credited Wilson with 83
No recount has been asked by either
party but that it will be is considered
certain. -
North Dakota Conceded
Fargo, X. D., Nov. 9 William Lemke
republican state chairman, has conced
ed North Dakota to the democrats.
Democrats Claim 115
' New York, Nov. 9. Chairman Geo.
W. Farrand of New Hampshire, tele
phoned National Chairman McCorinick
this afternoon that "Final and com
plete returns'' gave tho state to Wil
son bv 115.
(Continued from page one.)
to tho United States a few weeks ago,
it became known this afternoon. Sec
retary Lansing made the admission, in
rcplv to questions that Germany had
been asked for details concerning the
contemplated scope of tho submarine
eumpnigu. -
Much Explosive Found
London,- Nov. 9. Twenty two tons
of explosives were found in a German
dugout captured by Canadian forces,
the war office announced today, Con
tinued bad weather has prevented 'act
ive operations, although thero has been
'the usual artillery exchange."
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion! One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
San Fraifcbco, Nov. ft. In the face
of unofficial, returns which; gave Pres-
uienc niison a leau or o,mo or manes
Kvans Hughes in 5,692 precincts, Ches
ter H.. Howell, republican state chair
man, at noon .today issued a statement
declining to concede the state to Wil
son and claiming, the state for Hughes
" by a . narrow margin."
. "Our" figures, very carefully check
ed, show that we havo the, state by a
narrow Margin," he said. :."We are
taking steps to safeguard an accurate
trfficial' count.-
' It is possible fiat the vote may be
so close that tie electoral vote of Cali
fornia may be split lbs it was four
years ago. If thia is the case, it elects
Hughes, no matter which side has the
long end of the division."
Possible State Hay -
v Divide Its Vote
'San Francisco, Nov. 9. The possi
bility that California may cast a di
vided vote in the electoral college was
discussed by politicians today as they
watched the returns slowly coining in
irom i amornia precincts.
Under the law the Hiirteen candidates
for elector who received the largest
vote will go to the electoral college, re
gardless of whether they all favor the
same presidential candidate. It is pos
sible for the high man of one set ot 13
electors to be higher than the low man
of the Bet of electors whose party candidate-received
tho majority of the
electoral votes.
Four years ago this happened. Wil
son getting two electors and Roosevelt
Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 9. A lead of
More Men Than Women
Have Appendicitis
Surgeons state men are slightly more
subject to appendicitis than women.
Salom. jieople Bhould know that a few
doses ol simple buckthorn bark, glycer
ine, etc, as mixed in Adler-i-ka, often
relieves or prevents appendicitis. . This
mixture removes such surprising foul
matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves
aUnosti'ANT CASE constipation, sour
stomach or gas. The INSTANT, easy ac
tion tit Adler-i ka is surprising. J. C.
Perry, druggist. '
(Continued from page one.)
throw Minnesota, alreday no extreme
ly close. , , a '.
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 9. The St. Taul
Daily., News on telephone, and tele
graphic returns from ninny miBsing pre
cincts tabulates 1(59,810 votes for Wil
son and,ll!8,481 for Hughes, a lead of
1,329-for Wilson in Minnesota-' - These
figures are not fficiul but are from of
ficial sources.
In New Mexico.
. Silver City, N. M., Nov. 9. Ottero
county, another bordyjr county, wifh ane
small precinct missing, gives Wilson,
728; Hughes, 541. . . ..
Grant county, on the border, 23 pre
cincts out of 29, gives Wilson a major
ity of 303. The democratic county
chairman claims Wilson's plurality in
the county will reach 400. ,.
Colfax county with five precincts to
hear from gives Hughes, Ji2); Wilson,
Denver,. Colo., Nov. 9 Justice depart
ment agents, here, on receipt of instruc
tions from Washington,- started imme
diately for points in New Mexico this
afternoon. ., '
Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 9. Four
teen out of 25 precincts in Vulencia
county. New Mexico, give: Hughes, 1,
120: Wilson, 254. Valen cia is the
strongest republican county in the
Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 9. Com
plete returns from 79 precincts in
Chaves, Valencia and San Miguel coun
ties give Hughes, 4,344; Wilson, 4,170.
Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 9. Com
plete returns of Luna county (Colum
bus) give Wilson a plurality of 399-
(Beauty Notes) '
Beauty-destroying hairs, are soon ban
ished from the skin with the aid of a
delatone paste, made by mixing some
water with a little plain powdered del
atone. This is spread uyon the hairy
surface for 2, or 3 minutes, then rubbed
off and the skin washed to remove the
remaining delaconc. This simple " t reat
ment banishes every trace of hair and
leaves the skin without a blemish. Cau
tion should be used to be certain thul
it is delatone you buy.
4.")00. votes with only 20 of the 588 pre
Jcincts missing placed Wyoming defi
I nitcly in the Wilson column tonight on
the face of unofficial returns. Com
plete unofficial figures were not ex
jpeeted appreciably to change the totals
j With 40 precincts missing, Governor
Kcndrick, democrat, led Senator Clark
jin the senatorial race by 25H3 votes.
I These precincts, give Representative
Momlell a lead of' 131 votes over his
democratic opponent, John D. Clark.
Here Is Good News For You
' , ' fi' i f ' . . . - , - . . , . - i - 1 -
; With the price of living going skyward and no chances for any reductions,
we have decided to sell you Standard High Grade Groceries for as little il
I above wholesale prices as within our power. With no overhead, no de- :i
t liveries, no high rent and no extra help, we can sell you Groceries for
r . l .1 i i n i
less man any body in daiem.
. Mrs. M
Visit our Stores, see the class of
goods we are carrying, note our
prices, and bring your market basket
and save dollars for other purposes.
This is no idle boast come, let us
convince you that we can save you
money on Groceries.
To every person entering our
new stores Saturday we will give
absolutely free . a valuable basket
This basket will save you money
every time you need Groceries.
Don't forget the places 118 S
Commercial and 229 N. Commercial
When We Say We. Can Save You
Money We Will Do It.
il 118 South Commercial
Hext to Ladd & Bush Bank
a nign uraae uroceries ior Less
T Vv O STORES I Money eAer stores charge
; I for cheaner poods.
1 0
J. L Busick & Son
299 North Commercial
Corner Chemeketa
Shi p ley 9
An n u a 1
. -November
.: S a 1 - e -
Women's and Misses Suits faultlessly tailored
materials are Broadcloths, Serges, Wool Ve
lours, Poplins, Gaberdines.
Lot 1 Special $19.75; Lot 2 Special $24.50 . ' '
Silk, Silk and Wool" Combinations, Serges,::
Poplins. A good assortment to select from. 9 :
Special at $17.50, $19.75, $24.50 "v f
Coats, beautiful models, all at greatly reduced prices .
Liberty Street ' Salem, J)regon
Returns For Marion
County Complete
ButNot Official
Vnofficial fieures for 7- precincts of
Marion county give the following returns:
Hughes 82S3, Wilson 5li!)4.
Iiawley 9823, Weutherford 4134.
Binchum ?732, Galloway 31190. Kel
ly S148, Rinehait 3103.
Coiby 205-), Oehlhar 6308, McMahau
5540. '
Brown 93S1. Eluin 8333, S. Jones
S5o'8. A. A. Jones SH22. Martin 8218,
Cameron 3SS0, Chaniuun 3173, Ward
On the Measures.
Siimlo item veto Yes, '8,170; No-
bhip tax exemption Yes, 0,0-iO; o,
4,51(1. ...
lU'iiro suflraee Yes, o.laO; JSo,
Loan fund Yea, 1,848; "o, 9,400.
l'eiidleton normal Yes, 3,530; Ho,
" Anti-compulsory v'accinu'tion-yes, 4,
975; No, 0,043.
Abolishing huuuay closing es, u,
222; No, 0,100.
Brewers' amendment les, o,ooi; -ino,
Dry amendment Yes, 0,090; No,
Rural credits Yes, 5,511; No, 5,398
Tax. limitation Yes, 5.11 No,
Stock Market Shifted
As Did the Returns
New York. Nov. 9. The shifting of
counted votes in California, uud -Minnesota
this afternoon whipped the
stock market from bear to tho hull side
and then back again.
United States Steel was typical. Op
ening down at 122Va Steel climbed to
125'4 and at 2 o'clock dropped back
to 124 1-8. Central Leather made a new
high record at 115 3-8, up 14 ' a.
Boise, Idaho. Nov. 9. Idaho has not
been in doubt since 4 o'clock thts
morning. Wilson's plurality will prob
ably total nearly 10,000. His lead of
more than 0000 out of 00,000 votes
grows as returns come In.
The total vote will run irom iiu,uuu
to 115,000.
Kour hundred and eight precincts of
743 in Idaho give Hughes 33,780; Wil
son 4.1,371.
For governor, Davis, republican, 3,y
805; Alexander, democrat, 38,247.
Hanly Pleased Over
Prohibition Results
Indianapolis, lnd., Nov. 9. J. Pranli
llanlv, prohibitionist candidate for
president, vas evidently pleased today
over the early results from the states
where the liquor question was an is
sue, but refused to make any statement
until there is no question as to the re
sult. "It -loohs like we havo made great
progress, but the results are too indefi
nite yet to be certain.'' said llanly.
Rub Musterole on Forehead
and Temples ' "
A licadaclic remedy without tlie dan
gers of "headache medicine." Relieves
headache and that miserable feeling from
colds or congestion. And it acts at once I
Muslerole is a clean, white ointment,
made with oil of mustard. Better than a
mustard plaster , and does not -blister. .
Used only externally, and in no way can
affect stomach and heart, as some in
ternal medicines do. . ' ')
Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, conr
gestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago,
all pains and aches of the. back or joints,
sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains,
frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often
prevents pneumonia).
25c and, 50c jars; hospital size $2.50.
Washington, Nov. 9. A large, fore
of department of justice investigators
has been sent to Minnesota, it became
known today.
Ilinton G. Clabaugh, ehjrf investi
gator in the Chicago district, left yes
terday with several others from that
Department officials refused to com
ment ou the action taken.
Washington, Nov. 9 The results of
25 experiments with Marquis wheat in
13 states, just published by the United
State department of agriculture, show
the yield from thia wheat to be exceed
ed by that of some other variety in ail
tests but three. Ia two of these three
experiments the eereal was grown with
out an artificial water supply, and in
one under irrigation.
Marquis, which is a spring wheat,
was out yielded by soaic variety of
hard red winter wheat, whero-ver tho
latter type could be-grown! "In thci
northern pruiiio regions, iucludiug
Iowa, Minnesota and - tho- eastern por
Hons of the Dakota, Marquis otityield
ed all other spring wheats. In only a
few- seconds of thin region is it impost
sible to grow the heavier-yielding '
winter wheats. In most of the other
experiments conducted in the northern
(irent Plains area and the western
Basin and Const areas the MarquM
yielded approximately the same return
as tho best yield of any other spring
wheats. Considering all the experii
meats, Marquis was surpassed to a'
greater or less extent by other spring1
wheats in IS experiments, nud led in
seven. ;
Marquis wheat originated from;
plant-breeding experiments in Ottawa,
Canada, and has shown best results in
the Canadian northwest. The experi
ments in growing the wheat in the
United States are described in detail in
a professional paper, Bulletin No. 400.
recently issued by tho United States'
department of agriculture.
Will pay
for the
to heal
After an experitnee of 2$
years; during which time 50
million Americans have used
Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly, the
manufacturers of this remedy
feel so sure that it will relieve
catarrh that they offer to pay
for a chance to prove its benefit
to any catarrhal sufferer. They
announce that any resident of
this community can go to almost
any drug store and get a.com
plimcntary trial can at the
expense of the manufacturers.
If the druggist has no gratuitous
packages, the person may buy a
25 cent tube with the unqualified
understanding that if that first
tube does cot do that person
more than a dollar's worth of
good, he or she can get their
quarter back from either the
druggist, or the Kondon Com
pany at Minneapolis. Over
35.000 druggists know Kondon's
Catarrhal Jelly is effective,
harmless, clean and pleasant to
apply and they know the
Kondon people will gladly live
up to this offer "quarter back
if not worth a dollar.;' Address