Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 08, 1916, Image 1

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Wilson Has Net Lead of
7,053 With Count Half
- Complete
California Gives Him Good
Lead Kansas for Him
by 10,000
By Perry Arnold.'
( United Pre stuff correspondent.)
ivew 10m, iov. s. president Vinson cnuw.ttB returns; they gained as later
was making sternly gains this afternoon returns from Indiana offset the first
iu the two sttaes Minnosota and Cali- favorable Hughes trend. At 8 o'clock
fornia carrying of either one of which this morning the president was five
would make his election certain. votes ahead of his republican opponent
Regarding these two as doubtful, in the returns as gathered by the Unit
"with New Hnmpshir. , New Mexico and ed Press. ' -Oregon,
United Press returns allowed In that hour, statements of claim
Wilson to have already acquired 25U ants issued from both democratic and
votes in the electoral college; Hughes republican headquarters showed five
2.18. The president, tehrefore, re- states, California, Indiana, Minnesota,
quires only 10 votes for re-election. New Hampshire and Wisconsin, claimed
At democratic headquarters the presi- by both parties,
dent ' manngers, regarding the election Their total of votes is 37. United
as already . won, turned attention to Press returns hold seven states, whose
celebrating. A band was hired, Secre- electoral vote totals 112, as those from
tary McAdoo distributed brand new which Hughes must gain the 34 votes
dimes as souvenirs, and au impromptu necessary to bring his count to 20(5, a
nariiilfl nnsfr renuhlicnn lien ,lnnntrr n majority, and from which Wilson needs
. - . , . . , ,
jeer at their opponents, was carried out
At 2 o'clock Senator Hollis of New'
Hampshire, informed Chairman McCor-
mick from Burlington that unofficial
lint complete returns from that gave it
to Wilson by 350 majority. ,
The republicans were conceding noth-
iui? mid ti,.Winir 'fn, n thai,
of Hughes' election.
In the meantime President Wilson
ud Governor Hughes were receiving re
turns from their political advisers con- returns collected- by the United Press
stantly. Hughes remained closely in his up to 10 o'clock today the 29th general
tooiii at the Hotel Astor in New Tork, election so far shows the following ro
und a continuous stream of telegrams suit in the electoral college:
and reports was kept running to him. I For Wilson: Alabama 12; Arizona 3;
President Wilson, at Shadow Lawn, was Arkansas 9; Colorudo 6; Hondo 0;
in communication with Secretnry Tu- Georgia 14; Idaho 4; Kansas 10; Ken
nrfilty frequently during the morning, tucky 13; Louisiana 10; Maryland 8:
but in the afternoon, upon reassuring Mississippi 10; Missouri 18; Montana
reports from his secretary, the president 4; Nebraska 8; Nevada 3; North Cnro--went
out for a game of golf. Mrs. Wil-'lina 12; Ohio 24; Oklahoma 10; South
von-went' with him. Mrs. Hughes was ' Carolina 8: Tennessee 12; Texas 20;
nt her husband's side in New York
They had beans fer dessert at
Near Palace hut-tel t'day. Tilford
Mixit savs thai if a woman didn't want
a bat or a pair o' shoe once in a while
ther'd be no livin' with her.
By Perry Arnold,
(United Trees Staff Correspondent.)
New York, Nov. 8. At 10 o'clock to
day tho Intent returns showed an in
crease of eleven electoral votes for
Wilson since 8 a. in., making his total
In the same time, the changes re
corded gave Hughes a total of 24a and
left 40 electoral votes doubtful.
There was a strong drift toward Wil
son in Minnesota, North Dakota and
Oregon. The democrats also claimed
they were gaining in CuUtoruia. Wil
son's present total leaves IS votes nec
essary for election.
The changes indicated were as fol
lows: . '
Wyoming Transferred from the Wil
son column to tho doubtful column.
Kansas Transferred from the doubt
ful to the Wilson column, being con
ceded by Chairman Willcox.
Idaho Transferred from the Hughes
column to the Wilson column. i
Indiana Transferred trom tho doubt
ful column to tho Hughes column.
American political "history was en-.
inched by the night's amazing swing
b-ick and forth of the returns for
Hughes, against- Wilson and for Wil
son and ngainst Hughes, First returns
available shortly after 6 o'clock, show-
led Wilson lending. Then came Hughes'
'I sweep, with a tremendous lead in ew
York and reports of bg plurality for
'the G.'O. P. in Kansas. Massachusetts'
preliminary reports added to the re
publican candidate's growing list.. ,
j But once again , the swing changed.
'A Wilson drift set in. Ohio went-un
mistakably democratic; the president s
1 ,..,;., .,i,. l..,n.
muilUlfriB III K Ll U uuToiwu-nm
u apparent, both from the Unit-
- Iailn" between rival party managers,
fltbet presidential candidate must
carry at least three states to win.
At 10:" both national headquarters
were claiming North Dakota, but it
remained ,n the Hughes column pend.ng
more dcfmito returns.
The States Classified.
New York, Nov. 8. On the basis of
Utah 4; Virginia 12; Washington 7.
Total 248.
For Hughes: Connecticut 7; Dela
ware 8; Illinois 29; Indiana 15; Iowa
13; Maine 6; Massachusetts 18; Mich
igan 15; New Jersey 14; New York 45:
North Dakota '5; Pennsylvania 38;
Rhode Island 5; South Dakota 5; Ver
mont 4; West Virginia 8; Wisconsin
13. Total 243.
Doubtful: California 13; Minnesota
12; New Hampshire 4; New Mexico 3;
Oregon 5; Wyoming "i. . Total 40.
Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 8. The
contest for this state's three electoral
vote is o close today that it may
take an official count of ballots to
decide whether they, will be cast for
President Wilson or Charles Evan
Hughes. Democratic, leaders are claim
ing that Wilson has tarried the state
by from 1,000 to 3,000 plurality. Re
publicans, however do not concede
New York, Nov. 8. Frank Hitch
cock, original Hughes booster and
political expert of the republican camp,
declared at 10:32 today that the elec
tion of Hughe no wdepends on the
result in California and Minnesota.
Concord. X. H.. Nov. 8. New Hamp
shire's electoral votes were claimed by
. both republican and democratic head-
i aim-ten' at 10 o'clock today. The
I .
1 (Continued on page five.)
l-jt-sj b?' wilson
trni nil nnrrfflr -ltLSLy i&xmwcmi mtm'txncnuiwr
As Election of Wilson Seemed
Assured Called On Their . "
I. .. I . Friends
By J. P. Yodor.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
New York, Nov. 8. Confined joy
had no room at democratic hendquar-,
ters this afternoon. As the trend to
ward President Wilson grew more
fctrongly defined during the early aft
ernoon, the crowd in the Forty-second
street building headquarters increased
both in noise and size. By 1 o'clock
the lid was ripped off and thrown into
the discord. newspaper offices were uncountable. ,.hairman O. K. Gushing this afternoon
Just before that hour Chairman Mc-( The newspapers got out almost as an(j wa CBn 8tate definitely that Wil
Cormick received from O. K. Cushing, many extra editions as some of the I on naB carrjed California by a plurnli
Californin state chairman, a telegram American newspapers must-have run ; v ot unoo. We have so wired National
saying the democrats out there declared off their presses. These editions were ci,iurman McCormick."
tnat tney had carried the state. Men
and women stamDeded for the exits and.
Wd by a hurriedly-hired band, started
toward Fifth avenue, where republican
headquarters are located. The demo-
crats remembered the nerenade they got
from their friends the enemy last night New York last night by Keuters an
when it looked all Hughes. nouncing Hughes has been elected prcs-
Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo ident, London papers today published
was so delighted by late returns that editorials commenting on the elec-
he suddenly started passing out hand-
fuls of the new dimes which he designed
for the United Stateu. .The demand was
Lead In the North -
' Gives State to Wilson
t i -.i ' . .'feat." said the Evening Standard.
Los Angeles, Col., Nov. 8. That t i. u.. k.
President Wilson will carry California
through his lead in the north was indi-
cated here this afternoon when com-
pletc figures from 392 precinct, were
announced. Wilson had eut Hughe. 2,-
000 lead in Lo. Angeles bv ne.Hv 300.
The figures gave Hughea 40,419:
Wilson 38,118. .
Democratic leaders declared Wilson
-,:n ....... r.i;..: k.. L..i.k..
jority if "he maintains his present pace
? .l-- r
n iiiib CUUUIJ.
(id, or t,nm r ...
countv were: Johnson 41,194; Patton
27,875. i
Amendment No. 1, yea 37,015: no,
' . -
Prohibition leaders declared dry
amendment number 2 has carried in
the south.
Modesto, Cal., Nov. . Stanislaus
county complete gives Wilson 5372;
Hugncs 44X:.
Snn Diego, Cal., Nov. 8. Wilson will
carry San Diego county by about 100
votes, indications pointed late today,
1 " 1
A bundle of fine glass threads forma
Papers Jumped at Conclus
ions and Roasted
By Ed I Keen
(United Press staff correspondent)
London, Nov. S.London was almost
as much wrought up over the presiden-
tial election as the United States to
day. An unusual popular intorest was
shown when returns completely turned
about overnight. No American election
has ever aroused such widespread inter
est as has this Hughes-Wilson fight.
There were crowds about the tickers
in the clubs. Calls for information in
nerson and by telephone at American
eagerly bought up ana scanned ror oe-
Wherever there were crowds there
was betting, with the odds slightly
favoring Wilson. .
Accepting a bulletin sent here from
tiou .
t All the pre-election restraint which
hl rlor0" observed bva 11 t he
.papers was cast off. Some of the edit
orials not only were ihumtuiki con
gratulatory to Governor Hughes, but
tiiev were also in some instances bit
terly deumteiatory of President Wilson.
"The whole world believes the Unit
ed States rejoices in his (Wilson's) de-
1" ,c" 'I.l" " " .
n"eu mV'V '," TTf-. " , .ni h.
HuhM . '""'"'n. "I" "i" L.-'
om? "h1l? more than raw material
for humorous papers.
" Britain can unreservedly eon-
Colonel Roosevelt, on Hughes' election.
y ,
cause. It is unuerBiooa ne win gei an
important post," laid "the Evening
Kin Americana feel that their hon-
....... -- - -
or is in safe hands, berman spite and
hatred have been President Wilson's
regard for long suffering, well inten-
tioned atiuuae towara me ceuirni iw
mi . tt - r . 1 1 r i ! J. iirpL.
ine ran Jiau wazrue mm: it
new president is committed to nothing
beyond the vindication of American
rights wherever assailed or imperiled.
Following continuous returns report-
ing Wilson gains the Evening Standard
and raw Juan uazette mane over ineir
editorial report inserts guarded state-
ments but retaining the views express-.
j "The election of Mr. H'igbcs is the
American people'a affair, not ours,".
1 1 1
jj. tfa b
't' 1
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 8.
Ht Woman's suffrage as a state
$ issue is believed to have been
swept into South Dakota with
the statewide prohibition and a 4c
sjc republican ticket. The repub-
ie lican ticket seems about 12,000
to the good, with prohibition
20,000 strong.
Goes for Wilson, Splits Even
on Congress and Has
Republican Governor
Topeka, Nov. 8. Topeka has given
Woodrow Wilson 10,000 to 15,000 plu
rality over Hughes, possibly more. It,
has chosen four democratic anil four
republican congressmen, gave a repub
lican eovernor the largest plurality any
candidate has ever received, elected a
republican legislature and then picked
democratic and republican local offi
cials indiscriminately.
The worst split ticket Kansas has
ever known became apparent with more
complete return today. Counties count
ed solidly republican went to Wilson
and democratic counties went- to
U. B. Anthony, republican, in the
First district; E. C. Little, republican,
in Second district; P. P. Campbell, re
publican, in Third district; Dudley I)oo-
Uttle, (temocrat, in rourtn district;
Charles "Hargef, republican, In Fifth
(Yiatvipt. .Intvn f'nnnpllv. rlpmncnit. in
Sixth district; Jouett Shouse, democrat,
in the Seventh district, and W. A. My
ers,, democrat, in Eighth district, ap-
peras certain or- election.
Governor Capper apparently has plu
rality exceeding of 125,000 in the Bttc
with the republican state ticket run
ning fifty to sixty thousand over the
democratic state ticKet.
San Francisco Bulletin As
serts That Wilson Will
Carry State
San Francisco, Nov. 8. 4 p. m "We
lint-A ,'lww.lrml un returns frnm Averv
,; California." aai.l i1imnrntii
Tne San Francisco Bulletin figured
this afternoon that Wilson would have
a plurality of 45,000 north of the Te
hachapi Pass, and this would give Wil
son the state,
Republican Claim
New York, Nov. 8. A statement is
sued from the republican national head
quarters at 5 o'clock this afternoon
claimed the state of California for
Hughes by 6,000. . .
Not da By 5,000
Reno, Nev., Nov. 8. Incomplete re
that Wilson has carried Nevada by
turns reeei-ed up to 2 p. m. indicate
abont 5.000. Pittman. democrat, is lead
ing Piatt, republican, by 300. Returns
are coming in slow.
San Francisco, Nov. 8.-- Returns
from 3.843 nrcclncts out of 5.870 in
California this afternoon give Wilson
322.938 and Hughes 312,562.
Many of the 2,000 unreported pre
cincts were said to favor Hughes.
Perkins Concedes California
New York, Nov. 8. Accord
ing to a report reaching dem
ocratic headquarters late this
afternoon, George W. Perkins
has conceded California to
Wilson on the basis of his own
private tabulation of election
Hughes Lead Cut Down.
San. Mateo, Cal., Nov. S.
Complete returns from 04 out
of 74 precincts in San Mnteo
county this afternoon cut
Hughes lead- in this county to
about 700.
Bingham Leads Galloway for
Judge by Nearly Four
; Hundred
Brewers Amendment Is Only
275 Behind On
Hughes 4300 votes
Wilson 3202 votes
Bingham 3737 votes
Galloway . . : 3013 votes
Kelly , 3863 votes
Reinhart 1841 votes
Corby 735
(lehlhar 2071
McMahan .. 1882
Brewers ' Amend Yes . . . 2259
No .... 2727
Dry Amend. Ye 2355
No 2384
The following is the list of precincts
so far as completed and returned:
Salem No. 3 Complete.'
Hughes 185, Wilson 116, Hawley 205,
Weatherford 95, Bingham 163, Gallo
way 158, Kelly 190, Reinhart 73, Corby
61, Gehlhar 106, McMahan 140, Sam H.
Brown 204, Chas. F. Elgin 192, Seymour
Jones 185, W. Al Jones 200, Ivan G.
Martin 198, Hattio Cameron 84, Mrs.
W. A. Cuupmnn 53, Frank S. Ward 93,
Luther O. Cook 44, Oliver Jory 54,
Enos Presnall 40, Levi I). Rjitliff 68,
S. W. Bosanko 12, G. F. Sherwood 23.
Salem No. 6 Complete.
Hughes 100, Wilson 48, Hawley 105,
Weatherford 3, Bingham 91, Galloway
58, Kelly 108, Reinhart 32, Corby 18,
Gehlhar 70, McMahan 65, Sam 11.
Brown 109, Chas. F. Elgin 98, Seymour
Jones 90, W. Al Jones 100, Ivan G.
Martin 92, Hattie Cameron 31, Mrs. W.
A. Chapman 25, Frank S. Ward 52,
Luther D. Cook 12, Oliver Jory 27,
Enos Presnall 20, Levi D. Ratliff 34,
8. W. Bosanko 7, G. F. Sherwood 11.
Salem No. 7
Hughes 57, Wilson 110, Hewley 87,
Weatherford 100, Bingham 100, Gallo
way 70, Kelly 93, Reinhart 103, Corby
46, Gehlhar 65, McMahan 87, Sam 11.
Brown 97, Chas. F. Elgin 88, Seymour
Jones 70, W. Al Jones IOU, Ivan 11
Martin 64. Hattie Cameron 72. Mrs. W,
A. Chapman 82, Frank 8. Ward 76, Lu
ther I). Cook 67, Oliver Jory 63, Enos
1 resnall 55, Levi u. Katun H14, . w
Bosanko 14, G. F. bhcrwood 17.
Salem No. 8 Complete.,
Hughes 113, Wilson 68, Hawley 123,
Weatherford 59, Bingham 103, Hallo
way 65, Kelly 108, Reinhart 61, Corby
39, Gehlbar 49, McMahan w, Mam 11
Brown 110, Chas. F. Elgin 110, Seymour
Jones 108, W. Al Jones 121, Ivan G.
Martin 102. Hattie Cameron 42. Mrs.
j'W. A. Chapman 35, Frank 8. Ward 64,
Luther I). Cook 38, Oliver jory ,
Enos Presnall 37. Leva D. Ratliff 59,
V. W. Bosanko 20, G. F. Sherwood 19.
Salem No. 13
Hughes 63, Wilson 66, Hawley 85,
Weatherford 45, Bingham 81, Galloway
38, Kelly 87, Reinhart 30, Corby 27,
Gehlhar 40, McMahan 52, Snm H.
Brown 70, Chas. F. Elgin 63, Seymour
Jones 72, W. Al Jones 67. Ivan O. Mar
tin :!. Hattie Cameron 41. Mrs. W. A.
Chapman 33, Frank 8. Ward 62, Luther
nail 22, Levi D. Ratliff 27. S. W, Ho
sanko 9, G. F. Sherwood 11.
Salem Helgh(s Complete. .
Hughes 106, Wilson 05, Benson 10,
Hanloy 16, Hawley 131, Weatherford 68,
Bingham 122, Galloway 84, Kelly 141,
Eeinhart 67, Corby 29, Gehlbar 64, Me
Mahnn 121, Sam H. Brown 124, Chai F.
Elgin 128, Seymour Jones 100, -W. Al
Jones 120, Ivan G. Martin 95, Hattio
Cameron 50, MrB. W. A. Chapman 45,
Frank H. Ward 79, Luther D. Cook 31,
Oliver Jory 57, Enos Presnall 43, Levi
D. Hntliff 03, S, W. Bosanko 21, G. F.
Sherwood 30. ' '
Chemawa, Complete.'
Benson 1, Hanloy 17, Hughes 86, Wit
son 92, Hawley 133, Wentherford 50,
Bingham 100, Galloway 71, Kelly 114,
Reinhart 52, Corby 83, Gehlhar 77,. Mc
Mahan 79, Sam H. Brown 103, Cbas. F.
Elgin 08, Seymour Jones 130) W. Al
Jones 100, Ivan O. Martin' 83, Hut tie
Cameron 4(1, Mrs. W, A. Chapman 40,
Frank H. Ward 40, Luther D. Cook 40,
Oliver Jory 45, Enos Presnall 32, Levi
a. Hatliff 35, 8. W. Bosanko 3, .0. F.
Sherwood 5.
Macleay Complete. '
Hughes 80, Wilson 61. Hawley 9-L
Weatherford 40, Bingham 60, Galloway
88, Kelly tW, Heinhart 33, Corby 7. Gehl
har 53, McMolmn. 79, Sum H. Brown
99, Chas. IF. Elgin 90, Seymour Jones
71, W. AlVones 87, Ivan (. Martin 75,
Hattio Cameron 41, Mrs.,W. A. Chap
man 44, Frank. S. Ward 46,. Lutncr i
Cook 18, Oliver Jory 20.
East Hubbard Complete,
Huges 83, Wilson 43, Hawley. 3.
Weatherford 36, : Binghom. 97.
Galloway 26, Kolly 01, Reinhart 30,
corny ucmbar OH, McMahan 55, Sam
n. urown iuu, una, t . r.lgin uu. Sey
mour Jonea 75, W. Al Jones 96, Ivan (I.
Motrin 03, Hattie Cameron 24, Mrs. W.
A. Chapman 21, Frank S. Ward 42,
Lutner U. CooK 22, Oliver Jory 22, Knos
Presnall 13, Levi D. Ratliff 32, S. W.'
Bosanko 7, O. F. Sherwood 6.
Aumsvllle Complete
Hughes 72, Wilson 71, Hawley 80.
Weatherford 53, Bingham 78, Galloway
48, Kelly 72, Reinhart 57, Corby 2.1.
Gehlhar 70, McMahan 47, . Sam II.
lirown 7U, 1 tins, a: r.lirm 00. Seymour
Jones 74, W. Al Jones 74, Ivan G. Mar
tin 81, Hattie Cameron 43, Mrs. W. A.
Chapman 52, Frank S. Ward 37, Luther
1). Cook 28, Oliver Jory 28, Knvn Jres-
nall ltt, Levi D. Hatliff 23, H..W. Bo
sanko 33, G. F. Sherwood 34.
St. Paul Complete
Hughes 75, Wilson 126, Hawley 121,
Weatherford 44, Bingham 63, OuUoway
136, Kelly 67, Reinhart 55, Corby l.i,
Gehlhur 113, McMahan 65, Ham H.
Brown 121. ('has. F. Elgin 95, Seymour
Jonea 105, W. Al Jones 95, Ivan U. Mar
tin 98, Hattie Cameron 78, Mrs. W. A.
Chapman 61, Frank S. Ward 76, Luther
D. Cook 13, Oliver Jory 12, Enos Pres
nnli 8, Levi D. Ratliff 6, a W. Bo
sanko 4, G. F. Sherwood 6,
North Howell Complete
Hughes 65, Wilson 39, Hawley 70,
Weatherford 24, Bingham 62, Galloway
35, Kelly 55, Reinhart 30, Corby 8,
Gehlhar 58, McMahan 32, Sara II.
Brown 87, Chas. F. Elgin 66, Seymonr
Jones 63, W. Al Jones 81, Ivan (i. Mar
tin 53, Hattie Camerou 22, Mrs. W. A.
Chapman 18, Frnnk 8. Ward 33, Luther
D. Cook 10, Oliver Jory 5, Enos Pres
nall 7, Levi D. Ratliff 26, 8. W. Bo
sanko 4, G. F. Sherwood 2.
Hughes 51, Wilson 44, Hawley 52,
Weatherford 37, Bingham 55,. Galloway
45, Kelly 51, Reinhart 22, Corby 11.
Gehlhar 55, McMahan 32, Ham H.
Brown 67, Chas. F. Elgin 61, Seymour
Jones 57, W. Al Jones 63, Ivan G. Mar
tin 44, Hattie Cameron 28, Mrs. W. A.
Chapman 24, Frank 8. Ward 28, Luther
D. Cook 10, Oliver Jory 12, Bnoa Ptea-
(Continued on page tw,a.)
PAH : t.
Rftrt'- night and Thurs
day increasing
cloudiness, south,
and eaat portions,
occasional raia
west portion;
warmer tonight
and east portion
Thursday; south.
easterly winds..
J (Continued on page two.) -jik -'ook 10, Oliver.Jory 23, Enos Pro.
a new ink eraser.