Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1916, EXTRA, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Editor and Manager.
Jsoveinlior 7, ll'lti.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President. Vice-Presidont.
Sec. and Trea.
Daily by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year ..
.$5.00 Per month
. 3.00 Per month
New York, Wnrd-I.ewis-WUlinms Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. H. Stockwell, People's Pan Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
aper to you on time, kindlv phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special
messenger if the carrier has missed you. '
The Southern Pacific Railroad Company had charge
of the program of the Home Industry luncheon at the
Palace hotel in San Francisco recently, and the principal
speakers were E. O. McCormick, vice-president and gen
eral manager of the company, and Benjamin Ide Wheeler,
president of the University of California. Mr. Mc
Cormick spoke on the great scope of work now being car
ried on by the company, and of the plans to foster further
co-operation between the corporation and the general
public. Among other things he said the Southern Pacific
company was paying .$80,000 a day to its 40,000 employes
in the state. The sum of $80,000 is a considerable one,
especially to be passed out daily for labor; but it amounts
to only two dollars a day to each. On the other hand the
Railway Employes Journal presents another view of the
company's expenidture as well as those of other railroad
companies. This railway journal says there are 22o rail
road presidents in the United States who are each paid
$75 000 a year. There are 225 assistant presidents who
are paid each $20,000 a year. The presidents are paid at
the rate of $242 daily, counting working days at 310 to
the year, and the assistants are pair $65 a day. There are
225 general managers who are paid $50,000 a year or $160
a day. Here are 675 men being paid by the railroads
$104,850 a day, or $24,000 daily more than the 40,000
Vice President McCormick pointed to as samples of rail
road activities and generosity. These 225 railroad pres
idents are paid primarily by the roads but actually by the
people, a salary equal to that of the president of the
United States. Do they earn it? Is it worth as much to
manage a railroad as to manage the United States?
The same authority says there are other officers,
around railroad headquarters whose salaries aggregate
$51,000,000, and the grand total is $8:5,000,000 a year paid
as an overhead charge by the railroads of this country.
It looks to a common, every day man, as though half
the salaries above mentioned would be gladly accepted by
the men now holding the positions, and this would make
a saving of $41,500,000 a year. This saving would enable
the railroads to build enough cars to take care of the
business of the country; and the general public is of the
opinion that the money would be much more profitably
spent in that way, instead of paying such salaries to rail
road officials.
The same old General Public is also firmly of the opin
ion that it would rather suffer the inconveniences due to
a shortage of railroad presidents, than those arising from
a shortage of cars. If a law could be passed that the
salaries of the principal railroad officials could not be paid
so long as a car shortage existed, no one would ever hear
of such a thing as car shortage again.
The campaign which has been a remarkably strenuous
one especially on the part of the republican candidate for
president is over and as this issue of the Capital Journal
reaches its readers the voters have cast their ballots and
decided well or ill just as the matter is looked at by win
ners or losers. Before another issue the result will be
known and business will settle down into its accustomed
grooves. Election bets will be paid by the losers who will
wonder how their judgment could have been so far' from
correct, to those who will gladden the task of paying by
cheerful statements to the effect of: "I told you so." The
editorial pages of the newspapers will be devoted to flax,
prunes, wheat and the like, and to dissertations generally
on the everyday events that pertain to their especial com
munities. The world will wag along just the same with
the same old grind to gather in the spondulix for daily
needs, and the country will settle down to and follow the
Irishman's advice, which was: "If you don't get what
you like, like what you get," and we will be just as happy
and prosperous.
In the "How to Keep Well" column of the Oregonian
Monday Dr. Evans takes a half column to explain how
"to modify milk." What's the matter with taking it to
the pump, or if it is city milk which really does not need
"modifying" turning on the Bull Run
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Salem wanted to see and hear Eva Tanguay, who has
been so conspicuously advertised on the billboards. It
was not on account of the somewhat recherche costume
(whatever that is) in which she was depicted on said
boards, but because she has been puffed and lauded as be
ing something out of the ordinary, in the actress line. She
however cancelled all her Pacific coast engagements or
had her manager do it for her, and hied herself and her
insufficient costumes back to dear old "Newyrk." Eva
said she was sick, but her manager says she was troubled
with "temperament." She was indignant on hearing this
and remarked pathetically: "The idea of being accused
of faking sickness, when I had four doctors." The fair
Eva may not have intended anything facetious in her
statement, yet it has an insinuating sound. She certainly
had plenty of evidence that she was sick, for the average
person is generally pretty sick when he has one doctor
diagnosing him all over. Eva was surely sick, or at least
she had the symptoms. Sub rosa, it is learned that a paper
where she showed herself gave her a nice fat roast well
done, and this disturbed her temperament. It was that
measly newspaper that robbed us of the pleasure of hand
ing out a couple of plunks to get a peep at the inside of
her wardrobe.
F. B. Wedel, president of the Bethany Deaconess'
Home and Hospital Association, is soliciting support for
the hospital now being established in this city. Property
has been purchased and plans completed for the estab
lishment of a thoroughly complete and modern institution
6f its kind, and its success will no doubt be only prelim
inary to many activities of the Mennonite people who are
behind the project. Mr. Wedel wishes it known that he
is here because of repeated invitations from the city for
several years past and is opposing no other hospital
move or institution of any kind. He awaited the pleasure
of the Commercial club before applying for a card giving
him permission to solicit support among the people, and
feels that now he should not be hampered by the activities
of any other association until his work is completed when
the field will be open to anybody who wishes to enter it.
The Deaconess' hospital association expects to make but
one appeal to the public, and feel that they have a right
to have the field to themselves for a reasonable length of
time in order to work out their plans. Mr. Wedel's posi
tion seems to be well taken, since he is acting with every
evidence of good faith, relying upon the many invitations
extended to his people to locate in Salem and center their
activities here.
Now comes the news that the Oregon California land
grant cases are to be tried over again by the supreme
court, which reopened the case at the request of the de
partment of justice. The course of the case will be
watched with extreme interest by Oregon people for they
1 1 ill 11 jl'lllil.
nave mucn, at stane, ana want to see me wnoie Doiner
some matter finally adjusted. The case is set for Feb
ruary 26, having been advanced on the calendar at the
request of the Attorney General.
How would you like to be a judge of election in Chi
cago today with an average of 900 ballots all full grown,
to count, besides a short ballot on local issues? It is esti
mated that the count of the vote will not be completed in
the city before Wednesday noon, and it would seem that
this would be fast work. Chicago, owing to women be
ing given the ballot has the largest vote of any city in the
United States, it being placed at 800,000.
The election has accomplished one really good thing
however it may result. It called out a poem from James
J. Montague, which while not up to his usual standard is
still readable. It is always a pleasure to read "Jimmy's"
lines even though they give you a dig while you are per
using them. Now that the election is over give us some
more Jimmy, and oftener.
J i ..Ti4i -W.
Before I buy my gasoline, I pay the grocer
lor his prunes, the druggist for his Pans
green, the clothier for his pantaloons. I
wouldn't much enjoy my car, if merchants
watched it, as it goes, remarking, "Twould
be better far, if he wolud pay us what he
owes." While scorching up the village
street, behind the walnut steerine wheel.
I'd hate it much if I should meet a man I
owe for buckwheat meal. I'd hate to drive.
nVky'H in pomp an( state across the market's
j(Sjf. " paving stones, and run across some needy
sKate to wnom l owe eleven bones. My car
may rest in yonder shed before 1 II send it on its way, to
meet the chap who sold me bread and had to whistle for
his pay. I pay the barber for his shave, the. newsman for
his magazine, the sexton for his man made grave, before
l buy my gasoline, l pay the butcher for his veal, the tin
ner for his coup tureen, the learned attorney for his spiel,
before I buy my gasoline. I pay for soda, salts and soap,
for my supply of nicotine, for surgeons' saws and drug
gists dope, before I buy my gasoline.
List of Winners of
Donald School Fair
Among the prize winners at the Don
ald school fair were the following.
l'nul Gooding, who won second on
sunflowers, beets, potatoes, cabbage and
first on onions and best garden ex
hibit. Russell Tautfest won firs on pump
Kins, and Mabel Tautfest second on
fancy work and first on best apron.
Delbert Feller won first on sunflow
ers, and best cat.
Andrew Wilson won second on pump
kins and first on beets.
I.uella Young won first prize in man
ual arts, second for best dog and best
biscuits; and first on dress.
Lawrence Lindsay won first on cab
Uerald Cone took first prize on best
pen of chickens, best dog, and second on
Arnold Matthieu won the second prize
in manunl arts.
KiiHsell Dental carried away the sec
ond prize on canned vegetables, first
on canned fruit.
Ivan Dentel won second on sweet
coin and second on garden exhibit and
Wayne Dentel first on best hen, first
on rooster, first on duck.
Harry Cone won the first prize for
the best bouquet of flowers; Catherine
Osborne, second.
Joe Berhnrst, second on onions, first
on squash nud liose Berhnrst first on
Walter Freeman, on sweet corn, first.
Carl Handera received first on best
display of potatoes, and Howard Free
man first on rabbits.
Kdwnrd Buinhnm took first on can
ned vegetables, and Karl Burnham sec
ond on pop corn.
Idell Lamb won second for the best
dress, Alice Pendleton first for best
darning and best jelly; and Viva Dnwes,
second for darning and for apron.
Milton Huusberg won first premium
on corn and Lyle Vergeu, second.
Frances Kucnsting won first for best
fancy work aud be9t loaf cake.
Gladys Prink was awarded iirst prize
on patchwork, ami Olga Hunberg, sec
ond. The latter also won second on
Kuth Yergen was first for bread and
second for loaf cake.
Helen Hoskius took first award for
best biscuits, best pie.
Bertha Arnold exhibited bread that
took first prize. Beatrice Becker, jelly
that won second. Lillian Icllcr, canned
fruit that took second, and Alline Drum
mond won first on pop corn.
Artie Bittick exhibited second best
pie and took first on layer cake.
Allen Miller took first prize for the
best pig exhibited and Donald Eppers
Catherine Osborne won second on lay
er cake, Henry Moore second for cat,
Knos Feller second for duck, Kthel BLx
cl second for pen of chickens.
George Kunkle took first for best
bantams, and Donald Kppers, second.
Campaign Committee
Is Short $200,000
New r'ork, Nov, 7. Henry Morgan
thau, chairman of the finance commit
tec of the democratic natiannl commit
tee said today the campaign had cost
the party $1,S,-)0,000 and that today
found the committee with a deficit of
$-'00,000. This amount, he was confident
would be raised and aft obligations dis
charged, regardless of how the election
Murganthnu is to banquet tonight
tnose who contributed $o,uou or more
to the democratic fund. Among those
who will be present are .Secretary of
State and Mrs. Lansing, Secretary of
the Treasury MeAdoo, Secretary of
Commerce Kedfield and Assistant Sec
retary of the Xavy Roosevelt.
Berlin, Nov. 7. The special main
committee of the reichstag, which is
eniowered to meet during recess on
ly by resolution of the parent body,
will convene for the first time on Thurs
day when the chancellor is expected to j
make an important announcement.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
yBears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Priiidmt Amtrican Stciety f$r Thrift
I 4
can well learn
lessons of
thrift from
citizens of
the nations
now at war in
Europe. When
a country is
riding on the
high crest of
prosperity, as
has been the
case in the
United States
for many
years, with the
exception of brief intervals, it is
hard to impress on the people the
value and necessity of thrifty prac
tices, but when a great national
calamity arises thrift is at once resort
ed to. In the present European situa
tion how often do we find that the
position and strength of this nation
or that are strenghtened by the thrift
of the people. Realizing tiie neces
sity of thrift, a great campaign to en
courage systematic economy is being
inaugurated in Canada by the Min
ister of Finance. A special commit
tee of three prominent Canadian
financiers is assisting. One of the
members of this committee recently
said, "We can't make people save, but
we can tell them that by saving their
money they are helping to fight Ger
many. The people of Canada do
not know what it means to save
The duty of the earner at present
is to save a larger proportion of his
wages than he has been saving in the
past. Saving money, of cour, is
only one feature of thrift Thrift o
health, thrift of time,- and thrift of
energy, are just as important as
thrift of money. One advantage of
thrift lies in the fact that there is
nothing too insignificant to be saved.
In Brooklyn, New York, we find a
striking example of the value of
thrift in little things. Tinfoil is col
lected by orphan asylums and hos
pitals. This is sold from time to
time, so the little inmates in the or
phan asylums are given an occasional
delightful day's outing from the pro
ceeds, while the portion which goes
to the hospitals is used to buy beds
for their poor sick inhabitants. This
is a wonderful instance of the valua
of thrift. It serves a manifold par
pose. Tinfoil, such as that which
usually comes in cigarettes, candy, to
bacco, tooth paste tubes, etc, is ordi
narily thrown away. The person who
saves it for these charitable purposes
thus becomes a practicer of thrift;
and the orphans and hospital charges
receive a wonderful heln. Alsa
the sum total of the country's waste.
is, to a small degree, eliminated.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and w hich has been
in use for over 30 years, bus borne tlio signature ot
and lias been uiauo under his per-
tyrfjt sonal supervision since its infancy.
V-GUcAiAf, Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are baft
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castor! a is a harmless substitute for Cnstor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrishncss. For more than thirty years it
Iins been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's l'auacea The Mother's Frieud.
Portland. Ore.. Nov. 7. Following re.
Dorts of thrpflteneii
Francisco and Los Angeles, police of
Portland closely guarded tie local
Chinese quarter today, fearing an out
break. Two were killed in Portland's
last tong Sight which ended in February.
(Tk 1
IF 1
Edith was three years old, and she
was having a birthday party. All my
mother-pride expressed itself in making
this party a really gala affair. Edith
was growing so tall; sue looked trail
and delicate, and was such a sweet, se
rious little soul that I always felt I
must hold on to her for fear I might
lose her.
My love for my baby, my joy in car
ing for her, had been the one perfectly
satisfying thing in my married life.
Clifford seemed fond enough of her
when with her, but made little fuss over
her. Yet I knew he was proud of her
delicate beauty, her lark-like voice, and
the attention she invariably received
wherever we took her,
I had invited about a dozen children
between two and fonr years of age
and had provided a simple luncheon. I
had cute little favors: quaintly dressed
dolls for the girls; and funny clowns
for the boys. The ice-cream I served in
the form of common domestic animals,
which even the smallest child could
recognize. The little "Oh's!" and
"Ah's!" and little squeals of delight
more than repaid me for my trouble.
Muriel Franklyn had offered to help
me entertain my tiny guests, and we
romped and played games with almost
as much enjoyment as did the children.
Clifford came home as he had prom
ised about 4 o'clock, and appeared
very much amused at our antics.
Clifford, Plays "Hons."
"Tapa, come playl" Edith urged, as
she pulled at his sleeve.
"What shall I play!" he asked smil
ing down at her,
" Horsie! " she quickly replied. "And
me and Bud will ride." Bud was her
favorite companion.
mtiord obediently got down on all
fourn AnA hnrh .hil.lv.in n;.Kl
his back. Then Katherine Norvitle and
Buster Anderson also crawled up beside
them, and Clifford capered around the
room with all fonr perched npon his
Muriel and I laughed so heartily that
Clifford refused to play "horsie" any
longer. He declared that one horse
couldn't be expected to carry go many.
But he suggested other things and was
really helpful in assisting us to amuse
the children.
At 5 OVIfM'k til t4v hMr4 mm ..J
Mufinl. Clit'fnrfl And T woh4 mm;1
ner. Burton joined us for dinner, and
Clifford wa so nice to him, so agree
able in every way, that I ai delight
ed. They left soon after dinner, Muriel
declaring I looked tired. I immediately
asked Clifford:
"Aren't they nieet I like them both
so much, don't yoat"
"They're right enough, but don't ex
pect me to entertain eueh vonng men
very often. They bore met " and he took
no pains to hide a yawn.
'But Clifford, I though Mr. Frank
lyn talked unusually well I listened
sometimes and he seemed well posted."
"We were talking about the coming
election. And a man who isa't well np
on politics this year would naturally bm
a fool," Clifford returned, and plcke
up his paper.
' I said nothing more but just the aaa
I felt hurt, and rather puzzled. Clif
ford had carried oa an animated con
versation with Burton anent the war,
the election, etc. I was sure Burton ha4
been interesting as well as interested.
WhV dill Clifford inranoU,. h.i;..!
I J,
: fnendst
A Wise Decision.
I made up my mind that I would b
very careful whom I invited to the)
house to meet Clifford. He was so im
patient of any one whom he himself
did not eare for, so determined or M
it seemed to me not to like my friends;
thnt T nl i. Z- a
change him. As in all other things I
m?t be the one to use tact where wa
This all may sound trivial and easy
to do. But it is not easy whea one is
young to put aside all your wishea,
even to keep away from yonr young
friends on occasion, to please one whe
never r scarcely ever tries to do tks)
least thing to pleasa you. Yet 4his was
just what I was trving to school my
self to do
Had I known or realized in the leas
the task I bad set myself, I am sure I
never should have had the courage tm
persist. . j
(Tomorrow A Journey.) , '