THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, ' TUESDAY, NOV. 7, 1916, TUTiEE est IReceiratl A splendid New Coats ( assortment of made of finest quality Salts" Plushes, lined throughout with Sol" guaranteed satin, neatly trim med with fur and Chase Beaver Especially priced 15.90 to $25.00 Monmouth News (Capital Journal Secial Service) Monmouth, Nov. 6. Both the senior and jttuior classes of the normal give their Hallowe'en parties on Friday ev ening. , The seniors held forth in the big gymnasium, which was guarded on the outside by real ghosts anil was dec orated on the inside bv an abundance of iack o' lanterns, bats, witches and black cats; these together with the of the rustling corn and the semi- darkness, created a most spooky atmos phere: fortune telling, robbing and dancing were indulged in and appropri ate refreshments were served. Prof. Butler and Miss Parrot assisted merry making of the revelers. The junior party was held in the training school building with the usual decorations of the occasion, a special feature of which was the serving of cider from pumpkin punch bowls and apples and doughnuts from mysterious pooling bags, miss layior ana Air. FOREIGNERS FLEE Fl Atrocities of Villa's Bandits Cause Panic But Four Americans There GALE & COMPANY Formerly the Chicago Store SALEM'S biggest popular priced Department Store Not connected with any other in this city. CORNER COURT AND COMMERCIAL, STS., SALEM, ORE El Paso, Texas, Nov. 7. Only four k i ... ... : i i .-,!... in t he ' vl 1-u B lruliu iu Vjiiuiuauuu Vll.v today, hroin every part of the state Americans and other foreigucra are flocking to the border panic stricken by the atrocities of the Villista bandits. The entire portion of Chihuahua state west and south of the capital is domin ated and overrun by Villa followers. Alining compauies with offices here to- land Mrs. Ostein favored the class with day were tending messages to tjieir few their presence and other members of remaining employes to ilce from .Mexico the faculty divided the time with both! immediately. Anxiety for the safety of parties; the sophomores were guests at tho 10 Americans in Parrol waa leasen the junior party. ed by additional reports from refugees Miss Frances Gardinied represented that it was believed they started for the the senior class at chapel Wednesday border in the "Big Bend" district of raorniu". taking for her subject "The Texas. lufluenee of Our Personality" the ap- Alarmed by reports of the impending plause she received indicated that the evacuation of the Chihuahua capital by talk was much appreciated. Gen. ral Trevino, the foerign consuls in Rev. F.lkins of the Monmouth Chris- that city waited upon him in a body to tian church addressed the normal stu- ascertain the facts. The de facto corn dents Friday morning during the chapel i niander assured them he had no inten- period on tae suDjcct ot "overcoming tion of abandoning the story, but on Difficulties:" Mr. Minns is wide! , contrnrv. n urennrim, f.,r n rA,t. I A Musical Treat I awake and progressive and his talks teresting and' instructive. Students aud faculty weleomo him. Thero arc ninety-four students en rolled in the Monmouth high school to date and everything seems to be going along nicely with fine co-operation be tween students and teachers. The chor us period is given over on Friday after noons to a miscellaneous program which is a new and much appreciated feature from which, no doubt much benefit will be derived, .as everv student will be : eiven a chance to develop along this 'line. As the next regular meeting of the i parent-teachers association falls on elcc Ition night of next week it has been ! postponed to Tuesday night of the fol lowing week; nmong other interesting things on the program there will he moving pictures. A good attendance is I desired. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred lluber gave n pleasant and rather novel Hallowe'en nnrtv last Tuesday night in honor of For Salem People by Well Known Artists t . Misses Helen and Eveline Calbreath and William X Wallace Graham will give a concert at the t i , - . Grand Theatre, Nov. 15 1 Miss Helen Calbreath. Pianists: Miss Eveline Calbreath. t Mezzo Soprano; Mr. William Wallace Graham, Violinist. f This will be one of the greatest musical treats of the season. No one should miss this treat. Save the date Wednesday Evening, November 15th. : GRAND THEATRE Tickets at Music Stores. i Despite this assurance, everv fnreicner who can reach the railroad is moving to j Juez- . lot Tnrral bv General Herra's Carran xrom many sources L luted states government officials have obtained re ports that Villa's forces now number more than 4,000 men, split into many bands iu west and south Chihuahua state. . Mvrfki.jgjljjj Official admission of the evacuation mother Mrs. C. W. Stengel. Mrs. Hartley Mulkev was anions other shoppers ot Independence Sntur-J i lay. Mis. Boothby went to Kugene to see the new grand daughter, bom last week to her daughter, Mrs. K. K. Merby. The Misses Allie aud Mnggc Sutler arc enjoying a visit from their cousin, Mrs. 1). C. Butler of Long Beach, Cali fornia. Miss Morgan of Portland wns down one day this week to visit Miss Hensen at the llulier home. Mt(tMiOMttHtmtttHtHtttHtttt Willamette Valley News I Independence Items (Capital Journal Soeeial Service.) Indepenencc, Or., Nov. 7. Benefit party given for City Library on Hal lowe'en night, the ladies gnvjo a silver benefit, at the beautiful home of Mr. K. O. Kldridge on Monmouth street. The home was decorated with hal- .Inc.k o' lanterns, corn stalks, and au tumn leaves. The evening was spent in five hundred, and other games. A dainty luncheon was served during the ((veiling. There were about 1-5 guests during the evening. Silver Tea. A silver tea waa given at tho M. E. church, on Thursday afternoon, by the Ladies Aid Society. A pleasant after noon was spent by the guests, and it was a decided success. Married. Reeves-Millhousor, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Keevies on Tuesday, October 31st, Miss Nellie Christine; Reeves became tho bride of Z. K. Millhouser. Only the immediate relatives of the couple were present. wife, 1910, nicely. on , Wednesday, November. 1, for a few days lust week. -a son. Mother and son doing' Tho residence of (hot Long I Railroad street, was destroyed by fire Ion Sunday morning. Tho firo having ..vt Kotitniiiv ,,v wti, .;n i, their daughters Mayda and Ilia. About (he re((unr me,nn of the Monmouth thirty-tivo boys and girls responded to .,, i. .i,i,i,, .!,, w u,..- thc black invitations, first gathering at Wy wif be gllpst of thc KrailRe 'nt ,,is ,,: nuucr numi- oim k'k ' meeting and will make an address cinity where they were entertained with ghost stories by one of the spooks while three witches served nuts to the young guests: then they were taken by the ghosts to anotner nome near i.y j key- Ai)ollt t011 it!le K;rB ,vore tn,.r(. wm-rc im ir lunuues weiu ioiu .iu ..i u-, 1Ild u 01,jovoU the games and refresh er refreshments enjoyed by the fne- 111(.lltH .,, wlltM thut Mullowe'ei side, after which they returned to the ,;, conic ot'tener. uuine vl me uusivss mm apuiit iuo m- mainder of the evening playing games, eating doughnuts and drinking cider. The car shortage is felt very keenly .ista command was contained in a bul letin issued at Chihuahua City iu which it was stnted that Herrera was "con centrating his troops near Ksculon to meet other generals." 3fC3(C3CSiC3CjJ(9C3i(3lclCC3jC:CSjCS( 3C 3( BRIMG OUT YOUR HIDDEN BEAUTY Heneath that soiled, discolored, fad ed or aged complexion is one i'nir to look upon. Mci'coliKcd wax will gradu ally, gently absorb the devitalized sur fuce skin, revealing the youthfully fresh, white and beautiful skin under neath, t'scd by refined women who pre fer complexions of true naturalness. Mercolized wax in one ounce package, with directions for use, s sold by all druggists. rural credits. i A little folks Hallowe'en party was given in Mrs. Stengel's barn in honcrl of her little grand daughter, Murv i Louise Myers, and little Fiances Mill- " Making of Sorghum Proving Profitable (- Bom. Bogan To Dr. Loran Bogan and camp iire uins tmenain. ...... . m ori ,., .. .,.. in Monmouth of lato as tho street pav On Thursday evening the Camp Fire,, , , .,.,.. ... . 'ing is held up on account of it, the con4 Girls were entertained at the home ofi'""" "'", "'"' cotcjiiig u part oi me loss. their guardian, Mrs. George Carbray. The (,'arbray homo adorned the Hal lowe'en decorations, and the evening was spent in hallowo'en games, ami fortune telling. Harvest time refresh ments were served during the 'veiling. Hallowe'en Party. Tho T. E. Club of tho Baptist church gave a Hallowe 'en party, on Tuesday evening, in their social hall at the church. It was reported ' to be ' a financial success. - ' Mr. Faye Dunsinore returned hoino from fkngnay, Alaska, on Tuesday, where ho has been spending tho sum nier. Mr. Hlenn Pereival. of Portland nn lii.lnnnii.lon.1. .'luitni in 11, l,ru,t(l V J. M. Htaats and Newport this week. Mr. W. V. Pereival was removed to j his home on Thursday, from the flood Samaritan Hospital, whore, he has been for the past week. . Mrs. Hattie Meyers, of F.ast Inde pendence visited Miss Pearlo Pereival tractors being unable to get muteiihl to begin the work; the three blocks to he paved have been ready for some time but now everything is at a stand still. There is some talk of graveling the street for the winter as the side streets are already gettiug bad and the merchants aro beginning to feel the effect of the inconvenience to traf fic. The recent rains have made the rotfd south of town at the new fill on the Luckiamute very bad; the" work which has been going on for several mouths was scarcely finished when the rains began and put a stop to it for a time at least. O. T. Boothby has just received no tice that he has been elected vice pres ident of the West Sidn Pacific const highway association. There will be a meeting of this organization in Mc Minnville on Nov. l"i. Jerry Husk of Kastem Oregon who was sent as substitute for Win. Hanley who could not be present, spoko to the citizens of Monmouth last Wednesday niirht in the Norm theater. .Mr. Husk Among those attending were: Dr. C. V. I made a idea for non-partisanship, yet JUr. Jess ualurcath arrived here a few days ago from Reno, Nevada. Mr. Unilbrcath has leased the Independence race , track and will have sixteen head or running horses there this winter. Mrs. W. W. Pereival was a Portland visitor last week. Editor W.,.1. Clark and wife went to Portland on Thursday. Their youngest son, Robert, underwent an operation at the St. Vincent .hospital in Portlnnd on Friday. I Mr. R. Bacon and wife of Tillamook 'visited at the home of Mrs. Bacon's mother, Mrs. Chas. Smith, for a fewi days last week, i Mr. George L.- Rose of Salem, was an Independence visitor on (Saturday. n'as . Hf . 1?pn,.l, Til,, La nnA (.milt, i... moved to town for tho winter. They family moved to have rcntcd tho Davi8 residence, ' Aorth Independence. . A number of Independence peoplo at tended the Washington-Oregon foot ball game at Kugene on Saturday. TRY OUR HOUSEHOLD iWASH All you do is iron the starch pieces We Iron the Flat Pieces 5c per pound Capital City Steam Laundry Phone 165 Correct Lubrication Charts, Free We hve prepartd chart! ihowr- . ing the correal lubrication of the variout makes ol automobile! a teparate chart for each car. Ak your dealer, or write iiior chart for jrr car. Z.EROLEME he Standard Oil or Motor Cars c!d by dealer erery where and a' all Service Station! ot the Standard Oil Company Cti,f.ri) Sropp, Ross Nelson, Ray Walker aud Moss Walker. Miss Zelpha Cross was a week end visitor at Portland. Mount Angel Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Mt. Angel, Ore., Nov. 7. Wednesday morning, November 1, the sad news of Mrs. Kirtxe'e death reached us. She had been failing in heulth for some time when she went to the St. Vincent ' hos pital in Portland to undergo an opera tion. Shortly after the operation she died. November 2 a pioneer of Mt. Angel, Mr. Kieber, aged SS, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. VanHatten. She was taken to Gervais and buried after services in St. Mary's church at fl o'clock. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zollner. Mrs. H. and Mrs. R- Bermng went to Gervais for a short visit. , Ralph Skonctzni was home over Sun day. . Saturday evening at n o'clock Mr. C. C. Wood and Judge Thos. Burke, of Portland, gave a democratic rally iu the city hall. . ."Sunday evening at S 0 'clock .Mr. td gar Winter of Portland, and Mr. Davey ot Salem, will give a republican rally in the city hall. . ONION SMUT ALARMS strongly advocated the re-election of Mr. Wilson, pointing out that his rec ord of tho st four years merited it. Mr. Ellis of Dallas spoke here last Sunday p. m. in the Christian church in oti'iositiou to tho brewers' amend ment; the meeting was held under the auspices of the temperance union and was well nttenuea. Or. and Mrs. .Mutthis left Saturday p. m. for a short visit with relatives at Amity. Mrs. A. ti. ilyers came down trom Portland Monday for a visit with her It is becoming more and more evi dent that the onion set raisers and on ion seed raisera of this sectiou will sooner or later realize the need of an organization of effort to protect them selves from the increasing menace of smut. The disease is in the soil and not. in the seed as was first supposed. Smut can be carried from one field to another on the shoes of men, on the feet of animals and on the tools used in cultivation. Rotation of crops does not kill it. The only way to keep smut from being communicated to new fields is not to contaminate the new field with tools used on infected ground that cannot be purified with fire. Hubbard enterprise. The Jonrnal Doei Job Printing. Fairfield News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fairfield, Ore., Nov. 7. Mr. J. B. Lovegrcn is erecting a modem dairy barn on his rnuch, which will accommo date 24 cows. Miss Celestine Muhony, who is at tending high school in Woodbuin, spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Congdon, of Portland, the parents of Mrs. I). i). Smith, spent the past week in Fairfield." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zcrgan and lit tle daughter, apeut Sunday at tho Ak-sar-heii ranch, having motored from Portland Saturday evening. Michael Mahony, Jr.. left for Seattle Saturday, where he has employment for the whiter. Misses Rita and Margaret Marthny Icr, who are attending Salem high school, wero home over Sunday. F. R. DuRette, road supervisor, is grading and smoothing the roods for winter travel. Mr. A. W. Breed visited at Frank Mahony ' Sunday. The farmers iu this vicinity welcome the rniu, as so far, they have beeu un able to do any fall plowing, on account of lack of moisture. M. W. Mahony sold a cnrload of young Hereford stock cattle, the past week. They were shipped to Heleun, Montuua. OPEN NOSTRILS! END - A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up, Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breatlm freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or hendachc; no struggle for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Kly's . Crea'n Balm from your druggist anil npply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through, every nir passage of the head, soothing ami healing the swollen or inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and cuturih yield lilrn mtiir'i,. lint, 't ufnv si nf (', atnl miserable. Relief is sure. city election todav George W. Kvans To reports to the labor commissioner's j ' elected mayor over O. D- Scott liy office, it has beeu discovered that sol-1 253 majority. Glenn Hall for council gliuiii is a highly profitable thing to j man won by U3 votes over 11. G. raise. Statistics show that one factory, Davids. Other eouncilnien chosen were capacity 1,2."0 gallons iu 10 hours, nnd;,T. Gordon Baker and K. 1.. Bnllnid. an evaporating capacity of 110 gallons j The amendment for $!H),000 water finished product, in 10 hours, located iu bonds carried by a vote of 57.1 for And Lane county has au output of (iO gal-1 2N2, against; to compensate volunteer Ions a day, and has .'10 people growing i firemen for services, 571 ayes, 2.'iS noes, sorghum cane. Although the yield va- Leo Peters won over Ira Biashvar for lies from HO to 120 gullons per acre, Ichief of police, the average for lOlti was It.) gallons,! 1 which, at a value of ! per gallon yields i By hurnessing a fly to a tiny wagi.n $11.1 per acre, the cost of production, j nil Lnglish scientist found it could all expenses counted in, amounts to $38 - i draw 170 times 74. The 1HUI production wns 2,000 gnl-! smooth surfaces. Ions, which did not come up to the de mand, and brought a return of $2,000. It is believed that sorghum raising would be exceptionally profitable in parts of the Willamette valley where the soil is moist. its own weight over O. W. EVANS ELECTED M'MINNVILLE MAYOR MeMinnville, Or., Nov. fl. At the FOR CRACKED and CHAPPED HANDS Dennis Eubalyptus Ointment AT LL DRUQ STORES Tubes aec Jans boo Prepare This for a Bad Cough-Wt Fine Cfcraplr mm Easllr Made, bat Dorm Ike Work Quickly. Ttw dn..l 1, .vrn , ,,. f n tl V n i n r. nnlv' uU.i.ii (tl, mat miten as reauv-maue preparations, can easily be made un at home. The way it taken hold ana conquers distressing coughs, throat and chest colds will really make you enthusiastic about it. Any druggist can supply vou with 2ii ounces of Pincx (00 cents worth). Pour this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Shake thoroughly and it is ready for use. The total cost is about M cents and gives you a full pint a family supply of a most effectual, Jdi-axant tasting remedy. It keeps per ectly. It's truly astonishing how quickly It acts, penetrating throimh every air passage of the throat and lungs loosens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the inflamed or swollen throat mem branes, and gradually but surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded cough will disappear entirely. Nothing better for bronchitis, spssniodio croup, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, combined with guaiacol and is known the world over for its prompt healing effect on the throat membranes. Avoid disappointment bv asking your Imggiat for "2 ounces of Pinex" with lull directions and don't accept any thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat isfaction or money promptly refunded ioc with this preparation. The Pinex Jo., Ft. Wayne, lud. Stayton News (Capital Journal Special Service) Stayton, Xov. 7. The son and daughter-in-law of A. T. Brewer are visiting the llrewer home. The visitors live near Kugene. Mrs. Cliff Stayton is home from a California visit. Mis. Joseph llnmnion is recovering nicely from her illness. Mr. and Mrs. , Horace Lilly spent several days in Portland last week, L. II. Mi'.Miihau of Salem was here Mondnv on his wav home from Mill City. Last Sunday was prohibition day nt tne ,i. r.. cnureii, anil ninny attended the fore election sermon in the morn ing by the pastor and the V. C. T. V. program in the evening. I ho matter of a gymnasium in con nection with the hiuh school is being discussed here. Friduy while n bunch of high school lads were skylarking, one nanied Feb- len was thrown into the Stayton ditch as a reward for some stunt unperform ed. It is said ho had to swim ashore. so deep was it where he was chucked in by his playful fellow student. lira. J. r . Wilbur entertained the Birthday club at her home recently iu a most delightful manner. S. L. Stewart has resigned his posi tion as cashier of tho Farmers bank. He has not decided upon his future course. J. W. Mayo is filling the va cancy. A well attended parly of the Twi light club was one of the features of Stayton social life Inst week, at the home of Felix Von Krmen. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Young entertained a Sunday sclioul class at their home re cently and tho young people had a very en iovable evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tefft nf Union Hill have traded their place to Joseph Lin coln of McKee, Oregon. Miss Nellie Stowel nf Salem visited her parents home in Stayton one day last week. L. A. Thomas shipped two carloads of bogs to Portland thc other day. i The Picture Tells The Story (VttVM!ZpimVaMlumrmin. Box IT, Ore son City, Oi OEO. O. WILL Pianos I acll, the Best and Cheapest ones. Pianos rented. 432 Stats Street Phone ISO Auto and Car riage Fainting Enamel. Auto and Carriage Trimmer P. W. BLISS, 301 8. Com'l. GEO. O. WILL New Edison Disk Victrolas. Grufunolaa Each in every style and all records for each, 432 State Street AUTO-WORK and Driving Gloves F. E. 8HAFEK. 170 S. Commercial Phone 411 WOOD COAL SALEM FUEL YARDS Phone 629 Old Shoes Made New The quality of our work is as high as the price is low Ye Boot Shop 325 State St. Opp. Ladd t Bush Glasses our Specialty. Lenses duplicated on short notice. Dr. Herman Barr, Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers Larmer Transfer Phone, Office 930 or Residence 1898. Storage, Packing, Shipping, Moving, Coal and Wood. Quick, Reliable Service. We make your linen wear longer and look better by our auto-dry room and press machi n e work. Salem Laundry Co. 130 S. Liberty St, Tjp-to-tbe-Mlnute Jewelers and Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers State and Liberty The Handy Man Around the Houss PORTLAND R.R. LIGHT ft POWER CO. PURE MILK and CREAM SUNNY BROOK DAISY Auto Delivery Phone 222 1200 State St. 3 m