Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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W. B. Corsets
"Salem's Big Department Store"
Butterick Patterns
uiuiiuuuumuuu uumiuauummai 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h i m 1 1 1 iiu uuiumr
All Around Town
Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment
Tubes 26c Jams 60c
I 6
Every Suit in stock included in this immense price cutting. Included in the stock are j
dozens of beautiful models in a variety of trimming effects and showing the most favored ll
iaoncs and colors tor tne season.
If you want a Suit NOW is the time to get it HERE is the place to purchase.
T I hlS IS lillPrnSPir Waro Woolr irrtm tn Tnoct
- uuuv muv iivvn VUUOl IVI VUUOU
Special Combination Sale of
Guernsey Ware Sets and White House Cook Books at $1.69
These brown, white lined, enameled cooking ware are unusually popular among
t Fuu house wves Domestic departmen one casserole and six ramiquins or cus
j the best cooking ware you'll find anywhere.
These sets we offer consist of two bowls.
i r?u?ups and a splendid oil-cloth bound White House Cook Book. The entire out- J
1 fit this week for, (second floor) ?1 fiQ
t 8
:: Wednesday Surprise Sale of Bathrobe f
:: Flannel, Nov. 8th . . 39c yard f
November 6. City primary
election. Polls close 8 p. m.
November 7. Presidential elee
tion. Poll open 8 a. m.,
close 8 p. m.
Nov. 10. Vietrola Grand Opera
Concert, II Trovatore, at Pub
lie Library.
Nov. 1 1. Football, Salem high
sehooj vs. Kugene high.
Nov. 18. Football, Willamette
University vs. Pacific Uni
versity, Willamette Field.
Dec. 4. City Election.
Dee. 4-9. Third Annual Marion
County Corn Show.
J. H. Lauterman, of the New Argo
hotel, is making extensive improve
ments on the first floor of that prop
erty. This looks like a return of pros
perity. "The Marks of an Educated Man"
will be the subject of an address this
evening by Dr. Carl Orcgg Doney at the
university chapel at 8 o'clock. The
public is invited.
The Woman's foreign Missionary so-
jciety of the First Methodist church will
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fit glasse
m eorreetly. V. 8. Bant Bid;.
A1 the hanks in the city will close to
morrow as its national election day.
The postoffice will not observe election
in any way, Dor will the public schools.
Joseph N. Smith appeared sudden'y
as a candidate for alderman in the
Fifth ward todav, running against (lien
I'rnuli. .stickers 'with Air. Smith's
name printed ou them were passed
around yesterday.
mi.mmrmmmm,mtrmrmnmmm mrfrrmnrr
Election Returns Mill Be Given Ify Capital Journal
The Capital Journal will ba in di rect wire connection with every
large -center of population in the United Slates. A flash from the
New Vork offices of the United Press will be received in The Journal
office more than 3000 miles distant almost instantaneously. Simultan
eously it will reach the telegraph operators in Portland, .Maine; New
Orleans, Han Diego and other points in the far corners of the eoun-
William F. Lynch, superintendent telegraph of the United Press in
direct charge of the 70,000 miles of wires employed in the United
Htates by this new organization, has sent forth the word ' Speed and
Accuracy ' to the managers of the many United Press bureaus in all
part of the country.
Polls in New Vork, Maine, Connecticut and other eastern states
close at 6 o'clock p. m., which, in view of the prevailing difference
i ime, will bring indicative returns to The Capital Journal shortly
after 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. In the late afteroon significant
bulletins will be posted in the Capital Journal bulletin boards.
The polls in Oregon will close at 8 o'clock.
The returns will be read through megnaphone as fast as they
reach the Capital Journal over the leased wire, and will also be
posted on the bulb-tin board.
An extra edition of the Capital Journal will
morning ana sent to all subscriber!
local and general.
Ia telephoning for election returns to the Capital Journal office
Tuesday night, call Main 81 or Main 82.
Biliie Burke
Chapters 16 and 17 of
Hughes supporters will wind up the
campaign in Salem tonight with a
.street parade, and meeting at the ar
mory. Local candidates will speak.
Sheriff William Each has gone to
Oakland, California, for the purpose ofwere alein visitors Sunday
George Oueme and wife were Salem
visitors yesterday,
Mrs. Ella Watt is home from Port
land for a few days.
H. YV. Davis, of Mill City, is transact
ing business in the city.
W. O. Williams, of Eugene, was a
Sunrday visitor in the city.
W. F. Htewart ami wife of Monmouth.
be issued Wednesday
giving the full election returns,
bringing bach to Halcm W. L. Itenham,
who is charged with obtaining money
by false pretenses.
The Grahamona arrived in the city
this morning with a car load of auto
mobiles, all set up, brought here from J
the assembling plant at Portland. This
R. M. Meyers and wife reeistercd ves-
terday at the Bligh from Dallas.
Mrs. Cora Adams, of Albany, was reg
istered at the Capital hotel yesterday.
Mrs. Mae Ivie was in Silverton yes
terday visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. K. T. Maulding.
J. C. Talbot and wife, of Falls Citv.
is the first cur load of autos to come in were in the city yesterday visiting with
liv l.f.n thin anaa.n 'friftrwlu TUo ...a ,Un: .. .
for an extended tour, including a visit
in New York Citv. '
Rostein & Greenbaum
New Suits Millinery
Just in from New York. This is ur depart-
The very newest in ment Here the Ladies
men's all wool suits w!j! find IIats that
priced $12.50 and $15.00 W1" appeal to them, so
a suit. ve,,y becoming and such
w reasonable prices. A
We also have men's large assortment of new
good suits at $10 and Hat Ornaments.
7.o0 a suit. Expert trimmers ready
to want on you.
Men s Overcoats Ladies' and Girls' Coats
$5, $7, $8.73 and 10.00 Not many left Here
All special good values I you can get a mce coat
' at a low price.
KW. We also have Ladies' and Men's Coats, from
, . $2.00 up
Children's Umbrellas
Ladies' Umbrellas, 50c,
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75
Silk mixed Umbrellas
$2.25, $2.50 and $3.25
Men's Umbrellas, 75c,
$1.00, $1.25, and $1.50
Men's 1-2 wool socks,
pair 12 l-2c
Men's good work Shirts
Men's winter Union
"Suits $1.00
Boys winter union
buits 50c
Cotton Blankets, a pair
75c, $1, $1.23 and $1.50
Oversize Blankets,
pair $1.50
Nice Woolnap Blankets
pel if , $2i2i3
White Wool Blankets,
Pair $3.75
Wool Blankets, pair
$5.00 and $G.OO
Bath Robe Blankets
and cord $3.00
Ladies' wool Hose,
pair 23c
Ladies' winter Union
Suits 50c
Ladies' wool Union
Suits, odds, to clean up
$:i.50 and $4.00 suits at
Half Price.
There are two days of this month in
which no booze shipments will be deliv
ered in Kalem today and tomorrow, as
there just happens to be elections on
these days, and on election days no
such shipments are delivered.
The following will be added to the
list of those who own or will drive Ford
cars: J. L. Stockton. E. L. Htiff & Sons.
! Mrs. Elva R. Estes, Herman Fresia,
:t'hns. Kreft, H. C. Hniinon, I.. J. Lounds.
J. T. Stewart, M H. Utter, C. LaChelle.
Mr. and Mrs. Perie Mark; Ray Mark
and Miss Krmu Funning, all of Sheri
dan, motored to Snlem esterdny for a
'visit with their daughter, Miss Olive
j.Mark, who is attendiug Willamette
University. They returned to Sheridan
j t his morning.
i Winter has set in for good at the
Black Itock logging camp of the Spauld-
ing Logging company as it began snow
ing Suturday morning and there is now
considerable snow in the hills. Log driv
ing ou tne l.iickianiute will begin ns
soon as tho weather moderates and the
suow melts in the mountain.
I The cement work on the street car
track of the fiiir grounds road is now
completed mill regular service to the
end of tlio line will be resumed Friday
of this week. By experience, the com
pany has found it advisable to keep
cum off of newly cemented tracks for
about a week or 10 days.
The river is getting into regular win
ter gunge as today the record ia 3.2 feet
above the low water murk, about four
feet higher thnn it was a week ago.
Mince the rains began eight days ago
there has been a precipitation 6f .Lis
inches. The range of temperature yes
terday was from 52 to 40.
The law requiring a licence for Junk
dealers operating in Sulom went
into effect .Sunday and hereafter nil
persons who wish to collect junk in Sn
leni must pay a license of 2.50 per day,
10 a month, or $50 a year. Chief of
Police Welsh said this morning that if
any collect junk without a license he
will cause their arrest.
The Salem F'oral society will meet
this evening at 8 o'clock at the Com
mercial club. Officers for the coming
year will be elected and a talk on gar
dening will be diven by L. J. Chapin.
The society is planning for the planting
of roses and other improvements in the
city and a committee will be appointed
from each ward.
First class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar-
anteed. Twenty five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie a Allen Co., phone 1187.
Residence phone 14i!5.
913 Highland Avenue.
When In SALEM, OREGON, atof sl
8trlctly Modem
Free and Private Baths
KATES: 78c, $1.00, 1.B0 FEB DAT
The only hotel in the business district
Nearest to ell Depots, The tree al
Capitol Buildings.
A Rome Away From Bom,
i O. BUOH. Pro.
Both Phone, free Auto Bu.
The Foresters of America are prepar
ing for their meml ership contest and
the two captains, S. C. Knightlinger and
W. K. Miller have already selected their
teams of 20 each. The contest will close
the last day of this year and the losers
will have the pleasure of not only pay
ing for a dinner to the winners, but also
of serving it, with the privilege of eat
ing what is left.
After the business- of the regular
meeting of Salem lodge, No. 1, I. (j. O.
F., Wednesday evening of this week,
and the conferring of the initiatory de
gree, there will be an entertainment by
Prof. W. J. Cole an elocutionist and im
personator from Sun Francisco. This is
in line with a series of entertainments
to be given once a month by the Odd
reuows lodge dluring the winter. W.
A. Cummings is chairman of the enter
tainment committee.
Health and Industrial Insurance will
be discussed by tho members of the
i oik-taiiitiill-Mnrion medical society at
tlieir next meptiiiir to be held at the
fMarion hotel tomorrow eveniuir. This
is a subject that is being much discuss
ed in all parts of -the country and doubt
less will soon be the subject of genernl
legislation, me system essent in v
provides, ns far as the labor elassea are
concerned for a universal lodge or con
tract practice under state supervision.
The business of the evening will be
the bulloting on tho niudicntion fur
membership of Dr. Kdgar A. lirown ot
On the charge of cruel and Inhuman
treatment, Hessie livers was given a
divorce from William' Hyera today bv
Judge Galloway. She states thev were
married December 27. 1S!I7. in McMinn-
ville and that since then her husband
has made life a grevinus burden and
that he has often assaulted her. There
arc no children. A divorce was also
granted to Margaret Howard Murray
rrom Charles K. Murray by Judge l.'iil
loway. It is stnted in the findings of
fact that the two were married in Van
couver, November 1H13 and that there
are no children. She alleges that he
slapped her and reused her annoyance
and humiliation, and that he neglected
to support her.
Paste this in your hat or bonnet or
in some other prominent place for ref
erence Tuesday evening: Lights will
be flashed in nil Salem residences be
fore 11 o'clock Tuesday evening to show
who is elected as follow: If Wilson is
winner, all lights w ill be put out for two
intervals of five seconds each; if
Hughes is elected, the lights will be put
out for three intervals of five seconds
each: if the election is ia doubt by 1J
o'clock, the lights will go out for "fuur
intervals. So here it is if there nw
two dark periods tomorrow night, it Is
Wilson and if there are three, it is
Hughes. This information is given bi
the Portland Railway, Light ft Power
Two thousand of the new -dimes just
from the San Francisco mint were re
ceived this morning by the Ladd ft Bush
tank and were put in circulation this
morning. This is the only new colu be
ing issued by the mint.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in J3vc,
Kar, Nose and Throat. tf
The assessment ordinance for tne pav
ing ot iwelttu street near the woolen
mill will be introduced at the meeting I
this evening of the city council and also j
xor me paving oi tne aiiev in tne ulocK
occupied by the woolen mills.
Salem Typographical Union "recom
mends" L. H. McMahan for the of'fi::e
of prosecuting attorney. This was done
at the last meeting of the union and
indicates that his popularity extends to
II classes of business and occupation.
Electric Restaurant, open all night
1-ly North High St. uovlU
Dr. J. N. Smith, superintendent of the
state institutions for the feeble minded
spoke last evening at the First Chris
tian church on several of the proposed
amendments to come before the voters
Tuesday. He was especially opposed to
the one providing that no municipality
could legally rni?e for any purpose more
than six per cent of the amount levied
the preceding year.
If your tire cost is over one cent per
mile, come and see us. Watt Shipp Co.
The United Artisans and the Junior
Artisans, which includes the Court of
Fairies and the Court of Legends will
give a joint entertainment at the Moose
hall on the evening of Wednesday, No
vember 15. The program will include
musical numbers, a lunch and short ad
dresses. The Artisan juvenile band will
make its first public appearance. This
band has been organized and instructed
by Ivan G. Martin.
La Corona cigars Salem's best, made
for Salem s trade.
Arrangements have been made with
the Western I uion Telegraph company
by which the Comemrcial club will be
served with the lutest election news ns
it comes over the wire. In order that
members of the duo and their families
may receive the news, the club will keep
open house during the evening. The
messages will begin to come in about 5
o'clock tomorrow afternoon and from
that time on until midnight, the latest
off the wires will be posted in the club.
And just to piuke the evening pleasant,
a luncheon will be served about 10
More music, more home, The Sonora,
better tone. Myrtle Kiiowland, 421
A. E. Houston, formerly with the Cap
ital Journal, who left- the chasing of
news to go to the Mexicun border for
the purpose of chasing Villa and who re
turned with Company M a browner and
huskier corporal than wheu'lie went, to-
tay signed up with l ncle Sam for a
four year tour of duty with the United
States Marines, the "Soldier of the
Sea." Corporal Houston likes the mili
tary service better than he does the iob
of pushing a pencil. He signed up this
morning ami will go to Portland Wed
nesday to complete his enlistment. From
uere he mil go to Mare Island for U
weeks of schooling in marine service.
He is deferring his trip to Portland so j
iie run cast a oie lor vtiison xuesuay,
for when he gets iuto the service he will
be in a position where he cannot use his j
franchise as a citizen.
Are you paying a premium on your
auto tires. See the reduced prices on
Penn, Vacuum Cup. Watt Shipp Co.
At the examinations held October 17
zy the Oregon Board of Phnrmncy in
Portland, 17 candidates stood for the ex
amination and only eight passed with
the required average of 75 per cent or
more. Hnrrly Carsou, of Silverton. was
one of the fortunate juniors and J. K.
Thompson, of Pendleton, ranked high
est uf the seniors with an average of 00
per cent. Those who passed are ns fol
lows: Seniors. J. K. Keadiug, J. K.
Thompson, Thos. W. Manu and Oeorge
H. Jackson: 7l""iors. Harry Carson,
Winnif red Brown, . Y. Maildocks and
Arthur 1'. Wilson.
Driving your auto in winter is a
pleasure it" you are dressed right. Have
VOll a.tmi nil, linM.I ,rlr,..e I Wu, WIimh.
meet Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. U. O. Holt, 1032 Oak street. The
society is just entering on nn interest
ing studv of "World's Mission and
World's Peace."
Notice was received this morning by
Chief of Police Welsh from Sheriff j
Hurlhurt, of Portland, to look out for
a Barley-Davidson motorcycle with the
license T-47 and with motor number
71H2-M IP 10. The Portland officer states
the machine nas stolen Saturday night.
The third degree was conferred Sat
urday evening at the Silverton lodge,
No. 45, A. F. & A. M., by the following
from the Salem lodges: Judge Burnett,
J. T. Wolsh, Chas. McCarter. Dwight,
Misuer, Staliley Culver, C. l Davis, j
Fred A- Mclutire and Walter H. Smith, i
Final arrangements for the opening
of the boxing and wrestling classes nt
the Y. M. C. A. have been made by Sec-
rciary vomprun anil i. c. rranzKi. 1 no
clashes will meet Monday, Wednesday
and Friday evenings. Those who are in-,
terested can sign the entry sheet at the I
i. L. A. office. Secretary Compton
has charge of the boxing and O. K.
Frauzki the wrestling.
Auction Sale
at the W. B. Duncan farm, which
is located 3-4 of a mile west of
Lincoln or l'-j miles east of Zena
on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1916 at 10
a. m. consisting of 4 heavy hors
es; brood sow in pig; 4 sets work
harness; 1 set of double driving
harness; 2 3',i inch wagons; all
kinds farm machinery and house
hold furniture; cream separator.
Terms: 12 months. Free lunch
at noon. "Bring your cup" and
be on time. .See bills for particu
lars. F. C. Burton, F. N. Woodry,
Owner. Auctioneer.
Phone 511.
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash' price for same. Phone ill.
CAR5 oj
Any KirtD
Any timf:
Damon's Grocerteria
Reduces High Cost
of Living in South
Corner Commercial and Miller Sts.
-J ' '
f 1-' -",.ri .tf.l-tiftft
" .'iff , -
The Judge Hits Hard
Galloway Strikes from the Shoulder in Replying to the Sla.iderous
Circular Issued by R. P. Button of Portland.
' If the people of the Third Judicial District want a judge who will
........ Iv .-.ull itHuvuiuni, eiuss
or imprest, regard cs of
or lact: it they want n in,lir l,n will l..,...-:.. ... i . . ....
Z n i n fa,V'Pula "t.v; ' thoy want a jude who can be con
trol ed or intimidated-theu they should vote for some one else. If
re-elected I shall, as in the past, know neither "wet" nor di-v''
Republican nor Democrat, friend nor foe, in the decision of any easi.
- "'j cnuse ru an r pnr-r nnkimr ti-n,., o,..l ii
l(l ,t. peopie Wno want iair fights and honest
.r.t'"7: i , ' ',Hest tl,C clove,,,h h0"r 'i-Hnper, the
!,? : . f v , " ;,a -,hC. 1,!'r; ,0 th0 wll t want their
judges fixed nor tlvir juries packed.
t HMrT4T
A (hange for the betterfrom
faittJ tnJitber Uniei with ugty
m inciiear Arjrt Itmcsi
The double vision glasses worn
by the man or women of middle
age look exactly like the single
vision glasses worn by young
people of twenty-l'AeA-it:" the
double vision glasses nro
Ask for them by name.
20S 9 Hubbard bldg. rhono 109