Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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This is the exact
size and shape
of the finest
cigar that comes
from Cuba. It
sells at 50c each.
This is the exact
size and shape of
another Havana
cigar, almost as
fine, that sells for
30c each. .
This Is the exact
size and shape
of the OWL, the
Million Dollar
Cigar, that sells
for Sc.
The makers of the highest-priced cigars
men who receive as much as 50 cents
for a single cigar favor the square -end
shape. .Why? .
Because the square -end shape yields
the highest percentage of smooth -burning,
satisfying smokes to the smoker that is
why we make the OWL in the square
end shape.
The Million
Dollar Cigar
M. A. GUNST ft CO.
Harvard, Yale, Princeton and
the Army Are Each In
Line for Pennant
: (Continued from page one.)
W. W. anil Everett vigilnntes, who have
boon trying to enforce un autl-conp box
at rent speaking ordinance.
Trouble Started Monday Last.
William D. liny wood, general I. W.
W. secretary, now in Chicago, was wired
toduy by Herbert Mahler, local soere
lary, to obtniu legal talent for tho bat
tle which in dure to follow in the courts.
"We intend to charge every member
of Iho Kverett Commercial club with
murder an accessories to the fact,"
Mahler aid today. "Wo will start im
mediately to obtain affidavits from tho
men on board the Verona that tho arm
ed vigilante fired first."
J. T. Doran, known to I. W. W. work
era of the Pacific, coast as "Red" Por
an, predicted that the "Kverett affair
would precipitate a long, fierce struggle
between radical thinking laborers and
employere in the northwest.
"This is one of the worst massacres
in industrial history," he anUI, "the
blood was shed for tho constitutional
right of free Bpeech. Thousands of
workers will come here, if worst comes
to worst. There might ua well be un in
dustrinl revolution now as any time."
In tho meantime steps were being
taken today under direction of Kverett
business men and Mayor 1). It. Merrill,
to bring murder charges against the
2P4 men and throe women who went to
Kverett and who were arrested and
jailed on their return to Seattle aboard
Is Business
Your business may be going along nicely
today, but there are days ahead when an
accident policy, tucked away in your safe
would make you feel much more comfort
able. A dollar spent in advertising the
service you render, your reasons why you
ask for patronage, and anything that will
individualize your proposition, will go
further than' ten times the amount spent
to crowd your establishment with bargain
Br H. O. Hamilton.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
New York, Nov. (I. With records be
hind them that denote power in every
qtarter, the east's biggest football
teams began today the most important
practice of the season perparation for
the games which will decide who ia to
wear the crown of 1910 champion.
Harvard, Yale, Princeton and the
Army stand out in their class. The
Army's feat in whipping Notre Dame
to a standstill and the fact that Harv
ard did as well against Virginia as
Yale, ore things that cannot be over
looked. Navy's defeat by Washington
and I.ee, a team which had been beaten
by the Army, will figuro largo in the
final reckoning. . ..
Up at Cambridge it is now an ac
cepted fact that Percy Haughton is the
Harvard machine, Mulian's and Brick
ley's notwithstanding. Haughton has
taken a team which bowed to Tufts, has
worked it over, driven it hard ad has
turned out a machine that hash given
a fine account of itself.
The Army's work in downing Notre
Dnme by a lopsided scoi'e speaks mighty
well for the cadets, for they have trip
ped over the western team several times.
The brilliant forward passing of Oli
phant, coupled with Viilal's ability to
catch the pusses and cross the Notre
Dame goal line, was almost uncanny.
Yale's defeat of Colgate was a pleas
ing one to students and alumni, but it
will not go very far toward boosting the
Kli stock for coming contests.
This week Harvard and Princeton
will clash. Harvard is a favorite, but
Princeton has played just hard enough
to win its biggest games of the season,
and every one admits that a powerful
team represents Old Nassau this year.
Pacific Beat Chemawa
and McMinnville, Salem
. Pacific university took the football
game from Chemawa Saturday by get
ting away with a lofg forward pa-s
that netted the university boys their
only score, making the result (5 to 0.
The game was interesting throughout,
although Chemawa was heavier and was
able to gain more yardage than the Pa
cific team. After the scoring by Pa
vific, there was no further crossing the
Tine by either. The referee was Uen
stermacher, of the Washington high
school, Portland. The line up:
Chemawa Colby, le.j Johnson, It.;
Dick, It.; Elk, c; Fields, rg.; I.ane, cap
tain, re.; Downie, q.; Chamberlain, lh.;
Kder, fb.; Katshanima, rh.
Salem High Defeated.
Salem high school met defeat Satur
day by the football team of the Mc
Minuville high school by the score of
19 to 0. The game was played at Mc
Minnville. Although the Yamhill coun
ty boys were lighter than the Salem
team they outplayed them at practically
every stage of tho game. Tho lightness
of the Yamhill boys was to their ad
vantage in making headway on the
heavy, muddy field, which impeded pro
gress on the part of the Salem team.
The boys who represented the Red and
Black on this occasioifero:
Clurk, c; Sims, rg.; Ilansoine, lg.;
Boise, rt.; White, It.; Van Orsdn, re.;
Rose, le.; Acker man, q.; Tntinnn, lb.;
(loodenough, Hi.; Hngcdorn,- rh.; captain.
the steamers which were not permitted
to dock at Kverett.
The steamer trip to Kverett had been
widely advertised by the I. W. W. in
Seattle, and they paraded to the docks
at noon here Sunday. Handbills had
been sent to Kverett which read: "Citi
zens of Kverett: Attention! The I. W.
W. will hold a mass meeting in Kverett,
Sunday, November 5, at Hewett and
Wetmoro avenues come and help main
tain your own and our constitutional
pri v ileges com m i 1 1 ee. "
"Last Monday 41 I. W. W, members
were met nt the docks and taken by
armed vigilantes outside the tuwn and
made to run the gauntlet of clubs,"
Secretary Mahler said.
This, lie -said, had worked up tho feel
ing for the mass meeting here Sunday.
Everett Arms for Defense,
Kverett, Wash., Nov. ti. Although
peace reigned here today, 100 armed
business men remained over night in the
Commercial club rooms to be ready for
any emergency which might have grown
out of the I. V. W. battle of yesterday
Sheriff Don McRne, who is in the
Providence hospital with three bullet
wounds in his leg, described the battle
on the municipal pier, while propped up
in bed.
"There were probably 1.10 armed dep
uties on the dock," said Mc.Rae, "while
others lined the shore when the steam
er bearing the I. W- W. arrived. I yell
ed to the boat when it enmo close
enough and asked for the leader. They
yelled back and said they were all lead
ers. When I told them that they could
not land they began firiug. There were
probably 15 shots iired from the boat
before & siugle allot was fired from
shore. My elothiug was riddled with
bullets and I can't understand how I
escaped without getting more seriously
Kverett officials eipressed satisfac
tion at tho arrest of Edith Freuette, an
I. W. W., who attempted to assault
Sheriff McKa after he was wounded
and was being taken to the hospital.
Coroner A. K. Maulsby is dragging
the waters about the pier today with
hope of getting some of the bodies of
dead I. W. W. said to have fallen over
board when shot. Estimates of the num
ber who fell overboard varv, from two
to 13.
Athol Gorrill, a University of Wash
ington student, is in the hospital in a
critical condition, ho was shot under
the shoulder blade.
ML Angel Balked and
Willamette Given Game
(Jetting peeved over an adverse off
sido decision of the beadlinesmao, Mt.
Angel's husky team walked off the lo
cal fridiron Saturday afternoon in the
third quarter of the game, theroby for
feiting to Willamette by a score of
1 to 0. .
The announcements heralded a foot
ball game; the spectators saw a mud
battle for about three-fifths of the al
lotted playiug time; the Willamette
team found themselves without oppon
ents, such was the end of what start
ed in to be a decidedly interesting game
of water polo on the spongy marsh.
The first quarter revealed a success
ful touchdown registered by the Mt.
Angel collegians after a series of line
bucks and end runs. The Willamette
cohort seemed unable to stop their
charges, even though their opponents
were penalized time and again for hold
ing. But at the critical moment the
sons of Jason Lee seemed to rally and
prevented their heavier visitors from
adding further scores.
The second quarter was a repetition
of the 'first, but neither team got wlth
ing striking distance of their respective
However, the third quarter saw a new
determination and fight in the Meth
odist lads and it was not many seconds
until Mt. Angel likewise knew that the
Willamette team had renewed their ag
gressiveness. Here it was that the
strange forfeiture to Willamette occur
red. After a 15 yard penalty against
Mt. Angel for holding, the ball was Wil
lamette's on Mt. Angel's 25 yard line.
On the first down Bartlett plunged the
line for 10 yards. A pass followed
which a Mt. Angel player caugnt and re
turucd 20 yards. While the pass was be
ing negotiated, the Mt. Angel end was
clearly several feet offside and Head
linesman Adams started out on the field
to notify the referee. The next scrim
mage had taken place before that of
ficial's attention could be obtained.
Referee Schmitt then promptly proceed
ed to enforce the penalty. Mt. Angel
refused it, even though their end frank
ly admitted that he was offside. Cap
tain Kasberger of -the Mt. Angels at
tempted to protest, but the referee le
gitimately stood for their just decision.
Failing in this, the Mt. Angel captain
led his team off the field. Referee
Schmitt could not do otherwise than for
feit the game 1 to 0 to Willamette. No
amount of argument could make Mt.
Angel consent to arbitration. The local
varsity players were disgusted, for a
forfeit of this nature is not in keeping
with the recognized Willamette desire
to be good sports, win or lose.
The work of Peterson and Flegel on
the line. Retford's tackling, bartlett'a
line bucking and Grosvenor's gritty
runs were brilliant features of Willam
ette's warriors. The interference of Mt.
Angel 's backfield men was excellent.
(Continued from page one.)
the problem the' republicans faced, was
to kep the New York citv normal dem
ocratic, majority down and boost up' the
normal republican upstate majority to
as high a point as possible. Publicly
last uunure claims were:
Both Claim New York
Republicans Hughes will win New
Vn.lr I... Inn mi - t -a nrui
Democrats Wilson will win by at
least 100,000.
Indiana and Ohin have lieen atranii.
ous battle grounds during the campaign.
i ne air nas neen ruled with oratorv,
red fire, debate and charges and coun
ter charges. . Republicans particularly
want a clean sween in TndtnniL hpcmise
there are two senators up for election
1.. .. .. .
in iiiui siuie. national nemocratie
(iiairmati McCormick was authority for
the declaration that the remihlicnna
concede loss of Ohio.
The betting in New York still show
ed i-ughes a 10 to 7 or 10 to 8 favor
Claims Oregon by 25,000
Portland, Or., Nov. ti. Telegraphing
wpstpm rnilltlli.n n . ),.ailniin rli.m at
Chicago today, Ralph K. Williams, na-
tiniml iininmi llitAinnii t'rnm liia atnti.
reported his belief that Hughes would
carry uregon oy a margin or at least
So.OOO votes. Democrats declare them
selves confident that Wilson will win
here by a safe mnrgin.
ith Senators Chamberlain aud Lane
doinz the talking the democrats will
hold "just one more." rallv tonight.
An automobile parade with bands play
ing "Dixie is to proceed through
downtown streets to the armory where
the party's heaviest Oregon battery
will fire its final shots.
Local wnmcn ivlin aitnnnrf. Hmrlies
today spread broadcast the appeal re
ceived oy leiepnoue irom Harriet euan-
toii iiinicn in rnicngo, Mrs. ttiatcn
charged that Wilson had kept the vote
t'rnm tw-entv millinn ..nat.trti unmnn nn.l
asked the western voters to defeat him.
Democrats Confident
By Robert 3. Bender
(United Press staff correspondent)
Asbury Park, N. J., Nov. 0. Presi
dent Wilson's official family today
confidently predicted his election with
387 votes in the electoral college.
At no time since the campaign start
ed have those intimate with the autumn
white house professed such unrestrain
ed optimism over tomorrow's results as
thev did today.
Win or lose, the president expects to
return to Washington for the winter
Saturday, but beyond that he has not
revealed his plana. He will leave here
Thursday night to participate in the
christening of his grand daughter, Baby
Sayre, at Williamstnwn, Mass., and
probably will go at once thereafter to
Tomorrow night, surrounded by his
immediate family at Shadow l.awn, he
will hear returns over a private wire
from the executive offices.
I'oon his return to the capital, the
president will have wfore him the
problems growing out or tne Viermnn
submarine attack on the British horse
transport Marina, with a loss of five
American lives. An answer to this na
tion's questions ia expected from Ger
many this week. w :
Hughes Sure of Winning v.
By Perry Arnold
(l'nited Press staff correspondent)
New York. Nov. tt. One week ago
today Charles Evans Hughes began say-
f r. - -
J t' -v
f 4
I ' r
If I .
YOU'LL not mind
this rainy wea-
vou outfit
ther if
Let us fix you up for the fall
and winter season. We have
exceptional values and im-
incline mucks ui wiiucr guuua
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits and Overcoats
$20 to $35
Bishop All Wool Clothes
$15 to $25
Oregon Made Cashimers
Splendid Values
$12.50 the Suit
Men's Shoes, Umbrellas. Underwear
Hats and Furnishings
that will please you.
(imi'iiif rr
llrbafls, trrn & (Bo.
Hats STORE stoe$
ing publicly "if I am elected presi
dent, as I expect to be," that qualify
ing phrase of confidence stood today
aa the republican candidate's single
idea of tho result tomorrow. He refus
ed to add to it any further formal
claims, but remained quietly at tho Ho
tel Astor visiting with his family, his
only political activity of the day be
ing a visit to republican national head
quarters for conferences with Chairman
The republican nominee finishes the
campaign aa probably the best trained
individual, physically, that ever made
a presidential race. He has preached
"America first and America efficient"
everywhere and at the same time done
his best to live up to the idea of effi
ciency in his own personal work. He
is only a trifle under the weight he
carried when he resigned from the su
preme bench. His skin is clearer, his
muscles harder, his eyes keener for the
strenuous, but carefully mapped out
life he has led as a campaigner in the
most vigorous canvass for votes a pres
idential candidate ever undertook.
Tomorrow night Hughes will gather
his family together in his private apart
ments in the Hotel Astor and get the
returns from the republican national
committee over a private telephone
wire. The fact that tne candidate de
clined witji thanks offers of private
telegraph wires and wanted only sum
marized en bloc, as opposed to frag
mentary returns was another indica
tion today of his attitude and complete
confidence. Ho expects to vote early
in the day at the polls in the precinct
where the Hotel Astor is located.
receipt of an appeal from Ben Selling,
treasurer of the Armenian and Syrian
Relief Fund, asking for help for the
exiles from Turkey, who are homeless
and hungry.
(Continued from page one.)
Kstnhlishmcnt of a nulitnrv depart
ment for organization of a Polish army.
Oalicia to Be Free
Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
Nov. 6. An autonomous government
will be eranted Galicia by Austro-Hun-
gary at the close of the war when the
proposed t'olisn nation is estaousnea,
it was announced today in a letter
from Kmperor Pranr. Joseph to his pre
mier. Tit. Von Koerber. The Weiner
Zeitung prints the letter.
It ia not tho business ofthe secretary
of state to prosecute owners of motor
vehicles who use a-last year's tag or
number. That is up to the local police
officials. However, complaint in au
anonymous letter arrived in the score-tau-y
of state's mail this morning say
ing that several machines in eastern
Oregon aro wearing a yellow tag in a
red tag year and wondering why in
in blazes there wasn't something do
ing. The first part of the letter begins
something like this:?"We know you
aro Olcott but the autos with last
year's licenses are not all caught."
Secretary of State Olcott sent out
40,0g0 applications for motor- vehicle
licenses to owners through the state
several weeks ago and this morning's
mail brought back 700. Tho secretary
expects that by the first of the year
there will be 18,000 applications in.
Last year there were 12,000 and in 1914
3,000 by the beginning of the new year.
Two companies aggregating a capi
talization of $30,000 have filed, with
the corporation commissioner. They
are the Willis-Ce company, formed to
do a real estate business with a. capital
of $25,000 in the city of Portland, with
v'. C. Klliott, George Scroggin and T.
H. Ward as the incorporators; the Bend
Grocery company with a cnpital of $0,
000 ior tho purpose of doing a grocery
business in the city of Bend. The in
corporators are C. E. Hamilton, Charles
W. Erskino and L. E. Daigher. Supple
mentary articles of incorporation chang
ing the name of the Hub Mercantile
company to the King-Hancock Mercan
tile company were also filed.
Wedding Invitations, Announcements
and Callinir Cards Printed mt lh Jnnp.
nal Job Department.
State House News
Saturday the report of the Southern
Pacific, railroad to the public service
commission stated that the company
was short 2875 cars and that .only 2o3
were available. The record shows that
the shortage is steadily getting worse
with no indication of its being relieved.
Albert Tor.ier. of the state labor com
missioner 'a department, is in Portland
getting ready to serve as a judge on
the election board in his preciuct. He
is not expected back in Salem until
Governor Withycombe went to Rose
nrf this morning to attend a political
meeting there touieht. He is on the
program for an address.
George Palmer Putnam has gone to
Bend. Crook county, to cast his ballot
at 'the election Tuesday. He is expected
back Wednesday.
Practirallv all the offices In the
state house will be closed Tuesday on
account of its being a legal holiday.
The secretary of state's office is in
Science .Course, Take ;
Care of House
Pendleton has a school teacher who
has a new scheme in teaching; domestie
science, according to J. A. Churchill,
state superintendent of public instruc
tion, who has returned from Eastern
Oregon after attending the Eastern
Oregon division of the Oregon state
teacher's association meetings. Thia
scheme has been in successful operation
by Miss Alice Butler, head of tho de
partment of domestic science in tho
Pendleton high school. The idea is for
the girls to manage a house ;n all ita
For this purpose a furnished house
of eight or nine rooms is secured and
the girls put in charge. The house is
rented to the teacher of the school
who live in it while the girls of the
uumesuc science department clean the
windows, sweep the floors, make the
beds, plan the meals, take care of the
buying, keep all the household accounts
and do all the things necessary to gain
practical experience in housekeeping.
The teachers who pay for tho house
nnd tho actual running expenses sit
down to meals planned entirely by the
domestic science girls who have bought,
and cooked the food. They take care
ot" the electric light bills, and, in fact
everything. This feature of tbe-eehool
work is new and the plan is apparently
working out successfully as it givea
the girls a practical working knowledge
of household economv.
New York
and Ocean
Fare same as All-Rail, includes Berth and Meals
on Steamer
Daily to New Orleans
Via Los Angeles, Tucson, El Paso, San Antonio
and Houston
Sailings from New Orleans every Wednesday and
Marvelous "Apache Trail" Auto trip Phoenix to
Globe made by detour, Maricopa to Bowie, Arizona.
For free booklet, fares, berths, train service, etc.,
ask local agent or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon