Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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- MA
Cheery comfort for chilly evenings."
A gallon of PEARL OIL gives nine
hours of intense, odorless heat
wherever and whenever you want it
. " Prices: $3.75 to $7.75
Max 0 Buren
Geer Knight Furniture Co.
Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co.
C. S. Hamilton
Imperial Furniture Co.
Notes of Interest
Among Hop Growers
Harry Evans,' who in sampling for
Henry L. Bents of thin place, writing
from Sheridan under date of October
2i, say in a letter to Mr. Bents:
From the yards 1 saw yesterday and
today, you will have to cut down the
current estimate of the hop crop. At
f Forest Urove, Hoar did not pick V
acres, Nichols left unpicked 14 acres,
I.ova 8 acres, Meredith 10 acres, Crab
tree 7 acres, Haines 13 seres, Keuter 5
acres, wnat tney picked tney have not
jet haled.
: At Cornelius, Susbuuer picked only
one yard H acres out of 38, and not
all the hops on the 14. There waw only
me crop picked at Uastoii, besides Joe
Williams', and that (the J. E. Johnson
erop) was only 22 baeg from 18 acres.
At North Yamhill only one grower, If.
Westeraiau, picked bis erop. He won 't
bale until it rains. Joha Perkins picked
7, bales and quit, selling them to Bish
op early, at 7 cents. Paul Weirlener has
, jiloled up. his big yard and there and
lione east.. Xot a yard out of 12 on
the "Pike," as the hill country back
as foasi
Oil Heater
Sale ty
W. W. Moore
Salem Hardware Co.
Spencer Hardware Co.
E. L. Stiff & Son
I year the crop was 2204 bales.
At Carlton, S yards that last year
had 671 bales arc plowed up. Two yards
that had 20,000 pounds contracted
J picked 12,500 pounds, and quit.
Two remaining yards there had &tl
bales between them (144 last year.)
They sold at 8 cents. Only one crop
was picked 1 at Lafayette, the Old &
Muttie yard. They had a good crop and
got llVa cents two weeks ago. At Day
! ton Dr. Swisk picked 22 bales and sold
'at 10 cents the ouiy crop there.
Around Mc.Minnville, some were re
jected on account of mold. Lalliberte
picked his contract of 10,000 and then
quit. John Fletcher has none. Hacket
; did not pick a hop, and has his olds
I yet. Jncobson, Morris, lmsner, ilassey,
nr. look, niibur cook, llertrum, Vin
cent, Dellaven. Harry and Olscn have
(all plowed up.
I At Shaxidun the association is "bust
led" so far as the members here are
! concerned. The crop is away below last
' veflr The Paul rtlnce ia rniutttcr Hnlwfoin
cattle. Brown has only 10 acres out of
This will give you a. first hand re
port of hop conditions Wilsonville to
Willamina and Jiewberg to Banks.
Aurora Observer.
Every grocery store has its customers who
order POSTUM regularly instead of coffee.
They are former coffee drinkers who, for
health's sake, changed their table drink.
If you suspect that coffee contributes to your
discomfort or illness, ask the grocer for the
names of several POSTUM users in your
neighborhood; get in touch with them and
hear their story.
Or, secure a tin of INSTANT POSTUM and try
it on the family table for ten days instead of
Jefferson Way Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Mr. Davidson moved onto the Spring
er place this week.
Kveryonc is busy hauling prunes in
to town from out this way.
George Hocket made a trip to Salem
last week. ...
A basket social at Suniryside in the
near future.
Air. White sold his arm to Mr. fDor-
ranee and moved to Salem, last week.
There was a large attendance at the
Rees sale Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wain are still staying
on their arm south o town. f
Mr. Prothcro is still at Mill City
where he has all winter work.
' dohn Fabry and ivathan Sumpter are
at work near Falls City.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chandler have
moved onto the Bulgin ranch.
M . Widymier has traded his place
o and moved to Toledo.
; Fred 8heppard moved over near Tur
ner. Mr. Kaoury has rented hfis plnce
to someone else;
Frank Ferguson has bought a large
tract of loganberry land south of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Legg made a trip to
their new home on Jefferson way last
Herb and Al Chandler went to town
this week. . -
H. A. Smith hauled two loads of
lambs to market for A. T. Wain Fri
day. Tom Tomason is working for A. T.
Sol Taylor cams his education, he
walks five miles night and morning to
attend school in Salem. .
F. M. Utter is busy plowing on the
minto farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bntcs were quite
badly shaken tin in a runaway one dav
last week while visiting friends in the
vtaiuo Jims.
Spring Valley News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Spring Valley. Nov. 4. Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Snepni'd have completed the
new home, a handsome structure, all
niouern, situated upon a sigtly emi
nence of their firm.
On Friday evening at their invita
tiou, their frineds guthered for a house
warming, and much praise was heard
as to the beauty and convenience of
the new home. The house was gnyly
ugntca wnn many candles, which with
the open fire, added much to the festiv
ities. A tumorous pantomime was pre
sented by Mr. Shepnrd and a few
friends which caused much laughter. A
number of the Indies sang a few verses
of the music of a college song, wishing
the Shepards much joy in their new
home. Rev. G. A. McKinlay read a
poem from the "Outlook" entitled
"Hoosier, " a tribute to James Whit
comb Riley. Other stunts added to the
pleasure of the occasion. Refreshings
wero served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. John Phillips and Miss Ruth
Hhepard, a sister. It was at a late hour
that the guests departed for homo, feel
ing that "event tho it was storming.
eve gave the house a thorough warm
Mr. and Mrs. Donnel Crawford spent
a few days last week in Oregon City
nd Portland.
There's a Season",
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey Crawford
entertained- relatives from Salem atluPull 1dlldd lildll
dinner Sunday. The guests being Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wells and children,
Willnrd and Leonard, Mrs. .1. L. Miller
and children, Dorothy, Robert and Fern
Frank Hauna had the misfortune to
lose, a few weeks ago, a purse contain
ing over one hundred dollars in money,
besides a check, and has not beard of
any trace of it.
Ray Nash of Spring Valley and his
brother, George of. Hopewell, have re
turned from a motor trip to Lake coun
ty. The crops there are quite good, al
though a frost injured the grain so it
ilin not rill nut as well nd pvnitAil I
tov J i i i IL u iW) Airs. C. Hisser. Air. Kisser is one of
When he left last week the fnrmers had .u. , . ..
just finished stacking. W. L. Cook and
family, who formerly lived here, are
well pleased with their farm there.
The recent rains are a benefit to the
farmer as the ground hag been too dry
to plow, unless one used an engine. Har
vey Crawford has purchased a three
bottom plow to go with his engine, and I
with a harrow hitched behind, finds!
that the ground works up rapidly.
Mr. Rickett. who has spent the sum-l
mm- here vinltinir his iter. Mr C A.
Taylor, has returned to his home in',u'8 weeK y C. L. Crider to Stockton.
.Tas. Shepard of Portland, has been
spending several days here with his
son, R. C. Shepard and family. Mr.
Woods, Mrs. Shepard ' father, is alsb
a guest at their home.
Miss Kuth snepard, who has spent
the last year in Alaska as a mission
ary, is visiting this week with her
brother mid family. She will spend the
winter with her parents in Portland.
A quiet homeTvedding was solemnized
at the home of the bride in this city on
Sunday, October 29, when H. F. Good
and Mrs. Nettie Brown were married by
Rev. Albyn Lsson .pastor of the Chris
tian church. A few relatives and friends
witnessed the ceremony.
Mr. Good is proprietor of the North
Silverton nursery, and a man who has
won for himself an enviable reputation
in the business world. Mrs. Good is a
charming lady, who has endeared herself
in the hearts of all who know her. The
happy couple left on the 3:50 train Sun
day for their honeymoon trip to Port
land and other points, and will be at
home to their ninny friends after No
vember 5 at 12(2 McClaine street, this
city. The good wishes of a host of
friends go with them, and may joy and
happiness be theirs. Tribune.
S. L. Stewart has resigned his position
as cashier of the Farmers & .Merchants
bank, and the board of directors unan
imously chose J. W. Mayo to succeed
him. Mr. Mayo needs no introduction
to the people of Staytou and vicinity, as
he has been a successful business man
here for the past six years.
Mr. Stewart is undecided as to his
future course, but will probably be in
Stayton for several weeks yet. Where
evcr he goes, he can bo assured of the
good wishes of the people of Stayton
and the surrounding cuutry. Stuyton
Mail. : .
Journal Want Ada Get Results Ton
Want- Trr on and
D..l- 1V.I!
Will Marry In East
. (Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Ore., Oct. . 0. August P.
Eisser will leave next Tuesday after
noon for Hastings, Neb., where about
the 15th of the month he will be united
in marriage to Miss Lena Bottitt. On the
way back to this city he will stop off
in North Dakota and visit at the home
of his luster, Mis. Dena Jniisen. Mr.
the best known young men in this city.
He is assistant cashier at the Dallas Na
tional bank. His bride is not a strang
er to Dallas people, she having visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Young a few years ago. The young
married couple will return to this city
"bout ' the first of the year and make it
,he-r future home.
- '. " ""2
, Potatoes Go to California,
A carload of potatoes were shinned
n.m. ine car containea uvu sacks and
weighed approximately 05,000 pounds.
Thi is the largest shipment of pota
toes to leave tins city tor some time.
- Polk Cows Have Peculiar Disease.
A disease among cows new to this sec
tion of the couutry has made its appear
ance in Porrydale and as a result nine
head of valuable stock belonging to J.
A. Yoakum have died within the past
severol days. The cases have been call
ed to the attention of tho state veterin
arian but he has been unable to diagnose
the disease. The only possible clue that
the experts could decide upon was that
the germs of the disease made their
abode in the dunt. An effort is being
mode to prevent the spread of tho dis
ease as there are a large number of
valuable Jersey hords iu the Ferrydnle
Funeral services over the remains of
the late James Shaver were held from
the Chapman undertaking parlors Thurs
day atternoon rjy the Masonic lodge.
D. L. Keyt, of Monmouth, was a Dal
las business visitor Thursday.
F. E. Kersey went to Eugene Friday
morning for a several days' visit with
Estley Farley, who is attending the
University of Oregon.
W. V. Fuller is in Portland today on
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Mackin, of Mon
mouth, were county seat visitors Thurs
day. Mr. Mackin is secretary of the
county republican central committee.
J. S. Itnyter and Eugene Hnyter left
Friday afternoon for Blind Slough, Ore.,
to visit at the home of Mr. Eugene Hny
ter 's daughter, Mrs. H. R. Patterson.
Mrs. Carl Williams returned this week
from a visit at tho home of her nirents
in Spokane.
John r rakes and Charles estover re
turned this week from a trip to southern
P. U- Steelquist, local manager of the
Oregon Power conipuny, is aguiu con
fined to his home with an acute attack
of appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Johnson, of Los
Angeles, have returned to this city and
will mnke their future home on their
- . i .
Raky Days
Rainy days are coming and you
will need clothes to protect you;
we assure you that you can't do
better than trade at our store and
purchase these supplies in
Clothing, Shoes and Hats
Mackinaws & Raincoats
Buy at
Brick Brothers
Corner State and Liberty Streets
The House that Guarantees Every Purchase.
ranch on Mt. Pisgiih, southeast of this
Mrs. Arthur Vassall entertained a
crowd of young people at her home on
Robb street Tuesday evening.
H. H. Hirschberg, a prominent busi-'
ness man ot Independence, was a Dal
las visitor this week.
The Dallas hotel has changed hands,
C. W. Walker being the now proprietor-
CJuito a crowd of Dallas republicans
attended the rally nt Falls City Thurs
day night. Walter Evens, of Portland,
was the principal speaker for the oc
casion and made a very interesting ad
dress. -
T. D. Phillips is in eastern Oregon
looking after business iuterests.
Journal Want Ads Get Results Yon
Want Trr one and t.
Billie Burke
In Chapters 18 and 17 of
Classified Ads ;
' - . 1 . ''.
. ri , ; prompt Berrlc