Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Pendleton Normal School
Proven Necessity
(Copied from Portland Oregonlan.)
MONMOUTH, Ore., June 26. The Oregon Normal
school opened this week . . . itudenti enrolled 785,
largest on record for rtate Normal Id Oregon ....
how to care for large student body a problem ....
800 being crowded into auditorium with seating ca
pacity of 650. Galleries filled with extra chairs In
aisles. Mora than 160 students seated on platform.
New boarding houses completed, additions to room
ing houses built and tents used. One hundred girls
sleep on upper floor of school.
The official school report gives 160 grade pupils
tn Monmouth, tor teacher practice.
Read what those you have elected to handle the
affairs of your state and who are thoroughly informed
regarding school conditions in Oregon have to say
concerning measure 308 on the ballot at the coming
election: .
By James Wlthycombe, Governor ef Oregon:
"Oregon Is unnuealloimuly In need of mora normal
school work and Pendleton is tl logical place or a
school pC tills class In iCaalern Oregon.
By J. A. Churchill, State Superintendent of Publle
' Instruction:
"I trust that ths voters or ths Slsls will assist In
rslslns Ihs slundard of our schools by establishing a
Stale Normal School at Pendleton."
By P. L. Campbell, President of ths University of
.. Oregon: ;
"At lesst one additional Normal School Is urgently
needed In Oregon,"
By W. J. Kerr, President of the Oregon Agricultural
"Sines ths people of Pendleton are Initiating a tneusurs
for the establishment of a Normal School at that place,
it will give me pleasure to support this measure."
By J. H. Ackerman, Prealdent Oregon Normal School,
at Monmouth:
"A careful snslysls of the situation will convince any ,
ons thst Oregon needs a Normal Hchool In Kaslern Ore
gun and Pendleton rills sll the government requirements."
By the County 8chool Superintendents of Oregon:
"Kesnlved, that It Is the sense of the County School
'- Superintendents or the Blale or Oregon, In convention
aaaemlilnd, thut the best interests or the schools or ths
Stale demand Increased facilities for the training (
teachers, und that we, therefore, endorse the initiative
measure to establish a Normal School at rendleton."
By Mrs. Charles H. Castner, President of the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs:
"I most heartily endorse Ihs location of said Normal
School at Pendleton."
Prof. Robert C. French, Former President of the
Normal School Located at Weston:
"An immediate establishment of such a school at some
" central point such as Pendleton would proee a great uesel
to the Stats of Oregon."
B. F. Mulkey, Ex President Southern Oregon Normal
"I shell support the location of an Kastsrn Oregsn
Normal School at Pendleton."
Slate Ronrd of Kegenls of Oregon Normal School
declares that "llie necessity for additional Normal
school facilities in Oregon is apparent."
Portland Chamber of Commerce endorses measure
308 und say Pendleton most logical locution for Nor
mal school in Hasten) Oregon.
308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR your children
KasUtrn Oregon
(Paid Adv.)
Hy J. II.
Vriends? of Miss Klltel Hepburn ofby
Vancouver who formerly lived in Sa
lcm, will ho interested to know that
she was selected from hundreds of New
York lepreaentatives to buy for twelve
of the largest organizations in Araer-jl-ee, a Halloween party was Riven qu
lea. he will ssle from British t'olum- .Saturday afternoon hy the members of
bia for the Orient on November 80, "m Kings Herald, which is composed of
and will be gone for about a year, vis-: the younger Sunday school pupils of
iling Japan, China and Manila. j"'e M. K. ehurch
The nffitir was in chaise of Miss Mil-
Mrs, li.H. Houston, the houso guest'dred MeBride, assisted lv the Misses
or Mrs. Hubert liraves, was the
ration for a delightfully informal af- Gray, Myrtle Maxwell and tlladys New
trrnoon today, sponsored by Mrs. t!eo. 'bery.
Newner, Jr., at her homo w North! ' ' '
Jackson street. The guests were a few Without doubt the largest affair of
o. the friends of Mrs. Houston and the the week in point of both numbers
afternoon was spent with basketry and
JialllMO Mtl.l rilltM-illf? ntil f rilMlH&hill
i. t . ., . ' i
aire. Houston, is leaving for haiein instancing party at the armory Inst night
the near future where she has lived)
since leaving lioscniirg ami will make
tier new home at Santa Rosa, Cal.
Kowbtirg Keview.
. t . e e
Mr. and. Mrs. William T. Grier have
retttrned from a few days in Portland,
e e
Karljr this week Mrs. J. T. Btnith and
her iter, Mrs. E. M. Beveridge, will
leave ror a sojourn in rioulncrn 14111
faraia. They will spend the winter in
Kan Oirgo, visiting places of Interest
en route.
e e
Ths suburban home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Gritton. near Liberty, wna the
rene of a, merry surprise party Friday,
wen Trieads garnered to celebrate the
eiity ainth birthday of the host. The
Rueata esaie with "well filled baskets
and at noon a dinner was served. '
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
J. U Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Orit
ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Blankenafaip,
Mr. aad Mra. J. H. Crawford, Mr. and j
Mrs. J.- U. unuon, Mr. ana Mra. J.T.
W. Gritton, Miss Agnes Gritton, John
Riaaienahip, Miss Margaret Oliver and
nillard and r.ugene Gritton.
Tuesday night Mr. and.. Mra. II,
MeClean entertained ths members Of;
the Jollv Score elub with a Hallows en
party. The guests were attired in fancy
costumes and the evening was devoted
U "fKW." Plavera circled five tables
of the game, score honor bemtf won
f- --l;-...--.--tv.-tri
V YoullKoconizc S.S.S.Cartons
l?a e&j t a'
r r -
ts? W tar
Stale Normal School Committee
Owlnn, Secy., Peutlletim, Ore.
Mrs. Ray Lewis and Mr. Medea n.
Later the hostess served dainty refresh
At the home of Mr. end -frs. A. A.
mspi-itiertrudc West, r.ugeniu Pinnae
iigenia Nivniie. Loval
and briliance was the home coining re
.,,, fimi I'ttifnrai t v ulilmni n.l hf
the ;
. r"" m . ' i
The spirit of welcome was equally
hearty to graduates, ex-students and!
iriemts oi tue university as wen as to
the Urge number of ' University of
Washington students and faculty who
remained for the social festivities.
Across, the music, platform was a Urge
welcome bauner and the pennants of
Oregon and Washington colors were
eo,ually used as drapery around the
balcony intermingled with hanging
(baskets. The programs were cards hear
ing the combined colors of Washiugtou
and Oregon fastened with gold cord.
.Near the southern entrance, rugs
were spread and comfortable chairs ar
ranged for a receiving line of alumni
who stood to greet those who returned
to their aluia mater.
Although the reception began at the
early hour of t :30, it was well attended
and the students finished the evening
with enjoyable dancing. The chaper
ones duriug tho evening were Presi-
leut and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Dr. and
Mrs. John Straub, Mr. and Mrs. -Geow
Gerlmger, Professor and Mrs. J. r .
Bovard, Miss Haverlo, I'niversity of
Washington; Misa Elizabeth Fox, Miss
Mary Watson.
Anions' alumni noticed during the ev-
Idling were Mr. and Mra. Rohert-lliioii,
of Bead; Mr. and Mrs, eruoa aw
ter, of Med ford; Mr. and Mrs. Thoa.
Townsend. of Salem; Mrs. Win. Bar
rett, of Albany; jiisa Eleanor MeClaine
and Misa I-ielda Met lame, of Silverton;
Miss Amv Kothohild. of Baker? Miss
Oa the sMre f rear drag
si! kr the akeeaceef ear showy
4eeigaiac ssen sa will rt re
eegaJsewar a. a. t. Is the Stand
aH Bleed Pnriaer sAet giving It
an eeMttnastT te tebaiM aad
with tta waadeifnl tens: at
Hies. Tn Swift spaxamo Co.
i- 1 :
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to
feci young to do this you must watch
your liver and bowels there's no need
of having a sallow complexion dark
rings under your eyes pimples a bil
ious look in your face dull eyes with
no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you
ninety per cent of all sickness comes
from inactive bowels and liver. t
" Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
in Ohio, perfected vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
action, yet always effective. They bring
about that, exuberance of spirit, that
natural buoyancy which should be en
joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver
and clearing the system of impurities.
Ycm will know Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets by their olive color. 10c and
25c per box. All druggists.
Jennie Fry, of Salem; Miss Catharine
Carson, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. K.
Brooks, of Salem; Miss Jane Knox, of
Portland: Miss Huth Beach, of fort
land; Walter Winslow, of Salem; Ralph
Moores, Salem; Chester Moores, Port
land, and Karl Latourctte, Portland.
Sunday Eugene Register.
se e
Among the charming affairs planned
for this' week, will bo the tea for which
Mrs. William H. Lytle and Mrs. Zo
ilnc Riggs will be hostesses, Saturday
afternoon at the Riggs residence, on
State street.
One of the delightful affairs of Hal
lnwe 'en week was the informal even
ing fnr which Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee
nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker were
hosts nt the residenco of the former,
on Monday night.
The houso was gaily adorned for the
occasion with flowers and decorations
suggestive of the season and the guests
included the members of the Cherry
City Flinch club.
Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. B.
L. Steeves, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Legg,
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Millard, Dr. and Mrs. H. C.
Kplev. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills, Mr.
nnd Mrs. IT. G Holt, Mr nnd Mrs. H.
11. Vnndervort, Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Jones, Mr. and'Mrs. B. E. Carrier, Mr.
and Mrs. William E. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs.
E. ,T. Swaft'ord and Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Todd.
Miss Gertrude East, who is attend
ing tlio Oreeon Agricultural College
t Corvallis, came home Friday for a
week end visit to iier parents, sir. and
Mrs. 8. 8. Enst.
Miss East who is in her freshman
year, has been recently plegcd to the
Alpha Chi Omega Borority.
About .10 members of tho Missionary
society of the First Congregational
church were entertained at the home
of Mrs. F. V. Sleusloff on Friday af
ternoon. Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, president,
presided nt the meeting, which preced
ed a program and chatting. Mrs. StetiB
lot'f was assisted by Mrs. A. Gilbert
and Mrs. Ray Baker. '
. , . e
The marriage "of Miss Florence) Ruth
Schtiltx and Johti Robert Addison, took
place on Sunday 'at ihgh noon at the
parsonage -of the First Methodist
church. Rev. H. N. Avison officiated
and the wedding was a very aiinple af
fair. Following the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served at' the homo of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Sehultz on the river road.
. The couple left for a several days
sojourn- In Portland, after which they
will lie at home to their friends in Sa
This Is Opening Day
For Chinese War
San Francisco, Nov. 8. With today
the date set by the Hop Sing nnd 8uey
Sing tongs for opening war on the Bing
hones aud Suey Duns, tho police
strengthened the Chieatown patrols, and
have sent warnings to Portland and
T jm Inonln. t. W'ntch fnr . outbreaks
tlurmo- tn n Suev Sinff celebration
tnere. t
the ,iato of hostilities is declared to
nnVe been postioned a dav.
tb allocation of the Binir Kongs
Mrs. Wynn Tells How Lydla
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Helped Her
DuringChange of Life.
liichmond, Va, "After taking
seven bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound I feel like a
nevr woman, I al
ways had a headache
during; the Change
of Life and waa also
troubled with other
bad feelings com
morfat that time
dinry spells, nervous
feelings and heat
flashes. Now I am
in better health
than I ever was and recommend your
remedies to all my friends. "Mra. LENA
Wynn, 2812 E. O Street, Richmond, Va.
While Change of Life is a most crit-
! leal period of a woman's existence, the
annoying symptoms which accompany
it may be controlled, and normal health
restored by tha timely us of Lydia E.
Pinkham's ege table Compound.
Such warning symptoms are a sense
of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil.
timidity, sound in the ears, palpitation
of the heart, sparks before the eyes,
irregularities, constipation, variable ap
petite, weakness and inquietude, and
For these abnormal eonditiona do not
fail to take Lydia E. Finkham's Vege
table Compound,
Folder Bearing Names of
Candidates Endorsed Are
Distributed In Salem
The so-called A. I. A. ticket has
made its customary appearance on the
eve of election. Folders containing the
names of candidates of the organiza
tion were left on doorsteps all over Sa
lem last evening.
The candidates for Marion county en
dorsed are all republicans except Frank
S. Ward, democrat, for representative,
and h. D. Ratliff, prohibitionist, for
representative, and the folder bears the
signature or Davidson Buchanan, Ph.
P., 975 Michigan Ave., Portland, Ore
gon. The arguments set forth by the secret
political society which is now admitted
ly cutting quite a figure in Oregon elec
tions, are mainly directed against pub
lic appropriations for sectarian schools
and virtually charges the Catholic
church with being a political machine.
Quite a lot of bitterness will no
doubt be stirred up by this action,
since there are many voters who are
non-Catholic who hold to the principle
that secret political 'societies are un
American and a menace to popular gov
ernment. Such a movement always cuts both
wTays, like a two-edged knife, and will
probablv lose the candidates endorsed
as many votes as it makes for them.
So far as can be ascertained there is
no Catholic running for office on either
Candidates Endorsed
For representative in congress, 33 W.
C. Hawlcv.
For public service commissioner, 40
Fred O. Buchtel.
For circuit judges, 48 Gee. 0. Bing
ham; 50 Pcrcey B. Kelly.
For representatives to the legisla
ture, 52 Sam 11. Brown; 53 Chas. F. El
gin; 55 W. Al Jones; 59 Frank S. Ward;
63 Levi I). Ratliff.
For county clerk, 69 U. O. Boyer.
For assessor, 76 Ben F. West. .
For county superintendent of schools,
77 W. M. Smith. . . 1
For county . recorder, 78 Mildred R.
For county treasurer, 80 D. G. Drager.
For constable, Salem district, 88 Per
cy M. Varney. . .
Ticket for the City of Salem '
Authorized by the council of Feder
ated Patriotic societies. Vote this tick
et straight and we win. We trust these
For mayor, Walter E. Keyes.
For recorder, 19 Benjamin S. Via.
For city marshal, 22 J. T. Welsh.
For alderman, ward No. 1, 25 K. W.
that five Hop Sings held up, a Bing
Kong gambling place in Los Angeles
Saturday started th trouble. The Hop
Sings denied the -ehBrge, and 'met the
demand that the accused be surrender
ed for trial with a declaration of war.
The other two tonga immediately allied
with the rivals. -
Woman for Wilson
By Mary3 sL MtDoweU . .
TTna nt tlt TTniveraitv nf ('IlicRCTO
firtttlmiiant at tht4, Stopkvnrds ' CO-
worker of Jaue A4lams and - known
throughout the country as. the angel
nf the stnekvards" tn.lav. uives her
reasons for working and voting for the
re-election oi woourow nusun.
statement follows:
I am not a member of the Demo
cratic, party, but am now and always
shall be an independent. But I am go
ing to vote for President Wilson, not
because he never blunders, or makes
mistakes but because at this critical
,.w,mon in lnr nffnir 1 lirpfcr tO tTOSt
the neit momentous four years of our
government in the hancis oi a man wno
ha. haikn triltd Trbn hfts his 1'SrtV in
hand and has the confidence of the
If Mr. Hughes Is elected he will
not be governing a state in times of
peace with a party ready to help him.
U wilt have iliffcrilll? factious tO
ho as experiment
in dealing with problems that are ia
the process or niaamg.
t ..,m. tA mA nirwise to chance
Presidents at this critical time. . I be
lieve, in general,- in Mr. w usou s ior
eign and domestic, policies, ihough
...... t An tnnilerstand. Mr.
P1M1IV I x u ' "
Wilson's legislative program is remark-
i . l l: 1 -. .nmiHlmAnll indi-
aoie ana m min .......
cate that if re-elected, he will improve
in that line.
I believe woman's suffrage to ne tne
most urgent domestic question before
the nation . nd I rejoice that the
presidential canmaatea on "
.,..4 a. ; in nrinrinla thouch varying
ing in method of securing it. There is
momentum enougn to carr u .-
work after this election, i nrrtmn-, m
tk. nMutt rrisia nf our international
life, woman's suffrage- doe not seem
to me toe paramount issue in
idential election. -" v
The child labor law. which -Mr.
Beveridge urged a Republican congress
. t rears aco. was.
sained thU year after Mr. Wilson
urged congress 10 onus -
The Republicans, aara pusm-u
munition in this campaign, havfc fool
ishly attacked this law, trying to dis
credit it. William R. wuicox oi tne
i...,Ki;..a n n.finn.l enmmittce cave
oat the word to his workers that it was
'one of the biggest jokers ever con
cealed in the maxea of congressional
I have before me a pamphlet issued
by the national child Jabor committee,
ia which they aaswer quertioas put to
them by both Republican and IVmo
erata who want to know the truth. I
caanot give all the answers, bat this
one T quote is a telling one.
"The bill as passed by the senate
and ceacarred in by the house was in
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Hartridge Whipp Was
Delight To All and Will
Be Here Again Nor. 23
On account of the regret expressed
by a large number of Salem people who
I were not able to hear Hartridge Whipp
m uis song recital nere weanesuny
night, he will be heard in Salem on the
evening of November 23, when Wallace
MacMurray opens his series of lectures
on Little Theater or (.'lass Room Plays.
Mr. Whipp has consented to be the
aoloist of the evening on that occasion,
and it is being looked forward to by
a large number of music lovers as rep
aration for the treat they missed last
Even though the largest part of the
population of Salem was viewing the
style show, there was a good sized au
dience in the First Presbyterian church
to hear the singer. Mr. Whipp is the
possessor of a full, rich voice that has
wonderful possibilities. Although he
has been singing a few years he has
already made a reputation that lias
carried his name the length of the Pa
cific coast. He has a baritone that is
very pleasing, and a manner that puts
dramatic fire into the selection. One
of the features of the song recital was
his informal talks concerning the songs
and tho composers, which feature was
very much appreciated.
His program was composed of three
general groups of songs Italian, tier
man aud English. The Italian songs
were of the period when Italian opera
waa first beginning to be recognized,
which was in the seventeenth century.
It was at this time that "bel canto"
first made its appearance.
The first two selections, "Coino Rag
gio 0i Sol" and "O Cessato Bi Pia
garnii," the first by Antonio Caldara
and the second by Alessundro Scar
latti, were melancholy in theme and
told of unrequited love. Scarlatti was
the originator of bel canto. The last
of the Italian numbers was in distinct
contrast to the others nnd was bright,
rejoiceful, triumphant, as the lover had
thrown off the thralls of love and was
a free man again. The notes were ex
ulting and had a swing nnd lilt to them.
The selection was " Vittoria, Mio
Core!" by Uinn Gioconio Carissimi.
" AUer8eelen," Richard Strauss, was
the first of the Uermau group, and
in this Mrs. Whipp rendered exception
a II y sympathetic accompaniment.
"Zur Ruh, Zur Ruh," by Hugo Wolf,
was followed by Carl Loewe's setting
of the famous "Erlkonig," which Mr.
Whipp sang with feeling and a keen
appreciation of its dramatic possibili
ties. In this setting the three voices
the father's, tho chilli's and the fairy
king's are' brought out clearer, it is
generally conceded, than iu Schubert's
composition, Mr. Whipp likes to sing it
better than Schubert's setting and lie
j gives a satisfying rendering of it.
'.'Hear Me Yo Winds and Waves,"
recitative and ana by George Frederic
Handel, was. the first , of the English
numbers and it gave him an opportuni
ty to show the flexibility of his voice
in taking the florid passages. "To ft
Messenger," by Frank La Forge, was
one of the charming selections of the
evening. "Deep River,'' an old Xegro
melody by Harry T. Burleigh, a negro,
gave him opportunity for long and sus
tained tones that were full of sweetness
.,,,1 ,,,..ln.K- HTU I'ofn nC tl, Vllm.
jflntn, " by Arthur Borgh, was a selec
tion designed to bring out articulation
sua Biurvruiioii. i lie wouiieriui quali
ties of bis voice were shown in the aria
"Vision Fugitive," by Jules Masse
net, which he sang in 'French, good
French nt that. -
Two songs of contrast ing theme were
"Yesteryear," and a "Bug of Whis
tles," which last is an Irish piece set
to an accompaniment of Scottish bag
pipes. The first is sad in theme but the
latter is full of lilt and lightness.
"Life and Death," another Bong by a
negro, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, lent
a heavy tragic note to the program.
This was followed hy a charming se
lection "The Fiddler of Dooney, " a
whimsical piece by Sidney Homer. - He
closed his program b singing Danny
Decver," Kipling's poem which Walter
Dnmrosch set to music. It will be re
membered that David Bispliam sang
this when be gave his concert here. Mr.
Whipp sang it well. He was in Salem
when Bispham sang the selection, which
was about four years ago.
The Misses Grace McDonald, Olga
Gray, Hazel McGilchrist and Shirley
were ushers. Mrs. William Galloway,
president of the Woman 's club, presided
On Thursday morning Mr. Whipp
cave a half hour of song at the Salem
high school, which treat was appre
ciated very mucn dv tne stuuents. ir.
Whipp does this in order that students
may early form a taste for better mus
ic. Mrs. Whipp acts as his accompanist
and .is herself an artist on piano and
pipe organ and she enters into the spir
it of the songs with keen smpathy and
intuition. She is also interested in the
developing of the taste of the students
in the schools. They are sent out under
the direction of Mrs. Herman A. Hepp
ner. who ia founder of the Portland
'Monday Musical club and head of the
music department of the Portland Wo
man's club.
Mr. Whipp has charge of the Grace
Methodist choir in Portland and Mrs.
Whipp-charge of the First Congrega
tional church choir. They have, been
prominent in musical circles in Port
land for the past five years.
iino lunn mai wa iiue nauuimi ruuu
.v. a . V . . r . I. , .I'll
labor committee) approved, and we are
iu lu ue neiu iouuiimuio mr iiiu
j act." I
It is impossible at tnia stage tor
either party to monopolize the credit
or blame. When Mr. Willcox says that
the law contains "one of the biggest
jokers ever concealed in the mazes of
congressional verbiage,' he brands the
leaden of his own party, for only two
Republicans in the senates-Oliver and
Pearoae ct Pennsylvania Voted
against the bin, while two others were
paired eff against it.
Phone 81 Prompt Service
An n u a 1
November -
----- S a l e ;
SUITS- - ' l-'y
Women and Misses Suits, well tailored materials
are Serges, Broadcloths, Poplins--- : .; ;: . '.
Lot 1 ........Special ?19.75
Lot 2..... Special $24.50 .
Silk, Silk and Wool combinations, fine Serges, Crepe
de Chine, Charmousse
Special at $17.50, $19.75, $24.50
Here Is An Opportunity.
All Dresses shown on Live Models at the "Co-oper-.
ative" fashion show held at the Oregon Theater are
now on sale at Extreme low prices. ' ' -
Special Announcement
Mrs. Margaret H. Widrig, special representative
from the Pictorial Review Company of New York
will be at our pattern department Monday, Novem
ber 6, 1916. -This is an excellent opportunity to
learn more about these most popular patterns. ;
Liberty Street Salem, Oregon
. (Continued from page one.)
Advances north of the Srinimo like
wise have made possible flanking opera
tions against Bouchavoncs and Biucucs.
Expectation of such a movement is
strong, since, if successful, , it would
straighten the French front from Sail
lisel to Peronne nnd give General foch
position that would bear seriously on
Peronne itself.
British victories on the Ancre bank
have made German positions at Grand
court and Pys dangerous to hold much
Kast of I.es Bouefs the British consol
idated the positions tnken in their gains
of yesterday, General Ilnig reported, and
three .times made successful raids on
enemy trenches near the Armentiercs
and Vpres sectors. . 1
Fighting Was Fierce.
London, Nov. ti. Kenewal of the al
lied offensive on the Soinnio front has
been met by furious German counter at
tacks. Reports from General Haig, from
1 ans and Berlin agree that bitter tight
ing marked yesterday and last niuht
The German statement declared the Bri
tish and French attacks were made
with general force and supported by al
most unexampled artillery fire. Gen
eral Haig reported tho necessity of re
linquishing positions near Butte De
Warlencourt in the face of strong Ger
man attacks last night. Butte De War
len court ia at the bend Of the new
British line toward Bnpaumo and the
positions evacuated had just been wrest
ed from the Teutons.
German reports declared the allied at
tack was on a front of 20 kilometers
between LeSars aud Bouchavesues.
Fighting is Furious.
Tetrograd. Nov. 6. The violent of
fensive undertaken by ' the Germans
with the object of capturing command
ing heights east of Lipitzadvlunin and
onabated fury with tho issue still in
doubt the war office announced this ev
ening. "East of Lipitzadvlnaia and west of
Silavntin the eucmy several times took
the offensive," the statement reads.
"The object was to capture the com
manding heights thereabouts. All at
tacks were frustrated. With rifle fire
and artillery violent the battle con
tinues." Germans Make Gains.
Taris, Xov. 6- German counter at
tacks which followed yesterday's im
portant advances against newlv con-
west of bilaventin is continuing with
v so
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solidated French positions between St.
Ilcrre Vaust wood aud the village of
!Sailly r?ailliscl, were partially success
i ful in the wood and at Saillisel, the war
i office announced today,
I The Teuton counter attacks were
made lute Inst night nnd some ground
was gained by them. Elsewhere the
enemy was repulsed. 1
Violent cannonading was reported
about Dcnilmip, but no infantry action
in that region.
- Rumanians Victorious. '
Bucharest, Nov. ti Advanced Ruman
ian detachments nfter sharp clashes
with the enemy in the Dobrmlja region,
have wou several successes and forced
him to retire, the war office stated to
day. Before retirement the enemy fired
the villages uf Dnenignlicif, Bosnian M
and Haidar. -
Roqufls at Salonika. J f
T.iris, Nov. (I. The French aiinister
of war, General Roques, arrived ata
lonik.i this morning, the war office. an
nounced. . '.' ':
Australia Check Italians.
Berlin, via wireless, Nov. 0. Virion
fighting in the Italian war theatre in
the past 48 hours hag resulted in the
capture of ninny prisoners and gain of
some ground by the Austrinns, the war
office announced today. At some points
the Italians suffered great losses.
Repeated and increasingly powerful
Italian attacks continued at some points
without result, About Karst the Ital
ians again and again attempted to re
sume the nffpiwivA lit k.ii- IrnntM Wpfd
1 checked by curtain fire.
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