Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1916, Image 1

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Arrested When Boat
Reached Seattle J
Boat Load of I. W. W.s Open
Fire On Sheriff When
Warned Away
Seattle, Wash., Nov. C The number
of dead in the I. V. V. battle with a
citizens posse at Everett Sunday was
Tuiseu today to Beven when Jeff F.
Heard, former sheriff of Snohomish
couuty died of his wounds.
Two of the Everett posse are dead and
live of the I. V. W. are dead in Seat
tle. None of the wounded here nrc expect
ed to die, but K. E. Buefiercr, janitor of
Iho Kverett high school is thought to
l)e fatally wounded.
Mayor i). D. Merrill of Everett, today
dec lured that he had been noti fied at
II n. m. Sunday that the I. W. W. were
Cuming to "kill .Sheriff McRae and burn
"We were told they had a quantity
of phosphorus purchased in 1'ortlaud,
and that at least seven members of the
jnrty had sworn to 'get' the sheriff."
-McRae had led deputies who met 41
I- W. V. at the dock last Monday and
motored them to the city limits and
tliore made them run a gauntlet of
"We arrested 0110 man who was tele
graphing to .Seattle for reinforcements
when the buttle on the dock started yes
terday," the mayor Bnid. "He told us
il7 voluntecr had come from Portland
to join the attack on Everett."
Two Pinkerton 'detectives were in the
party of I. W. W., it was said Sunday
niht, and one of them was nuiong the
wounded aboard Iho steamer.
rive I. W. W.'s Killed.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 6 Local 1. W.
W. leaders and Everett citizens prepar
ed today to. charge each with whole
sale murder, following the battle in
which seven persons were killed and 51
voiindcd at the latter city Sunduy when
a steamboat load of I. W. W.'g tried to
land there for a -street meeting.
Kocnl I. W. officials toduv wired
Frank P. Walsh, of Kansas CityJ former
cliuirman of the United States indus
trial relations commission, to defend
their arrested members. They also
wired an appeal to W. D. Haywood to
coins to ineir nul from Chicago.
Five of the dond were members of the
25U I. W. W.'s who were nboard the
Hteamcr Verona which was riddled with
bullets, after firing on a posse of citi
zens under Sheriff Don Mcllae, of Ev
rrctt, which met the steamer at the dock
nt 1:50 p. m. Sunday. They are: Har
ry Pierre, Seattle; Hugo Gerlot, Mil
waiikie, Wis.; Jus Johnson, 3 1511 Burke
Hvenue, Seattle; John Looney, Ayer
Junction, Mass., and Felix Bnrau.
diaries (). Curtis, a member of the
citizens' committee and snlos manager
il. o .
jur me vuinon ijimi.or company, was
the only one of the Everett force to die.
He was formerly lieutenant of Company
I, N. O. W., and recently returned from
the Mexican border.
Sheriff Me Rao lias two bullet wounds
in the leg. There are 20 Everett citi
Kens and :I0 I. W. W. ' wounded.
More than 1,000 shots were exchanged
in. the pitched battle, which followed
weeks of bitter strife between the I
fOontiiiiied on pnije six.)
When a feller falls in love th' bar
ber gits his- Joe Lark, long mourned
as dead, called at th' Republican head
quarters t'dny an' give himself np.
President Wilson In the
Princeton fire engine house, not
far from Princeton university
campus- . ,
Charles K. Hughes In a laun
dry, 44th street, New York City,
near his Hotel Astor headquar
ters. J. Frank Hanly In a vacant
house on Meridan street.
Charles W. Fairbanks In a
regular polling booth 10 blocks
from tho place Hanly will cast
his ballot.
Thomas R. Mnvshall Iu a
shop near his home on Enst 15th
Allan Benson, sooialist Can't
vote because he was iu the west
during registration week iu
Yonkers, his home city. He re
turns to Yonkers tonight.' .
First Claimed She Was Amer
ican But This Is Still
I.omlou, Nov. 0 The American
steamer l.anao has been dunk by a sub'
marine, a l.loyds dispatch stated to
The vessel was sunk October 2S. Thir
ty members of the crew were lauded nt
Barry, Wales, by the Norwegiau steamer
The l.anao is n steel screw steamer of
092 tons, whose port of registry is
Manila. She is owned by the Fiudluy--ililler
Steamship company. Tho first
cable received by the L'uited Press cou
coming the vessel is not clear as to
whether the vessel may have been sunk
or merely reported encountering a sub
mersible. The Lauao is 190 feet long
aim was mult in i!U
Uncertain as to Registry.
Washington, Nov.-'MI.The. United
States bureau of navigation today was
uncertain n to the registry of the Ln
nao although the maritime registry of
riovemiier i, lists ner as Hying the Uni-
tcn nraies nag.
July 2(i the United States consul eeii'
eral at London reported the Lnunu as
on the point of being sold by' tho fin l-lay-Miller
company, an English controll
ed concern, to Hans Hannevig of Chris'
tiauia. Whetner the sale was consunv
mated is not known.
Points Brought Uo That
Brings Whole Matter Up
Again On Merits
Washington. Nov. 0. The United
States supreme court today agreed to
review the Oregon-California land case,
iiiiuivuig millions ot uoiinrs worm or
hind granted by the government to rail
roads in the two states.
The land has been in litigation for
years congress at its last session oasB-
eil a law ordering the sale of the land,
the railroads to get (2.n0 an acre, the
original sale prico to settlers under
the grant.
The case went back to the courts
nd the department of justice petition
ed the court to review the whole case
on its merits.
The court was asked to determine
whether lower court decrees handed
down before coiigreKS passed its act and
ordering tho disposal of the lands, were
in conformity with a lormer decree of
the supreme court.
The court, in bringing up the ensc
again, granted a motion to ndvance
hearing. The. case was put on the cal
endar for February 20.
Washington, Nov. 0. United States
weather forecasters today stood put on
their promise of a fair weather election
Voters will wear slickers to the polls
in the North Pacific states and northern
Koeky Mountain region and some rain
may fall in the extreme upper Missis
sippi valley and the upper Oreat Lakes
regions, but in all other sections good
weatner win prevail.
Sc S( )c 3C s(c 3t )c )C fc 3fC 3fc jfc
El Taso, Texas, Nov. tf.
United Stilton government of
ficials were told today by a
Spanish refugee from Mexico
that he had information that nil
the Americans nt Parral escaped
to Sierra Mcjnda and would
reach the border in the Big Bend
district of Texas in a few days.
The refugee refused to divulge
the source of his report.
English and French Using All
Their Guns Make Fierce
German Drive On Russian
Front Marked by Furious
Berlin, via wireless to Sai-ville, L. I.,
Nov. 0. The troops of Generals Baron
Marschall, Von Deimling and Von Oar-
nier withstood a fierce attack unshaken
and inflicted severe defeat to the en
emy, the war office announced today,
in describing the fiehtinu of vesteidnv.
The English and French "with strong
est fortes and using the whole firing
capacity of their artillery," took par
ii mc uiieimive, me announcement
"In a continuous battle on the Som-
me the fifth of November was again a
fighting day of the first class. The
English and French, with their strong
est forces, and using the whole firing
capacity of their artillery, made a pow
erful advance against the front of Gen
eral Von Buelow's army. The troops
under command of Generals Baron Mar
schall, Von Dicmling and Von Garnier,
tL-itut.n.1 Yia ntf..l. ..l.l .-..I
"..o.uu.i I..; u.Kii-iv uiiauti iwi-ii nuu in
flicted severe defeat to the enemy.
-rarrs oi me strassburg crops and
Saxon-Baden and troops from Berlin
and Henseatic and Meaningen infantry
regiments gained special distinction.
ine allien enemies on the whole
front from LeSars to Buchcvesnes,.on a
front about 20 kilometers long, on
which they attneked. suffered heavv
and sanguinary losses and accomplish
ed nothing except a small local gain on
ine norm part or sst. nerre Vaast wood.
"Whether the enemy in other lilanes
advanced to our lines," he was immedi
ately ejected and left 10 officers, 310
men ana oooty in our hands.
"Northeast of LeSars more than 70
prisoners and 11 machine guns were
brought up.
' ' Near Soisson, a feeble attack by
French detachment was repulsed."
On tbe front hold by the crown
prince on the right of the Meuse, the
statement reported only violent artil
lery and hand grenade fightiug.
To Attack Crown Prince.
London, Nov. 0. Their front in the
Verdun region now relieved of danger
ous bends and salients north and north
east of the great fortress by smashing
victories at Vaux and Dnmloiip villages.
French armies are now set for further
advances against troops of the German
crown prince.
(Continued on pase two.
I'l - ' ."I fM ft4.WlLSOH
Ys T'l . ... ( 3iAuse He, Has
s' 1 1 WILSONS v
I y i ii i ii im BMia xun eaa.1 i i w.ni nwi. w"-t i v
I vc- Wi 1 IM I W W SB II I ... . , . I -v.
I ; yJvJ'J ' FROft RANICS . If. "
j2N? gV; I ! i . trip mm AH0 vfin.J fa R5R Wilson l WILSON v
" TV J uZ . ' J WE ARE HAPfT V coht b'emJ s He v
Steve Bailey's Monev
Says It Is Wilson
Albany and Salem people know Steve
Bailey, the millionaire horseman who
visits the Oregon state lair each year
with a string of racers. Someone wired
from New York- to Seattle asking if
mere was any vvuson money. Bailey
announced that he had 200,000 that
said the president will be his successor.
Only $20,000 was covered. Bailey says
Wilson will carry Seattle, King county,
tvusumgioii, una me nanon.
Demonstrations Last Far Into
Night at New Nation's
Amsterdam, Nov. 0. Demonstrations
which lasted "until far into the night
followed the reading of the proclama
tion announcing the granting of inde
lendence f Poland in Warsaw, semi-official
dispatches-from the Polish capi
tal today said.
Thousands stood bareheaded in front
of the castle and the town hall singing
the national anthem, the entire scene
being illuminated only by dim candle
Jn a speech following the reading of
the proclamation . General Von Bessc
ler expressed the hone that the Poles
would soon join the Germans in fight
ing the allies.
"The Polish state is now coming into
life," the general said. "Let us hope
that the Polish army will Boon volun
tarily join the banners of its protec
tion." :
Frontiers Not Outlined
Berlin, via Sayville, Nov. 6. Wliat
Polish leaders believe the most import
ant factors to be considered in estab
lishment of a Polish nation wero out
lined in a statement made by the lead
er of a Polish delegation which called
on the German chancellor and Austro
Hungarian foreign minister, Baron
Buriun. ' ;
The Btatcmenff-xarricd in.- rcportB
from Vienna follows:
'"During war time It is impossible to
select an authoritative representative
of the Polish nation. Meanwhile we
consider it our duty to give expression
in the name of the Polish nation of its
unmistakable aspiration to a re-estab-
lishment of a permanent Polish state,
This establishment must be accompan -
itu puuiuiueciux vtjum rignis 10 nn
citizens, we realize it is now impossi
ble to delineate the frontiers which can
only be decided in accordance with the
interests of the central powers and the
conditions under which the war is
brought to a conclusion."
The delegation believes the follow
ing decrees necessary;
Appointment of a regent with full
power of government in the
Abolition of the lines of demarkation
between the section of Poland occu
pied by German forces and that occu
pied by Austrians.
Calling of a provisional eouncil com
posed of solely native elements charg
ed with drawing up of a constitution
and organization of an administrative
(Continued on page six.)
Ml ! - ..... - 11 I " ' ' "'ww-n. . V ,
New York, Ohio, Indiana and
Illinois the Storm
Each Side Claims the Big Ones
Have They Guessed
Small Ones Right?
New York, Nov. C Tomorrow the
American voter says who will be the
next president of the United States,
dictates who will compose the senate
and chooses members of the house of
Viewing the situation today, 24 hours
in advance of the battle cock-sure of
victory, it appears that the people of
New York, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana
would come tho nearest to holding the
balance of power. Both sides claim this
"big four" of states. Their total in
the electoral college is 133 nearly 43
per cent of the 2U8 necessary to a choice
Wilson 139, Hugnes 70 Bore
The strictest neutral or oven the
strongest republican, for that matter
concedes the democrats the "solid
south" a block of 13!) votes. This 139
comprise the electoral votes of Virgin
ia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Florida, Alabama Mississippi,
Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee
and Oklahoma. It does not includo Ken
tucky and Atissouri, heretofore classi
fied as component parts of the solid
south, and this year claimed by demo
crat still to oe in that section, but ad
judged by republicans to be debatable
ground. , . .
In the presidential race, therefore,
Republican Candidate Hughes starts off
with his opponent given a handicap of
139 votes. But he also has been granted
by the democrats .'a. )iaudi)np fnpm
scratch of 70 votes the electoral total
jof six states, Maine, New Hampshire,
; Vermont, Rhode Island,. Pennsylvania
lannt lowa,
That leaves Wilson with a net handi
cap in the vote race of sixty six shares
in the electoral college.
Illinois the Conundrum
But unless there is a cataclysm in
the voting tomorrow the strictly neutral
admit that the 113 votes of the "big
four " .states will be real turning points
in the election. Tho democrats claimed
all four today; so did the republicans. .
In Illinois lies the real enigma
close to 800,000 new women voters. Be
cause they are now in their exercise
of the franchise and because they are
women, political prognosticators were
shy in making any predictions on the
Sucker state today.
In New York the state with tho
big 45 votes in tho electoral college
(Continued on page six.)
Chicago, Nov. 6. Prepara
tions for the heaviest vote ever
east in any city in the United
States are being made by elec
tion officials here today. Over
800,000 are registered in Chi
cago alone, of whom 300,000 are
women. -
Election judges face the long
est task Chicago polls ever of
fered. Lists in many precincts
are swollen to 900 names by the
new women voters.
Counting of the presidential
vote will be delayed uutil the
"littlo" ballots containing five
bond and tax propositions are
counted. Voting will stop at 4
p. m. and the count will not be
over until Wednesday noon, it is
thought. .
Mexican Minister Tells Eng
land to Herd German Sub
marines at Home
Mexico City, Nov. 0 Foreign Min
ister Aguilar replied to Great Britain's
demands that Mexican neutrality be
rigorously enforced as regards the Ger
man submarine believed to be operating
in territorial wators of the southern re
public. The British note, sent through Secre
tary of State Lansing and warning
against aid of 'assistance being afford
ed the Teuton submarine, created
strongly unfavorable feeling, which ex
pressed itself in Aguilar 's reply.
The Carranza foreign minister first
pointed out that he failed to Bee"why
the British noto should have been scut
through the United IStnteB department
instead of direct to the Mexican foreign
office. He declared Mexican neutral
ity would bo enforced, but pointed out
thut Mexico could no more be held re
sponsible for Gorman submarine opera
tions off her coasts than could the Uni
ted (States be held responsible for the
recent activities of the U-53 off Nan
t'.cket after that undersea fighter had
entered an Amorican port. The reply,
with thinly veiled sarcasm, suggests
that the best way to assure continued
friendly relations between the two gov
ernments is for the British fleet to pre
vent German submarines from leaving
their bases, thus eliminating any chance
for disagreement.
The Carranza foreign office, Aguilar
declares, will, however, permit no viola
tion of its neutrality by any warships
o" the belligerent nations.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. fl. Election Com
missioner Moorhead announced today
that his final inspection shows 5,000
fraudulent registrations in this city. All
will be challenged tomorrow. Dry work
ers charge that the false registration is
nn nttpmnf tl nwinfr 4Ha nliWitiin nnniniit
I Ttrnhibitinn in Nebraska tomorrow.
(n R3. Wil&n
aiw rie. -me.
Because He has
Me has kept hi son
out OF ihc Irenes
He HAS Kepr My
Husband At work
Ano has Enabled!
Me To ; anA, JSJ
HAPPY ih ny HOMf!
Spanish Refugee, Says They
All Escaped Before Parral
Was Taken
General Trevino Wires He Can
Learn Nothing (Concern
ing Parral
El Paso, Texas, Nov. 0. Every en
ergy of the Uuitod States state depart
ment is today being directed toward ob
taining knowledge of the fat of the 10
Americans known to be in Parral and
apprehension was roused to fever heat
upon the arrival last nieht of four Am
ericans, who fled from Chihuahua bring
ing further reports of the murder of
Dr. C. II. Fisher, seed American 'in
Santa Rosalia, by Villista bandits.
After hunting down and killing Dr.
Fisher, the bandits told the inhabitants
of tbe town they were "going to Par
ral and kill those gringoes," natives
reaching Chihuahua City after the raid
told the refugees. In official quarters
here hope is held out that the Americans
were able to escape before the bandits
rached Parral. Representatives of min
ing companies employinfg some of the
men declare their belief that the men
are safe but admit their anxiety has
been awroused by the lack of news-
In u message to the United Press,
General Trevino, commander of the
Mexican de facto garrison at Chihuahua,
City, stated he was unable to obtain
any news of the fate of the Ameri
cans. "Communication still cut off,"
said the telegram from Hrevino, "and
have no information f rdm Parral. Malc-
ng efforts to get news."
On the same train bringine the Amer
ican refugees last night were tho famil
ies of two staff ofticors of Trevino and
the families of seven French resident
of the Chihuahua capltnl leaving thcra
in fenr that Villa will next attack that
city. They crossed to the American lids
of the rivor. Every foreigner coming
out predicts that the city will be evaeu-
tei it villa makes another attack.
W. E. Phillips, secretary of the T.
M. C. A- of Chihuahua City, was ons
of tho refugees.'
"It is almost ceretain Fisher -was
killed," he saidl. "A well known na
tive cattleman who came overland
rom Santa Rosalia declared that the
doctor hid when the bandits entered tho
town. I'pon orders of the Villista com-:
ntundiT ha was hunted down and stub
bed to death. ,
In Chihuahua City it is believed
Parral is in possession of Villa but ws
heard nothing of the fate of the Amer
icans," said Dr. Phillips.
Other refugees said that artillery on
the hills back of Chihuahua City had
been hauled down yesterday and loaded
upon flat cars. This was taken as an in
dications that evacuation was imminent.
That another American was murdered
in Santa Rosalia was the statement of
Dr. W. V, Jackson of El Paso, last
night. He declared that an influential
Mexican who arrived here brought in
formation that Harry Brensham, mining
prospector, was caught by bandits after
Fisher's murder and shot to death. Dr.
Jackson Baid the report had been
brought in by a messenger tent to San
ta Rosalia by his informant after tho
raid, but would not divulge bis name.
Doctor Reported Ki'led.
Washington, Nov. 0. Customs
(Continued on page fivo.)
New York, Nov. 6. Charles
Evans Hughes will ho shy two
perfectly good votes tomorrow
from the Rockefellers, for John
D. and his son failed to register,
as they were out of town and
some mistake was mado about
their notification of the proper
registration time.
Oregon: To
night and Tues
day rain west,
rain or snow east
portion; souther
ly winds, moder
ate to fresh near
the coast