Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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I 6-?' alt : -dL( Mi
New Series
Mod.l 7J B
Kodxr 620
Amazingly Comfortable
They like its power ifs the world's
most powerful low priced car.
Everybody concedes its beauty.
It wins on economy.
But its roomy seats, deep upholstery
and easy riding cantilever springs
These things make it so amazingly
comfortable that people can hardly
believe their senses.
You wouldn't think that a small, light,
economical, low priced car could bo
so comfortable.
But come in and let us prove it to you.
D. MISNER, Agent, 245 South Commercial Street, Phone 97
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
"Mia la U.S. A.'?
Woodburn News
,'ea party consisting of "gills only '. Vera Woklheter, Minnie Margrusen,
w given by Miss Edna Miller Tues-iN'ell and Gladys Gibbons. Nellie Mc-
C.nW.1 JW...J fis.i k..,.i ry rn'"K- Those enjoying the even; Cormi.k, Margaret dicks, Florence Ev
CapUl Journal Special Service) ,ing were Gertrude Brown, Daisy Me- ans, Grace Blackburn and Edna Mil
Wo.lburB. Nov. 4 A wily Hallow-jp-rew, Elirabeth Van Gordon. Helen audi ler . Ta "aa ran '
"i T7 TT" TTv
Converted Gambler
Hear Him at
LCbarch I
OTuday Mi
and Every Night
Next Weel
Oscar D. Olson, who is attending Wil
lamette, was home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Manpin and son. Poyle,
are visiting their son, E. 11. Maupin,
in Portland.
A. E. Adams is visiting friends in
this city; He has been on his farm in
Waits, Wash., for some time but ex
pects to make his home in Portland
John McKay of St. Paul stopped off
in Woodburn Saturday on bis way to
Salem in his ear.
H. H. Bushnell. editor of the Oregon
Farmer, was in town last Thursdav.
Mrs. W. W. Chapman who has been
attending her mother, who is ill in
Portland, .V ., returned home Satur-dav.
E. Bristow Hendricks, who has been
visiting his brother. XL L. Hendricks
of this city, returned to his home in
.Spokaue, Wash., Wednesday.
George Stoddard of Mt. Angel attend
ed the dance in Woodburn Saturdav
Mrs. John Tweedie of Pendleton and
Mrs. Frank Bonney of Portland were
guests of Mrs. Robert Scott last week.
Mr. Hodges, editor of the Donald
Record, visited in Woodburn Mondav.
Miss Macklin. teacher in high school
spent Saturday in Portland.
Miss Nora Beck and Miss Mary Seol
lard gave a farewell part for Miss
Hazel Bitney, who left Wednesday to
enter the training school for afffbes at
the Good Samaritan hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mulkev and Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Mulkey visited with
their sister, Mrs. Rowcn'a Bonney, last
Wednesday and Thursday.
H. L. Bents of Aurora made a busi
ness trip to this eitv Tuesdav.
Mrs. .1. D. Wilson and Mrs. M. L.
Hendricks went to Hubbard Fridav to
visit the W. R. C.
Mrs. Minnie Burncss and Mrs. Rob
erts returned to Seattle last Friday, af
ter spending a week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Willsey.
Mrs. A. .1. Rapp of Nevada City, Cal
ls visiting with her brother, W." S. El
liott. Joe Henkes left Monday to have his
arm treated in Chicago.
Mrs. Clara Morris of Owatonna, Min
nesota, visited friends and relatives
here last week. From here she went to
Seotts Mills to visit her sister, Mrs. W.
W. Tail.
B. F. Hall came up from Xewport
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hadlev and
daughters, Dorothea and Celia, and Mrs.
Wipancie motored from Portland and
spent the Sundav with Mrs. A. Franklin
Geo Bonney went to Vancouver Sat
urday. 1
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Olson left Wed-1
nesday for Shepards Hot Springs fori
the benefit of Mrs. Olson's health, whoi
has been suffering with an attack of
rneumatism. ;
Mae Smith left for Phoenix. Arii.;
Wednesday after spending the summer:
with his mother, Mrs, T. P. Soules of
this city.
The Koffee Klatsrh were entertained
by Mrs. i, H. Beebe Wednesday even
ing. The members and their husbands:
were entertained with five hundred.!
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Sadler of Aurora .
were additional guests.
rs. iolet Morgan of La Grandei
held her annual inspection of the W.'
R. C. at the armory Tuesday afternoon. I
Mrs. Mormsn is the dept. inspector of
Oregon. A fine dinner was served at i
noon, which was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Sarah Cossum died at the home
of her niece Mrs. Grassman of this
city, Oct. 31. 19101, at the age of 88
yeara aad .? mouths. Mrs. Cossum was,
born in Oneida county, X. 1. Interment1
at the Belle Passi cemetery. !
The ladies of the Eastern Star and
friends were entertained Saturday af-j
ternoon by the Emera club to a silver
tea at the Masonic hall. Mrs. H. Over-i
ton and Mrs. P. W. Settlemeir acting j
as hostesses. The ladies spent the after-,
nooa tatting, crocheting and in so-,
rial time.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Fresher who hare'
been visiting at the home of Mrs. Fresh
ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boseoe, left
Sunday for their home in San Francis
co, j
Mrs. J. M. Poomisa was surprised:
Wednesday evening by the chapter J.
Voting places: , West Mt. Angel ilt. Angel hotel-
Aumsville Hein's hall in Aumsville." 1'ringle Davidson house on Pnugle
Aurora I. O. O. F. hall- i rosd.
Breitenbush School house district L Quinabv Oregon Electric depot.
123. ,j Kiverview Orville Butler house Or-
Brooks Bsmp's hall. ville.
Butteville Grange ball old Butte- ( - Bosedale School house district No.
ville. . ,5.
Cbsmpoeg Jette building.
Chemawa Woodman hall one-half of
mile west of Chemawa,
Croisan Croston school house.
' Donald Hoskins and Desart hall.
Elkhorn School house district Ko.
Englewood Vincent house on Asy
lum road-
Fairfield School house district No.
Fairgrounds Restaurant, west of wo
men's rest room in fairgrounds.
East Gervaia City hall. -
West Gerrais John Mills' house in
Horebr-George Anderson's pool hall.
Central HoweU Howell Prairie Hall
association hall.
North Howell North Howell Grange
East Hubbard City hall, Hubbard.
West Hubbard Room south of Hub
bard Drug company.
Jefferson Masonic haJL
Liberty Liberty hall.
Macleav Macleav Grange hall.
Marion W. O. W. hall.
McKee Bellepassi school house.
Mehsma L O. O. F. hall.
Mill City Hammond Lumber comp
any's opera house.
Monitor Miller's ball.
East Mt. Angel City hall, Mt. Angel.
Some Points For Car
Purchasers to Consider
Here are some of the points the
manufacturers of the Overland model
85 calls the attention of the public to:
You want, above all, to have confi
dcn;e in your car.
You want to Lnow that K will take
ycu vrhcre you want to go, when you
w nt to go, without faltering.
That is the reserve pwor and reserve
Gtrength the stamina to meet unusual
And thct it will continue to serve you
well, radio in and mcnth out, year al
ter year.
You have t'ais cor'idence, instinctive
ly, in Overland Model 85 either Four
or Six-
No matter which you chocto, you are
assured that there is nothing of the ex
perimeotal or untried in its makeup
that the motor and cvsry important
part have been developed through
years of experience in building hundreds
oi tnousanas ot cars.
You :an sit back and relax, in this
Lroomy csr, just as you would in a big
arm chair, the scats are tilted just
right for comfort.
The cushions are deep and soft, and
you will find that the long coil springs
which support them have just the right
"give", neither "resisting stiffly nor
yielding too readily to your weight.
These springs are set closely together
so that the cushions will not sag.
And when you ride iu the car you will
appreciate the advantage ox the long
irheelbase and large tires in making
small ruts and bumps in the road un
noticeable. You will appreciate the advantage
of the drop frame in bringing the weight
ol the car lower, minimizing side-sways
on une.cn roads.
You will appreciate the advantage
of proper distribution of weight in the
on the rear axle and the gasoline tank
chassis, due to locating the transmission
in the rear.
But alove all yon will appreciate the
advantage of cantilever rear springs.
For with cantilever springs, connec
tion to the axle is at the rear end of
the spring instead o' in the middle. The
wheels and rear axle mny jounce up and
down rapidly, yet this motion is almost
wholly absorbed in the.snrings before
it reaches the car frame and body. You
are seeming'y carried along in an even
plane, much as though coasting over a
level road, without the bouncing and
swaying that are characteristic of or
dirary Oouble-acting springs. The can
tilever is the easiest riding rpring that
has ever ieen designed.
'. E. O's at her home, the occasion
being her wedding anniversary. A most
enjoyable evening was spent by all.
Miss Avon Mo Kinney was most hap
pily surprised Thursday evening when
store, States-
Salem Jo. 1 Kreft s
man and Center. -
Salem No. 2 Bungalow
church Court and 17th. -
Salem No. 3 Cameron 's Paint Shop
between Chemeketa and Center.
Salem No- 4 Old Falls City Lumber
compsny office, 618 South 14th.
Salem No. 5 Richmond school
Salem No. 6 Yew Park school.
Salem No. 7 Highland school.
Salem No. 8 Reddawav building,
1421 North 6th.
Salem No. it Capital Street Garage
615 North Capital.
Salem No. 10 Garfield school.
Salem No. 11 County court house.
Salem No. 12 Salem Fruit Union.
Salem No. 13 Saner houe, 1125
South Twelfth.
Salem No. 14 Wyant factory, North
Front street.
Sslem No. 15 Baptist church, Marion
and Liberty.
Salem No. 16 City hall.
SaWm No. 17 Hotel Marion, sample
Salem No. 18 Friend's church corner
Washington and Commercial.
East taleai Rickey school house
Salem Heights Salem Heights ball.
St. Paul City hall.
Scollard Lumberyard office at West
Scdtts Mills I. 0. O. F. hail.
Shaw Shaw school house.
Svdnev Svdnev mills.
Silver' Fall's A. G. Neal 's hall
North Hilverton Liberal I'niversity
South Silverton Evergreen school !
East Silverton Council chambers.
West Silverton G. A. R. building.
Stayton M.itthieu's hall.
East Stayton Masonic hall.
West Stavton Commercial club hall.
Sublimity C. O. F. hall.
Turner Wright's Ktore.
Victor Point W. O. W. hall.
Wauconda J. C. Savange garage.
i-ast 'Vtoodourn Mrs.
house on Doud street.
West Woodburn Associatfon build-
Absolutely Pure'.
UsJefreiaCreiRt of Tartar
OJt of putting on the two upper stone
of the main building, when the worK
might ha?e been done by reliable build
ers for the sum of $19,000.''
In granting the cancellation of
note and mortgage sued upon by welca
Brothers. Judge Galloway said no
finds that no accounting was evei had
between the defendants Wekh Bros,
and the defendant Fannie L. Hubbard
and that the note sued upon and the
mortgage sought to be foreclosed in this
proceeding were procured by misrepre
sentation and fraud and that the said
note is not a binding contract between
the parties and that the alleged mort
gage is not a binding contract and
5n lien uuon the real property describ-
. j a Ao, Kn,h note and mortgage
1 Garfield school base-
Election November 6 and Decern
ber 4:
Ward No.
Ward No. 2 City Hall.
Ward No. 3 Masonic building, north
Ward No. 4 W. C. T. V. hall.
Ward No. 5 Redfdaway's store.
Wsrd No. 6 Cameron's paint shop.
North Twenty-first.
. Ward No. 7 Poisal t Shaw's Btore.
Judge Galloway Holds Note
and Mortgage Were Secured
by Fraud
do lien upon
ed and ttmt ooia noie w Ti
should be cancelled, set aside, and held
for naught, and it is so ordered wita
costs to the defendant."
The decision of Judge Galloway goe
. .,fo that from the testimony
of reliable contractors and "Builders is
appears the entire building complete
should have cost Mrs. Hubbard ess
than $60,000, which is some $1j,000 lass)
..an now claimed by Welch Bios, in
the suit, and they admit they have
received 66.60."i.65 in addition to th
claim now in dispute. The judge says
' 'Here comes in the unprecedented jug
glery in this whole transaction, tot
there was a supplemental contract
Townsend 'siarawn providing for a commission oi
icht Tu.r cent on 60.006 for erecting
the two stories in question, as the first
two stores with basement complete
were put up under the original eontract
for $39,325, hence the item of $4,N0O
commission which i9 included in the a
mount claimed to be due under thus
mortgage is fraudulent and should not
be allowed."
The decision says that Welch Bros,
have received $."000 more than is just
ly due for the erection of the building
in excess of the claims now in dispute.
As the plaintiff's mortgages do ot
mature until Msy 1 and November 1,
1U17, and all the property covered by
the mortgages is in the hands of a- re
ceiver and bringing in a net income of
$1000 a month and that no loss will ae
crue to the plaintiff by a postponement
of the decree of foreclosure, and be
cause such postponement will enable
Mrs. Hubbard to arrange for payment
of the claims and save something fo
her support and not deprive her of her
property, the decree of foreclosure if),
deferred. Should the court find an im
mediate decree necessary it is deem
ed that $730 is deemed sufficient tor
attorney fees instead of $4,2o0. For
the present the case of the plaintiff is
continued. As to the defendants John
Bayne and the V. S. Bank, their cases
are also continued.
Judge Galloway this morning found
for Mrs. Fannie Hubbard in the case
of the Alliance Trust company, limited,
ajainst Fannie E. Hubbard," W. M.
Welch and V. R. Welch, as Welch Broth
ers, in the matter of the suit to fore
close mortgages on the Hubbard build
ing aggregating the sum of $70,000, and
declared that she was "treated as a
fat duck to be plucked by every one
connected with this unfortunate affair
in charain her over Kt 5,000 ns the
a number of her girl friends weut in
to help her celebrate her birthday. The
evening was spent in playing 'cards.
Miss Helen Scollard winning high score
Those present were the. Misses Ethel
Bonney, Sudie Richards, Alctha Bitnev,
Nora Beck. Mary Svollnrd. Hazel Bit
nev, Lila Jernian. Lois licelie, Helen
Scollard of West Woodburn and Fran
ces Weaver of Hubbard.
Bad blood, that is, blood that ia
impure or impoverished, tbiu aud
pale, is responsible for more ail
ments than anything else.
It affects every organ and function.'
In some eases it causes catarrh; in
others, dyspepsia; in others, rheuma
tism;, and in still others, weak, tired,
languid feelings and worse troubles.
It is responsible for run-down
conditions, and is the most common
cause of disease.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest
purilier and enncher of the blood the
world has ever known. It has been
wonderfully successful in removing
scrofula and other humors, increasing
the red-blood corpuscles, and building
up the whole system. (Jet it today.
Bring your car to us. We do everything in Auto Repair
ing. A fall Eae of Accessories. Moderate prices on storage.
Kattenes recharged .
We look after your car when you leave it with us.
Great Western Garage
Opposite Court House C C SEMERAl, Prop.