Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Bead your advertisements the first day
It appears and notify ns immediately
Minimum eharge, lSe.
FORD 1914-For sale- cheap, at 24
State street. ..... . nov4
TEESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
HABBY Window cleaner. Phone 788.
ORDERS FILLED For home made
apple butter -at 1185 N." High. tf
FUBNISHED Aoartments, also bara
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage.
WE HAVE Baled hay and oats for
sale. George Sweiglc, Garden road, tf
FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
GET PRICES On farm sale bills al
,f The Journal office.
''lOLD PAPERS For sale at Capital
Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
WANTED A position as nurae girl.
Phone 181B. nov7
GIRL OR WOMAN Wanted for gen
eral housework. Phone 53F23. nov4
WANTED Fat and fresh cows. 1425
M. nov29
WANTED 2 carpenters for work on
building on farm. Phone 84F2. nov4
FOR SALE Fresh cow, good milker.
715 8. 12th street, over garago. tf
WANTED To rent, pasture for a team
Phone 474. novo1
WANTED Cheap, 2 horse grain drill.
Wm. MeClellan, ft. 5, Salem. nov4
,-vFOR RALE Airedale pup; inquire 26
N. High up stairs. tf
FOR RENT Well furnished housekeep
ing rooms, close in. 541 Mill. novO
FORD CAR For sale, in good shape.
229 State St. - nc-vO
WILL THE PARTY Who took the
boy's wagon from lfiO Court street
return samef No questions asked, tf
SECOND HAN J' Lumber and 'corru
gated roofing wanted. Phone 76F11.
WILL THE PARTY Who took the
boy's wagon from 160 Court street
' return same? No questions asked, tf
GOAT MEAT For sale, first class on
. ly 5c pjw. lb. at 0. K. Grocery store,
delivered in city. aov 4
PHONE 206 When you have wood
sawing to be done, all work guaran
teed, Jim Rogers. nov24
GET YOUR Trespass Notices, new
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
FOR SALE 2 yearling sows, duo to
farrow in January. Price $20 each.
Phone Geo. Ramsden, 38F21. nov4
TAKEN UP Roan pony, star on foro
head, 2 white hind legs, brand .M on
loft shouldor, Jesse Treisch, Rt. 4,
box 112D. novi
WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk
cows, must be fresh now or soon, none
but parties owning choice cows need
call. Phone 1431 or 491.. tf
TEN ACRES Land for sale, located
i'j milos southwest of Salem. If sold
by" Monday, 4900 cash will take it.
Call at 2B5 8. 18th St. nov4
WANTED Man to work in barn and
milk 12 to 15 cows, phone 1437 or call
at Pinckney Bros, dairy, west end
of steel bridge. nov4
FOR SALE Brown Leghorn rooster;
40 bushol cheat feed; 2 young Po
land China boars, Blood Royal breed.
W. II. Humphreys, Jr., Shaw, Ore.,
phone 22F5. nov4
HAVE CLIENT Wanting $2000 at 6
per cent for five years, on farm se
curity. No expense to lender. John
H. Scott, 404 Hubbard building. nov4
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewolry, musical in
struments, tools, guns, etc. Also
bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493. nol7
FOR SALE At a bargain, if taken at
once, 1 work team; 4 milk cows, 2
to freshen soon; 2 yearling heifers;
sow and four pigs; farm wagon;
single buggy; heavy harness; single
harness. Route 6, box 119. nov4
FOR SAfcE Monitor seeder in good
condition. Phone 91F12. . nov6
FOR RENT Three furnished house
keeping rooms, 325 8. 14th St. nov4
FOR SALE-Baled hay and baled straw
Hubbard farm, Salem. novll
WOMAN COOK With boy of 5, wants
work in camp. Write Mrs. H. E. Dow
ney. Corvallis, Or. nov6
$5. "worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. - novl6
APPARTMENTS For - rent,- desirably
located, partly furnished," reasonable
rent. Phone 376. tf
FOR SALE Or trade auto in good
running condition. Salem Garage, 660
N. Capitol. Phone 1010. nov8
to trade for Ford auto. H. A. John
son & Co. novC
FOR SALE A No. 1 1200 lb. driving
mare; buggy aud harness. Phone
1254. novO
GENUINE Ohio Maple syrup in gal.
cans, limited amount, $1.85 per gal.
Townsend Creamery. novO
WANTED By girl, place to work for
board and room. Phone 62F21, call
mornings. nov4
FOR SALE Bicycle and boy's over
coat cheap. 404 S. High. cor. Mill.
STOCK FEED Pumpkins and corn for
sain. Wanted a few stock hogs. Phone
44F22. ff
STEADY WORK For women or girls
at the Glove Factory, 1455 Oak St.
8 ROOM HOUSE 3 blocks from capi
tnl in good condition, $15.00 per mo.
Phone , J. A. Mills, 16. nov6
FOR SALE 2 good milk cows, one
fresh, other to be fresh soon. 2092
Lee St. . nov4
FOR SALE Span of brood mnres 8
years old; also 2 year old colt, (95
North Capitol. novtt
FOR SALE Self computing butcher
..l...o.. U conn at Plpteh-
bi an o iiito'i ',, ' ..v.... ... - --
er & Byrd's Feed Store. nov7
FOR SALE Bay mare, gentle, 8 years
old, weight 1100 lbs., very cheap.
Inquire at Cherry City stables. nov7
FOR RENT Modern 7
with garage and fire
t'hemeketa street.
room house
place, 1229
FOR RENT Well furnished house
keeping rooms, close in, 541 Mill St.
Mrs. Eugene Prescott. nov6
F. D. Abbott, International Correspond
ence schools, 315 Oak St., Portland,
WANTED Fresh cows, and to freshen
soon, age 3 to 6. Give description and
price. Clifford T. White, K. 7, box
8. Phone 80F2. nov4
FOR RENT 5 acres with 8 room house
barn, garage and fruit, cnrlino and
paved street, city limits. W. A. Lis
ten. nov6
FOR SALE Yellow stock carrots nt
75 cents per sack, good cabbage at lc
per lb, delivered. Address G. Ponge,
Rt. 3, box 193. nov7
FOR SALE Brown Leghorn roosters
and 40 buBhels cheat seed. W. H.
Humphreys, Jr., Shaw, Or. Phone
22F5. nov4
make $30 weekly selling Nnmud Fa
cial treatment, 50c pkg. profit
Box 403, Oakland, lal. nov4
FOR SALE Or trade, team of good
work horses, weight about 2900, 1
chestnut soTrel and 1 bay, 5 and 8
years old. Also Royal blooded Poland
China boar. Phone 310. nov7
WANTED 2 wood cutters, houses to
live in, steady work year around. Ad
dress Win. Sheridan, Turner, Or., Rt.
1 or phone 33F24. nov7
FOR SALE English perambulator,
used very short time and in splendid
condition. Baby has never been ill
one day. Leaving city. Address J. G.
Journal office. nov4
FARM FOR RENT Sixty acres wheat
land all in cultivation. Five milos
south of Salem; $150 cash. No build
ings. J. H. RobiiiB, Turnor, Ore, Rt.
1, box 6B. ' novll
TRIAL PACKAGE 10c trial pkg. Nu
mud for removing pimples, blotches,
liverspots, freckles; contracts open
pores and facial muscles, milking
wrinkles disappear. Confidention.
Box 403, Oakland, Cal. nov4
DressUp Week
Makes it necessary for clean and
proper Laundry. Our electric process
accomplishes that and more. It doubles
the life of your linen. See two shirts
at Joe Hains' Store, 305 State street,
after 60 trips to the Salem Steam
Laundry; can hardly be told from new shirts of the same pattern.
It is a good time to change your laundry and let ns have that new
linen, and get the best work to be had It costs no mora.
Salem Steam Laundry Co.
Court House News t
Complaint was filed this morning by
R. A. McLay and Lola McLay against
Anna Savage and Royal Savage for the
return pf personal" property valued at
$425 ami for $50 damnge for the al
leged wrongful detention of the same.
They allege that on November 2, 1916,
the defendants took possesion or nine
Jersey eows, one red Pole eow, one Hol
stein bull, one black sow and six little
pigs, one bowl and discs of a cream
separator, and have held the same to
the injury of the plaintiffs. They ask
a judgment of the court asking return
of the property or its equivalent in
Marriage licenses were issued this
morning to George F. Gueme, a farmer
of Turner, and Melba' McAllister of Sa
lem: Harley W. Libby, a Jcrterson
stock raiser, and Ruth Haynes, of Mar
ion; Walter Clarence Welch, a travel
ing purchasing agent of Olympia,
wash., and Alary a. flcKerien, a stu
dent of Salem.
Supervisor Fike. who looks after the
schools in the northern part of the
county, is working with County Super
intendent Smith today. He reports a
parent-teacher association meeting at
Brondacres Friday evening that was
well attended. He gave a talk. The as
sociation will meet again next Friday
afternoon for the election of new of
ficers. Miss Hazel I. Brewer of Port
land, is the teacher and was in charge
of the meeting lust night.
A decree bv default in the case of
R. R. Young against Mattie A; Parrish,
an action for the collection of money
alleged to be due on a promissory bote,
was rendered by Judge ualioway yer
terdny awarding the sum of $1935.08
to the plaintiff and ordering the mort
gaged premises sold to satisfy the judg
ment. It was also ordered tuat an per
sons claiming subsequent to June 21,
1916, were barred trom the equity or
On the ground that the complaint
does not state facts sufficient to con
stitute a cause of suit, the defendant in
the case of Margaret Howard Murray
against Charles E. Murray filed, a de
murrer this morning.
Final discharge of W. A. Taylor as
receiver of the Abaqua Lumber compa
ny was granted today as ho has com
plied with the law and turned .over to
himself as trustee nil money or-proper-
ty of the company. He was ordered dis
charged of his trust ana uu unity, me
same order was given in the case of
D. A. Vogt against Krebbiel, which
concerns the same action.
.pick out just' what is wanted, and pay
the cashier as yoa leave. - This is the
' first time this has been been done in
I Salem and it is expected to be quite
.feature. There is one in Portland on
! A ........ 1 i . 1. .. ,L
it has branches in various part of th
city -
Salem Salvation Army day will be
celebrated Sunday, November 12. There
will be a public reception Saturday the
11th when the public will have the op
portunity of meeting Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Scott. Mr. Scott is chief provincial
officer of Washington, Idaho and Oregon-
Also J. W. Andrews, staff captain
of Portland and Nora Hudspeth, super
intendent of the Girls Rescue Home of
Portland. Sunday morning, the 12th
addresses will be made by the Salvation
Army officials in the First Congrega
tional church, Baptist church and at the
South Salem Friends' church. In the
evening the officials will speak at the
First Methodist, Presbyterian and Cen
tral Congregational churches.
Because the horse he bought on Octo
ber 11. 1916. from John Smith ran away
on October 17, and threw out his wifo
so that three ribs were iractureu ner
head bruised and battered, and injury
received internally, C. L. Lamed bo
gan action in the circuit court yester
day to recover $5000 general damages,
$150 medical fees, and $40 for damage
to tho buggyr which was smasneu up.
Larncd alleges the horse was warranted
as gentle and safe as a family, driving
horse but that it is wild and unreuauie,
unfit and unsafe.
Stipulation for the dismissal of the
following cases which were to come
up before the Oregon supreme court
was made today by the parties concern
ed. The actions are against Marion
county which is respondent. The appel
lants aro Matilda Uliamuer, lua i.ewis,
Martha Estes. Ida Wheeler, Carrio M.
Chase. The attorneys for the appellants
are G. O. Holman and W. C. Tooze, Jr.,
of Dallas.
A grocerteria is the latest to be
sprung on Salem. Tho Bponsor of this
new feature is Damon & Sons and they
propose to have it ready for business
at 1201 South Sommercial street Mon
day morning. Tho idea of this grocer
teria is this: if groceries are wanted,
take a basket and go to the grocerteria,
PIANO WANTED On storage in pri-
I l .1.1 A
vaie luillliy ucst ui cure, auuiobb a.
H. care Journal. nov6
Wantedi Housekeeper by widower,
family of 2, close to the city. Address
B care Journal. nov6
la spite of the storm, about 200 chil
dren atteuded the story hour this morn
ing at the public library. The attend
ance from the different schools was as
follows: From Highland, 2; Lincoln
junior high, 3; Englewood, 11; Rich
mond, 17; Grant junior high, 17; Park,
35; Washington junior high, 37; and 62
from .Garfield, besides a number from
the Sacred Heart Academy and a few
under school age. The entire program
was given by the children, one having
been appointed from each school. The
story tellers were Ruth Griffin of Eng
lewood; Eloise Wright, of Garfield;
Alice Roth, of Grant junior high; Ed
ward Lewis, of Washington iunior high;
Roland Craven, of Richmond, and InatM
Biggs, of Highland. The stories for H
next Saturday niorniiiir are about In-'I
Sulem's dress-up week, the gills of the
six upper grades of the public schools
v.ere more enthusiastic and did better
work than the boys- Out of tho 1,500
compositions submitted, only one young
man wrote interestingly enough to be
among the 15 selected by the teachers to
submit to the Commercial club judges.
This young man was Ben E. Kautleberg
of the eighth grade. The writers who de
servo honorable mention as their essays
were among the 15 sent to the Commer
cial club arc: La Von Coppeck, senior;
Ellen Savage, senior; Pnnsay Fay Wil
lard, junior; Frances Walsh, junior;
Ruby Allen, tenth grade; Vera Smith,
tenth grade; Alice Olaeser, tenth grade;
Kathrdyn Gibbard, ninth grade; Wilma
E. Ingalls, eighth A grade; Josephine
Bross, eighth B; Ben E. Kantelberg,
eighth grade, and Florence Young, sev
enth grade.
FOR RENT Completely furnished mod'
urn K rnrim limine. chfiHii. Phnnn 1256.
WANTED Wood choppers, fir wood.
O. C. Hoffman, Salem, Or., R. 9, box
102. nov6
FOR SALE Or trade, 10 acre ranch,
all kinds of fruit and good improve
ments. Will sell at sacrifice price.
Phone 345 K. nov4
ORGAN Cost 175 dollars, for sale 60
dollars. Gibson's mandolin, cost 95
dollars for sale 50 dollars. Capitol
Exchange, Court St. . novll
FURNISHED ROOMS Pleasant, nice
ly furnished, light, heat, with or with
out board; also unfurnished house
cheap. 1110 Center St. Phone 797 J.
ing with old concern for an experi
enced specialty man. Staple line;
new features. ( ommtssion contract;
liberal weekly advance. Vacancy now.
Geo. It. Williams, sales mgr., 256-45
Continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.
ten ladies to travel, demonstrate and
sell well established line to our deal
ers. Previous experience not neces
sary. Good pav. Railroad fare paid.
Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 515, Oma
ha, -Nelia.
FOR SALE At a bargain, 1 work
team; 7 cows; 7 yearlings; 1 Jersey
bull; farm wagon, harness and farm
implements. Five blocks from the
Jefferson depot on the Pacific High
way. Jefferson, Oregon. Mrs. Emma
Whcdbec. uovlO
Editor Capital Journal: Permit me,
please, to say a few things in regard to
politics as it is administered here in Sa
lem by the "Patriotic" league of Port
land. A four-page pamphlet has been
distributed among the "tried and true"
in this city and from them to the citi
zens whom they think ore not Catholics.
This pamphlet endorses four men in our
city election and several on the state
ballot. Now what I want to say is: The
constitution of the United States gives,
us the untrapimelled right to worship
God in our own way and under any
name, but the "Patriotic" league says
if you are a Catholic you aro not a good
and patriotic citizen, only those who
take the secret obligation of this very
"Patriotic" league. The writer is not
a Catholic, does not believe in many
of its activities, but he does believe in
religious freedom, and would urge all
votors when they go to the polls Mon-
We are showing some splendid New
In all sizes to suit
your needs and at
prices to please
vour burse- The
I quality is of course
up to the high standard always maintained by this
store. Buy now while the stock is complete.
Yowt Home Not Complete
u Without one of
uur ttiiiic ivuiy
Bed Room Sets.
Ivory . finish in
hand decorations
of the highest
Why not have
one of these sets for your guest room? There is noth
ing that would give you more credit than one of these.
Prices Consistent With -' Quality.
High Quality - Low Prices
1 1
1 1
day to vote against every individual
who lias his name printed on the pamph
let now being distributed. A Portland
doctor signs his nnmo to the pamphlet, 1
and our citizens should resent the in
terference of outsiders in our domestic
a'f fairs. Those endorsed have "boon
found tried and truo" and If such is by a Portland doctor are: Walter-K
I tho case they will have been men who j Keyes, for mayor j Ben Via, for record
would spurn the issuing of such litoru-lor; J. T. Welsh, for chief of police,'
ture at the eleventh hour nnd been -pn-' and the cundidntu for uldurmnii In the
triotic enough to let his neighbor wor-. First ward.
ship God as he wished without bringing j Yours for free peech, free press and
tho mntter into politics. So, I say, vote free religious beliefs,
against every man who wants to take ! I. V. lloADOO,
away our only true freedom. The four '4.10 North Twenty-third'. Street, Sulcni.
men endorsed by thut pamphlet issued
Journal Waut Ads Dot Besultl Ton
ITant Try one and see.
Journal Want Ads sell tho goods.
' l,r
We Have the Right
Overcoat for You
If you have the average athletic build, you will
want a coat that is slightly body tracing
Varsity Six Hundred. Have it with a belt,
single or double breasted; smartest style ever
designed for young men.
If you are just a little stout or heavy, you will
want a loose, comfortable coat.
If you are a professional man, you will want the
dignity of the Chesterfield.
Perhaps you are an outdoor man; drive a lot;
spend considerable time in the open air; then
you will want a Hart Schaffner & Marx great
We have the right fabrics for you, too. Heavy,
fleecy fabrics in rich colorings ; beautiful im
ported cloths and" fine "dress-up" weaves all
designed to suit both your figure and the lines
of the overcoat.
Our salesmen are experts; they'll see that you
get the right thing. Prices are easy.
$20 $25. $30
Others at $10-$15-$20
mm , SALEM ,
liats STORE shoes
' 5
i i
Hi ' I'
J 18fharlatlfrtji 0a. lUr