Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" X.Vn:RIAY KVKNLNl!, November 4. 1010. CHARLES H FISHEB, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVEEY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L.-8. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHKK, President. Vice-Presidont. Dally by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year . , FULL LEASED WIRE EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. II. Stockwell, People's On Building . ' The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the : poreh. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindlv phono the circulation manager, as this is tho only way we can determine whether or not tho carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'cloek and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. WHICH IS RIGHT, THE CANDIDATE OR PARTY Candidate Hughes in his speech at Albany, New York, Thursday, intimated that our flag under the pres ent administration meant only "an invitation to come home." If this is true what did it mean under President Taft when he told the citizens of Douglas that if they were in danger from Mexican' bullets to move out of their way? That was not an invitation "to come home" but a suggestion that American citizens leave their homes if Mexican bullets made them dangerous. It is one of the nnfnvhinate thines for Candidate Hughes that his party leaders have so acted that no matter what course he takes he runs up against something they have done that he has rn JtrraPK wrnie anacrum; x i tho rhild Labor Bill because iron vpf rlnims Vip himself signed a similar bill. Why? He must have known that bill could not affect the children of other states. Then whv sign it since it did not apply to all the children of the United states f tie stuumes nimseu in ms unucn.. He takes the position that since the bill would not pre vent all children from being worked in the sweat shops that none should be so prevented. He is met with the same situation in his attacks on the eight hour bill. He says he favors the eight hour law, but objects to the Adamson bill because, as he says, it only applies to 20 per cent of the railroad employes. Candidate Hughes believes in the theory of an eight hour day but objects to it as a fact. At the same time he, with his vociferous right bower, attacks the administration for its "cowardly surrender" to force. Here again Candi date Hughes is up against the actions of his own party. The venerable "Uncle Joe" Cannon so long leader of the republican House, voted for the bill and was one who was therefore guilty of a "cowardly surrender to force." Not only did "Uncle Joe" cast is vote for the eight hour bill but so did two of the three republican congressmen from this state Sinnott of eastern Oregon, and the congress man from this district, Mr. Hawley. This was not all either, for the record shows that seventy republican congressmen in all voted for this "cowardly surrender to force," and only 5G against it. A majority of 14 repub licans favored this "cowardly surrender." Why then does Mr. Hughes confine his attacks on this account to the administration? Why not assail the 70 republicans who were equally guilty with their democratic confreres in "surrendering to force?" . Mr. Hughes says "A promise to respect the rights of smaller nations should be kept a reality," and he said this while the pugnacious colonel who, as president started a revolution in Colombia and robbed that little country of the Panama zone, was out helping him criticize the pres ent administration; He insists the republican party shall be returned to power principally that the tariff may be revised by it, forgetful of the fact that a few years ago after promis ing a revision of the tariff, by all implication, downward, it was shoved the other way; a fact largely responsible for Woodrow Wilson occupying the presidential chair today. He also overlooks the fact that his party has ad vocated the appointment of a tariff commission of busi nessmen who would look into the whole matter and pro vide a tariff based on business principles rather than on party expediency. This commission the present admin istration has provided for, and in a short time it will be at work. Here again Mr. Hughes runs counter to his party, unless indeed it was only stalling when it sug gested a businessmen's commission to establish a sensi ble tariff. , So it goes through the whole list. The things Mr. Hughes most objects to are things his party is against him on. Which is right, bis party position heretofore, or Candidate Hughes now. The fight between Pendleton and Weston over the location of the normal school reminds one of the good old knock down and drag out days of politics. Weston adver tises to vote no on r09, insisting such action will "nail some great Pendleton lies," and Pendleton is not back ward about saying "your's another." LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G3 CAPITAL - - - - - - $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT DORA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Trcas. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $5.00 Per month 45c 3.00 Per month 35c TELEGRAPH REPORT cdiucuc noun, it did not include all chil as governor of New York Mr. Hughes says he "wants to see labor employed at the best wages, with proper hours and wholesome condi tions." Yet he says the Adamson bill is wrong because it was an attempt to raise wages not to establish an eight hour day. What does he mean, if anything, by best wages," and what by "proper hours?" Mr. Hughes' position is as indefinite as California land grant case, decision is forcibly reminded of the lines in Hudibras: "They wriggle in and wriggle out, Leaving the reader still in doubt Whether the snake .that made the track Was going south or coming back." RipplingRhumos PROMPT PAY ? stable; we'll who pays up when he's able." Another man runs up a bill, he keeps it climbing steady; when asked to pay, he says, "I will, when I get good and ready." Though he has roubles in his belt, and other roubles handy, he'd rather lose his freckled pelt than when misfortune dogs his frayed him, and he has but will not aid him. If you are pay reputation, some day that rep will knock you down, and hurt like all creation. THE CHURCHES Free Methodist. Jo. 1223 North Winter street. y services: Sabbath school Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 W. J. Johnston, pastor. Bun 9:45. p. m. p. m. - West Salem Methodist Episcopal Minister, W. J. Warren. Sunday school 3 p. ui. Trenching service 7:110 I.ndies' Aid society meets on the second nnwd fourth Thursday of the mouth lit 2:.'io p. ni. South Salem Friends. South Commercial nnd Washington streets, H. K. remberton, pastor. Bible school nt 10 a. m., B. C. Miles, su perintendent. Meeting for worship and pretiching nt 11 n. in. and 7:.'IO p. in Cliristiini Endeavor meets nt 0:30 p. m. All me welcome. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. in., Thursday. First Methodist Episcopal. Corner .state and Church streets, Kichnrd X. Avison, minister. 9:00 n. ni, Clnss meeting. 11:45 a. nt., Subbuth school, Messrs. Clark ami' Smith, sup- perinteiulents. 11:00 a. in., .Morning worship, "The Credentials of Jesus." 3:00 p. nt., Rev- W. K. Ingles will speak at the Old People's Home. 0:110 p. in.. Intermediate League, Mrs. M. C. rind ley, superintendent. 0:30 p. m., Epworth League, Eva Scott, president. 7:30 p. in,. Evening address by Hon. V. C. Huwley on some important moral issues. Music by the chorus choir both morning and evening under the direction of Dr. Vrunk W. Chace. First Coiigregatoinal. James Elvin, pastor. Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock, W. I. Staler, su perintendent. Kegulnr morning service nt 11 o'clock. Music morning and ev ening by chorus choir, Win. MeGilchrist, Sr-, director. Subject for morning ser vice, "The Christian's Resolution." Christian Endeavor nt 0:30 p. m. Pleas ant evening service nt 7:30. Address bv R. If. Ilutton. Subject. "Ought Ore gon Money (to Out of the State for In toxienntsw f " Subject of special film, "The Man He Might Have Been," a great temperance picture. Everybody invited and everybody welcome. Thurs day evening meeting" at 7:30, Studies in the Uospel of Luke. First Baptist. Corner Marion and North Liberty Sundiiv streets. Rev. l. F. Holt, pastor Si'hoot 1:45 a. in. Public worship nt 11 . in. and 7:30 p. m. oiing People's meeting u:.w p. m. sermon topics, morn ing. "His Home Shall Be Called Won derful." Evening. "On Which Side Are You? ' A pre election sermon. St. Paul's Episcopal. . Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Choral tuchurist nnd address at 11 a. ni. Even song and address 7:30 p. lit., subject, "Politics, Religion or Both!" Sunday school 9:15 a, m. Central Congregational. A service of a unique and interesting character will be held at the Central Congregational church, corner of South Nineteenth and Ferry streets, Sunday I evening at 7:30 o'clock. The entire ser j vice will be one of song. The old fav- orite hymns of the church will be sung. I Eight Special numbers will be sung by the choir at this service. Program": !Hymu, "Day Is Pying In the West;" .hymn. "In" the Cross of Christ I Glory;' anthem, "Praise the Lord All I Ye Nations," (M. C. Smith); hvmn, "God Will Take Car of You;" duet. "Love Divine All Love Excelling," his decision in the Oregon and in that one reading the kN'V MS 1 . Jfl mA A man runs up a little bill, and when it's due he pays it; he coughs up for the merchant's till, and no excuse delays it. Unlike the deadbeats and the bums, he makes a proper showing; the merchants bless him when he comes, and praise him when he's going. This man, in season, meets reverse, as all men strike disaster; and then, when empty is his purse, and hard luck is his master, the dealers say, "Buy all you wish, until your luck grows gladly trust a man, oddsfish. pay up like a dandy. And feet and want has badly his hat to eat, the merchants building in your town a bad (John Stniner); liyimi, "For You I Am I'raying;" iiynin, "Mv rmtli Looks I ii to Thee;" anthem, "X Will Extol Thee," (J. R. Harris); solo, "Just for Today," (June Bingham Abbott), Mr. Everett Craven; hvinn, "Sweet Bv and By;" hvmn, "Jesus Lover of My Snnl;" qunrette', "The Flower Laud," (Will L. Thompson): anthem, "In Heavenly Love Abiding," (Lee O. Kiutz); hymn, " 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus;" solo, "I Come to Thee," (Caro Kou) Mrs. Hazel Mcln tyre Nugent; hymn, "Whither Than the Snow;" niitlicni, "All Hail," (C. D. Jennings); hymn, "He Lcadeth Me." First Christian. Corner High and Center streets, F- T, Porter, minister. Bible school 0:45 a. m., Dr. H. C. Eplev and C. Scnrff, di rectors. Auto truck leaves West Salem I): 10, Highland 9:25. Fine orchestra. Now classes. S5mething doing every minute. Worship an. I sermon 11a. in-, subject "Tarry Thou." C. E. 0:3 p. in. Dr. Smith, superintendent of the school for the feeble minded, will speak ut the evening service. The doctor is in loce with his work and has a message for the public. This message will be tull ot interest. First Presbyterian. "One feast, of holy dnys the crest, I, though no churchman, love to keep, all-saints, the unknown goaod that rest in God's still memory folded deep; the bravely dumb thut did their deed, aud scorned to blot it with a name, men of the pluiu heoric breed, that loved heav en's silence more than fume" So w rote Jus. Russell Lowell of the observ ance o fAIISnints day. The pastor, Carl H. Elliott, will speak of the saints (noble persons) known and unknown whose lives have made the world better at the morning service. In the evening the topic will be "Getting Tired of Be ing tlood." Archie Smith will sing. Suudny 'school meets at 9:45 o'clock, Mr. Joe Albert is superintendent. Leslie Methodist Episcopal. Corner South Comemrcinl and Mey er sstreets, Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. Sunday school :45 a- m., A. C. Bohrn stedt, superintendent. Graded and in ternational lessons. Classes for all. Morning worship with sermon 11 o'clock. Theme, "Personal Work." Juuior Epworth League 3 p. m., Leslie Springer, superintendent. Kpworth League devotional meeting 0:30 p. ni., topic, "On a Still Huut for Souls." Leader, Miss Selen lagrey. 7:30 p. m., Evaugelistic service, W. A. Godwin, the converted gambler, known as "Three Fingered Jack," will pcak, telling the story of his conversion. This will be the initial service of a series to con- tinue every evening for the coming week, beginning lironiiitlv nt 7:30 o'clock, A large chorus leads the song service. Come. Castle Chapel, United Brethren. . Church corner Seventeenth and Ne braska avenue, Bertha M. People's pas tor. Sunday school 10 a. m., G. G. Took er, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. in., Mrs. E. B. Ward, returned missionary from China, will speak. C. E-, 0:30 p. m. Olive Suter, president. A temperance program will take place of the evciiing service. Wm. H. Triudle will be one of the speakers. Bungalow Christian. Seventeenth and Court streets. A growing Bible school at 10 a. m. Ser mon at 11 a. m., "The Two Edged Sword." Evening: Young People's meeting at 0:30. Preaching at 7:30. "The Seed of the Kingdom." Frank E. Jones, pastor. Mr. J. D. Woodtin will speak in the Salvation Army hall, S43 1-2 Court S T The Three Selected As Best from 1500 Written by School Pupils From the 1,500 essays written by the six upper grade pupils of the Salem scnoojs on SuJem's Dress hp week the following were awarded the prizes, $.5 each. The English teachers in these grades read all the compositions and selected lo which were turned over to n special judging committee of the Commercial club. DRESS UP. By Esther Garbe 'We can not over estimate the value of taking nn inventory of our personal appenriince during Dress I'p Week. Wc nro often indifferent to the important part our wurdrobeg play in our lives. "Dross Up" should aet us a stimulus to many of us who have grown neglect ful in this respect. In this buBy world onr clothes are the keynote to our diameters. Nothing is so i list ru street, Stindiiy, at 2:45 p. ni. W. C. T. U. There will be the regular 4 o'clock meeting Sunday at Ramp Memorial hull. This being the last meeting before elec tion please come and hear something worth while. All welcome. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday services are held at 440 Che mcketu street at 11 a. m. and H p. m. Subject of Bible lesson, "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school ut 0:45 a. in. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room in the Hubbard building, suite 303, is open every day except Sunday and holi days, from 11:45 a. m. to 4 p. m. All are cordially invited to our services and invited to visit our rending room. Swedish Tabenacle, M. E. Corner South Fifteenth and Mill srees,'Rev. John O all, miiiiscr. Sun day school ut 2:30 p. m., Gust Ander son, superintendent. Preaching at 3:30 p. in. by Rev. David Hassell. All Scan dinavians are invited tu attend. Highland Friends. Corner of Highland and Elm streets. Snbbnth school 10 a. in.. Mrs. Myrtle Kenwnrthv nnerinten.lent. Meetings for worship, 11 a. ni. and 30 p. m. Chrbitiuii Endeavor 0:30 p. m prnvcri meeting Thursday, 7:4.) p. m- lou are cordially invited to attend all these ser vices. Josephine Hockett, pastor. Phone 1405. , Rural Chapel. , H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m., -Mrs. Amos Barker, super intendent. .Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p- in. Central Congregational. Corner South Nineteenth nnd Ferry streets, H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school nt 10 a. In. No morning sermon. Christian Emlonvor nt 0:45 p. m. The evening service will be in charge of the choir. Your favorite hymns will be sung nt this service. Concert by the choir. Prayer service Thursday nt 7:30 p. in- German M. E. Corner Thirttenth nnd Center streets, A. J. Weigle. pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in., Henry (tralnpp, superinten dent. Public worship nt 11 o'clock. Ep worth League at 7:15, Louis Oldenburg, leader. Bible study at 7:45 p. m. C. W. B. M. Meeting. The C. W. B. M. of the First Christian church will meet Friday afternoon nt 2:30 nt the home o' Mrs. Flora Clurk, 1475 Chemcketa street. Lutheran. East State aad Eighteenth streets, G. Koehlor, pastor. Sunday school in Ger niau nnd-uglish nt 10 o'clock. Divine service at 10:30 a. m. No evening serv- CLIFFORD CHAPTER LXVII. To my delight, and, I confess it, to my surprise, Clifford took me to sup- ;er. It was a buffet affair and I en joyed myself immensely. But my pleas ure was entirely spoiled when Clifford remarked as 1 proposed leaving: 'I have asked Mrs. Horton to drive home with us. She will be down in a minute." I said nothing. Evidently it had all been arranged with no thought of con sulting me. So I stood meekly by, but raging iuwardly, until Mabel Horton, smart iu fashionable furs appeared. 'Have 1 kept you waiting! 1 in so sorry!" she gushed. 'Only a minute,' Clitford, tne most impatieut of men if obliged to wait, smilingly replied as he assisted her into the car. Although I had tried hard to make myself think otherwise. I felt that Ma bel Horton was the real reason Tor Clif ford's acceptance of Muriel's invita tion. Something of this must have been reflected iu mv face; for I saw, or im agined I saw, Mrs. Horton dart a shrewd look at me, as she stepped into the car. 'I never should have dared to come if Cliff hadn't promised to take me home," she remarked to me. "I am horribly timid about going out at night iu a hired vehicle." Prearranged. So it waa all arranged that Clifford 'mental in lowering one's estimate of the character of an associate or chance acquaintance as ill-fitting, unbecoming, I soiled, or gaudy" clothing, and how one is toned up by the sight of a neatly dressed person! We involuntarily give a mark of approval and mentally re solve to . do better ourselves. Then, too, neglect of our apparel and person lends others to believe wo will be neglected and inefficient in our var ious occupations, and this decreasea our commercial prospect and value in this age of efficiency. It is our duty to ourselves nnd to humanity to ap poar at our very best at all times. In fluence and example demand this. And the effect upon ourselves can not be overestimated. We have an abundance of assurance, self-respect and "pep" which fires us with enthusiasm and de sire to overcome our various petty ob stacles nnd mount to some higher and better level. We command respect and admiration. No advertisement is as effective as well dressed people. It spells prosperity, and invites settlers, money investments, Improved business conditions, nnd better times generally. Strange to sny whatever applies to an individual in this respect will also ap ply to a town, so Dress Up Dress Up Salem ! DRESS UP SALEM. By Lacy Leonard. Very Dear Friend: After ten days spout in visiting old tune scenes, I am going to redeem my promise to write you of Salem ns she now is. Of course after this Innse of time I was pre pared for some changes. But 1 feol very much like the boy who asked so ninny questions that ho turned into -a interrigation K)int, for 1 have ''ohed," and "ahed" until 1 surely must re semblo nn oxclnuintion point. My first great surprise occurred up on the night of my arrival. When I stepped from the train expecting to see again Hint old depot " imagine, my sur prise when before my very eyes there arose a beautiful stone structure. This is the new Union Depot and is located on the old site of "The House of a Million Bargains. ' ' This depot is mod ern ly equipped in every respect. Wait ing rooms, rest rooms and even a small play ground where children may play during long waits. Tuesday morning I went to visit the high school. I was going to the build ing where we received our early train ing. But upon inquiring T found that that building was devoted to junior . . , ... , , i i. i n'W- , p,; s'""1 mls "ttn tnat is nigger ana ocner e or. ! !'. evening Classes are nei.i nero r Business men nun women. The best lecturers are brought to these classes by the commercial club. i ue linng imii uruugui jomi me biggest ''uh" from me, was the growth of the Commercial club. It now has a membership of about three thousand. It long since out grew its old quarters and lias n magnificent building on the comer of Stntc and High, where the Salem Hotel did stand. It has been through the Commercial club and its "Salem first" slogan that these im provements have been made. As I sen more of the Salem ns she, now is 1 shall write and tell you. Your friend. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows: Knee drill, 0:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10:30 a. m. Christians praise meeting, 2:45, p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. in. Young People's Legion Fri day, S p. m. Keek night services every uight except Monday and Thursday. A welcome extended to nil. Captain and Mrs. J. L. Kelso. Salem Commons Mission. No. 241 State street. Report for month of October: Received $75; paid out, $73; had 12 meetings in the hall, had about 450 people in attendance dur ing the mouth with about 40 as an aver age attendance and nine seekers; there were about 150 beds occupied and about 25 people secured imployment. Many of the churches were represented aud nu unusually satisfactory and harmon ious meetings. Win. Kenyon, superin tendent. Services Friday night at 8 o 'clock and Sunday afternoon at 3 p. in. SBAND AND 1 ESCORTS MRS. HORTON HOME her hi L iul & we" ""TM" pe.Pe are' aBd a,,houRl1 I took only r.n-fi .V80, fa,,Iea h,,ra a 8i,,Rle of "-'uanipagne I am really "Cliff " I turned hot and cold at the ill. I'll try never to be off lik. thi; same time, I bit my lip until I felt the warm blood in my mouth in mv effort to refrain from snying anythiug. For I knew that if I spoke I surely would sav something which would anger Clif ford. My uneasiness anent Clifford's rela tions with this woman of his old set was fust deepening to real alarm and anger. There was nothing resile tnnn. ible, nothing save my own fears and! iimigiiuugs; yet i was positive that these- women, whom my husband had known so intimately before we were married were a menace to my hap piness 1 Every time Mabel Horton spoke in her sweet languorous voice I shudder ed Then a thought flashed into inv mind. I had my chance now to prove to both Clifford and her that I did not ie?r meir ineu.isoip, to make them I think I was indifferent Althnnn-i, .11 Ik. tl...d T it, . ...v iiiuc A nets iuurrx v n,iii I "Clifford." I bdrnn. .;h ....v wifely tenderness in my voice as under the circumstances r could assume, please drop me at the house before you take Mrs. Horton home I have a splitting headache. You know I am not accustomed to drinking wine as you old- Mildred Insists on Being Taken Home'?Uv M1 or,on do a11 th tk'n- Had First ttome bfen foolish tQ tend j had m haui. 10 THE VOTERS Do wo agree on the following points: Cut $100,000 a year off of the state salary budget. Save $50,000 a year on Game bj cutting out the salaried army of special officers. Save $50,000 a year on Fish by withholding state aid to fish kings who gat the profits of the business. Save $100,000 a year by making the Pen and Boys Industrial School self supporting. Cut out all appropriations to private or sectarian institutions. Apply the trimming process all dowa tho line. Last year's taxes amounted to $8fl for every vote cast at the last election. LEVI D. EATLIFF Candidate .for the Legislature. DRESS UP SALEM (By Catherine Vincent, Seventh Grade)' Salem, dress up! Put on your best bib aud tucker; adorn yourself in your very best! Clean up your stores, aide walks, alleys, streets, and lawns. Mr. Storcinan, clean up your store, put a. new display in your window. Have things iu through your store clean and in order. Salem, don't have dress up week once a year, but every week of the year. Let people come to Salem and say, "Salem doesn't need a special week called ' Dress Up Week ' because n town of Salem's' size could not be much cleaner dud neater." My, would not Salem be proud though f I think most any city would be. Now, don't think that this is impoe sible, because it isn't. It can be done, ami Salem above ull cities shall da this. Let people .come and go from Sa lem and say that the7 have not found a cleaner and uioro modem city of Sa- . loin 's size any where in their travels in the United States. Give people n chance to brag on SiJt lcm, let them praise Salem for her fine buildings anil her good roade lending in nil directions from Salem, to the dif ferent towns aud cities around Slcm. There are other things that should attract people to Salem, nnd some of these are the State Institutions, beau tiful in their lawns, drives aad shrub ery. The Insane Asylum is especially, beautiful along these lines. Now, Salem people, don't knock but boost! Yon 'II profit by it, nnd so will vonr city. Now, do your best for the capital city of Uregon. Salem. Committeej have been appointed and ("H active ennvats will begin next week bv those interested in the Old People' Home for the raising of $5,000 in Sa lem. Of tho amoupf. to be raised, $900 was subscribed without solicitation. Those in charge cf the city canvas feel that the iutitutiou is so worthy of the support of Salem people, aud the ad vantages of a $25,000 home here such that thoy will have no difficulty what ever in raising the amount within week's canvas. By the raising of $5, 000, Salem will receive $15,000 from ouiside -sources, nnd with the $5,000 now available by the home, $25,000 will be Vfpcded for a new .building. NOTICE Tho following is nn itemized esti mate of the amounts of money proios ed to be raised, by the levying of am additional tax for road purpoees, in. rond district No. I."1-;, in Marion coun tv, Oregon, as provided by the regular ly called meeting of the tax payers of said district, held on the 28th day of October, 1016.. Budget For the improvement of the follow ing county roads: The. road from B. M. Skaife's resi dence on Silver Creek Falls road as far as funds will reach bv macadam, $1940.50. , The above estimate may be discussed at a regularly called tax payers' meet ing, to be held on November 25, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at Fair View school house, iu said district. B. F, TERRY, Chairman. A. H. SOMMERS, Secretary. tf 1 again if Mrs. Horton will ra don Z 1. ; , Certainly go home with vour -wife first," Mrs. Horton said to Clifford, then to me, "I'm so sorry you have vc headache," but she did not lose the amrrv look whioh v, i..i.j 1 1 mr 1 . - uau iioaum uiiv im eyes when I spoke of her age, in spite of her cooing voice- "A longer ride might do your head good," Clifford said kindly; but hi ...... ...v. constrained. , "No, take me home, please!" "Very well," he replied.. ' I tried to ronsA mvanii nr,A A:n : the conversation, my pride helping me to make an attempt to Bhow them I did not fear Mrs. Horton 's fascina tions. ' Do you exert yourself if your head aches, she said in her sweeteet tones. fif l leaned back then and let Clifford atne. was it a dangerous experiment, this sending my husband home at thie hour with a woman with whom I waa convinced he was already partly ia lovef Well, it was too late now. I had committed myself. (Monday Youth Versus Age.) .4