Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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j i--. ... i
HE dayi of mysticism, fairies and
I witehes submerged - society the
past week in celebration of that
honored and merry holiday Hallow
e'en, which has If It in its wake a gol-
Jen ((low of happy memories.
Among tho whirl of happy Hallow
e'en affairs was the premier dancing
party of the Monday Night club at
the Moose hall. The dance which was
a -delightful opening of the week's fes
tivities was a. gala event.
The decorations were all suggestive
of the season, with jack o' lanterns,
corn stalks and brilliant hued autum
nal foliage, making a veritable ilnl
lowe'en background for the merry mak
ers. Borne of the gowns noted' among the
fair sex were forerunners of the fall
modes, which although bouffant will
not bo quite as short as last season.
Taffeta, satin and billowy tullo with
cloth of silver or gold underskirts aro
still the popular materials.
The club includes the following mem
bers: Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Anderson,
J(r. and Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Burton, Mr. and Mrs.
(ieorge 0. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin
U Bnkcr, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 8. Ben
ton, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chinnbck,
Mr. and M.rs. Frank G. Deckebach, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas H. Galloway, Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. M. Hamilton. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Merlin Ilnrding, Mr. and Mrs. Uw-
rence T. Barns, Mr. and Mrs. r.ilwin
Hoifnell, Mr. ami Mrs. William Me
(iilchrist, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mnr
vin, Mr. and Mrs. Prank O. Myers, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Moore, Dr. and Mis.
Harry H. ((linger, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
T. Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Hay Richard-
un, air, mm .im. vh-uiku ... .... . ,
Hr.andMrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mr. and )
n, Mr. and Mrs. (Ieorge II. Kienes,
' i w 11. . I. C. ..!.!. t
Mrs. Paul Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Hn
mnr Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. (). Hiecke,
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wiedmer, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Harry J. Wcnderoth, Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. William 8.
Walton, Miss Kdnu Simonton. Mr. ami
Mrs. K. W. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs.
(ieorge W. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. J. (1.
Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward G.
U.-IIL 4 .....I 1 llnv.l ll Itlllll'h
""'"' . ' .
Mr. and Mrs. . M. Uoerller, dir. one ui inu m ..
tod Mrs. William T. drier, Mr. and i fill events of the week.
Mrs. K. R. Ringo, Mr: and Mrs. John Guests were asked to make up six
Caughell, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Roberts, tables of bridge and later in the alter
Mr. and Mrs. (leorgo M. Post, Mr. and noon at tho tea hour the party was aug-
Mrs. L. H. (leer, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. R.
Uouell, Dr. J. II. Oarnjobst.
Never has Salem society or lovers
o. music enjoyed or displayed a more
flattering appreciation of art thau
they did Wednesday night at the Pres
byterian church when llartridge Whipp,
the eminent baritone, and Mrs. Leo
nora Fisher Whipp, pianist, of Port
land, gave a concert in this city.
Mr. Whipp 'a ability was a surprise,
even to those who were skeptical of
press notices which heralded his com
ine. Endowed witli a magnificent voice
of great range ami virility the singer's
audience was his to possess from the
opening group of Italian songs to the
final offering of Walter Damrosch'B
"Danny Deever." His magnotin person
ality and gracious explanation of the
respective song'B history only served
to, Increase the general pleasure of his
masterly renditions.
It would be difficult to discern
which numbers pleased most; possibly
it was the group of Gorman songs in
cluding Strauss' " Allerseelen," Hugo
Wolf's charming "Zur Huh, Zur Huh"
and Carl Loewe'a dramutie "lOdlko-
nig." The syllabic precision and com-,
mand of lee'huique were wonderful.!
Fran La Forge's "To a Messenger" i
was exceptionally well received as was 1
hv Out oiftcd col-
ored composers, Harry T. .Burleigh and
r-amnel Coeridge Taylor.
In the nriiis and recitative work Mr.
Whipp is splendid ami really it was in
these oifenngs that tho artist showed
his widely diversified command of his i
;,,l.,ri.i.,,tilt; i. nrt "Hear Me Ye Winds I
and Waves" hv Handel nnd ' Vision Mrs. Donald Miles and Miss Mnr
Fugitive (Heroiiiode)" by Jules Mas- giieiite Miles have gone to Portland for
tenet of the French school were sung, a several days visit nnd are the guests
with an exeeutivo technique and dra- oi Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grady.
' Extra fine quality 116-inch sheer
Handkerchief Linen, yard ..$1.00
Fine round thread Art Linens, 36-
' inches wide, yard $1.00
.Thomson's "Glove Fitting" Cor-
sets in several styles.
Extra quality Women's Silk Hose
in black all sizes.
Women's Union Suits in white and
'ream, fleeced.
Rain Proof Umbrellas in large as
sortment of handles.
Bolts and bolts of 40 to 56 inch all
wool Dress Goods in the new Fall
The Logical Place
to Spend Cash
Iniatic brilliancy which truly inspired.
His encores were likewise splendid.
, Leonora Fisher Wliipp's work as ac
companist greatly served to add to the
pleasure of those attending.
A smart event of Wednesday and one
of the most delightful of tho week was
the bridge party for which Mrs. Kd-
i u mil ...L.. ....1 W.o I.'.-., I, Vf
warn llllliigiiani aim . i n. . tatm
Brown were hostesses at tho homo of
The rooms were' a burst of golden
color, quantities of yellow chrysanthe
mums, brilliant nueu lonage ana nni
lowe'en decorations, being effectively
arranged, making an artistic, back
ground for the prettily gowned matrons
ami maids circling the bridge tables.
The euests were for the most part the
members: of the Happy Hour club, and
the high score honors were won by Mrs.
ThoinaB B. Kay and Miss Veda Cross.
Mrs. George (i. Brown and Mrs. Asa
Koff were awarded the consolations.
Assisting the hostesses were Mis.
Homer Goulot and Mrs. Lenta Westa
cott. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts mo
tored to Portland the middle of the
week to visit relatives from tho oast,
who aro tho guests of Mr. Roberts'
mother, Mrs. Kunice Roberts. They re
turned Thursday night.
Small informal affairs are held ev
ery day or so among matrons and
maids of the smart set and half a doz
en or inoro guests assemble with their
sewing for a cosy chat and a cup of
One of the most delightful of tneso
----- - . -- . ,i,ii,
little sewing bees was thnt tor which
Mrs, Hen O. .Schucking was hostess
Wednesday afternoon, it was most in
formal, only a few matrons of the host
esses Kensington club, being asked.
Mrs. (ieorge P, Foxe's bridge-tea this
afternoon to honor her sister, Mrs. M.
B. Scheurelo, a charming matron of
C'eiitrlin, Wash., who has but recently
come to Nnleni to mane ner nome, whs
..... ......... ........... i.. ,i ,i,t
mented by a few. more matrons nnd
The residence was aglow with quanti
ties of brilliant hued foliage effectively
arranged in the eard rooms.
In the dining room a crystal bowl
of exquisite) Ophelia roses adorned the
artistically appointed tea tnblo over
which Mrs. Perry Raymond presided.
Those gathering to greet Mrs. Meliou
rele were: Mr Russell t'atlin, -Mm.
John H. Albert. -Mrs. Robert Gill, Mrs.
George W. Lewis, Mrs. Percy Cupper,
Mrs. James Chiiinock, Mrs. Arthur
Moore, Mrs. Ilenrv McCounell of Port
land, Mrs. K W. Hazard, Mrs. Walter
Stuley, Mrs. PnuglHH Mluto, Mrs. Cloyd
D. Ranch, Mrs. Frnuk W. Brown, Mrs.
K. F. Tillinglinst, Mrs. Robert K. Down
ing, Mrs. Asa H. Koff. Mrs. Grant R.
Bonnell, .Mrs. Kdgnr Hartley, Mrs. F.
A Turner, Miss Matty Beatty, -Mrs.
Kdward Wellcr, ..uss Orthn Belle, Miss
Klwie Brown, -Mrs. Blanche nowani,
Mrs. Rmithwirk, Mrs. J. C. Nelson and
Miss Ann Sweeny.
Miss Ka-'hryu Slndo of Silverton is
passing the week end in Salem as the
guest of her sister, Mrs. John .1. Rob-
Mrs. Hen W. Olcott has as her guests
1 or the week end. Mrs. Oswuld West
, I her iliiueliter. Miss Helen West ot
I '01 1 111 II !. MI1IHHV .Mis. im-oii mil
side at a small dinner in honor of Miss
West, the occasion being her birthday.
It will be very informal nnd the
guests will be a group of the charming
young visitors school el
One Dotta?
Seems like an insignificant little thing when pitted against
present prices. It's at such a time, when the thrifty
women seeks out the places where a dollar has the great
est purchasing power. We mention a few items to give
you an idea what may be bought HERE for
A delightful affair of Tuesday night
was the "500" party for which Mr.
and Mrs. John H. McNary were hosts.
The affair was very informal, only
the "-Merry-Go-Round" club, composed
of a group of congenial married folk,
oeing asKeu.
The residence was aglow with Jack
n Imttarnu. nnd dftc.nrnt.inns sucrpestive
of the Hallowe'en season. Huge fenth-
. . i . I rl
cry chrysamnemums anu buiuiiihui iui
inge also were artistically arranged
about the card rooms, where guests
piayea at six tames or - ooo. uc
high score honors were won by Mrs.
Rollin K. Pane and Dr. Thomas C.
Smith, Jr.
Mrs. McNary was assisted oy ner
nieces the Misses Gertrude and Margar
et Gray of Seattle. .
One of the charming and pretty
bridge parties of the early week was
that for which Mrs. George W. Lewis
was hostess, on Monday afternoon.
Fragrant red and white carnations
combined effectively with greens a
domed the rooms and the appointments
were 'suggestive of Hallowe'en.
Seven tables were arranged for
bridge, card honors falling to Mrs. Al
bert Lovelace and Mrs, Edwin L. Bak
er. Assisting Mrs. Lewis were Mrs. Hen
ry Corneyer, Miss Cnlista Moore, and
a group of young girls including, Miss
Murgnret Livesley, the Misses Ruth and
Helen Moore and Miss Alice McClel
land. Mrs. Lewis asked as her guests: Mrs.
W. Carlton Smith. Mrs. William H.
Dancv, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs.
Kdwin L. Baker, Mrs. James Chinnock,
Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, Mrs. William
Walton, Mrs. Clyde C. Graham, Mrs.
George Post, Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mrs.
Arthur Moore, Mrs. William Babcock,
Mrs. Albert Lovelace, Mrs. Honry Poi
sal, Mrs. John Coughill, Mrs. Charles
K. Barbour, Mrs. J. L. Clark, Mrs.
George P. Fox, Mrs. William Belle, Mrs.
Gcorue. M. Brown, Mrs. O. O. McClel
land, Mrs. W. P, Powers, of Portland,
.Mrs. Henry A. ( omoyer, Mrs. Florence
Irwin, Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mrs. W.
W. Moore, Miss Regina West, Mrs.
Carey Martin, .Mrs. Frank Bowersox,
Mrs."j. C. Pettyjohn, Miss Maty Beatty,
Mrs. Henry McConnell of Portland,
Mrs. George Watson and Mrs. John C,
Mrs. illnim H. Dancy has asked a
group of matrons at her home Thurs
day for an informal afternoon over the
bridge tables. Her guest will include
the members of tho Thursday club, who
will lie entertained at the first gather
ing - of the- sensou. .
Artistically appointed and charming
in every way was tne iiinner presiiieu
over on Thursday oy Mr. ana .Mrs. r.u
gar Hartley. Lovely ' yellow chrsanthb
mums decked the pretty table and the
rooms were effectively adorned ? with
clusters of autumnal foliage. After. dm
ner "."(10" was plaved. the Bcore hon
ors fulling to Mrs. Fred W. Stcusloff
and Douglns ( . Minto.
The guests who were the members of
the Cherry City club included: Mr. aijd
Mrs. Robert K. Downing, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Brown. Mr. ami .Mrs. John B. Craig,
Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas C. Minto, and Mr. and
Mrs. Clvde O. Hice.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet have re
turned from Portland where they were
the guests of Dr. and iMrs. Hugh Wil
liamson tor several days. Last Saturday
night the Goulds entertained with a
dinner at the Hotel Multnomah, in
celebration of tho twentieth anniver
sary of their wedding. Covers were
placed for (t.
Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish, Miss Lucile
Barton and Professor F. T. Roberts will
give an entertainment at the Court
street Christian church on Friday night
November tho tenth at 8 o'clock.
colors, yard $1.00
Plenty of 24 to 26 inch Waist Silks
in good variety, yard $1.00
Forty-inch Silk Net in plain colors,
yard $1.00
Forty-inch Silk Chiffon Cloth in
large assortment of shades, yd $1
Velvet Corduroy, 27 to 29 inch
wide in large range of colors,
yard $1.00
Children's Rain Capes' in assorted
sizes, reduced from $1.65 to $1.00
Women's Neckwear in splendid
variety at, yard $1.00
The marriage of Miss Mary Eckerlin
and Waiter Clarence Welch, of Olympia
wash., which took place today at high
noon, came as a great surprise to the
many friends of the charming bride. I
the ceremony which was a very
simple affair, was solemnized at the
Eckerlin residence on North Liberty!
street. Father Moore of St. Joseph s
church officiating. I
Tne young people were unattended
nnd only relatives wero asked for the
ceremony. .,
The bride wore a smart suit of navy I
blue broadcloth with ft hat to match
and a corsage of roses and violets.
' The residence was adorned with, an
artistic arrangement of the season's
choicest blossoms and greenery.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Welch left for a month's wed
ding trip to the Sound cities and Brit
ish Columbia. On their return they will
make their homo in Olympia, Wash.,
where Mr. Welch is associated with the
Northwest Fruit Products company.
The brido who is an attractive girl,
is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene .Eckerlin. Hhe has many friends
iu Halein and will be greatly missed.
. She received hor education in Salem
and as a graduate of the Sacred Heart
One of the most delightful affairs of
the week was tho "f)00" party for
which Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith were
hosts Thursday night. The affair was
most informal, their guests being the
members of tho Nemo Card club for
which the Griffiths wero tho first hosts
of the season.
The rooms, where the card tables
were arranged were charming with
pink carnations and "room. Mrs. Har
ry H Olinger and Joseph Baumgart
ner were awarded the high score hon
ors. Tho eard games wero followed by
Dr. and Mrs. Griffith 's guests includ
ed: Mr. and Mrs. George F, Rodgers,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mr.
and Mrs. George L. Rose, Dr. and Mrs.
R. E. Lee Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. William
H. Dancy, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke,
Mr. and' Mrs. Frank W. Durbin, Dr.
and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mr. and
Mts. James A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Baumgartner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. George G.
Brown and Miss Rita Steiner.. .
In celebration of the anniversary of
her birthday Miss Doris Churchill will
entertain a group of the younger con
tingent tonight with a charming dinner
The tablo will be adorned with gar
lands of brilliant hued foliage and an
artistic basket, inade of a huge yellow
pumpkin filled with luscious fruits. The
favors ami placo cards will an ue sug
gestive of the Hallowe'en season. Af
ter dinner tho gayetics will be rounded
out with danring.
Miss Churchill 's guests will be: Miss
Lucile Jones, Miss Knthryn &lade of
Silverton, Miss Tbra Mortensen, Miss
Lcatha Driscoll, Miss Marie Churchill
and Brevinnn Boise, Wallace Carson
(ieorge Weller, Wolcott Buren, Charles
lluggins and the .hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon XfcGilchrist
were hosts for a small informal dinner
Sunday' evening. i
Circling the "fable which was decked
with lovely yellow chrysanthemums
wero Mr. ami Mrs. James McGilchrist,
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mr. and
Mrs. William .McGilchrist, Jr., and the
Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney entertained
most delightfully Thursday afternoon
with an informal Kensington. Her
guests numbered about 15 matrons,
whoso husbands are members of the
university faculty.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Epley entertained
Thursday night with oneof the largest
and most delightful af fairs of the week,
the occasion being their twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary.
They received in an artistic setting
of blossoms and greeusi The decora
tions and appointments were all in
yellow, with baskets of greenery, huge
vellow chrysanthemums and foliage be
ing effectively arranged in the various
In the dining room an artistic candel
abra centered the pretty serving table
over which hung a huge basket of love
ly yellow roses and smilax. Small tables
wero arranged for the refreshments.
Assisting iu the serving, attired in
their wedding gowns were, Mrs. Gor
don McGilchrist, Mrs. Cloyd Ranch and
Mrs. Swart.
Tue hosts received many beautiful
presents, a number of which wero the
gifts of their guests.
During the evening a delightful mus
ical programme was given including
vocal solos by Miss Jessie Miller, Miss
Cave, i.r. Todd and Mrs. Gordon Mc
Gilchrist; violin solo, Miss Mary
Schultz, and a reading by Mr. F. T.
I Dr. and Mrs. Epley 's guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. E. (). "Sieeke, Mr. and
iMrs. J. A. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1).
: Ranch, Mr. and Mrs. V. (. Hover, Mr.
iand Mrs. II. S. Swart, Mr. and Mrs.
It. U. Vandervert, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Porter, Mr.;
;and Mrs. John H. Todd, Mr. and Mrs.!
;F. E. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Price,'
!Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist, Mrs.)
j Alice H. Dodd, Mrs. L. K. Page, Mrs.
'L. O. Dorcas, Mrs. .1. Wenger, Mrs. j
Matilda Grant, Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, i
I Mrs. O. A. Chapel, Mrs. S. O. Stone, I
Miss Mary Sehultis, Miss Vie Cove, Miss!
Laura Grant anil Frank Churchill. I
Miss Ellen Thielsen has gone to Port- j
.land for a several day visit and is the
guest or Miss Helen Whitney. i
Honoring Miss Josephine Johnston,;
bride-eleet, the Misses Pearl and;
May me Eyre were hostesses for an in-1
formal sewing bee at their home oni
Trade street Friday evening.
About IS of the honoree's girl.
mends were guests.
George Palmer Putnam and Dr. liar-
'ry E. Clay left today for a wek end
outing in Bead, Oregon.
One of the gayest and merriest af
fairs of the early season was the de
lightful dance l or .which Kola Neis was
host Tuesday night. .
The affair was given in the rose
dining room of the Hotel Marion, the
attractive room being gaily decorated
with streamers of yellow and black
paper, palms nnd chrysanthemums.
Small tables were placed around tne
room for a buffet supper and the fav
ors and appointments were all suggest
ive or the llallowe en season.
Informality was the keynote of the
evening, with the best of music to keep
up the gaiety.
About ou inerrv makers participated
in the affair including: Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Dancy, Mr. and Mrs.
George G. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
G. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs.
William Walton, Dr. and Mrs. Harry
H. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs. John Cau
ghell, Mr. and Mrs. Everett W. Ander
son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Monarch, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Benson, Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward S. Gillingham, Mr. and Mrs. row
ers, Mrs. Margaret Lovelace, Mrs. Susie
Jones, Mrs. Kane, Miss Eleanor Rog
ers, Miss Caroline Hurst, Miss McCnl-
lum ot Dallus, .Miss Alta Jones, ram
Sroat of Portland, Jim Linn, Freder
ick Lamport, W. F. Jeffress of Port
land, Claude Belle and Jewel Princess
of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Pniil V. Johnson were
hosts for a "fiOO" party Friday night,
when they entertained the members of
thoir card club and a few friends at
their residence in Hiifh street.
The rooniR were decorated in yellow,
with pumpkins, jack o lanterns and
n.hiti. .vmltnla .if fill. D.Uinn V wll O TO
nugo oasue. s or uuluiiiii ichm-, umu
made an effective setting for the card
table. The high score honors were won
by Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Mills.
Mrs. Johnson was assisted by Mrs.
Frank Myers and Miss Zoe Stockton.
The club members present were: Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank G. Slyers, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills,
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mar
vin and Miss Zoe Htockton.
The additional guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Armin Steiner, Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hartley,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding,
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Eoff, Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Brophv.
-The dancing contingent will rejoice
to hear thnt the Cherrians soon will re
sume their jitney dunces again. The af
fairs will be similar to those given dur
ing the summer months.
A great deal of enjoy men t was hail
at these dances this summor and they
undoubtedly will be a revelation to de
votees of this cherished' diversion, as
there are but few dancing parties
scheduled for the winter season.
A little later in the season, perhaps
next mouth there will be a benefit play
given for the Cherrians, Although as
yet the cast has not been selected, it is
rumored thnt Mr. Mott, who tins won
such flatterinir Miraise in his produc
tions of amateur plays, will aguin di
rect the east and that he will produce
"The Dictator."
A Hallowe'en party was, given nt the
country home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Stein
er. on the Wallace road Saturday night.
The guests, clad in fancv costumes,
included the 'members of the Sweet
Briar club and their families. The
prizes for the most original and best
costumes were won by Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Sherwood, M. C. Pettys and Mrs.
C. W. Beckett.
Dancing and gnmes were some of the
features of the evening.
A mock wedding nlso furnished con
siderable amusement, H. M. Webb was
the bride, and James linlah the groom.
A. H. Bunn acted nS the minister and
the Misses Belle Miller. Mildred Im-
jlnh, Blanch Gibson and Mildred Bunn
I dressed as ghosts acted as bridesmaids.
iLittle Gaynel Beckett was flower girl
'and Margaret Steiner acted as ring
' benrer.
Among the guests in fancy costumes
were: Mrs. S. P. Kimball, old southern
ninmniv. and her child Miss Helen Tay
lor ns'the bates; Mrs. A. H. Bunn, A
Sal e
suits- ;
Women and Misses Suits, well tailored materials
are Serges, Broadcloths, Poplins ; , ."
Lot 1 ...Special $19.75
Lot 2 Special $24.50
Silk, Silk and Wool combinations, fine Serges, Crepe
de Chine, Charmousse .
Special at $17.50, $19.75, $24.50
Here Is An Opportunity."
All Dresses shown on Live Models at the "Co-operative"
fashion show held at the Oregon Theater are '
now on sale at Extreme low prices.
Liberty Street
Puritan; Mrs. Charles Cha'ffee, Giieen
of Hearts; Mts. Clnrabella ( lark, bid
witch; S. P. Kimball., chimney sweep)
A. Steiner, George Washington; Mrs.
Henry lisherwood as Martha Washing
ton; Henrv Isherwood, Bund Master;
Mr. and iira. M. C. Pettys as little
brother and sister; Mrs. K. (. Moll,
Gyqsy fortune teller, and little Marq
Christine Ferguson a her little Gypsy ,
daughter; -Mrs. C. W.. Beckett the
Night; W. C. Franklin, the dude; .Mrs.
W. C. Franklin, the old fashioned girl.
i ,
hugene is tne meccn tor scores oi
Suleiu folk today as everyone possible '
availed themselves of the added attrnc- J
tions and are Having a visit to thnt i
gay little city, sharing "in the niedly I
of festivities "that will make the I'm-1
versity home coming week notable.
Besides the alumni who have gone to
Kugene to be week end guests of their
fraternities nnd sororities, many foot
ball devotees went to attend the game,
returning tonight.
A few of those going are: Mr. nud
Mrs. Knben P. Boise, Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Kldridue. Mr. and Mrs. John i
II. McXary, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge P.
Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Fish
er, .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stolz, Mr.
and Mrs, George L. Kosc, Mr. and Mis.
Floyd F.dgerton, .Mr. and. Mrs. Tom
Townscnd, -Miss Kita Steiner, Miss Ha
z.el Downing, Miss Catharine Carson,
Miss Jnno Fry, Kreel Kay, Clyde Gra
ham, William" Council Oyer, Curtis H.
Cross, Frank Spears, Carl Gabrielseii,
Claude Belle.
Mrs. Louis W. Josse will have as her
guest next week, her sister, Miss Voile
Barker of Koseburg.
Miss Marie Churchill, who is teach
ing school in Oregon City, came home
Friday evening to pass the week end.
Friday night, November the tenth,
a public reception will be given at the
First Methodist church for the pastor,
Rev. R. N. Avison and his family, and
Miss Neva Vanghan, deacouess.
One of the merry Hallowe'en parties
of the week was that given Monday
night when Mr. and Mrs. John Shipp
The reputation of thisstore for the best in mer
chandise has been demonstrated to all Salem.
In our windows and at the Style Show Fuller
tons garments won praise from everyone.
State Street
Salem, Oregon
entertained t lie members Of the York,
Nebraska, club at their home, JM" ;
South Fourteenth street.
The guests were greeted by little
Grace White dressed as a ghost and
conducted up stairs by Master Timmey ;
White and Myrtelle Shipp, also clad.i,
ns ghosts.
The evening was spent playing gnuics"
and the prizes wen; awarded to- -Mrs.:
Ollie Irwin. Miss Klsic White and Mr.
and Mrs. Heisler. Later the party clos
ed with a Hallowe'en super. ,
The decorations were in keeping with'
the season with witches, black cats, yel.ji,
low pumpkins and flowers every wheretr--
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.;
C. G. Henderson, Mr. ana .urs. i uoo ..
Heisler. M. and Mrs. Jim Ingrey, Mr.
and Mrs. .Have White, Mr. nud Mrs.
Homer Ingrey, Mr. and Mrs. Jim White
Mr. and Mrs! Currol of Nevr York, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Shipp, Mr. and Mrs. Prcs-'
ton Miller, Mr. and Mrs. William or-.
rill, Mr. and Mis. Clapper, Mr. nnd Mrs.
llarrv Clapper and daughter, Mrs. Idii
Nilcs, Mr. and Mrs. T. B, Cooksey, Miss .
Rodgers, Miss Helen Ingrey, Misses .
Ktta and Klsie White, Miss Grncff-'
White. Miles Chambers, John Broad-,
well, Guy Heisler, Master Tmimy White
Miss Joy Turner entertained the-,
yuin.e Joiir club at a delightful infor
mal evening nt her home on North Cap-'
itol street, Wednesday night.
The evening was devoted to progres
sive "oOO" and the high score honors;
were captured hv Miss Teresa Powlo.
The house was effectively decorate in
keeping with the season. Music nlso
was a feature of the affair and Inter
a dainty repast was served by thu
hostess assisted by her mother, Mrs.
Frank Turner.
The guests were: Miss Alice Jtulil,
Mrs. Blanche Liston Niemeyer, Miss
Annette Grnber, Miss Mahel Bennett,
Miss Teresa Fowle, Mrs. Wenona Snv-
age Floyd, Miss Mary Pigler, Miss
Adelene Nace of Bellinghum, Wnsh.,
Miss Mabel Huddlcson, Miss Catherine
McClelland. Miss Ruth Kress and Mi.
Margaret Hodge.
.iionday night the members of thej"
(Continued on page three.)
114 Liberty Street