Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 14

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Copyright, Th Frank A. Muney Ct
8 toon as I was absolutely cer
tain that my friend could
breathe no more that the
ken blade of the bowle which I had
thrust into his heart had done Its
work I laid tho body at full lenath
n the table In our cabin, and, plac
lug a clmlr beside It, -I aat down
end took the dead man's hand In
H had been a good antf honest
pn-tner. He and I had strut-sled
aitttnst adverse hopes, until fortune
llnally condescended to aintle on us .
.vltli unwonted fervor. He, a man of
twelve lustrums, I, a man of six
wo had dlved and picked, and blast
ed our way Into the mountains for
yenn, until we had brought forth o
liiiii'h gold that we were unable to
eatlmiite Ua value. In all tho vast
iliiimln In the sierras, known as
(Jrlnnell's, no other miners could
hUovv as much good luck as Dick
ll'tltry, th.' limn whom I had Just
billed, and myself.
Kick Moltry hud the courage of a
lion, and the heart of a child. Hla
.virtues were honesty, Intultlvo per-'
jL'eptloii, religious inurement, and
great courage. Hla vices were a.
greed for gold and a latent feeling
sainst mankind, the latter being tho
1 1-non why lie had sought tho soli
tude, of the mountains. My love for
adventure had induced me to form
k partnership with him, Its most se
ductive feature In the beginning being
that we were to end our days in the
'iwllds of the mountains that ' one
should cot leave the. other until
tiaath. .:i
jfJTM und other compacts were
denied with the Immutable stamp of
liVinor. Time finally revealed to ma
h Inexpediency ana rotty or -such
partnership, ana onen ai ntgnr,
tiert Moltry and I sat in our cabin,
would aak him to tell me what ha
Intended to do with the box of gold
that occupied a, corner or tn room.
11A told me that when he died It
iiwould all be mine that all the groat
.Bliirra wealth, for which we had
(tolled so lucessontly, would be nilne
V-all mine.
I When' he died I Lo, how t had
Waited and prayed and even sunaj
rir the time to. come. How I had
h wakened every morning for years,
knowing that it I would have, Bcea
f The Wheat
Tells the Story
o! Western Canada's Rapid
The heavy crops in Western Canada have caused new
tvcnrHstn he made in the hanrilitiiiof (rains bv railroad.
Vnr ivhil th movement of theae heavy
been wonderfully rapid, the resources of the dnierent
roads, despite enlarged equipments and increused facili
tic, have been strained as never tx'tore, and previous
records have thus been broken in all directions.
The largest Canadian wheat shipments through New York
over known me reported tor the period up to October 15th.
upwards of four and quarter million bu.hcU
antl rhU vni hut th nverflnw nf aliinmtnfs
" .sv. ments were much lamer titan to New
' " t YMila a lilph u 90 buaheli of wheat
ThuUMUMUof AmtTiean farmers have Uknn
. pruvt art) inn tow ami irtNf noraMHinwi niuu arw vnmiy wciimi m tjuuu
r -
luciihtUi, convenient to churrlwa. sciKMiU, nmrhtfta, runway.
'inert l no wnr mi on itinn witu im votisu'iipiiou.
Writ rr Illu4trau-it imiiiittln, kUumU railroad raUt
. and Qttwr luiunualttMi lo
J. R. Brieve, Cr.
ranndltii Cumtiawnt Aant.
No Pas
sports are Necessary to Enter Canada
FEATED. Tim first iiiiti.itlve nirnmirp on this
year's linllot now iinmeil Hie "Full Ren
tal Value I .nnd Tux nnd Hninomnkora'
.on n Fund Amendment" is the same
vinule- tux scheme that has. adorned the
liullut year after year, this time wearing
u new dress nnd lienrintf a new title. A
new bait to catih votes lias also leon
milled. Following is the history of at
ti'iiiidoil single tax legislation in Ore
gon timing the v.st eirjlit jxars.
In l!Mis an iiiiiomliiH'iit juiinsi'J liy
"The theumi Tux Reform Association "
(single laxers) exempt in;; personal pro
lierly anil improvements was defeated
liy ii vote of (iii.STI no's to .iMItl ayes.
lr' h:i. admitted to he a first step toward
hiiitfle tax.
In ll'IO nn amendment iiholMiing
the poll tax carried by a vote of 41,171
ayes lo 42.1-7 no's. Only lifter its pass
ukc was the following "joker" discov
ered: " Providing for the people of each
county to rebuild taxation and exemp
tions Within tlio county, regardless of
Constitutional restrictions or ntnte sta
tutes, and abolishing poll tax or head
In 11M2, sinsle tax measures vere
submitted in Multnomah, t'lacknmns
and Coos counties, nnd were defeated
iu each county by more that a 2 to 1
At the same election, an amendment
1 imposing "stnte wide single tax with a
urudiiuted l.ix provision" wns defeated
F.v X2.0I5 no's to 3l.5:U ayes. At this
elect inn I he ".lolier" referred to above
was repealed.
In In 1 4, two amendments were sun
milled: One, providing for a 01 500 ex
emption, was defeated 13(t,ltf3 to OS,
4!':i; the other, providing for a specific
personal graduation extra tax, was de
feated, 124,!t:t to 5!,l(i0. lty voting
:'.U7 NO the voters of Oregon will auuiu
kIiow what thry think of single tax.
should the confusion now existing in
the minds of many voters between the
hiunle Tax and the rurul credits meas
ure result iu the adoption of tho I? 'Ren
his dead form In the blankets beside
me, the sunshine would have paled
before my happiness, and the glory
or my life would have been supreme.
Day followed day, and year followed
year, and although ailments which
seamed of a nature to hasten his end
overcame him at regular Intervals,
death always stood aside to let him
pass. Indeed, during the past few
years of his life, he had enjoyed al
most perfect health, and the day be
fore I killed him, It appeared to me
that his step had never been lighter,
ills cheek never ruddier, his appetite
never better, nor was there any dim
inution In his strength to swing a
pick. Ho seemed to be the allegory
of eternal life.
I had become tired of the moun
tains tired of that Immense, track
less domain of solitude, where the
memory of time was living In the
glory of nature. I had conquered
the god of Mammon his wealth ,waa
at my feet with It I could gratify
ambition, buy pleasure and all else
that i mlslit crave. But i.o argu
ment, Iiowaver beguiling, would lure
him to brcal: the bond of our sem
liijly relentless compact, and I could
not le.ivo him there alone.
Ono morning, whjn ho had cone to
cut wood for our Are, I flrnily niado
up my mind that ho ::hould die.
Vividly I recall that tad day in au
tumn. Leaves in myriad colors fell
and acurrlsd hither and yon at tho
will of tho wind. How many times
before had I watched the leaves fall
and drift away, until the naked
brunches that had borne them seem
ed to point to a thousand mockeries.
Our cabin was built on a mighty
pillar of rock, from which we could
ee twenty miles up and down a
great canyon. Our rich claims,
marked by gray piles of earth, lay
all around us. Above us, and stretch
ing a great distance beyond, were
the high peaks of the Sierras, some
brown, some snow-capped, some so
blue and .obscure as to become lost
In the clear sky. From the dim re
gions beyond the mountains there
flowed a deep and narrow river,
which, In Its winding course, received
tho waters of other streams until
Its current passed through a gorge
below ua with such mighty force, so
grandly and so musically, that it
often seemed to be consouuut to the
ahimnonta haa
being xporUd in Utt than sis weeks.
to Montreal, through which Doint shin-
per art ar iportd from all parts of ttvt
pun in tht waivderriil production. L.ai
tsl ft font Sit.
bill at the coming election, a peculiar
condition will result
Attorneys declare the Single Tux bill,
which appears on the ballot under the
name of "Full Rental Value Laud T x
and lliiineuuiUers' Loan Fund Amend
ment", can never wilhstnnd the scru
tiny of the courts and that it will bfl
declared unconstitutional.
Hut it is evident that buyers of land
will await the decision of the court bo
fore investing iu real estate in Ore
gon. That hesitancy will be apparent
as soon ns the newspapers carry the
news that the 1' 'Ren umendm"ut to the
stale constitution litis been ndopted by
the people. Week nnd possibly months
will elapse before the dangers of com
mercial revolution such ns the provi
sions, of this measure will bring linve
passed. In the meantime much develop
ment work in Oregon muat stand still.
The Single tax bill is the first initia
tive meusure on the ballot. It voting
numbers are Soil yes. and 307 no. The
rural credits is the seventh initiative
It is reported that one of the biggest
auto stage companies on the roast, op
erating lines over various parts of the
central and southern sections of the
late of California, bus fiuallv decided
to herenYler use only western lubricat
ing oil made from California asphalt
base crude.
The decision comes, it is said, after
many and varied experiences with dif
ferent oils. The company's practical
road tests proved the western oil to be
not only the most efficient lubricant,
but also the one to leave the. lctnst car
bon. This company, the report stales, oper-
ate about SO automobiles in nil, inrlud -
ing rackard twin sixes, Cadillac eights.
vvku., .... 1 ...i.A. i. 1
titiiira ainu uiku IC1'1'1" I'm?.
Wed.ling Invitations, Announcement!
and Cal'iug Cards Printed at th Jour
nsi Job Department
i is ! ii i n ii it ii ' mini i-1 1 ii inn iiiiiivi
rrruHtfCUtifN jjt hum oikutm duuoi
song of the angels. From its mar
gins, in a seeming wlldness of
mysticism, sprang, straight and rig
Id, the trees that were my guides and
companions. From our cabin door
we could look on tree tops beneath
us, and at the tremulous lines of the
trunks of trees above us, which seem
ed to point mutely and silently the
way to God. No other vegetation
could be found no flowers, no weeds,
no chaparral. Moltry and I called
It "The Valley of the Dismal Wall,"
because of the soughing of the wind
through the trees, which resembled
the mournful strain of a lone spirit
In the grasp of death:
"A long unmeasured tone
To mortal minstrelsy unknown."
When Moltry returned with the
wood, I was sitting on the stone steps
of the cabin. As I looked at the old
man, between whom and myself there
had always existed the warmeBt sym
pathy, I realized that It was not an
easy matter to adhere to my plan
for murder. He threw the wood to
the ground by the side of the cabin,
and, whistling a merry tune, came
and sat beside me.
Ho was the (Irst to speak.
"Barton," he snld, "will you work
that claim back of the house today?"
I did not nnswer the question. I
had no intention of working that or
any other claim. Had I said no, he
would havo become suspicious and
wanted to know the reason why. Had
I nald yes, he would have been none
the wiser. But we had agreed .not
to lie to each other, and I did not in
tend to break even that part of our
compact on the last day of his life.
What's the matter, old man?" he
aid, aa gently as a child, when I had
not answered his Question.
"Moltry," I replied, "how long do
you Intend to stay in these moun
tains?" "How long? Why, lad, so long as
the Almighty will let me; until health
mid strength shall have gone."
"I am growing weary of it," I said.
"We must have a very large sum in
djist nnd nugcets now. Why not go
to some of the great cities of the
World and spend It where there is life
real life?"
"Life!" he answered, somewhat
startled. "Life Is never found in
great cities. Life is lost in great
ThePeopleandthe Railroads PRESIDENT WILSON IS .
"ISt jt I ' muni rvrnniiA nfinnr
The rnilronils of the country are ov-er-cnpitnli.ed
by at least six billion of
dollars the increase in the value of
land owned by tho railroads. The rail
roads are trying to havo tae committee
on valuation of the Interstate Commer
ce commission add eight billion six
hundred million dollars to their pres
ent capitalization.
The present over-capitalization if
the railroads be permitted a net return
of U per cent involve an annual ned
less churgo of three hundred and sixty
million dollars upon farmers, small' busi
iikss men nnd the consumers of the
! country nearly half the total national
! budget, exclusive of the postolfice dep
artment, which -is practically sen susiii-
ining. The ailititionni cnp'iHii'.miu"
sought by the rnilronils would add a
mo,, i urenter liiirilcn tnan ine prcscm
overcapitalization. It is, therefore, of I
the greatest importance to every con
sumer in the country that a president
should be elected who recngniy.es the
rights of the consumers, and not merely
the vested rights ami wrongs of the
railroads, since he hits the appointment
of the Interstate Commerce commission
and of the Justices of the Supreme
The most important cases m which
the right of the railroads to capitalize J corporations has irons upon the theory
increases in lnnd values and chnrgejtl,Ht their capitalization should be liin
rates thereon was involved were tlio t itoii to actual capital invested, aud
Minnesota rate eases. The legislatures I t,t rntes were to be figured upon the
reduced the rntes in that state, claim-1 capital It is only money honestly and
ing that the railroads were not entitled wit It reasonable prudence, invested in a
to predicate rates on increased land i public utility that is entitled to earn
values. The case was appealed to theB full return."
I'nited Stntes supreme court. Mr.
ghes writing the decision held:
"It' is clear that ill ascertaining the
present value, we are not limited to the on farmers, merchants and all consu-...wi,l..i-nt;nii
nf the amount of the or- mors. As president, he could veh any
igiiiul investment. The proHTty rights
is held in private ownership, and it l
is thnt property, and not the original I
..,. nt it nf which the owner mav not'
be deprived without due process or
What This Decision Means.
n,, . . , i . i... ,.,. ..........v.
..1 L,r Z f LIS nWOO.) acres
one twelfth of the continental lnnd area
.i u i..... ..i...... ..,,ii. :,,
in.,,,lv valuable- mid have
':..i ... I...:, i :.. !. i,..i,r.
ters of a billion dollars. As population In now becoming a candidate he can
increase, the value of their lands is I not-romp n, .Kin, dec.sions.e nidged
constantly increasing. That value will. '-.v the electorate. As the decision m
i , a few" vears, be doubled. - j t l'-ed Scott case was a determin.ng
.i.i. ..uJ ,.rt,..l i.v .11 the i.eo- factor in the election of Abraham 1-in-
pie, the Supreme Court decided the rail-
oa l are entitled to earn the same pro -
. h..v l.,.v.. Witim.nt.dv
innev they have legitimately
,1. i vi ..-, -- n- ,
This unearened income will
shortly amount to-a billion
lollars a
Mr. Hughes lieli
1 that the values!
created by the people entitle railroads
to chnrge'the people higher rates.
Mr llimhes sincerely thinks In terms
j0f privilege and not in terms of pee
rosttion of the Interstate Commerce
Tn the case of Spokane vs. Northern
Facific railroad company the Interstate
cities. Man exists only In great
cities; yes, exists in hybrid environ
ments, hugging hope's delusive phan
tom! Here In the mountains It Is all
life; aye, freedom, liberty and life!
The pleasing and alluring accounts
which writers give of the great cities
are all impositions, deceitful and de
void of truth. ' They are as incon
sistent as the assertion of the pas
toral writers who claim that shep
herds pass . their time on dustless,
flower-bedecked fields, singing and
playing the flageolet. It is all un
true. Did you ever hear of a shep
herd of this age named Thlsbe, or
Corydon, or Romulus, or a shepherd
ess named Diana or Phyllis, or Ama
ryllis? True, the shepherds of this
age sometimes sing, but their songs
are mere trifling tunes devoid of wit,
and their voices are hoarse and rough
and at variance with the science of
music. The shepherd of reality, when
he is watching his sheep, Is a gam
bler; and when he Is not, he Is a
drunkard. The enviable shepherdess
Is nothing but an agreeable Action;
a well-written deception, calculated
for the amusement of weak minds
and persons of Indolent habits, for
whom It is kind and liberal to think
because they n,re unable to think for
themselves'. In the great cities there
are Bhepherds,. , too. Perhaps you
will see the full Inference of my re
mark, when I tell you that of such,
one shepherd and one dog can lead
a great many sheep, but one "sheep
cannot lead a great many shepherds
and a great many dogs. My boy, you
are only a sheep."
' "Partner." I said, "I like your phil
osophy. You speak In the straight
line of wisdom and avoid the crooked
circuit that leadB to Incomprehensi
bility. But what does' It have to do
with the matter In question?"
"Just this. Tou long for what you
call the great cities, with their gla
mour and pleasures, that are false.
Jim, I take a great Interest in you;
I want you to stay In- these moun
tains, to live among them with me,
to bury me here, and to continue on
ns my successor. I want you to die
here, too. Then we two men will
have known the glory, the peace, the
contentment, the riches of life! The
Circes and the Medcas of whom his
tory vaunts so vehemently, who could
darken the sun at their will, were no
Commerce Commission said:
'Whether under the laws and con
stitution of the I'nited States, our rail
roads can demand a return not ohly up
on money which has been actually in
vested iii these properties, but also up
on this value, which has grown from
almost nothing; to .vast proportions with
out the expenditure of money or tho as
sumption of risk, is a question of tre
mendous importance."
The Practice in Massachusetts.
In the Middlesex and Boston rate
case the Massachusetts Public Service
Commission says.
"There has hitherto been little oc
casion to dcul in detail with the prin
ciple that investment and not reproduc
tion cost is in Massachusetts the basis
of the relation between the rate (lay
ing bhiI the investing public; but any
other theory will be found upon an in
vestigation of our statutes and earlier
decisions, to be utterly inconsistent
with Massachusetts law. From the time
of granting the earliest charters in. this
commonwealth to railroad corporations
practically nil of our legislation, deal
ing with the riirhts of public service
Mr. Hughes favors permitting tho
railroads to rcni where they have not
; sown so placing nn enormous burden
legislation 0f congress, and would also
have the appointment of members of the
Interstate Commerce. Commission and of
the I'nited States Supreme court. His
election, would, therefore, mean nign
!er freight and passenger rates smai
iter profits lor the legitimate Business
men of the country, and an increase in
: the cost of living tor all.
I In 1!12, Mr. Hughes, in declining to
become a candidate .or the presidency,
'stated in substance that to do so would
bring the decisious of the Foiled States
i Supreme Court into politics.
coin, so the opinions ot Air. ungues as
l; "t.ce of I 1 Wita supreme
Court will elect Woodrow Wilson.
Minneapolis, Minn., . Xov. 4 Al
though the ludian birth rate is increas
ing and the Indian death rate is de
creasing in this country, the Indian
will be extinct through intermarriage
with whites, Or. I.. C. Hall, for 40 years
a missionary at Ft. Berthold Indian res
ervation inXnrth Oakota told tho Am
erican Misiouary association here.
more the enchantresses of men than
Is this vastness the enchantress of
my soul! What progress can you make
In your so-called great cities, your
cosmopolls of. vice and arrogance? I
believe that It will be Impossible for a
man with riches to live In such a
place without falling a victim to vice
and arrogance. How can you wish
to desert the mountains for a place
where the pernicious blast of evil Is
supported by the whimsical caprice
of Dame Fortune? What is It to be
one of that vast throng of people
who plume themselves with a system
of Iniquity that makes their lives in
glorious and their consciences blank?
Here we have no debt, no trouble, no
selfish purpose of promotion and pe
cuniary acquisition. We are mon
archs of all we survey. Like death,
we keep no calendar."
"Moltry," I continued, "I have no
desire to detract from your excellence
by undervaluing the motives of your
belief, but of what use Is this gold
we have so persistently dug for?
What are we to gain by hoarding It
In our cabin?"
"The fact, my boy, that we have
riches far greater than most men in
the great cities. Poverty can never
be with us. We are millionaires "
Here I Interrupted him.
"Partner," I said, rising to my
feet, and with an acute asperity that
must have stunned him, "I abom
inate and detest the unhappy course
of life In which I am Involved. My
thoughts and feelings are sometimes
worse than purgatory. Torment can
not be severer than the horror of
becoming a recluse. Dick, I offer
you now for the last time my hand,
which will soon be Btalned with the
foulest crime known to humanity.
Notwithstanding all my repeated pro
testations against unfairness and
hypocrisy, notwithstanding the love
I bear you and the hatred I bear
myself for entering Into this part
nershipthe end has come. Dick, I
Intend to abide by the contract we
made when we became partners. It
Btates that one must not leave the
other while he lives. But, I think
that if you read it over carefully you
will find that It makes no provision
nun Inst one of us killing the other!"
The old man had now risen to his
feet, too, but, to my great surprise,
be manifested no resolution to show
Great Independent Paper
Tells Why It Supports
President Wilson
The Chicago Herald last Friday edi
torially recommended the re-election of
President Wilson. The Herald, which is
among the great inecpendent dailies of
the country, is edited by by Jnmes Keel
ey, who ranks with the foremost news
paper men of the country.
Since the opening of the presidential
campaign the Herald has been devot
ing two columns of rpaee on its editorial
page to letters from its subscribers tou
ching the qualifications of President
Wilson and Mr. Hughes. In announcing
its preference for Wilson, the Herald
frankly admits thnt its course has been
dictated by the majority of the big
"Herald family", as the paper's read
ers are called. The editorial in part is
as follows:
"There is a strong and reasonable
sentiment in this country in favor of
rewarding the efforts of tried and ac
ceptable public aervrnts by re election.
We see this prhuvple invoiced in every
contest from th smallest local politi
cal figlit to the greatest national Btrug
gle. Within the parties a president who
has dune well is considered to have
right t re-noniination. There is no
reason why this test should not be ap
plied at this time to President Wilson
himself on the record as a whole of the
things done, on the prospect of things
to be done, is there real renson for the
American people at this time to repu
diate the president f
Herald Sees Good Reasons.
"There are to the Herald good reas
ons why they should not do so.
"Out of the disquietude of recent
events the nation has sailed iuto the
calmer sens of the present. But what
American can or should forget In so
short a time the manifold difficulties
which confronted President Wilson dur
ing the first two years of the war?
What American can cr should forget
that he waa called on almost at every
moment to act on matters big with the
fate of the nation? What Just man can
overlook how anxiously he studied the
public opinion of the country that he
might put the decision of the govern
ment tn accordance therewith?
.."Above all, who can forget that he
acted hot In the light of subsequent
events, but under the direct menace of
the event itself?
From the standpoint of foreign af
fairs the question which presents Itself
to the American people is whether it
oum ntn ue tmuise io wan Horses
I in the Middle of the Strenm.' The presi
dent has all the ends of the tangled
the least resentment to my remarks.
He extended his hand somewhat ner
vously it seemed, and the look of ap-.
peal and pity that came into his eye
might have found its way into my
soul had not those eyes suddenly
dimmed with tears. They were not
. tears of discomfiture, fear or par
oxysm. They were tears of sorrow
sorrow for the cause, the hope, the
life, the dream, that was about to be
ended in cold blood.
He gripped my extended hand with
all the fervor of his old friendship,
and I let him feel the pressure of
mine. It Is hardest of all things In
this life to set your face, determined
and resolute, against him who is
your best friend, to adopt measures
that mean his ruin for your gain.
But Dick Moltry knew that I was a
man of my word; He knew that
when I said a thing I meant It; he
knew that my will could not be
shattered. While shaking my hand,
he brushed tears ffom his eyes with
his unoccupied hand and then, elap-
plng it smartly on my shoulder, ho
"Jim, I know you will give me a
Give him a chance! I had not
thought ol that. I meant to murder
him deliberately. But, no! he was
entitled to a chance for his life. He
was Just as much entitled to a chance
to live alone in the mountains with
our wealth as Iwas to bear it, alone,
to a city.
There beneath the cold gray heav
ens, the falling leaves, the song of
birds, the rush of the river the death
contract was sealed, Just as the con
tract of our lives had been made.
"Dick, get your weapon; I have
mine," I sold. "And Dick good-by."
He dropped my hand and, turning;
walked into the cabin. I watched
him as he took from its place on the
wall a long knife with which he had
once killed a bear. I drew my bowle
from my boot. Egad! It shone with
all the luster of polished silver. It
never had been used. Dick threw hia
brown sombrero on a chair, rolled up
the sleeve on his right arm, and with a
loose sweep of the knife close to the
floor, made for me with a ferocity
that both surprised and confounded
me. He raised his arm. hut did not
strike. His face mirrored the will,
the madness of a demon. He drew
skein of foreign polities in his bauds.
He has the assistance of an able secre
tary of state.
No Change is Needed.
"From the standpoint of efficiency
no change is needed. From the stand
point of the effect on foreign nut ions
a change probably would te bud. It
i would encourage the idea that American
is a field where foreign intrigue in the
field of politics may produce good re
sults aud to that extent weaken the
present administration's successor.
"The Herald sees no real reason for
the belief expressed by campaign ora
tors that Mr. Wilson's re-election means
commercial disaster. It sees much rea
son, as Mr. Lovett said, why a national
party which done its best in the right
spirit , to treat business fairly should
receive recognition of the fact from
business men. The contrary course must
iu 'the end result iu making one party
extremely radical nnd the other widely
reactionary, and Ijiat menus that we
shall have administration aud legisla
tion on class grounds, and not on nat-
I ionnl grounds, w hen either party gets
in power. That is certainly something
worth well avoiding. The campaign is
! closing, the nation is entering into the
j valley of decisions. Each member of the
I grent Herald family will vote for the
candidate whom he or she believes is
, best fitted to grasp the wheel of the
ship of state. But the Herald believes,
i as it believes a great majority of its
i readers believe, that for what he has
' done, for what he has not done, for
: what he has induced hia party to do,
Woodrow Wilson has earned four more
years of service to the American peo
ple." "Reelect him."
"Owing to the order in which the in-
num.? measures win appear on Tiie Pal
let. I hope tlint cverv farmer in Oregon
...:n . i -ii i. . - .
semi ins uanoi careruny oetore vot
ing on these measures, " said J. D.
Brown, president of the Farmers' I'nion
of Oregon nnd Southern Idaho, is a re
cent statement.
j "The phrase. " Homeraakers' I.onn
; Aiuendniiiet" in the title of the first
'measure under the heading "Proposed
,by Initiative Petition" may lend some
: to think it is the state rural credits
inn. i lint is not the ense, ns the rurul
credits bill is the next to the lust; the
seventh of the initiative measures, and
its title on the ballot is "Rural Credits'
I "This Tirit init
single tax bill, named on the ballot the
'Full Rental Vlllne l.nml Tnv il u....,
makers' Loan Fund Amendment.' It
is commonly known ns the ' people 's laud
and loan measure.' id went by thnt
linme when signattlres for the petition
were being solicited. It is an entirely
different measure from the rural credits
I "I find that not only among the far
ming population bur mnr. n.i...;.ii.. ;n
.the cities and towns the voters are
somewnnt contused by these two meas
ures. The voting numbers for the Kin
Isle Tax bill, the "Full Rental Value
,l.and Tax and Homemakers' Loan Fund
lAmeudment' nr 3i).; ? ...
a.iti ooi .10.
lhe voting numbers of the rural credit"
bill are SIS and Slt. Farmers and all
back, and, with an agility that seemeft
impossible for a n-.a:i of his years,
he fairly flew at rrtc and attacked me
like a fury. Seizing me by the throat,
he forced me back on the table and!
endeavored to strangle me, calling me)
cowardly and ungrateful, and de ,
clarlng that he would be Jnr&eljsl
revenged for my dastardly and b.-use)
conduct. Finding myself in danges)
of perishing between the gripping
talons of this desperate man, I mad
an effort to dlBengaga myself. HefC
raised his knife to kill; I could hav
driven mine into hla body, but I was)
in such a position that the blow;
would have made but a small and ln .
effective wound In his back.
In a second attempt to free myself,
I seized him with such a powerful
and violent grasp that he soon be
came no less terrified than I had
been. I forced him back about six
paces. , We feinted and rushed to
gether. Our knives were poised above)
our heads, and, like all good bowls)
fighters, one did not try to strike un
til a fatal spot In the other was ex-,
At length the time came for mo to
end It all. I. had pushed Moltry
away, and, ns he dashed at me ngc.In,
he raised his knife In the air. Thlsj
afforded me the opportunity of catch
ing ills arm as it descended with my
left hand. With my right I plunged!
the blade of my knife into his heart.
It must have been nearly midnight
when I awakened from a deep slum-
ber. I was still clinging, to the hand w
of my dead partner, but the unut
terable darkness and the peculiar
touch of the lifeless flesh sent a thrill
through my soul that filled me with
the agony of superstitious terror.
The sudden realization of my deed,
the thought of the past, the future,
rushed upon me with the turbulent
violence of a flood.
I dropped th.e cold hand, and, ris
ing, stepped to the wall and struck:
a match. As Its tiny flame flickered
In my half-closed hand, I cast a
furtive glance over my shoulder, and
- a sight met my eyes that aim
made the blood freeze In nv
nnd the marrow in my wm ram
With leveled Tvorr .
men stood over the bc h
tallied my gn!d an -4 ma 14
move at tho cost of cyr iif. . .
Sixth and Everett streets, Port
laud, Ore., 4 blocks from Union
Station. Under new manage
ment. All rooms newly deco
Rates: 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 per day
others interested in the Rural Credit
measure should be cnreful to discrimin
ate between these niensurea. "
"Why did you stop the ice, mother,
The iceman left each day I
'Twas not a henvy'price, mother,
The iceman made us pay."
''My child, no cake
We need to tnke,
For Hughes is bound. this way!"
''Why do you light the fire, mother,
So enrly in the fall?
The heat you so desire, mother,
May meit our furnace wall."
"The firo I build
To keep miehilled
When itughes is in our hall!"
"Forecasts of 'heavy frost,' mother,
I rend within the news.
Oh, will our crops be lost mother,
Through frigorific dewsf"
'The weather seer -Hut
means, my denr,
The coining here of-Jlughos! "
"Why does the wailing crowd, mother,
Its various cars enfold
(Or I mny say enshoud, mother)
With enrmuffs, new or old I"
'Since they must hear
A Hughes speech, dear, i
They guard against tho cold!"
'"I'll fill the stove with stacks, mother,
Of coal extremely hard,
And stuff the window cracks, mother,
So that the air is barred.
Here comes the suro
Hughes temperature, ,
And we must be on guard!"
John O'Keefe, in New York World.
Classified Ads
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There Is more Catarrh In this section v
the country tnan all other diseases pu
together, and until the last few yean
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quires constitutional treatment. Hani
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They ofTer one hundred dollars for anj
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