Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 12

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    UrsV.I k fyyi& ky & yl'ow cwvmfc. Aytsd cWd K yowg cmPi .rvfro 4 Kwsgf ts4 called out -fa AWy WjrfcKfor tK fury
Put o!cUy k fburd ke kei okc rrvJcLtoo
for ke'J LitteJ ir or k CMt2 crveJ.
L too
toogjt kow?e k foorJ rf o"f tjve worst kt'tJ,
before kc oof ke'iesx lost.lv m!r.a
tvd rySvT'ke s sfotYvpeJ iy ka dog Md ff'; vveip,
Speculation and Prices
Touck Unheard-of Levels
tie October S3,
niul . credit expansion.
To some extent, the
price have touched levels undreamed of new fedei
and the impression grows t!it still hi-j elasticity
'rine lnid our legislators understood the
I business they bo successfully destroyed.
Industrial mid commercial activities lire
nt high water ninrk. Bank clearings last
week were about 40 per cent larger than
a year ago, when returns were breaking
records. Kailiond trafic is very heavy,
earnings showing increases of fully 10
per cent and over conipnred with a year
ago. November dividend and interest
puvmcnts will exceed io4.uuu,um,
Former Sen. Hansbrough
Renounces Hughes Party
and Will Vote for Wilson
New York, Nov. 4- Another stnlward
republican of the old school Henry
Clny Hansbrough, for eighteen years a
1'uited States senator from North Caro
lina has declared his support of Presi
dent Wilson. In an open letter to Re
publican Candidate Hughes, in which
he suscribes himself "A Wilson Repub
lican," Mr. Hansbrough invites the uom
inee to suppose unit ae ana me preoi-
Till reserve siim.-ih ii.iui.f;.. wni,.u ,3 about to,uiMj,miu auend ot tne
aided latlatiou. No, too, did ! ...i... ,.. There is mi active de-
jber altitudes are in rrospect. Wheat,; the merensed value oi stocks useu us , mnn(1 for a)1 desirable investment and
cotton, pig iron, sugar, wool, chemicals. ! collateral- Hankers nere tuiij re.iuzi R00l, 1)0Illis nre readilv absorbed. Attev
MtitX nenrlv all commodities are on the! the incipient danger of excessive ex-tlon is now l)rin(t tnrnei to desirable
..i i. I,,? l...inn Hlmost the sole ' nansiun and are acting accordingly. , ,MtarTrA io,.l; which have been some-
ininetus. War's demands are absolute- Hunk reserves have been materially re-.1Mt egie,.t,.a owing to the enormoi dent occupied roverse places.
. A i.i.i.. m I imitiev duced latelv. the totul excess reserves ' t i.i: i,i,i,;u, xniuniln. "Snntiosc. " he savs. " vou hud been
snust be had regnr'dleM) of coot; waste is in New York a week ago being down to ! tion) iu tn(1 iMter continues upon a tre- president of the United States during
coins on open a vaster scale tnan evcrmmut ini,iw,uuu, couijuircu mm t mendous scale but prices are now so
and supplies of nil necessities ure be- 000,000 n year ago. The new British j hi)h tlmt further advances usually
coming more and more depleted. While loau will impose a temporary check ibring out fresh realizations. Railroad
audi forces are at work, hig'.i prices arc j upon cheap money, but Creut Britain are, nnVe been more active on both
inevitable, and no one can predi.'l where will eventually be obliged to pay her , investment nnd speculative account, and
tiicy will end. l'ossibly, if ni probably j bills in gold, securities, commodities or j their better position which has already
thnv will continue BiU'aucing until con-1 service of some kind. Her gold we do())pfn 8(1, fortn ; ti1Pse advices is being
muption is checked or production is! not wmnt; her holdings of American ; gradually realized. At times the market
inireased. The onlv certjiuly is that securities are becoming much reduced, j ;s 8om(."hat reactionary and iu view of
as long as the wur lusts, no permanent , and war hitherto has checked her cx-;irge commitments to the long ide is
decline can lie anticipated. Tkorcare j ports of manufactured products. In tlie i SOtiti to unfavorable news. The elec
oine who believe that the war will end j latter respect, however, Britain is mak- ,i0n thus far has been an almost negli
as Biiddenlv a it bcg.m; but a iiiore,iug marvelous recovery, and today with I 'Ru,ie factor, and will shortly be a mat
reasonable 'vicv; is thut peace will tome only halt the labor that was employed j tpr 0f historv. Iu about another week
onlv as a result of txhaustion, sowo- before the war 'the exports of the lTuit- ,,; ,, w'iu v,0 settled and nut of
thing not vet in sight. Recent Uernian ' ed Kiiiugdom were nlinost equal to the ,,0 WRVi i,,BVing one important factor
accesses iu Rumania, may iciiginen volume oi l-.-it. in n-iwr eliminated from the situation
because they stimulate exports were 43,000.000 pounds, an in-
Oerman coniidence and stitieu nrmsu crease ot n.oou.ouu puuuus un
tubbornuess. Winter is rapidly up-' year, while imports were 77,000,000
proaching and active campaigning must I pounds, an increase of 7,000.000 pounds,
oon cease. Both sides will, of course. The nenrer (Ireat Britain comes to norm
snnke strenuous preparations for resump- slizing lier foreign trade, the more ens
tion next spring, possibly developing ily will she finance the war. Meanwhile
more desperate fighting then than any- this country is steadily treugtheuing
thing vet experienced. The only con- its financiul position at home and
elusion at present attainable is that the Abroad. Our banking power and prestige
war nill continue lor some months to have enlarged enormously, while all of
come, nud with it a further inflation of ; the belligerents have in these respects
t.rices. Even with a truce, a full year lost materially. Kven the primacy of
might be required before a treaty of . London is temporarily overshadowed,
peace could be completed and signed, I and Great Britain, which for genera
during which period the great armies, tions tas been the greatest trader, the
I l. nhliued to remain in readiness greatest carrier and the greatest bank-
for a possible renewul of hostilities. l'n-er in the world, is obliged to see her
fortunately weary months oi strife and pre-eminence in these spheres impaired.
j....... .... -.'ill nkan.l Tn linn nitll-Tn limn aim will dollldlem recover from
uroii UV lll'll ! ' V IIU, - -----
At- - ii-itni,, liuu i.a. i.riB.,M mnA Avnn nrei.nil former . mBce witlt honor,
T.. 1 , i... i f 'tiui . I ;., .l.on ,...ni. !,,, thn fnit. i "( ivil mid revolutionary
ioo.000. makinit S00.000,000 to that' led States has made very substantial has solved great problems but millions
Thomas H. Ince, Producer,
Will Support President
New York, Nov. 4. Thomas H. Ince,
producer of the famous Triangle mov
ing picture films, who added a special
feature to his pliotodrama "Civiliza
tion" to bring the Wilson argument
home to his audiences, lias sent to the
WoodVow Wilson Independent League
the following statement:
"I will vote for Woodrow Wilson be
cause he is saving civilization by keep
ing u at peace. He has maintained
the period fraught with startling and
unexpected world evcrtts, and that
Woodrow Wilson should resign from
the bench and take the stump against
"Would not such a campaigu on bis
part impress you with the littleuess in
his conception of the high duties be
linitrinp to vour ffreat office!"
Mr. Hansbrough then recounts the
great achievement of President Wilson
his peace policv, tariff commission,
federal reserve act, rural credit bill and
eight-hour measure assuming that Hu
ghes had caused these to be enacted,
nnd adds:
"Had you exercised your best judg
ment in conformity with the best inter
ests of all people, regordless of their
party affiliations, nnd Mr. Wilson, seek
ing to supersede you as the chief exe
cutive of the country, were to declare
that nothing you had done was ngnr
and everything you had done was
wrong, I ask you if the result would not
be very depressing to you, a puinouc
and fair minded citizen!
"This was the feeling that prompted
me. after listeuiug to one of your first
speeches in this campaign, to declare
mvself in favor oi the re-election of
Mr. Wilson.
"But for the fact that you are seek
ing an office, wouldn't you cast your
vote as I iutend to cast mine for the
Oh, Germany ia dreuched in blood and
England 's splotched with red,
And Austria's arithemetic can hardly
count her dead,
And France is curbed and crippled and
Belgium is worse,
And Russia is a graveyard, while Hun
gary's a hearse,
And all the Balkan bedlam is in riot or
in rout,
And Mr. Hughes is peevish, because
Wilson kept us out!
Kept us out! Kept us out!!
Yes, Mister Hughes is fretful and is
much inclined to pout.
But here's to Woodrow Wilson, to the
man who kept us out-
Historical and Otherwise
Public Schools
Would Suffer
In 1014 every state that voted down
suffrage went as overwhelmingly re
publican. Candidate Hughes didn't vote in 1014
when New York voted on equal suf
frage. Iu ISOli William Jennings Bryan had
the solid support of all organized labor
except the railroad brotherhoods- These
brotherhoods were against him. In lHlfi
the brotherhoods are with President
IWikon half a million strong. In 1800
170 111111 vnto. nrnnarlv A i utrtltnf atl n-rtulrJ
The reign of Cain is in the world and h ' ; tn lec;or.i coUce t0 Brv.
irlorics in its might.
For men are passion's playthings when
thev seize the sword and smite.
The New York Post, an ardent Hughes
supporter, says their candidate is the
Yes, teeth and claws are every where : ix.
and every beast can one, Jane AlWams wll0m Roosevelt chnr-
But behold a Man arises who achieves acteriwd .'America's Greatest Citizen"
the Hiuher Right.
Oh, any child can criticize and any fool
may flout,
But the world rots in its trenches, and
Wilson kept us out,
Kept us out! Kept us out!
Let us sing it with a salvo, let us say
it with a shoout;
Any man cau raise a rumpus, but Wood
row kept us out.
savs "President Wilson will have mv
''If this amendment should ba
adopted" says Henry E. Reed, assesser
of Multnomah county, ''Mortgage
secured by lnnd, will not be worth thet
paper on which they are written."
The amendment referred to is the
"Full Rental Value Land Tnx anal
Homemakers' Loan Fund Amendment"
the radical single tax measure on tha
November ballot.
"One of the principal sufferers ia
this regard will be the Common School
Fund of Oregon, which has $0,200,000,
or more than SI" per cent of its princi
pal loaned on first mortgages on land.
"The Common School Punu ha
played a noble part in the upbuilding
and support of Oregon's splendid pub
lic schools system. In less than 40
years it has earned in interest up
wards of $6,u0,000, which has beea
apportioned to the counties for tha
support as ardently us I gave it to Col. support of the schools.
count rv sine the war began, mis loan, gains on tnese lines, anu is priu-unii -i- - - - -Ue
proceeds of which will undoubtedly Jure of being a good second, with Great convinced that international warfare
U spent in the l uited States, seems ! Britain's lead constantly diminishing to absolutely nothing
Uair.been placed tefore the fiinds.the ri,e4 State. T ulXAZJ.
were strictly needed, with a v e , of All Products Booming. fc. ,v lil( fi hti f(ir.
checking the inordinate influx of gold . . m.rk(,t u. ,ll0..n f.,rtuer sensn- t t,.iL- 1,-i.n, hnl.l i rn..tni.t bv
tional advances
both commodities
nd consentient initiflous uiflution
n.rt o..m WvM T-1. (t1 n.i I
Wnce the war wr have received n7..d securities. Wheat and cotton have
000,000 net in gold, chiefly on British j both touched ettraordinarr levels, nnd
account. This has been a powerful factor though reactions occurred, the outlook
ia creating easy money on iiim siue anu f continuation of high prices is uu-
has had much to do with stimulating! , . . , .' , .
" "ichauged. The principal minerals show
marked strength, and the iron trade con
tinues unchecked in its headlong pros
perity. Steel share continue making
fabulous earnings. Shipping engaged iu
foreign trade is doing likewise, and
many an old vessel has lately sold for
ten to fifteen times its original value.
This country is building ships with fev
erish energy, and we might have estab
lished a very respectable merchant nin-
Where they've heartless woman's laugh
ter for the shriek o'f shot and shell,
Where the
renlaeed bv rains of hell.
Aud if Mister Hughes regrets he' in
America, no doubt,
They will welcome him in Europe, where
no Wilson kept them out,
Kept them out! Kept them outt
If heaven doesn't suit you and you'd
rather stay without,
Go to well, just go to Europe where
no Wilson keDt them' out.
mun who has done his level beat and Sue-1
ceeded in many big things, rather than j jf Europe's dead arose and spoke their
for the man who ignores the bigger j honest dead men's views,
things and deals vaguely with the little j; children maimed and women shamed
Roosevelt in 1012."
F. D. Underwood, president of the
Erie Railroad company aud Judge Sam
uel B. l.ovett. chuirman of the board
of directors of the Union Pacific sys
tem, have both said "Most emphati
cally do I endorse Presidctnt Wilson's
Tn miQ wliAn T.,rt,tt tvnntml his vnl.
rrceaom nees iroin warring Hughes dodged. He didn't vote.
r-urope has become a ceil, l 1912 when Taft wanted the vote!
v.uere tney cnain mever, num.cu,. Hughe3 Hughes dodged. He didn't
la 114 when the New York women
very dews of heaven are heg dod d He didn't vote.
in lyu some of the Oregon women
DermU Euoalyptut Ointment
t au. om aroaca
Tuaca S30 JAM 600
nil the world bceanse we have proceed
ed as we have is silly and absurd, j
' Watchful waiting' is applied chris
tianitv. and a reuuited North and
South America is the fruititioii of Pres
ident Wilson's foreign policy, tour
more vears of Wilsou will so cement
that friendship that it will be ever
lasting. "Woodrow Wilson will get history's
verdict on his foreign policy alone.
Even his enemies by their failure to
critieiM his international policies ad
mit his enviable position in history in
that regard. There are enough think
ing unprejudiced people to give him a
national vote of confidence at this
New Today ads in the Journal
will be read in all live Marion
county homes,
tut! wU2&&- x
The impairment of this fund will
seriously effect public education i
Oregon to the extent, of a revenue noar
approximately $400,000 a year. The
mortgagors will not pay their dobta.
They will say to the state: 'You now
have the totul iluc of the land. Yoa
keep the land and we will keep your
money, pay you a ground rent tax, and
borrow as much more as you let us oat
ur land improvements'."
Oregon still owns 624,000 aores of
school Und. The single tax bill, as
drawn by W. S. L"Rea to force aU
land out of its present owners' -hands
ana into state ownership, specifically
who are now taking a prominent part , provides that the state ahall sell
in the Woman s party movement were
against equal suffrage and ridiculed the
suffragists. The things they euid in
1912 were not ladylike.
should add their cha-stly newa
If now thev stood in flesh and blood
with power to pick and choose,
How many of them, do you think,
would side with Mr. Hughest
Oh, I can hear their ghostly cheer, can
hear their piteous shout
Arise for Woodrow Wilson, for the man
who kept us out.
Kept us out! Kept us outt
So I sing it with a salvo and I say it
with a shout,
Glory be to Woodrow Wilson, to the
man who kept us outl
Edmund Vance Cooke.
Rome. Nov. 4. Through her foreign
consuls Italy has begun to take a cen
sus of all Italians,, native born or oth
erwise, who live in America and else
where. The figures will be used in ihe
scientific study of immigration prob
lems, it is said.
(Medford Mail Tribune)
The viewpoint of an old soldier on
the present campaign is aptly set forth
in the following communication to the
Chicago Tribune:
To the Editor:
I have read the Tribuue for over
thirty years and long considered it
truly the world 's greatest 1 still think
so, out with this amendment. World's
Greatest Knocker. Even McCutcheon's
magnificent talent has a hammer head.
In 104 Lincoln had his critics. Who
remembers them today? Do you imagine
that fifty years from now posterity will
quarrel with the Wilson method of
settling disputes between the United
States and other nations amicably and
keeping America to the forefront as a
nation in moral and material world
leadership instead of asserting belliger
ence at everv provocative occasion?
I fought for three years under GrantJ
anu x nae uieu me repuuuean Ticnei
all my lite, but this fall I shall be one
of the countless other thousands of old
party men who will rallv round the
best guide our old ship of state has
seen since "Father Abraham." 1 hope
the day will again come when I may
land. The measure would halt not onlr
the progress of education but also the)
physical development of the state.
The Single Tax bill, now named thai
"Full Rental Value Lnnd Tax and
Homeseekers' Loan Fund Amend
ment" is the first initiative measure
on the ballot.
Wedding Invitations, Announcements)
and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour
nal Job Department.
feel justified in "swearing by" the
Tribune instead of "swearing at" it aa
l (10 tortay. ASA URAYSOa.
Lombard, 111.. Sept. 81.
The Work of
and '
may be greatly facilitated by the aid of
Stomach Bitters