Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 11

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Sporting News
77 !':.
Magazine Section
II II II ll" II II U II II T II-,- m laift m, smm V II II fl IV II II - I A- I
. i i a- ii k i ii ii .ii ii mr,nrrr, 'Kir nzr bahjh." t i i iiii in i ui m 11
u xi lyuA u w i ii a ii - a ih vv n iwiui ukttim ii 11 11 11 11 i irvr vj 11
- - . .a, 'smirv irw.. iM'i "jiri r ctieti: . h ii u if 1 1 i 11 i i 11 i 1 -
V . ...
What the Big Fellows In the
; East Ore Up Against -
On Gridirons
Bjr H. O. Hamilton.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
New York, Nov. 4. The spirit of ven
geance will hover over eastern football
gridironi tbis afternoon in the only two
big encounters scheduled. Yale, smart
ing under two defeats in four .years at
the hands of Colgate.' is in share to
Land out a beating to that eleven audi
probably will do it with an unniistak
able gusto. The Army, humbled in reg
ularity by Notre Dame, will ect an
other crack at the Indian eleven at
West point and with one of the greatest
back fields that ever .performed for thu
future generals, will try today to get a
' belated revenge.
Two of the games most consistent and
. brilliant performers, Coffnl and Oliph
ant,' will be pitted against eaeh'othet
in the battle at West Point. Both of
them westerners, they have proved their
class over opponents and ench of them
has by his own efforts kept his team out
in front.
In Oliphant, Gerhard, Vidal and Ford
the Army ban whipped together a most
wonderful offensive aud defensive com
bination.' If Notre Dame's massive
stars are able to tear their way through
and at the game time hold off assaults
by these men they will, indeed, have
reached a point from where they will
be hailed as favorites over their age-olK
ueiny, the Navy. And to keep pace with
the middies they will have to win
Last year the two elevens fought'
hard battle, the westerners finally win
ning by a score of 7 to 0.
Yale will be represented by a second
string eleven, the first string men hav
ing done enough to insure victory, pro
vided they can do it. Coach Tad Jones
is endeavoring to save his regulars as
much as possible. '
Both Yale and Colgate have gone
through their seasons to date without
defeat, but Colgate's schedule has had
only, one real hard contest, that with
Illinois, which it won. '
Yale's schedule, while it has been
with minor elevens, has been hard and
the Blue's record is good
Harvard will only have a practice I
game with Virginia. It probably will
develop into only a comparative affair,
in which Harvard's score can be placed
alongside that made by Yale against
the same eleven. Yale piled up a 01 to
3 score against Virginia,
Down at Princeton the snniee old bear
story is flying around. The Tigers, :hey
say, are not fit to play football much
less try to stop the heavy Bucknell
erowd. However, Speedy Rush has been
in the habit of wearing long faces, so
no one will be surprised if Princeton
piles up a huge score.
A Silk Petticoat
For Only Ten Cents
The silk petticoat endless chain
scheme is stated to have caught some
parties in Jamestown and Stutsman
counties. The Associated Press dispat
ches from Minneapolis stated that thous
ands of letters, each containing ten
cents, are pouring into the postoifice
daily from various parts of the country
who have joined in an "endlex chain"
scheme promoted by the soenlled Nat
ional Brokerage Exchange
Federal Agents Busy.
Federni agents are searching for offi
cers of the "Excjiange" who are want
ed for using the mails to defraud. A
room in a business block to which all
the letters are addressed, was suddenly
vacated three weeks ago, the authori-J
' ties say. '"
lo every woman who would send 10
cents in silver and write five friends
urging them to join in the chain, the
' "Exchange" promised a new 1917 mod-!
ei sun petticoat.
Volume of Mail Grows. I
"The volume of mail for the "Ex-
seen m a mist An' many
a . mountain o' trouble disao
pears in a cioua
Velvet smoke.
Yale and Princeton
Not the Whole Thing
By Hamilton
(United Press staff correspondent)
New York, Nov. 4. Yale, Harvard
and Princeton are not the only colleges
in the east which have football teams,
even if the majority of experts the
country over do apparently have that
opinion.. Cornell, Brown, C'olgato, and
several other colleges arc forever butt
ing into the triumvirate and messing
things up.
But Yale, Harvard and Princeton
consistently- have good, strong football
teams and they constitute the par ex
cellence of the sport around these
parts, The annual clashes of the teams
are red letter days on the sports cal
endar, and fom tho time, the final
games r'ng the curtain down football
fans are on the trail of these three
Harvard has held the upper hand for
several years,' largely, through the ex
pert advice of one Percy Haughton,
who has put more life and firo and pep
into the Crimson eleven than it ever
believed it could possess.
But this year seems to be the start
of an ascendant of the stars at Prince
ton and Yale. Yale is getting off-to a
mighty good start under the tutelage
of Tad Jones, and Princeton, iu spite
of Sneedy Rush's loud wails of an
guish, is giving a good account of it
self Yale has a fine backfield jn Legore,
Bin?ham and Jacques, and a fine fild
general to help this trio along in Trav
er Smith.
Princeton has a good backfield trio,
with a fair quarterback in Jack Kddy
to help them along. A remarknbly good
second string quarter is found in Ames.
Tibbott is as good a kicker as tho east
has turned up so far this year.
Harvard on the other hand, does not
seem so strong as in . recent previous
years when she was wont to walk rough
shod over Yule's cohorts. There are
no Mahans nor Brickleys. But Haugh
ton has a penchant for r'sing to emer
gencies aud by the timo his big games
are due he probably will havo a much
stronger team in the field than- he is
now credited with.
Eugene Saves Strength
for Game With Salem
Albany high school-has no game for
this week. The contest with Eugene wa
scheduled for Saturday, but that team
has their game with Baleni high on Nov.
H- .Not wishing to take any chances
01 having men injured and kept out of
the Salem game, Eugene asked the Al-
bay management to play at a Inter
date. ' .
Albany and Eugene will probably
play here on Nov. 25, the day of the
O. A. C.-U. of O. gnrae at Corvallis.
Instead of a game this week Albany
will go to Cottage Grove Tuesday and
play the strong team from that place.
Cottage Grove beat Eugene 7 to 0 early
iu the season and last Saturday they
walloped J.ehauon high UJ to 0. Albany
plays Corvallis high Thanksgiving day .4
Albany Democrat.
It will be the biggest yet and will
come off November 1(1, 17 and 18.
Those having exhibits should see the
secretary, Walter Johnson, who will con
nect them with the right committeeman.
The financial committee, Colonel J.
11. Poorman, and N. A. Hoffard, were
on the job Tuesday and raked iu a pile
o'f cash to tnnke the event n m-pnt biff
success. That was all that was neces- i
sary to start the ball rolling. Further
particulars next week. Independent.
change" is rapidly growing," snid Post
master E. A. Purdy, "end today we re
ceived 25,000 letters, enclosing 25,000
dimes. Thousands of the letters have
teen returned to the writers, but a large
majority carry no return mark and as a
result tho dead letter office is becoming
1 J Wl !, , , .. , "
T" V" ,0,
' enl office are choked daily by the influx
'of mail for the "Exchange." Weekly
Alert, Jamestown, North Dakota.
Journal Want Ads Get Eesulti You
Want Try one and see.
tops can't be
. mm li
S. P. Work Progresses . r
For Electrification of
West Side Railway Lines
Electrification-.of the Southern Pa
cific west side line, from Whiteson to
Corvallis, will be- completed within the
next 60 days according to trainmen.
However, the actual operation of elec
tric trains into Corvallis will be delayed
until April or May because the machin
ery for tho transformer plants will not
be forthcoming from the General- Elec
tric company at Hchnectady, N. Y.',' un
til early spring. That company was the
only one to, bid for the machinery and it
is delayed in filling the order-
At present there is between 150 and
200 men on the post and line crews that
are stringing the wires. Recently the
gap batween Whiteson and McCoy wns
completed. Crews have also been work
ing north trom Corvallis to Wellsdale,
and this part of the line is also com
pleted', so that there now remains about
20 miles of the uncompleted line work.
Headquarters for the construction work
have been moved to Geilinger and south
of there. Heavy rail-was laid as part
of the improvement a year ago. Hail
road men also state it is the intention
of the company to electrify the Salem &
Falls City branch between Dallas and
Salem. .This work, however, will not
start before the completion of the Cor
vallis line. Officials of the company
have been reticent about giving infor
mation concerning the proposed electri
fication between here and Salem, aside
from saying thework would be done in
the near future. There are', those out
side of railroad eirces who .state, how
ever, that they expect to see' work start
ed within a year.'
Prominent Men and V
Women Support President
The Fatherland has called attention
to the fact that every timo Mr. Roose
velt opens his mouth Mr. Hughes looses
10,000 votes, and Mr. Roosevelt opens
his mouth a good many times. Mr. Mc
Eeuiore in an interview with Mr. Fred
eric F. Schrader, the Washington corres
pondent of The Fatherland, declared
iuui ue nopes as a democrat, Air. Hoose
velt will keep up his effective campaign
for Mr. Wilson. Mr. Brvan recently
expressed himself m tho same vein. Heia
niade.it clear that the votes of those':
who believe in fair play and the votes;presiden( therr-we suspect-' that - th'er
of those who believe in "peace are beiug
lost to Hughes through the activities of
Colonel Roosevelt. The Fatherland has
again and again warned Mr. Hughes
that Mr. Roosevelt is knifing him, and
hns asked him to repudiate this treach
erous ally. We are pleased to see that
The New York American, following the
lead of The Fatherland, demands that
the republican party and -Mr. Hughes
should repudiate Mr. Roosevelt. This is
what the New York American says:
Colonel Roosevelt is quoted as having
made the following statement in a re-
ceur, speecn:
"The war has been creeping nearer
and nearer until it stares at us from just
in-uiiu uiir uiree nine limit.
But the chief point is that the
war has come so. close to us that our
country is no longer to be excused if it
endures Mr. Wilson's futility or inm
tion. "
Well, what docs Colonel Roosevelt
want !
Does ho want Germany to prosecute
her naval war INSIDE our thriii.iiiil
Or does he mean that we should as
8"m0 a hostile attitude toward Germany
because Germany carries on naval war-
lare according to the Inws of nations
and tho colonel does not like those
In October, 14, Colonel Roosevelt
declared, over his own signature, in the
Outlook .Magazine, that the United Sta
tes, of course, could do nothing about
the invasion of Belgium. And in this
month of October, lltld, Colonel Roose
velt, is lolldlv fliwdfirimr tlmf l.u IT..U...I
" ft ....... HID . ItlllMI
fotatcs should have taken nu armed stand
'-" miuuiu ,IU.U
against the invasion of Belgium bv the
wi minis,
Perhaps a warrior whose hindsight is
so much more bellicose thun his foro
sight can easily persuado himself that
inuRing nnvnl war"ar outside of the
three-mile limit provided, of course.
iuui vji-rniuiiy in no orrenuer.
In sinking the enemy ships and ships
carrying military supplies tb her enemy
iu mo open ca aim outside our throe
mile limit, Germany is oxnrtlv mid oKn.
lutely complying with the settled uud
lung, practised law of nations. -
Germany, in so sinking enemy vessels
and cargoes, is not only complying with
the law of, nations, but, in giving warn
ing and safeguarding crews and passen
gers, is strictly complying with THE
set up by our own government.
lue tact that Colonel Roosevelt does
not so much want to provoke war with !
Germany in support of American rights
as he wants to provoke war with Ger
many to gratify his individual hate of
Germans chiefly of Germans who are
also American citizens and who, as he
believes, administered to him at Chi
cago the bitter pill of defeat.
ine man disanpointed ambition and
wounded vanity have obsessed him with
a sort of Berserker rage against Ger
mans, which makes him incapable of
anything but fury incapable even of
telling the truth about his fellow-citi
zens, j
If the republican nartv wonts to win
this election, it should repudiate Roose
velt and his outbursts of rage and spite.
If Mr. Hughes wants to be elected, he
should plainly state that he does not
approve of Colonel Rosevelt's utteran
ces. If the republican candidate permits
the country to believe that he approves
of Clonel Roosevelt's violent mid un
reasonable outbursts of hate and rage I
Slarshfield- and other Coos Bay, Ore
gon, towns are the only Pacific coast
seaports to- make any real effort lor
the locating of the big naval base by
forwarding written statements, duta,
etc, it is learned from Washington.
The delay on the .part of San Fran
cisco, San Rafael, Astoria and other
cities seeking the base to furnish data
regarding their claims is. delaying .the
work of the naval committee seeking
to recommend a site.
Rogue River Courier: The Collnrd
&11oore chrome mine near Takilina is
working 11 dozen men continuously and
is hauling 30 to 40 tons of ore by teams
daily to Waters Creek terminal. Last
week the company 'bought another fine
team from Ed Lind. The latter part
of the we.ek workmen on the property
uncovered two more veins of ore.
" On November 27 a petition will be
presented to the county court calling
for an election prescribing an irriga
tion 'district in' the Gold Hill district
which will cover 1,200 acres. The
north end of the valley is practically
a unit concerning the necessity of wat
er and there is no doubt that the elec
tion will carry.
Ashland Tidings: By far the most
thrilling occurrence of the 1910 politi
cal campaign , in Jackson county oc
curred Thursday when J. B. Coieman
of Talent, who is running for county
assessor on the republican ticket, while
campaigning in the district along Ap
plegate river killed a fine spike bucq
with a rock. -
The railroad :ar shortage reached its
highest point so far on Sunday when
the Southern. Ifacific reported a short
age.of 2,045 carV-' On September 0, the
shortage Wan. 1,415' and 'on October 2,
1,4:17. The bigge.it climb was made dur
ing the post three"weeks. .
Reports from Springfield, Oreaon.
state that 12 hop growers there have
stored 2,500 bales of hops. This is about
i mive-sixth of the Snrlncfield ernii this
season. Two carloads have been sold
at 11 cents.
thousand times more Unbecoming mid
indecent Vi-. R,....,,L u-n .,
next president will not be the republi
can candidate.
Oregon Good Roads
Committee Was Organized
at Portland Monday
The Oregon good roads committee was
organized Monday with the object of
taking highway controversies out of pol
itics by prepnring and presenting a sta
tewide building program for the next
legislature. The organization meeting
was held in the committee room of the
Portland Realty board, where repre
sentatives from 11 lending civic organ
izations of Oregon gathered in response
to a cnll made by the Mate Taxpayers'
In order to make a central committee
fully' representative of the entire state,
the names of 10 well known Oregonians
residing iu various districts were added
to the committee list. O. W. Taylor, of
rortiniid was elected president; C. E.
Spence of Oregon City, vice-president :
. i4. imnii vi Aosenurg, secretary anil
J. C .Ainsworth treasurer, lit addition
to the officers, J. D. Brown, J. F. Daly,
and E. E. Brodio will comprise the exe
cutive committee.
It is hoped that tho organization will
be tibk! to appear before the next legis
lature with a definito road building pro
gram which will beur the approval of
the state tit large. The organization
.v!ll determine which highways should
be built first. The question of whether
roud Iiiwb ami matters hearing on licens
ing of automobiles should be changed
will be taken up also.
President Taylor said today that
thero will be an effort mtidc to procure
a maximum amount of funds from tho
forest service and post roads account
with the least expenditure by the stato.
Jienus of procuring funds by tuxution
in the several counties for n reasonable
piogrnm, will be con.-i.iered iu t us eon
i.ectiun. Their representatives rt t'.e
centfiu committee ,ir,j:
felfinil i.'hambe of C(mms ce--,
M ( lark, I' L. Corbeti.
ltaO Grun .t'--C. 1,. Snnnfn. ? (s
J .--- i -
.eetli .
Mtate Bankers' Association V T.
-Meyers, .1. (J. Ainsworth.
mate iiotelmeii 's Association Dr. C.
y. forneiius, I'hil-.Mctschnn, Jr.
State Realty Association V K. Tr.
lor. J. F. Ualy.
Mate Federation of I.iil.nr OHn
Hartwig, E. J. Mtack.
Portland Automobile Club Julius L.
Meier, Franklin T. Griffith.
Association of Diiilv i nn'mm rmr
Publishers J. E. Gratke. Charles II.
Brown, 1'ortlnnd; Jumcg H. Kerr, Tort
bind ; Jmld Kish, The Unlbn; I,. K.
Smith, Redmond; T. J. Mahoney, Hepp
nerj Henry McKiniiey, Baker: A. King
man, Ontario; James Stewart, Fossil.
Journal Want AJi Get Eesulta.
Broilic, R. K. Hmith. Ale,.nJe, m.Jo fal. r-t 27 ; ile. whi.a Bk tow thcrt or'S
HtBtoTaxpnyeri'Lcngue-O.W.Tay- t0Uf f ln,I,(!ctl0n ot the rur" routo. , mil.-s with a pronpect of an oxtenHion. I appointing of a iociul, meuibcrship nud
lor, Kmiry OlniHtcad. with carriers, M. J. Crabtree and L. J.iBo,h, crnom are BCconioiliitinK ami j pioKrum committees, us0 what wt
Karmera I'nion J. A. Hmitli, K. A. Ho'k, tho past week. Ho reports the i V.. arelw,t'1 llkeJ by thl;ir !'."t- eould be ma.le of that D3 in the- trcas
S",Wn'; , roa,l. generally in good eo.i.lition, and Zve The Ml". ' ,i f'XtHt,m ur .,!t "9 lidea to buy dkhe, ud
Theae ,eloR.te. at large were eleeted the farmers along the route, intereHted Tt. rural rouiel I Z f " ''U "" ."'"i" t0 bo use1 Iur t.'rtuin-
yesterday: Bernard Daly, Lakevien ; i in ininroviiiir tliem The fu men. ,, i mules a lot of pios emus, in- ment to be given during the winter
1. A. Westerliind, Med ford Dexter Ki-e pledX'he" .dv a!- "o " "V, I ' TrZX'uw' ,""B ni "'rW ou, nueh'admired
lioHeburg; C. J. lliird. KuL'ene: W. B. mnil .,v!p r .,..; i. ""'T" H". . ,he !"""""' to Rive ini,,u gave a talk that was .,.,!, ,..
!rin,e Mnn.bfl.dd; C. I.. Khaw, Al-lln good repair an fait a possible in BU"n """""V""' Mn..drd joyed by all. After the meeting Jiht
any: J. C. Cooper. Mcllinn vitl.-: .T. I) retieslnnenls were served liv
: "How about the Danbory Fatten' raseT"
The query ts houted at Candidate Hughef
; at every campaign meeting where working
men and women are k a the red. It la e houted
(at the women of the millionaire Huchct
campaifrn tneeial. It i heard where vex the
I issues are discussed.
. Well, how about the Danbury Batten
ea e? What la the caeT What liea back
(of these, shouted queriea that Mr. Hughes
'.t-ttk so long to answer?
Up In Donbury, Connecticut, where 5,000
i Skilled workmen make hats for all the World,
t they need no answer from Mr. Hughea. The
answer is there before them in living form
( tpore than one hundred families. 600 men,
i women and children, oppressed by the knowl
' eon that everv nfirht ma h lut imii
, the roofs of the little homes represeuting
; the fruits of twenty, thirty, or forty yean
i ofJoi' thrift nd sacrifice.
This is to tell others a little af what Dan-
1 hllPV Ironila kK.i I 1- .1
' HMUWS. Ik II BWII7 UI 1 'ir
law and of austere judgea, on the one hand.
I againtt men and women and children on the
I other tha story of a law that, until Prrsi
. dent Wilson signed the Clayton ant, had
I ruined working men, while It sent Stttn.Jrd
j UU and Tobacco stocks soaring.
1 A Story af Tragedy
It fi a story full of tragedy the tragedy
j of an humble, simple folk whose declining
. dsys are ovenhadowed by fear and anxiety.
' It Is the story, too, of men and women who
do not whine, who have been game to the
, eore, who believe firmly today, as they did
- at the beginning, that their causa Is -the
cause of right and that judges are not
; imallible. . ' i , .
l It Is not out story, but a hundred. There
4 Is the ease nf th wiiinw ntitK van Vt.
'( dren her husband dead and savings gone.
wnn imiuoeo noon 10 provide lor her 1am
Mly. There is the story of Benedict, the
stratuht'laccd old New Englander of Re vol u.
(lonanr descent, driven In him rv h
; anxiety and bewildered questioning over the
decision that had turned him, a God-fearing,
thrifty, old man, Into a law-breaker, pur
j sued by deputy stieriiTs and heckled by writs
! ol attachment.
There is Michael Hurt, who has IWed all
. his nfty-six yean in the house on Bhelter
t Rock avenue, now about to he taken from
i hlri, And title is Mrs, Hurd, a sweet-faced,
gray-haired wuman who came to tha hooss
as a bride, and whose children wars born
and grew up within its walls.
Thirty-two of the thirty-four hat minn
i fncturen of I)artlury emtio only union men.
The biggest and most successful of them
ha i testified that they would not employ
:ny liners u tney nad the enmca. wages
were hitrh ; work was steady, and the hum
llest workft was irotecUd agninst tha un
fair or bullying foreman by the agreements
to which owner and workmen subscribed.
Loews Enemy ta Union
Only D. E. Loews and one or two others
among tha hat makers denied their men the
richt to organize and to send their agents
to "talk it over with the hoss" when things
went wrung. Mr. Loewe was one of the "old
schmi" employers. With others, hs not only
refure' to work with his men through trade
; agreements, but be spread the gospel of op
' pwiilun and discord amonn others.
. Off in New Yurk, the imti-mal offlcen of
tho Hnth-rs' Union, after trying In vain to
extend the onrsnlxation's benefits to tho
I Loewe em ploy en. decided on the only course
, open to the uninn. The Immemorial security
; of the hatters organization In Dan bury.
dating itack without an interruption to the
' workmen's guilds of Rcvo'utionary times,
I was threatened. The national officers began
, to circularize their fellow unionists through-;
, out the country, calling attention to the fail i
j ure of tha Loewe concern to make use of !
' the union label, and asking union members j
j not to buy I.oewe note or patfonlu stores
that acted as Loewo agents
'. Entered 1240,00b Suit
J Urged by a national association of employ,
.en bitterly opposed to collective bargaining,
,Mr. Leowe began suit In the Federal Court
of Connecticut for $240,000 damages, on the
; theory that the Hatters' Union had violated
itha Sherman act. This was tho law drafted
, and passed by Conrrress, to strike at great
combinations like Standard Oil that were
? Draining ine people s pocaei Dooks and crush-
Ing competition through every mcana known
to unscrupulous, ruthless buccaneers of com
merce. Tha Loewe attorneys went Into court on
the claim that the union hatters, in refu4inn
, to patronize Loewe and his agents, had
; entered Into a "conspiracy In restraint of
j trade." They charged that the Loewe bust
' ness had been damaged to the eatent of
' tHO.Oito. They demanded three limas this
sum as punishment or vengeance, and they
got it. With Interest and lawyers' fees lbs
iudrment stands today at 1305,000.
' Thus was raised tha Ant big lasuw of tbis
; fo mo us case.
Have working met, the rU-ht to urge their
.brother worktngmen and their friend not
to patronise a manufacturer whose conduct,
Ein their Judgment and belief. Is hostile and
.disastrous to their Interests and rights?
Iuua No. 2 raises an even mora remark
able question. For Mr. Loewe was not con
.tent to wipe out tha treasury of tha flat
ten' Union, with Ita limited funds set aside
for pensions and sick benefits. He and his
'allies wen determined to terrify and di
. courage a very union man, not only io Dan-1
. I I .1 .1 , ,
11 urtii-r niniie lllllll inej- are lllltl ifllUlll- ;
less will be soon. i
The boxes nlong the routes arc iirner-
ally good, although some might be made.
more aect-ssible, and a few might be im-
proved upon as to kind. Most of tin-
patrons have named and numbered their .
Ux n mum 7 M 4
4 WTT lVu It.
ti Mm -vy) JEyfZZZ
V i 111
In the upper loft-hitnd corner is shown the pulnlial
home at Danbury, Conn., of O. E. Loewe. who is taking
the humble homes of the halters, to satinfy a judgment
of $305,000, for "dumnne to hia busineas.'
Opponite is the picture of Kepublican rrcsitlential
Cnndutnte Hushes, who, m a IT. S. Supreme Court Jus--tice,
concurred in the decree in Loewe's favor.
The modest cottaRe below, was owned bv Thomas
aters (ntandinK on the porch with members of his fam
ily) for twertty-Bix years, but hns been taken from him
to help satisfy the Koewe claim. The lower picture is
Mrs. iMichaei Hurd, deprived of a home which she enter
ed as a bride, thirty years ao, and which her husland
had occupied for fifty-six years.
Above her is President Wilson, who, by fosterinj; and
signing the Clayton bill, ended such persecution of labor
unions forever.
1 X
bury, but In the United Ptates. So he chose
for punishment a selected list of Dan bury
working men, 243 In number, taking only
a few of tha industrious and thriftv. who
owned their own homes or bad kinall savings
Fsw Made Tha Victims
Less than a dosen af these S4t defendants
hsd aver worked for Loewe. Not more than
a handful had aa much as read or talked
about tha anien'a boycott. Many wen toe
old te work and had not attended a anion
meeting In yean. Their sole crime was
that they had paid dues to the flatten'
Union and continued to be memben In good
standing of an organisation which had been
of great benefit U them and with which they
had been Identified all their working lives.
Death haa taken nearly sixty of the orig
inal 213 defendants. Through their declin
ing yean these men waited for tha decision
that was to mean ruin or the loss of homes
representing a lifetime of sacrifice, planning
and devotion.
1'ursued by the specter of bank accounts
seized for Iews f forty such for amounts
from $.r,000 down have alremly been takenl,
the luckless working men of Dan bury sac- i
rifleed comforts for themselves and saw
their boys and girls growing up without
the advantages they ha'1 planned to give
Mori than one honest and thrifty worker
has gone to his grave a victim to worry.
fear and physical breakdown, due directly
to the constant anxiety Induced by the
I.oewe, suit
Nut one of these 2-13 working men wan i
more ituitty than any of the othor S.fiOO j
mem ho n of the Dnnbury union. They were
siiiKlid out solely because they had been !
thrifty and owned homos or savings accounts, i
Thxt was the bread of justice sought to
be Imposra on Mm court by Mr. Loewe and 1
th- -finrrw-vB of 1,1a (inii.Mnmr, kmnloviir.1 I
association. For yean the legal battle went i house MU"s painting badly, and the hi uni
on, with the fortunes of the men now up r Ki(lng. His savings were seiwd by
now down. Loewe and he has not known s!l these yesn
Hii.Iim Rtni iii.tM. ' when tha home place would Uo. too. Now
Hughes Stgned Decisions . ,)(f WoW that the tI)J ia abou lo fWme
It was late fn the fall of 10)4 that the Hrothr unionists all over the foiled
case went to the Supreme Court for the ! Suite have undertaken to help the Danbury
last time, I he Just icon were HJtked to snr
whether these bounded and bewildered work-'
men should be rumed in purse and haunt
neas becaue of acta of their nutional union
in far oft San 1-raneiwo or Chicauo, and
rcirardlfiM of whether tin- men, women and
children who wen to sutler so cnit-lly took
any personal part in or had any perwinal
knowltdge of the arte held prior to the Clay
ton law, to he illeyal
It ia the decision holding that they should
he so rutnct anu shotiio no in tit r that bean
(he siguaturr of (,lir!i-
Evuns H uk hen, I
ho. In asking for votes,
now posm -but '
iaisfiy e inenn 01 i a do ring mtn. taking of money given as a charity, even,
The decision waa handed dVwn after Con- I by Ituir brothor unionists, often little rccom
greaa had passed and President Wilson had j pens to men who have stood on their ow
stgned a bill forever prnhihillng the prosctu-I feet all their Uvea and have cherished their
Uen af a similar suit in the future. I independence above all things.
! boxes, in accordance with the rogula-.
- V.W
A very interesting meeting of the
it:. ,1,1.,.. 1 .1. 1,1 . ,,
"'X1'1' M-'thers' Hub us held at
K(r'""'l building Thursday afternoon
about thirty mothers and two of the
teauher, were present. Mrs. C. A. Cole
A visit to Dsnbury and talls with tha
men and women who are about to be ejected '.
from their homes, awaiting only a decision
on a iiuestion of whether Loewe should ; 4
take the interest on their savings as well
as the principal, reveals some of the tragedy :
behind this remarkable law suit. '
It retesls another Interesting thing. Tha
Danbury hatten an organizing a Wilson-
Marshall club, and will cast their votes al
most solidly against the Republican candi-
data. And this regardless of their previous
party aflllistious. Though the Clayton law
waa too lata to save them, it will save .
othrn. And the Danbury, hatten an still'
loyal to tha ideals of tha worken.
"I don't know much about law," said Mrs.
Michael Hurd, who hat lived all her long .
married life in the house now to bo taken
from hen "but it doesn't seem right to taka
our home away because of something they '
did In New York or San Francisco. Mr. ,
Hurd knew nothing about ft Mr. Keano,
across the street, knew more about ft thun ;
mi husband, and they didn't attach him. 1
They wanted just the ones who had saved
enough to buy a home or who had inherited :
a little property from thtir fathers.
Entered Home Aa Bride
"Mr husband was born In this house and
J wa have lived here together ever since I
cume from Bridgeport as a bride. Our ;
daughter was burn and brought up right fn .
I this house. You can t wonder that we hat L
1 to have it taken fruin us. My hiuband loves
I it more than onything In the world except ,
t hU family, We hate sat- here of summer
eveninus for nearly thirty yea is and walrofd
the mi set over thohe elms. Well rent a
house somewhere. I suppose. Ttn-r ear noth
ing can be done to itop them since t hut
Supreme Court decision."
Thomas Waters, with a home on Flarrtsuo
Street, where he iias lived for ltffiy-f m
years, is alto HioKing lor new u,uuriera. nis
hulturs by contrihuiing lo a fund to rei
-i hurse
irse thcin for ttie lots of their iavinu td ,
honica. After monlhs of tlfort, the fund
thus ratscd still lacks more than llOO.OOOt
of the amount nf the judginent. Hut even
if Hit: full amount is obtaioed, it will not,
save the hotter h.im. And afU-r It haa
been distributed there will slill be the prob
lem of safeguarding it, '
For, until the full amount of tha Judg
ment has been paid, no piece of property
utandinif in tha nnn-a of an nf tlio luek.
Ittis dt-fendanis will be too small to rscui
alUchment and sciiure. What is more, thio
presided in her usual pleaainir
ladies of the elub. These meetings nro
to be a feature of the first Thursday
of each month to which nil mothers urn
most cordially invited as we expect, to
nave some mil interesting times dnri
1 ue wuner.
Journal Want Ada dot Eesultg.