Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1916, Image 1

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25,000 Austrian Suiuiers Killed, Wounded or Captured In
Four Days-Hand to Hand Conflicts Feature of Terrific
Struggle Preceding Capture of Veliki Hill by Italians
Rumanians Stand Firm-Germany Sends Troops to Aid
By John H. Hearley,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Roce, Nov. 4. Twenty five thousand Austrian soldiers
were killed, wounded or captured in the first four days of
.General Cadorna's new sweep on Trieste.
j No offensive on the Austro-Italian front since the be
ginning of the war has been marked by such fierce fight
ing. Battling in the Carso mountain lands, Italians and
Austrians have met in hand to hand struggle that have
continued at some places all night.
An especially furious combat preceded the capture of
the Veliki hill by the Italians. The summit was crowned
by heavy Austrian artillery that drew a semi-circle of
fire against the base of Veliki and prevented Cadorna's
men from advancing in frontal attack.
Several small Italian detachments under cover of
darkness reached the slopes on the sides of Veliki outside
this fire zone. Without waiting for reinforcements they
scaled the sides, surprised the enemy and after a brief
encounter with bayonets and daggers captured the Aus
trian battery. The victors signalled news of their suc
cess to their waiting comrades below and then turned the
captured guns on the Austrian trenches to the east.
In the fighting southeast of Goritz, Italian infantry
charged over a wide area, which had been flooded by the
Vertoibilla river. At some places they advanced to the
attack in water waist deep, holding their rifles high above
their heads.
It is estimated here that 100,000 Austrian troops are
defending the Isonoz lines now under attack by Cadorna.
Several Austrian battalions have been practically wiped
out of existence.
... Rumanian Stand Firm.
Bucharest, Nov. 4 Following the Ru-
: mnniuns' successful resistance- on their
northwestern frontier, the Germana
; yesterday attacked on the whole Dob
rudja line ai'ter several days' lull in
ilac.kensen ' operations.
On the right wing, resting on the
Danube, the Rumanians repulsed all at-
, tacks. The Rumanian left wing first
Jrrwe back the enemy but Inter was com
pelled to yield ground slightly.
The renewal of the attack in Dob-
rudjn, however, is believed here to be
only a feint to conceal the shifting of
Oermnn troops to the Trnusylvanian
front. It is estimated that the Ger
mans must send five fresh divisions in
to Transylvania to fill gaps made in
I heir lines in their last offensive and
to add enough strength to enable Fal
Kenlinyn to make further progress.
The Germans have lost heavily in the
Teeent fighting around Vulkan Puss and
nutb of Bed Tower Pass-
Germans Hold Positions.
Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, I.. I.,
Nov.. 4. Repulse of euemy attacks on
both the Soinme and Verdun fronts wero
leported by the war office today.
"Hostile attacks on tho Sommo front
were preceded by violent artillery duels,
lint were, however, carried out in only
light fashion northwest of Courcelette
nd in the sector of Guedecourt-T.es
Boucfs and were repulsed. Nino hostile
aeroplanes were shot down in air en-
Kiiui-meiiis nna oy aerensive cannon.
- ' "nun tront hostile fire in
Votes are goia' t' be unusually high
this fall, many of our independent citi
zens even refusin' t' give an option. Ho
nuu expiawu is lost.
NO. 237
creased considerably in the afternoon
against our positions east of the Aleuse.
French advances between Douaumont
aud Fort Vaux failed." .
Quiet On West Front.
Paris, Nov. 4. Intermittent cannon
ading occurred last night on the Hom
me front and in the region of Forts
uounumout and v aux on the northeast
ern front of Verdun, it was officially
announced today, but there were no im
portant infantry activities.
Each Side Supremely Confi
dentRoosevelt to Rank
As "Has Been"
New York, Nov. 4. The business of
preparing the American voter for exer
cise of his choice as to the next presi
dent of the United Mates will come to
a close today. Snturduy night marks
the official end of the campaign a free
for all scramble for votes that has been
marked, first by the most strenuous
stumping tour a candidate ever took:
second, by re-nuion, manifested by a
great many leaders, at leust, of the two
wiuirs of renitlilt,,,wi.. .1.... e
n- - ............. 1Uui lOUr
years ago; third, by raising of the issue
Doth rteiimprnta a.1 ....l.i:A
ivpuuiH-uiiB lire
supremely confident of victory. Both
great parties wound up the campaign
with a flood of advertising in the news
papers throughout the country, which in
volume hua never hAn v..nudAJ i.
litical history; and tonight will burn
.an mi ure ana spell tne final
Words nf nrnhtit-t. hnfnM hA .:..
of victory Tuesday night. I
i-i-esiuent Wilson said bis last sny at
Shadow Ijiwn nn "nM a..,, it
Charles E. Hughes scattered his parting i
'ujuuuiiuiis iv voters in six speeches
here in New York; five In afternoon
gutherings and the lust and crowning
effort at nieht in Mn.li Mi 1 11 Knnni-a 12a.
Hen Tl,i l.lfa. B..AAk - .A i. . ,
-climax of a great republican demonstra
tion paraues, reu lire, banners, yells
and cheers.
nf th .!,.. ...:. ' ,., ,
1 n"ruiilB lur prrniuf mini
honors, the prohibition randidate. J
I'm..!, u .. .. I .. , ,. ...
. iuu iiamv, cumpieies uis appeal lor
votes in his horn city of Indianapolis,
and Allan Benson, socialist candidate,
sjieaks in Louisville. Benson has one
more speech after the officinl close of
the campaign in Milwaukee tomorrow.
Probably 42,000,000 will change hands
( Continued on page nine.)
"If WE
Twenty-four Killed
In Mine Explosion
Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 4. Nine
whit men and fifteen negroes lost their
lives today in a gas explosion in the
Bessie mine of tho ftloss-Sheffield Iron
company, twenty miles west of here.
The cause of the explosion mav nev
er be known. Five men, half a mile in
tho mine, hearing the explosions, cover
ed their heads with their shirts aud
got out safely.
Two bodies, minus heads, have been
taken out and rescuing parties are af
ter the others.
- This is the second explosion in two
weeks in this district, eight men be
ing killed -in the Marvel mines of the
Roden Coal company October 22.
Senator Chamberlain Predicts
Wilson VictoryIs a Red
hot Finish
Portland, Ore., -Nov. 4. With both re
publicans and democrats claiming Ore
gon, the most exciting presidential cam
paign this state has seen for years drew
to a close today.
benntor Chamberlain, returning after
a two weeks' stumping in behalf of Wil
son, will address a democratic mass
meeting here tonight.
"southern Oregon is strong for the
president and the northern part of the
state is swinging into line," asserted
Chamberlain. "Oregon's electoral votes
will be cost for Wilson."
Governor Withycombe and Represen
tative McArthur will do the talking at
the Hughes rally here tonight-
Mate Senator Dan Kelleher, who help
ed organize the progressive party in thisj
state, is on nana lor the Until lire
works. 'Wilson's side is making the noise,"
he said today, "but Hughes' side will
do the voting. Hughes will carry Ore
gon. This prediction is based on a care
ful scrutiny of conditions in all coun
Mrs. E. B. Hanley of Medford, who
campaigned the state for Hughes in
whirlwind style, concluded her fight
with a speech at Kugene last night and
today went home to her ranch. Hhe
gained the title of the "Billy SSunday"
of politics on account of her oratorical
slang on the platform.
Mrs. llnnley's tour left a wake of
bitter comment from both sides. Ia her
speeches she never failed remark on the
near-riots which marked the appearance
of women from the Hughes campaign
special in Portland.
Republicans and democrats alike rush
ed to seize Portland school houses for
the final pyrotechnics tonight- All the
larger buildings will be' occupied by
speakers for Hughes or Wilson, while
the big rival mass meetings are in full
swing downtown.
Both Claim California,
fan Francisco, No. 4. After a week
of concerted effort throughout the
( Continued on page nine.)
,V WW X . v
i i I I .1 i - . jl r sm- Turn
or .- ,
coutixLcaa -
Had Only Had a Woodrow
Group Tied Together Marched
to CemeteryMen Quiet
But Boy Sobbing
More Than 200 Have Been
Executed On Spot Since
Rebellion Began
El Psbo, Texas, Nov. 4 Colonel Eo
sario Garcia, Villista leader, and two
of his followers were executed at day
break at Juarez today. Before facing
the firing squad, Garcia made a long
speech declaring he was not a Villista
but a constitutionalist and asked what
ever government survived to care for
his family. One of the bandits waa a
boy of only 17 years old.
Shortly after dawn, the three men,
tied together with ropes, were silently
marched up the long hill to the famous
execution place in a desolate cemetery
on top of a hill back of town. Only a
small group of men, some women and
awed children from neighboring houses
witnessed the executions.
The motely group Blouchcd out in
front' of the adobe houses where more
than 300 executions have taken place
since the Mexican revolutions began.
The captain of the guard handed Garcia
his death warrant to sign. He read it
aloud and sat down in the sand to sign
it on his knee. The two other men sat
down anl the boy began to sob quietly.
After signing the denth warrant, Unrcia
wrote a long letter. Home of the firing
squad bet-jCme tired, sat down and drew
their scarlet serapes about their should
ers. When Garcia had finished his letters
he rose and walked over in front of the
mud wall. The two others followed-
The firing squad rose and ranged them
selves at equaf distances opposing the
bandits. Uarcia then threw his hat
aside and began a speech in which he
declared he was not a v ilusta.
Suddenly he ceased speaking and aat
down with his back against the adobe
wall. The other two also sat down.
The firing squad seemed surprised. Then
Garcia pulled his shirt aside.
"Shoot me in the heart, brothers,"
he said.
At a sharp command, 10 nia users roar
ed and the three forms crumpled. Anoth
er volley was fired and the captain then
walked along the line with his revolver
ami gave the "tirio de gracia" (mercy
shot; through the bead.
L .
'I I. i
Wilson I
Woodburn, Ore.,' Nov. 4.
, Three stores herevwero looted
by burglars today .and one safe -
robbed. The prowlers scattered .
- torn paper, knives, razors and
other discarded articles in the
street. Forcing the safe in Lan-
dron's hardware establishment,
the burglars carried its inner
safety deposit box to the rail-
road yards and opened it. The
box contained only pennies and
dime. it
Washington and U. of 0. Each
Mourns In Advance
Over Defeat
Eugene, Ore., Nov. 4. Among those
present in Eugene today for the Oregon
Washington football zamo waa Mr. J.
Pluvius, and ne vrougnt his little
sprinkler along.
Hundreds of rooters and visitors
awoke in an eager mood, only to find
rain rumbling on the shingles. The grid
iron resembled The Great Dismal
But, although the day was cold and
dark and dreary, Graduate Manager
Tiffany, of Oregon, told his soul fo be
still and cease repining for behind the
cloud was a Bilver lining. This silver
lining consisted of the fact that near,
ly all grandstand and bleacher seats
were sold out in advance, aud they had
to carry away the money in a hack, it
being too heavy to tote.
Washington took its final trial spin
last night, working out on Kincaid field
so as to get used to its peculiarities,
A wind had dried the surface fairly
well. Several wagonloads of sawdust
were dumped on the sidelines today. It
was to be smeared over the turf at the
last minnteif necessary. i
Formal protests against John Persons, I
speedy Oregon back, failed to material- i
ize at a series of comfabs between the I
rival managers. He will play. Shy or, untcr Demonstration oemo
Huntington is depended on to win the ! ttt hr.e V,'?0 !nK inrf,bf.d ))
game by his place kicking, should Wash
ni.l.l Waal.. I
ington's line prove impregnable. The
slow field is conceded to give Washing
ton the advantage, as Oregon 's fast men
can't get a speedy footing.
Bezdek of Oregon, engaged in a gloom
l oach Uil Dobie of Washington, and
contest this mornuing, both predicting
uereat tor their own forces, but an in
nocent bystander noticed both gentle-
ment kept their fingers crosesd. Dobie
has not met defeat for 13 years. Wash
ington has not lost a coast game for
eight years- And the Oregon team is tho
strongest football machine Eugene has
seen 'for many moons. On paper dope
it should beat Washington it least 15
. i .
- m - I All the headquarters work is complete
After cutting all wire leading into d publicity men are sending their
Okotoks, weggmen dynamited the Mer-1 1 broadsides out today. Responsi
chants' bank there and escaped' with lity now shift, toward captain, for
British Ships Connemara and Retriever Smash Together
in Storm One Member of Retriever's Crew Miraculous
ly Saved To Tell of Disaster-Boats Smashed by Terrific
Seas Fast as Lowered Bodies Already Washing Ashore
London, Nov. 4. From 90 to 100 per
sons perished when the steamer Conne
mara nf the Loudon and Northwestern
company collided with the steamer Re
triever during a storm off Carlingford
lough last night, according to latest es
timates this aftornoon.
It was first feared that upward of
300 lives had been lost- Only one sur
vivor was accounted for. A check of
the number of passengers and crews car
ried by the wireless lowered the esti
mate of the casually list.
The Connemara carried 51 passengers
and a crew of 30 men. The Retriever's
crew numbered iii. xt is not leriniiely
known whether passengers were aboard
the Retriever, but revised figures put
the total number aboard the two Bhips
at not more than 100.
' By Ed L. Keen.
First Story of Wreck.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London, Nov. 4. One hundred per
sons are believed to have perished in the
sinking of the small British steamers
Connemara and Retriever after a col
lision in the Irish sea last night.
Only one survivor is reported thus far.
A imtn named Boyle, a member of the
Retriever's crew, miraculously escaped
death. He brought back the story of
the greatest sea disasted since the sink
ing of the Lusitaoia and prevented the
disappearance of the two ships with
their passengers and crews from be
coming an untold sea mystery.
Only fragmentary reports of the dis
aster had reached London this after
noon. From these account It appears
that the Connemara of the London and
Northeastern railway line left Greenore,
Ireland, about dusk yesterday evening
for Hollyhead, England, and collided;
with the inward 'bound steamer Retriev
er a few miles off the Irish coast.
The Connemara was carrying 61 pas
sengers. So far as known here not one
of them was an American.
Leaving Greenore, the ferry steamer
ran into the tip of a violent hurricane.
Plunging along through the darkness
and storm, with even greater difficulty,
the smaller Retriever, inbound for her
home port of Newry, in Carlingsford
lough, crashed into the Connemara.
Whether the Retriever carried passen
gers is not known. Apparently few of
the Connemara 'a passengers had retired
when the collision occurred.
Crews of both steamers apparently
Women In Every Illinois Dis
trict Have Torchlight
Chicago, Nov. 4.: With waving of
red light torches aud blaring of brass
bauds, the campaign will come to a spec
tnculnr close in the mid-west tonight
Both parties are making all possible
noise to attract the "silent"' vote,
which is to swing the election.
Managers of both parties say the mid
dle west will give the answer Tues
day. Torchlight parades will be held in ev
ery Illinois district by women tonight,
Stump speeches and rallies will
faed by the leaders of the national
woman 'a party. A big Hughes parade
l. to wind through Chicago's business
mnct ims aiternoon Deuma urass
h?.wl,1,nB wTd be,eI;, a,"1 fl"l,t"
recuing aiony runner, incie nam, miss
uoiumuia ana tne . u. r. eiepnaui.
Th'rty thousand are expected to march,
Bough riders from the stock yards will
111 'ine' , . ..
AU II liauili - u 11. hue tut,
route of the houses parade. Police hnve
been warned to be ready and will also
line the route
Chicago scenes will be depulicate in
scores ot cities throughout the west to
daX n.d tn'Kht- ?r" "'i"'.lin. "P
a whirlwind campaign through his home
state that he believes will line up Ne
braska for Wilson.
Both republican and democraic west
ern campaign managers have shot their
bolt and are on their toes awaiting the
result. Most desks at national headquar
ters are locked and dozens of girls who
have been flooding the mails with liter-
;" lePt ,ate todaJr for ,be fir,t time
I in weeks.
getting out the vote.
National headquarters of the social
! Ml I II1F
tried to launch the boats. Seaport town
near the scene of the disaster report
ed the sea tossing so violently last night
that it was doubtful if a single boat
was gotten over by either steamer. It
appears certain that any boat put over
either was crushed against the steamer's
side or capsized and wua sucked down in
the boiling waters.
The first bodies wero washed up
along the County Down coast, just north
of CarlingYord 16ugh. At the offices of
the London and Northwestern railway
it is feared that, excepting Boyle, every
man aboard both vessels perished.
Hurricane Waa Raging.
London, Nov. 4 The British steam
ers Connemara and Retriever collided
off Carlingford lough, 50 mile north of
Dublin in the Irish sea. It is feared
that 100 persons perished.
A Lloyds dispatch from Belfast re
ported that some bodies have washed
ashore on the County Down coast.
The collision occurred shortlv after
the Connemara left Greenore and was
near the Irish coast. An official an
nouncement on the sinking said only
one survivor has thus far been- report-"
The Connemara carried 51 passengers,
all of whom perished. A man named
Boyle, a member of the Retriever's crew
is the only known survivor.
A hurricane was blowing and made it
impossible to launch the boats, Doyle
The Connemara was bound frora
Greenore, a small town ot the headland
of Carlingford lough with passengers
for Holly Head, England, where they
expected to make rail .connections.
The two vessels collided last night in
ibe "darkness. . The first reports, indi
cated that the vessels went down in a
very few minutes before ; the boats
could be gotten over.
The Connemara was a small steamer
of 833 tons built in 18M7 for the ol.s
don t Northwestern railway for ferry
service in the Irish sea. ' Hue was 2J:t
feet long and had a 35 foot beaia. - Her
port of registry was Dublin.
There are three British steamers
named Retriever, all smaller than the
Connemara. The vessel in collision was
probably the 450 ton steamer Retriever
registered at Newry.
Greenore lies 50 miles north of Dub
lin and is near the entrance to Carling
ford lough. The railway town of Newrr
lies at the northern end of the lough.
Argentine Rains Put
Wheat Down Seven Cents
Chicago, Nov. 4 Wheat opened lower
today and failed to regain thu lose duo
to reports that the Bucnob Aires mar
ket closed seven cents lower yester
day. At the opening there was general
selling. Decern br, which opned 1 1-2
below yesterday's close, dropped 7 8 to
$1.82 7-8 today. May opened down 1 3-4
and closed up 1-4 at $1.H4. July open
ed down 1 1-8 and closed up 7 8 at L
18 1-4.
Corn was weak and the arrival of new
corn stimulated commission bouse selling;
and a fair amount of liquidation,
opening was slightly below yesterday's
close, December closed down 1-8 at
83 7-8 and May was down 1-4 at 87 1-2.
Oats were lower following the trend
in wheat. December was unchanged
at 53 3-4,- a drop of 1-4 below yester
day's close. May was down 1-4 at 57 1-8.
ists and prohibitionists In Chicago ware
putting on the finishing touches to the
greatest minority fights in political his-
ltoth socialists and prohibitionists are
looking for tho largest vote in the his
tory of their parties. Each forecasts
nearly 2,000,000 votes.
Nine congressmen . and one United
States senator ore the winners the so
cialists hope for. This includes the re
election of Meyer London, congressman
from New York. The prohibitionists are
hopeful of five congressmen and one
United States senator.
Oregon: ' To
night and Bun
day occasional
rain, cooler east
portion; south
westerly winds,
fresh along the
just mTV
. J L ; ; ; ; ; -