SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1916. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Bate per word New Today i ' Each insertion, per word le Qb week ( insertions), per word Se One month(28 insertions) per word 17 The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertismenta. Bead your advertisements the first day t appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 13c. FIR WOOD For sale. Phone 53F3. iiov3 TBE8PA88 Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tl HARBY Window clcanor. Phone 768. novll ORDERS FILLED For homo made apple butter at 365 N. High. tf WANTED Girl wants general house work. Phone 2500.14. nov3 FURNISHED IlouseJieopliig rooms, The Gem, 160 Union St. nov3 FURNISHED Apartments, also barn suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage. WE HAVE Buled hay and oats for sale. George Sweigle, Garden road, tf TOE BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap Hal Journal office. tl BOABD And room at 280 N. High home cooking. novii lOTATOEa WANTED Phone 203 or call 220 N. Liberty, nov2 GET PRICES On farm sale bills at The Journal office. FURNITURE Of 10 room house for sale. 401 South High. nov3 FOR SALE Bicycle and boy's over coat. 404 South High. nov2 WANTKD Eat and freah cows. 1425 M. nov FOR SALE Hamltiomo new plush cont never worn, i-lione 633. nov2 FOR SALK Baled hay and baled straw Hubbard farm, Salem. novll WILL THE PARTY Who took the boy '8 wagon from 160 Court street return samef No questions asked. If WAXTED Driving horse and buggy for the winter's care. Route 7, box 202. nov2 CORN H USHERS Wanted, on shares, with teams, also want !i stock hogs. Phone evenings 8F23. W. Sttuet. no3 LOST Pair wheel chains for Ford truck, please notify Capital City Transfer Co. nov2 WOMAN COOK With boy of 5, wonfs work in camp. Write Mrs. H. E. Dow ney. Corvallis, Or. nov6 OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf WANTED A position as nurse girl. Phone 1810. nov7 GOOD TEAM To trade Phono 34F21. for auto 9IX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments 5. worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. novlO FOR SALE Or trade auto in good running condition. Salem Garage, 660 N. Capitol. Phone 1010. ov8 EXPERIENCED GIRL Wishes gener al housework. Phone 2061 beforo 7:30 this evening. novl SMALL RESTAURANT On Court St. to trade for Ford auto. H. A. John son & Co. novo !IX)B SALE Byfycle, call evenings, 209 8. 10th St. nov2 ('HAS. B. HODGK1N- Insurance, sure ty bonds, real estate, rentals. 301 Hubbard bldg. Phone 386. deel nov2 UUW WA.M'au rresn jersey prerer- reil, guaranteed gentle, not over i years, Must give 4 gallons. Stute price, (irote, box 5n routoS. nov2 flOAT MEAT For sale, first class on ly 5e per lb. at O. K. Grocery store, delivered in city. nov 4 ; TOR RENT 3 well furnished Iiouso keeping rooms, 694 N. Commercial. Phone 2454 W. nov2 rilONE 200 Whon you have wood awing to be dono, all work guaran teed, Jim Rogers. nov24 BET YOUB Trespass Notices, now supply of cloth ones at Cup'tul Jour nsi tf 1'OB SALE A good team, suitable for delivery, driving or saddle and single and double set driving harness and double set heavy harness; also 2(1 thoroughbred Minorca chickens. Phone 764.1. nov3 II AVE. CLIENT Wanting $2000 at 6 per cent for five years, on farm se en ii. v. No expense to lender. John II. Scott, 404 Hubbard building. nov4 WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk cows, must be fresh now or soon, none but parties owning choice cows need call. Thone 1431 or 491. tf MONEY TO LOAN On second hand men's clothing, jowolry, musical in struments, tools, guns, etc. Also bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex change, 337 Court St. Phone 493. nol7 FOR SALE At a bargain, if taken at once, 1 work team; 4 milk cows, 2 to freshen soon; 2 yearling heifers; sow iiikI four pigs; farm wngon; single buggy; heavy harness; single harness. Route 6, box 119. nov4 SENATOR LODGE SAYS NOTHING MORE 10 SAY Says the President Having Denied Story He Must Be Believed North Adams, Muss., Nov. 2. Sen ator Lodge, speaking here lust night, made the following statement: 'Tho president of the United States has denied that there was auy post-. Bridge Restrictions May Be Enforced With the view of being as easy as possible on the Salem bridge I. L. Pat terson, folk county's representative, has made the following recommenda tions to County Judge Bushey of Marion: 1. That the bridge be planked lengthwise, thus removing a good deal of the vibration. 2. That traffic be restricted to one direction onlv, at one time. Mr. Pat terson would make certain periods, ten, 15 or 20 minutes, for traffic to uass over the bridge, west, and then the same period, to . pass over the bridge, east. 3. That the maximum load be re duced still further. 4. That the 'nresent restrictions as to the Lusitauia note und we I , .iintnnc between vehicles be con- the distance in- script nil Kn I ...... ...... ... th. .... o.c ,i uuuuu, i,i u r,-,, " tinned and perhaps Ihd HHWiiInn, il.k.iiiil mat .1 a li .1 .m.buu1 - 1 ,,' , V J"l """""creased, it, said the senator. n. That tclei.hones be installed on I need hardly sav that I would noti.. i.:.i.. ,,. ..;.,, :., ,.,,,,i,,f ;,, willingly bring an unfounded eliarg" jrttffc In this way Mr. Patterson hopes tho bridge may be kept open for tiaf fie until tho new bridge is ready. Feeling over the danger of the bridge is arising throughout the two counties and it is believed that Polk county will not be permitted to longer delay the construction. Marion coun ty's fund has been available for the pust vear and hna not been touched; Polk "county raised 7 1,000 last year for the iiiter-countv bridge but the court has already used part of this M CLUB IS AFTER MORE MEMBERS Begins Campaign to Bring Membership Up To An . Even 1000 against anyone, high or low, and it misled into doing so I should be quick to retract it. The president makes one mistake. The statement which he char acterizes as untrue, that there was such a postscript, was not mine, but was made by Mr. Breckenridge, a for mer assistant secretary or wur, ac cording to the evidence of two inde pendent witnesses, both gentlemen of high churn i' tor, responsibility und ve racity, and Mr. Breckenridge was m a position to know, if, ns he is reported. to have said, he hail seen the postscript "Bearing in mind the public anil hitherto iincontrovcrted fact that Mr. Bryan had informed the Austro-Huu- guriun ambassador that the strict ac countability note of May 15 meant nothing, which fact was at once cabled by the ambassador to Berlin, it seemed to me that Mr. Breckenridge s state ment as testified to by two independ ents ought properly to be laid before the public." Mexican Duties Are Almost Prohibitive Juarez, Mcx., Nov. 2. A new scale of duties on imports into Mexico went into effect today, under a decree issued re cently by First Chief Carranza. Duties on many staples, including food and clothing, have been raised to almost prohibitive figures and it wns predicted today importation of some articles would be stopped altogether. lhc duty on oats, of which largo quan tities are being shipped to the Amer ican expedition, has been raised to $7.- o(l per ton. Wheat, corn and hnv, how- over, are free. The heaviest duties hnve been placed on milk at 20 cents per kilo (2 1-2 pounds); 10 cents per kilo on soap and flour and 20 cents per kilo on canned meats. FOB A MUDDY COMPLEXION Take Chamberlain's Tablets and a lopt a diet of vegetables and cereals. Take outdoor exerciso daily and your complexion will be greatly improved within a few months. Try it. Obtainable overywliero. Pendleton Normal School Proven Necessity (Copied (rem Portland Oregonlan.) MONMOUTH, Ore., June 26. The Oregon Normal school opened this week . . . students enrolled 781, largest on record for itate Normal In Oregon .... how to care for large student body a problem .... 800 belug crowded into auditorium with seating ca pacity of 660. Oallertes filled with extra chairs In aisles. More than 160 student seated on platform. New boarding houses completed, addition to room ing bouses built and tents used. One hundred girls sleep on upper floor ot school. The official school report gives 160 grade pupils la Monmouth, for teacher practice. Read what thost you have . elected to handle the affairs of your Btate and who are thoroughly informed regarding school conditions in Oregon have to say concerning measure 308 on the ballot at the coming election: By Jama Wlthycombs, Governor of Oregon: "Oregon ta tinqusstlonubly In used vf miiru normal school work and. Fondlin Is tha logical pluce for a school of tRIs clt In Iftisurn Orgon. By J. A. Churchill, State Superintendent of Public Instruotlen: "I trust that th votara of (In Slats will assist In raising (ha standard of our schools by nstabllnhlng a blata Normal School at Pandltlon." By P. L. Campbell, President of the University of Oregon: "At least ens additional Normal School la urgently aaaded In Oregon." By W. J. Kerr, President of the Oregon Agricultural College: "Hlnca tha paopta of Pandlaton ara Intituling n measure for tha establishment of a Normal Scboul at that place, II wilt give ma plaaaura to support this measure." By J. H. Ackerman, President Oregon Normal School, at Monmouth: "A careful analysis of the situation will convince any one that Oregon needa a Normal ttchool In Eastern Ore gon and Pendleton (Ills all tha government requirements." By the County School Superintendents of Oregon: "Heaolved. that It Is the sense of the County School SuperlnlondeiKs of (he S(ata uf Otcgon, In convendon assembled, that the best Interests of tho schools of the titata demand Increased facilities (or the (raining of teauhore, aud (hat we, (here (ore. eadoraa (he Initiative moaaure to establish a Normal School at Pendleton." By Mr. Charles H. Castner, President of tho Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs: "I most heartily endorse tha loeatlen ot aald Normal School at Pendleton." Prof. Robert C. French, Former President of tho Normal Sohool Located at Weston: "An Immediate establishment of such a school at soma raatral point audi as Pendleton would proee a great aaset ta tha State of Oregon." B. F. Mulhay, Ex-President Southern Oregon Normal School: "I shall support tha location al an Kastarn Oregon Normal Bchool at Pendleton." State Board of Regents of Oregon Normal School declares that "the necessity for additional Normal school facilities iu Oregon is apparent." -Portluiul Chamber of Commerce endorses measure 308 and say Pendleton most logicul location for Nor mal school in Eastern Oregon. 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR YOUR children Kastern Oregon 8tle Normal Schwil Committee. (Paid Adv.) Iiy J. It. (iwlnn. Secy., Pendleton, Ore. I NEW TODAY WANTKD- 4.-P14. -A good carpenter. fund for other bridges, roads and fer- j Commercial club. . . . . it 1 M ' A Q YY fB J rics. When Polk is reaily .Marion win be waiting . ' Railroad Hearing Set for November 24 Friday, November 24, has been set when tlie railroad commission will hold a hearing of the railroads of the state of Oregon regarding demurrage nnd re ciprocal demurrage, as the sume affect Oregon intrastate traffic. The commis sion states in its notice to the railrods that it is satisfied grounds exist to war rant a hearing being ordered to deter mine whether such rules nnd regula tions as are now in force are reason able or unreasonable, adequate or in adequate, or in any way unjustly dis criminatory, to the end that is such rules and regulations nie found to be unreasonable that an order may be made fixing and prescribing such rules as may be reasonable and just. The hearing will be held in tho court house in Portland at 10:30 o'clock in the morning. President Wires to California Club Los Angeles, Cat., Nov. 2. President Wilson extended his campaign to Cal ifornia today in a telegniin to the Wood row Wilson Independent League here in which he called upon California to support the democratic party. The telegram rend:" election is to tie With the whirlwind membership cam paign of the Commercial club just twenty five per cent over at noon to day a comparison of the various com mittee reports showed 42 new members, the rejuvenation of 40 memberships which hail lapsed und the payment of I !)0 in dues. This afternoon many of tho commit tees are working, as it wns decided at noonday luncheon at the Marion that the work should go on this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon instead of for tnreo hours in each torenoon as wasT ungiiiuiiy piauneii. That the mark of 2110 memberships set as the goal before the campaign started will be easily passed by to morrow night is predicted by those in charge. Chairman Rotlgers is giutified at the progress made thus fur and feels that the response given by the citizens of Maleni shows a lively interest in the city's welfare and in the work of the M A Visit to the Kafoury Bros. Daylight Store will be interesting f Hv test of this determined that tpiestion of whether seen to it that the visitors will be well Teams Are Hustling, Scurrying in and out of doors, hustl ing through the big office buildings nnd whirling around the suburbs in an tos, some eighty of Salem's leading citizens today began the two days' cam paign of the Commercial club to bring its membership of eight hundred up to an even thousand. (icorge P. Kodgers, chairman of the central campaign committee, is direct ing the campaign and is personally do ing much to line up new members. He has thirteen lieutenants under him, each of whom eoininuiids a detail of seven men. To each of the thirteen tennis were given cards containing the names nnd addresses of prospective members. The entire city has been charted and routes laid out which will permit of the great est efficiency in getting around. The campaign is scheduled to end tomor row noon when a luncheon will be serv ed at the Morion similar to that given today. With the finish of the campaign to day for new members and the public reception tomorrow night nt the Hotel Marion the first annual "Sulem Week" will officially end. Tt began Sunday last. Charles K. Miller, mnnnger of the Marion Hotel, has made preparations to royally welcome the people of Sa lem nt the house warming Friday night. The occasion signalizes the formal opening of the splendid new annex to the hotel which became a necessity on account of increasing business. Pretty near everyone in the city will be at the hotel for the reception. Mus ical entertainment has been provided for by .Vlniinner Miller anil he has also Phono nov3 BAKBKH WANTKD 110 S. High St. nov4 GIRL OH WOMAN Wanted for gen eral housework. Phone o.lr2J. nov4 SECOND II AND Lumber and corru gated roofing wanted. Phone TOKIl. nov4 APPARTM KNTS For rent, desirably located, partly furnished, reasonable rent. Phone :i7(i. tf WANTKD Men and women to patch sacks. II, Steiubock Junk Co., 302 312 N. Com 'I. novl WILL.THK PAHTV Who took the boy 's wngon from 100 Court street return same! No questions asked, tf Iho United States can go forward with J equnl courage, faith and self possession in the paths of adjusting her laws to the needs of humanity and progress or .1.-Lt ..I.- i ..K.. mill wueiuer sue muni nii' ai n .... - repeatedly collect her forces afresh by successive stages or more anu more revolutionary reaction against class and privilege. The country will, T am sure, look with confidence to the peo ple of tho great state of California to once more vindicate their claims to belong unmistakably to the forces of progress by sustaining the democratic party the only party now known to be organized for the triumph of. these forces. (Signed) "WOODROW WILSON" taken care of in the line of refreshments. Just Arrived: New Wirthmor Waists in extra sizes These Waists were designed for the larger size women in sizes 48, 50 and 52--and by them can be worn most becomingly. As Wirthmore Waists in regular sizes, they are priced at just $1.00, and as everyone must realize they're worth much more. Dress-Up Week KAFOURY BROS. 416 STATE STREET THE STOKE FOR THE PEOPLE MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. WE PAY POSTAGE, ON MAIL ORDERS FOR SALF. 2 yearling sows, title to t arrow in January. Price $20 each. Phone tleo. Rniusden, HSF2I. nov4 TAKKN" I'P Ronn pony, star on foro- Steel Stocks Climb In Very Active Market New York, Nov. 2. The New York Kvening Sun financial review today said: Tinted States Steel common and pre ferred were conspicuously the leaders of the market, trading in the common wns brisk, that issue advancing to a new high record price for all time at 122'A. while preferred toucneo, i;., me i Wheat Climbs Back Is Quoted Above $1.85 Chicago, Nov. 2. Wheat showed a 1 sharp recovery today after a heavy do-' dine yesterday, due chiefly to closin.f out sales. Buying again became goner-1 al when the market opened nt yester-. day's prices and steady gains were' inntle, tlespite reports of rain in Argen- j tine and indications that some Austra lian wheat would be marketed in the, United States. December was up over today's opening 2 7-8 nt $M 8-H; May: up :t 5-8 nt ifl..S" 5-8 and July up 2 3-8 j at 1.4fl :i-8. I Corn had a good recovery on general , commission house buying. December was up 2VJ at Xliii and Mnv up I 3-8 at 88 1-8. I Oats were easy and failed to show the gains along with the other grains. December was tip 5-8 at 54 1-8 and Mny up ono at 58, Provisions were lower on account ot a grenter amount of stop-loss orders. DressUp Week Makes It necessary for clean and proper Laundry. Our electric process accomplishes that and mora. It doubles the life of your linen. See two shirts at Joe Hains' Store, 305 State street, after 60 tripe to the Salem Steam Laundry; can hardly be told from new Bhirts of the same pattern. It is a good time to change your laundry and let us have that, new linen, and get the best work to be had It costs no more. Salem Steam Laundry Co. PHONE 25 OLDEST, LARGEST, BEST head, 2 white hind legs, brand XI on i highest level this year. The minor steel left shoulder, Jesse Treisch, Rt. 4, 1 shares like Lackawanna and Republic box 112D. nov were likewise strong and Bethlehem . : Steel moved forward to a record price TKN" ACRKS Land for sale, located; also at $070, 25 points abovo the el- 4' miles southwest of Salem. If sold hv" Monday, $W0 cash will take it. ciill at 2(i"i S. ISth St. nov4 WANTKD Man to work in bam and nesiliiv closing. All of the equipment nnd specialty issues joined in the movement with vigor and the certificates of the Mer- untile Marine were liKewise strong. milk 12 to 15 cows, lihoiie 14H7 or call Knilrnml shares were more restrained at Pinckney Bros, duiry, west end although most of the leading issues in of steel bridge. nov4 j that department ruled firm. in tlie late session ironing us n- FOR SALF, Brown Leghorn rooster; what quieter and an easier trend in 40 bushel client feed; 2 young Po- prices was noted. Steel receded frac bind China boars, Blood Royal breed. ! tionally and Crucible Steel declined a W. 11. Humphreys, Jr., Shaw, Ore., phone 22 F5. ' nov4 ECZEMA Also Called Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pruri tus, Milk Crust, Water Poison, Weeping Skin, etc I believe eczema can be cured' to stay. I menu just what V sny C V R-K IV anil NOT merely patched up to return a gain. Remember, I make this statement after handling nearly a half million cases or eczema ami ucvoiing i. years of my life to its treatment. I don't care what all you have' used nor how many doctors have told you that you could not be cured, all 1 ask is just a point or more. United States industrial Alcohol yielded four points from the day's high. Canada's Homes Devastated by War This is an extract from a letter writ ten bv Miss Nell llollenbeck, sister of Mrs. 1). A. Unripe of this , city, to a friend. Miss llollenbeck has but re cently gone, to Cornwall, Canada, to spend tho winter. "Everything: is war here. You out in Oregon have not u ghost of an idea what the people here are passing thru There is scarcely a home in this town thut hns not a son or sons and a hus band away iu the thick of it. More are enlist .ig and going all the time. 4000 luiiu... tn i.rnvn mv uliiiins I f roii wrile i are-on (heir way over seas now. one me TODAY, I will send vou'a FREE I hundred fifty four passed thru here en TRIAL of mild, soothing, guaranteed I route Saturday night, so many were treatment that will surely convince you as it has nie. If you are disgusted and discouraged, J dare you to give me a chance to prove my claims. By writ ing me today I believe you will enjoy more real comfort than you really thought this world held for yon. Just try it, and. 1 feel sure you will agree with me. Dr. J. E. OANNADAY, 335 Court Blk., Sednlia Mo. References: Third National Bank, Se dalia, Mo.' Send this notice to some eczema sufferer. ADVERTISED LETTERS Miller Estate May disappointed in not seeing their boys; mothers, wives and sweethearts, all out at the det. They did not allow the liovs to leave the train. There was weep- iug and some fainting iu the crowd, but war is war as well here as over at the front and rules are enforced to the letter. Kve rv of my tricmls seems to be knitting, hut I said 1 would make band aires and dressing instead. "1 will send you a paper some day .lust to let you sec the long casualty list, that comes in our every day a pa- lousness. per. It's dreadful, and how the people i especially valuable. Obtainable every here watch the list." I where. Barker, Mr. Clifford. Brown, Mr. .loo Clayton, Harry Chance, Mr. Mirtell Chniullor, Melvin Emniort, Mr. Chas. Esparcia, Mr. Philip Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. KdJ niinson, 11. K. Hall, Mr. O. V. Ilecker, Mr. Philip Herb, Mrs. U R. Hill, Miss Mavme Hobs, Mr. O. B. Holt, Mildred Jackson, Mrs. Johnnie Jurgcns, Edwin W. KanimlcrJ as. A. Kent, Mrs. Win. 2705 Lee St. (Material Mail Order; Co.) -Lewis, Mr. K. C. Martin, H. O. Miller, Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Miss Loueose MoMthouse, Aden Mnyne, Mr. Victor O'Connor. Mrs. Stella . Perry, Mr. Boy Pettit, Miss Laura Reese, Mr. Harry Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlcj Russell, Joe A. Sands, Mr. P. B. Shoate, Mr. Elgine Smith, Miss Bessie M. Stanton, Miss Argyl Steele, Robert Sweet, Mr. Wm. H. " I Thompson, Mr. Dean Weltv, Mr. Abe AFOI'ST HTCKKSTEIN, P. M. DESPONDENCY When you feel discouraged and de spondent do not give np but take dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you are almost certain to feel all right within a day or two. Despondency is very often due to indigestion aud bil- for which these tablets are mors that the estate consists of land and money to the value of only $20, 000. It was then learned that in 1913. r..... T D i before tho nassago of the inheritanco LidlAJIC IttA I dVHieill law, Miller made a trust deed by which holdings worth 25,000,000 were trans- San Francisco, Nov. 2. California : fererd to his son-in-law and daughter, will fiifht for its share nt tin, full n. i Mr. and Mrs. LoRov Nickcll. who wero tnte of the late Henry Miller, repre-' empowered to sell property to fulfill sentntives of the stato controllers of-'tbe bequests made in Mliler's ..will. ;.... ... . i ii... i !o t i Viw tliia mi- uiiiiuiiui-cii lOOHV, TOtloWIIlg aeC 1 k ""7 nuie!i cuiiieiiu tiiui. nj liirn'ions bv the late cattleman's exee-1 transfer, both the state and federal in- .heritnnce tax claims havo been escaped. CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL EUGENE, SATURDAY, NOV.. 4 University of Washington vs. University of Oregon Reduced round trip fares from all Oregon Electric Stations, November 2, 3 and 4. Return limit Nov. 6. To Eugene,, from Salem ... $2.80 Woodburn 3.50 Quinaby 3.10 Oakville i 1.35 E. Independence... $2.55 Albany 1.75 Orville 2.50 Donald 3.75 FAST, FREQUENT TRAINS J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Ore