Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 02, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1916.
Is the Policy such as Minton China, Haviland & Co.,
Johnson Bros. Dinnerware, Libbey Cut. Glass,
Community Silverware, Heisey Glass, Pyrex Cook
ingware, Universal Percolators and Kitchen Needs,
Jordan AA1 Cutlery
AH 100 Per Cent Trade Value and Satisfaction
Call and inspect these lines.
The Store of Housewares
135 N.Liberty Street Phone 67
Your Appearance
Has much to do with your suc
cess. The "tailormade man" al
ways gets respectful attention,
both in social and business
"The Best in Tailormade"
347 State Street
Marion County Fruit
Growers Invited to
Horticultural Show
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Corvallis, Or., Xov. 2. "I wish to
oxteml a special invitation to Marion
county fruit growers to come and en
joy our liort HHow with us and get
the benefit of our very excellent dis
plays," said Professor C. I. Lewis con
cerning the Third Annual Show to be
held in the men 's gymnasium Friday
evening and Saturday, nest, tompcti
itive exhibits of fruit Brown by gradu
ates, some of whom live iu Marion
county, will be one of the principle
Tho snow will be staged in a repre
sentation of the early Knglish Tudor
garden. It will consist of three groups,
pomology, floriculture, and vegetable
gaifdenuig. 'The man feature of the
pomology display will be a 40x60 ft
-floor map of the United States outlin
!ed in moss, showing the types, variet
lies and amounts of fruit grown in each
state. There will also be apples of dif
jforent varieties from thirty states to
ieomnaro with -the Oregon grown fruit.
(Competitive exhibits from the home
orchards or students will also Do uis
played. Other fruits will be arranged
in baskets designed to show the possi
bilities of fruit decoration both for
the housewife and the merchant.
The central feature of the vegetable
gardening section will be a model green
house showing the types of plants and
methods of production in growing
plants under glass. Another feature of
the display will be market packs of
j leading vegetable products of Oregon
ami district markets. Tne main display
will be grouped about broccoli, Ore
gon's now and promising money vege
table crop.
! Chrvsaiilhemiims will feature the
floral display. This alone says Profes
sor Lewis will be worth to many peo
ple all the sacrifice it requires to come
to the show. Tho decorative possibili
ties of Oregon's ornamental plants will
be exemplified for the benefit of home
makers and home owners,
i "I hope our growers will feel," con
cluded Professor Lewis, "that they can
jcome ami spend the day with us as our
guests and at the same time gain a
; more comprehensive idea of the . vast
a IK! woimeiiiu ussiuiiiin-s ui vit-guu
j horticulture. "
j The washerwoman has a bare-knuckle
! fight for existence.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.
OF paramount importance on tho
calendar for tomorrow night is
tho soiree to bo given at the Ho
tel Marion. Tho affair will mark the
formal oeiiiiig of tho attractive new
annex and every effort is being made
by the management to make it una of
the most delightful events of the week.
Tho evening will bo auspiciously
opened with a dinner, after which the
-floor will bo cleared for dancing.
Many prominent folk already have
Dado reservations for tables, and it is
eaoeeted Hint there also will bo a num
ber of guests from Portland.
Mrs. Ralph Thompson entertained the
members of the Ladies Aid society of
the Islie M. K. church, Wednesday af
ternoon at an enjoyable informal sew
ing bee, at her home on Lincoln street.
Assisting the hostess in serving dain
ty refreshments were Mrs. Klbert
"Thompson and Mrs. Charles Mclntire.
. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown (Vin
nie Wilson) whose wedding occurred
sjecently, Jiave returned from their
merry evening.
! Those participating were: Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Downing, the Misses Doris
and Ruby Allen, llulda Runner, Fern
and Ethel Davis, Gladys and Mary Het
tie, Anna liolson, llnzel Long, Gladys
Page, Fannie Watson, Alice Redding,
llnzel, Peurl and Hculah Walling and
Archie Long, Oeliff Harvey, Everett
Walker, Ernest Moore, Alfred West,
John Carter and J. Walling.
... .
Complimenting Miss Maude I.udo
witz, whose wedding to E. A. Lilly
will take place this month, the Misses
lllnnche Hhindell and Daisy Hawkins
were hostesses for a miscellaneous
shower at their apartments in the Hub
bard building on Monday night.
The rooms were prettily decorated
in keeping with the Hallowe'en season
and the houoree was the recipient of
many useful and pretty gifts.
Those bidden were Miss Bernice
Johnson, Miss Edith Clnxton, the
enough, Fay T cmfwyp shrdlu u u u
Misses Kaniin Putnam, essie Good
enough, Fay Townsend, Edna McClane,
Elizabeth Loreusen, Fay Anthony, Ma
rio Schuman, Daisy Yarley, La Verne
Thomns, Sylvia McDonald, Pearl Col
lins, Hazel Cox, Minnie Dodge, Bessie
Wilson, Belle VarUyy, Edith McFar
land, Anna Lade, Elinor Harting, Ma
bel Jones, Anna Hampton, Laura Me
Loren, Nora Stiver, Ruth Xcedhatn,
Mildred Early and Mina Libby.
At tho Presbyterian church Friday
afternoon at 2:30 o'cIock the annual
praise meeting will be held by the
Woman's Missionary society. Mrs.
Thoxter of Portland will deliver an
llrill, Gladys .lousing, Clarence Shell-1 address and all members of the church
man, Lile Dolen, William Walsh and 'are invited to attend.
honeymoon mid aro at homo to their
One of the merry Hallowe'en parties
of the early week was that given Tues
day night by Miss Kathleen Walsh,
who entertained a group of her class
mates at her home on South Commer
cial street. Tho evening was spent
playing games and music. Readings al
so were given during the evening by
Miss Walsh and Master William Walsli.
Later the party closed" with a llallow
o'en supper.
Those asked were the Misses .lose
ptyene P-ross, Mary Gilbert, Mildred
Gilbert, Jessie Miles. Ethel Hagel. Al
ice Spirling, Francis Spilling, llnttie
Kathleen Walsh.
Wednesday evening the Endeavor so
ciety of the Bungalow Christian church
was entertained at tho home of Miss
Hazel Walling, president of the soci
ety. Hallowe'en stories ami games fol
lowed by refreshments rounded out a
Tomorrow night the members of the
Yeomen lodge will gather at the Moose
hall for their annual home coming. An
interesting progrnmme consisting of
music and speeches has been arranged
for the occasion, which will be closed
with a delightful banquet.
One Dollar
Seems like an insignificant little thing when pitted against
present prices. It's at such a time, when the thrifty
women seeks out the places where a dollar has the great
est purchasing power. We mention a few items to give
you an idea what may be bought HERE for
Extra fine quality 36-inch sheer
Handkerchief Linen, yard ..$1.00
Fine round thread Art Linens, ,6-
inches wide, yard $1.00
Thomson's "Glove Fitting" Cor
sets in several styles.
Extra quality Women's Silk Hose
in blackall sizes.
Women's Union Suits in white and
Team, fleeced.
Rain Proof Umbrellas in large as
sortment of handles.
Bolts and bolts of 40 to 56 inch all
wool Dress Goods in the new Fall
The Logical Place
to Spend Cash
colors, yard $1.00
Plenty of 24 to 26 inch Waist Silks
in good variety, yard $1.00
Forty-inch Silk Net in plain colors,
yard $1.00
Forty-inch Silk Chiffon Cloth in
large assortment of shades, yd $1
Velvet Corduroy, 27 to 29 inch
wide in large range of colors,
yard $1.00
Children's Rain Capes in assorted
sizes, reduced from $1.65 to $1.00
Women's Neckwear in splendid
variety at, yard $1.00
Jimmy Johnston Due to Hit
the Skids in the Very
Near Future
By H. C Uaru: ton
(United Press staff eorrespondenO
New York, Nov. 2. Jimmy Johnston,
wno naa nau so much to do with box
ing bouts at Madison Square Garden
that his name has come to be a svno-
num for the big enclosure, is just about
ready to take his seat on the greased
Some time today. Edward E. McCall,
who is receiver for the Garden expects
to come to terms with Tex lticknrd nm
fSemuel McCracken, promoters extra
ordinary, nnu these two will come in
to active charge of all bouts at the
McCall has announced he is going to
depose Johnston as matchmaker for the
show corporation, lessees of the Gar
den Athletic club, and it is all be
cause Jimmy did not want to make
an accounting to the liking of McCall.
Also McCall is displeased because John
ston didn't go through with the Mohn-
Weinert bout, which caused the boxing
commission to order a suspension of the
Garden shows and to fine the Garden
Athletic club $1,000.
McCracken and Rickard, when they
sign the papers, are going to inherit
tho Moha-Wciuert affair, whether they
want it or not, and it will be the first
bout to be staged in the garden. Rick
ard and McCracken are understood to
have promised that they will stage this
match and some say tncy even nave
agreed to pay part of the fine assessed
against the Garden Athletic club.
Are Great Managers
Before Rickard and McCracken can
stage their bouts they will have to go
through the motions of organizing an
athletic club and- will have to apply
for a license at the boxing commission.
Jimmy Johnston is apt to make a fuss
when this time arrives, as it is under
stood his contract for the conduct of
Garden bouts has another year to run.
He is now in disfavor with the box
ing commission because he failed to
show up at a meeting of the commis
sion in response to a subpoena.
McCracken and -Richard have been
associated for manv years in various
ventures, among them being the mons
ter affair at Reno in 110 when. Jack
Johnson won the heavyweight title
from James J. Jet trios.
Rickard and McCracken startled the
pugilist world by (offering a purse of
$101,000 for this and coming out of U
with a huge profit.
It was Rickard also who staged tho
bout at Goldfield, New, between Joe
Gana and Battling Nelson offering a
purse that in those days was considered
The fight attracted au enormous
crowd and Rickard was a big winner.
His last effort was the illard-Moran
bout, in which he was associated with
McCracken and which netted nini a
neat profit. Rickard 's long record of
promoting bouts shows not one unsuc
cessful affair.
Rickard is said to be contemplating
a match between Charley Weinert, local
heavyweight, and Jess W illard lor the
heavyweight championship. Johnston
had been trying to arrange a go be
tween Frank Moran and Fred Fulton,
but this bout is now considered defi
nitely off. Ike Dorgau, manager ot
Moran. has wired terms tor sucn a
bout to Harry Sherman Of St. Paul and
an attempt is being made to stage it
on Thanksgiving Day.
CtolA linn pa Nawe
uiaic iiuuoc iig no
Articles of incorporation aggregating
$25,000 were filed with the corporation
commissioner todav. The Portland Ma
caroni Manufacturing company, of
Portland, organized for the purpose or
manufacturing macaroni, spaghetti and
other food stuffs with a capital of $-0,-000.
The incorporators are John Scar
pelli, Guy R. Porter, James B. Kerr.
The other corporation was the M. C.
Mace company, which proposes to deal
in fish and fish products, canneries,
and fishing boats, with a capital or
$5,000. The incorporators are M. C.
Mace, Waldemar iSpliid and Oscar
The American express company filed
its annual report this morning with the
public service commission. It states its
gross income was $3,!07,6!0.15, and
that its net income, after deducting
expenses, was $3,609,034.83. The report
shows .it began the last fiscal year
with a credit balance of $3,036.5!l."6
which leaves a total credit of J!',!m,
890.43. The report also shows that the
express company has an electric mile
age in Oregon of 113.41 miles, and 1,
207.52 steam road mileage.
Yesterday the car shot age mounted
up to 277 1", with only 152 available.
Rdkvid In eae minute. G4 conpS
awntary can of Kondorr from jour
draKKist. Or bur a IS ctnt tuba. If it
Vorsn t do ywi II worth d good in jiffy.
jrWI a emi hci iran mm
ninuac or from Um koodec Ml. Co.
aiinnrmKHis. Miao.
IVesomequkk. For coM catarrh,
eouana, nasal bradachrs. c Ba
nre n s in bm uui a been used
for K Tears aod ay M saUna
ii Catarrhal jelly
. . a i miiitilillimttftftlT ?TfTTW4
It gether," solves all problems.
Is meeting with all kinds of success. The Stores of Salem have never looked,
as well and all hands should be heartily congratulated upon the showing for the
first occasion of this character. "Co-operation," "Get Together" and "Pull T0-
Do You
a : 1
Party, Afternoon and Street Wear Dresses in
silk, silk and wool combinations and fine serges.
Two Excellent assortments
Choice $19.75 $24.50
Many Models are worth nearly double.
Two lines of Sample Suits, good assortments of
sizes, all well tailored and late Fall Models.
Priced $19.75 and $24.50
Every wanted item in: Women, Misses and
Children's Ready to Wear Garments and Ready
to Use Merchandise, Linens, Bedding, Blankets.
!. i
CHAMD1SE - Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon. - : PRICES :
The shortage bas been gradually, in
creasing, with the result that it is
proboble that companies may put em
bargoes on cars leaving tne original
tracks. This is' because railroads in
the east keep cara sent from the west
and use them for local traffic, -
What is believed will be the largest
accident claim to be filed with the
state industrial accident commission is
expected to develop out of the explo
sion at me Beaver tiiu coai mine m-ar
Marshfield Tuesday when three men
were killed. The amount of insurauce
that will lie asked is estimated to bo
about $25,000. The law provides that
each of the willows will receive 30 a
mouth as Ion? as she lives or as Ioiik
as she remains a widow while the chil
dren will receive ffi a month until 10
years old. Because of 500,000 in its
aggregated fund ami 2t55,lHK surplus
in the general fund tne commission do
lieves it is in good shape to meet all
appointed administrator. The -appraisers
are L. B. Unberly, C. R. Riches, W.
H. Bowers.
A postal card from the Advanced Reg
istry office of the Holstein Friesian as
sociation, M. H. Gardner, superinten
dent, hears the following information:
"The Holstein-Kriesinn cow, Keystone
Eeauty Plum Johanna lOltUd, has brok
en the record for fat production in the
senior four-year class of the yearly di
vioion by producing in strictly official
test for 32 days --!.845.1 pounds milk
containing D50.25 pounds flit, with 30
days of her test yet to run. Kx.
(Continued from page one.)
Innt.. W rtimlnn nf Mpdfnrd filed (
with the state engineer's office yester
day arternooa an application io mite
water from the Rogue river to irrigato
lit imn n..rpH Ha nrnnoses to instaH a
pumping plant that will cost apprnxi-,
mately $200,000 and construct canals
10 3 4 miles long.
gate 1200 acres of land near Mt. Ver-J
UUU 1 11 VMDU1 (UUUIJ " .- - '
Anv hv tliA atntA flpsert land board.
The water is proposed to be taken from
the John Day river by the Blun Moun
tain irrigation company.
Court House News (
.'V. M. Smith, eounty school superin
tendent, is send inn out letters to tho
parent-teacher associations of the coun
ty calling a meeting in Salem on No
vemoer 11, in the Salem high school,
Amono- the aoeakers who will be pres
ent on this occasion will be Mrs. T.
U MrMsth of Portland, who is presi
dent of the Mother "s Congress and al-1
so the' state parent-teachers associa
tion. I
The petition of Mary Rees. wfaow of I
1'hiliD Kees. for an oriier setting asioe
a former decree of the court which de
termined certain property as exempt
from execution by law was granted to
day by Judge Bushey. Her petition
showed there was property that came
under the law other than that men
tioned in the report of lavis Rees. ad
miniatrator of the estate. In addition
to the former list, Judge Bushey grant
ed two horse, a wagon, buggv, plow,
binder, mower, harrows, and other min
or articles as necessary to her support.
The estate of Peter Goodneoht, who'
died in Marion county June tt, 19m,1
aged 7tf, was Med for probate with the '
county court today. The estate is val-
ucd at $3,000. John Oooduerht, son, is
At one point the president said:
"I am uot saying this in a spirit of
indictment. But the real trouble is that
buxiness has been under file direction
of too small a body of men. We have a
short hand expression for that small
body we call it ' Wall Street-' And,
now, that isn't fair because there ar
men in and about 'Wall street' who
have a great deal of vision and wisdom
and public spirit and who don't intend
to anything but public service in the
things they are undertaking. It is not a
fair term, hut we have adopted it, yes,
and we will have to use it."
"Because," the president continued,
"there are other men in Wall street who
have no vision, who have no thought cx
eeut for their own interests, who have
no care for any part of government
except to control it, who are not inter
ested unless they are consulted, who do
not believe it is safe to do anything
without consulting them, who do not be
lieve that there is anybody outside of
their circle who knows enough to eon
duct anything that exceeds the limits of
(Helps to Beauty)
A safe, reliable homo treatment for
the ipiick removal of superfluous hairs
from your face or neck is as follow
Mix a stiff paste with some water ant
powdered dclntntie, apply to objection
able lmirs and after 2 or 3 minutes rub
off, wash the skin and tho hairs are
cone. This simple treatment is unfail
ing and no pain or inconvenience at
tends its use, but to avoid disappoint
ment be certain you get genuine dela-tone.
a single parish."
The president's npepal was one for
the cause of the "common neojde." the
"root and very foundations -f the na
tion." "I have seen things in the Inst few
weeks that have touched me deeply," he
said. "1 have seen tioorlv dresesd wo
men noldiugr children in their arms
look up with tears iu their eyes aud
thank us.
"Why should they do that to met . I
do not know, unless they see that 1 have
tne.i to no tnem justice."
rtc said per mips the reason was that
the poorer people had so long been
trained to believe men in high places
gave them no consideration that they
regarded anyone who tried to do them
justice was their friend.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 2. W. E. Et.
John, receiver of the J. F. I.use Land
company, has been appointed perma
nent receiver. His statement of the
company's liabilities show that assets
I amount to $500,000 and the debts $2S3,
.000. The United States National bank.
I of Portland, filed papers against the
company recently.
A morning delight a noon-time
luxury an evening necessity
For The Teeth
Powder.- Cream
Snd 3c tump today (or a (sneront trial package to
L W. Lyoa & So, Inc. 561 W. 27U St., N. Y. City