Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 01, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Christian Science Lecture
Draws Attentive Audience
The Christian Science loetur given at
the Grand opera bouse last night by
.Mr.. Bliss Knnpp, C. .8.. B. anil member
of the Board of Lectureship of the
Mother Church, The First Church of
Christ, Scientist, of Boston, drew a
good sized audience. The lecturer was
introduced by Mrs. Anna Spinning
Flint, who Jo presenting the lecturer
spoke as follows:
vlt is recorded in the Bible, in the 17th
chapter of Acts, that the Apostle l'uul
bad journeyed to Athens, that great city
of learning, culture and pleasure.
; Paul however was not deceived by
outward appearances for we find it
further recorded in the same chapter,
that he stood in the midst of Mars' hill j
and tnus auuressea tneni:
t "Ye men of Athens I perceive that
in all things ye are too superstitious...
.;. For. as f passed by and beheld your
devotions I found an altar with this in
scription, 'To the unknown Qod.'
, Whom therefore ye ignorantly . wor
ship, him declare I unto you."
t Had the world heeded the explana
tions and definitions of a known and
understandable God as given by the
.Early.' Christians, the snd pages of the
history of innumerable wars, ceaseless
persecutions and woes would never have
been written.
But nil through the darkness of the
centuries succeeding the light of primi
tive Christianity there ran the golden
thread of faith in God, trust in a Su
preme Being, faith - in the ultimate
Everybody ; Iffillf
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And bring Your f tends I
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, Qp
triumph of good over evil.
There were
few however, who hnd the temerity to
. I'll , i .
expect so desirable a consummation this
sine me Ktuvv.
Irt the middle of the last century,
when materialistic philosophy and na
tural science, seemed to be undermining
the very foundations of religious faith
and experience, there was living in or
near the city of Boston, a city that has
been called the "Athens of America,"
a woman who is now known as the dis
coverer and founder, of Christian Sci
ence. ...
This woman was past middle age, in
poor health and poor in pocket, and, as
the saying goes, "alone in the world."
Apparently she hod very little left to
live for.
Meeting with an accident she was
given up to die. , i .......
She had however been an earnest
Bible student all her life, and belonged
to the grand company of saints who hud
clung steadfastly to the golden thread
or faith in Uod
The golden thread was now the clue
thnt led her to Bpintually interpret
certain passage of scripture, and the
understanding and application of this
pnssuge mstuutaneously healed her.
From this moment Mary Baker Eddy
devoted the remainder of the time of
her mortal pilgrimage to giving to the
world the truits ot her great discov
Mrs- Eddy reasonably expected that
the world, particularly the Christian
churches, would be glad to learn of the
revival of primitive Christian healing.
The world however, including the Chris
tian churches, rejected the message, and
discredited and reviled the messenger.
Mrs. Eddy was obliged to establish a
church organization of her own, and
among the varied activities of this won
derful organization that has now spread
over the civilized world, she instituted
a Board of Lectureship.
iuv uulv vi uc Dual u in u icii mt
,ruth chri(ltiim Hciell thus cor.
The duty of the Board is to tell the
'....,;,. n,;.,,i,..;. ...I .;;.. ...
.,"t" 11 """"r-i,
One of these lecturers is with us to
night, and it becomes my great pleasure
to welcome this audience as guests of
First Church of ChristScientists, of Sa
lem, Oregon, and to introduce to you
Mr. Bliss Knnpp, C. S. B., a member of
the Board of Lectureship of the Mother
Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, of Boston, Mass.
Mr; Knapp will now address you.
Christian Science: The Revelation of
Divine Power. -
During many ' centuries men have
grown accustomed to think of religion
as a haven of rest to those in sorrow
and temptation. But while religion
ministers to the mind, it regards the
diseased ' body in helpless compassion.
Such helplessness contrasts strongly
with the religion of Jesus Christ, who
made no distinction between mind and
body. He asked, "Whether is easier
to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or
to suy. Arise and walk!" He set the
standard of religious achievement by
healing sickness and sin by the same
prayer. It is the purpose of Christian
Science to increase the joy of life by
restoring to the infinite compassion of
Jesus' teachings the lost element of
The invalid is not frightened at his
disease. It is the possible termination
01 thut disease that frightens him. Then
his frightened sense finds sweet conso
Intion in the Master's teaching, "I am
come that they might have life, and j
that they might have it more abund-
nntly. " There followed, too, the expla
nation, "This is life eternal, thnt they
might know thee the only true God, and
Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
Two things are therefore needful to
save one's life. It is to know God, and
also His Hon Jesus Christ. Some believe
that cJsus was God, and that belief ex
cludes the God and Father to whom
Jesus himself prayed. The condition of
though thnt sets aside Christian heal
ing may not bo so much a lack of faith,
as a complete omission from prayer of
any recognition of the God and Father
to whom Jesus prayed.
Jesus Not God.
It was the day of the resurrection,
early in the morning, that Jesus ap
peared to alary and sent her with a
message, saying, "Go to my brethren,
and say unto them, I ascend unto my
Father and your Father: and unto my,
God, and your God." Now if Jesus werei
Hod, as so many believe, and there is
one God, how could God have brethren?
But inasmuch as he recognized himself
to be, not God, but the Son of God. he
could have brethren and could truth
fully say, "Go to my brethren, and say I
unto them, I ascend unto my Father
and your Father; and unto my God, and
your God. ' ' When Jesus was before the
tomb of I.aznrus, it is recorded that he
"lifted up his eyes, and said, Father I
thank thee thnt thou hast heard me.
And I knew that thou nearest me al
ways." He certainly was not praying
to himself on that occasion, Previously
h had u id to the woman of Samnriu
at the well, "God is Spirit." When,
therefore, the disciples gathered around
to examine the spear wound and the
nail prints, he took occosion to remind
them thnt "Spirit hath not flesh and
bones as ye see me have." From that
the disciples knew that the human form
of Jesus was not God. Indeed, to wor
ship a flcjdiy form would be in conflict
with the second commandment of the
Decalogue, which forbids the worship
of any graven image. Jesus recognized,
moreover, that the power he employed
was not of himself; for he said, "1 can
of mine own self do nothing: . . be
cause I seek not mine own will, but the
will of the Father which hnth sent me."
Again he said, referring to himself.
"The Son can do nothing of himself,
but what he seeth the Father do."
God's Healing Nature.
In the face of so much popular mis
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Let Us Demonstrate
It for You.
conception about what God really is.
Jesus found it exceedingly difficult to
get the people to accept the truth about
Him. It was necessary to avoid, in so
far as possible, any statement about
God that would be open to doubt or con
troversy. He endeavored therefore to
portray a right apprehension of God
by making the people familiar with the
effect of divine power on humanity, The
popular belief prevailed then as now
that God sends sickness to discipline
mortals and bring them to God. But
when Jesus portrayed the nature of God
as He actually is, it had the effect of
healing the sick in every case and
thereby proved, in a manner that admit
ted of no doubt or controversy, that
sickness is no part of God's nature. An
other popular belief adhered to then as
new was that God knows, or at least
permits, sin. That too was disoosed of
by showing the effect divine power had
in cleansing sinners even as light always
dispells darkness. Moreover people be
lieved then as now that God takes awar
our loved ones for some inscrutable pur
pose; ana this belief has unquestionably
thrust more people into infidelity and
agnosticism than have ever been rescued
therefrom. But when eJsus declared the of an inanimate law, the divine frin
truth about God as He actually is, it de-1 ciple comprehends all intelligence, gen
stroyed death and the grave, and I tleness, peace and power to heal and
thereby proved the nature of God to be save mankind through law. .
Life-'y 'For I am come that they might If one were to stand at the base of
have life, and that they might have it the great pyramid and gaze in wonder
more abundantly." "This is life etern- at its vast dimensions, he could not see
al, that they might know thee, the only its whole structure from that single
true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou
nast sent.
People could see the physical changes
wrought by Jesus readily enough, and in
a manner that admitted of no doubt.
But a natural question to follow is this,
" " iouki.hu uiucrsi ii is wiiu couid ,t be said that he had actually
that no one really understands a thing BeMl the pyramid. In like manner the
for himself until he can teach ,t to an. VBrlou8 g(,ript,tral names which are em
other. That Jesus made disciples who loved to define tho untul.e bf God are
The n-wLi f "B m,nl8try all "essential to a complete undcrstand-
the proof that the healing power could . nt ,,;, '
be taiiuht to others. tl,t ho ,t-.,in8 0I' nim'
stood it. Indeer the earlv Christian
proved the same thing by continuing
those works of healing for 300 years , miliar with Gods ways in a most prac
after the time of Jesus. Even so the tieal manner. Jesus referred to God as
Christian Scientist is today peraotunt- 'nyr God and your Uort." lie is there
ing thnt healing ministry "just to the 'fore my Mind and your Mind. The
degree that he gains a correct under-1 practical operation of that was proved
stnnciiag ot Him "whom to know ariiflit
is life eternal," an understanding of
rue dod and father to whom Jesus
Healing Law.
The first man in Bible history to
know God well enough to heal sickness
and sin was Moses, and it came about
by his recognition that the divine pow
er operates through law. Before that he
knew God only as the great "I am,"
but that was not sufficient to win con
fidence in himself as the messenger of
God. The necessity for him to speak
the truth about God so convincingly
that tho people would actually believe
what he siiid, was the occasion for God
to reveal His healing nature by tw-o
distinct signs. The first was with the
rod by which was proved the divine
supremacy over personified evil. The
second was the healing of leprosy.
Perhaps those two were selected be
cause none but the p wer of God has
ever been known to destroy leprosy
and sin. But that exhibition of divine
power over sickness and sin revealed
to Moses the existence of a well de
fined law of healing which enabled
him, thereafter, to employ the divine
power, guided by the intelligence of a
well defined law, in healing leprosy
and serpent bites. It revealed to him
the existence of certnin fncts concern
ing the healing nature of God in which
no variation has ever been perceived.
It marked the existence of an unchang
ing law of healing with which human
beings had been hitherto unacquuinted.
It revealed something so definite and
tangible about the nature of God that
tho people believed him just as God
said they would.
God Is Truth.
Now that which Moses saw in the
healing power of God was the Truth;
whereupon he declared, "Thou art a
God of truth." David Inter declared
in the psalms, 'Thy law is the truth."
And Jesus indicated the intimate rela
tion that exists between Truth and the
healing law, when he said, "Ye shall
know- the truth, and the truth shall
make you free.'' That is, a knowledge
of God, not as a human form, but as
Truth has a healing effect. Mrs. Ed
it v him therefore accepted that scrip
tural definition thut God is Truth, and
also its intimate relation to law; for
she has written in Science nnd Health,
" Not personal intercommunion but di
Mine lnw is the communicator of truth,
health, and harmony to earth and
It is true thnt every system of re
ligion known to men claims to be the
promulgation of revealed truth; but
that which differentiates the demon
strable revelation of Jesus Christ from
nil others is its power to give life and
to restore health. It is the life-giving
power in Christian truth which make
it demonstrable in healing sickness and
sin. One school of philosophers has
propounded the theory that truth is
two fold; that there is one truth called
reason, and another truth called revel
ation, but that revelation has no law
and is lacking in a reasonable explana
tion. The result is agnosticism. Chris
tianitv, on the other hand , tenches
there is hut one Truth and this Truth
r.n.l It tenches moreover that di
vine Truth is expressed through lnw
which may be understood and demon
strated in Christian. This teaching re
eoiieiles reason ami revelation in the
oneness of Truth.
True Worship.
Some may feel they havp lost their
God in thinking of Him as Truth; our
Jesus declared in all earnestuess that
'The true worshippers shall worship
must go bv way of its rules or 1:
Tt, sinmle law that two and two
four mediates between the basic meaning-of
mathematics and the prospective
student. Even so no oue can go direct
ly to infinite good. He must go by way
of uoodness, which is the lnw or at-
n4 infill) i A
cood. That is. he
must worship infinite good in the un
Iderstanding of goodness. Mrs. Eddy
i has said in Science and Health. A
pure affection takes form in good-
l.n lTatllii 111 HHiril HUH III
That mav be clarified by another oi nor B pson, but ratuer ine m. leuce is that some very astute tmnK-
.lesus savings: " Xone is.good save one,! . 'ai "Spirit of Truth." He ; ers are readily baffled by its teachings,
that is God " Now the spirit or law, . , furthpr that the "spirit ot ' while others like the fishermen of Gnli-
of ..finite go,d is goodness, and the wouM lead mankind into all - lee listen gladly and understand. The
m.c worshipers can worship -infinite ev0 t0 ,he very source .l.tf.eulty is larSely , the viewpoint,
good onlv through goodness. For ex- whioh r.od, and it would The logic of Christian Science always
ample- No one goes directly to the of f him. Now the spmt of star s with God and ascribe, o 1 .... all
ampu. ,..:... lle!' I5 , i...i, ! which coin- intelligence. It ascnt.es mental lite to
mMir. uit-miitm ut ,
ness." Then as one entertains an af
fection for others that is pure and
constant, it takes form in goodness,
which is an attribute of God. In this
simple process he comprehends the law
of goodness, and in the understanding
of it he Teaches to the actual reeogni
tion of infinite good. In the same
spiritual understanding of divine law
shall one worship the God and Father
who is Spirit and Truth.
God is Principle
As the nature of God continued to
unfola before the vision of St. John
it' was revealed to him that "God is
love." Paul described the intimate re
lation that exists between Love and
Truth when he said, sLove is the ful
filling of the law." Other scriptural
names used to define the nature of God
are Soul and Mind. Christian Science
accepts all those descriptive defini
tions of deity and adds one more. Since
there is a divine law to express the
healing, it is reasonable to suppose it
must have a Principle. That is, the
nature of God must include Principle
aa a descriptive definition. But far
! 'rom expressing any of the coldness
viewpoint. He must see it from the
north and the south, the east and the
west. He must explore its passages and
chambers within. Not until he had seen
it from every angle, and learned the
meaning of its structure and design,
Tru Intelligence.
Tho Christian Scientist becomes fa-
, to me when I was a student in tne oie
montary schools. For a month I was
troubled with difficulty that may be
described in the words of Paul, "The
good that I would I do not: but the
evil which I would not, that I do."
With me it was a difficulty in answer
ing my school problems correctly.
Though I might know the correct
answer, I would invariably say the
wrong thin?. Instead of excusing that
on the basis of stupidity, Paul saw in
such conditions the warring of the
fleshy miud, and so did my parents who
were Christian Scientists. My mother
proceeded to heal me of that difficulty
according to the teachrings of Christian
Science. With wonderful patience she
explained to me, in language I could
easily understand, the reason why chil
dren go to school. It is not so much
to assimilate a large mass of facts ns
it is to develop certain facilities; such
for example as perception, reason,
memory and application. Then she ex
plained to me that they are faculties
of the divine Mind, and as such must
be reflected through all alike. It
concedes the right to every one to
achieve the mental might of a genius.
Inasmuch as God is my Miud and my
intelligence, it was my right and duty
to claim and exercise that intelligence
which knows all that is necessary to
know. So clear was my relation to di
vine inclligenco established, that I
ceased to limit my mentnl capacity by
the size of a brain. Its scope was
broadened to that larger view of divine
intelligence which trnnscends brain.
Tho explanation was continued until I
could realize to a degree my true rela
tion to God who is tho only Miud and
intelligence. When I could realize this,
it became a reality to me, with the re
sult that I was completely healed of
the difficulty. The truth about God.
and mv relation to Him had set me
free. Therein is the proof that no hu
man intelligence has any validity if
contrary to the divine facilities; and
such of the human faculties as arc
valid, must derive their validity from
the divine.
Mind of Christ.
We havo no record in the four gos
pels thnt Jesus ever permitted himself
to be deceived or taken advantage ot
in any way. Had he been victimized,
it would have been by reason of a lack
of intelligence. But he claimed and
iA tho divine intelligence that
knows nil that is necessary to know,
and thereby set the standard tor all
mankind. It was the Mind which was
in ( hrist Jesus that enabled him to
Wl tho sick, even when they were ab
sent from him, as in the cases of tne
centurions servant and the byro
Phoenician's daughter. It was the
Mind which was in Christ Jesus that
enabled him to heal leprosy and raise
the dead, evU-n to the raising of him
self from the tomb. It was tlus Mind
which constituted his divinity, and en
abled him to say, "I and my Mther
are one," nnd also tho correlative
statement, -My Father is greater than
! " It was the divine Mim wh Mi was
in Christ Jesus that enabled him to
Rv, "Before Abraham was I am,
ami "Lo, I am with you way ev
uno tho end of the world." We are
moreover enjoined by the ""P'"
'Let this mind be in you which was
also in Christ Jesus." And "Be ye
therefore perfect even as your lather
which is in heaven is perfect.
The Comforter
Before .Tesns went away he promised
... I'nmtnrter. That no mis
conception might ?rise he took the pr
I CRUp(ull to explain the nature of this
If should not be
iruiu IP "w ,n" ' " . t -
mnnicatcs God's nennng I'""1 .
inanity. That law. moreover, requires
a science which can interpret it and
be reasonably understood. Since the
law is diMine. its Science must be a
divine or Christian Science. That is
what Christian Science is the spiritual
understanding of divine law as applied
to the needs of humanity. It " not an
invention. It is the discovery of what
has alwavs been true, and what always
mut be the real Comforter to suffer-
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ing humanity. . -
Sometimes it occurs that one is so
completely overwhelmed by sorrow and
grief that all the comfort and consola
tion of human affection seems helpless
to-brighten the thought. Then we need)
to remember that there is a sorrow that
purifies, and another sorrow that works
evil. It will sweeten or sour the dispo
sition according to the direction it
takes. But in the apparent helpless
ness of insurmountable grief, there is
the consolation that the power of one's
. - . .
right desire can steer its course uner
ringly into repentance and purification.
In the momentum of that directed ex
perience no harm can overtake us. Only
good can come out of it. Such an as
surance removes the fear aud heals
the grief. This is the real Comforter
at work in the human consciousness,
purifying one's thoughts and motives.
There is thereforo a grief that is
salutary; for it sweetens the disposi
tion, chastens the affections and en
ables one to be charitable toward the
faults of others. .
Mrs. Eddy's Discovery. "
The preparation for Mrs. Eddy 's great
discovery seemed to include much of the
sorrow nnd suffering that purifies one's
thought and purpose. Mrs. Eddy was
a gentle woman of deep religious expe
rience, traiued from her youth to sees.
in divine guidance actual relief from
sickness and distress. Added to that
was an unusual intellectual ability
which received careful training and de
elopment, so thnt she had great per
sonal charm by reason of her refined
manners and well-bnlnnced mind. Then,
in the flower of her youth, she was over
whelmed with grief' at the loss of all
that seemed near and dear to her. There
followed a long period of invalidism and
the search for a remedy, which culmin
ated in the conviction that disease re
sponds most readily to a mental remedy.
Still abiding in that conviction, she met
with an accident which was so serious
that it was expected to result fatally.
Knowing that only spiritual things could
save her, she turned to her Bible for
help, and as she read those spiritual
truths, she was wonderfully healed. That
was in 180(1. There was her proof of
mental healing, and that the divine
Mind is the healer to comfort in sorrow
and in sickness. The next step was to
learn the Science of that healing and,
as she Btatcs in Science and Health,
page 109, "I won my way to absolute
conclusions through divine revelation,
reason, and demonstration." Again, she
writes, "Reason and revelation were
reconciled, and afterwards the truth of
Christian Science was demonstrated,"
page 110- She stated that Science in
the Christian Science text book so simp
ly and logically that the simple reading
of that book has brought the healing
Comforter to multitudes of those in
sickness and distress, and made them
every whit whole.
Mrs. Eddy had thus become the dis
coverer of Christian Science, and the
founding of its institutional work was
to follow. In her joy to shnre such n
great blessing she appealed to the spirit
ual thought of learned men, only to suf
fer the rebuff of dignified silence. Her
first ray of hope came when that silence
was turned into ridicule and abuse; for
it meant that she hnd gained at least a
hearing. Deserted by friends and rela
tives, and opposed by subtle and power
ful influences whichever way she turn
ed, this woman patiently kept her
course in the founding of the various
institutions of Christinn Science, until
the movement has spread itself over
this world, and all within her own life
time. By her clear statement of scien
tific Christianity. Mrs. Kddy has enor
mously increased the number of follow
ers of Christ's teachings. The sick are
healed of bodily ailments by reading
its literature; the sinner may know
how to liberate himself from his sin;
and greatest of nil, the pure-minded
is given the power to save Himself from
the general belief in sin, so that the
good he desires to do, he can do. Mrs.
Eddy has therefore proved, in accord
ance with the vision in the apocalypse,
that a pure-minded woman, armed with
Science, can unlock the secrets of "the
law of the spirit of life in Christ Je
sus," and reveal the promised Comfort
er. Try as hard as one may, it is impos
sible to separate Moses from the com
mandments, or Jesus from the beati
tudes. When Jesus had that exalted
vision of law and prophesy on the
Mount of Transfiguration, the. human
representative of law and prophesy be
came apparent to those near enough to
get the lesson. It is equally certain thnt
the human representative of scientific
Christianity can never be separated
from the spiritual treasurers which she
has opened to our use.
Opposing Viewpoints.
A perplexing feature about Christian
Him who transcends brain. Most school
men, on the other hand, are trained to
regard brain as the seat of the intellect,
and matter as the fundamental basis of
thought. These two opposing systems
of philosophy, strange as it may seem,
have their .authority in the first two
chapters of Genesis in the Bible. The
first chapter, sometimes called the
Elohistic record of creation, presents an
absolutely good God, the source of all in
telligence and being, who knows no evil.
The second chapter and thereafter, call-
professionals. Nine dollars
ed the Jehovistic record of Creation,
presents a mixture of good and evil
which results in a third power called
mankind, and this third power is sup
posed to derive from the basis of matter
the intelligence to interpret both good
and evil. Now a talking serpent was the
author of that second record, and he is
supposed to lie iu all that he said.. In
fact there is no such thing in the animal
kingdom as a talking serpent. When
i contrasted, the two systems of creation
absolute opposites, so that if on.
I iu trim Mi a nthop miiur ha nUtt. iv.wM-rw
system of religion and philosophy
known to men, with but one exception,'
is founded ou the supposed mixture of!
good aad evil. That single exception
which is founded on an absolutely good
God who knows no evil, is the teaching
of Christ Jesus and of Christian Science.
Furthermore that system alone can de
stroy both sickness nnd sin.
Disease Mental.
Jesus healed physical disease on the
basis that the Truth makes freo. Four
thousand years of medicine has . en
deavored to force the conclusion that
disease is purely physical and that it
requires a physical remedy. The result
is that diseases have actually multi
plied. Jesus proved that sickness, dis
ease and fear are the errors and not
the truths of being, and they can bet
healed by a mental process. Their basis
being wholly material, and matter bing
mortal error, the truth of God dispels
those errors .just as light dispels dark
ness, just as the understanding that
two ami two are four dispels any denial
of that fact. And when one under
stands that truth, ho does not have to
sit up nights to be certain of it in the
morning. Jesus so understood the
nature of God as Truth, that he coukl
make it just as consciously apparent to
the man with the withered hand, and
that diseased condition was wiped out
By that process just as effectually as
one could take a sponge and wipe out
tho wrong figures on the blackboard.
le is generally recognized that certain
nervous disorders are mentul; for
though the person may be sick almost
to distraction, examination may disclose
no diseased organ, tissue or nerve. He
may have apparent physical ailmeuts, .
such as that trinity of disorders known '
as dyspepsia, heart palpitation, and in
somnia; but an examination discloses
no organic disease. The patient's
troubles are actually unreal, in the
sense that they have no physical cause.
But to the patient they are decidedly
real, in the sense that he feels them
constantly, and can not free himself
from them.
Though a patient may bo perfectly
sane while suffering from some nervous
ailment, his belief must be changed be
fore he can experience his healing. That
is uever brought about by imagining
himself well. Such primitive emotions
as fear and anger, which are common
to men aud beasts, arc said to produce
depressing and poisonous conditions.
Tho thought.of guilt is said to be even
more deleterious. Anger may cause a
person to become flushed or pallid in
the face, indicating the mental control
of the circulation. Indeed it may stop
one's digestion altogether, showing how
( Continued on page -nine.)
Republican and Progressive Nominee
for Congress, will spenk at the Grand
Opera House next Friday evening on
the political issues of the day. Con
gressman Hawley stands well with his
colleagues of both the great parties, in
uuia nouse auu senate, and from all
sectious of the country. Senator Jones
(Republican) of Washinaton. snys;
"He is a striking exemplar of the faith-
iui representative of the people." Rep
resentative Bennett (Republican) of
New York, says: "The West has no
Representative in Congress who is more
respected or more influential than Mr.
Hawley." Representative Carter Glass
(Democrat) of Virgina, stated that ho
had come in contact with no person wh
had rendered "more valuable serviee in
the solution of this question" (Rural
Credits). Chairman A. F- Lever, of tho
Committee on Agriculture, a Democrat
from South Carolina, said of Mr. Haw
ley while speaking in the House: "Ho
is one of the best and wisest men in tho
House. ' '
(Paid Adv.) Chairman.
f -