Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 01, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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I. -,
By Carl D. Groat,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
New London, Conn., Nov. 1. A wine
party near ocean, bottom wbilo a gale
raged far overhead was one of the
many thrilling incidents of the giant
German submarine merchantman
JJetitschlands trip from Bremen, Cap
tain Koenig said this afternoon.
There was plenty to drive ennni
away while we were submerged," said
the wily submarine commander. " We
would play the phonograph, and we
had wine--yes, plenty of wine."
Koenig said . he knows nothing about
the .Bremen except that she sailed
August 26, with a sixty day food sup
:4Vfe arc carrying dyestuffs and
Jnurs,y'; he said. ''There is, some an-
thityron aboard. Wo had planned to
bring some infantile paralysis serum,
but since we had no monkeys in tier
many to test it on, we didn't bring it.
"We left -Bremen October 10 in a
racing northwest gale, went through
the North sea and passed the waters
between the Shotland and Orkney
Islands. After that we headed as
straight as possible for New London.
Yea we saw many ship about the
same number as on our first trip.
Borne we went around others we
dove under. W e traveled less than
125 miles submerged. -
"We saw the grim British warships
in the North sea : and wo saw seven
ships between here and Nantucket.
'We went through very heavy gales
and rough seas, but we didn't stand on
our heads," continued Koenig. "The
longest time we ' were submerged was
seven hours. Even at sixteen fathoms
we could feel the roll of the wavtes."
The Deutschland 's commander said
he intercepted one message from the
Naueu wireless station about the
To reporters who asked about
stories that two Brcmcns had left port
but had failed to reach America, he
replied that only two commerce sub
marines had ever started from Ger
many for the United States the
Deutschland and Bremen. Koenig
said he expected to start back to
Germany within a fornight.
Reporters drew with the greatest
difffieulty from the modest U-boat
skipper the story f his audience with
the kaiser. He told the kaiser, he said,
that the United States was neutral.
"The kaiser took things that I said
just as 1 told them," he added.
The kaiser, he said, is looking very
well, though he has aged since the bo
ginning of the war.
I. L. McAdams, 'who Is captain of a
telescope in Salem,- while ranging the
northern heavens last night discovered
what he believes is a tramp comet. It
appeared last night about 9:30 o'clock
and was visible to the naked ye for
several hours except for intermittent
cluods. He says it showed up much larg
er than Ha ley's comet which swung
this way in 1910. In location he said
it wag iu the northern part of the sky,
20 degrees to the west and 20 degrees
below toe norm star wan its tan
streaming back ana downward for about
30 degrees. He has heard nothing in as
tronomical circles, with which hr keeps
in touch, concerning this celestial visit
or and he believes it is a tramp.
The Rev. B. C. Dewey, is speaking
at the special meetings o'f the Free
Methodist church now being held at the
church on 1228 North Winter street.
Mr. Dewey has a special message to deliver.
(Continued on page seven.
Deutschland Will
Carry American
On Her Return Trip
Chinese Millionaire
whelmed with pauper-made goods
from abroad. We have passed an anti-dumping
law so that we can meet
these goods with a criminal statute at
the sea shore.
This dumping business is a mere
scarecrow but we must excuse them
for complaining, because we haven't
left them any excuse for existing,
Their devotion to such complaints re
minds me of the Irishman who - said
ho never could understand how a lit
tle thing like a thermometer could
make the weather so hot and so cold.
"We have reorganized our system of
taxation and banking. The money
trust was made possible by the old
system of banking and of course they
complain because the men who con
trolled the money trust, control the
Joirl Rack le IWirl P"?' Wo cannot exPect -,hem t0
JC1U VaVIV lo Ivail take kindly to a democratic measure
that killed their own offspring. We
Washington, Nov. 1. The submarine
Deutschland on her return voyage may
carry United States mail to Germany, i at Independence at 5 o'clock this morn
Seid Back, tho richest Chinaman in
tlie northwest, reputed to bo worth
more than $1,000,000, died at his home
the post office department announced
today. It depends on the acceptance
by tho submarine's owners of the de
partments terms.
A few weeks ago Ambassador Bern
storff took the matter up with the
state department saying the sub
marine's owners would carry mail at
the. rate of $1 a pound, if specially
constructed containers were provided.
The postofice department countered
with the proposal to pay only the
regular rate for carrying mail, less
than a tenth thnt asked by the sub-
from injuries received when he
from a hop house about a month
roil from a hop house about a
ago. He was Bo years old. Dr. East
and two nurses were in attendance at
the time of his death. The body will
be shipped to Portland tomorrow
morning for burial.
Seid Back was well known in Salem
and was highly respected among busi
ness men. Besides his hap ranch at
Independence, he recently bought a
ranch in Kaiser bottoms and intended
to make several improvements. His
Portland interests include salmon can-
marine. The department stipulated j neries, truck gardens and real estate
also .that only first class mail would holdings in Portland and Seaside.
be sent in this manner and only the
usual receptacles provided. The sub
marine's owners agreed fc accept tho
Tegular rate, but have not yet agreed
to the provision concerning containers.
Dallas, Or., spent $3,500 on new side
walks during the past month.
Besides his son Seid Back, Jr., he is
survived by two adopted white young
men who had charge of his In
dependence ranch.
A woman seldom listens to a man '
explanations, but it makes her angry if EUKrj3
l. r . 1
dethroned the money trust by
passage of the federal reserve act.
Emancipates Business.
"By the measures passed by this
administration we have emancipated
and enfranchised fhe American busi
ness man, farmer and laborer. Under
the old banking system, the volume of
money was fixed and inflexible and
when the farmers needed money for
moving their crops they were unable
to raise it because of practically pro
hibitive conditions. Now when there
is an extraordinary demand for money
such an occasion is met by an extra
supply of curerncy. The old currency
system aggravated the evils of such oc
casions. "For a hundred years we suffered
from periodical panics made possible
by the old system but the present cur
rency law insures against preventable
panics. And yet Mr. Hughes and Mr.
Fairbanks have characterized this
measure as a failure of the adminis
tration. "I will not stop to discuss the ship
ping bill and the measure passed thnt
against the uncertainty of
Outtin Farnum1
IPII Paramount Stif)
list of Candidates From
.Which Voters Can Take
Their Choice
Next Monday, November 6, 1916, the
non-partisan primary of the city of Sa
lem will be held. The regular city elec
tion will be held in December. The fol
lowing aro the officers to be nominated
for the December race:
. For mayor, Walter E. Keyes.
For recorder; J, W. Cox, A. M. Dal
rymple, H. W. Elgin, Adolph A. Gnef
froy, J. A. Mills, Karl Race, and Ben
jamin S. Via. Each promises economy
and efficiency.. , ' ;
For city marshal, E. E.' Cooperpres
ent constable;' Frank H. Shedeek, for
mer chief of police, and J. T. Welsh,
present incumbent.-
For city treasurer, C. O. Rice.
For alderman, ward 1, L. S. Geer, R.
W. Simeral; ward 2, Llovd T. Higdon,
F. L. Utter; ward 3, Walter F. Bnch
ner; ward 4, J. D. Hartwell, A. B.
Hudelson, Paul V. Johnson; ward ti,
Roy S. Melson, Paul R. Smith; ward 7,
E. W. Stubbs, Elbert Thompson.
For the most part the aspiring coun-
eilmen are bright, young fellows, who,
ir elected; will make about the young
est bunch of city dads ever chosen to
run a city.
The spectacle of an entire western mining town that wos rebuilt for this special pictur? is t unique
feature and this red-blooded mining town story is Dustin Farnum's greatest photoplay.
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trust legislation but will simply hold
them up as fruits of a democratio ad
ministration. Eliminates Usury.
"Although confronted by a world
tragedy this administration has found
the time to legislate for the American
farmer by passing a statute enacted
as an agricultural code system of ru
ral credits. The republican admin
istration never did anything for the
farmer. Not only did it fail and re
fuse to give him help but under the
national banking system created by
the republican party, it was a crime
to loan a farmer money on his land
We have established a system of cred
its to make long time loans upon
stable security and the practice of
usury is not to be allowed under that
system, and it will not be a crime now
to do business with a farmer.
"We have established licensed and
bonded warehouses, so that the farm
er is no longer required to market hii
crop immediately as he harvests il
and take whatever he is offered. He
can now store his products and re
ceive therefor warehouse certificates
on which he can borrow money and
we have thereby emancipated and en
franchised the American farmer.
"We have passed an official grain
graders act establishing an official
grading of grains and this is another
measure I hold up as the fruit of a dem
ocratic administration.
"But this is not all it is estimated
by experts that by reason of bad roads
losses or millions of dollars have re
sulted to the farmers between the ris
ing and the setting of the sun. We
passed a law that will eliminate the
waste. Before the passage of the in
come tax the farmer pnid 70 out of
every $100 paid into the United States
treasury. The democrats have re
versed this system.
Not Ashamed of Record.
"The law passed for improved high
ways has been .stigmatized by the re
publicans as a tailure. They think it
is a failure on the part of the admin
istration thnt it spent so much time
in doing service for the farmer. We
are not ashamed of this record we're
proud of 'what we have done. In our
platform this year we promise more
legislation in this behalf. Not only
did the republican party neglect its
duty in behalf of the farmer, it does
not even recognize his existence. Co
lumbus discovered America more than
400 years ago and the republican
party hasn't discovxered the American
farmer to this hour. They say our
friendship for him should be taken
for granted. They say nothing con
cerning the trusts and monopolies.
Have they manifested such friendship
for them in the past that that, too,
should be taken for granted?
"The agricultural bill is not a
sectional measures. Upon the motion
of your junior senator $5,000 was
included to encourage the manufac
ture of cheese in your state. We
appropriated $4Z5,000 to exterminate
the predatory animals that prey upon
cattle and other livestock in the great
northwest and no man in Mississippi
will complain of this appropriation.
."The foot and mouth disease occa
sioned a great deal of loss among cat
tle and there was not a single death
from the disease iu a southern state.
We appropriated four to five million
dollars to compensate the farmers in
republican states for their losses or
rather from states that were republi
can; there are none such now and
not a single cent of this money went
to a single southern state. Pardon
me for even dignifying with an answer
this gross charge of sectionalism.
"But with all their complaints I
have heard no general outcry for their
return to power. This reminds me of
an experience I had with a negro in
Mississippi where I was born. These
s)e sfc sjt )(c sc sfc sc it sc jc ic i)c sc
Fond Du Lac, Wis., Nov. 1
Senator William E. Borah, of
Idaho, touring Wisconsin in sup
port of the candidacy of Chas.
K. Hughes, today cancelled all
his Wisconsin engagements as
. a result of a sever cold which
has confined him to his room
in a local hotel.
While Senator Borah's condi
tion is not considered serious,
it is such that it precludes prob- '
ability of his further participa
tion in the presidential cam
Oregon Theatre
darkies always consider it an event to
atteud a funeral. On one occasion I
met "am who was coming from a fu
neral and I told him I understood he
had been to Brown's funeral and ask
ed him what the complaint was. Sam
said, "There weren't no complaint at
all- Everybody seemed perfectly satis
Legislation for Labor.
"Confronted by world problems, we
have, nevertheless, devoted our atten
tion to the laboring man, business
man and the farmer. We have cre
ated a labor code. Heretofore labor
was a mere commodity in the market
place. For more than a quarter of a
century labor had been trying to get
republican administration to abolish
the writ of injunction in lnbor dis
putes. The democratic administration
within two years after it came into pow
er abolished that writ.
"For more than a generation labor
had appealed to the republicans to
give them a trial by jury in cases of
constructive contempt. Within two
years after coming into power the ad
ministration gave tiiem the right to
such trial by jury. I am not surprised
that we are criticised for this by a
former justice of the supreme court of
the l'nited States who concurred iu
the decision in the Danbury hatters'
case, when labor wos fined threo
times the actual damage found to be
done a decision resulting in laboring
men in Salem giving up their pay for
one day's work in oifder to keep the
roofs over the heads of those con
cerned in the case.
"I will not stop to discuss the pass
age of the workmen's compensation
act and the seamen's act, hut will
simply hold them up as fruits of a demo
cratic administration.
Proud of Adamson Law.
The Adamson law occupied the
speaker for a considerable period. He
began by 'declaring it to be the firm
conviction of the democrats that a
man should work no more than eight
hours out of every 24, leaving eight
hours for study or recreation and an
other eight for sleep or rest.
"The statement of this policy is our
defense," said Senator Oore. "Mr.
Hughes says that he favors the eight
hour principle, but he is opposed to
the eight-hour law. We on the con
trary, favor the principle and are proud
to have passed the law putting it into
"Hughes Would Have riddled."
"Mr. Hughes has three maiir objec
tions to this Adamson bill this eight
hour law. His first objection is that it
is a myth; his second thnt it is not a
myth ,and his third that it was en
acted too quickly. Mr. Hughes would
have had us take time to deliberate
over this measure, which costs the
railroads only $50,000,000 a year, and
meanwhile the strike would have cost
the people of the country $50,000,000
a day and untold misery. Nero fiddled
while Rome burned; that's what Mr.
Hughes would have had us do while the
country suffered fiddle.
"Why did the republican nominee
not wire to some republican senator
to block the unanimous consent vote
to take up the billf He reminds me
of a lightning bug, for he has his head
light on behind.
"A vote for Hughes, judging from
his speeches, is a vote for the repeal
of the Adamson bill a vote to plunge
the country into the miseries of a gen
eral strike and railway tieup."
A Joke on the' Whiskers.
One of Senator Gore's most success
ful quips was that in which he re
ferred adroitly to Mr. Hughes' whisk
ers. It came toward the end of a dis
cussion of women as voters.
"Mr. Hughes, when governor of
New York," he said, "vetoed a bill
giving women teachers in New York
equnl pay with men for qual hours
of work. If he will not give you equal
pay for. equal work, why give you the
vote! We must judge a tree by the
fruit it bears not by its foliage."
Hughes never took the trouble to even
vote for equal suffrage the speaker de-!
Abolished Child Slavery.
"The republicans emancipated the
negro slaves," said Senator Gore. prior
to praising the democrats for the pas
sage of the child labor bill, "but they
did not emancipate the children of the
country from slavery in the mines,
mills and sweatshops. They believe in
the conservation of our ntaural re
sources when dollurs and cents are
concerned, but we believe in conserv
ing human resources. The democrats
abolished child slavery.
"President Wilson has said: 'Suffer
little children to come' out of the
mines, mills, and sweatshops. The
republicans say that this administra
tion has been a failure. Ask the child
workers if it has been a failure."
Not Enough Jobs Made.
Republican charges of violation of
the civil service anil alleged jobmak
ing for democrats was touched on only
obliquely by Senator Oore when ho
said that President Wilson had been
accused of kicking out some repub
lican office holders and putting demo
crats in their places.
"Wilson bus not been nearly so bad
in that respect as some of us demo
crats think he should have been,"
shouted the senator, "and if Hughes
is elected and does not kick out some
democrats to make reom for republi
cans he will have a mighty dissatis
field republican party to settle with:"
The charge of naming inexperienced
democrats for important diplomatic
posts was taken up to tlie extent of a
reference to the case of Mr. Herrick,
formerly ambassador to France.
"Mr. Herrick ' resignation had been
handed in before the war broke-out,"
said Gore, "because he wanted to come
home to be a republican presidential
.r. Wilson did wrong to change am
bassadors, experienced men, at such a
delicate and perilous time. I say to
you that it would be dangerous to
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change an experienced president like
Wilson iu this perilous time for an in
experienced man like Hughes.
Took Out One-term Flank.
"There has been a big outcry about
the one-term plunk in tho 1912 demo
cratic platform," ho pursued with an
abrupt change of topic. "We put that
plank in our platform four years ago,
and we took it out iu 11)1(3. It. was
our plank. Tho republicans hove
been so concerned over the welfare
of the lumber trust that they could
not bear to flee us do as we pleased with
our own plank.
"As a mutter of fact, they have en
tirely missed the point of this one-
term affair. Four years ago Taft was
president. He was just finishing his
first term, and we thought one term
was enough for him."
International Policies.
It was well toward the end of the
speech before the blind senator took
up the question of Wilson s interna
tional policies. This phase of the ad
dress was introduced by the statement
that Mr. Hughes is "offering $1,000 a,
day for an issue."
"Every morning Hughes gets down
on his prayer bones first thing and snys:
'Give us this day our duily issue,',"
Gore declared.
"To Go Farther Meant War."
"When they criticise President Wil
son's foreign policies (ho republicans
insist that he has not gone fur enough
But to go farther mcunt win! Wur
"It is better to write notes and to
read notes, so long as thnt can be done
with honor in the quest of pence, than
to get into war. It is better to read
notes than to read the endless lists of
dead, wounded, and missing which
Europe has to genii every day."
Discussion of the Mexican question
was prefaced by tho senator with the
statement that Mexico is a " nation of
15,000,000 people, of whom 14,0(10,000
are unfitted for self-government, but
all of whom tire animate, I by a desire
and a thirst for liberty. "
Cites Lincoln's Example.
He then rend a seiiteuro from a"
note which Lincoln, one month and
two days after his 'first inauguration,
dispatched to his unihnssndors at Mex
ico City. (Some Americans had been
killed, Gore explained, but . Lincoln 's
note contained thnt ntwurnnee that un
der no circumstnnccs would the United
ritntes intervene.
A statement which he siiid Charles
Warren Fairbanks made in 1013 in In
diana, to the effect that it would be
"an act of criminal folly" to intervene
was next cited.
"There you have them Lincoln
and Fairbanks against Hughes and
Roosevelt take your pick," he said.
"American investors who urge in
tervention have one billion dollars in
vested in Mexico. They are wiiiing
to send your boys down there to bap
tize with their blood the sands of that
forsaken country just in order to un
derwrite their investments,"- Gore
Draws Superb Word Pictures-.
Then came two superbly done word
pictures, the first of Europe at war
and weltering in blood and tears, the
second of the L'nited States at peace
nud basking in the sunshine of pros
perity. "Can we afford to change from
pence to war!" shouted the bliud sen
ator. "Can wo afford to change from
Wilson to Hughes!
"If Koosevelt hud been 'eTecled four
years ago we should now be at war.
If -Mr. Hughes had been president lust
winter wo should have been precipi
tated into butchery and blood. ,
"How easily wars start! A Serbian
youth murdered the heir to a throne
ana all of Europe became involved iu
strife. Are heirs so precious then?
I would sacrifice all the rulers and
princes of Europe before I would wil
lingly risk the life of one Muleiu boy
here in war.
Wat Only for Real Honor.
"Whenever our real honor is imper
iled we shall not be found wanting.
Whencvcr.our real honor is in danger
every American sword will leup . from
its scabbard to be wielded in defense,
but for no trivial rcuson shall we be
plunged in w ur,
"If Mr. Hughes had been president,
judging from what ho has said, we
would now be involved in a war with
Germany. And we would be engaged
in a slaughter w ith Mexico.
"I do not believe the republicnns
thought they could elect a. president.
But they thought that if they could
not elect a president, they could at least
recall a judge."
Then, laying aside stories mid
jokes, Heimtor Gore made this final
"He-elect Wilson and insure 'for
this country peace, plenty and pros
perity. A vote for Wilson i a vote
for penue; a vole for Hughes is a voto
for war. You run take your choice.
"But a democratic administration
without a democratic Semite and
house will soon lapse into paralysis.
You are not to elect a senator from
this state this year, but I apepal to
you to send to tho president's support
all democratic representatives.
"Chilli our people continue an ad
ministration of the present high char
acter, or will they restore the govern
ment to the control of the gloomy
standpatter! Our free institutions
never have called in vain for cham
pions and defenders. Our ensign of
liberty never shall fall while valor iH
made a virtue an. I heroism is honored."
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