Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" WEDNESDAY EVENING, November 1, 1910. CHARLES H FISHES, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENIXG EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 8. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHER, DORA C. ANDiiESEN, President. Vice-President. Sec. and Treas. ' ' . SL'BSCKII'TION RATES Daily by carrier, per year $5.00 Per month 45c Daily by mail, per year r! 3.00 Per month 35c FULL LEASED WJ KE TELEGRAPH KEPORT " EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES . New York, Ward-Lewis-Willianis Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Stockwell, People's Uaa Building The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we ran determine whether or not tho carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier bus missed you. OREGONIAN FAVORS AN EMBARGO HUGHES FAVORS SALE OF WAR MUNITIONS The Oregonian commenting on the high cost of living, points out that we are shipping vast quantities of food stuffs to the warring nations of Europe, although we need them at home. It says in the nine months ending Sep tember 150 this country exported meats of the value -of $196,000,000. It calls attention to the fact that we have exported wheat in nine months to the amount of 113,824, 817 bushels and also vast quantities of leather and 20,000,000 pairs of shoes. The things stated are un doubtedly true. It adds: "A prudent administration, thinking more more of the welfare of the I'niti'cl stall's mill lens of the welfare of the Mexicans, would hnvo foreseen this result of the wnr and would have guarded ng.iinsl it. When nn adequate supply of bread, meat, shoes anil other necessaries is in question, the princi ple of America first should lie applied. We should feed and clothe our own Knple before selling to other nations. In these times of stress it is folly for a nution to permit n few of its people to grow rich by selling the materials needed to feed and clothe the rest of the population." On what does the Oregonian predicate its assertion that a prudent administration would have foreseen this result and guarded against it? It intimates that the proper thing to do would be to place an embargo on wheat and all other things needed in this country. There is no other way to prevent our products going abroad, and in all the years since this country got out of its swaddling clothes' no law has been passed guarding against the conditions that now confront us. It was be cause this country has always had more than it could use even after the world had been supplied, and it was never dreamed of that the granaries and resources of this great agricultural section could be exhausted. If an embargo is used to reduce prices where will it stop short of being absolute? United States Steel has raised prices of all its products used in this country, on account of the demands on it for war material, and in order to make it reduce prices it would be necessary to stop its sending its products abroad. It would be the same with practically every other, commodity; Then prices would drop and the foreign markets being cut off, hard times would follow. We remember an editorial in the Oregonian during the Cleveland administration which flouted the idea of low prices being benefiicial to the con sumer, and asked "what is the use of low prices, if one has no money?" As Cleveland said it is a condition, not a theory that confronts us and it will have to be stood as best it can, until that condition changes. It is the result of the law of supply and demand, plus a large fraction of downright robbery on the part of big business, the interests and speculators. The latter element could be eliminated and conditions much improved by a law forbidding the selling of anything the seller could not deliver. But to place an embargo on food stuffs would be to throw the entire burden of meeting the high cost of living onto the shoulders of the farmers. Would this be fair to them? An embargo might help the consumer temporarily, but it would cinch the farmer, and he being pinched the balance of us would in a short time have the bill to pay, and we would be in no better condition by reason, of making a man-made law supplement that of supply and demand. At last the world is told what caused the dissensions and bickerings amdng the Food peace delegation, and why the armies were not" out of the trenches by Christmas." Dr. Aked who has heretofore been looked upon as the boss kicker of that party, in a lecture recently asserted that the trouble came from Mme. Rosika Schwimmer who wanted "to dictate the price of the party's breakfast and the temperature of the baths." Too bad little things like those should have pi-evented the war being ended last year. Colonel Roosevelt's date in Baltimore has been can celled, and he will speak in Bridgeport, Connecticut in stead. The campaign managers say he will do more good there. What they probably meant was that he would do less harm. Mrs. Cuneo, of San Francisco has no kick against the high cost of living. On this account a judge recently in creased her allowance from her husband's estate, from $100 to $:;00 a month. - The Deutschland is back in our ports again and will return to Germany with goods needed in the Fatherland which American markets can supply. This is the truest possible test of the impartiality of President Wilson's neutral policy. The Germans are as free to buy sup plies here as are the allies and there will be no discrim ination or favoritism shown. Hughes campaigners, some of them professional German-American politicians, have been going among the voters of German nativity or ancestry and telling them what Hughes would do for them if elected president. He would put an embargo on the shipment of munitions of war to the allies, bring England to time for interfering with our mail and shipping, and no longer interfere with the unrestricted submarine warfare of Germany. Of course, intelligent German-American voters have looked upon these promises of the Hughes campaign workers with suspicion and distrust, but there are others, not so well informed regarding American institutions and ideals, who have been inclined to support Hughes as a special friend and ally of Germany. Yesterday, however, questions from the audience forced Mr. Hughes to state his position on the European war more clearly than ever before. He declared that he would put no embargo on shipments of munitions, and would defend the right of American citizens to travel abroad in peace and security a complete endorsement of .President Wilson s policy. This statement from Hughes will put a lot of workers who have been trying to herd the German-Americans into the Hughes camp out of business. They will not be able to fool these people in face of his own statement and the further fear that Roosevelt's influence is likely to force Hughes into war with Germany at the first excuse that is offered. HALLS 100 SILL Candidates Voice Strained from Enforced Speaking Out of Doors Here is a hunch anertt the high cost of living. Sam Smith, of Columbus, Ohio, was so thin that when he itched he didn't know whether to scratch his stomach or his back, got a job as city water taster, having to sample the drink once every hour. In a little while he weighed 200 pounds. Of course most cities do not have so much fattening material in their water and it might not work where there was less food and more water in the drink. That supposed murder case in California where Ben ton Barrett, an aged rancher confesses to killing his wife and her son, grows more puzzling daily. It has been re ported from several sources that both his alleged victims have been seen alive since the day they were murdered, and Tuesday attorneys for Barrett said they would produce the stepson Barrett says he murdered, in court at the proper time. , LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18GS CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The president's emphatic denial of the story repeated by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge to the effect that the president had added a postscript to his note to Germany and subsequently removed it, should set that dream at rest. 'Senator Lodge showed poor judgment in repeating so silly a story on hearsay evidence, but then he had little else to accuse the president of and had to manufacture something on which to base an attack. The course of true love got a jolt in Chicago Tues day when the price of chocolates was advanced from ten to twenty cents, and ice cream sodas were fifteen. "It's on account of the war" say the pretty girls who pass the dope out, and that is supposed to settle all questions. Sauer kraut is selling at $20 a barrel in Cleveland "on account of the war. The Wild Man of Borneo need not come to town any longer. A company is installing a telephone system on the island. RippKngRhumQs' ? t ii'ti W hU WINTER'S COMING It is a pleasant thing to know that Winter comes a-flying, and we shall have the luscious snow for which we have been cirrrnntr Snina ncnnla cVinrJa.. iitViqm Vim? X - V 1 sPeak of this delightful season; they hate iu utar cue uuzzurus suneK, ana mars me brooklets Jreezin'. But I am glad to see the sleet I keep ' my harpstrings thrum ming, and clap my hands and wave my feet, for wintertime is coming. 'Tis then we sit around the fire, the whole blamed bunch together, and tell old tales and punch lyre, and laugh at stormy weather. We re closer drawn in kinship then, than warm days ever find us, the children and the whiskered men, and granny perched behind us. Home life is truer when the storm howls round the roof and basement, when our old sitting room is warm, though frost is on the casement. So light the lamp and bar the door and, keep the fireplace hum ming; all other seasons are a bore, and wintertime is coming. i . i By Perry Arnold ( Tinted 1'ress stuff correspondent) Sullivan, Ind., .Nov. I. Jf Republi can Candidate Hughes follows his cam paign uuviscrs' request a goodly part of his campaigning from now on until the. finish on Nov. 7 will be along the Wilsonian lines. In other words he is going to follow out the president's scheme of " appearances" to the pub lic. Hughes' friends renlizo the nomi nee's voice has just about gone the limit of endurance and cannot be press ed any farther than the present pro gram calls for. In the face of this knowledge they nrc confronted with appeals from every settlement along the railroads which the candidate trav els, for stops of some sort. 1 ne scheme decided on and whic h Hughes has been asked to follow is for the candidate to carry out only his present progrnm of speeches during four more days of stumping but to "show himself" as much as possible.1 Hughes was up early utter Joaviiig Kvausville nt S o'clock today and did not miss showing himself to'iiny cross roads crowds. Despite his tremendous program since August 1, Hughes' voice seems clear ami strong. Personally he is supremely confident, but not letting that confidence lend him into Blighting any audiences by "sliding over" and speeches, '' Here through Indinna, the strain is particularly hard on Ins voice ns out door meetings urc necessary because no halls are big enough to take care of the crowds he draws. Jt was Americanism, tariff and false prosperity upon -which Hughes planned; to make his appeal to Indiana voters today, on the final day of his cam paigning in the Hoosier state. Toniglir he winds up his middle west stumping with a mass meeting at Terre liaute and departs early in tho night tor the final whirlwind session in .New York state. j As a mark of resnect to the mmnrv of Colonel James Jackson, United states army, retired, who died in Portland Oc tober 21, the officers of the national guard of Oregon will wear a knot of uiucK crepe upon the sword hilt for a period of 110 dnvs. hv nrdnr rtf tl.o on. ninnder in chief through Walter W. W. Wilson, major, inspector general's de partment, uctiug adjutant general. Col onel Jackson, who was well knntvn in Salem, received hi commission as Sec-; ond Lieutenant of Infantry April 22, tfti;l, mid served continuously until re-' tired, November 21, 1SD7. He was de tailed with the Oregon national guurd under spceiul orders of the war depart ment in 1X112 and was on continuous! duty until the timo of his death. o At the meeting of the members of the Six O'clock club last evening at the First Methodist church. K. Tt. Kintrn ilia. cussed the proposed brewers' amend- mem. alter vtinsiow spoke on "Pro hibiting the Importation of Intoxicating ' Liquors for Beverage Purposes." Mr. i Winslow claimed that a state has the ; right to absolutely prohibit the Impor- i tntion of alcohol nnd that this right is ' nunranteed a state cniiirrpsm. T H Vnn Winkle, assistant attorney genern, also delivered a short talk. Notwithstanding Home Coming - U. of 0. Nov. 2-4, at Eugene mm Nov 4 at EiKjene . The Big Game of the Year Reduced Fares on Sale Nov. 2, 3, 4 from all stations Roseburg and north main ' line and branches. Return Limit Nov. 6th. Ask local agent for informa tion. . John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Ore. I (lines) J the many other attractions in the city last night, the meeting was well attend ed. On the evening of November 14, Carl Abrums will talk on "The United States in Mexico" before the club. It sometimes happens that a good man's conscience doesn't Keep him from accumulating a million. Senator George K. Chamberlain has been making a good campaign for the re-election of President Wilson. Elgin. Or., is erecting a concrete build ing for her sire department. oOress up eWfcfekJ FOR THROAT AND LUNGS STUBBORN COIGH8 .AND COLD Eckmans Alterative SOIJ B All I.KA1MMU DRUGGISTS NONE BETTER YOU'LL LIKE IT Butter Nut PURE AND RICH SWEET AND CLEAN aw frills WAITING FOR CLIFFORD CHAPTER LXIV. After he had gone I returned to "the piauo and played softly for another half hour. As I allowed my bands to glide over the keys I thought of the pleasant evening I had spent, of Hal Lockwood. Surely Clifford must have beeu mistak en when he spoke of Mr. Lockwood as a man who made love to every pretty woman he met. He htul never attempted to talk of love to me. He had been most conventional, But Hen came nu awful thought perhaps he did not call me a "pretty woman," I jumped up and rnu to a mirror. Yes, I WAS pretty, if bright eyes, reg ular features, a good complexion and wavv brown hair made a woman pretty- Clifford couldn't have meant what he said about him, or perhnps there had been a reason, after all, why he had not made love to me. Perhaps he thought me too young; and felt like an older brother or father to me. That thought relieved my mmd immediately. I hated to think it was because I was ugly or uninteresting that he had not attempted to flatter me as he did the other women he knew. I undressed and slipped into a kimono. Theu I found au interesting magazine, and cuddled up 1 it a big chair to wait for my husband. He came in about 1 o'clock. 'I thought I had forbidden vou to wait up for me! " he said. Oh, but it isn't verv late. Clifford. and I wasn't at all sleepy, so I thought I would read until you came in." "What time did' Lockwood go!" "About 12." "You must have proven unusually in teresting to keep him so long!" he re plied, a sneer in his voice. But I made no reply, . Clifford's Orders. The next morning I referred once or twice to the previous evening, to Hal Lockwood- Clifford seemed singularly uninterested, and with his manner there recurred the question of the night be fore. Had he a motive in leaving us to gether? Before he finished his breakfnst he suddenly put his cup down and said se verely: "I want you to understand once for all, Mildred, that I mean what I say! I will not be spied upon by a silly' girl. I have the right to go WHERE I please, and to come home WHEN I please. The next time I am out I want to find vou in bed and asleep when I come in That's all. But understand I will be obeyed. ' ' All day I thought of what he had said, and his manner when he declnred he would be obeyed. I was not a child like Edith to be told when I should go to bed. I was a married woman, and a mother. I would NOT obey him, would not bo humiliate myself. Then I re embered mv resolution not to allow ANYTHING Clifford might say or do make me waver iu my efforts to please him. I would go to bed, and if I could not sleep why I would pretend; Any thing to make hira love me. But eveu as I decided I wondered if I should become that uninteresting crea- '"l6-8 woman wi,h no ni'nd of her owa because of ray desire to please Clif- ' ford. An Invitation. Muriel was going to give a party. . A small dinner dance. The invitation had just arrived, and I was so excited I could scarcely wait for Clifford to coma home to talk about it. "Who's going?" he askel, as I shored the engraved card into bis hand while I talked. "Oh, only about a dozen at dinner, but 50 more nr rnmim. ; .i . tosnpper. Won't it be lovely?" i g so excuea. Tell me some one whs is going." "Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Norville. Mr. nnd frm P :.,,-. l r-i. . t r ii " i vunon, Addison Baldwin, and his witV. Leonard Brooke aim us, are among tnose asked to din ner. Then for the dance, there's Mr Lockwnnd. M t-o TT,.,nri x , , . v1 wu x looKea I keenly at Clifford, but not by the flick- ul rvnusn ata ne snow the slight est added interest "and those nie people you introduced me to one day Mr. nnd Mrs. Barnes, and " .ThTllatir:ill.d0'" Clifford declared, 111 go this time. I only hope I shall not be bored to death." (Tomorrow Clothes.) '